Policed (lady/moon)

“Ah, yes. That’s true. She’s gone a few weeks at a time before....probably doesn’t understand it...”Tony said swallowing thickly at explaining that to aria, that her mommy wasn’t coming back. Looking up at the other he snickered, “Yes, true. And I totally beat James, which is awesome.”he grinned before thinking about it, starting to look to see what to cook. “We’re going to make lasagna.”He decided.

“Thanks for the warning.”He looked amused, kissing her before heading to get the pizza. “Kay.”he smiled before returning with thte food and napkins, watching her for a long moment before climbing back into the bed with her. Settling back as he sighed, “...I guess we should get some work one today or something....”he muttered having checked his phone, and wasn’t overly surprised hammer was on the verge of having a conniption at the fact that james was mostly ignoring him.
he nodded a little. "it's going to be hard when she realizes things aren't the same as she's used to, but i think if we just explain it gently she'll be okay. we could always ask Sam." he admitted. "Sam seams to know everything." he admitted with a smile. "right?" he asked, his head tilted. "you did beat James, but that's because he's too busy humping Natasha to be of any use." he admitted with a chuckle. "i like Lasagna." he admitted with a grin. "just tell me what to do." he decided, pausing when his phone rang, smirking as he answered it. "Rogers. hey Hammer.... your firing me? oh i see, you didn't get the hint. see, when the story went on air, i was pretty sure you'd get the hint that i quit. oh yes, i already handed my resignation into Fury. no i don't know anything about the leak but i think they're investigating the Blue Crew." he admitted. "no, James is being stubborn, i highly doubt that he's giving up on this. he respected pepper, he'll work on it like a dog on a bone. oh, of course. kiss my ass." Steve stated before hanging up. "damn that feels good."

she chuckled a little and smiled as he got everything they needed. "meh, we deserve a day off. we can be productive tomorrow." she assured him before pausing when she realized her T.V. had Steve on it. "what the hell?" "Earlier last night, the world was shocked when Steve Rogers, a member of the FBI, came out with a shocking revelation about himself. the world has been shaken by the abrupt and horrific murder of Pepper Potts, one of the worlds leading business women. for weeks now, the leading suspect has been Tony Stark. new information regarding that as well, there is a large investigation undergoing who might have leaked extremely sensitive information regarding the case. current investigation is leading to someone who has current mob connections. as for Steve Rogers, he personally came out and said Tony Stark is Not, i repeat not the one who murdered Pepper Potts, as Tony was with him that night, saving his life. Rogers admitted to being suicidal depressive, and that on the night of Peppers murder he cut too deep and became frightened when he could not stop the bleeding and called Tony to come help him. whoever murdered Ms. Potts however knew of both Stark and Pott's scheduled, as if Rogers had not suffered his break, Tony would have walked right into the room for his morning breakfast with Ms. Potts and would likely have been murdered as well. specialists say that the murder was not only planned to explicit detail, but that it was highly emotional and likely the murderer held a deep grudge against Ms. Potts or someone close to her." Natasha flicked the T.V. off and looked at James. "did you know he was going to do that?"
"You know, I think I'll do that. Sam'll know what to do."she said thinking thoughtful and worried as he considered that. "Ahhh..Well I'm glad that I win over the sex fiend."he snickered amused.he said before starting to get what they needed frowning when he looked up at the phone call, staring at steve before laughing as he hung up."I'm sure that felt amazing. We'll go out for ice cream for dinner. You deserve that for telling him to shove it."

"Okay productI've tomorrow."he agreed laughing as he started to eat.eyes widening as he saw the tv report staring as he listened. Swallowing thickly as he slowly shook his head. No wonder hammer was blowing up his phone."no I didn't know he was going to. Dammit, it'd been nice if he told me, but at least this means hammers thinking were not onto hkm. This will be interesting."james said worried, wondering just what kind of hell the other two men were getting
"yeah." he agreed with a smile. "well. he's a lot less of a sex fiend than i am." he admitted with a chuckle. "it's funny though, because even though i used to have sex every week without fail, he's the one into kinky things." he admitted. "although, i wouldn't mind trying some kinky things." he admitted before smirking. "it's because they're reporting on me telling them ou where with me." he admitted. "apparently it's hot news." he admitted, rolling his eyes before snorting. "real food first, then ice-cream." he ordered with a chuckle. "besides, we... me and James i mean, already agreed. we're tired of being FBI. we where going to retire after this last case anyway." he admitted. "the fact that we have a place to go after, thanks for that by the way, just helps." he admitted with a smile.

