Policed (lady/moon)

"....I wanna do that. That was some skill there, steve."tony teased looking amused. "Lifeblood....there is no blood."aria frowned looking up at him with wide sleepy eyes as she snuggled against his chest. "It's nothing aria. Come on sleepy bones, we'll get food."tony said swallowing thickly as he headed back for the kitchen, not willing to consider what it did to him to see them together.

"Ah well, I think steve's starting to figure out not everything is as black and white as we'd like."james said smirking a little as she protested, "you are a kit at the moment, foxy lady."he teased a little."I'm gonna take care of you."he said smiling a ltitle as he let her carry the wine glasses as he took her to the bathroom settling her on the counter as he stripped down to his star wars boxer briefs, tilting his head as he turned off the bathwater."now are you going to strip yourself, or make me do it for you?"he asked stealing his glass as he sipped it slowly.
Steve chuckled a little. "it's a skill i have honed after years of practice." he admitted before smiling at her. "it's a saying. it means that Coffee is what makes adult able to adult." he admitted with a smile. "are you hungry Angel Eyes?" he asked her with a grin. "i bet you are." he admitted, kissing the top of her head. "thanks for breakfast Tony. and Coffee. mostly the Coffee." he admitted with a grin before hesitating. "hey listen, i... wanted to ask you something." he admitted as he settled Aria into her high chair/booster seat. "we're instigating Hammer." he admitted. "when it's done, i was thinking of retiring from Federal. i just. i'm so tired... if i retire, could, maybe could i join up with your team?" he asked, looking hopeful. "i don't know how much use i could be yet, but i'm sure i could be helpful somehow."

"yeah, i noticed." she admitted with a smile. "i think finding out his friend was a monster had a lot to do with that. reading Tony's file must have turned his entire world upside down and meeting Loki must have been a real shock." she admitted. "i'm going to bite you." she growled at him before scowling at him as he stripped. "your getting rather brazen. if it wasn't for the fact that i could kick your ass i'd be a bit worried right now." she admitted, stripping off her shirt. why not, she could use the physical attention.
“Ah.”Tony snickered a little. “Oh. I want coffee.”She muttered. “no, aria. We’re having waffles.”Tony said smiling a little as he watched them both, amused as aria settled into steve’s lap to eat. “You’re welcome. And hm?”He said looking up thoughtfully, before wincing a little at the mention of hammer, nodding slowly. “Yea. You can. I’m sure we can find something for you. And someone for you to work with, if James doesn’t follow you.”he said thoughtfully.

“Yea, it did. But he’s doing okay. Better with tony now.”James said smiling a little before snorting a little. “If you want. I don’t mind biting.”he said raising a eyebrow as looked at her. “Hey, I’m not getting into the bathtub fully dressed, I don’t have any other clothes. So come on, snuggle me, and I’ll read your favorite book.”James said as he stepped into the water, moving to sit down in the tub in his boxers, the book he’d snagged off her table, well worn and loved, in his hand. “Come on, get in.”
he chuckled. "sorry. coffee is bad for little kids. you have to b at least eighteen before your allowed to have Coffee." he admitted with a smile, making sure she was settled in place before he started stuffing himself and helped make sure all of Aria's food was cut up into bit sized pieces for her. "oh, i'm sure James is going to follow." he admitted. "he won't say it, but he's just as tired as i am." he admitted. "even if he isn't already thinking about it, he'll leave if only because i am." he admitted with a smile. "thanks for taking me in." he said with a grin.

"it is a lot better." she agreed with a chuckle. "good. because i like biting." she growled, sulking even if she couldn't resist giving him the tease. she blinked a little when he admitted that he intended no getting into the bath and tilted her head at him. her copy Wuthering Heights in his hands. it had belonged to her grandmother, and her mother before her. there where small notes from various female family members in the book. it was Natasha's greatest treasure and honestly she wasn't sure she wanted him touching it. she was surprised when she wasn't as annoyed by the idea as she usually felt, and was stunned to realize she trusted him with it. she hesitated, eyeing the book before settling the wine and cookies close at hand and stripped down to her underwear, even removing her bra. she didn't give a damn if he caught sight of her girls really. "you ruin that book and you'll be tortured for years, Barnes." she warned even as she settled in to relax. he'd understand when he opened it, different hand writings all over the place and a small note that read 'happy 10'th birthday' followed by Romanian lettering that was the only language her bunică understood.
“Oh. Okay.”Aria said her interest in coffee done with the knowledge she couln’t have it, smiling happily as she ate. “Ah. Probably. And with Natasha working for me, it’s really only a matter of time before he shows up.”he said snickering a little, blushing ever so slightly as he blushed. “Well, you took me in. Only seems right I return the favor.”

