Policed (lady/moon)

“Ah. Makes sense.”James said looking vaguely amused as he raised his phone and snapped a quiet picture, cause that sight in front of him was just to cute to not take a picture. He felt guilty and horrible, and would probably drink himself under the table later for not noticing, but for now, he was okay. “Yea, I will.”He sai setting it off on the desk, there but not somewhere where steve would be constantly seeing it. “And of course I’ll be back. I’ll even pick up something to eat, since sleeping beauties probably wont want to cook.”
Steve wrinkled his nose when he realized James had snapped a picture. but since he had everyone sleeping on him, Tony on one shoulder, Loki on the other, Aria on one lef, Fitz on the other and a dog draped over his legs he couldn't blame the other for taking a picture. "thanks James." he said with a relieved smile. "any chance of a rescue before you leave?" but he didn't particularly look as uncomfortable as he might have just a short month ago.
James smirked at the other. “Nope. You’re stuck until you want to wake them up. Which I don’t think would be a good idea. You know how toddlers are, a bear when you wake them up from a nap.”James snickered making sure the other was okay before he left.

Later Tony yawned, rubbing his cheek against the shoulder he was laying on, “Pep...you smell different...”He muttered, frowning a little as he blinked sleepily, frowning at the ceiling, trying to figure out where he was before flinching violently when everything came crashing back. Turning to look at the man he was laying on, he gave a half hearted smile. “Sorry.....didn’t mean to fall asleep on you...”
he sighed a little. "your an asshole James." he complained even as he smiled and settled in to finish the movie in his own.

