Policed (lady/moon)

“I know. Love you to, kid.”James snickered at the slightly younger man, by a few months anyways, before smiling. “I’ll tell him.”He promised smirking at Tony’s shocked look as he realized what steve was talking about. “I know you don’t, but we have to stay here.”James said soothingly, watching the other, because tony looked to shocked to say anything, amused at the other’s reaction to nowing steve loved him, smiling as he went to sleep. Looking exhausted as he settled in to rest, and watch over steve. He knew it was going to be a long few days, and that he’d probably worry natasha until they could all go home and get some really rest, but he couldn’t consider leaving. It’d kill him to leave when steve needed him.
Steve scowled a little. "i'm not a Kid. youw a Kid." he complained. "i don't Wanna stay hewe." he whined, though he was asleep before he could complain too much more. one of the more friendly nurses eventually came in and set up a second bed for them so they'd get some sleep. explaining that the others had left since visitors hours had long since passed. fortunately for all of them, Steve only needed to stay for a week, though they did have to operate on him when his lungs collapsed again in the middle of the first night, but they where able to get him completely stabilized within three days and only kept him the following four to make sure he stayed that way. he was more than happy to be going home. he was still pretty high and his speech impediment was till going strong. something that made Fitz giggle every time he heard it. Loki had opened up the guest house for them. all one floor, sixteen bedrooms and two kitchens and each room with it's own private bedroom. the entire crew would be moving in there. fortunately. Fury was taking control of both investigations and had told James that he suspected Hammer had hired the assassin to kill Tony, but Steve had stepped in the way. he was currently looking into that. once they had any piece of evidence against Hammer, they'd be able to slam down on him with everything they had. they just needed that last bit of evidence.
Tony cursed softly as he leaned back from the computer he was looking on, rubbing a hand over his face as he looked up at natasha with a quiet sigh. “he’s either smarter then I give him credit for, or he didn’t use his computers to set up anything. I don’t know where to start looking. Or doing. Or helping anything.”Tony said sounding frustrated that he couldn’t simply make this stop, that he couldn’t simply end things when he knew hammer was behind everything.
"it's likely a combination." she admitted. "your working too hard on this Tony. go home." she ordered, squeezing his shoulder. "Steve is going home today, remember?" she asked, smiling at him. "you should be there to help him settle in. you know Loki and Thor make him a little nervous and with him high on drugs it's probobly going to be worse." she admitted, running her fingers through Tony's hair. "go take a break, i'll take over for a while." she promised.
“No, I can work this out.”Tony growled, sounding annoyed eve as she leaned into the other, nodding slightly. “I know. James’ is getting him.”He muttered closing his eyes a little relaxing as she stroked his hair before huffing. “Fine....I’ll be back later.”He muttered before heading out, smiling slightly when he arrived just as steve and james did, watching for a moment as james helped the other inside. “Steve!You’re here!”Aria called happily, happy to see her favorite person who she hadn’t seem in days, she hadn’t been happy with being kept away.
she smiled at him. "i know you want to find out who did this Tony, but working yourself till your sick will only make Steve worry. let us help, okay?" she asked with a smile. "let us help you both."

Steve smiled at Aria. "Hewwo Awia." Steve cooed happily, Fitz giggling. Steve didn't mind. "Tony. i'm Hungwy." he admitted, pouting at him. "remember Aria. we have to be very gentle with Steve." Loki reminded the little girl as he came in with a pile of food. "oh! oh! Tony! Woki has food. make him Shawe." "...oh my Jesus that's cute." Loki admitted, staring at Steve. "this is all for you. i wasn't sure what you liked." "i wike food." "...that's... great." Steve was being serious. he was too used to going hungry, both as a child and as an adult to care about what was being stuffed into his face. he'd eaten out of the garbage too often to actually care. food was food. some food tasted better than others but that was about all he cared about.
“Yea, okay. I know.”Tony sighed tiredly, already sniffling a little, the starts of a cold coming in. “And don’t forget loki’s expecting you for dinner tonight.”he reminded her as he left.