“....”James groane a little making a face at her teasing. Shuddering a little as he looked at the book, carefully handling it before smiling as she stripped, eyes going to her breasts, distracted by the sight for the moment to hear the threat for a moment. “You’ve been torturing me for years already, Romanov.”he pointed out as he shifted her to lean back against his chest, holding the book to the side so he could read even as he cuddled her as she ate and drank, hoping that the book, the warm water, him, that they were taking her mind off pepper.
Steve chuckled at Aria and kissed the top of her head again before smiling at Tony. "that's very true." he agreed. "i wonder if he's made any progress?" he mused. "to be honest, i was entirely selfish in asking you to move in... with you here i don't..." he stroked his arm. "i don't have the desire." he admitted. "and i'm not so lonely and sad." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "so, thanks for being here."

""I have dreamt in my life, dreams that have stayed with me ever after, and changed my ideas; they have gone through and through me, like wine through water, and altered the color of my mind. And this is one: I'm going to tell it - but take care not to smile at any part of it.”[/url]" Natasha said, quoting the book from memory with a small little smirk, leaning against him with a sigh, closing her eyes and sipping her drink and nibbling on her favorite cookie, just relaxing and feeling as if she might really love him. she knew the feeling would pass, but for now... for now she loved him and that was okay.
“Hm, well. Considering she’s letting him stay there with her, I’m sure he’s making leaps and bounds in progress.”he snickered a little before tilting his head. Considering that before nodding. “Good. You scared me that time.”he shuddered at the memory, relaxing a little. Sighing quietly, because he had no idea what he was going to do. This whole not working thing was starting to get to him.

“Goo job. You want to read?”he muttered looking amused as he settled in to read more, and by the time the water was cooling, he stirred, setting the book aside, before shifting her, gently picking her up as he dried them both off. “Come on, Nat. We’re going to go snuggle and read in bed, or maybe nap. Whatever you want, sweetheart.”
"i'm sure." he agreed with a grin and a chuckle. "yeah... i scared myself pretty good too." he admitted, stroking Aria's hair. "i haven't needed to..." he paused and then. "get high either." he admitted before he smiled at Tony. "so. since your not allowed to officially work, wanna help me out?" he offered. "technically speaking, i'm off work." he admitted. "but unofficially i'm leading the investigation into Hammer." he admitted. "i could use the help, i'm not very good at computer stuff."

"no." she grumbled, snuggling in and listening to him read. "...yeah. okay." she mumbled, half asleep and perfectly compliant in his arms. "nap." she mumbled. "stay with me? i don't want to sleep alone." she mumbled, pressing her nose against his neck and sighing because she was so tired and he was so warm and smelled so nice and made her feel so safe.
“Good. I have few rules, but drugs at work or anything that could get my team in trouble, or get them killed is out of the question.”Tony smiled a little before grinning. “Well, let’s work then. I can work the computer and figure out what’s going on.”He settled at his laptop, fiddling a little with the mouse, biting his lip. “Hey....I have a question.”He said fidgety and wondering if he really did dare to ask it.

“Nap. Let’s go.”he said smiling a little as he was snuggled, gently drying her off before sighing softly, knowing she was totally going to kill him later, but stripping them down to bare skin, sliding into bed next to her, not about to try and wake her enough to get dressed. Snuggling close and falling asleep himself.
"alright. that's easy enough." he admitted with a smile. "great. i need someone to hack into Hammers system. i'd normally get one of my underlings to do it, but i don't have any so i'm glad you know how to do it." he admitted with a smile before tilting his head at Tony. "is it a sensitive question?" he wondered. "you can ask, i won't get mad. i might not answer though." he admitted.

Natasha was awake before him, so he was lucky he woke up at all. she was sitting in the kitchen, reading her Wuthering Heights and munching on a salad when he woke up. she was wearing clothes unfortunately but she looked a lot better. "...thanks." she informed him. "although slipping into bed with me while we where both bare ass naked almost got you an ass kicking." she warned, examining him. "i'll admit. you where right." she admitted. "your not that small."
“I can do that. I think. Or if I can’t, clint’s fairly good at it. We’ll ask him, but let me try.”Tony said smiling a little as he started to work, before shaking his head...then nodding. “Well. It is...but not for you. I just....”he frowned thinking about it. “Do you think...hammer had anything to do with pepper? I mean...I know he hates me...but does he hate me that much...?”

