Policed (lady/moon)

Steve snorted a little. "Tony, women don't stay at home and cook anymore no matter my mothers opinions to the contrary." he stated with a chuckle. "i think you deserved that slap." he admitted with a grin. "i despise carrots." Natasha grumbled, glaring at Tony. "thy are foul, disgusting, and should be eliminated completely from the known and unknown universe." "wow. that's a lot of hate for a simple vegetable." Steve admitted, impressed. "no sweetie. that's a grown up word." Steve corrected, glaring at James. "you should never repeat anything uncle James says, he has a filthy mouth." Fitz just snickered.
“I know. But I wanted to make sure she wasn’t some passive mob woman, I didn’t want to spend my life with someone who always agreed with me. I wanted a partner, not a slave. Had to make sure.”Tony said looking amused before snorting at Natasha’s words. “I’m sure james apperciates that.” “Shut up Tony. And I’ll make sure they never give you carrots.”James teased pressing a kiss to natasha’s head, looking amused at her reaction to the vegetable, ducking his head as he blushed. “Sorry.”James muttered looking upset he’d given Aria a new work. “Jam!Jam!’Aria demanded even though she bounced in steve’s lap a little, looking content to stay with steve even if she reached out to pat James’ shoulder excitedly. Definitely hyper now that so many of her favorite people where here.
"makes sense i guess." Steve agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head. only Tony would be happy his potential girlfriend had slapped him. "yeah, shut up Tony." Natasha ordered, rolling her eyes before smiling and snuggling into James. "so. he finally won?" Steve asked with a grin. "of course not." Natasha scoffed. "if anything, he lost. he's mine now." she admitted, smirking. "if anything, he should be pitied." she admitted with a grin before chuckling at Aria's excitement, Fitz chuckling as he helped finish setting the table so they could all settle in and eat. "it smells delicious." Natasha admitted, her mouth watering. "i helped!" Steve admitted, looking very proud of himself.
"I did. Though she claims otherwise."james said sounding pleased and happy as he wrapped a arm around natasha's shoulders pressing a kiss to her head. "I do pity him."Tony said looking amused as he watched them, pleased as they finished seting the table, settling in with aria on his lap, smiling slightly as she babbled still."be on worry, it'd edible, I promise."tony said looking amused as they started to eat
Steve chuckled a little, glad for James even if Natasha was rolling her eyes. by the time they where done with dinner they where all full and content and happy and ready for bed. Natasha demanded James to carry her home because she was tired and didn't want to walk. "come on Angel Eyes, time for bed." Steve cooed at the sleepy toddler, gently tucking her in with a smile, grinning at Fitz ad Tony. "wanna play a round of poker or something?"
Tony laughed a little watching james and natasha go, looking amused as the others left before looking at aria as she settled in to sleep. “Yea, lets play poker.”he said snickering a ltitle as they settled down to play.

