Policed (lady/moon)

“Don’t look so impressed. I do impressive things all the time.”Tony huffed a little before swallowing thickly, nodding. “I did. It was....bloody and nasty. And so close to pepper’s that if I didn’t have loki’s reassurance that it was Asgard’s clan, I would think this was mob.”Tony shuddered a little before nodding, moving slightly to bump his shoulder against steve’s, offering comfort before smiling a little. “Good. It’s....good to know that sometime. This will be tolerable...that it wont always be so....”He struggled to find the word, lost in his grief for a moment, before snickering. “Everyone loves me.”he declared stretching as he looked into the living room even as he dialed natasha to tell her that everyone was coming over for dinner.
"you do? i couldn't have guessed." Steve teased with a smile. "it was... wait. huh?" Steve asked, looking confused. Tony's parents where killed by the Asgard Clan? or Pepper was? he wasn't sure Tony knew how he'd structured his sentence there but Steve couldn't blame him for being a little disjointed. "most people, they stop feeling so much pain in a fw months. maybe a year. but that hurt and my need for revenge was the only thing that kept me going." he admitted, looking at Tony. "promise me you won't become like me. old and lonely and bitter..." "yes. your just as fluffy and cuddly as a grumpy porcupine." Steve agreed with Tony, chuckling a little as he headed back to James and Loki, who was informing Fitz that there was going to be a party and to come over if he was feeling up for it. the new meds where working well so Fitz agreed. he was actually the first person there and was already poking around for sweets when Sam and Thor arrived.
“You should always be aware of this. I’m amazing.”Tony whined before pausing, wincing a little. “My parents....Loki doesn’t know I know....but...the hit that killed them was from Odin. He’d found out just....”he paused debating on trusting the other, needing to trust someone, and hoping, that he wasn’t about to get everything blown up in his face. “My parents weren’t good. Not....great at the whole parenting thing. And odin wanted stark industries. Orphaning a teenager was the easiest way to fix both our problems.”Tony shrugged a little, because he knew clint and natasha had told them he’d signed everything away, had thrown his father’s company away, in the effort to be free. “...I’m going to nail whoever this was. but...You wont let me drown in it. You and Aria, would you? You’ll keep me from being to lost.”he said his voice soft and quiet, lost. And hoping that he could trust steve to help before huffing.”I am not a porcupine!” “You so totally are.”Clint snickered shaking his head as he walked in with Natasha, smirking a little.
"i'm sure you think you are." Steve agreed with a chuckle before grimacing. "i didn't know. i'm sorry..." he whispered. "i read Fitz's file... i haven't read yours yet. James said i should but i wanted to make sure it was alright with you first." he admitted before looking at Tony. "i knew you'd signed everything over to Loki." only, Loki had never actually signed the paperwork, he'd just given all the companies t Pepper for her to run. so long as they where raking in the money Odin didn't care who actually owned the companies. "leave that for James and Johnny. if yu get involved you'll be accused of trying to tamper or something and that's the last thing we need." he admitted. "he's more like a little poop." Phil commented. "with knives sticking out of it."
"It's okay. I'm the one who brought it up...and okay. I mean, it's fair I guess, I'm reading yours."tony said frowning a little, smiling shrugging."loki is good at running things."he muttered before frowning slightly, nodding slowly. Trusting the others."okay. They can figure this out."he muttered before staring at phil. "What?" "Cause your a litfle shit, who is very prickly."james said snickering at the mental image
"hmm. that sounds about right." Natasha admitted with a laugh as she walked in with Clint, Bruce and Jemma. "its a real party tonight huh?" she asked, looking around at everyone. only those who knew Natasha very well could tell she'd been crying recently. "i like your new pad Tony." "me too." Johny admitted as he walked in with all the beer a person could want.
“What?It is not!Don’t say that.”Tony whined twisting to look at natasha, sulking as he slouched into his chair, looking for all the world about 2. “Yea, it is. We thought we could use a good night.”James smiled at her, leaning back in the chair, the kittens pillowed on his stomach as him and thor admired the kittens. “It’s not mine. It’s steve, even if he’s letting me stay with him. Though I must admit, it’s better then the last place.”
"it's totally true." Natasha teased with a chuckle. "where's Aria?" "just about to get up i'd imagine." Steve admitted, looking through his cupboards for food, only to be chased away from the stove by Loki who set about making dinner. "it's yours too Tony." Steve chastised with a smile. "this is your place too." he promised. Natasha snickered and flopped down next to James. "is Tony aware that Steve has a massive crush on him?" she asked the man under her breath. "and keep your hands where i can see them." she ordered. she really didn't think he'd be the sort to 'cop a feel' but she liked to make sure. "oh, the ast place, you mean your office?" she demanded, scowling at him. "if you needed a place to stay, why didn't you call me?" she complained, sulking. "i don't think i like you staying here with a meat head." "hey! i'm not a meat head!" Steve complained. "i'm a dum dum, get it right!" she didn't look very impressed. "Tony will be fine, i've gotten him to promise to hit me if i piss him off." Steve admitted with a smile. "sounds like a good plan to me." Sam admitted as he walked in toting the biggest cake. "it's for Aria. hands off." he ordered Fitz who had nearly made a beeline for the goody. "i brought all kinds of other sweets but you have to share." "but sharing is for adults!" Fit whined, sulking as Steve laughed and headed downstairs to get the dozens of cupcakes, cream filled doughnuts and pastries that Sam had brought with him.