“Hi!”Aria giggled but stopped before she could get on him, leaning against his legs as she looked up at him as james got him settled into bed, hanging onto his shirt and pantleg, as if reassuring herself that he was there as she looked up at him. “Woki does have food. And I think it’s all yours.”Tony promised looking amused as he looked at loki, “He really does enjoy food. He doesn’t care what you feed him, as long as it’s food and he doesn’t have to cook it himself.”Tony snickered a little sitting on the bed, letting aria climb up in his lap so she could be as close to steve as she wanted, but would’t be risking hurting the other man.
Steve smiled at her an managed to settle his hand on her head. every movement hurt, but he'd do anything for her. "Tony. don't tease Steve." Loki chastised, even if he looked amused. "oh, well good then." Loki stated with a smile. "just eat until your full then. i'm sure there's a couple of hungry boys willing to finish off anything you don't eat." Loki admitted with a chuckle before pausing. "actually, can he eat on his own?" "no." Fitz admitted. "usually Tony or James feeds him." he admitted. "James. feed me, Tony has an Angew on his wap." Steve ordered. "Angew mowe impowtant than food." he informed Tony ith a happy, high, smile. he gulped down all the food they had to offer before going t=back to sleep, happy as a clam.
“Careful uncle steve.”Aria said looking worried about him. “But he’s cute. Teasing him is adorable.”Tony smiled softly watching steve, ignoring the tight feeling in his chest. Knowing they had to talk, but the talk with steve would hust have to wait till he was feeling better. “As you command, oh lord and master.”James said rolling his eyes even as he helped the other eat. “Nap, papa?” “Yes, you can nap with steve. Careful though.”Tony ordered smiling softly as he tucked them both into bed, settling into a chair to sleep himself. Which was amazing, since he so rarely slept without a fight when he wasn’t sick, that this was fairly amazing really. Tired as he settled in to sleep.
"well, he is pretty cute." Loki agreed with a chuckle. "i wike Tony." Steve informed Loki. "I don't Wike James, he's mean. i wike you Woki, your nice. you bwing m nice food." he admitted happily, eating everything James fed him until he was full. "i am youw mastew. do as i command." Steve ordered happily before snoring softly as he slept. for the next week he steadily improved until he could feed himself and could manage the pain enough to mostly refuse his pain meds. he still had the lisp though, it took way too much effort to control it for now. "Tony! i have to pee. help me!" Steve whined. h had gotten very good at avoiding words with R's and L's.
"Yes master, of course master. Do I look like igor to you?"tony teased as he got up, abandoning the warrant request he'd been working on for hammer, wrapping a arm around his waist as he helped the other to the bathroom."I know you said it'd be okay. But you don't have to go with aria and me to the park. She won't mind and it's usually something we do alone anyways..."he said fussing having invited the other to enjoy the first nice day of spring with him and aria at the park like they always had, but fussing over him horribly now.
he smirked. "hmmm, you don't have a hump." he agreed with a chuckle. "i want to go. i'm sick of sitting in bed all day." he admitted. "i want to go outside and enjoy some sunshine and air." he admitted. "i'll be fine in my chair." he promised, indicating the wheelchair that he sat in when they wanted to take him places. "i don't want you to go without me." he whined. "i want to go too Tony!" he complained, sulking. "you said i couwd go." Steve was tired or he never would have been throwing what amounted to as a temper tantrum. which was hilarious because he was currently sitting on the toilette to pee and looked about ready to fall off because he was falling asleep. he usually took a nap this time of day and he was trying not to take it because he hated taking naps. made him feel like a little kid. though he didn't resist f Aria was taking a nap with him.
"I know. And I know I did, I just worry about you."tony sighed softly pressing a kiss to his forehead before smiling at the sound of loki and aria heading for their rooms."after your nap. I'm not taking a cranky aria to the park, so you both sleep then we'll go."he said ignoring the temper tantrum as the man finished and helped him back to bed just as aria barreled into the room
Steve calmed a little at the sort of promise he could still go with and scowled. "i don't need a god damn nap." he growled before smiling a little as he realized Aria was going to come nap with him. he oved snoozing with Aria. soon they where both dad to the world asleep and Loki sighed. "don't look so worried. you know the mood swings are from the brain damage." Loki reminded Tony. "he had another temper tantrum i take it?" he asked with a smile, watching Steve sleep. "Phil called. he has evidence against Hammer." he admitted. "not about the assassination attempt, but he's found the connection. turns out Hammer is part of the Jotun Clan, as was Theo and Charley's father." he admitted. "there's a huge three ring circus going on, but there's a team heading out to arrest Hammer. now that we have this, we can start going through ever bit of paper he has without having to worry about tipping him off. we'll find the evidence Tony. and we will make him suffer." he admitted. "if he had anything to do with Pepper or Steve.... we'll make sure he lives the rest of his life in agony."
