Policed (lady/moon)

Steve shrugged, flushing a little. "yeah... uhm. some of the toys date back to nineteen ninety one." he admitted, smiling a little. "they where my Ma's. i kept adding to them for Nina.... my daughter. or, she was going to be my daughter." he admitted. "i just... keep adding to it because i can't stand the idea of giving it up." he admitted before flushing a little harder. "oh. well. not that weird. i mean..." here he hesitated and then went for it. "i wouldn't be upset if you asked me not to go.... you know. if your jealous... and don't want me to."

she smirked a little as she watched him. "i don't think i like the idea of other people watching you do this." she admitted with a grin. "oh well. i'll show you all kinds of fun new things." she admitted, licking her lips and moaning as she watched him, shivering a little. "fuck yes." she hissed, watching him cum, watching him moan her name. god yes. "what a good boy." she moaned, stripping off her shirt and then her pants and then her underthings, crawling into the bed with him, kissing him eagerly as she settled over him, stroking his body as he trembled from the after orgasm. "you're going to fuck me James." she whispered, kissing him again. "you're going to fuck me." she moaned, dropping her head and pressed her teeth against his neck, biting him hard enough to leave a good bruise that would last a while.
“Really?”Tony’s eyes went wide at that, looking startled before grinning. “that’s awesome. We’ll have to tell her to be careful, but she’d love seeing them.”tony grinned before frowning a little. “Nina was always your daughter, even if she died before you got her...”Tony said looking awkward and out of step, he totally wished it was johnny or loki here talking to steve. At least then they’d have a idea what to do. He was totally useless at this whole emotional thing. His eyes snapped up, looking at the other, swallowing thickly, looking nervous, biting his lip before noding slowly. “Okay....I uh...don’t go.”he said quietly.

“Well, I don’t like the idea of others seeing you either.”James grumbled shivering a little as he looked up at her, startling a little at the noise, startled that she was there, eyes wide as he watched her, groaning as he kissed her back. Whimpering quietly as he squirmed, trembling in the aftermath of such a powerful orgasm. “I am?”he said looking shocked at the idea. That even after weeks of trying to sleep with her, to get with her, the other was still shocked that she wanted him. Which showed that despite the playboy they all knew he was, he wasn’t nearly as confident as he pretended. Gasping as he was bit, his head tilting back as he trembled, wrapping his arms around her tightly, holding onto her.
Steve chuckled. "oh, she won't have to be careful. once Peggy was pregnant with Nina i started collecting two of everything. one to go into the collection, and one to go into a Toybox for her to play with as she pleased." he admitted with a smile. "so there's about three hundred toys with their tags removed that Aria can play with no problem." he promised with a smile. "she was my daughter." he admitted. "they... she was a month before giving birth so i was able to still hold her." he admitted. "she had black hair, just like Peggy." he admitted. "i guess they thought it would help, getting to hold her but i don't think it did." he admitted before nodding at Tony. "okay. i wont go." he promised, smiling at him a little. "we really should take his blanket back at some point though." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head.

"of course you don't." she admitted with a chuckle. "and no one will... well, save my doctors." she admitted with a chuckle before smirking as she startled him. "yes you are." she promised with a chuckle."there. now everyone will know you belong to me." she purred. "now. your going to eat me out while i get you nice and hard again." she ordered, settling over him properly, so that her cunt was right above his face, while she focused on licking every single centimeter of his cock so he would be ready to fuck her when she decided he'd teased her enough.
“Oh!Good. Then it’ll be great.”tony grinned happy at the idea of not having to get aria to be careful, knowing that she would have tried, but it would have been a mess. Wincing a little at the idea, he shuddered. “That’s....no. I don’t think it did probably....there’s a reason none of you let me stay with pepper....it doesn’t help...not with something like that.”He shuddered a little before relaxing, smiling slightly. Blushing at the idea, before nodding. “We’ll take it back now, Aria’d probably enjoy the walk.”He shrugged a little.