James stumbled in, rubbing his eyes a little as he smiled sheepishly at the woman as he dressed. “You look better.And you’re welcome.”he smiled before flushing a little, smirking slightly. “Hmmm, it might have, but it was totally worth climbing in bed with you. Besides. I was tired. Nothing was going to happen.”he smiled a little before grinning. “You always assume I’m right. It’s a good habit to take up.”he teased.
"i think i'd rather keep Clint out of this. if this goes bad i can protect you from the fallout, i won't be able to protect Clint." he admitted before smiling a little at Tony, trying to encourage him before swallowing thickly. "...yes." he finally admitted. "it was very clearly not Mob... i think Hammer arranged for her murder." did Steve think Hammer capable of cold blooded murder himself? no, but he had no doubt that Hammer had done the kill order. he even had half an idea of why. it was just a matter of proving it. "i don't think it's hate. i don't think he's capable of human emotions like that." he admitted. "i think he just saw an opportunity to go up in the world and took it and doesn't give a shit that the most amazing woman i've ever known is gone because of it."

"she rolled her eyes a little. "i missed work. Clint is probobly going ape shit. i never miss work." she admitted. "i'm surprised he's not here making sure i'm not sick or something." she admitted. "i have to admit, it was nice sleeping with someone." she admitted. "providing you wear pants this time, i wouldn't be adverse to having you there again tonight." she admitted before rolling her eyes. "your incredibly vain. it's not endearing in the least." she scoffed. "and just because your not small doesn't mean your anything impressive either."
“Ah. Good point. We’ll keep clint out of this.”Tony agreed, before swallowing hard, ducking his head a little. He hadn’t wanted to consider it, but now...yes. He could see it. “Damn....and we’ll prove it. We will. I wont let him get away with taking pep from aria.”He shuddered a little smiling slightly at the sight of aria playing with her toys. It was a good sight, even if it hurt some.

“No, I called and told him we weren’t coming in, and made him promise not to show up till tomorrow.”He said grinning pleased with the knowledge that her friends were okay with him taking care of her, before smiling wider. “It was indeed nice sleeping next to someone. And okay, I think I can wear pants, at least until you decide I should take them off.”He smiled a little before making a face. “I am impressive, I’ve seen the men you hang out with. I’m the best.”He grinned at the other, huffing softly, not nearly as confident as he was pretending. “Now. Do you want to do something?It’s just now afternoon, we have a whole day to ourselves...”
"yeah that would be best." he admitted before nodding. "with Johnny and James working on the actual killer, you and i will be taking Hammer down anyway we can." he admitted before gently taking Tony's hand. "he took her away from you too." he admitted softly. "we'll do everything we can, for you and Aria both." he promised with a smile, watching Aria play with her toys, and wishing Charley was here too. it didn't hurt so bad to think about him though, so maybe it would be okay after all.

"oh..." really, she was going to have to have words with Clint. trusting James with her safety like that. it was probobly Phil's fault. never mind that she was actually safe and really just fine, that wasn't the point! "and i've seen the men i hang out with. you're not the best. Bruce is actually the biggest." she admitted. "he has a monster of a dick, probobly why he never gets laid, girls are too scared of it." she admitted with a snigger. "yes. i want you to make me hot cocoa and read to me some more. get to it slave for the day."
“Sounds good.”Tony said sounding thoughtful as he started to work, going quiet as Steve took his hand, frowning slightly as he considered him. “....Yea. But I didn’t deserve her. Didn’t love just her.”He shrugged sadly, brushing it off before smiling a little. “So...you know what would make this easier?I can do it from here, but having a crack at his computer at the office would be better. If we could pull it off.”

