Policed (lady/moon)

“Ah. I’m in charge.”Tony muttered, huffing a little, making a face. “Good. At least you two wont have fleas.”James said smiling a little, before smirking. “You are, and you don’t hate me. Don’t say that.”he said rolling his eyes a little, amused at how happy the puppy was at being blown dry. Glad that the amusement was keeping tony from focusing to much as he watched steve and the puppy. Biting his lip, tony smiled slightly. “...I don’t know what I’m going to do now...I mean...I don't have to go to work or I can't...."
"you only think you're in charge." Steve admitted. "we all know that your not in charge. Natasha is. or Fitz maybe. possibly Phil." he mused before rolling his eyes. "Flees would never dare lay a leg on me." he huffed, shaking his head before smiling at the puppy. "well. you can always stay here, watch crappy TV with me and watch me fail to train a puppy." Steve offered Tony. "or you could go visit with Loki Fit and Aria. or we could call them all here and have a party. or we can sit around and sulk." Steve admitted, indicating his phone. Fury had told Steve that he was going to be Tony's bodyguard for the foreseeable future and he wasn't allowed to go back to work. Steve was pretty sure it was because Fury had found out he was hurt and Tony was just an excuse to keep Steve from working himself to death.
“I am totally in charge!”Tony huffed a little. “And oh...well. I guess I could do that...usually when I have a day off, I spend it with Aria and...pepper....”He swallowed thickly. “....we should call them. As them to come visit for a bit....I mean, if you wouldn’t mind having them here....”Tony said fretting a little, needing to see aria, but not feeling good enough to venture out of the safety of the apartment, or to face the world just yet.
"yeah, i'll call them." he agreed, snagging his phone and calling Fitz. Fitz had insisted he have the number as long as Toy was staying with them. "hey Fitz. no Tony's fine, just a bit lost at the moment. yeah, he was hoping you, Aria and Loki would come over. course i don't mind." Steve assured him. "yeah he can come too so long as he doesn't break anything." he agreed, picking at his nails, bored with the conversation already. "food? uhm... i don't know, James just bought my stuff so i actually don't know what i have." he admitted. "Macaroni? lemme look." he checked the cupboards. "yes, i have Macaroni." he agreed. "no, no baby food, though if your going to come over a lot i'll make sure to pick some up. yeah that's fine." Steve agreed. "ahuh. Ahuh... i don't understand what your saying, English please." Steve ordered, his head tilted. "oh. uh.... you noticed that huh? well you had me beat then." Steve admitted before blushing harder. "....last night...." he admitted into the phone. "...yes i'm being serious!... it's not Funny!!!!" he complained before scowling and hanging up his phone, crossing his arms and sulking. "they're coming over and Thor's coming too and i don't like Fitz anymore because he made fun of me." he grumbled, sulking a little before smiling. "think Aria will like Gabriel?" he asked, patting the puppy who was now sleeping on the floor.
“Awesome.”Tony smiled a little, tilting his head as he listened to the phone conversation. “...Yes you do.”James supplied even as Steve found the food, looking amused as he watched his friend. Maybe this, as bad as a tragedy it was, it might be a good thing. “I’ll grab some baby food when I go out.”James promised, looking curious as he listened to the other, wondering what Fitz was saying. “...What did he say?”Tony said looking both concerned and curious before smirking. “I think you’ll be lucky if Aria doesn’t try taking him home.”
"thanks James." he said, distracted before flushing harder. "nothing! he said nothing! not a thing!" Steve stuttered, not about to admit that Fitz had known Steve had a crush on Tony for the last several days and had wanted to make sure Steve hadn't been planning on taking advantage of his boss and had thought it hilarious that Steve hadn't even known he was gay until last night. "i think i might let her." Steve admitted with a chuckle, uncaring that it was a total lie. he was already in love with the puppy. he would never give it up, not even to a beautiful two year old toddler who probobly deserved it more than Steve did.
“Oh. Okay.”Tony said letting it go, even if he looked curious. Willing to not press it before snorting. “No you wont.”he said amused as he watched the other, more relaxed then he had been since before he’d found pepper. Barely noticing when James left to go work on the case, and talk to johnny. While it wasn’t exactly by protocol, James was keeping Johnny in the loop in figuring out the case, figured johnny would know tony’s world better then anyone.

