Policed (lady/moon)

Natasha snorted. "i got laid last year." Natasha said, shrugging. "it was lackluster and not worth my time." she admitted with a chuckle. "i doubt James would be any better." she admitted. "i'm gonna do evil things to you Stark!" she called after him even if she was smiling a little, heading for work while Steve chuckled and cleaned up the mess from breakfast.

"yes." Johnny admitted. "i don't think Pepper even knew." he admitted softly. "the DNA report came back too. it was Tony's." he admitted. "not that i doubted it, but it's important for the report." he admitted, his lips tightening. "as you know, Hammer is trying to pin all of this on Tony." he admitted. "we've started an investigation into him and we've uncovered several... disturbing things." he admitted. "as of now, you no longer answer to Justine Hammer." he admitted. "however, it is important that you continue to act as if he is your superior officer. should he learn that he is being investigated he will act to cover up everything he can." he admitted. "i'll be talking to Tony later to see if he's comfortable with admitting that he is Aria's father by blood and knew it all along to help disabuse some of the filthy rumors." he admitted, watching James. "i want to know if your comfortable, going behind your bosses back, possibly even having your boss arrested and put in jail for the rest of his life." Johnny admitted, studying James face. "this has all the markers of going very deep." he admitted. "it might not end with Hammer, it might even go as deep as senators and heads of state." he admitted. "i need to know your willing to go that far."
“I’m sure he’d be very devoted to trying to be better.”Tony snickered amused, and just a little bit afraid of natasha as they settled in to play. Definitely teasing natasha was one of his favorite pastimes. Soon enough both father and daughter looked ready for a nap, not that either looked ready to lay down and take one yet.

