Policed (lady/moon)

Tony smiled a little as he kissed the other again, before snorting. “Well, you better not keep him waiting to long. He’ll get grouchy if he has to wait all day for you to show up.”Tony said looking amused, because he knew that johnny wasn’t as in love with pepper as he was, but he tolerated tony’s utter inability to chose, tolerated tony’s need for being together with both of them. And knew that he enjoyed how life was for the moment. Even if tony worried about them, he couldn’t give them up either. And knew that loki care for them not just because he liked them, but because tony did. “Okay. I’m sure I’ll have something for you to work on by then.”He said getting up as he got dressed, snickering a little. “Fairly probably. Well, at least Rogers. Barnes’ letting his dick lead him around, so he’s focusing on Natasha, might not be bothered by much for awhile. Screwing with Steve’s head will be fun. I’ll do it, and you’ll help when you get in.”he smiled leaning down for a kiss. “I’ll see you in a bit.”he said heading for the door, before he gave into the temptation to stay in bed all day.
"ugh. i know it. i'm surprised he's not calling ye..." he whined when his phone started to ring, it was, indeed, Loki wanting to make sure Johnny wasn't dead or something. "Hey Loki. nah. oh you heard about that already? no we're fine. honestly i think the only person hurt was Steve." Johnny informed Loki. "i knocked him onto his back a couple of times. yeah i think so too. no, Tony's right here yet you want to talk to him? okay i'll tell him." he looked over at Tony. "Loki says thanks for helping Charley and for letting Charley stay with Clint and Natasha last night." Clint and Nat shared an apartment together, a nice big four room three bath apartment full of Natasha's stuffed animal collection so Charley must have had a blast. "no, Loki i'm heading over there once i get dressed. yes. yes. oh that sounds wonderful thank you. okay, talk to you later." he chirped, hanging up and smiling at Tony. "he's making me breakfast." he explained. "we're not nice." he admitted with a chuckle, kissing Tony before humming as he slid out of bed to get dressed as well.

Steve and James where already at the precinct, and so was Natasha, Clint and Charley and all four of them where arguing with the childrens social servises woman. she was new and had no idea she had no authority to be there because no one ever told the new recruits, surprisingly it was Steve who moved forward, towering over the petite little woman. "Charley is in the custody of the FBI during the course of this investigation and your attempts to hamper our delicate progress with a, frankly, deeply traumatized child that you and your people would have no clue how to handle in the first place are only pissing me off." Steve snarled. "you and your people had better back off, any child that walks through those doors are off limits to your company." "Company!? we're not a company!" the woman shrieked, Steve sneering at her. "well your sure as hell not a non-prophet organization! you get paid don't you!?" "well. yes, of course." "then your a company, and so long as your a company, you'll never do whats right for a child, instead of for your big, fat paycheck now leave, before i let the very mean officers behind me arrest you for interfering in an investigation!" Charley was watching with awe. he'd never seen someone stick up for him before. the second Charley had said 'i don't want to leave' and the woman had grabbed his arm, the four big scary adults had been all over that woman who was now racing out of the building in tears. "smug little bitch." Steve snarled. "grabbing a child like that. are you okay Charley? did she hurt you?" Natasha asked, examining the bruise on Charley's arm from where the woman had grabbed her. poor Charley was so anemic he bruised easily. "no. i' okay. she sc'rd me." Charley admitted.
"He's such a mother hen."tony snickered amused as he listened to the two talking, pulling on his jeans. Tilting his head a little he nodded.he's welcome. Though I don't think I could have stopped it happening once clint showed him the vents. I think phil might have a problem separating them two."tony snickered because while they weren't truly out as a couple, everyone knew the cop and the lawyer were dating. Snickering a little."loki makes amazing breakfasts. Have fun."he said as he left.

"Yea well it looks like steve scared her fairly badly back."tony said having nearly been run over on her way out. Looking thoughtful as he studied the group, tilting his head slightly at the sight of james and clint having moved to be between the woman and Natasha and charley, letting steve yell and keep her in line. Even without really liking each other, the two had made a good team. Rubbing a hand over his face tony tilted his head smiling at steve."thanks. I'll give her boss a call and straighten everything out."tony frowned looking annoyed a that social services had always tried to take over his cases, even if they all knew it was better to let tony take care of things when children were involved.
"well. Phil was considering adoption." Johnny admitted with a smirk. "i will." Johnny promised with a grin, watching Tony leave before scowling what could have Loki so worried?