In the morning tony smiled a little, stretching a little as he looked down at the toddler sleeping on his chest, nudging her a little. “Morning, angel. Whatcha doing?” “Gettin’ you up!Gonna get steve now.”She said squirming away and going in search of the other man.
Steve chuckled a little as he felt a warm little body land on his chest. "morning Angel Eyes." he mumbled. "what are you doing up so early? i think we'll have to teach you a lesson about waking up before dawn yeah?" he asked with a grin, tickling her playfully. "just for this, i think we'll have to talk your daddy into making pancakes, what do you think?" he asked with a smirk because he knew Tony was going to be horrified at being woken up at six fifteen in the morning, according to his alarm clock.
Aria giggled happily snuggling happily into steve’s chest, “Woke up. Ponies.”She muttered giggling excitedly, squirming away from his fingers. “Nooo!No tickles.”she demanded. “Pancakes?Yes!Papa!”Aria giggled excitedly, happily squirming away before pounding out of the room. “Steve!”Tony yelled groaning as he yelped, catching aria as the girl pounced on him. "Pancakes!"
"okay, okay ponies." he greed with a chuckle. "yes tickles!" he cried back just as happily with a laugh. he laughed again when Tony complained Fitz also laughing as he staggered out of the spare bedroom, looking very amused. "your evil, you know that?" Fitz asked, Steve snorting. "before dawn, she's all his." Steve admitted. "after dawn is when we share." Fit just laughed and shook his head and went into the kitchen to get started on making pancakes for the little hell beast. Steve grinned even more when he got a text from his thief friend. "Tony! good news. we got the computers. i'll have Thyme bring them to the precinct so we can work on them there. we don't want him seen coming in to my house. could we have Nat and Clint 'catch him' and arrest him and take him tot he precinct? might keep the ploy going a little more." he admitted with a delighted little smirk. he loved fucking over Hammer.
"Not fair. She wanted you steve!"tony whined making a face even as he walked out cuddling aria, the girl looking utterly happy to be with her papa."hm?oh good. I'll call johnny, he'll enjoy a day with aria, and we'll head into the precinct."tony grinned happy with the news already calling natasha."I'll get them to drag him in."he smiled before explaining to natasha what needed done when she answered before hanging up."good. They'll be there soon."
"it's before dawn. she's all yours." Steve admitted with a grin. "if i have to be up, you do too." he admitted happily. Fitz just snickered again and shook his head. they where all so funny. they really where. "sounds good to me." Steve agreed with a smile as he watched Fitz cook. he sniggered at Natasha cursing Tony out for calling her too damn early before she agreed to bring the guy in and promised to get Clint up herself. "excellent. we'll take them some breakfast, to make up for the early morning wake-up call." he offered. "we can buy doughnuts or something."
“So mean.”Tony grumbled, whining a little even as he stole a cup of coffee as the other finished it, sipping it slowly, before smiling a little as he was cursed out. “Aunt Nat upset.” “not at you, just papa.”Tony smiled amused as he texted johnny to ask if it was okay they dropped Aria at his place for the day, amused as he started to eat. “Yea, there’s a coffee and doughnut shop down the street from the precinct, we’ll go there and get some.”
Steve scowled after a moment, realizing his cup was gone. "wha?" he scowled at Tony. "that wasn't nice." he complained before smiling a little as he nuzzled Aria playfully. "sweat. i'll get some coffee for them too, and myself since you seam to be so intent on stealing mine." he huffed, smiling to let Tony know he was just joking. he happily tucked into the pancakes that Fitz popped in front of him, looking quite happy to be cooking for them. "you coming with us?"he asked Fitz who nodded. "yeah, i have samples in the lab to go over." he admitted.
Tony smirked a little as he sipped the coffee, “Cause you set the little monster on me.”Tony snickered a little, tickling his sleepy happy daughter as she squirmed a little. “Papa, no!”Aria giggled squirming away from poking figures as she ate. Settling in to rest as she finished eating. “Okay, well let me get Aria and me dressed and we can go.”Tony said smiling a little, amused as he finished eating, getting both himself and aria ready to go, looking content and happy, for the first time since Pepper died, looking truly relaxed, like he hadn’t been touched by grief, having not allowed hismelf to think about it just yet, he wasn’t freaking out or anxious about being attracted to steve yet. Not worrying about anything, simply enjoying the morning.