“Well. They’d be fine, I guess.”he huffed a little smiling a little. Looking up at her with wide content eyes he smiled slightly, “I don’t think they ha any doubt really.”He muttered squirming a little, swallowing thickly whimpering softly, groaning at her words, whining softly, before groaning as she moved, shivering a little as he went to work, hands holding her hips still as he worked, squirming rocking his hips a little as the other licked his cock.
he smiled a little. "yeah, i think she'll have a lot of fun." he admitted. "i think she'd get a kick out of seeing the entire collection too, even if she's too young to actually handle some of the older ones." he admitted. "yeah. well... honestly i just did what the others told me to do when we came across Pepper. i've never... been good at emotional support." he admitted, shaking his head. "after Peggy i just, closed myself up." he admitted before looking startled. "seriously? he lives close enough for us to walk?" just down the block actually. how embarrassing that Steve had to call for help when he could just have had Terry walk him home. oh well, he was too freaked out to figure out where he was.

she chuckled a little. "well, i like to be sure." she admitted with a grin, nuzzling the mark she'd left on his neck. "oh god yes." she moaned, rocking her hips into his tongue, panting against his cock as she licked and sucked and even nibbled here and there. "Enough! fuck. enough!" she finally gasped as she felt herself getting a little too close. "up. get up. your going to fuck me." she moaned, kissing him again. "you where so good i'll even let you pick the position."
“Probably. She likes stuff. She’d like it.”Tony smiled, looking thoughtful and pleased that teh other was letting him in, close enough that he was willing to let aria see the toys. Before wincing, tilting his head. “Well, I’m horrible at it, so we’ll just listen to the other’s advice and hope they’re right.”He snickered a little before nodding. “Just a block over. But it’s okay. You were totally out of it.Aria, wanna go for a walk?” “Walk!Yes. Gabe come?”Aria demanded as she toddled to her feet, the puppy following after her as she moved over to the adults.

James smirked against her skin, looking pleased with himself as he listened to her, groaning in disappointment as she pulled away trying to keep her there, whining quietly as he looked up at her, before focusing, realizing what she was talking about, kissing her back as he groaned, shifting as he thought. “Hmmm...”he hummed thinking about it, there was just so many that he’d thought about with her. “okay, here we go.”he growled nudging her around to her hands and knees, drapping himself across her back, completely covering her, claiming every bit of her for himself as he slid himself into her, groaning as he rocked into her.
he grinned a little and nodded. "yeah, we'll just do what James and Natasha tell us to do." he agreed with a chuckle. "huh. well..." he shrugged. "at least i can say i made a friend right?" he asked hopefully. "i don't have many of those, and he really was really nice." he admitted before smiling as Aria got excited. "of course Gabbie is coming, but Kitten has to stay inside, Kitty's don't like going on walks." he admitted, fetching the halter and getting Gabriel set up and let Aria handle the leash. Gabriel was already super well trained from the pet store folks so he knew not to take off or anything. Steve was more than happy to hold Aria's hand as Tony led the way, chuckling at the sight of an actual house. "oh!" Terry was more than a little surprised to see them but he beamed anyway. "come on in! how are you feeling Darling? any better?" "much better, yeah, i wanted to bring your blanket back." "oh it's no problem, i'm just glad your Tony was able to help you." Steve went quite red at the way the other had phrased that. "uh. yeah he was great. this is Tony by the way and his daughter Aria and Gabriel." "oh aren't you a little Angel!" Terry chirped at her, grinning. "would the little Angel like a slice of apple cake?" "....you have apple cake?" Steve asked, eyes lighting up. "yes i do Darling, would you like a slice? right out of the oven." "well... i wouldn't want to be rude..." "nonsense! come inside and make yourself at home and have some cake." Terry offered with a bright grin.

"good choice." she moaned as he positioned her, shuddering against him as he slid inside her, mewling eagerly. god it had been way too long and h fit inside her just the way she liked. it wasn't long before she was shuddering wildly as she came, coming completely undone under him, gasping and moaning and begging him to keep going, fuck her harder. telling him what a good job he was doing, how glad she was that she'd given in, how she was never going to let him go.
“Yea, that sounds good.”he agreed before smiling, “Yea, you did. Probably a good thing to. We could always use more friends.”Tony said smiling a little before looking at aria, amused as he watched the two, his heart hurting as he watched the three, they were so adorable. Smiling as he walked with them, amused that aria had demanded to hold steve’s hand and the leash, trying not to be jealous that apparently he’d been replaced by her new favoritest person. “Hello.”Tony smiled a little as they stepped inside, looking amused as gabriel moved around exploring. “It’s washed and everything, didn’t want to give it back since the cat and dog sorta decided it was theirs while it was there.”tony snickered a little blushing himself at the idea of being steve’s, ducking his head a little before smiling. “Hi!”Aria chirped looking up, eyes widening as she tugged at tony’s pants. “Papa, cake?” “of course, just a small one Aria.”tony promised amused as they headed inside.