“aria!”Tony grinned happily, scooping the toddler away from Fitz, cuddling her, holding onto the child desperately even as she patted at his face, “Da!”She giggled snuggling against his chest, content. “Thanks Fitz.”Tony said calming a little as she looked at the other.
"i might..." Steve admitted with a smile, settling on the floor, looking almost as relaxed as Tony. it was the first time he'd actually felt comfortable since Peggy had died. when James went to Johnny, Johnny handed him a file on Fitz. "he gave me permission to give this to you. since you and Steve seamed to know his father, he felt you had the right to know why he hated his fucker of a father." Johnny admitted. "i'll leave it up to you to decide if Steve needs to know."

Fitz smiled a little as Tony cuddled Aria. "no problem." Fitz said with a smile. "Sam wants to adjust my meds." Fitz reported. "being that it does weird things to me, i was hoping i could leave Aria with you guys for the next couple of days?" Fitz asked hopefully. "i'm not actually supposed to leave her alone with Tony but if i leave her with Steve it doesn't technically count and i don't trust anyone else to look after her." "of course she can stay." Steve promised. "is she okay to sleep in an adult bed though or should i take that one out of the room?" he wondered.
“...Okay. Thanks, johnny.”James said settling in to read. Oh man, this was bad. And it made sense. Fucking hell. Cursing to himself as he settled in to work.

“....Yea. I mean, if steve doesn’t care.”tony said looking so cautiously hopeful at having Aria around, smiling as she babbled at him. Relaxing at steve’s words, smiling quietly. Wondering just what he was going to have to do for the man, to repay him. He wanted to trust this change, that steve wanted to help him, but he was paranoid enough to be afraid the other was setting him up for something. “She’ll be okay in a adult bed, we just have to put pillows and blankets around her, and pillows on the floor, to stop her from falling out or if she does, to keep her from injuring herself.”
Johnny nodded before pausing, looking at James. "....keep an eye on Steve would you? he's pretty fucked up." he admitted. "...i'm wondering if i should give his file to Tony?" he admitted, wanting James opinion first. honestly, he wondered if James even knew everything that had happened to Steve?

"Steve doesn't mind." Steve informed him sagely, chuckling a little, watching Aria. "so, do you change your meds often?" "rather often, at least once a year, sometimes more. my body builds up a tolerance to the stuff i'm using." Fitz admitted. "sometimes it lasts a good long time and sometimes it doesn't." he admitted. "unfortunately sometimes the new meds can make everything worse and i don't want to accidentally attack Aira during a fit." he admitted. "i've never done it before but there where a couple of close calls and i don't want to take the risk." "might be easier if i just got a baby bed." Steve admitted. "i have a storage unit and there's one in there. well, the frame anyway." he admitted. "i'll have to get a new mattress for her, and if you ever move into your own place you can take the bed with you." if, not when? how interesting, Steve was hoping Tony would stay. Fitz looked a little too amused about that.
“I will. I got them a puppy. Puppy will be good for them. I asked Fitz’s doctor for advice.”James said before frowning slightly thinking about it. “...Ask tony. He might decide to wait till steve tells him, but he might need to know to...”

“Okay.”Tony said relaxing at the other’s words, smiling slightly. “It’s rough on us all when it happens.”Tony agreed listening to them, sighing quietly as he sat down on the couch, cuddling aria as the girl snuggled into him, content to be held by her favoritest person. “Okay. IF you’re sure.”Tony said studying him, not sure why he’d have a baby bed, but sure the story behind it would be painful. Biting his lip, wanting to insist him and aria could stay elsewhere, having a feeling having a baby here would be upsetting ,but not wanting to upset him either. “Okay. We’ll get one this morning.”Tony said pleased, even if he was worried, so tangled up in his own thoughts that he didn’t even notice how amused fitz was. Frowning a little. “I thought Loki and Thor were coming with you?”He asked, needing to see his family, especially with how things were currently, needing the people who’d put his life together once before, maybe they could fix this to.
Johnny blinked a moment and then choked, trying not to laugh. "oh my god. that's hilarious." he admitted before shaking his head. "i don't know. that's why i was asking." he admitted. "on one hand, Tony would understand a bit more about Steve. on the other hand, i didn't even want to know some of this." he admitted, shaking his head. "your friend is fucked up, but if anyone has the right to be it's him." he admitted. "i suppose i'll leave the choice up to Tony."