she chuckled a little and shook her head a little. "will Steve get in trouble for this?" she asked, worried a little bit. "he was going to retire anyway but could Hammer have him arrested or something?" of course not. he might try of course, but Fury wouldn't allow it. "very interesting..." she muttered before sinking her teeth into her pizza. "we'll worry about it later. food now."
“....that’s amusing. Really. I would have never chosen him as the kinky one.”Tony snickered at the idea smiling as Aria toddled over and demanded to be picked up. Pressing a kiss to her head as he settled her on his hip he nodded, “Okay food first.”he promised letting steve help him start to the lasanga, before nodding. “I know. It’s just I worry about you two, getting in trouble for this. Even if I know it wont happen...”He sighed anxious because he worried about getting the two in trouble before nodding. “I know. It’ll be good to have you two, it’s hard finding people who fit in with the team, so having you two, is amazing.”Tony grinned.

“No, hammer might try, but Fury knows what’s going on, and what Hammer’s involved in. We’ll be protected, because I doubt hammer’ll leave it alone, even if nothing seems to be happening.”he sighed before nodding, looking amused as he started to eat. “agreed.”
"he's a natural. i'm not entirely sure what that means though." he admitted. "but he's told me he's just always been that way and that's why he acts high sometimes." he admitted. "something about bondage and submitting that i didn't understand." he admitted before grinning as he settled in to do some cooking, following Tony's instructions. "we won't get in trouble. Fury knows about it and he approved." he promised. "i'm still leading the investigation." he admitted. "until the end of this, i still work for Fury, and then i'll hand in y full resignation." he admitted before smiling a little. "i'm glad we'll be part of a team that actually cares." he admitted. "i don't know how we can actually help yet, but i'm sure we'll manage something." he admitted with a grin.

"good." she muttered, relaxed now that she knew Steve and James wouldn't be in trouble. "no, i doubt he'll let sleeping dogs lay." she agreed, shaking her head a little. "we should call him later." she admitted. "to yell at him and see how Tony's holding up."
"...oh. I see. It's a thing. I'll explain when you're older, yea?"tony teased the other man looking amused and pleased with himself for the joke before nodding."I know it just....I wordy. About you. I don't want to make things harder for any of us."he said biting his lip before smiling."well you could always be my secretary."tony decided as he put the lasagna in to cook.

"We will. If we time it right I bet we could get a invite to dinner."he said looking pleased with the idea even if he was eating still. He was such a hog. It was a good thing he exercised alot really. "And I doubt tony's doing well, but steve'll take care of him."
he blinked at Tony, his head tilted. "i'm pretty sure i'm older than you." he admitted, though, they both knew it was a lie. there was no way Steve was older than Tony. "i worry a lot too." he admitted with a smile at Tony. "this world is fucked up Tony. no matter what happens things are going to be hard when we work in this kind of lifestyle. it's worth it, doing whats right, helping people who deserve it, it's always worth it." he admitted with a smile before snorting. "you just want to see me in a skirt and heals."

"...your a hog." she teased with a chuckle. "i'm sure we could." she admitted. "yeah, i know Steve will. but i'm not sure Steve is emotionally capable right now. if the news is to be believed he did just try to kill himself, even if he didn't consciously decide." she admitted with a sigh, looking at James. "Steve is okay, right?" she asked, biting her lip a little. she hated it when she started liking new people, worrying about them was pretty draining.
“Are not. I’m nearly two years older.”Tony huffed a little before sighing, nodding a little. “I know....it’s just.... I do this because I’m good at it. Always have been....losing pepper, seems....harder to want to help others. To do what was right....”He sighed quietly before smirking. “Of course, it’d be great.”He snickered.

“I know, but tony’s food is good.”James snickered before sighing. “He’s...better then he was. He did, but Tony’s helping him. Better then I did....”He shuddered a little, hating that he’d missed something so big about his friend. “They’re good for each other.”
"no way, i'm totally older than you." he huffed with a grin before he shook his head. "you do this because your a good man and you like having your people around you and having a purpose." he corrected. "you being good at it is a great bonus, but it's not the only reason why you do it." he admitted with a smile before his stomach growled, making him blush and glare at th offending body part. "mood killer." he grumbled before nearly jumping out of his skin when his phone rang. "hello? oh, hi Natasha..." he paused and then winced. "your speaking in a funny language and i can't understand you, but from the way your yelling i'll assume your mad." he blinked a little bit and then. "i still can't understand you." he informed her with a sigh. "okay. okay, come over for dinner and you can yell at me in person."