James growled, teeth sinking into her shoulder, holding onto her as he came, worrying it like a dog with a bone to make sure she was equally marked as he was, groaning as he slumped down onto her. Groaning as he slid out of her, cuddling close, holding her close as he blinked, sleepily content.
Steve chuckled a little and nodded. "yeah. i like friends." he admitted with a smile before chuckling as he held Aria's hand. "hello." Terry greeted Tony, happy and amused. "he's bathroom trained right?" "yes." Steve promised with a smile. "i don't mind dog and cat fur." Terry promised. "but it was really nice of you to wash it, thank you." he admitted before grinning at Aria and cutting up the cake. "so your feeling better?" "yeah. much better. sorry about freaking out on you like that." "it's not a problem. it was your first time right? you should have that with someone you love and trust." "...yeah but that total count is Two and one is straight and the other literally just lost his long term girlfriend..." "ouch. that must be terrible. well, when the time is right." Terry admitted, munching on his apple cake. "so, uhm..." "what do you two do for a living?" Terry asked with a grin. "oh. uhm. i'm with the FBI right now, but i plan on retiring and joining Tony's private investigation... thing. i don't actually know what it is." he admitted, blinking at Tony. "what exactly is the Precinct classified as?"

she cried out, cumming again as he sank his teeth into her, mewling eagerly as she was owned, shaking her head a little. "oh god why did it take me so long?" she wondered, panting next to him. "that was perfect." she mumbled, snuggled into him and smiling. "thanks." she murmured. "that was wonderful. your so sweet."
“You’re welcome.”Tony smiled a little looking amused as aria happily started eating, though making sure she didn’t try to share with gabriel. Glancing at Steve he looked the other over, makign sure he was okay, mostly paying attention to aria before startling, frowning a little as he looked bemused. “You’ve thought about sleeping with James?”He asked curious, totally missing the second half of that, before snickering at steve’s words. “It’s state police, though we work country wide sometimes.”Tony said smiling a little.

James whined softly, squirming a little resting his head on teh other’s chest, huffing a little. “I dunno, I’ve been trying to win you over forever.”he whined a little before snorting, looking amused. “Don’t think I’ve ever been called sweet when I’ve fucked someone’s brains out.”he said thoughtfully.
"well, yeah. of course i have. he's been my best friend since we where eight." he admitted with a smile. "i had the biggest crush on him, but he's very straight." he admitted. "if he offered, i probobly wouldn't say no, but it's very, very doubtful he would ever offer. it would be like if you thought Johnny was straight i bet." he admitted to Tony before nodding. "yeah. i'm going to retire and do that. what about you?" "oh. i'm a school teacher actually." Terry admitted sheepishly. "third grade music, and i tutor a lot. mostly piano, some violin and occasionally the Flute which seams to be the only thing that kids are actually interested in." he admitted. "well, aside from guitar and drums but i don't teach those." he admitted. "but you do play?" "sure. sometimes, not very well though, i prefer the violin and the piano." Terry admitted with a chuckle. "you teach music? that's really cool." "it's mostly simple things, considering that they're third graders." he admitted. "but yeah, mostly recorder and if a kid is really interested i teach more." he admitted with a smile. "it's really fun. it must be interesting, solving crimes?" he asked, his head tilted, Steve wincing. "more... heartbreaking." "oh. i'm sorry."