"what exactly happens?" "it varies. usually i hallucinate, or have waking dreams." he admitted. "sometimes i just stop wanting to live sometimes i hate everyone and decide they need to die..." he shrugged. "i'm just dangerous like that, it's why i take my meds." he admitted. "it makes me about as normal as i can be. without my meds i'd probobly be the worst psycho serial killer you've ever seen." Fitz admitted, making Steve wince. "i'll go to storage today then and get some of the stuff for Aria then." he agreed before pausing. "i'll call James and make him bring his truck. i don't have a vehicle t cart the beds around." he admitted before looking at Fitz. "will you be okay?" "yeah, Loki and Thor will look after me." Fitz promised. "they are. they're bringing up lunch." Fitz admitted with a snort. "or they where supposed to be, i think they're still arguing about what to bring." he admitted with a grin. "or maybe you left without us?" Loki asked, walking in, Fitz looking ever so innocent. "the line was terrible." Loki admitted with a sigh, Thor walking in, massive arms full of plastic bags full of Italian food that made Steve's mouth water. Loki was over to Tony in an instant, snuggling the man because Loki needed the comfort too. the woman who had been his daughter in all ways but blood.... and age, was gone. he had failed her.
“It was. Look at this puppy. It’s amazing for them.”James said snickering a little as he showed Johnny a picture before sighing a little. “I don’t know...and they’re both fucked up. Seriously. But the best idea is probably to ask Tony what he wants. He’s had choices taken from him for the moment, letting him decide something would be good.”

“And sometimes he locks himself in the lab and refuses to come out. It just depens.”Tony sighed a little before wincing at fitz’s words. He knew it was true. Looking pleased at steve’s acceptance of the girl being here, he snickered. “First food, now truck. Are you sure you’re a adult?You don’t own anything.”Tony teased looking up at steve with a quiet teasing smile, showing he wasn’t truly trying to upset the other, simply teasing him. “He does that alot. Leaving without people.”Tony snickered a little looking amused as he saw all the food. Squirming a little as he snuggled close to loki, smiling quietly as aria cooed at the presence of another one of her people. Quiet as he took comfort in their hold, sniffling a little. “....I don’t know what I’m gonna do now Loki...”he muttere.
Johnny laughed outright at the sight of the fluffy thing. "that is hilarious." he admitted with a grin. "and also very good. it'll give Steve a sense of purpose." he admitted before nodding. "that's a good plan, i'll do that." he agreed before offering him Steve's files. "did you want to take a look at this?" he asked the man.

"no, actually. i never really learned how to take care of myself or how to be an adult or anything." he admitted with a shrug and a grin, texting James and letting him know he needed a ride. "really? he just takes off? that must get annoying." "we got used to it very quickly." Loki admitted dryly. "he was always that way. i used to have a leash on him when we went into public because he'd take off if i turned my back on him." Loki admitted. "and this was a ten year old little boy." "it was the first time i'd ever been outside of my house." Fitz admitted. "the world was amazing." Fitz admitted with a grin, shock slamming into Steve. "you never left your house?" "nope." that stunk of neglect, if not outright abuse. ust what kind of man was Theo really? "you grieve. and then you get up, dust yourself off and live, because she'd want you to be happy." Loki admitted, stroking Tony's hair. "i'm glad you decided to move in with Steve, he can keep you safe." Loki admitted. "and i think he needs someone to watch him." Loki admitted. "he appears to be very helpless..."
“It was quite. Though steve is quite determined to not keep him. But he totally is.”James snickered a little before staring at the folder. “....no. I’ll wait till steve wants me to know.”He decided looking down at his phone, tilting his head a little. “Want to come with? Seems steve and tony are up to something and need a ride.”

