Policed (lady/moon)

Steve smiled at him. "and we don't think we could ever do enough." he teased Tony right back, shaking his head. "your ging to sleep on my couch." Natasha informed him. "we decided you probobly wouldn't sleep if you styed here so your coming t my place, your going to sleep on my couch and your going to do as i say or i'll beat the shit out of you." Natasha informed him. "and no complaints either or i'll make you eat what i cook." she declaired, poking in his direction with her fork.
“Well. You are wrong. Obviously. But I’ll let you pretend you’re right.”Tony said looking amused before snickering at James’ face, the poor man looked utterly confused. “Okay....and this isn’t like a plan to kill me in my sleep or something is it?I mean, you don’t even like me.”James sulked a little, not protesting, more like he was actually worried about the idea.
"no. they made me promise you'd come out of my house alive." Natasha grumbled. "besides, your working on the case with Johnny, i have to give you at least some leeway." she admitted. "so i'll wait to eviscerate you after you've solved the problem." she promised. "after the case though, well. we'll see." she decided with a smirk that promised pain. lots of pain.
James’ eyes went wide at the threat, looking like he had no idea whether to believe her or not, before nodding. “Okay. I’ll solve this, then we’ll talk.” “You are such a masochist.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little as he finished eating, smiling a little as aria finished eating, leaning into his chest with a happy smile. Pressing a kiss to her head she looked at steve, sighing quietly. He was trying to relax and he was fidgety, trying to stablize some.
"hmm. i suppose it suits, since she's such a sadist." Johnny admitted, yelping when Natasha punched him in the shoulder. "i think we should all get going." Sam admitted, watching Fitz sleeping on the table and Steve starting to droop. everyone was tired after the days they'd had. they all needed a good rest. Steve on the other hand was looking forward to Friday. he was going to go to a gay club and see if he couldn't get laid. it was wrong, he knew, to be focused on something so unimportant, but he was horny and excited to finally understand why sex before had been an exercise in boredom. he wanted to experience sex with a man. first, he'd have some words with Fury and Hammer about Hammer's behavior. that was what he was looking forward to most of all.
“Hmm, it’s okay.”James said smiling at natasha, nodding near sleep himself as he followed natasha out. Willing to follow orders, not just because he wanted her, but because he trusted her to.

Fury looked up at the man standing in front of his desk, considering the agent. “You wanted to speak to me?in private. I’m assuming there is a reason you’re not reporting to Hammer.”Fury said frowning a little as he considered his agent, because he was worried about the mess that was going on. And suspected he had a idea of what was happening, but he had only suspicions and no proof, and he hoped the other man would at least be able to provide some. Looking forward to his weekend, since it was Friday, but knowing that this case would still bother him through the weekend.
Steve nodded. "that's because Hammer is the problem Sir and i cannot sit back and let him drive my partner into an eary grave." he slit the phone over to Fury. "over a hundred calls. in a day. hundreds of texts, al of them demanding he find evidence to put Tony away even when i am the Alibi. i was with Tony, all night the night Pepper Potts died and Fury is threatening to fire me if i don't stop vouching for Tony and he's pissed because he wanted me to break the law and give Alais to Social Services instead of to her rightful godfather. when i pointed out the last Children's Service turned out to be a mob connected intent on drowning the boy, who Phil has now fully adopted, he just mumbled something under his breath and told me to 'fix it'. i don't feel comfortable working for him anymore Sir, when my job is on the line for doing the right and lawful, mostly morally right thing, then there's big problems. especially when my boss is pushing to have an innocent man jailed for no reason that i can think of other than jealousy and petty hatred. there is also no reason to call my partner sixteen times during the night. James hasn't slept since this case began because Hammer won't leave him the hell alone."
And this is only his phone. See if you can get him to let you into his email. I’m sure Hammer has sent him files to. Though this is enough to get him fired, I want to know what Hammer is up to. And why this is mattering to him. Tony Stark is a pain in the ass, but invoking this kind of hatred is usually beyond him. Investigate Hammer, quietly. Have James focus on Pepper’s case, and report to me directly, I’ll keep hammer in the loop and get him to leave James alone.”Fury sighed, because he planned on giving Hammer just enough rope to hang himself. Tilting his head a little as he studied the other. “How is James? Do I need to reassign the case?”He said looking concerned, “And Tony? I managed to keep it quiet for a few days, but the newspapers got ahold of things today. Considering this...”He held up the phone. “I’m starting to believe Hammer let it out.”
