Policed (lady/moon)

Steve nodded. "no. i think... i think i have to. it's been... years. i need to start moving on and facing it." he admitted, looking up at them. "i have to start accepting their gone instead of ignoring it and i might as well do it now that i have some sort of support..." he admitted, swallowing thickly. more like do it now where Tony was living with him so he could stop Steve from doing anything very stupid. "besides. it's not doing any good, being locked up in storage." he admitted, swallowing thickly as he forced himself to his feet, ignoring the whining, upset Gabriel who was reacting to Steve's emotions. "i need to do this, even if i can't go inside right now i... i have to try."
James nodded a little, looking worried for him but knowing it was best. “Okay then. You’re right you have the support. How about we go now, and fitz and loki can stay with tony and aria. We’ll go and do it and be back for dinner.”james said worried if they put it off, steve would chicken out. “..Yea I guess. Okay.”Tony said calming a little even as he squeezed steve’s arm. “Thanks.”He muttered before scooping up the puppy as he whined, both baby and puppy whining and squirming at the emotions in the room, just held them both, worried about steve.
Steve nodded a little but didn't seam to be actually paying any attention to what they where saying. "yeah. Loki and Fitz can stay here. one of them can cook right?" "yes. i'll make a nice dinner for everyone." Loki agreed, glancing at Tony and then Johnny. silently warning them to be careful around Steve during this process, a man in grief was a dangerous man. if they said the wrong thing, Steve could do anything. thankfully Steve was a mild sort of man, so him going off the hinge and attacking them or something wasn't likely but there could be a massive breakdown if they, or he, wasn't careful. "i'll be fine." Steve promised them, snuggling Gabriel before heading out the door, needing to go before he lost his nerves.
“Yea, they can cook.”Tony promised grinning a little as he nodded at loki a little. They’d be okay, he could look after steve, though he was worried about having aria around. He didn’t know alot, but reading between the lines, he had a idea that something had happened to steve’s child. So he worried about having aria there, not wanting to upset him. Watching them go as he settled on the floor with aria and gabriel.

“You sure you don’t want me to just get it?”James asked looking at Steve as he pulled the lock off, tilting his head as he considered his friend. He was less nervous and upset then tony could be, to dominate to lose total control of his emotions, but his nerves were still wound tight, because peggy and charley, and steve had been the only family he’d had since his own turned him out, so to lose them, had left him nearly as crippled as steve."You could wait in the truck you know."
Steve was trembling all over by the time they got the door to the storage open and he finally shook his head. "i can't... i'm sorry... i can't..." he admitted, fleeing the area and crawling into the back seat of Johnny's car to wait for them to finish, curling up in the back seat in the veiled hopes he could sleep the pain away. "wow..." Johnny whispered, stepping intot he storage unit. there was literally an entire household in there. furniture, bookshelves, books, clothes. there was a very dusty picture of Steve laughing with a very pregnant red headed woman while he held a giggling blond haired green eyed little boy who appeared to be trying to steal the camera from whoever was taking the picture. James probobly. there where all the signs of a happy loving family that had ended very badly. it didn't help that Johnny knew what had happened as he gently took down the photo and examined it. "did they ever catch the people who did it?" Johnny asked softly. no, they hadn't. at least nothing that could be proven. part of why Steve hated the mob so much no doubt. "let's find that bed before Steve has an actual breakdown." Johnny decided, putting the picture back where he fund it. thankfully it wasn't hard to find the bed and it wasn't hard to drag it out either. within ten minutes the bed frame was out and in the bed of the truck and Steve was starting to calm down while James locked the storage up again.
“Okay, it’s okay. We got it.”James muttered smiling at him slightly, worried as he watched him go before nodding. “yea....”He muttered looking around, pale as he saw the picture. Frowning as he saw it, pain lancing through him as he remembered that day, it had been a good day, and only a week or two before it had gone so wrong. Shaking his head as he started digging out the bed. “No. At least, nothing we could prove. We put the hitman behind bars for another crime, and never could nail the guy who gave the orders, but no....there’s no proof we got the right man, even if I feel that we did.”James sighed softly, before nodding as tehy got the bed. Settling into the drivers seat after he closed everything up again, he looked at the other, “You okay to stop and get a new mattress? Babies-r-us is on the way home, and you need some other baby things is Aria is going to be staying with you....or I can go back out after I drop you off...”he looked at the other worriedl.y
"...i'll look into it." Johnny promised. "might help Steve feel better." he admitted, glancing at Tony. "i have Steve's files here, by the way. if you want them. it explains a lot about... well, a lot of things." he admitted, helping dig the bed out. "no. i'm okay now." Steve lied. "let's go to the baby store. and the puppy store. i want to get Gabriel a few more toys." he admitted. "and a puppy training book." Steve decided. "i don't want Gabriel peeing in my bed or something."
