A New World (Vash_Bly X Shani)

A little lost from his passionate kiss..."Remove memories? Which memories I not following what you mean...the 14 years of Azkaban? To be troubled and totured unable to remember why? If that's the cased I'd rather keep wha is left of my memories...for it would drive me further into insanity to lose such a chunk of my life...and not understand why dementors would be haunting my dreams." She stated any memories to be altered may not work in either of there favor. Listening to him, "...and my question still stands why now? Why do you come to me now? Why not then? What's done is done...there's no going back and changing it..." She asked him Why did he turn her away in her youth, but ask for her affection in her weakened state her lack of mental stability. "Why do you ask me? hm? How should I know, My Lord...? I do not know what to feel anymore....nor do I understand your changed nature....I feel that I don't know who you are anymore..." Bellatrix replied looking into the burning fire unable to look at him while she tried to think.
There it was the question that was haunting him now and she posed a very good question and it was a hard one to answer. He was always close to death and he lost people that he thought he didn't care about, but it seemed that he did. How could be tell her that he had lost so many friends and that the mere thought of losing her would destroy him. He looks at the fire and wondered what to say. He walks out of the room upset that the words escaped him. He walks out of the house and walks around the garden unsure of what to do, this was so unlike him.
Bellatrix waited for an anwser from him something anything but his silence wanting to know why. Seeing as she had wanted him, to be with him ever since she was a teen in Hogwarts, but was always pushed away. Breaking her heart when she was forced to marry Rudolphus and yet he did nothing about it, and now after all these years the roles had changed, everything had changed. Bella wanted to welcome him into her arms but she had always jst been his pawn for him to use nor did it matter if she was to perish. Fighting it both of his wars for him, only to win and step aside. Waiting listening as she looked into the fire hearing his foot steps as he walked away from her hearing a door open and close again. Bellatrix sighed running her fingers through her hair, standing up she stretched making her way to her bed chambers in her sister's house. Pushing him away was so difficult but she needed answers, she needed to know why.
Voldemort had no idea how to explain to Bellatrix that he wanted her to be alive and not some memory. He thought he had made it clear when he told her that she was the reason the war ended. He looks at the Roses and notices that such a delicate flower had such a fierce look with its thorns. He picks a rose up and he pricks his finger and watches it bleed. It only confirmed that he was indeed a human and no longer immortal. He sighs and looks up at the sky, "How I wish you would understand Bellatrix... How I wish you would love me the same way I love you." He says. He walks around for a thinking, pondering what to say. He thinks and heads back.
Bellatrix knew he didn't want harm to befall her if he did he would have left her at the department of ministry to be captured and returned to Azkaban. She just didn't understand fighting in the war for so long only to give the victory back to the losers giving them power again. Thinking back remembering how she suffered so, only to have them fight and give it back. It was a waste of many years. Bella loved him, she never defied him nor did she question him and his plans until now. Wanting to make sense of his actions, plus with how quickly he was showing her affection it was overwhelming to be ignored to being the highlight in their life. Bellatrix used to utter the very same not knowing why he didn't love her the way she had always loved him. Laying in her bed staring out the window at the moon.
He walks into the kitchen not sure what he could do and he grabs a glass and a bottle of wine and pours a glass and takes a drink. He was so lost and wounded, he knew that her questions were her wondering why he cared now after so long. He sighs and heads to her room and knocks. He wasn't always polite and well he was trying to change and the little things in his mind was a good place to start. He waited for permission to enter this time around thinking about his actions a little bit more while he could do what he wanted. With Bellatrix things were different.
Taking a deep breath relaxing into her bed. Staring out the widow, the pale moon light shining in. Lost in her thoughts, everything was strange, everything was different. Bella liked that he cared more but it was a big change from not caring at all. So used to him being cold, heartless, unforgiving mean while he was being sweet, kind, understanding it was a rough transition. Hearing the knocking on her door she responded with "It's open..." Still looking out the window trying to relax.
He walks in and looks at her and he didn't have to probe her mind to know that she was confused about what was going on. The transition was not easy for her and well it was not easy for him either. He walks over and sits next to her and offers her the glass. "So I got everything from Snape and I am having a maid make it for you Bellatrix. I meant it when I said I am going to make you better." He tells her. "Well I may not be able to make you one hundred percent better but I can try." He tells her. He smiles and helps her up and smirks, "But first a little form of pay back... That person will not stand after what he did to you."