Charley nodded. "S'eve 's sc'ry." Charley agreed with a grin. he didn't look all that scared of Steve. "hell. everyone knows that once a kid walks through those doors, they are under Tony's jurisdiction and no one elses. FBI, CIA, Children's Services, everyone knows that..." Steve paused and flushed, shooting Tony an apologetic look. "Tony always has the child's needs in mind." which was why it was so very stupid he had thought that he was kidnapping Aria. Steve had to admit, he had a hell of a blind spot when it came to Tony. "that woman..." Steve frowned. "i don't like the way she looked at Charley." he admitted. "mind if i... check on her?" "no need." Phil said as he walked in. "Charley's father worked for the Asgard Clan, but what they didn't know was that he was a spy, he actually worked for the Jotun clan." Phil said. "that woman, Marline Madison, she's part of the Jotun Clan, they intended to take Charley and use him as leverage against the Asgard Clan." Phil admitted. "she's being arrested as we speak." "damn you guys are good..." Steve mumbled, realizing why no one could get any dirt on the team. the only people who wanted dirt on them, had plenty of dirt themselves. can't blackmail someone who already has blackmail on you.
“He is.”Clitn agreed looking amuse. “I do. It’s good for you two to know that.” “Sorry.”James winced ducking his head a little, knowing the man was getting at what ha happened with aria. “Go ahe-Hey phil.”Tony smile a little tilting his hea, before wincing, sighing softly. He’d let loki know he had a spy, might have more. Smirking a little at steve, he snorted. “We’re the best for a reason, and not just for my dashing good looks.”Tony said looking amused. “Though looking as good as we o is helpful. Women fall over themselves to confess things to us.”clint sai smirking a little, looking up at phil as he shifted to sit own, charley sitting in his lap.”Come on kid, sit with me, and I’ll teach you to whistle more.”Clint promised, not realizing just how much his boyfriend would find him taking care of charley amazing, cause while he was good with them, clint usually avoided kids.
"yeah. i just never realized how good, good really was." Steve admitted with a smile. "really? i've never had that happen." Steve admitted, looking rather annoyed. "i'm just as good looking as you are and women never fall over themselves around me." "that's because most of the women you handle are either traumatized or sociopaths." Natasha pointed out. "good point." Steve agreed. "okay!" Charley agreed, screwing his face up, pouting his lips and blowing hard. he looked like he was trying to blow out candles. Steve choked, fighting not to laugh at the super serious expression on Charley's face when nothing happened and he tried again. "okay. that's adorable." Steve mumbled to James as Charley followed Clint, Phil smiling, soft and affectionate. "Tony. i'd like to discuss something with you." Phil admitted, looking at the man. "when you have time."
“Hmmm, though it’s usually what color their underwear is, or if they’re wearing panties at all. Pepper nearly killed me once when one flashed me. It was horrible.”tony snickered a little. Clint smiled whistling for a moment, before giving a short chirping whistle that sounded like a bluejay. “We’ll get you whistling soon enough.”Clint smiled before coaching him again to do it slow an gentle. They coul o it. “It is fairly adorable. Sickingly so.”James said before startling a little at the sound of the chirp, tilting his hea slightly, almost recognizing it, glancing at Steve. “Hm?Oh. Come on. This morning is the freest I’ll be for awhile.”Tony said smiling as he waved the other into his office with a slight interested look. “Johnny said something interesting this morning.”Tony said as he shut the door behind them.
"....what color underwear?" Steve asked, looking suitable confused. "why does the underwear matter?" he wondered before looking at Clint, his head cocked to the side. that was very good. Charley attempted again and again before finally unleashing an ear splitting whistle that scared him so bad he refused to try again until he was sure there wasn't going to be any pain for doing it the first time. "do th' br'dies 'gain?" Charley asked, hopefully, watching Clint.