“Dammit.”James cursed softly, before nodding. “I didn’t doubt it to. If there was one thing Pepper was, it’s loyal. But I don’t doubt someone will try to make it seem like it was a jealous rage.”James sighed wincing a little, even as he checked his phone, indeed he had more messages waiting for him. “I know. He wont stop calling me long enough for me to actually get any sleep. I only got some last night cause steve had my phone, and I stayed at Natasha’s.”he sighed staring down, frowning. “...I don’t doubt he’s covered up things before. Steve was going to look into one of the other cases we worked for him. You might reach out to him.”James said biting his lip, thinking about it. Not because he didn’t want to take justin hammer down, but he was afraid of dragging his partner and the others into the line of fire with him. “I can do that. I’ve always disliked the bastard, just could never pin anything on him.....if there’s a deeper conspiracy, it needs to be exposed. It’s just....I don’t know what I’ll do if I get steve or tony, or aria....natasha....hurt because of it.”James said looking pale and shaken at the idea, but determined, knowing it had to be done anyways.
"i know. Steve brought the issue to Fury and that's why there's an investigation. we may need to take custody of your phone at the end. and check your email here and there. we won't look at anything save what Hammer sends you." he paused and then. "you might consider saving that phone and getting a second one. leave this one for hammer and tell friends and family and people you actually want to hear from on the second." he suggested. "Steve is running point on the investigation and is answering strictly to Fury." he admitted. "as for Tony and the others, they've never willingly worked with Hammer before." he admitted. "there's little chance of them being burned, the worst that will happen is their pasts will come out a little more prominent but none of them are actually hiding anything." he admitted. "except Fitz but no ones going to blame him for keeping it a secret." he admitted, smiling at him. "your winning." he teased James with a grin. "Natasha's got her past, but she likes you." he admitted with a smile. "she'll give in eventually." might as well give James the hope he needed, though, Johnny didn't know Natasha had already done that herself by giving James a key.
“I know, but I worry about him, and talking makes it easier to figure things out. Fury tells me I’m his talker, since even when it’s obvious stuff, I’m usually still saying it out loud, since it only makes sense then.”Yep, James could babble nearly as much as tony, especially when he was running low on sleep. “....I think I’ll do that. It’d make it easier.”James said thinking about it before thinking about it, “....What did tony do? I mean, I’m not blaming this on him, but ever since I’ve known him, Hammer’s had a hard on for Tony...is it just jealousy or did something happen?”He asked because he wanted to know before relaxing, nodding a little. “true. Okay we’ll be okay then.”he muttered before blushing a little, smiling. “I know. She gave me a key. When I need to get some sleep. To stay at her place.”He said sounding happy and eager as he looked out the office window at natasha and clint as they worke.
he nodded. "i worry too." he admitted before smiling a little. "Tony's a talker too." he admitted. "Tony babbles though, more often then not it's nonsense." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'm sure it would be a lot easier on your sleep." he admitted with a smile before frowning. "i don't think it was anything Tony did personally." he admitted. "Tony was always the best. or at least, better than Hammer. he was younger, smarter, better at what he did and Hammer was a schmooze who thought the top spot should belong to him because 'the world owed him'. he didn't want to work hard for the position, he just expected to be handed it because until Tony showed up, Hammer was the best for the task unfortunately, so when Tony showed up and was actually qualified for the position and was much younger than Hammer, he took it personally. there might be other things too that i don't know about but i think that's the gist of it." he admitted. "Tony's always had what Hammer wanted. and Tony was better at it, worked harder for it and actually deserved it." he paused, looking startled. "she gave you a key? Clint doesn't even have a Key." he admitted, looking over at Natasha who was scowling as she gestured to some bit of paperwork she was working on with Clint.
"I babble, though I usually make sense alot."james said sounding amused before frowning. Sighing slightly as he considered that."damn....tony is really young. Never considered that someone would take offense at it."james said frowning slightly as he considered that. Hammer was just a idiot."tony's way better then hammer even on a bad day."he said before blushing bright, nodding slightly."yea, I have a key."he said looking happy with the knowledge he was special about getting a key
"when Ton babbles no one understands him." Johnny admitted with a smile before nodding. "Tony steps on toes too. that's what he does. he's stepped on a lot of politicians toes, senators and governors. many of whom are connected to Hammer in some manner so that might have a lot to do with it too." Johnny admitted. "Tony is better than half the damn world. why do you think he has such a collection of the best? people like Tony, they gravitate towards him because he doesn't use them like Hammer and Fury do. is Fury a good man? of course he is. but he uses people and their talents, Tony offers people a chance to use their talents for themselves and to help others, instead of using them himself." Johnny admitted with a smile. "well. it won't be long i'd imagine then." he admitted with a smile. "she and Pepper where really close." he admitted. "try not to take advantage of her okay? i know you wouldn't mean to of course but Phil and Clint are extremely overprotective of her."
“Yea, he does that. But watching him for this long, I’ve realized he doesn’t really mean to. He just sorta rubs a certain sort of person the wrong way.”James said sighing quietly before thinking it over, nodding. “Yes. You’re right. He could have made me and steve do cases and work here, but for the most part, he’s simply let us do what we wanted.”James said thoughtfully, before nodding. “I wont. I’m gonna take care of her.”He smiled a little before stretching, getting up. “I better get to work.”He said sighing softly.

“Steve?”Aria looked over the edge of the couch, leaning against the man’s legs, looking up at him with wide eyes, “papa sleeping?Wake?”She asked leaning over to pat tony’s cheek as the man laid on the floor, looking upset that the man had fallen asleep in the middle of watching lion king. The exhaustion of the last few days starting to catch up with him.
"Tony doesn't mean to do a lot of things that some people find insulting, annoying or just plain rude." Johnny admitted with a chuckle. "but that's okay because Tony's Tony and we love him even if other people don't." he admitted with a smile before grinning. "he wanted you and Steve to find the place you fit in. it was the same with all of them. they joined, floundered for a week and then settled intot he part that they excelled at the most." he admitted. "i'm not technically part of Tony's team of course, but i still fit in here. you and Steve, now that your not digging in your heals, you'll find a great place here too." he promised with a smile. "if you need help James, don't be afraid to come get me." Johnny ordered. "i'm not under Fury's jurisdiction, but that doesn't mean i can't lend a hand."