It is not!And napping. She’ll be up soon.”Tony smiled amused as he glanced at the baby monitor, making sure she wasn’t up, looking amused as he startled, looking up at steve. Tilting his head a little before nodding. “Ours then.”He agreed. “Nope. Or if he does, he’s being dense on purpose, which I doubt.”James snickered as he watched the two, looking over at her even as he smirked a little as he looked down at the hands cupping the kitten. “Hmmm, I have my hands full of pussy at the moment, I’m good.”He smirked at her, raising a eyebrow at the order, before snorting at Tony’s scandalized look. “N-no!I wasn’t living in my office. I had a bed and everything.” “In your squad room.”Clint pointed out. “And I didn’t need a place. I mean. Before. And you don’t want a kid around all the time. You’ll go insane.”tony said looking worried that natasha was upset with him before grinning when he heard aria being demanding. Smiling a little as he returned with the baby girl, smiling as the toddler made grabby hands at natasha, definitely her favorite auntie.
"hmm. i don't know. with Pepper.... he could very well just be blatantly ignoring it." she admitted with a chuckle before choking on a laugh, she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing he'd amused her! "you where living at the precinct Tony." Phil chastised. "you should have told one of us. we would have taken you in, no problem." he admitted. "i like kids." Natasha admitted with a sniff. "and i'm already insane, i would have been fine. but if you want to stay with the lunkhead that's okay too. at least we won't have to worry about you getting robbed or something." she mumbled before beaming as she gathered Aria into her arms and cooed and babbled at her.
“Hm, maybe.”James agreed before perking up, grinning at her as she choked, even if he hadn’t heard laughter, he knew she was amused. Yes!He was getting somewhere. “...Why? I spent nearly as much time at work as I did anywhere. I stayed with...pepper...or johnny. Or loki to. It wasn’t all the time. Just when I didn’t want to be with them.”Tony shrugged not about to admit to why he really had been living at the place, before smiling. “Yea, I’m gonna stay here. He’s got stuff for aria, and a puppy. And we bought a cat together. I feel obligated to stay.” James snickered at tony’s words, knowing the man was just making excuses to do what he wanted, and felt protected here with steve, which was good for them.
"....because the fact that you where homeless and i didn't notice bothers the hell out of me." Phil and Natasha chorused. "honestly i'm glad Tony moved in. it's not so lonely or quiet here. i might actually enjoy coming home now." Steve admitted with a smile. he had no urge to admit that with Tony and Aria there, he might even find the strength to sober up. "here, Aria! look what Uncle James has." Steve chirped with a grin, motioning for her to look at the kitten. "you'll have to take good care of him." he admitted to her with a grin. "and you'll have to think of a good name for him."
“Ah. Well. Sorry.”Tony said blushing a little as he realized just how upset his friends were with him before grinning at steve. “I’m sure James will be less worried about you now.” “Indeed. At least with you here I don’t have to worry about what he’s getting up to in here.”James snickered a little, “Kitty!”Aria stirred, moving away from where she’d cudled against natasha’s chest, leaning towards james, looking excited as she moved to pet the kitthen. “Careful Aria, gentle.”Tony said smiling softly as she carefully, gently patted the kitten. “Kitty!”She said looking pleased with her newest friend, even as gabriel crowded close, having made friends to.
"i don't get up to anything!" Steve huffed. "your the troublemaker in this duo!" he complained to James, uncaring that it was a blatant Lie. Steve had always been the troublemaker. he grinned at Alais when she finally noticed the kitten and chuckled a little, Natasha snorting as she watched the little girl play with the Kitten. "well. i guess it's name is Kitty." Steve teased with a chuckle, grinning wider when he realized Fitz was sneaking doughnuts and hadn't noticed that Sam was scowling at him yet. "Leo Fitzgerald Fitz!" "it wasn't me!" Fitz complained even as he made a break for the couch, stuffing a doughnut in his mouth as if to hide the evidence, Sam and Johnny both rolling their eyes. and settling at the table so Fitz couldn't nab anymore, ignoring the way the man sulked at them as he licked chocolate off his fingers.
"Me?I think not."james huffed making a face at the other even as he discreetly slouched to the side as aria played with the kitten, resting his head on natashas shoulder.the last few days of dealing with peppers murder and hammerwe're starting to get to him. Smiling slightly tony bit his lip as he looked at the big brunette, glancing at steve."should we wake him up?"
"yes you." Steve huffed before smiling a little when James went to sleep. "no. don't wake him." Natasha ordered. "i don't think he's been sleeping well." she admitted, gently re-positioning James she he could rest against her a little more comfortably. "and not a word." she ordered, glaring around the room. if James had been awake he would have been delighted. but then, she probobly wouldn't have allowed it if he was awake. still, he was scoring points and that was what mattered. "we'll wake him for dinner." Loki decided. "he probobly hasn't been eating properly either."