Phil smiled a little. "excellent." Phil agreed, following Tony. "Johnny did?" Phil asked, sounding curious and a bit confused. what did Johnny have to do with anything. "was it about the beef twins?" he wondered. "because if Johnny found some dirt on Rogers i want in." he admitted, letting Tony be sidetracked because he was curious and he knew Tony wouldn't kick him out before he got to ask.
“Any. And cause apparently we’re so good looking that they don’t want to confess to crimes, just to the need to want to sleep with us”Clint snickere a little, startling a little as the kid whistled, looking up from his paperwork to stuy the boy before grinning. “Okay. Birds it is.”He said starting to go through songbirds, and finally playing a mockingbird’s tune. “...Steve...it’s hawkeye.”James muttere poking his friend in the shoulder, looking amazed..

“he did. Said I might be considering you in the running for charley’s adoption? I assume that’s why you want to talk?”Tony said smirking, before snorting. “Johnny thinks Rogers has been abused, considering how he went after him, and that Barnes is going to be so fixated on getting in close to natasha, it’ll be fairly easy to convince him we’re one of the good guys.”
"well. that's... weird." Steve admitted. "i still don't see what that has to do with the color of your underwear." he admitted, watching Charley beam at Clint. "...wait, what?" Steve asked, looking at James. "there's no way. he's a legend." he said, frowning a little. "you worked with him once didn't you?" he wondered. "yes, he did." Natasha admitted, walking past them into the room with Charley, handing the kid a juice box and some apples for a snack. "Th'nk you N'tsha."

"....oh. well. yes actually." Phil admitted, blinking a little. "this is the first child we've... rescued, since i've been capable of taking one in." he admitted. "i want one. very much so, a child i mean." he admitted. "and working here means i have stable hours that i can work with and constant people willing to help watch him during weekends or emergencies." he admitted. "he's such a sweet child and for once, he has problems i can actually help him with." he admitted. "i want to love him." he admitted, knowing he didn't actually need to explain himself to Tony, but he would anyway, because he was nervous and wanted Charley so very bad. "...Rogers was abused? it would make sense. his need to be in constant control." he admitted before snorting a little. "honestly, i don't think Steve will ever see reason." he admitted.
"He's the only one I've ever heard do a mockingbird that well."james said making a face, looking thoughtful."and I did....natasha, why didn't you tell me?"james said looking moments away from being a fanboy.

"Don't ask me how he knew, I just assume johnny knows everything.he usually does."tony snickered amused tilting his head as he considered the other. Looking more amused then anything that the other was actually explaining, when tony was ready to let him have charley. Starting to fill out the paperwork he smiled a little."only one problem, with this that I can see. You know clints going to blow a gasket right?"he pointed out before nodding "we think so yes. Johnnys going to look into it. And he will, I can make anyone like it. It'll happen."
"huh. well i never worked with him so... if you say so." he admitted before watching Natasha who turned to stare at James. "i didn't tell you because he hates being reminded." she admitted. "he didn't care for being a sniper." she admitted. "if your going to be a fanboy, do it where no one else can see. the others don't know." she admitted. well, Phil and Tony knew but the others didn't. "we won't tell." Steve promised, watching Charley eat the apples.

"...i hate sneakers." he grumbled. "damn spies." he grumbled before he smiled a little. "Grant will deal. he's been dragging his heals. i can't wait for him to decide he's ready in another six years." he admitted. "i want my chance at happiness and Clint will either wise up, or leave." and only Tony knew how much it hurt Phil to have to say that. "i'm sure it will happen sooner or later, so long as we can keep most of the assholes off your back." he admitted.
“oh. I can get that. I didn’t care uch for it either....”James sai frowning a little, settling own an calming at the reminder that there was reasons to not enjoy being a sniper, that while he enjoyed the sheer skills that took to make some of hawkeye’s shots, there was reasons the man himself might not like it. “I’m okay. I’ll leave him alone.”James promised, his fanboy-ness shoved aside as he watched charley.

“I know right?Damned idiot always knows when I’m up to something.”He sulked a little, tilting his head as he considered the other man, “hmmm, this might just get him to stop being so damned logical.”tony snorte, well aware that there was reasons clint was so logical about relationships, but it would do him well to get over it.

