Policed (lady/moon)

he nodded. "she'll settle down eventually." he assured Tony. he hoped so anyway. "great! a kitten it is." he agreed, beaming at Tony, trying to distract him. he set a hand on Tony's shoulder, trying to comfort him as best as he could as they headed into the Office, looking around for the Lawyer who waved them over. "please. come in. come sit." he ordered, looking around at them. "this is the last will and Testament of one Pepper Potts." he reported, handing each of them small packets. "i have already handed out everything to anyone else left in her will." Phil admitted. "within those packets are what she desired you to know and have. i only needed you to be here in person to have a transfer of guardianship and some other things signed." he admitted, indicating the small pile of paperwork.
Tony smiled a little at the touch, relaxing. Taking comfort in the touch as he sat down, sighing quietly as he took his packet. Frowning as he opened it. “Paperwork. I hate paperwork.”Tony sulked a little as he read what pepper had left him, his eyes widening, and starting to tear up a little. “...I get Aria. She’s mine, totally.”he muttered sounding shocked at the idea, before swallowing thickly. “And the business. The apartment is to be sold, but...I get the company.”Tony said sounding shell shocked.
Steve smiled at him a little. "i'm sure Phil or Natasha will help you with the paperwork." he assured Tony, watching him. worried. "yes. we arranged for you to gain full and total guardianship over her." Phil admitted. "we arranged for a paternity test to make very certain no one could contest your rights." he admitted. "and you where the only person capable of accepting the company." he admitted. Loki remained silent, he just handed Tony the packet, silent permission for Ton to read what Pepper had written and left for him.
“Yea....”Tony muttered sighing softly, eyes widening. Swallowing thickly, flinching a little. Because even if he trusted the people in the room, having them know he really was aria’s father screwed him up, messed him up and made him protective. “I’ll go get the test done.”He muttered as he frowned. “Why? He could have given it to anyone. I....I have a job. I can’t....I can’t run her company....”He said though he didn’t sound sure. Even if everyone in the room knew if that’s what pepper wanted, he’d sacrifice a job he loved, to run a business she had loved. Taking Loki’s packet he laughed brokenly, shaking his head. “You’ve been given custody of me, Loki. Make sure I like eat and behave. And the house in the hamptons.”
"it's already done. she stole a sample of your blood and had it done." Phil looked very amused. "how she got around the questions of how she got your blood is a complete mystery." he admitted with a chuckle before sighing a little. "Tony. calm down. you own the companies, in truth you always did." Phil admitted. "she just ran the companies. just turn over control to a third party and make them run the companies." "why can't Phil run the companies?" Steve wondered, Phil twitching, surprised. "what?" "well. your a trusted member of Tony's team. your bored anyone can see that, and you know what your doing. why not?" "i... because. because... because Tony didn't say so." Phil said with a sniff. which meant he had no better excuse. "yeah. a;though, i was pretty sure i already had custody of you." Loki admitted with a sad little smile before he sighed and shook his head. "i probobly won't use it, but i'll keep it in good condition and maybe we'll go on vacations there or something." Loki decided, shaking his head a little. "come on then. we'll all go back to the Apartment. you both need some Aria snuggles." Steve decided.
"Pepper is....was....a very very scary woman. She probably gave them that 'tony, no' look, and they didn't ask."tony snickered a little. Frowning slightly as he calmed."no...I can't let someone else do it...pepper told me to..."he said frowning a little. "Oh...phil...would you do it?"tony said not looking good at the idea, but maybe he could let the other do it? Smiling slightly at loki."erll, you did, but she wanted to remind you. And you could sell it if you want. .but it'd be good to go on vacation there..."tony agreed before looking at steve, tilting his head."...we have to go to the pet store..."
"you know, you could very well be right." he admitted with a smile, chuckling a little. "of course i'll take care of it for you Tony." Phil agreed with a soft smile. "i'll make sure your involved of course. i'm not doing it all alone." he admitted. "i'll keep it clean and taken care of then." Loki agreed. "oh. right. i forgot." Steve admitted, Phil and Loki looking curious. "again? didn't you just go?" "...we're getting Aria a kitten." Steve explained. "oh, she'll love that." Loki agreed with a smile. "Pepper was allergic to cats and dogs so Aria couldn't have a pet before." "i don't thin Aria was old enough before to really know how to behave with cats." Steve admitted with a smile. "she's old enough now to learn not to pull tails or whispers and such now."
