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A New World (Vash_Bly X Shani)

Voldemort looks at his daughter and smiles, "Darling there is some tea in the kitchen that I made for mummy I need you to go get it for me please." He says softly. Belladonna jumps off the bed, "Yes daddy." She says as runs of. Voldemort looks at Bellatrix, "She means well Bellatrix and I know you mean well as well," He leans in and thinks, "So if I recall there was another that harmed you while you were in prison and I was thinking we can hunt him down and make hims suffer." He whispers to her. Belladona looks around for the tea
Watching the child run off to get tea shaking and rocking back and forth holding her knees. Bellatrix groaned as he claimed they meant well, wrapping her blankets back around her. Bella's eyes took on a crazy glint in her eyes hissing at him, there were a few who tormented and abused her, she didn't want anything to do with them trying to leave it behind her. Gritting her teeth, "Don't...bring...another...into" She said through gritted teeth. There was still the one in the basement and she couldn't handle another.
Belladonna looks around and found a made, "Umm I am looking for a tea for my mummy Bellatrix." She says. The maid kneels and thinks if a tea pot was on, but she remembered the dark lord making a potion and she got up and made a cup for Belladonna and she hands it to her. "Thanks." She says as she walks off. Voldemort looks at her, "Should I just go and kill them then?" He asks her. Belladonna walks in and walks to her mother, "Mum your tea." She says.
Bellatrix didn't say anything, she could care less about it so long as she didn't have to face her past. Curling up in her bed holding the blankets tightly tired but terrified to sleep. She was useless in any real conversation she wanted her sister to hold her and make her feel better like she normally did but Narcissa usually backed away when the Dark Lord was with her. Looking to the child with the tea cup then to Voldemort she didn't know what it was nor was she about to let the blanket go at that moment anyway.
Belladonna looks at her father, "Is mum okay?" She asks. Voldemort looks at her, "Wait outside sweetie." He says. She puts the tea cup on the nightstand and walks out. Voldemort looks at her, "It is the potion dear and I will get Narcissa to come by." He tells her. He walks out and takes a hold of Belladonna's hand and the two walk and as he passes Narcissa he let her know that Bellatrix was looking for her. Narcissa went to the room and looks at her, "Sister you wanted me?" She asks. Belladonna looks up at her father, "Is mum okay?" She asks again. Voldemort looks at her, "She is a little sick." He states. Belldonna looks down, "I hope mommy gets better." She says. Voldemort smiles, "She will." She states
Bellatrix sits there silently still looking around looking at the cup she thought about knocking the cup over. Watching the child walk out of the room. Watching him walk out of the room, wondering where they were going. Bella hissed when he said he'd get Narcissa. Glaring at her sister when she came in she shook her head. staring out the window.
Narcissa at her sister a worried look on her face and she sits down and looks at her. "Would you like me to leave sister? I have no problem if that is what you desire? Please talk to me Bellatrix please." She states. Voldemort walks with Belladonna out to the garden and then talk, "So how long have you known mummy daddy?" She asks. She smiles and looks around,, " I have known your mother since school started its been a long time." He tells her. Belladonna giggles and Voldemort kept on walking wondering if Bellatrix was okay
Bellatrix sighed laying down in the bed looking out the window. When her sister mentioned leaving her she shook her head holding her arms out like a frightened child wanting to be held, wanting her younger sister to cuddle her like she so often did. While Rudolphus was away Narcissa would often cuddle with Bellatrix to keep her calm, since during the time Voldemort appeared to have no interest in her and Rudolphus was always running around on missions. Bella needed her sister to get the nightmares away as they mostly came to her when she was alone. Bellatrix was too afraid to speak unable to properly come up with words and sounds, from her very real nightmare. Reaching one obf her hands placing it upon her throat try to tell her sister she couldn't speak, before reaching her hand back out for her.
Narcissa got the message loud and clear that she could not speak, but that did not need to be told what to do next. She holds her sisters hands and pulls her closely, "It is good to have you back sister I have missed you so much?" She says. She knew her sister well enough that she was plagued by nightmares and she was the one that told her everything would be alright, "It was only a dream Bellatrix, but I know it felt extremely real." She says. Belladonna looks at her father, "Will I be as pretty as mum?" She asks. Voldemort laughs, "Of course you will you are you mothers child after all." He states.
Bellatrix cuddled into her sister as she was pulled closer to her. Nodding her head she realized it was all just a dream, but with how torturous they were it was often hard to tell the difference. Relaxing in her sisters embrace.
Narcissa looks at her terrified sister and she looks down at her. "Well the dark lord seems different around you and the child." She points out. Narcissa cuddles Bellatrix and looks at her, "Do you need anything sister?" She asks nicely.
Bellatrix just hissed at her sister for bringing up how the Dark Lord has been acting, still unable to grasp and understand it herself Bellatrix held tighter to her sister not wanting her sister to leave her, closing her eyes resting her head on her sisters lap.
Narcissa hears the his and laughs softly, "If I didn't know any better I would say your getting better Bellatrix." She teases. She feels the tiredness from her sister and she got up from her chair and moved to the bed as she held her sister. She loved her and would do anything for her and well she sat there and wated for her to sleep.
Rolling her eyes everyone kept saying that it was almost like they were all one person, with everyone saying it she still felt like crap they weren't her they couldn't possibly know how she felt. Cuddling close to her sister as she laid on the bed with her yawning her eyes closed and she began to relax once more in her sisters arms. Bella's arms clinging tightly but not too tightly to her sister.