Which was exactly why a week later, Tony was ready to throw something at Clint’s head. Listening to him logically trying to talk phil out of having a kid, without actually saying that he didn’t want a kid, when they all knew he really did want to be with phil and charley, was making tony’s head hurt. Groaning as he leaned back in his seat he looked up at Johnny as the man walked in, gesturing for him to close the door, “Are they still arguing in that polite tone that demands to eb ignore?”Tony asked, wishing he could toss them both out, but even angry, phil and clint were getting more work done then most people would so he was tolerating it, even if it was riving him insane, when all he wanted to do was go home, and cuddle aria for the night. looking back at the foler he was reading he sighed a little, rubbing a hand over his face.
Steve scowled a little. he had, as much as he hated to admit it, really enjoyed the last week or so. it was really nice, being able to work without politics getting in the way. hell he had even enjoyed it when Loki had stopped by for a surprise visit to check on Fitz. the young man had, what the others called, an 'episode' where he had curled up under a table and just screamed. Loki had been there within the half hour and waited with them for the 'fit' to pass and he had been in there once Fitz had calmed down and helped him home. he didn't understand what had happened but everyone had told him it was normal for Fitz to have such attacks even with the medication. the one thing he didn't like was that Clint and Phil where being so passive aggressive rage fest with each other. he walked into the room and winced as he realized that they where fighting again and sighed. he wondered how long it would take for Clint to realize he wasn't going to win, in fact, had already lost. Charley was already adopted, fully and completely and was now Charley Adam Coulson. the only person who didn't seam to understand that was Clint, and Phil sure as hell wasn't going to be giving him up.