"Hey Angel Eyes." Steve said, smiling at Aria. "no. don't wake Papa. papa's very tired. shhh." he explained, pressing his finger to his lips. "we'll tuck him into bed after the movie, hows that sound?" he offered her with a smile, settling her onto his lap and kissing the top of her head. once the movie was done he gathered Tony into his arms and told Aria to go pull Tony's bed sheets down and then let her help him pull them back up over Tony before he gently tucked her in as well, reading her a beddy bye time story and sang the only lullaby he knew to her until she was asleep before gently leaving the room, making sure the nightlight was on.
“I can see that. It’s quite endearing really.”James snickered a little before looking thoughtful. Nodding slowly. “You know, I wouldn’t mind staying here. The city’s home. And the team’s good. Might consider retiring from federal....”He said sounding thoughtful and amused before nodding. “I’ll ask for help, if only because I do want to get some sleep, and solving this thing will help that.”He snickered a little.

“...kay.”Aria muttered whining a little as she cuddled into his lap, sighing quietly as she snuggled into his lap.

It was nearly midnight that a choked scream sounded from tony’s room, followed by the thump of tony getting tangled up in his sheets, stumblig to his feet as he went to make sure aria was fine, before stumblign into steve’s room, giving the man that sleepy glare. “You put me to bed.”He growled sounding upset and scared, having freaked himself out badly it was going to take him a bit to calm down.
"Tony would be glad to have you." Johnny admitted with a smile. "as much as he didn't like you, he respects your skills." he admitted. "and he likes you well enough now." he admitted with a chuckle. "i've been working on the case where i can, but i'm trying to find a way to keep Hammer busy for a while." he admitted. "i think i might have found a way." he admitted with a smirk. "an investigation into who leaked classified information to the press involving Tony's case will get him good and hopping." he admitted. "we'll have Steve report that he's looking into the leak and that he thinks it was someone from my team. that will keep Hammer happy and complacent while we dig into his filthy laundry and hopefully, keep him distracted so he stops harassing you."

Steve blinked, stirring awake at the sound of the almost scream and the thud. was that Aria? had she fallen out of bed? no, too loud for that, Tony then? had to be. or where they being robbed? they better freaking not be. he paid good money to live in a place that had such high security. "eh?" he asked, blinking at Tony. "sorry? was i not supposed to have?" he asked, confused. he was sitting up in bed, his chest naked, muscles even more evident in the moonlight and the blankets slung low over his hips, giving the impression that he was naked. he wasn't, but it looked like he was. "Aria helped." Steve admitted. "she even read you a bed time story.... sorta." well. she'd flipped the pages and made up a story but it still counted.
“He does. Though he likes Steve better.”James snickered a little before noding. “Good. I can work the case, just get Hammer off my back for awhile. That’d be great.”