Hearing the door open she stayed in her bed unmoving, listening, feeling him sitting down on the bed. Propping herself up slightly looking at him, her eye red and tired it being the middle of the night. Taking the glass he offered her sipping at it. Nodding her head as he received the potions for the pain, the lack of sleep, her anxiety and paranoia. About to interject, when he continued admitting he might not be able to completely restore her he would try. Falling silent again, groaning as he forced her worn and tired body back out of the bed. "What are you talking about...?" she questioned softly wondering if he was really about to bring her back down to the dungeon.
"Oh I am sure that you are going to love this my dear Bellatrix." He informs her. The man that hurt her in prison was brought into the room. He looks at the man, "You will pay for what you did to the woman I love and it is only right that I do the same to you." He states. A second person was brought into the room and it was some one that the guard knew. "Please don't hurt my wife." He begs. Voldemort laughs, "Oh no," He pulls out his wand, "Why would I want to do that?" He asks. He runs his wand down the girl's face, "Your husband will know my pain." He states. He smirks, "Crucio." He shouts. The spell touches the girls face and she screams in pain, he had all intention to case pain. The guy screams, "Please stop." He guys. Voldemort had this cold look, one devoid of emotion. "No." He states
Bellatrix's body quickly tensed and she hissed looking at the man before them the man who caused her such torment how could he bring him into her chamber when she couldn't even enter the dungeon with him under lock and key. Bellatrix glared at the two men the one she loved and the one she despised over all else. Visibly shaking at the sight of the man, she didn't enjoy this currently but staying back and staying quiet watching what he was doing. Seeing as a woman was brought in, hearing him claim her to be his wife things started to get interesting looking at the woman in the room watching her love caress the woman's face before she began to scream falling to the ground. Bellatrix blinked it all looked so familiar to her. SHe could almost remember Rudolphus beg not to harm her, only being a cell over.
He walks over to Bellatrix and smiles devilishly, "Should I heed his words Bellatrix? Should I kill her outright or make him suffer some more?" He asks her. He smirks as he kisses her cheek and stops the spell, "Thank you... Thank you." The guard says. Voldemort laughs, "Crucio. " He whispers in Bellatrix's ear. The spell emits from his wand and it hits the girl and she starts to scream. He laughs as the girl withers in pain, "Such a lovely expression is it not," He looks at Bellatrix, "I told you that you would enjoy this Bellatrix. " He states. He was back to his old sadistic self and as he was hearing the begging of the man, a part of him wondered why he had given up his war for a pureblood magical world. He growls at himself as he intensifies the spell with his hate and anger and the girl was in that much more pain. Voldemort laughs, "How foolish of me to give up my dream! I hate this muggle side of me... I hate it with a passion!" He shouts
Bellatrix's face was cold watching as he caused them pain both physically and emotionally. While also remembering her own pain her own feelings. Thinking about it not wanting it to stop just yet, "Make him suffer..." She whispered seductively looking into the eyes of the man who had harmed her. "Why would he show you mercy when you showed none for me? Hm?" Bellatrix whispered to the guard having pent up emotions having never wanted to be in the same room with him again. Smiling as he kisses her cheek whispering the curse in her ear. Smiling wickedly as he did so seeing him in control with such power held her attention. Hearing him growl she looked at him she saw anger and hate in his eyes. Moving closer to him wrapping her arms around him, "This is the Dark Lord I remember. She whispered seductively to him, "You do care." Resting her head on his shoulder reaching up to kiss his cheek, while he continued to torture the woman.
He smiles as she kisses his cheek and then smiles as she wraps her arms around his waist. The seductive whispers sent a chill down down his spine. He turns and looks at the woman that he professed love to. "I know you don't feel will, but it is not fair of him to watch his wife suffer. Join me in some fun Bellatrix." He states. His eyes still cold and full of hate, but seeing her just made him anger. "Let us drive them to madness and then lets throw them in prison. Sound like a plan." He asks of her. The screams of the woman make him laugh as he looks at Bellatrix, "Music to my ears Bellatrix." He says
Smiling wickedly as he smiled back at her, reacting to her touch and her words. Looking up at him as he spoke, he was right she wasn't feeling well and she was quite enjoying watching him work. "Why? my husband watched me suffer which in turn made him suffer..." Bella stated knowing how much the torment she received had pained her husband seeing at the time he did love her and the child she had lost. "As you wish...My Love." Bella whispered normally not using pet names while working but with who she was dealing with she really didn't care. Raising her wand looking at the guard who caused her so much pain, so much torment, nearly destroying her in the process. The crazy twinkle appeared in her eyes as her body tensed filling her very soul with hate, "Cruico!" she screamed.