"yep." Johnny admitted, smacking his lips so the p sound was pronounced in that annoying way of his. "thank god they never fight in front of Charley. i wonder when Clint is going to realize that Charley's already been living with Phil for about four days now?" he mused.
Tony winced at the pop of the p, rolling his eyes a little at the other. “No, not even clint is that stupid or annoyed to argue in front of the kid. He likes kids, he’s just being aggressive about this, cause you know he doesn’t like things not being completely ordered, or in his control. Hangover from his days as a sniper, and from the days of killing that had left their mark on a man, and the one assassination he’d never been able to really put behind him, even if he never talked about it. “He’ll figure it out soon enough. At least when Phil tells him to either deal, or get out.”Tony smile a little smirking at the other. Raising a eyebrow. “Did you come here for anything besides witnessing the passive aggressive fighting going on?”
"that's true." he agreed with a smile. "i know he's afraid of honest and full commitment." Johnny admitted. "he's always a little bit terrified that if he devotes himself, that person will die, betray him, or leave him." Johnny admitted. "he'll settle down. eventually." he promised with a chuckle. he knew that Clint's sniper career had a lot to do with it too, but he didn't want to be the one to 'out' the man so he stayed silent. for now. if it became a bigger problem, well. he'd see then. "well." he smirked and licked his lips. "i was a bit horny so..." he shrugged. "i was hoping i could give you a blowjob." that was Johnny speak for 'i'm feeling unsettled and i don't like the fighting, can i submit to you for a little while?'. Johnny was anything but simple but Tony had him mostly figured out.
“I know. He is, but they’ll figure it out.”Tony agree looking amused as he watched the other, before smirking as he stretche. “Hmmm, I could use the break. Come here.”he said his voice taking on that edge as he waited for the other to come over before reaching up to wrap a hand in his hair and shoving the other to his knees even as he undid his belt. “I think you know what to do now.”He growled.
Johnny sighed as he heard the edge, letting himself relax, striding over to Tony and sinking to his knees at the grip. he knew what to do indeed. and he started with his tongue, stroking the length with it just the way Tony liked before swallowing it all at once, his throat convulsing around the head as he swallowed, sucking so hard his cheeks hallowed for a bit before he began to rock his head, back and forth, letting Tony deep throat him with a well practiced ease. "Hey Tony? can i hide in here until they stop... oh..." Steve froze, staring at the scene with wide eyes and then swallowed convulsively. "...er... sorry. sorry, i'll come back later." he promised, closing the door and leave, Johnny rolling his eyes. honestly. that was the third time in the last week. you'd think he would have learned his lesson, though this was the first time he'd actually caught them in the act.
Tony sighed quietly, groaning as his hand gripped the short strands of hair, closing his eyes as he rocked his hips up a little, resting his head back against the back of his chair, moaning. Eyes snapping up startled as he looked up at steve with wide eyes, not able to get words out as he came with a moan, shivering as he slumped back into his chair with a boneless slump."damn...."he panted quietly, feeling bad and wondering if he should go track down steve, but not quiet able to move yet.
Johnny whimpered at the tighter grip, sucking harder, encouraging Tony, shuddering as Tony came, his own orgasm taking him by surprise. but then, he'd always liked it when people watched. "Tony... Tony." Johnny moaned, dropped nice and low now, just sitting there, waiting for direction and nuzzling Tony's hip. he'd be perfectly content to just sit there until he came back up. as complicated as Johnny was, he was one of the easiest subs because he was fine with pretty much anything so long as he maintained skin contact or was, at the very least, close to someone. he'd be just as happy being bent over the desk and fucked as he would be curling up under the desk at Tony's feet and letting Tony go back to work.
Tony groaned as he realized the other had come to, panting quietly as he considered going after steve, but for the moment feeling the need to take care of johnny. Gentlystroking johnnys hair he smiled quietly as he looked down at the other."come on. I'm gonna get some work done."he said shifting, moving the other closer to his desk so he could work and still pet the other. Though after awhile of not getting anything done, cause he kept getting distracted by petting the man under his hand. Stirring a little he nudged johnny."come on, I'm not getting anything done, might as well go home."
Johnny murmured as he was stroked, he tended not to actually talk when h was down like that, unless it was to say Tony's name or on the very rare occasion, to say his safe word. he'd say single words from time to time if directly addressed, yes, no, yeah, okay, sure. things like that. "okay." was Johnny's response to Tony's sort of an order, snuggling up to Tony's shins and resting his head on Tony's knees as he drifted. "okay." Johnny agreed, slowly getting to his feet and followed Tony out, the part of him that was still thinking taking note that Steve looked unusually pale as he sat as far away from the still spitting Phil and Clint. honestly, where those two ever going to stop fighting? he mumbled at Tony, not that it made any sense and followed him tot he car, Johnny' car of course. he wondered if Tony would let him suck him off during the car ride. probobly not, too may people. crowded city streets and all that.
Tony smiled looking amused as they left. Quite content to simply be with the other and enjoy it. That night Tony whined, blindly groping for his phone as he leaned over the edge of the bed, even though he was used to the late night calls, didn’t mean he was happy about it. Cursing quietly as he nearly dropped it, he picked it up, sighing quietly groped for the on button, rubbing a hand over his face. “Stark.”Tony said simply in lieu of hello, twisting to see what time it was.
"T-tony?" it was Steve's voice, soft, shocked, frightened, tight. he sounded like a frightened child. "Tony i need help. D-don't know who else to call. i can't.... i can't get it to stop bleeding..." Steve stuttered. "C-can you come help me, please?" he asked, voice still too disconnected to be good. something bad had happened, something very bad for Steve to be calling Tony of all people. "Tony? what is it?" Johnny asked, voice soft enough that Steve couldn't hear him.
“Rogers?Steve?”Tony sounded utterly lost, but snapping more awake even as he nearly face planted into the floor in his scramble to get his clothes. “Okay, okay hold it above your head, can you do that for me?Whatever it is, keep it elevated. I’m on my way, are you at home?”Tony said looking at johnny, knowing the man probably had looked into steve’s background enough to have a address for him even as he pulled on his jeans, hastily pulling on his jacket, not even bothering to get all the way dressed, only enough to keep from being arrested. Shoving his feet into the boots he growled. “Rogers, you hardass, keep talking to me. I’m on my way. Hold on a sec okay?I’ll be right there.””Tony said, twisting the phone up enough to talk to johnny. “Gotta go. Steve’s in trouble,”He muttered a thanks for the address, kissing him. “I’ll call if I need anything, and if I’m gonna be late to work.”He muttered heading for the door, pausing to consider driving before cursing at the late night traffic, as he started jogging. “Okay Rogers, will I be able to get into your building?Is it open, or can you buzz me in?”Tony said panting, and glad he was in good shape, and that him running places when he got frustrated with driving was a common sight in the city, because no one tried to stop him as he made his way to steve’s apartment."Steve I'm here."
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