"i can get into his Email. i know his password." he admitted, pulling out his laptop and signed into James Email, sliding it over to Fury. "i didn't think to go through there." he admitted. "honestly, i think ti matters because Tony is a threat to Hammer." he admitted. "you remember my friend, Theo? Agent Fitz?" he asked, handing the file to Fury. "this is why we never found his murderer. because it wasn't murder." he admitted. "Theo was Hammers 'favorite' i'm sure you recall. it was Theo who got me and James assigned to Hammers detail. said i had 'promise'." he studied Fury. "i'm beginning to think Hammer might be dirty and he wants Tony out of the picture, either because Tony has information on him or because Tony is connected tot he Prince of the Aesir Clan." he admitted. "i've been looking into it ever since i found out about Theo. the connections are... troubling." he admitted before shaking his head. "no. James doesn't need to be reassigned. he's getting a good nights rest at a friends house..." here he paused and then smirked. "you know Natasha right? he's got a huge crush on her and we all know he doesn't take those lightly. he's finally starting to win her over." he admitted. "Tony's doing alright. he has a lot of people looking out for him. since i don't have to worry about my job too much, i'll publicly announce that Tony was with me during the time of Pepper's death." he admitted. "he won't like it, hell, you won't like it. but i think it's the right thing to do." he admitted.
“Thanks.”Fury muttered as he took the computer, reading the ones from hammer before shaking his head. “This is ridculous. There’s 40 emails from hammer in two days. I don’t even talk to him that much.”Fury sighed a little before looking up, nodding. “I do.”He said reading the file, before paling as he realized just what happened. “Damn...no wonder.”He muttered shaking his head a little. If he’d known this before, he could have done something sooner. But he understood why Tony and Loki hadn’t said anything either. Dammit, this was such a mess. “Yes. This is more then troubling really....keep looking. I’ll quietly start to look into everything to.”Fury said frowning before nodding. “Good.”he said before snorting, looking amused, the worry fading for a moment. “Yes I do. And he’s such a puppy about crushes. Totally devoted.”Fury snickered a little before nodding. “Good. And while I’d rather my agents not getting publicly involved, well. You already are. Someone was going to figure out he’s living with you sometime. Might as well give him a public alibi, before they rip him apart. Because hammer’s not the only one who’s going to blame him when they find out about the company and Aria.”
"it is ridiculous. and this isn't the first time it's happened." he admitted. "during that SanDiago case he got like this. we ignored him, thinking that maybe it was personal on his part. turns out it was. the murderer we caught, he was with Russian Mafia." he admitted. "with close political ties to a governor that Hammer is good friends with. while Ludovika was in fact the murderer, i wonder if they didn't want to shut his trap about something big. i'll be going and speaking with him in a few days. it would be odd if i went there now just after seeing you." he admitted. "he really is. best part is, he's totally winning or Natasha wouldn't be putting up such a fuss about it." he admitted with a grin before sobering and nodding. "not really what i was getting at sir..." he paused, hesitated, fidgeted and finally. "if i tell you why Tony was over, you have to swear not to fire me." he ordered before pulling his sleeves back. "i'll get some shit, but Tony will win a lot of support for helping me..." he admitted. "since he moved in, i... i don't feel like i need to do it anymore." he admitted. "he might very well have saved my life and because of that, Pepper is dead." he admitted. "Tony was supposed to be at her house right smack in the middle of time of death... if he'd been there, maybe she wouldn't have died... then again, maybe he'd have been 'caught red handed' and hauled off to jail." he shrugged. "won't ever know, but i know i have to help him."
“I remember that. Dammit.”Fury shook his head, before tilting his head. “be careful, but yes. I agree, go see him, see what he says.”he said before snorting a little. “James is totally going to be surprised when he realizes she’s giving in.”He said amused because he was well aware that james was probably flirting and holding onto his crush because he couldn’t not, tunnel visioned into the case, he’d be totally blind with natasha giving him. Frowning at the others words, “What?”He said staring at the other, before shaking his head as he saw the healing marks. “Good. He’s a good influence, and you’ll tell me if you get bad again? I am here to help you, as well as solve cases you know.”He frowned looking annoyed before sobering, shaking his head. “We wont ever know, but we can clean up the mess now. Just be careful. I doubt if it appears to not be working, hammer’ll stop at simply framing him.”