Tony frowned thinking about it as they worked, before shaking his head. “No...if he wants me to know. I want to hear it from him. But look into what happened anyways.”Tony muttered knowing johnny would before smiling a little as he settled into the seat next to steve. “Hmmm, yea. That would be bad. Just think, you’d have to clean up all by yourself and everything.”James teased his best friend, glad the two stores were next door to each other, smiling slightly as they got to the store, looking amused as the others went to get aria’s things, looking at steve worriely as the man picked out stuff for gabriel. Tilting his head a little. “You okay?”He muttered fussing and worrying over his friend.
Johnny nodded. "i'll ask Steve then." he agreed. "no way. if Gabriel shits in my house James is cleaning it up." Steve decided. "i'm..." Steve paused. normally he'd say he was fine and then deflect the conversation but.... he was so tired, of being all by himself. "i'm not okay. but i'm not..." he struggled to explain and shook his head. "i don't know..." he admitted, closing his eyes as he struggled to understand. "i don't ant to.... be this way anymore." he admitted softly. "i don't want to... not live my life anymore..." he admitted, looking at James. "i want to be better." he admitted. "but i don't want to have to talk to some shrink either." he admitted. "you know? i...i just... want to be better..."
“Ah. Well, seems fair, since he bought the dog.”Tony snickered a little as james rolled his eyes. “..”James smiled at the other for talking, the quiet pride in his face as he realized the other had made the choice to let him in, proud that he ha. Bumping his shoulder into the others a little before smirking. Getting ready to tease him just a bit. “Hm, if I’d known it was this easy, I would have gotten you a boyfriend earlier.”He teased a little before smiling, growing serious. “Well, you don’t have to talk to anyone you don’t want to. Well. Not a proffessional. I’m sorry, you’re stuck talking to me.”He smiled as they picked up anything steve wanted.
"exactly." Steve agreed with a nod before flushing a little at James smile and grimacing at the bump. not because it hurt or he didn't like it but because he wasn't really used to being friendly in a physical way anymore. after peggy had died he'd held everyone off at a distance, even James to an extent. "he just lost his girlfriend and i only just realized i'm gay, i think we need a little bit before i try to seduce him." he admitted before smiling at James. "thanks... i was... Fitz's therapist. he's a nice guy. maybe i could try talking with him?" he wondered. "do you think it would help?"
James smiled as he wasn’t pushed away like he’d been in recent years. It was progress. “I know. I was just teasing. Besides, you might have to fight johnny on sleeping with him.”he teased a little, but pleased the other was accepting the teasing, that he wasn’t freaking out at the idea of seducing tony. You might. It would probably help. He’s the one who helped me decide to get the puppy, I didn’t tell him anything, just asked for advice.”he promised before the other could worry. “But yea, he seems like a good idea. Talk to him.”
he smiled a little. "yeah..." he muttered looking quite sour. "Johnny..." he grumbled, shaking his head as he examined a rope toy. it was so cute that he was trying to pretend that he wasn't jealous. "which of these looks better to you?" he wondered, examining the two rope toys that he wasn't entirely sure why there was a ten dollar price difference on or if he wanted to get the blue one which looked a little more fragile but at least the blue one didn't appear to be so confusing. "really? well, maybe i will talk to him. Tony and Fitz seams to trust hi..." he admitted with a sigh. "how wrong is that? trusting Tony and Fitz.... i really do need help." he admitted with a chuckle "why are there so many puppy training books?" he wondered. "which one am i supposed to get?"