she snorted. "i wasn't emotionally prepared for a lover." she admitted. "considering what happened to my last one." she admitted. there had been rumors that she'd had to kill him because he'd turned out to be a terrorist intent on slaughtering the people she was protecting but no one had ever confirmed the rumors. "not about that you dick. i meant about before. with the bath and the cookies and the nap." she admitted.
“...that’s awesome. I’d totally sleep with him, if I didn’t think he’d try feeding me my dick after he ripped it off if I offered.”Tony snickered a little, looking amused at the idea. “Probably.”He agreed before looking interested, glancing at aria, “Well, I’ll keep that in mind. For later. She’s to young now, but she’d be good with music. Right?”Tony said looking at steve, that slight hesitant look on his face, because this was the first time he realized that he was going to be utterly in charge now. While he’d been aware of pepper being gone, and miss her, the idea of teaching aria something, of the future, it was the first time he really realized that he was in charge of everything. “...Yea. Usually it’s interesting...but...this case...is getting to us.”Tony shuddered a little.

“Ah. Well.”James frowned looking worried and upset as he nuzzled her, “You okay?”He muttered, worried about this, worried he’d messed up and gotten involved to early. Whining quietly as he pressed a kiss to her forehead, smiling a little. “Oh. Well. Uh. You’re welcome.”he said blushing brightly as she called attention to the fact that he was just so cutely sweet. It was definitely not something he normally showed others
Steve grinned. "yeah, i'm pretty sure he'd do that. well. if he could get to you before Natasha anyway." he admitted with a snicker. "i have a feeling she'd finally given in." he admitted with a smile before grinning at Aria. "oh it's never too early to get them interested in music." Terry admitted. "so like, play music with her?" "sure. or lt her bang on pots and pans, dance to music with her, anything fun really." he admitted with a smile. "some kids just like music and some don't. if she doesn't show an interest then you shouldn't sign her up for lessons. kids who are forced to do music tend to hate it later." he admitted. "same with dance and stuff." he admitted before looking sympathetic. "do you need more cake?" he asked, hoping to make Tony feel better. "Coffee? Cocoa maybe?"

"i'm fine." she promised. "i was over it a long time ago, it just sort of ruined the idea of relationships for me." she admitted. "i think you brought that trust back." she admitted, smiling as he kissed her forehead. "don't worry. i won't tell." she promised with a chuckle. "wouldn't want to ruin your reputation." she teased with a smile, snuggling into him with a sigh. "i'm hungry though..."
"Probably. And most likely, considering they haven't shown up here yet. Or at least called today."tony shrugged looking amused, frowning a little as he thought about it before nodding. Overwhelmed at the idea of having aria around all the time. While he'd always wanted it, him and pepper hadn't been able to do it, so the random schedule and sharing he'd had had been perfect for two people who loved each other, but really couldn't be a couple. Not in the normal sense. The fact that aria was going to be around, his responsibility forever now scared him."okay...yea. she bangs the pots sometimes, or babble at the tv songs..."tony said looking thoughtful before nodding."okay no forcing. We'll see."he muttered before shaking his head."no I'm good."

"kh. Good."james said blushing a little as he pressed a kiss to her hair, snorting."you could tell thrm. They wouldn't believe you."he snickered a little looking amused, yawning a little before smiling."I'll get food. What do you want?"he said sitting up, looking down at her.
he nodded. "yeah exactly. i'm pretty sure they've been fornicating all morning." Terry snorted at that, setting a hand over his mouth so he wouldn't actually laugh. "really?" "well she's already picked up the word.... er, the other one that means the same thing once, i figured i'd better not take any chances." that actually made Terry laugh. "try playing bouncy songs." he offered with a smile. "fun songs that repeat a lot. Barney is full of good ones." he admitted Steve groaning in horror at the word barney. "no. none of that in my house. she can watch My Little Pony and Little Einsteins like a well adjusted child." "those are good too." Terry agreed, looking very amused before smiling at Tony. "alright then." he paused as his clock chimed. "sorry. i have to go." Terry admitted. "it is Tuesday after all." he admitted with a smile. "thanks for the cake then." Steve agreed with a smile. "give me a call sometime?" he offered, writing his number down on a piece of paper. "sure will. maybe we could all go out and have a few drinks sometime?" Terry offered. "i'd love to meet this sexy James you talked about." that made Steve laugh and he nodded. "i'll make sure you get to." he promised with a grin. "come on Angel Eyes." he said, nudging Aria. "let's go home and play on the TV yeah?"