“Well, we’ll teach you then.”Tony said looking amused before nodding. “It is, especially if he’s holding my coffee for me.”Tony sulked a little before snorting. “It was worse when he was younger. WE should have never given him sugar those first couple years.”he said with a shake of his head, smiling slightly as he sighed, looking at loki. Leaning into the hand stroking his hair, before frowning. “I can protect myself. And he has his puppy to look after him. And james. He’d be fine.”he said, though everyone could tell he was protesting because he didn’t want to like people, didn’t want someone else to get tangled up in his life and get hurt, killed.
"of course he is, look at that fluffy monstrosity." Johnny scoffed, amused before he nodded. "okay then." he agreed before lifting an eyebrow at James. "yeah. sure." he agreed, wondering why he was being invited, tucking the file away and following James with a chuckle. "i have a feeling this is going to be very... odd." he admitted.

"...why? James takes care of me." Steve admitted, looking amused before laughing at the idea of Fitz wandering off with Tony's coffee. "...you probobly shouldn't have given him sugar ever." Steve pointed out. "oh Tony. lying to yourself is fine but you can't lie to me." Loki teased with a smile. "you want to like him. i don't blame you. he's a sweet man, and helpless. every paternal bone in my body is screaming at me that i need to adopt him." he admitted with a roll of his eyes. "he's like a pathetic teen on his own for the first time. it's sad. he's in his thirties or something isn't he?" Loki wondered. "he's not any younger than you are i don't think."
“It is fluffy. It was the biggest fluffy fluff ball I could find.”James snickered a little before tilting his head a little. “You’re being invited because if I continue talking to Tony’s friends, and working the case, maybe I can figure out who’s behind all of this, without traumatizing Tony and dragging him in for a interview. Talking to you, and his team, is easier then that.”James said, because he really was trying to avoid upsetting tony more, and he’d ready the look on johnny’s face. “It probably is. Most things with Steve are.”he said as they left.

“Hm, but he got you a dog. Apparently, he thinks you’re ready to take care of yourself to.”Tony said snickering a little before making a face. “True. Though Clint keeps giving it to him to, so it’s not all my fault he’s hyper.”Tony huffe a little before frowning at loki. “o not.”he muttered ducking hsi head a little, cause well, it seemed totally wrong to want to jump the blond with everything going on. “A year younger. Not much.”he muttered smiling slightly.
Johnny chuckled. "i am going to laugh when that fluffball turns out to be a menace." he admitted with a grin and a chuckle before watching James, relaxing as he realized James was simply trying to do his job without traumatizing someone already so broken. his respect for the asshole went up a little. "that's very true." Johnny agreed with a chuckle. "the same could be said for Tony. i have the feeling that those two living together is going to be a very bad idea." he admitted, heading for his own car and deciding to just follow James.

"...i really don't think i'm ready for that." Steve admitted, looking very panicked at the idea of having to fend for himself completely. "i steal sugar." Fitz stated simply, chewing on something that turned out to be a chocolate bar. "everyone gives Fitz sugar, it's the only way to bribe him." Loki pointed out. "and he keeps himself very well supplied so we're pretty much screwed on that count." he admitted with a chuckle, Loki smiling at Tony. "you can have more friends you know. even friends your attracted to." he admitted. "it's natural to want to find more close relationships in a situation like this." he admitted. "everyone does when they grieve." he admitted with a smile. "...how can he be a year younger than you? he's practically a baby!" he muttered. "sheltered maybe?"
“Hm, I will to. I have visions of tony being a menace with the pup. They’d be a holy terror of cuteness.”James said rolling his eyes a little before snorting. “Probably, but if they’re living together they might give into the need to bang each other’s brains out instead of simply avoiding it. All and all, this will be good.”James snickered.

“Don’t look so worried. Small steps, I doubt he’s going to let you do everything by yourself.”tony pointed out smiling a little. Rolling his eyes at fitz’s words. “True. You do steal it.”He said amused before growling at his friend, elbowing loki in the ribs hard. Glancing at steve, making sure steve hadn’t heard the attraction comment. “Stop it. He’s straight, don’t make things weird.”He growled souning upset at the idea, before snorting. “Very sheltered I think.”Tony muttered. “....what is this?A party?”James said bending down to scoop up the pup as gabriel ran over to them as they walked in, smiling at aria’s excited demands for the puppy when she saw it
James snorted. "i find that unlikely." he admitted. "for one thing, does Steve even realize he's gay?" Johnny asked. "for another, Ton's not going to do anything with anyone until he stops feeling responsible and guilty about Ppper being murdered." he admitted.