"yeah. we didn't think anything of it back then. now, with all of this? there's been a lot of things that's bothered me about Hammer over the years..." he admitted. "this is the first time i've ever actually realized how bad it really is though." he admitted, shaking his head. "i know. she allowed him into her house so he could get a decent night sleep ad he didn't even really notice. he probobly will in the morning though." he admitted with a chuckle. "yeah well... i'm glad you assigned me there. a lot of my world view got tilted and then shaken right out of me once i started working with Tony." he admitted. "i thought we where supposed to be investigating him. that's what Hammer implied. now i don't wonder if Hammer just tried to put his own spin on it so we'd either get Tony in trouble, get fired ourselves or both." he admitted before nodding. "i'll make sure to tell you... i don't... want to be that way anymore." he admitted, rubbing his arm. "oh. i think it's worse than that. talk to Johnny when he comes in. i think he found something about Pepper's death. he was pale when he was having dinner with us." he admitted. "and he was really quiet.... i think somethings wrong."
“Yes, me to. I never thought....no matter. I should have been keeping a better eye on him.”Fury sighed a little before smiling a little. “That’s amusing. I almost wish I could see that conversation when he’s awake enough to realize what’s going on.”Fury snickered a little. “That was my intent. Hammer might have had reasons for sending you to tony, but I knew you two needed a break from the real stuff, I just hadn’t considered that something like this would happen.”Fury made a face before nodding. “That’s good to know. And...I will. You go on, I’ll let you know what Storm has to say.”Fury looked him over. "You better get some sleep yourself."
he nodded. "you couldn't have known. Hammer's always been good at smucking up to the right people." he admitted. "even you have to admit you have a hard time getting his lips disconnected from your ass every time he's in here." he teased, grinning at Fury because he knew he was one of the two people who could get away with a comment like that. and the other wasn't James. "i'm fine. i have a date tonight." he admitted to Fury. well, no, he planned on having a Date tonight but Fury knew how Steve operated. "thanks Fury." he said, smiling at the other a little. "i just... thanks for not getting upset." he admitted before heading off to go and get laid.

it was around midnight when Tony's phone started to ring. "hi... is this Tony?" a strange male's voice asked. "i have a guy here named Steve whose pretty freaked out, he's asking for a guy named Tony. this was the only contact on his contacts list named Tony so i'm hoping this is the right guy." the man admitted. "look can you come get him? i think he's really gonna panic if i leave him alone." the man admitted. "Steve? Hun? you have to breath." The man informed Steve who took a huge gasp of air loud enough that Tony could hear. "yeah.... i think he needs a ride home." the man admitted.
“True...and watch it, Rogers.”Fury said rolling his eyes at the comment before snickering, amused as he watched him go. “Welcome. Just go.”he smiled content as he watched him go, before settling in to work.

“yes. This is tony.”Tony muttered sounding sleepy and at a loss for a moment before startling, cursing softly. “OKay, yea I’m the right guy. I’ll come get him. I...I have to drop off my daughter, but I’ll be right there I promise.”Tony promised quickly, before dressing and getting aria, settling her in the car and leaving her with a sleepy natasha and james since her apartment was the closest, before bolting for the address that he’d been giving. Knocking on the door he swallowed hard. “Steve?”He said looking around anxiously.
"okay, great. Steve, Hun, Tony's on his way." the other man said. "you'll be just fine." he cooed at Steve. "thanks so much." the man said to Tony. the house Tony ended up in was a cute little two floor white house at the edge of the city. a big man answered the door and ushered Tony inside. "he's in here. he's had a bit of a panic." the man was obviously gay and wasn't wearing a shirt, though he was wearing tight jeans. "i think he's having a bit of an identity crises." the man admitted. "Steve, Hun? Tony's here." "T-Tony?" Steve asked, looking up from where he was swathed in blankets. "i... i thought... i didn't mean... i'm sorry..." Steve babbled. "hush now Hun. your alright." the man promised, smiling at Steve. "you just go on home with your friend and if you want to try again go ahead and give me a call." the man promised. "go ahead and take the blanket with you, there's a guy." he cooed at Steve, helping Tony get him into the car, winking at Tony. "and if you ever need a wild ride, you be sure to call me as well handsome." he suggested, handing Steve and Tony both small business cards before heading back inside. "i'm s.sorry. i didn't want to bother J.James." Steve admitted. "and your the only other F.Friend i have..."