"This is adorable you know."james said smirking a little at his friend. It was so adorable seeing him jealous before inspecting the toys."the blue one. It's not like Gabriels going to be able to break it. He's a fluffball."he pointed out before smiling."I think we were tossed in their group to lean how to trust others."he pointend oUT before snorting."cause people have nothing better to write about. Just buy a few and then choose the parts you like out of each." "You guys find what you need?"tony asked as he and johnny walked in carrying bags of baby stuff.
"it isn't. shut up. be useful if your going to bother me." he ordered. "okay, blue." he agreed, tossing it into his little hand basket, followed by a little squeaky hamburger toy and a couple of all natural bone treats and a toy that crinkled instead of squeaking that Steve wouldn't find as annoying as the hamburger probobly would. he already had a dog bed so now all he had to choose was the doggy training book. "mostly." Steve admitted when Tony came over. "i can't decide which book to get..." he admitted, frowning a little, blinking when Johnny of all people dropped one into his basket. "i used to breed and train." Johnny admitted. "this is one of the best books on the market." he admitted. "oh. thanks! James! buy this stuff for me." Steve ordered, pressing the basket into James chest. hey, James was the one who got the dog without asking permission first. least he could do was pay for the things he forgot to get to take care of the dog.
“Okay okay, fine.”James said rolling his eyes at the order, smiling a little as they got the toys. Looking up at the other two. “Johnny?”Tony muttered looking up at the man, smiling a little as the other was already on it, and chose a book. “He’s multi talented. Dog training and cop, fairly amusing. Though he does train the police dogs sometimes.”Tony snickered a little at james’ surprised look. “hm?”James looked startled, tilting his head a little, rolling his eyes. “Fine fine. So demanding.”james said only protesting because he could before buying it all. Smiling as they headed back out. “Anything else while we’re out?”
"Tony. the dogs i raised and trained where Police dogs. save for a few whose temperaments weren't suitable. they went into family homes." Johnny admitted, looking amused. "and i still do it when i have the time, though i don't breed anymore. you have to be home twenty four seven to do that." he admitted. "ri am demanding!" Steve huffed, smirking a little before hesitating, trying to think of anything they'd need. "do you have all the toiletries you need?" he asked Tony. "clothes, bathtub stuff, shaving kit?" he asked, his head tilted. "that's all i can think of that we might need." he admitted.
Tony smile a little, nodding. “I’m good. Let’s go home. I wanna see Aria.”Tony grinned as they headed home. Smiling as they got there, helping james get the bed upstairs as he let steve and johnny get the mattress, grinning as tehy walked in.” We’re home.”he grinned at the two mobsters and fitz waiting for them, utterly pleased with calling this home. Even if he wasn’t aware of making the choice, he could see this small apartment being as much as ‘home’ to him as pepper’s had been, or loki’s.
Steve nodded. "home it is." he agreed, beaming, delighted that Tony was already thinking of the little apartment as home. "welcome back." Loki said with a smile, stroking the hair of both Fitz and Aria. both of whom where using his lap as a nap pillow. "we saved you lunch." Thor assured them, speaking as quietly as he could. thankfully both Aria and Fitz where used to his inability to be quiet. "thanks Thor." Steve said, looking at him, wary because he wasn't sure he'd wake Aria, Fitz or Gabriel. who was using Loki's feet as a bed. "come on. i'll get the bedroom set up. is she old enough to have a bedroom of her own or should i just put her bed in your room and move your bed over?" he asked Tony.
“Thanks. Food sounds amazing.”Tony smiled a little at thor, smiling quietly as he sat everything down, leaning down to press a kiss to aria’s hair before moving back, frowning as he thought. While she was probably old enough to be in a room by herself he couldn’t....”Put her in my room. We can always change it later.”Tony smiled a little as james and steve went to set up the bedroom as tony went about warming up lunch again.
Thor beamed at Tony and Steve smiled and nodded, moving into Tony's room to reorganize everything so that he could fit both beds in there. it wasn't too hard. "Steve." Johnny moved into the bedroom, looking at Steve, handing him the file. "this is our file. i know it's hard for you, but..." "...yeah. let Tony read it. i can't talk about it. not yet but he deserves to know." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "if he's going to live with me he deserves to know and i just, can't talk, not yet. not about the things in there." he admitted, looking away from the folder and focused on making Aria's new bed up with pillows and blankets.