“....I don’t know what to say to that.”James said swallowing hard, trying not to be jealous, or ask why she knew. He knew better then to express the sentiment, even if he was feeling jealous. She’d beat his head in if he did. “Yes, mistress.”He said rolling his eyes a little even as they were blown wide, following instructions to get her her hot cocoa, brushing it off as a joke, and unwilling to tell her just how much he enjoyed being ordered around.
Steve smiled a little at him. "Pepper was fine with that and you know it. she loved you and you loved her with everything you had." he admitted. "you know, Peggy, my wife, she was a lot like you. she had a female lover on the side and i was fine with that, you know why? because she had needs that only another woman could give her." he admitted. "she loved me very much, she loved Angie too. me and Angie even got together once and a while. when Peggy wanted to watch." here Steve grinned. "she was a lot more perverted than you are, i think." he admitted. "the point is. i never thought any less of Peggy for wanting the best in life. i never felt betrayed or cheated on when she was with Angie, and Pepper wouldn't have either."

she sniggered a little. "it was after a feild mission. he sat on a cactus by accident and i had to pick barbs out of his ass and dick because he wouldn't go to the hospital." she admitted with a snigger. "it was hilarious. and more of Bruce than i ever wanted to see." she admitted with a chuckle before smirking at him. "you know. i think you enjoy that." she admitted, studying him. "i wonder how it would look. seeing you on your knees?" she wondered. "come here." she ordered. "and leave the cocoa." she was horny as hell and she was tired of pretending she didn't want him. "lose the shirt while your at it. i want to see your skin."
“....yea. She liked watching me and Johnny together sometimes.”Tony muttered biting his lip, before looking up at the other startled, tilting his head a little as he considered that. Eyes wide as he considered him. “That’s hot, really. You and a threesome.”He teased looking amused before huffing. “No way. I’m so perverted. I’m just on my best behavior, no reason to freak out my new roommate.”He said looking amused. “Yea....I guess you’re right.”He smiled a little.

“...That’s both amusing and painful to consider.”James shuddered a little before snickering. “Good. You shoul just want to see me naked.”he decided looking amused before shivering, glancing at her, blue eyes blown, “I look amazing whatever I do.”he said before shivering as he turned off the stove and moved over to her, dropping to his knees as he stripped out of his shirt, looking up at her, waiting for orders.
Steve chuckled a little. "yeah. i had threesomes." he admitted with a smile and a shake of his head. "your on your best behavior because you don't want to scare Aria." he teased with a chuckle, smiling at Tony. "now then. your request. i don't know if i can get you into his office, but i could probably arrange for someone to steal his computer." he offered. would that help?"

she chuckled a little. "i want to see plenty of people naked." she admitted with a grin before smiling when she noticed how wide his pupils where. how had she never noticed? "this explains a great deal about you James." she admitted, stroking his face. "how adorable you look. kneeling for me." she admitted, licking her lips. "have you been trained?" she wondered. he was very well behaved, was it natural or had someone shown him how? she tried not to focus too much on the bitter jealousy of the idea of him being someone elses' first. "do you have a safe word and do you have any limits?" she demanded, running her nails over his scalp.
“That’s hot.”Tony snickered a little before tilting his head, nodding a little. “Well, yea. I mean, I have to not scare either of you. You’re both kinda cutely innocent.”he teased before thinking about it, nodding. “Well, it’d probably be easier to just steal his computer. It would help.”He agreed

James shivered a little. “It does?”He said sounding curious. Groaning a little as he watched her lick her lips. “I always look adorable....and I went to a club a few times....never really found anyone I liked...watched though.”he muttered, so it was natural, though he was aware of things, and careful enough not to get himself hurt, but no, he was all hers. “....No limits, not that I can think of. Though I don’t like being choked....and Winter.”
"i'm not that innocent Tony." he scoffed. "you can have a lover over if you want to." he promised, ignoring how jealous he felt at the offer. "i'll even let you have the house for an evening and crash at James if you want." he admitted before shrugging. "just because i've never.... doesn't mean i'm that naive." he admitted with a smile before chuckling a little. "i'll have it arranged. i'll have my guy search his office too, steal anything of value. make it look as if it's just another common thievery." he admitted. "i'll have all the computers in the office stolen too. they'll get them back eventually and it'll be nice to know who else might be involved in something nasty." he admitted.

"yes it does." she admitted with a chuckle before smirking at him. "wonderful." she murmured, leaning over and pressing her lips to his, kissing him deep, dominating it. "no choking. that's easy enough." she admitted before smirking at him. "Winter." she agreed, not asking where he'd gotten the word. more often than not, a submissive Safeword was extremely personal. "your going to be my good boy now, aren't you?" she asked, smiling at him. "just mine?" she asked, stroking his face. "i don't share well you see." she admitted, chuckling a little. "if we do this, you'll be mine." she whispered. "because i don't do casual." she admitted. "i need you to say it. say you'll be mine."
Tony smirked eyeing the other. “I dunno, you look like a perfect innocent, that’s sorta tempting to corrupt.”he teased looking amused before tilting his head, biting his lip. “No...I couldn’t do that....besides. You find me sleeping with johnny weird.”he said looking thoughtful as he considered that before snickering. “yes. If we can get all the computers, I should be able to see just how many of hammer’s people are involved.”He agreed.