The two screams made him remember the old days. And he stops her putting a hand on her wand arm and pushing her hand down. He whistles and two death eaters lead a blindfolded child and he looks at Bellatrix and smirks as he looks at the two prisoners. " You know what will make you suffer... Your child being taken away from you and the worst part of it," He smirks as he looks at Bellatrix," She won't even remember you." He states. He puts his wand to her head and the parents plead and beg not to do it, but their cries fall on death ears. Voldemort tinkers with the memory and then puts back into the young girls mind. "There all done." He states. Belladonna turns and hugs Bellatrix, "Mummy who is those nasty people?" She asks Voldemort smirks and points his wand at the girl and she was crying. "Crucio." He whispers. The spell flies and hits her as she screams. Belladonna claps, "Yay daddy." She states. Belladonna smiles, "Make them suffer mommy." She exclaims. Voldemort smiles and looks down, "Oh look at my cute kid." He states. He smiles proud of his daughter and he looks at Bellatrix, "She reminds me of you." He adds
A tear rolled down Bellatrix's face as all of her pain a suffering was released on the guard, until Voldemort stopped her. Looking at him curiously wondering why he was stopping her. Hearing him whistle looking around, seeing a crying blindfolded child walk in. Bellatrix's heart melted seeing the young girl enter the room. Always having a soft spot for young children. Bellatrix gasped slightly as the child hugged her calling her mummy. Bellatrix kneels down hugging the child, "Shh...Shh It's okay Mummy's here, them oh... well they are bad people who've hurt Mummy and Daddy." Kissing the top of the child's head as she held her. Slight tears fell from her eyes she had the child she always wanted even if she wasn't hers. "Okay sweet heart anything for you." She cooed softly standing back up Bellatrix growled. Walking to the man, "You took my child...we took yours...I think its a fair, don't worry we'll raise her right." She whispered so Belladonna wouldn't hear her. Pointing her wand at him "Cruico!" Bellatrix screamed then laughed manically as he screamed.
He looks at Bellatrix and Belladonna and he smiles softly. Belladonna hears the screams and nuzzles into her mother's neck. "Mummy their screams are fun yo hear." She states. Voldemort looks at the two and he smiles, "Well now how about that... She takes after you dear." He states. He laughs as he stops torturing the girl, "Get the bitch out of my sight." He shouts. Two guards walk in and grab the mother and then pull her away towards the dungeon. She looks at Belladonna and Bellatrix, "I believe it is time to spend time with our daughter don't you say Bellatrix?" He asks. He watches her torture the man and smirks, "Well aren't we having fun now Bellatrix." He tells her with a smile on his face. He licks his lips and smirks, "Are there others that have hurt you?" He asks. He kisses Bellatrix's cheek and then kisses Belladonna's cheek, "Thank you daddy." He states
Bellatrix laughed at "her" daughter's words although it was distracting her from her curse. Holding the child close to her refusing to loose another one even if she wasn't really hers. Bellatrix ran her fingers through Belladonna's hair smiling. Easing up on her curse becoming distracted by the small child. Watching as the true mother was dragged away, to the dungeon knowing the guard was soon to follow. "Yes, it is..." Bella replied her motherly instincts kicking in. Even though it was well passed bed time in the middle of the night. But now she had a child and she wasn't about to miss out on anything. Seeing as she was never truly able to be a mother because of the past all she had was helping raise her sisters, then helping Narcissa raise Draco before being dragged off to Azkaban. Bellatrix smiled as he kissed her cheek. There were a great many others who had hurt her in the past but there would be time for all of that later. Standing up she put her wand away picking up Belladonna. "Now, What does my sweet heart want to do? Hm?" She asked the child balancing her on her hip. Not knowing if she was hungry, or if she wanted to play or be read a story, or something completely different.