Narcissa holds her close and the rolling of the eyes did not go unnoticed by the sister. "I saw that Bellatrix." She points out. She kisses the top of her head and smiles, "Anyway get some sleep I will be right here." She tells her with a smile. Voldemort was walking with Belladonna and he smiles softly wondering what was going on now that Bellatrix was alone. He knew that she was with Narcissa, but e wanted to be with her. He had this gut feeling that someone was out for him and he was not sure if it was just a feeling or a real threat.
Bellatrix relaxed in her sisters arms drifting off to sleep. Holding on to her sister making sure a she wouldnt leave her. Sleepinlg calmly and peacefully for the first time in a long time. Bella was having a hard time accepting the new Dark Lord. He had changed drastically he ruled by fear and terror, even power but he had grown soft. A lot of the things he suggested where strange in nature, wanting a child when they had never lain together, telling about his own death, it was creeping her out pushing her away always wanting to do something constantly asking how she was feeling and what they should do. He had become so clingy after the war while she had grown more bitter.
Voldemort looks around and pushes Belladonna way from him and he leans down, "Belladonna go and hide." He says. Belladonna runs behind a bush and he looks behind him at Rodolphus. "What do you want?" He asks. "You have grown weak! You are no longer fit to lead us!" He hisses. Voldemort pulls out his wand and growls, "Do not test me Rodolphus... You know I can kill you ease." He answers. Rodolphus pulls out his wand, "Stupefy." He shouts. Voldemort waves his hand, "Ennervate" He shouts as his spell counters his and stuns him. Belladonna looks at her father and gasps taking in his power.
Bellatrix so close to sleep, awoke when she heard spells and magic being fired leaping from her sisters arms there was a fight and she wanted to be apart of it. It would give her some excitement. Disapperating outside to where they were noticing her husband coming back to as she landed next to the Dark Lord, Bellatrix was Furious. "Rudolphus How dare you try to assignate the Dark Lord." She snapped beginning to duel with her husband. She knew he was different but she still loved him. Bella firing everything she could in anger as he hit her with a spell only to distract her watching him about to cast the killing curse as the wand fired the spell Bellatrix jumped in front of him taking the killing hit into her own body flying back hitting into a large rock her lifeless body laying limp, and act of true love.
Voldemort hisses and grabs his wand and points it at Rudolphus, "Stupefy!" He shots the spell emits from his wand and hits him knocking him for good. He runs up to Bellatrix and takes her to his room and he starts looking through his books and found the resurrection stone and he touches her body. He sighs and growls, "No you need to come back to me Bellatrix." He commands. He growls and looks down at her, "I swear this peace is over... I will kill anyone that defies me Bellatrix... I was so distant and this is what you hate the most and I will show you that I can be the old me."
Bellatrix was limp in his arms as he carried her up to his bedroom. Lifeless her cold puppy dog brown eyes stared blankly. Though the stone touched her body, Bella wasn't moving still laying there warm but limp. Able to hear him but unable to move, unable to speak. Bella loved her Lord seeing as she was willing to die for him Even by her own husband, to save him. She knew Belladonna has seen the event hoping the child was alright.starting to realize she had conscious thought but unable to do anything.
Belladonna runs in and walks over to the bed and lays on next to who she considered her mother. Voldemort outs a hand on Bellatrix's neck and he sighs in relief as he hears a pulse. He lets go of her neck and lays a warm rag on her head and looks at her, "Rest Bellatrix you will need for you and the rest of us have work to do" He informs her. He smiles and kisses the top of her head knowing that he was going to stay with her no matter what and it was only a matter of time before she was back on feet. He closes his eyes and sits down next to her and he watches Belladonna sleep with Bellatrix. He takes a deep breathe and thinks to himself.
Bellatrix could see the child run in, seemingly unphased by what she saw, the fit her dying.feeling his hand on her neck, as well as the warm towel on her head. Not quite sure what he meant by they had work to do not knowing where this was heading. Bella's open eyes close as she was currently paralyzed and couldn't move.

After a few hours Bellatrix gasped sitting up rubbing her neck. Stiff but able to move once more as her body went through the reanimation process. Holding her head having a massive head ache.
Belladonna had been running around while her mother was getting well and she wanted to help her mother somehow. She was cooking all day with the help of Voldemort. Bellatrix walks in with a tray with a bowl of soup and toast, she looks at her mother and smiles, "Mummy I know you can't a lot, but I wanted to help with you getting better. I got soup and toast." She says with a smile. Voldemort walks in, "She wouldn't take no for an answer. Reminds me of you." He says. He looks at her, "We have to speak Bellatrix." He states
Sitting up, looking around to find she was alone, her body hurt more than she could remember, as she had died. Looking at her hands shaking her nerves trying to adjust to being alive again. Resting her head in her hands, she couldn't remember what had happened, only knowing she had died. Listening to the child, as she walked in with soup and toast. Looking at her Dark Lord as he too entered and spoke, knowing the child was like her as he basically put her traits into the child, he created the child from another family. looking at him blinking as he dsid they needed to talk.
Voldemort looks at Bellatrix and kneels before her, "Sweetie your mother and I need to talk for a bit and it is something that you would not want to hear." He states. Belladonna puts the tray on the nightstand and looks at who she thought was her father and crosses her arms, "But daddy!" She pouts. He looks at her and Belladonna walks out and closes the door, but she stayed close by. Voldemort looks at Bellatrix and that cold, silent rage was back in his eyes. "As you are aware your husband tried to take my place. My power and as it stands he is imprisoned for his crime. His betrayal has showed me that it is possible that this alliance will not last. The Death Eaters are going to regain the power we once had." He tells her angerly
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