"....morning Tony." Steve stated pretending he hadn't heard Tony. "it's cool. everyone else did too." he admitted ti Tony with a smile. "it's kind of nice. i haven't been surrounded by people like this since... well. anyway, it's been a long time since i was okay with stuff like this so it kind of feels really nice." he admitted, smiling at him. "James promised to come back later with Dinner and Thor left for work." he admitted. "so we just have to worry about the other three being grumpy when they wake up." "i'm never grumpy." Fitz grumbled.
“Morning.”Tony smiled at him, stirring, relaxing as the other didn’t say anything about the name calling, yawning as he stretched. “Ah. Well, goo. It is nice, though I’m getting to old to sleep on the floor.”he snickered a little, before smirking at fitz. “You’re always grumpy.”He said gently easing Aria off Steve, smiling as she fussed, but didn’t wake just yet. Cuddling her close as he looked over steve. “Well, it’s nearly dinner, so he should be here soon.”he smiled as he glanced at the clock.
he chuckled a little. "i didn't realize that people could sleep so much." Steve admitted. "this is Aria and Fitz's second nap today." "the new meds will make Fitz tired." Loki mumbled, completely unashamed of sleeping on Steve. "i'm not. i'm a dainty happy flower." Fitz growled, refusing to move, not that Steve really seamed to mind. "i hope so. i don't think i can get up. a certain someone is heavy and my legs have fallen to sleep." he admitted. though he made no mention on if it was Fitz, Aria or Gabriel. since both fitz and Gabriel where still laying on his legs, it was about fifty fifty on who Steve was complaining about. well, considering Fitz was so much bigger than Gabriel, probobly more like 80/20. with Fitz being the 80. "he'll be here in another twenty minutes." Steve admitted. he and James ran pretty much like clockwork. "though, if he gets distracted by Natasha he'll be thirty minutes." he admitted with a chuckle.
“Ahhh, well Aria’s little. And is off schedule, so she’s napping more. I bet she stayed up later last night. She’s not used to being moved around so much.”tony smiled a little. “you are not that dainty, or a flower.”Tony teased snickering as he looked down at fitz. “Da, shush.”Aria muttered sleepily, snuggling close. “Bet it’s longer. Boy’s seriously determined to win her, I bet it takes him longer to get here.”Tony smirked poking steve. "Twenty bucks says he's longer then a half hour."
he nodded. "that makes sense." he agreed with a chuckle, smiling at her a little. "she really is adorable." he admitted, smiling at her before snorting at her order. "well she's a bossy thing isn't she?" he asked with a grin before pondering. "...fine. twenty bucks says he's here within the half hour." he agreed, shaking Tony's hand, Fitz and Loki both rolling their eyes because honestly. betting on such a silly thing. maybe Tony and Steve living together was going to be a terrible thing after all. "i should just call him and tell him we're starving to death and then i'll win." he admitted with a snigger. "isn't that cheating?" "well, no one ever said i couldn't." Steve admitted with a snicker.
"She is. And definitely bossy."tony smiled smiling a little as he pressed a kiss to aria's ead before snickering a little."deal. And if he's flirting with natasha, he won't hurry up."tony snickered quietly amused as he watched aria snuggle into him. And just over a half hour james opened the door holding Chinese and pasta,"wasn't sure what you guys wanted. So I stopped at olive garden and golden dragon."he looked amused and puzzled as tony held out a hand."pay up rogers."
Steve chuckled a little. "well, considering who her mother and father are, that's not surprising at all." he admitted with a smirk before shaking his head. "that's true." he agreed, sulking as he realized James probobly wouldn't even answer the phone if he was flirting with Natasha. he glared at James as he walked in. "you stopped to flirt with Natasha." he growled, handing Tony twenty bucks. "you owe me twenty dollars Barnes." he ordered before grinning at the sight of the food. "perfect choices. do i have plates?" he wondered, searching through his cupboards. "ah! here we go!" he mused, starting to set the table so everyone could join in. it was a little cramped, but everyone fit and there was enough food for everyone so they enjoyed noodles of all kinds with each other. it was the first time in a long time, that Steve felt part of a family again. if it wasn't for the fact that he hated it when Fury was right, he'd have thanked the half blind asshole.
“Hmmm, true.”Tony snorted a little looking amused. “I did not.”Though the blush gave him away. “I was getting the food.”James smiled a little before sulking, “What?Why?”He whined a little. Smiling as he joined them at the table, aria in his lap, tony snickered a little as he listened to james talk about natasha, it was quite amusing to know the man was still striking out, despite his dogged pursuit.
he glared at James. 'you stopped to flirt with Natasha instead of bringing me food and that means i lost the bet." he grumbled, sulking at James. "that's why you owe me twenty bucks." he explained with a sniff. "yu are so whipped." Loki finally declared, pointing at James with his fork. "she'll break your will soon enough." he admitted. "she always does." "she's never faced anyone like James before." Steve admitted. "most men like Nat because she's pretty. James likes her because she scares him, is strong and independent, and can kick his ass. he likes women who can kick his ass." he admitted with a grin.
“I was working. She was giving me background stuff.” “you stopped to flirt. So, so whipped.”Tony snickered a little as they ate. “promise? As long as she dates me, she can break me all she wants.” “You are either a masochist, or insane. I’m not sure which one appeals to me more.”Tony said snickering a little. “I love women who can kick my ass.”he agreed. “....why?” “Sex is more interesting.” “....”Tony snickered a little shaking his head. “Oh, phil asked me to remind you that pepper’s will is being read tomorrow, and that your presence was requested. Both yours actually, loki and tony.”James said tilting his head a little, looking worried about them.
"....your hopeless." Loki informed James with a snort. ""he's both." Steve admitted, helping himself to seconds of some salad and some pasta. "the Will?" Steve asked, gently setting his hand close to Tony's, fingertips resting on Tony's wrist, trying to comfort him. "me?" Loki asked, looking surprised. h hadn't thought she'd leave him anything. "not Fitz?" "anything she wanted me to have, i already have." Fitz admitted softly. "where is the Will reading going to be?" in Phil's office of course, the one outside the Precinct. "will you be okay going alone?" Steve asked Ton, worried about the man.
“Am not. And I might be a little both.”james snickered a little before nodding. “Yea.” “Oh...yea....I guess that is a thing, people do isn’t it?”Tony frowned a little, tensing a little as the other touched him, but relaxing as she swallowed thickly. Not sure. “He didn’t say anything, just that you’re there. And Phil’s office. Said anytime tomorrow morning.”James said. “...I...no?”Tony said looking up at the blond, tilting his head a little.
Steve smirked at James. "you are a little bit." he admitted with a chuckle. "i suppose so." Steve admitted softly before looking worried about Tony. "do you want someone to go with you? Johnny maybe?" he asked, hoping to make sure Tony was going to be okay. "is there anything i can do to help?"
Tony frowned thinking about it as he looked down at the toddler sitting in his lap. Not sure what they'd do with aria, and even if he could stand to be away from her, he really didn't want to be "would...you come with? I mean...you don't have to. I can take johnny."he said backing away from what had been a impulsive request, eyes wide as he tried to make up for it. Not wanting to ask anything from him, when steve was already letting him live here.
Steve blinked, surprised before nodding. "of course i'll go with you." he promised, smiling at him. "anything to help." he promised. "Johnny and James can watch Aria while we're doing that." he promised. "right guys?" Johnny just nodded. he knew better than to say no. not that he wanted to. he adored Aria. "okay then. we'll head out in the morning." Steve agreed, looking at Loki for confirmation. the man nodded and glanced at the clock and declared it was time for him to go home and actually be productive for a while. he wasn't fooling anyone. he was going to go home and cry.
Oh. Okay.”Tony said looking startled that the other agreed before nodding.”Kay.” “of course. Corrupting children, is my favorite pasttime.” “Leave aria alone. Just look after her.”Tony huffed a little, making a face. “Don’t worry, she’ll be fine.”James promised. “Anyways, you guys should get some sleep. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long morning tomorrow.”James said smiling slightly.
Steve snorted a little. "don't corrupt Aria. if we come home and she's singing My Little Pony i'm going to be very unhappy." Charley had done that. and he sang the Barbie theme song for days and refused to watch anything but Strawberry Shortcake, My Little Pony and The Power-puff girls. which would have been fine, except he had also gotten into Peggy's makeup and declared he wanted to be a little girl instead. they had all found it hilarious after the fact but Peggy and Steve had nearly had a heart attack when it happened and had refused to let James babysit again. they might have, if they hadn't all died. "it is going to be a traumatic day." Steve agreed, shaking his head. "out, the lot of you." he ordered. "Aria needs to go to bed and Tony's not far off. shoo." he ordered, smiling at the sleepy new roommates.
“/....fine. No ponies. I promise.’James said sulking a little pouting but willing to leave the the kid alone. Though he might teach her games or something. It’d be fun. “Night.”James said looking amused as they left. “Night.”Tony muttered smiling a little as they got to bed. Knowing tomorrow was going to be hard, for so many reasons.