"Tony's food is really good." she admitted. "i'll call him then." she decided, winking at him before setting her hand on his. "don't feel so bad. it's likely because he knew you so well that he kept it hidden. Tony was a relative stranger, which meant he was, emotionally speaking, a safe zone. he didn't have to worry about Tony being angry or upset or how it might affect his relationship the way he would have had to if he'd told you." she admitted. "he was safe, so Steve talked to him, because he didn't want to have to own up." she admitted. "now hush, i'm going to yell at Steve in Romanian." she admitted, dialing the number and pausing as Steve answered before yelling at him just as she said she was. "Your Damn Right i'll be there for Dinner!" she yelled before hanging up and smirking at him. "there. we now have an invite to dinner."
"Good."james grinned ple as ed with the plan before wincing a little."yea I guess. It makes sense. Still sorta annoying."james said frowning a little as he considered that before snickering."you're yelling at him?"he said snickering quietly as she did just that getting up to get ready."let's go then."

"No your totally not, babyface."tony teased before shrugging."maybe. This let's me do what I'm good at. Figuring things out."he said and it wss amazing that he was so good at finding the good qualities in others but slow to see goodness in himself.laughing T steve's stomach he turned off the stove as the timer went off."good timing. And we were having a mood?"he teased eyebrows raising as he listened in."....natasha was madat you?you sure she wasn't yellin for james or something?"he said supicious of what it was. He knew natasha, figured she was up to something
"your the baby face here. at least i can grow face hair." he admitted with a chuckle before smiling at Tony. "you really have no idea how amazing you are, do you?" he wondered, shaking his head before snorting. "we where having a mood. a serious one where i was going to make you see how awesome you where." he admitted before chuckling a little. "i think James just wants food." he admitted. "he's a glutton." he admitted with a smile. "also, she might have learned i almost tried to kind of commit suicide from the TV so that's likely to piss her off." he admitted. "we should have salad. you know. to be healthy. and because i like salad." he admitted. "
"I can grow a beard!what are you talking about?"he huffed with a whine before staring at the other."I'm not that great. You're just seeing me when I'm not at work. I'm not like this all the timr."tony made a face before laughjng."he is a glutton. For food, for punishment since he's pursuing natasha...it makes sense."he looked amused before wincing."yea...that would pissed her off."he agreed before smiling."okay a salad. You can make that I'm sure."
Steve snorted a little. "Tony. i've seen you at work." he admitted with a roll of his eyes. "i've seen you when you literally hate someone. namely, i saw you when you hated me." he admitted. "can't get much worse than that." he admitted before chuckling a little. "yeah, i think i'm going to regret making freinds for a little bit." he admitted before gathering the things to make a salad. he could actually make a salad. he was almost finished when the doorbell rang. he was surprised to find a scowling Fitz on the other side of the door and yelped when Fitz kicked him in the shin and then stalked inside to happily play with Aria, Gabriel and Kitty. Natasha had come up the stairs just in time to see the action and started laughing herself silly.
“...Yea. I guess. Still not that good. You’re judgement is being colored by Aria. I mean, I know she’s cute, and awesome, so I have to be pretty awesome to have her right?At least according to you.”He grumbled because he was so so horrible at even considering he was good. “Hmm, probably. I do on occassion anyways.”Tony snickered before his eyes widened as he saw Fitz, startled a little even as aria giggled happily at having another one of her favorite people. “Fitz?”Tony said looking over at the man. “Now that, was awesome. I think no one’s happy.”James grinned amused as they walked in, shaking his head a little.
"your judgment is being colored by the fact that... i don't know but your opinion is wrong and is therefor invalid." Steve decided with a grin. "besides, Pepper is the one who pushed out that big ass baby out of her, if anyone is amazing because of Aria it's her." he admitted. "i'm just not used to having people who care." he admitted. "in my whole life there have been four. my Ma, and i don't know if she actually counts, James, Peggy and Charley. well, i had thought Theo but... apparently he's a fucked up bastard who should be rotting in hell." he admitted."now, all of a sudden i have dozens of people calling me just to talk ad people worrying about me and it's really kind of overwhelming." he admitted before wincing as he rubbed his shin. "hi Tony." Fitz said with a grin. "Sam cleared me, my meds are working really great now." he admitted happily. "i left because Loki and Thor are... well there's a lot of red on the ground. someone tried to stage a coup." he admitted. "and i decided to come here to yell at Steve for what he did... i suppose i should have yelled then kicked him in the shin?" "that would probobly have been better." Natasha admitted, still giggling.