Tony noded a little, raising a eyebrow as he watched her rearrange him, swallowing the snicker that threatened. Knowing that if he knew about this, james would be howling about being victorious in winning points by now. “Probably not. I know he’s working on the case, but I think we should bully him into going in late tomorrow. Might be able to rest, and real food in him again.”tony frowned as he helped with dinner, fussing over james and the others, because he couldn’t work, so this was something he could do.
"he's not winning so get that smirk off your face Tony Stark." Natasha ordered. ot about to admit to herself or anyone else that James was so totally winning. "he's been working nonstop." Johnny admitted. "even harder than i am and i actually knew Pepper. i think he's taking it really hard." Johnny admitted, watching James sleep. "i think he needs a good break too. we'll make him stay here for the night. you have a spare bedroom right Steve?" "yeah i do, but i don't know if he'll actually listen to me." Steve admitted. "might be better if he stays with Natasha." "piss off Rogers. he's not winning."
“Okay, okay.”Tony said forcing his face to go blank before wincing. “Dammit. I knew it’d be hard on us, but he needs to rest.”Tony said looking upset at the idea that james was pushing him so hard, even if he suspected the reason he was, was because steve had lost someone, and couldn’t do anything about it. At least james could solve this. “He might not, and aria’s hear. I doubt he’ll let himself rest if he’s here.”Tony said smiling at Natasha, “Where you, it’s just you. You can look after him, and make sure he’s resting for awhile.”
"he get's like this." Steve admitted. "he's so focused because it's personal. Tony was under our protection. we didn't want to be here and we didn't like it but we take duty like that very seriously. someone attacked Tony. under our very noses and they killed someone to do it. we really like Tony now, so it makes it feel even more personal." he admitted. "James get's entirely too personal about things in the first place so it's even worse than usual. i'll admit, if i was allowed to wor on the case too i'd probobly be even worse." he admitted. "...he's not winning. but fine. he can crash on my couch and eat my attempts at cooking. maybe he'll die of food poisoning. that would be fun." she admitted with a smirk.
“Oh. Dammit. I’ll have to talk to him. He doesn’t....he shouldn’t do this to himself, just for me.”Tony muttered looking upset as he watched james, who was nearly cuddling natasha, absently wondering if the man was as asleep as he looked. “Well, it’s a good thing you’ve been regulated to watching over me. One less person to force to rest.”Tony huffed. “if he dies, you’d be sad at the thought.”Clint teased looking amused. “It-”tony started before nearly crawling out of his skin as james phone buzzed on the coffee table, lightening up. Curious tony absently glanced at the screen, raising a eyebrow at the near double digit missed calls, and text messages that was closer to 100 then 1. Wondering just who could have the man ignoring them. “Hm?Wha...”James said looking up, sleepy and lost as he looked around him.
"why shouldn't we do it for you? we like you. your our friend." Steve admitted with a smile. "sure it's not good for him, but then, neither is going through a desert, getting kidnapped by terrorists and getting tortured." he admitted. "and we still did that." "well. i don't know that i'd be sad but i would feel awful for killing someone." she agreed. "so maybe i'll just make him really sick." she decided before looking at the phone. "it's fine. go back to sleep." Steve ordered, plucking up the phone ad looking at it, scowling. what the hell was hammer doing, calling and texting his partner... thirteen times in the last two hours? what the hell!?
“Cause....I don’t know.”Tony muttered blushing a little as he ducked his head, staring down. Embrassed that he needed the help, that he really did need them to help him with this, that he needed help looking after aria, who looked so comfy and content snuggling with her kitten as she slept in james lap. “Whatever yo usay nat.”Clint snickered amused because he knew the man was totally winning brownie points before frowning, shaking his head. Wondering whatever could be going on. Granted, most cops had to be aware 24/7 and reachable ,james wasn’t a emergency cop, and he was working a case. He got breaks. No wonder he hadn’t slept well if this was what was happening. “...No...food’s done....”James muttered rubbing a hand over his face as he sat up, stretching. Yep, definitely his phone and hammer was why he wasn’t sleeping.
Steve smiled at Tony and gently took his hand, giving it a comforting squeeze. "let us do this for you." he offered. "we want to help." he admitted before snickering at Natasha who glared at them all. "yeah. foods done." Steve agreed, slipping James phone into his pocket after turning it off. he'd turn it into Fury as evidence. with the number of voicemail on the thing he was sure Hammer would step past the invisible line in at least one of them. maybe this would get the asshole fired. Steve had been getting numerous Emails from the asshole himself, insisting that he make sure 'Stark went down for this' and he knew sooner or later it was going to start hitting the T.V. that Pepper was dead and her boyfriend had inherited everything. which would be more than enough motive for most of the population.
"O-okay. Though I think your already doing enough."tony grumbled even though he knew it was for the best. Smiling as they all settled down to eat, looking amused as aria cuddled in his lap, while she was old enough to sit on her own, father and daughter couldn't bring themselves to be separated. "So. We've decided james." "...decided what?"james said eyeing the brunette. "You're going to spend the night with natasha." "What?"james sputtered looking startled.
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