The next morning tony smiled tiredly, sighing softly as aria pouted at him. “No da. Stay.” “I can’t sweetheart. Daddy has to go see uncle phil with Steve.” “No!” “Ari, I’ll be home soon.”Tony sighed softly looking up as Steve walked in from his shower, looking at the man. He didn’t want to leave, but he knew they had to be going. “No!Da stay.”She said toddling over to steve, clinging to his pants.
"uh, she's a little girl right? shouldn't she like ponies?" Johnny asked, looking amused. "nope." Steve stated firmly. "she's going to like football and beer." "she's a kid." "non alcoholic beer." "that's disgusting." "your disgusting." yeah, Steve and Johnny where like a terrible twins. they looked alike, they joked alike, and they had the same sense of humor. this was going to be a fun friendship.

"it's okay Aria." Steve said, gently picking her up. "i lost someone very close to me once too, and i was very scared to let anyone i oved go away too." he admitted, holding her close. "but we can't let that fear stop us, okay? i need you to stay here with Uncle Johnny and James and i'l keep your Da safe, okay?" he asked her with a smile. "i'll keep Da safe and make him come back home very soon okay?" he promised her. "and we'll bring you home a surprise. okay?"
Tony rolled his eyes.”You two are horrible.” “And no, she’s not allowed ponies. Or at least my little pony. Maybe we could have a real pony, and football...”James said sounding thoughtful and a little jealous of the friendship he could see starting.

Aria whined burying her face against his chest, whining a little. “No. Stay.” “we’ll be home soon sweetheart. I bet if you ask him nicely, uncle johnny would pretend to be a pony for you, and we’ll bring you something.”Tony said looking so utterly upset and pained to be upsetting her. “...Pony?”Aria stirred peeking at her father. “Yep, pony. We’ll be home soon.”Tony promised kissing the girl’s forehead as she squirmed away to go to johnny. “Go, we’ll be okay.”James said smiling a little.
"yeah, i'll be a Pony Tiny Tot." Johnny promised her, sweeping her into his arms and tossed her into the air to distract her, Steve sighing as he slipped out after Tony. "that was a lot harder than i thought it would be." he admitted, clutching his chest. "i forgot how much kids can manipulate a person." he admitted, shaking his head. "come on, the sooner we get there the sooner we can get back and i had an idea of what we could get her." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "with your permission of course. i figure if i have a puppy, Aria should have a pet too, right? a little kitten would be perfect don't you think?" he asked, slipping into the passengers side of Johnny's car. Johnny had insisted so they where taking his car to see Phil who was waiting for them at the office.
"Yea she's a terror. And since I didn't live with pepper, I think she's better then most kids at it because she never wants me to go home."tony sighed taking his time going downstairs because he really couldn't do this. "A kitten would be fine."he agreed witb a smile, knowjng aria would love it.He was shaking by the time they got to the office, though it was just his hands that trembled, otherwise he look ed well put together."phil?"tony said as they stepped into the office, trying to be calm
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