“Aria wants a nap. And she sleeps better wtih you.”Tony soothed with a smiled, pleased as they slept. Sighing softly as he looked up at loki he nodded a little. “I know. I just worry about him.”He sighed quietly, before nodding. “He did.”he said before tilting his head, making a disgusted noise before nodding. “Idiot. Good, soon he’ll suffer for this.”Tony agreed utterly pleased with the idea before climbing in bed with aria and steve, looking up at loki. “wake us up in awhile, it’s our day to go to the park.”
"yeah okay. i'll snuggle her while she naps." he agreed with a smile before snoring away. "he's going to be fine." Loki promised, smiling at Tony. "they already removed the draining tube, he has no infection, all he needs is a lot of rest." he admitted. "and he's getting more than enough even if he bitches about it a lot." he admitted with a chuckle. "i know. that's why i came down to check on you." he admitted with a chuckle, kissing Tony's forehead. "sleep well." he offered, tucking them all in before flicking the lights off and heading out so they could sleep peacefully. Aria was, unsurprisingly the first one up.
“I know.”Tony muttered sighing, relaxing quietly because he knew he was being overprotective. But being in love, it was hard. Harder then when he’d fallen for johnny and pepper. He knew what loss could do to him, pepper’s death had scared him badly, scarred him badly. So he was being protective. “Awesome.And we will.”Tony smiled sleeping in moments. Whining quietly as aria pounced on him, groaning as he stretched. “Okay okay little monster, we’ll go.”He muttered sitting up as the other bounced on his stomach, gently shaking steve awake. “Come on, steve. Time to go.”
Loki smiled at him. soft and affectionate before he left. glad to see Tony was doing mostly okay. "yay." Steve slurred as he woke up. "Pawk time. outside." he mumbled, barely even awake and already eagerly anticipating being outside. he was a very active man after all, being trapped in bed all the time was like hell. he knew it was important, but it was still hell. "Aria love? go tell Fitz we want our coffee would you?" Steve asked the little girl. because she loved to race through the halls and give people orders. plus, Coffee! sometimes, when Fitz was feeling nice, he'd fill up an itty bitty tiny cup full of milk and a little bit of sugar and vanilla and a small bit of decaf for Aria. it wasn't actually coffee but it had enough n there for Aria to feel 'very adult'. Fitz was in a good mood because when he came in with the tray there was a third, itty bitty little cup for Aria.
“Yep, outside.”Tony said smiling a little. “Yes!I get coffee.”Aria said giggling excitedly as she raced off. Helping steve get ready to go, before smiling at fitz as the other brought their coffee in, sliding his shoes on as he reached for his cup. “Thanks fitz.”he smiled handing steve his cup, sighing quietly. “You need anything before we head out?”he said looking up at the other, looking amused as aria giggled happy at having her ;coffee'.
Steve grinned as Aria ran off, chuckling. "i wike it here." he admitted sleepily. "I wike having evewyone close by." he admitted. "can we stay?" he asked Tony hopefully. he liked the feeling of having a huge family all under one safe roof. even James seamed very happy here, though that was probobly because he and Natasha kept having kinky sex. "thank you Tony." Steve purred happily as he gulped down his coffee. "we don't need anything." Fitz promised with a smile. "by the way, they found the evidence they needed." h admitted. "it wasn't in any paperwork though. they found his DNA in Pepper's house." Fitz admitted. "even if we can't find anything else, he'll go to prison for the rest of his life for first degree murder." Fitz admitted. "as well as misleading a criminal investigation, blackmail, bribery, and other such unsavory things." he smirked a little. "if we get the right judge, he might even get the chair." he admitted. "i don't want him to get the chair." Steve protested, looking stern. "i want him to suffer, a wong, heawthy wife, wocked in a cage fow the west of his wife. i want him to know the pain of nevew being fwee again, or knowing he wiw nevew be half, a quawtew, a hundweth of the man Tony Stawk is. want Hammew to know the agony of knowing he lost, fow the west of his misewable wife." he paused and then. "him being someone's bitch is a nice bonus too."