Belladonna giggles as she was picked up. Belladonna looks at her mother and their daughter had this evil glee in her eyes. "Mummy I want to spend time with you and daddy hurting people," She smiles her bright evil smile, "Those screams were fun to hear and I want to hear more." She says. Voldemort wraps his arms from behind Bellatrix and he kisses her shoulder softly then her her neck, followed by her cheek. "Belladonna Maria Lestrange... It iss your bed time." He states. Belladonna pouts and pulls out her wand and she looks at her father with hate, "Crucio!" She shouts. The spell hit her father and he starts screaming. Belladonna looks at her father, "But daddy I want some fun." She pouts as the scream echos. He looks at Bellatrix, "A little help here? How about a cup of warm milk? Or maybe a bed time story from your mother?" He asks. Belladonna stops and puts her wand way, "Okay a story and milk and cookies." She says
Bellatrix smiled hearing the child giggle, it filled her with joy. Cuddling the young child, in her arms, loving the feeling. Bellatrix pouted when she wanted to hurt more people with them. "Awe, how sweet, but sweet heart...if you hurt them all now there will be no one to punish later. After awhile the body grows accustomed to being tortured." Bellatrix said then became rather distracted by the Dark Lord kissing her shoulder, when he kissed her neck she squeaked slightly, Bella's neck was a sensitive weakness of hers. Then to her cheek she bit her lip softly. "Donna, it's very late you even have Mummy up passed her bed time...you know better then to use such powerful magic before even attending Hogwarts." Bella reprimanded Belladonna, poking her nose, they definitely hadn't taught her that yet she must have learned it by watching them. "What a good little negotiator, Fine Mummy will read you a story, and you can have a warm glass of milk and 2 cookies." Bellatrix put her foot down.
Belladonna giggles and looks at her mother, "But mother you said they hurt you and since when do you follow the rules?" She asks with a giggle. Voldemort looks at Belladonna, "Be nice to your mother." He states. Belladonna looks down, "Me sorry mum, but dad said that I should curse everyone that hurts you... Daddy tell her you said that." She says. Voldemort looks at her, "I did tell her that... Well I didn't but she remembers that I did... I implanted memories of her being raised by us." He informs. Belladonna was ignoring her father, "Mommy I don't care about rules I want to be evil like you and dad," She leans in and kisses Bellatrix's cheek, "But I will take my milk and cookies now please." She states as she goes back to nuzzling her neck. Voldemort strokes Bellatrix's face, "She takes after her mother."
"Well, yes...they did hurt Mummy, and Mummy follows the rules she is given...When Daddy gives Mommy a rule or a chore Mummy follows it." Bellatrix explained. She always followed orders it just depended on who gave the command. Bellatrix glared at Voldemort, "Shhh. Not wanting Belladonna to hear him. Bella blinked at the child, "Now wait a minute, Who told you we were evil, we're not evil we just have different ideals then others." She explained seeing as in their minds they were doing right. "Well let's get up to bed first and out of this cold dungeon." Bella suggested seeing as they were in a cell no place for stories or milk and cookies. "ELF!" Bella called waiting for a house elf to come to her, when the meek creature did she smiled wickedly, "Go fetch warm milk and cookies and meet us upstairs in the bedroom." Bella ordered and the elf went, walking with the child up to her bedroom seeing as they didn't exactly have a separate bedroom for the child yet.
Voldemort walks over to the kitchen and smiles as the elf put the items on the tray. the elf looks at Voldemort and the Dark Lord smiles. "Thank you Ralph." He states. The elf smiles, "Thank you my lord... It seems that lady Lastrange is back to herself." He points out. Voldemort smiles, "I know she is a work in progress." He states. The Elf walks to Bellatrix bedroom and walks in and puts the tray down on the table. Belladonna jumps down and hugs Ralph, "Ralphy thanks for the cookies and milk." She states. Ralph smiles and grabs her cookies and milk. She sits with her mother and looks at her mother. "Mommy how did you meet daddy?" She asks. She dunks her cookie into the milk, "Will I be evil like you? Will I be as good as you?" She asks. She giggles and nibbles on her cookie and looks at her mother, "Oh what is wrong with me wanting to hurt people mommy you seemed said when I hurt that guy... Why is that? I want to hurt people like mommy does." She says. She eats her cookie and drinks her milk. She looks at her mom and waits for her story
Bellatrix was practically the same again, but was now focused on keeping the child happy. Waiting for the milk and cookies, that the house elf would bring eventually. Bella wasn't always too friendly with the house elves but that as due to her pedigree up bringing the only one she truly got along with was Kreature seeing as he shared the same values as them. Nodding her head to Ralph in a form of thanks, it was what she could muster seeing the child hug the creature. Blinking taken back by her question, they had met so long ago. "We met in school, dear a very long time ago. He looked a lot different back then." She stated remembering when he was Tom Riddle, though she had caught his eye and he kept her around he would still push her away. There relationship was a bit complicated. "No...Mummy is not evil so no you will not be evil...as good as Mummy so long as you listen and be a good girl, and accomplish your lessons you can be almost exactly like Mummy." She answered the child's questions sitting besides her. "There's nothing necessarily wrong with it, so long as you are harming them for a reason they have to deserve there punishment. It's just time for bed, it was enough for the night..." Bella replied though it was a bit unnerving to watch the child hex her own blood father.
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