“Ahhh well, if you say so. I guess I am invalid.”he agreed snickering a little, rolling his eyes a little. “hmmm...that’s true. You know, pepper was totally awesome.”Tony snorted amused. “No, mother’s sorta don’t count. I mean, they sorta have to like you.”Tony snickered before wincing a little. “Yea....he was. And I’m sure he is.”He agreed before looking at fitz. “Ahhh. Good.....did you want...aria?”Tony said even if pepper had agreed to let tony have aria, leo was still her guardian to. “...What?”Tony’s head jerked up looking worried. “Are they okay?”He asked looking moments to go see them, and make sure his family was okay before snorting a little. “Yea, but kicking him was amusing.”James agreed looking amused as he followed her into the apartment.
"you are totally invalid." he agreed. "which is much better than impotent." he admitted with a nod. "she really was amazing." he admitted with a grin. "she could make both me and James cower in a corner while she handled things that would make even a seasoned serial killer cringe." he admitted. "i still don't know how she managed all those nasty bigoted sexist men on her board of directors." he admitted. "well. honestly i don't think my mother ever actually liked me." he admitted. "she did ship me off to that Camp just because she caught me masturbating." he admitted before smiling a little as he watched Fitz. "not today." Fitz admitted. "though could i stay the night? i don't want to go home with all the red on the floor." "course you can." Steve promised Fitz. "they're fine." Fitz promised, cooing at Aria. "it wasn't a very impressive coup." he admitted. "Tyr was always a moron." Tyr, the youngest brother who felt like he should have been running the gang. "Loki is wondering if it's worth handing him over to you or if it would be better to just... make him sleep." Fitz admitted. "turns out he likes to... fiddle, with kids." Fitz admitted, looking very sick. "thank goodness Aria was too young." he admitted. "he liked them around the ten to twelve year old range." "make him sleep." Steve said suddenly, startling Natasha. "with as deep as the... infestation seams to be going, we can't guarantee that someone won't sneak him out." "...uh... yeah. i'll tell Loki then...." Fitz said, staring at Steve. "...what!? he fiddles with kids! he deserves it." Steve huffed, Natasha shaking her head. "i can't tell if w've been a good, or a bad influence on him."
“Hmmm, indeed. And no one could ever accuse me of being impotent.”Tony snickered a little before grinning. “yea, she was good at that. So bossy, it was awesome. And she grew up in a women hating mob, sorta makes dealing with the legal sexist pigs easier then them.”Tony snickered a little before wincing. “that sucks. Masturbating is supposed to be fun.”He said wrinkling his nose, before relaxing at fitz’s promise. “Oh. Good....and of course. We have room.”He promised before shaking his head, “Tyr is a moron.”He muttered before flinching, tensing at the idea of tyr and kids, going tense before relaxing, even if he knew ot was wrong, he was relieved it hadn’t been aria he messed with. Looking startled at steve, he stared at the man. “....This is definitely a interesting turn.”James said though he wasn’t protesting, so he agreed. “Hmmm, definitely bad. This is sorta hot, you know?”Tony said smirking a little.
Steve sniggered. "just incontinent then?" h asked, smirking. "i know your not inept." he admitted with a snicker before smiling a little. "yeah, she was really amazing, she really was." he admitted before nodding. "i never thought of it like that before." he admitted. "i always forget she grew up in the mob..." he frowned a little. "probobly because i never knew." he admitted. "not until i realized Loki raised her. and you apparently. he's barely older than you though so how did he ever manage that?" he wondered. "i wouldn't know. other than the first attempt i've never done it. when i get horny i go out and get laid..." he paused. "well, that's what i used to do." he admitted. "i don't think i'm actually ready to sleep with a man and i'm sick of trying to sleep with women." he admitted. "Thanks. and can i have Aria maybe once a week?" he asked hopefully. "the exact days can be hashed out, but i'd like to still be a part of her life." Fitz admitted with a smile as he braided her hair. since that was what he normally did with pepper, so pepper could have one night a week free of work and a toddler to pamper herself, it wasn't an unusual request. "hot?" Steve asked, looking startled before smirking. "your only saying that because you like the way my ass looks in these pants."