he huffed. "before dawn, she's yours and only yours." he sniffed. "we can share her after the sun has risen." he promised Tony, looking amused, grinning when Tony tickled her. she was so darn cute. Johnny had assured them that he'd take Aria and that Charley was there today too because Phil had to go into the city over some court case or something so Aria would even have someone her own age, or close to, to play with. it wasn't long before they where set up and had dropped Aria off with Johnny, said hello to shy little Charley whose English was getting much better already. cute little Charley had totally adopted Clint as his favorite too. practically hero worshiping 'papa Clint'. "ten bucks Clint adores the little guy." Fitz teased. as much of a fuss as Clint had raised when Phil had adopted Charley, it would be hilarious if he was a sappy papa now. "Tony! Down!" Steve gasped, suddenly moving into the way, shoving Tony down before even thinking about it, having just seen the flash of light on the muzzle of a gun in the alley right next to the precinct. Fitz was moving now too, drawing his own gun, three pulls of the trigger and the unknown assailant went down while Steve looked down. there was blood spilling out of him from the middle of his chest, a sharp white hot pain that spread through his body. "ouch..." he never felt himself hitting the ground, he'd already passed out while the people inside the precinct came spilling out, Bruce calling for an ambulance even as he started pressing down on Steve's chest, trying to stop the bleeding.
"Oh yea, if the pictures on his phone and desk are any indication, he's a very sappy papa."tony snickered, yelping startled as he was shoved, hitting the ground on his hands and knees, twisting to look to see what was happening before focusing on steve, trusting fitz and the newly arrived clint and Natasha to deal with the ahooter, helping bruce stop the bleeding, looking up at his team, pale and shaken."go, take care of the shooter and the computers. I'llride with him, and let johnny knoe he's got to get aria to lokis, it'll be safe enou th there."tony ordered even as he climbed in the ambulance with steve and riding to the hospital
Steve sniggered a little. "the question now is, do we tease him about it?" he asked with a grin before gasping as he was shot. the team nodded and rushed about, taking in the thief who looked horrified that Steve had been shot inside as well as swarming over the dead shooter while the ambulance arrived and started tending to Steve. "he's slipping! get the defibrillator and the Oxygen mask!" one of the EMP's ordered, already doing CPR while another did what they could to stop the bleeding even as they slipped Steve onto a gurney and strapped an oxygen mask to his face. it was lik watching a beehive as they switched from CPR to the defibrillator, Steve's body seizing as they shocked him. "Pulse!" one of the EMP's yelled. "he's breathing again! we're clear!" with that, he was loaded in, and he and Tony where swept away to the hospital. Steve's heart stopped again on the way into the hospital, but again it only took one zap before it was beating again and he was rushed to surgery, Tony left behind in the hospital room with a pair of police there to guard him to make sure no one else tried to kill him. one of Loki's loyal men, Fandral, also arrived to watch over Tony and offer him comfort while the hospital struggled to save Steve's life. the story was already on the news, and a doctor made sure to come out every hour or so to give an update. both of Steve's lungs had deflated because of the shot. they had a chest tube installed already, helping him breath easier. at the time they didn't think a Thoracotomy would be necessary but they where prepared to do so if they needed to. Steve was also very lucky as the bullet had exited and missed his spine by a mere couple of centimeters. he would have a lot of trouble breathing for a while, and he would be confined to a wheelchair so he wouldn't aggravate and collapse his lungs again, but they assured Tony he was going to be fine after a good long several hours of surgery.
Tony looked near collapse by the time the doctor had told him that they’d be okay, swallowing thickly as he slumped back into the chair he was sitting in. Utterly exhausted and pained as he looked up at the other. “Thank you.”He muttered to the doctor hating that he couldn’t go in, before retreating out to the hall to tell natasha and James, wincing at the sight of james curled up on one of the seats, looking utterly uncomfortable laying there with his head in natasha’s lap. “How long has he been like that?”tony said looking down at him, sighing softly as he tried to focus and not simply fall down asleep.
the Doctor nodded and watched Tony leave with a sigh. hopefully this would all turn out okay. "he's been this way since we got here." Natasha admitted softly, trying to keep James calm. "he's not handling this well. none of us are i don't think." she admitted, looking up at Tony. "come here." she ordered, patting the seat next to her. "it's almost midnight, you need a nap, i'll stay up and wake you up if anything happens." she promised, smiling at him. "i'll be okay." she promised. "he'll be fine and you need sleep. he won't wake for at least a few hours." she admitted. "get some rest Tony."
“....so I see. He looks uncomfy.”Tony said frowning a little at the sight of the man curled up on the chair, though he looked a little relaxed at natasha’s attention. Frowning a little, “No...I’m okay.”he muttered even as he moved over and sitting next to her, resting her head ag ainst her shoulder, frowning a little. “I’m okay....I can stay awake....”He muttered, even if he was already starting to fall asleep there cuddled up to her.
"only a little." she admitted with a smile before shaking her head. "your not okay. come on. use me as a pillow, i'm told i'm very comfortable." she admitted with a smirk. it was morning when the Doctor finally came again.