Tony rubbed his eyes sighing quietly. “No...I mean. You can. You just....I thought aria was gone...didn’t know where I was...”Tony said frowning a little swallowing thickly as he stared at the man in the bed, swallowing thickly as he resisted the urge to see if he was naked. Snorting a tired laugh he smiled. “I’m sure she did.”he said looking amused calming, sighing quietly. “Just wake me up next time.... Ithought everyone was gone when I woke up alone...”
"oh. oh shit, Tony i'm so sorry." Steve said, looking so heartbroken and horrified that he'd hurt Tony like that. "are you okay now? do you need me to go make something? i can make a mean microwaved Hot Cocoa." he admitted, flinging his blankets back, revealing that he was wearing briefs. boxer briefs that clung to his ass perfectly and was dotted with Legend of Zelda pictures. he was such a nerd. "i'll make sure to wake you up next time. i swear." he promised.
“Don’t look so upset. It was okay. Once I figured out what room I was in, I realized you’d put us both to bed. It’s okay.”Tony said looking upset before nodding though at the request, because he might be doing okay, but he wouldn’t pass up hot chocolate. “Hot cocoa sounds good.”he said eyes widening as he looked at the boxers, snickering a little as he shuffled after the other, staring at his ass. “You have tiny little links on your boxers. That’s adorable.”He teased.
"he sighed a little. "i still freaked you out." he admitted, shaking his head a little. "i didn't even think about it. you where so tired." he admitted before smiling a little. "hot cocoa it is." he agreed, heading for the Kitchen before blinking down at his underwear and then looked at Tony. "m sleep pants where dirty." he admitted. "besides, there's the triforce, a couple of rupees, the master sword, Zelda and Navi on here too." he admitted, pointing to each little figure. "now stop checking out my ass. i've only just found out i'm gay you know, it still makes me feel weird." he admitted as he dug in his cupboards for the Italian02 hot Cocoa he always had on hand and pulled out the heavy cream and set about microwaving the childhood favorite into a hot frothy cocoa for the two of them. he paused long enough to check that Aria was still sleeping before leaving the door cracked so they would hear if she needed them and mixed the cream and cocoa powder together and handed a cup to Tony with a smile.
“Yea.”Tony muttered, sighing quietly calmer now. Easier with the knowledge that he was at home, and that aria was safe and hadn’t been taken. And he would have handled it better if he hadn’t been so utterly exhausted. “I was. Still fairly tired really. Cocoa will put me to sleep hopefully.”he said smiling a little as he sat at the table, snickering a little. “Well, if you’d stop pointing at your ass, I’d stop checking it out. And I can’t help it, it’s a nice ass. I’m comparing it to Storm’s, I think I’m going to have to tell him I’ve found a better shaped ass then his. He’ll be so disappointed.”Tony said sounding amused and brushing off the fact that he was so utterly attracted to the other, not wanting to freak him out, so playing it off as wanting to freak johnny out. Nearly asleep on the table again by the time the cocoa was done he whined softly as he sipped it slowly, smilign quietly. “Thanks steve.”he muttered.
"good. cocoa puts me to sleep too." he admitted with a smile at Tony. "i'm not pointing at my ass, i'm pointing out my underwear. it's amazing. i have Mario, and Sonic, and Elderscrolls, Fable, Fallout, a couple of Disney ones, a Garfield. i like Garfield." he admitted. "i have all kinds." he admitted with a smirk. "the longer you live with me the more of them you'll probobly get to see. i never remember to put on pants before leaving the bedroom." he admitted before pausing. "maybe that's wh the woman from 404 always knocks on my door at seven in the morning asking me if i've seen her cat?" he muttered before realizing what Tony had said and went bright red. Tony thought he had a nice ass? "Storm will never forgive me." he agreed with a chuckle. really wishing Tony had said it just to get a reaction out of him, oh well. he supposed if he had a choice between himself and Storm he'd pick Storm too. well... maybe not, that was kind of creepy. "No problem Tony." Steve said with a smile at him. "go back to bed okay?" he asked with a chuckle. you need the sleep."
Tony yawned a little before snickering a little."you are such a geek, steve."she teased looking amused as she considered the other. Looking quiet and content, sleepy."hmmm. Probably. I mean, I'd totally ask you about a cat if you'd answer the door half dressed."tony snickered a little at the idea. Smiling auietly, pleas ed that the other hadn't made to much of his comment, at leat the other wouldn't realize he was hard and needy at the idea of watching the other."no he wouldnt. It'd be amusing really."he said before sighing softly."no...I'm okay....visiting with you..."he muttered sleepilg, nearly asleep in his cocoa
"i am not!.... okay maybe a little." he admitted with a chuckle. "i plan on showing Aria Harvest Moon tomorrow." he admitted with a grin. "i think she'll get a kick out of it." he admitted with a chuckle before snorting a little. "maybe i better start getting dressed in the mornings. for Aria's sake if nothing else." he admitted with a grin before chuckling at Tony. "we can visit when your awake. come on." he ordered, moving too fast for Tony to really protest, gathering him into his arms and carried him to bed and tucked Tony in. "go to sleep. you need to be nice and awake for Aria in the morning." he reminded the other with a chuckle, hesitating before kissing Tony's cheek and left, making sure the other was going to stay in bed before leaving to go crawl back into bed, feeling warm and content, happy that he had been able to help Tony.
“Just a little.”Tony giggled a little before snickering. “She probably will.”She agreed, before nodding. “Yes, maybe. Probably, otherwise she’ll refuse to get dressed to.”he said before whining, yelping as he was picked up. Frowning as the other settled hi min bed, blushing a little as he was kissed. Giving in and settling into sleep.

