Policed (lady/moon)

"it's fine." Steve promised James, hearing the sounds of sirens approaching, someone had called nine one one. "come on Angew Eyes. it's alwight." Steve promised her, cradling her and stroking her hair, trying to calm her down. "i'm fine Tony and Aria's not hurt either." Steve promised. "we're fine. let James take care of you or you'll sleep on the couch." he teased, looking up when police arrived, flashing his own FBI badge and calmly explaining what happened. "always knew this guy was a piece of scum." one of the officers said, checking Hammer for a pulse. "Dead. call the coroner." he ordered, grabbing a plastic sheet from the police van and draped it over the body. "there's paramedics on their way, they'll get you fixed up Mr. Stark." another one promised, watching James try to stop the bleeding and not getting in the way.
"Papa hurt!"aria cried clinging to steve, burying her face against his chest, sniffling but calming down slowly. "Kay...good...."tony muttered frowning as he watched the other two, sulking a little."you can't make me sleep on the couch." "Then let me fix yourarm."james ordered sounding worried, looking at the other cops as they took care of everything. Sighing quietly as the bleeding slowed."we're going to take them home. If you have any questions call director fury, or me."he said giving the other his cell number."can we get a ride home?none of us drove."the man said tilting his head a little
"Papa is going to be just fine." Steve promised her. "He's been huwt befowe wight?" he asked her with a smile. "and he's aways just fine." he promised her. "you'll make him wowwy if you cwy sweetie. he's just fine." he promised, kissing the top of her head. "Papa is gonna be just fine. it's just a little huwt. like when yuo fall and scwape you knees." he promised her. "It's just fine." "Of course Mr. Barnes." one of the officers promised. "you can take mine." he promised, handing James the keys. "you'll be okay to drive yourself?" the officer asked, glancing around the crime scene when people started to gather up. "get that tape up!" the officer yelled at his subordinates who rushed to get the bright yellow 'do not cross' tape out and push the crowd back. "We'll be fine to drive and we have a doctor." she promised. "Bruce will patch him up."
“yea, he has.”Aria shiffled a little before relaxing into his lap, “Thanks.”James smiled taking the car keys, nodding. “Yea we can.”James promised wincing as he watched the crowd, looking at natahsa before nodding. “let’s go then. This is finally over.”He muttered glad to know this nightmare was finally done.

5 years later James smirked a little as the 7 year old ran into the room, pigtails running wide and flower basket clutched in her hand. Eyes wide as she looked up at steve. “daddy! Papa’s upset. You’re getting cold feet. I told him I’d come and ask if you needed socks.”The small near replica of pepper, except she had tony’s coloring stared up at steve. “I think that’s our cue to get moving.”James snickered a little shaking his head.
Steve chuckled at her and stroked her hair. "i'm just fine Angel Eyes." he promised her with a chuckle. "i don't have cold feet. Papa's just being silly." he promised her with a smile. speaking slowly and carefully. it had taken a lot of speech therapy to loose the lisp again. "i think your right." Steve admitted to James with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "Come on Angel Eyes, are yu ready to be a flower girl?"
“Papa’s never silly. You’re silly. Papa says you and uncle jamie are the silliest people he knows.”Aria said smiling happily. “You might have to punish your boy.”James teased in a muttered amused as they headed for the door. “I am!I am. I’m going.”Aria giggled happily as the music started heading for the church. Tony smiled a little as he saw james, tilting his head as he watched them, wrapping a arm around aria’s shoulders as the girl got to him, amused that he was playing the part of the bride, with both johnny and natasha standing in as matron of honor and bridesmaid respectively.
"well, we are pretty silly." he agreed, chuckling at James. "i think you might be right. he's cruising for a good old fashioned spanking." he admitted with a chuckle, grinning at Aria as she raced off, heading up to stand at the top of the isle before the alter to wait for Tony. "are you ready?" Loki asked, smiling at Tony, playing the part of 'father of the bride'. "he looks so excited i think he's going to wet himself." Loki teased, examining Steve who as nearly vibrating in place as he waited for Tony to appear.
Hehe really is. Good thing your going on your honeymoon."james snickered a little as he followed the other."I am...and he might. He is a overgrown puppy."tony muttered calming now at the sight of Steve as he let loki lead him forward, smiling at steve as he took his hand."hey."he muttered blushing brightly.
"totally. he's not gonna be able to walk right for a week. can you believe he told me no sex before the wedding?" Steve whined. "like it mattered when we've been fucking like rabbits for over three years now." he huffed, sulking. "he's gonna get it when we get on the plane. i'm not even waiting till we land." he smirked. "mile high club, here we come."

Loki chuckled a little. "he is a bit of a puppy, worse than Gabriel." who was also attending the wedding as ring bearer. Aria had insisted when Charley refused to have anything to do with the 'icky wedding'. "hi." Steve murmured, pulling Tony in for a kiss, only to stop when Phil cleared his throat. "that happens at the End." Phil said sternly, Steve sighing and sulking but behaved himself.
“Seriously. That’s both horrible and adorable.”James said snickering a little before nodding. “mile high club welcomes you.”James teased looking amused and a lifelong member already.

“Definitely.”Tony muttered looking amused as he looked up at steve, kissing the other back before sulking at phil. “no. We’re gonna do it now.”He muttered sulking a little smiling as he slid the ring onto steve’s finger. “I love you. I do. Always.”he muttered leaning into the other with a sigh, content and happy.
"it is horrible and it's not adorable at all! you traitor." he complained to James before snickering. "you and Nat eh?" he teased. "your worse pervs than me and Tony are." he admitted, shaking his head.

Phil sighed a little and shook his head even if he was a little amused. "i love you too Tony. always." he agreed, kissing him gain, Phil smiling as he pronounced them husband and husband. "and they lived happily ever after." Natasha teased with a smirk before looking at James, rubbing her swollen belly. a miracle baby really. "where's my ring?"
“Not a traitor. It’s adorable that he thinks it mattered.”James snickered a little before snorting. “Pretty sure my kid was concieved a mile high, and you knew that. We’re horrible.”He pointed out with a girl.

“Indeed.”Tony agreed with natasha, leaning into steve with a sigh, snuggling close. “I have one. Don’t worry, you’re going to get it. As soon as your fingers stop hurting so much. I have plans, don’t worry.”James grinned kissing his girlfriend, snuggling close as he hugged her against him, sighing quietly. Relaxed and happy, and already planning his proposal, which tony had helped him plan. It was going to be great. Perfect really. They’d be okay.

The end.
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