"...okay. yeah. small steps. i can do small steps." he agreed, blinking a little. "i only steal it because i deserve it." "you steal it because you have no self control." Loki corrected. "that too." Fitz agreed. "...he is not straight. there is no way." Loki scoffed, rolling his eyes. "extremely sheltered." "yep! it's a party." Steve agreed as they walked in. "a very boring party where we watch and see how much sweets that Fitz can stuff in his gob." "it's a lot." Fitz admitted with a chocolate grin.
“Hm he does. Just figured it out actually, when he wanted to jump tony, listening to you two have sex.”James teased a little before nodding. “I know, but they still need to get together.”he said making a face, worried about them both.

“Yea, you can.”Tony smiled a little before snorting. “He has no self control. None at all.”Tony agreed before frowning at loki, before huffing. “He married a girl, and he’s definitely straight. I promise you.”He muttered making a face. “..Ah. Yes, it seems the party is going on here.”James said shaking his head in amusement, raising a eyebrow. “You said you needed the truck for something?”
"....well damn." he blushed a little. "that's... oddly flattering." Johnny admitted with a snort. "h thought Tony was so pretty he turned gay... i know that's not what really happened but that's what i'm going to tell Tony when he finds out." he admitted with a grin.

"not even a little bit." Fitz admitted, sighing when he finished his chocolate bar. "...and i assure you, he's at least Bi if not outright gay and you know i'm right because i always am." he pointed out before smiling when Johnny and James walked in. he looked fine, but Johnny could see the pain in Loki's entire being. "yeah. i need to go to Storage." Steve admitted. that alone would be a big shock to James. Steve hadn't been there since he'd packed up his entire house and stuffed it into storage after Peggy died. had never mentioned it, commented or even thought about it again. this was the first he had ever even acknowledged that it existed.
“Do. It’d be amusing.”James snickere at the idea.

“....Is not. And you’re not always right. Never.”Tony huffed a little, looking annoyed with the man as she considered it, resting his head against loki’s shoulder. Not abou tto give himself hope, or to give in to the idea that maybe yes, he wanted s teve. Not yet. He was going to twist himself into so many knots until he accepted it. “.....What?”James stared at him, eyes wie as he considered it, swallowing thickly at the sucker punch of memories that came with the idea of going there. “O-okay. Let’s go then. What are we getting?”
"i am always right. the sooner you realize that, the happier you will be." Loki admitted smugly before letting it drop, stroking Tony's hair. he's put the idea there, just like pepper had wanted him to, the rest was up to Tony. "yeah. i need..." here Steve paused, struggling. "i need C..." he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "i need Charley's bed." he admitted, swallowing hard at the sharp pain. Charley had been a year and a half old. they had gotten the bed for his two year birthday. it was an elegant wooden thing that Steve had struggled with for days. sanding it, staining it and putting it together all by himself. it was the worst memory of everything because it was the last thing he'd done before Peggy, Charley and their unborn baby girl had been murdered by a gang. slaughtered her because Steve had put away one of their bigwigs. "Steve, are you alright?" Fitz asked, worried about how pale Steve was. "i'm fine." Steve managed to croak. had he been alone he would have been in the bathroom already, but Tony knew and James knew and he was too ashamed to go in there knowing they'd know what he was doing.
"No your not."tony grumbled before looking up at steve worriedly. "Oh. Okay. We can get the bed."james said moving closer looking worried, swallowing hard."I can go get the bed on my own. Me and johnny are strong enough to drag it out on our own." "Steve?we don't need the bed. I mean, we can just put her in my bed. I can hold her, make sure she doesn't fall out."tony said as he got to his feet, both him and aria nearly going sprawling to the floor in his anxiety and hurry to get to the man. Looking up at him with wide brown eyes.
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