James groaned kissing her back, closing his eyes simply letting her dominate it, shivering a little. Whimpering quietly as he leaned into her legs, nearly sprawled across her lap, before nodding eagerly, starting to drop. “Y-yes. I want to.”He muttered whimpering quietly as he nuzzled his face against her hand, closing his eyes, simply enjoying having his mistress touching him, knowing that she’d take care of him. “Yours. Yes.”
he smiled shyly. "well. i wouldn't be entirely adverse to being corrupted." he admitted softly before smiling at him. "it's only weird because he looked exactly like me and made me feel things i'd never felt before because i didn't realize i was gay. this is your house too Tony, if you want to have sex here then do so." he admitted. "i'll see that y guy goes in and clears the place out. maybe i'll make it look like someone's trying to stop an investigation." he mused. "that'll keep Hammer distracted too." he admitted. "...maybe i should go out with Terry again..." he muttered. he really was really horny and Terry had been so sweet...

"good. she praised, smiling at him. "your so good for me." she purred, stroking his hair again scratching his scalp just so she could keep touching him. "up." she ordered. "bedroom." she commanded, nudging him to his feet and heading for the bedroom. "i can't decide what i want more." she admitted. "i'm half tempted to make you lay back and touch yourself for me, but i also really want to bury your face in my cunt and lick me until i get off." she admitted. "which do you think would be better?" she asked, teasing him a little. "maybe i'll do both?" she mused. "make you masturbate while i tease myself and then make ou get me off. that sounds nice doesn't it?"
“Good to know.”The other said looking amused before snickering slightly. “It was a little weird.”He agreed before frowning, thinking about it before nodding slowly. “Well...okay. If you’d be okay with watching aria.”He said thinking about it before snorting. “Sounds good. Hammer’ll totally freak out over that, and not figure out what we’re doing.”He agreed before looking up, swallowing hard as he considered the other, the soft growl escaping, sounding strangled at the idea of the other touching someone else. “If you want.”he agreed shrugging a little.

James purred nearly under the touch, sighing softly as he stumbled to his feet, smiling happily. Pausing as he stared at her, eyes wide as he considered that. Blushing as he studied her. “I want to please you.”He said squirming a little before shivering, nodding as he considered that. “Y-yes, that would be nice.”he agreed, flushed and squirming.
"well. more than a little." he admitted with a chuckle. "sure, i adore her." he admitted with a smile. "i bet she'd love Jame's stuffed animal collection." Steve's stuffed animal collection that he kept at James house rather. Steve collected beanie babies. he'd actually started as a kid with his mother, hunting down any beanie baby he could find for her collection which she'd started when they first came out in 1991. some of the toys he had where worth upwards of three to four thousand dollars just for being as old as they where. once his mother died, he continued to collection, hoping to pass on the collection to a child he might have had. he still collected simply because they where still coming out with new ones and he couldn't stand giving up on the collection he'd worked on nearly his entire life. some of them even had the original hand written tags. very impressive. "...did you just growl at me?"

"i know you do. just being here pleases me." she promised with a smile, stroking his cheek again before smirking. "well. get naked then. show me how you masturbate when thinking about me." she ordered, licking her lips as she settled in a chair so she could watch him as well as finger herself while he touched himself while she watched. who would have thought Nat was such a pervert?
“awesome. And of course she would. She’s a little girl, little girl’s like stuffed animals.”He said snickering a little, “Though I wouldn’t have thought James would collect.”He snickered a little before flushing brightly, ducking his head, staring down. “Uh-no. Of course not. That’d be weird.”He stuttered a little.

“Good.”James muttered relaxing a little shivering a little at the order, relaxing as he started to strip. Settling back on the bed, legs stetched out in front of him, one leg cocked to the side, wrapping a hand around himself, looking across at her. “Can’t remember the last time I did this with someone watching.”He muttered as he stroked himself, groaning as he did, hips bucking up into his hand, soon enough so lost in it that he forgot she was watching, the quiet moan of ‘natasha’ escaping as he came.
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