James smiled a little, proud of his friend for allowing tony to read,” Then you’re going to have to tell him it’s okay. Even if you two don’t talk about it, he’s already refused to rea it because he wants to hear it from you. If you tell him he can read, he will.”James said smiling slightly as they got everything set up, worried about the two men, wondering if this was such a good idea after all.
he nodded. "i'll tell him then. later. i suppose James should probobly read it too. there's things in there he didn't know that i want him too." he admitted, fidgeting. "i just... i can't talk about them. not yt. but i want him to know. because... because..." he shook his had, unable to voice what he was feeling. he wanted James to know because he loved and trusted James and he thought if James knew then James could help because James could fix almost anything. "i think this looks good right?" he asked, smiling at the room, pleased. he'd keep the other room open for James and Fitz then. in case they needed to stay the night or something. he smiled when he heard Fitz sleepily ask Tony if he brought back any sweets and Johnny handed the file to James before heading out to see what Thor and Loki had made for lunch. Steve scarpered too because he didn't want to be in the same room as all the traumas of his past. most things in there James already knew. like how Steve had voluntarily left the foster family after his mother died and joined boot camp instead. how Peggy had died and how living with Sarah had been extremely oppressive. he even knew about the three week 'christian camp program' Steve went to when they where thirteen.

the things he didn't know? that three week christian camp was because she had caught Steve masturbating and had suspected he was gay and sent him to the camp to 'beat the sin out of him'. it was supposed to have been a four week program but the police had found out the counselors and priests there where beating, starving and abusing the kids there. what he hadn't known was the reason why Steve was removed from the foster family was because he stabbed the male guardian after he 'fiddled' with Steve. forced oral was as far as it had gone before Steve defended himself, but it explained his hatred for rape, force and coercion into bedroom activities. James knew about the cutting, but he didn't know about the cocaine addiction that was listed in the files. James knew most of what Steve had been through, but he didn't know the worst things. it made sense now, why he hadn't been overly affected by Sarah's death. the woman had been nearly abusive in her desire to make sure Steve was a good, straight, god fearing man and she had driven out nearly any ability to love at all until Peggy had lit up his life. with her death he was lucky he even had a mind left. the information about Steve's friendship with Fitz's father was detailed in there and how after peggy's slaughter by the Mob, the murder of Theo Fitz had started a lifelong goal to make sure every Man in the Mob was punished. it was extremely prejudiced, but one couldn't really blame Steve for that. especially when you took into account that Steve probobly had a very large crush on Theo. even if he hadn't really realized he was gay back then. Steve's life had been hell. people he trusted had hurt him. people he loved slaughtered by the Mob. yeah, it explained a lot.
“Yea, I probably should.”James smiled a little as he took the folder. “Don’t worry, punk. Whatever’s in there, I’ll handle it.”he said looking looking a little worried about reading it. Not because he thought he’d be able to handle it, but because he was worried about how steve would do with knowing they knew. Smiling a little. “Yea, it’s good.”He agreed watching the two go before settling into read.

By the time he finished, the man was a mess. Taking the time to finish crying, he swallowed thickly, gathering himself again before stepping out, looking amused at the puppy pile going on in the room, shaking his head. “don’t those two still have to work?”He said looking amused at loki and fitz laying on the floor with aria and tony as they napped/watched a movie, smiling slightly. Moving over to steve, he bumped shoulders with the other, “You’ll be okay with him. You’ve read his file. You two have alot in common.”he muttered, smiling as he kissed the other’s check. “But, I have work to do. Need anything else before I head out?”
Steve nodded, still looking worried because he was pretty sure James would blame himself for never noticing.

Steve looked over at James, worried about him. he knew how terrible his life was, he'd lived it after all. though he never really understood just how bad it really was. "Loki doesn't have work and Fitz doesn't work during medication changes." Steve reported, since he'd asked the same thing. Thor was gone to work at least. covering for Loki's absence. "yeah. we'll be okay. leave the file here okay?" Steve asked. he didn't want to see it, but he did want tony to so the file would stay for now. "no. i don't think so." he admitted, looking at James. "you'll come back after work? just to check?" make sure nothing bad had happened.
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