“Steve up!Papa making breakfast.”Aria said standign at the edge of the bed and patting the edge of the blanket she could see.

“....Morning Nat.”James muttered yawning as he stretched slowly, raising his head to watch her walking for the shower, smirking to himself. Wondering if she’d let him join her or not.
"hmmm. okay Ari." he mumbled. "i'm up." he mumbled, scooping her into his arm and depositing her onto the bed next to him with a sigh. "five more minutes." he mumbled, burrowing into his blankets in the hopes that she'd lay down and go back to sleep too. he really knew better, but here was hoping.

"yeah, whatever. shut up." she growled at him, looking tired, eyes red rimmed. she must have dreamed about Pepper last night to be so grouchy and tired and upset looking. still, she moved over to him and buried her face into his chest, hoping for a hug or maybe even some snuggles.
“No your not.”Aria whined a little, whining quietly as she was picked up before squirming, snuggling down into the bed, resting her head on his chest. Squirming under the blankets to curl up against his side. While she’d get moving soon enough, for the moment she was snuggly and sleepy enough to snuggle him. “You two look fairly adorable.”Tony said from the doorway, sipping his coffee with a smile.

“Hm?”James hummed startled and looking worried as he sat up to look after her better, running a hand through his short hair, tensing for a moment before relaxing, startled at the hug before wrapping a arm around her, pressing a kiss to her head. “Hey. You’re okay.”she muttered
"am. totally am." he mumbled before smiling as she settled in. good, he'd have some more time to wake up a little more. "shh. we're sleeping." he mumbled at Tony, burrowing deeper and very glad he'd thrown on sleep pants before going back to bed.

"i'm not okay." she whispered. "i can't stop dreaming about her." she admitted, sniffling a little. "she'd yell at me, you know. for being mean to you." she admitted, shaking her head. "i haven't slept in days and i'm so tired and i don't want to dream about her anymore... not like that. when she's all torn up and h-hacked to p-pieces."
“Hm, so I can see.”Tony muttered looking amused, half dressed himself, having gotten up and tugged on the sleep pants and forgone the t-shirt he normally wore, the slight pale scars across his chest not standing out as much as they once would have, but there. Moving to sit on the edge of the bed, smirking a little. “Coffee?”he said holing out a mug towards the man’s nose so he could smell it.

James sighed softly, stroking her hair. “Hm, she loved me. Told me I’d like her friends. Which, I guess I do. I assume she was talking about you guys.”He muttered sighing quietly, “I know you don’t.”he bit his lip, remembering what johnny had said, and not wanting to take advantage, but wanting to distract her to. Standing, he carried the woman towards the bathroom, effortlessly holding her like a child in one arm as he started to run a bath, digging around for some bubble bath and pouring it in. Shushing her when, or if she tried to protest, not answering otherwise as he headed back to the kitchen to find what else he was looking for. Definitely fussing over her, and somewhat ignoring that he was holding onto her, or what time of day it was as he texted both johnny and clint to tell them that they weren’t coming in for the day, or at least not for awhile. Before digging out two glasses of wine and some cookies, frowning as he realized he couldn’t carry her and the food choices. “Carry these.”He ordered handing her the cups with a smirk.
"sleepin..." Steve mumbled before his nose twitched at the smell of the coffee, groaning as he accepted it and expertly chugged it down even though he was still laying down. that was skill right there. "okay Angel Eyes." Steve groaned as he carefully sat up, making sure not to dislodge her too much as he held her in his one massive arm. "breakfast. like you said. and coffee. coffee is the lifeblood of adults you know."

she nodded. "yeah she was talking about me and Tony and the others." she mumbled. "she never introduced all of us because Tony's a dick and Steve had that thing about the mobs being evil... not that he's not wrong but he's not right either." she admitted before gasping as she was gathered into his arms. "what the hell!? put me down i'm not a child dammit!" she complained before scowling as she was shushed. she had to admit, this was really nice. and he wasn't winning dammit! "....bossy bastard." she growled even as she held onto the things wondering what the hell he was planning?
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