“Hello. Thanks for taking care of him.”He said looking worried as he followed the other inside, looking a little bemused at the sight of the man. Because well, he hadn’t known steve swung that way. “Hey Steve.”Tony said moving into the room, crouching down next to him, gently brushing blond hair out his face. “hush, I got you. No worries.”he said before nodding, smiling a little as he tucked the blanket around him again, before gently urging steve out to the car, sighing softly as he tucked the man into the car. “I will, if I feel the need.”Tony looked amused as he took the business card before settling in the driver’s seat. “It’s okay, rest steve. I don’t mind coming to help.”Tony prmised as he parked, gently urging steve inside, biting his lip as he settled him into bed. “Want me to stay, steve?”
"it's no problem. the poor boy." the man said, shaking his head. "T.Tony." Steve mumbled, resting his head into the hand on his hair, enjoying the touch even if he was a bit freaked out. "okay..." Steve mumbled, letting Tony and the other man get him into the car. "thanks Terry." "it's no problem Hun. you just get to feeling better okay?" "yeah. okay." Steve mumbled, though if he was answering the now named Terry or Tony it was impossible to tell. "..yeah. don't leave. scared. i scared myself..." Steve mumbled, blinking at Tony with wide eyes. "it was supposed to be all better. i understood why girls where boring. it made sense. you know? i should have bee okay. but he started touching me and i panicked because it felt so strange and good and it's never felt good before." Steve whispered, sounding so confused and frightened. "i didn't like it, so he stopped but i was already scared and i kept remembering... remembering..." he shook his head and hid under the covers. refusing to say another word, though he wouldn't go to sleep either.
"Okay I'll stay."tony muttered reassuringly as he sat on the edge of the bed, watching the other. Worried about him."it was your first time right? With a guy?moat people scare themselves the first time, because it's a very new. And odd experience if your weren't prepared."tony said gently stroking steve's hair before smiling a little."hey. Shush it's okay. Your safe....we'll talk in the morning okay?you need sleep."he said as steve went quiet worried, nudging the man over a bit so he could lay down with him, knowing the other wasn't asleep, but simply offering a silent comfort because he had no idea how to help. Why couldn't he be johnny or pepper, or even loki. They were better at the emotional things then he was
Steve nodded. "yeah... yeah... first time. thought it was right but it wasn't..." Steve mumbled. "i'm going to be dead and alone the rest of my life." he whimpered. "i don't want to be alone anymore... i miss Peggy..." he mumbled, unhappy and sad but feeling better now that Tony was there. "okay... talk in the morning." Steve agreed. he tensed when Tony got into bed with him before snuggling into him. it wasn't long after that he fell asleep, feeling safe again with Tony there. he woke in the morning a bit dazed and confused and more than a little sleepy as he blinked at Tony. "did i get drunk?" he wondered. he felt very drunk, and he couldn't think of any other reason why he'd have crawled into Tony's bed... and where the hell had the strange blanket come from... oh yeah. he had been trying to have his first gay encounter and he'd freaked... shit.
"Your not going to be alone forever. And I know you do. But it'll be better in the morning."tony promised smiling as hewas snuggled, settling in to sleep himself. Whining a little when he heard steve moving, he flapped a hand in the man's general direction, uncaring he actually smacked him in the chest."stop. I can hear you over thinking, stop it. Some of us are trying to sleep."
"...yeah. sorry." he mumbled, settling back down, watching Tony. wondering if Tony was always so Blase about things. "yeah. sorry..." he mumbled, slowly sliding out of bed. "i have to pee." he admitted. "and i need Coffee... with a good shot of Whiskey." he decided. "i think i have booze in here somewhere." he admitted, heading out the door to get coffee and alcohol. not enough to get drunk but enough to steady his nerves.
"It's okay."Tony muttered making a face, huffing a little as he rubbed a hand over his face. "I want coffee to. Bring me some."He ordered grumbling the whole way as he sat up, making a face as he stretched, sitting up slowly, stumbling to the kitchen to start both coffee and food, his stomach growling now that he was up and moving.
Steve snorted a little. "Yeth Mathter." he slurred, hunching over like a hunchback and limped his way dramatically out the door like he was some sort of evil masterminds henchman. he was ready with coffee by the time Tony came out and was reading a box of frozen breakfast sandwiches, trying to figure out how long to cook them for.
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