"Steve would believe me." she teased. yes he would. Steve knew all too well how sweet and kind James could be. "i don't know. don't care rather." she admitted. "just order something. Pizza or Chinese. i want more snuggles."
“Hmm, probably.”Tony agreed snickering a little before nodding. “She has a bad habit of cop-” “Forn!” “-ying us.”Tony finished shaking his head a little at aria’s happy cry. “Okay, fun songs. We can do that....and no. Barney is just annoying. We’ll watch my little ponies, that’s tolerable.” “Ponies!Want ponies.”Aria giggled happily. “Sorry to keep you. We’ll go.”Tony promised before nodding, “Yes we’ll have to go out. It’ll be fun.”Tony grinned amused at aria’s giggling happy to be going somewhere. “out.”Aria giggled happily already heading for the door with the puppy, holding tightly to steve’s hand as they left.

“No, he wouldn’t. He’d think you’re high.”James said whining a little, looking amused a little before nodding. “Pizza then.”he said already calling before settling down to rest after he hung up. “About a half hour it’ll be here.”he said pressing a kiss to her head. “So, how long do you think steve and tony’ll just let things go like this?”
Terry couldn't help it, he cracked up. "oh, that was brilliant." he admitted with a laugh. "a lot of people are annoyed by Barney." he admitted with a chuckle, smiling a little. "okay Angel Ees, we'll go watch the ponies." Steve promised. he'd DVR'd dozens of My Little Pony episodes and other informational cartoons. "oh, you didn't keep me." he promised. "i still have a half an hour and school is only ten minutes from here." he admitted with a smile. "so i'm fine." he promised. "you'll have to come back sometime." he offered with a grin, waving to them as they separated ways.

"oh i'm pretty sure that he'd believe me." she admitted with a smirk before nodding. "pepperoni, green olive and banana peppers." she ordered him to order for her. "a large. i love cold pizza for breakfast." she admitted with a smile. "hmm. i dunno. depends on how long Steve waits before testing his new found sexuality." she admitted. "he'll probobly panic and Tony will pick up on that and it won't be long before Steve admits that he wants to fuck Tony."
“It is.”Tony agreed loking amused before snorting amused. “Yay! Ponies!” “Yes, we’ll watch the ponies when we get home.”Tony smiled a little as they said goodbye to terry, heading for the door. Lagging behind a little as he watched the three of them, pausing to take a picture of the two before heading after them. “You know, this whole...thing is sorta weird.”Tony said looking vaguely upset and disturbed. Now that he was thinking about it, he was starting to freka out a bit.

“Hmm, no. Doubt it.”James snickered a little as he nodded ordering even if he looked a little freaked out at the idea of the other having pizza for breakfast. That was just weird. Leaning over for a kiss he smiled a little, thinking about it. “Hmmm, I think Tony’ll probably panic first. I mean, from what I understand, he’s not really had relationships right?Besides pepper and Johnny?”
Steve paused and smiled at the sound of the picture being taken and looked up at Tony. "yeah. it kind of is." he agreed. "but it's a good kind of weird." he admitted. "your a great dad." he admitted, smiling at Tony as he flicked Ponies onto the Tv, making sure she was settled before he sat next to Tony. "do you need me to call Sam?" Steve asked, his head tilted a little. "you look like, seconds away from a panic attack." he admitted.

"don't look so freaked out, Pizza for breakfast is a perfectly acceptable habit." she huffed, smiling a little. "Twenty bucks Steve makes the first move." she bet, smiling at him. "but no, he's never really had a relationship aside from Pepper and Johnny. he's too..." she considered how to phrase it and then. "focused, for most people. focused on work, focused on the people he loves. he comes across as stalker like to some people and that puts them off." she admitted, smiling a little. "everyone on his team has gotten a good dose of it, and we're well used to it but then, we're all pretty focused ourselves so it doesn't bother us so much."
"Yea it is. Good."he agreed smiling a little before frowning a little as aria settled in to watch the show as he settled on the couch with steve."no...I'm okay. Just...I never considered a world where I'd be doing this without pepper....I mean...if one of us died, I always figured it'd be me."