"Mr. Stark? Mr. Barnes? he's awake." the Doctor admitted. "he's asking for you, but i should warn you, because of the loss of oxygen to the brain, there was minor brain damage. it's only temporary." he promised, seeing the panic in the huge group of people. "it shouldn't last ore than a month or two at the most. but until then he's got a slight speech impediment and he's going to get tired very easily and he might have trouble remembering some words. because he's heavily sedated to help with the pain he'll be very easily confused and might not be sure who is who. make sure to ask only one question at a time and give him plenty of time to answer. only one or two visitors at a time please and if there are two, make sure only one person speaks at a time." the doctor ordered. "if he gets distressed i want you to leave immediately, we don't want to put any more stress on him then he's already under." the doctor admitted before looking at Tony and James. "he's been asking for Mr. Stark and Mr. Barnes.so i would like them to be the first to see him." the Doctor admitted, examining them. "are you alright with this? i would advice you to try and stay as calm as possible so as to not upset Mr. Rogers." he admitted before leading the way to the intensive care room where Steve was.

Steve was laying on a bed, pale and fragile looking, his chest covered in bandages and a tube leading out from the bandages into a small collection bag. he was awake, but appeared sluggish, doped even and had a mask over his face, giving him the oxygen he needed to recover. he blinked at them and then a wide smile stretched across his lips, just happy to see them, though he appeared to be too stoned to really voice any of his thoughts. "Mr Rogers is on a lower dose of pain medication by his own request." the doctor explained. "it might wear off while your talking." he admitted. "he was worried about developing an addiction, considering past history with drug abuse." the doctor admitted. "call me if you have any questions or if he needs anything."
“Hm?Yes. That’s us.”James said bolting up startled as he woke, looking anxious before swallowing hard. “What?” “It’s okay. He’ll be okay.”Tony muttered leaning into james a little, looking relieved at the knowledge. Swallowing hard he nodded a little. “We’ll make sure he’s looked after once he leaves here.”Tony said wondering if loki would be pissed if they stayed with him, simply because his whole house was one floor, instead of a apartment building and climbing stairs. “We can do that.”Tony said swallowing hard trying to be relaxed and not to anxious. “Yea....we’re okay.” “Take a few moments Tony, relax.”James said rubbing the man’s voice, smiling slightly as the man did indeed relax before following the doctor out.

“Hey Stevie.”James grinned looking at Steve, taking in the sight of the man, trying not to be to worried. “Yea, we’ll call.”Tony promised watching the doctor before looking at steve, moving over to the seat and sitting down with a small smile. “good to see you steve.”
"he's going to be just fine, we just have to monitor him very carefully as his lungs could collapse again." the doctor explained. "it's not life threatening, but it would delay his recovery by a great deal, especially if we have to do surgery." he admitted. "just so your prepared for that." he admitted, shaking his head a little. "it will be a few days, maybe even a few weeks before he's stable enough to leave." the doctor admitted. "you'll be fine." the Doctor assured Tony with a smile.

Steve smiled brighter at the nickname and wiggled his fingers. he was too tired and weak to do much else. he couldn't even lift his hand. "I Wike you Tony." Steve Slurred. "youw, the Best fweind i've evew had." he mumbled before looking at James. "i Wike you too James." Steve said happily. "your the othew Best Fweind i've Evew had." what the Doctors didn't know, was that Steve had always had that speech impediment. it's just that with the damage to his brain and the drugs, he no longer had the mental capacity to cover it up anymore. "i'm Tiwed Tony." Steve admitted. "My Chest huwts. can i have mowe fun Dwugs? i like seeing the Cowors." he admitted, his eyes rather unfocused. "i want to go home. can i go home Tony?"
“Okay.”Tony said swallowing hard, looking a little worried about the idea of the lung collapsing, but he could handle it. He really could.

“I like you to, Steve.”Tony said with a relieved small smile looking the other over as he slipped a hand into the other’s. “Hmmm, I feel loved. So loved, Stevie.”James teased a little watching the two, moving to the other side, holding steve’s hand as he sat down, biting his lip. Not wanting to laugh, cause he’d totally forgotten how utterly cute steve was with his slight impediment. “then sleep steve. We’ll be here when you get up. And yes, we’ll get you drugs.”James promised looking amused. “No, not yet. You have to stay here, but I’ll stay with you.”Tony promised looking worried about the other.
"I wove you James." Steve said happily, very happy that James had understood what he was tring to say. "i Wove Tony too. tew Tony i Wove him." he ordered. "i don't Wanna sweep." he whined. "i Don't Wike it." he grumbled. "i Don't Wike Hospitaws." he grumbled. "wanna go home." he complained, though he wasn't getting too aggravated, mostly he was just complaining even as he fell asleep. "i don't wike you James." he complained. "you make bad cowors." he mumbled, smiling at Tony. "i stiw wike you." he promised with a yawn, going to sleep. it would be several hours before he was awake again. the nurse that came in to change his draining bag explained that Steve would sleep most of the time while he was healing because of the pain and the drugs and that it was good for him to sleep and that only family could stay after visiting hours. fortunately, on Steve's 'in case of emergencies' he'd listed James as his brother and James could vouch for Tony and allow him to stay too. but only because the hospital staff knew Tony and James where very honest cops.
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