“I do to. And I’m sure we can stay. Loki likes having everywhere he can keep track and protect them.”Tony snickered a little before nodding. “Welcome.”he said sipping his own coffee before humming pleased. Looking utterly happy that they’d nailed hammer before going still at the memory of pepper’s apartment. “Oh....good.”He said swallowing thickly before snorting, looking at steve. “Vindicitive. I like it.”He said pressing a kiss to the other’s forehead, “Come on. Let’s go to the park, and let others worry about hammer for once. Our job is done.”He smiled a little.
Steve nodded. "yeah, i wike that pawt too." Steve admitted with a grin before grimacing at the mention of Hammer and Pepper. "i'm Vewy vindictive." Steve agreed with a chuckle, letting Tony help him get into the chair, only grunting with annoyance once when his foot got tangled int he sheets and he couldn't get it free himself, sulking because he hated being so helpless but beaming happily as they headed for the door, sulking again when Loki stopped them and draped a blanket around Steve, warning them that it was a bit cool outside. "i'm not a baby Woki." Steve grumbled, even if he snuggled into the nice warm blanket while Loki wrestled Aria into a sweater. "no, but you sound like one." "hey! that's not nice! you know i can't hewp it!" Steve grumbled. "not the speech, your constant whining, idiot." Loki chastised, making Steve huff and sulk again even if he looked amused. "Onwawd! to Victowy!" Steve commanded, pointing at the door. the only reason he wasn't bouncing was because Loki wouldn't let him leave if he got too hyper. Tony either probobly.
Tony smiled pressing a kiss to her head. Pressing a kiss to his forehead, “You’re okay, don’t get to upset.”He muttered nuzzling the other a little before smiling slightly as the other sulked at getting covered up .”No, but you need looked after one.” “Unka loki!I dont wanna.”Aria whined even as she let the other get her sweater on, only using the term for loki, having mostly outgrown baby talk, except she liked the sound of unka and loki didn;t make her say it right. “To victory!”Tony agreed grinning a little as they headed out, smiling as gabriel walked happily with aria as they headed for the park, grinning as they settled into playing. Smiling softly as aria raced around the play things, before tensing at the sound of a guncrack, twisting with the bullet that spun him off balance, scowling as he hit the ground. “Down!Aria!Hide!”Tony yelled already pushing up off the ground as the girl crawled under the fake rock wall, twisting to look what was going on, before stopping as he felt the barrel of hammer’s gun pressing against his temple. Going still as he tried to not move. “You have cost me everything!EVERYTHING!”Hammer screamed, definitely in super villian mode of talking. “Yea, I’m sorry. Really.”Tony said contritely, hoping that james and natasha were on their way, while it was usually a solo visit to the park, he’d invited the other newly made couple, because they were good friends and good backup.
Steve smiled a little and shook his head. "do not. meanie." he huffed, grinning at him. "sorry sweet pea but you have to." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "now, go on. you don't want to be left behind." he teased her, nudging her after Tony and Steve. Steve gasped at the sound of the gunshot and realized that Hammer thought that he was useless because he was in a wheelchair. well that just wouldn't do, not at all. "Hey Hammer!" Steve yelled, distracting the man for just the split second he needed to have his own gun out, coked and ready to fire. "the only person who ruined everything was you!" he informed the man, squeezing the trigger twice, the echoing cracks of thunder filling the park and causing even more of a panic than the first shot had. "that should keep him down." Steve declared, tucking his gun back where he'd retrieved it from. damn right Hammer was staying down. to shots through the skull, there was no way he was getting back up.
Hammer turned his head to look at the other, eyes widening even as he heard the gunshot, falling away from tony. “Yea...I think he’s down.”Tony said pushing up slowly, looking shaken as he looked at the other, before hurrying towards aria as the toddler started to cry. “Steve?”James said rushing across the park, gun in hand and pointed at the ground as he looked to make sure hammer was alone, letting natasha handle calming the crowds as he looked after his friends, soon enough bullying tony into giving aria to steve so he could bandage up the other’s arm. “Steve, you okay?”Tony muttered craning his head to look at the other, trying to get james to look after him, instead of tony’s bleeding arm.
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