“....hey!Stop it.”Tony huffed sulking as he looked at the other, before smiling. “Yea. She was. And we never told anyone, people only knew I did because my parents died so utterly violently. Hers didn’t.”he shrugged before smiling slightly. “he’s a few years older, and he did because Odin didn’t give a shit what I did, as long as I handed over everything, which I was glad to do since I didn’t want anything. Loki and thor.....they raised me like a little brother, gave me....the attention and direction I needed. I wouldn’t have ended up where I am, if they hadn’t been the people I wanted to be near, to listen to.”She smiled a little before smiling a little. “Of course. I don’t want to try and take her away, fitz.”Tony muttered looking upset that the other would think he’d want to. He wouldn’t, he was just afraid that people would think he was bad and take her away. Smirking a little at steve then. “Yea. That to, but you are totally hot being the slightly crooked cop.”he teased, looking amused as he tilted his head as he considered the other.
"stop what? i'm not doing anything." Steve lied with a grin. "huh. weird." he admitted, shaking his head. "so where Pepper's parents... mob?" he asked curiously. "so basically Odin had what he wanted so he didn't care about you after that?" he asked. "and Odin is... Loki's father?" "yeah." Fitz admitted. "a lot of people hate the way Loki runs the Aesir Clan." Fitz admitted. "so sometimes people try to, er, take him out so someone like Tyr can take over." Steve winced at the idea and nodded, it made a lot of sense really. as far as mob bosses went, Loki was the most tame he had ever seen. "i know you don't. i just wanted to make sure." Fitz admitted with a smile. "i'm not a crooked cop." he huffed. "i'm just... a little more open minded then i used to be. after all, this is all theoretical talk right? it's not like i'm actually endorsing someone be murdered." "ah!" Fitz got it, how sneaky. if Steve never actually said to Loki's face 'you should kill that guy', then Steve had deniability and couldn't even be suspected of such things.
"Liar."he huffed a little."yes....they wanted her to marry me cause I was adopted Aesir son and the missing Stark heir, even if I wasn't technically missing.we got her away, took her in, and then gave her the option of what she wanted. One of the reasons we never married."tony shrugged a little. "He's not that bad...as far as things go anyways."james said thoughtfully looking amused as he watched steve and tony."oh...okay. good."tony muttered relaxing with the idea that fitz didn't think badly about him."ahhh...sorta more like me these days then before."tony smiled sounding pleased at the others explanation, glad they hadn't fucked up steve to badly.
"....her parents tried to arrange her marriage to you..." Steve asked, looking baffled. "oh! i love this story!" Fitz admitted, looking at Tony with a grin. "she told me all about it." he admitted with a grin before nodding at James. "he's still a mob boss of course, but he's one of the few decent ones." he admitted. "he has rules to follow and no one goes against those rules unless they want to suffer." Fitz admitted with a smile. "i guess." Steve admitted. "maybe it's more i'm tired of seeing evil people get off with a slap on the wrist because they can pay off people." he huffed with a shake of his head, finishing up the salad and setting about setting the table. "Salad?" Natasha asked, looking amused. "what? i like Salad." Steve admitted. "yes you have to have salad." "what if i don't like Salad?" "then you can have carrots." "...i'd rather have salad..." Natasha grumbled.
"Yes yes they did. At 14. I was totally not getting married at 17, we both had problems with it. It was amazing. She slapped me once for calling her my wife and demanding that she cook for me."tony grinned because he'd done it simply to see if she had the backbone to be the kind of woman he would want to try and woo. It'd been amazing."hmmm yes. It does get tiring to see that."tony agreed smiling as they settled to eat before snorting at natashas words."besides, she's already had carrot today, probably tired of them." "...did you just compare my cock to a carrot?" "Cock!'aria crowed giggling happill at the new words. "James!and yes I did."tony huffed scowling at james. "Sorry."james muttered blushing
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