"No, no it really isnt. It's weird and gross."james said making a face before snorting looking thoughtful."yea it'll be steve. As blunt as tony can be, I doubt he'd make the first move fearing to offend steve, even if he knows he likes guys....and if he's been told he's a stalker, he'll try even harder to not be weird. Even if it's completely normal. If a little focused."james looked amused.stealing a kiss he smirked."I doubt there's little tony could ever do that'd weird his team out, really."
he nodded. "i know what you mean. Peggy... i always 'knew' i was going to die before her, so i had the best life insurance policy i could afford, and i had my will updated and everything. and then i came home and she was gone and..." he shook his head. "i never really settled down after that, but i'm starting to. it really helps, having a support system. James was great, he's the best really but... for me, he wasn't enough." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "you have a great support system. Loki and Fitz and Natasha and Phil and Sam and Bruce. don't be afraid to call on that support if you need it."

"it's not gross!" she protested. "i should smack you!" she complained, sulking before chuckling a little. "that's true." she admitted. "and no, Tony's never actually been told, at least i don't think he has." she admitted. "oh.... there's been a few things." she admitted. "walking in on him naked in his office and covering himself in melted peanut butter cups was a bit.... weird." she admitted. "and there was that time he brought the goat in for a cavity search. granted, it actually had evidence up it's rectum, but it was still really weird."
“Yes...me to.”Tony agreed swallowing hard, shuddering a little before smiling at the other. “James was great. Good. Just not enough. Now you do.”He said looking pleased to be included in on the other’s support system before biting his lip, thinking about it before nodding slightly. “I’ll ask for help.”he promised.

“It is gross, and only if you mean it as foreplay.”James smirked looking at the other, before looking amused. “Well, at least no one’s ever said it out loud.”he looked amused laying on his side, before frowning. Wondering if she was jerking his chain. “....Peanut butter?”
Steve smiled a little. "he was great. he just couldn't... help." he admitted, shaking his head a little. "honestly i think the person whose helped me the most is Aria." he admitted, smiling at the little girl. "i thought it would hurt, having a child around but... she makes everything so much better...." he grinned at Tony. "you come a very close second followed by Gabriel." he teased with a grin before his smile softened. "i'm really glad you moved in here... not just because i feel better, but so you won't be alone." he admitted, smiling at him. "now.... i'm really hungry. apple cake is great but i was hoping you could help me learn how to cook?"

''uh... well, i don't much like smacking but i'm cool with spanking or a strapping." she admitted. "i don't care to slap people in the face unless i hate them." she admitted. "so it's unlikely i'll actually slap you." she paused. "i might punch you in the arm." she admitted with a chuckle before shaking her head. "no. peanut butter cups. you know, Rease's? i never actually got an explanation for that but honestly speaking i think he and Pepper where... experimenting with some... extra curricular activities." she admitted with a chuckle.
“Yes, I can see that.”He smiled a little before looking down at aria, “You’re good for her to. She’s distracted enough that she hasn’t even asked for Pepper.”he muttered before smirking, “I guess I can settle for second, since it’s aria.”he said before frowning, twitching a little. “Never really alone, but I’m glad I moved in to.”He agreed before laughing. “Yea, come on. I’ll teach you.”he promised heading for the kitchen.

“Ahhh, okay. I’ll remember that.”He smiled at her, relaxing at the idea that he wouldn’t be slapped before smiling. “I can deal with a punch.”he agreed before thinking that over, shaking his head. “You know, I think I’m glad you don’t have a explanation for that, that’s just weird.”he snickered a little.
"yeah. i don't think she really understands though." he admitted. "she probobly just thinks that Pepper's gone on a business trip. she does that sometimes right? leaves Aria with you while she travels?" he asked. "it might be a while before Aria realizes somethings up." he admitted before he chuckled a little. "well, at least your not taking third right?" he asked with a smile. "great! what will we make?" he asked eagerly, smiling at Tony.

"hmm. good." she agreed with a smile. "because i punch people." she admitted with a smile before snickering and nodding. "i'm kind of glad too." she admitted before perking up at the sound of her doorbell ringing. "go get the pizza? my credit card is in my wallet on the table." she admitted, looking not at all like she was going to get up. pizza in bed sounded glorious.
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