“Oh...okay. Well. That works.”Toyn smiled at phil, looking relieved and happy to know that someone he trusted would help him with this. Because if he could save his job once they figured out what happened with pepper, he still wanted that. To be a cop. “Yea. We did.”tony snickered a little, nodding slightly. “And she was young enough to not be really be demanding a pet, despite Pepper being allergic. Now, she’s got gabriel around, we figured she’d like a kitten.”Tony grinned as tehy said goodbye and headed for the door with loki, excited about finding his daughter a pet.
"yes, i suppose so." Phil agreed with a smile. "we'll be fine." he promised, kissing Ton's forehead. "i won't let you down Tony." he promised. he wouldn't let Pepper down either. he'd do the very best that he could for both of them. "that's true too. can i come with?" Loki asked hopefully. "course you can. but Tony has the final say." Steve ordered, grinning when Loki shrugged. he'd never had to pick a pet before. Steve was glad that Tony and Loki where more focused on finding a kitten now instead of how much they where miserably missing Pepper.
“yes. You can. You should get Thor a cat. Can you imagine it?”tony muttered nearly giggling at the idea as they walked in, eyes widening as he saw all the adorable kittens, climbing into the pen with them with permission, and setting about picking out the kitten. Looking torn, not knowing what kitten he wanted before nuzzling one a little as he picked her up. The small kitten looking nearly as fluffy and cuddly as gabriel. “yes?”He said looking up at steve for his opinion.
"That would be epic!" Loki admitted with a smile. "might make him feel better." he admitted. "i think i will. it'll totally ruin his image." he decided with a smirk as he headed into the pet-store. "i think she's perfect." Steve agreed, smiling as he stroked the kitten before he started laughing as he saw the cat that Loki had picked out. the adorable, super fluffy black kitten with a smushed in face. Thor was never going to get his dignity back.
“It would. And Thor’s image is already ruined, or did you miss the picture james took of thor yesterday trying to teach gabriel to do push ups?”Tony snickered a little before sighing softly at steve’s acceptance, grinning as he got out, grinning. “poor, poor thor. Though I think that cat’s going to end up sleeping with you alot. It sorta looks like you, you know, if you were a cat.”Tony snickered as he purchased both the cats and the stuff they needed to go with it.
"that's true. they succeeded too. well, i succeeded." Steve admitted with a smirk. "i'll show you later." he promised. "Thor seams to be still working on it but Gabriel doesn't listen to him at all." he admitted, looking very pleased with himself. "it probobly will. and i do not look like this Tony. how dare you! i am a much feared, terrifying mob boss!" he hissed, looking entirely too much like a fluffed up kitten trying to look imposing that Steve lost it and started laughing so hard he almost collapsed.
"Awesome. I always knew you had some rare talent, rogers. But teaching your dog push ups is amazing."he grinned amused shaking his head a little before staring at loki."I dare because it's rue, fluffykins. Your hair is standing on end by the way."he snickered as they headed back to the apartment looking way to pleased with himself for having made steve laugh that much
Steve smirked. "he loves me and he just started copying me so i taught him. he loves it." he admitted with a chuckle before smirking when Loki hissed at them through his teeth, baring them at them which only made Steve collapse from laughing so hard. "...i'm not getting you a Christmas card anymore." Loki decided, sniffing at Steve who was struggling to get himself under control.
“That’s adorable.”Tony snickered amused at the idea, before smirking at loki. “You will to. You always do.”tony grinned as they walked in, pausing at the sight of James and aria sleeping on the couch, barney playing in the background. Tensing a little as he heard the safety off a gun being flipped off, raising his hands as he waited for james to recognize them. “....Steve?”James asked sleepily as he looked up at them, blinking slowly, gun in hand, even as he rested a hand over aria’s back, keeping her safe as he faced whoever was coming in.
"i won't." Loki sniffed. "you can't make me and i won't." he informed them. Steve didn't look at all bothered by the sound of the Safety. "i'm right here. Gun Down." Steve ordered. which was Steve's 'commander' order. Gun Down, meant, put the safety back on and set the Gun down or put it back in it's halter. "come look what we got for Aria!" Steve ordered, sounding way too delighted for his own good. "and something for Thor too!"
James shuddered relaxing at the promise as he shifted, flipping the safety back on, sliding the gun back into the lockbox he kept under the couch, shuddering a little as he sat up slowly, so aria didn’t wake, smiling a little as he watched gabriel yipping excitedly about the three’s feet. “...Is that a cat?Cats?”He said slowly, smiling a little as aria started stirring. “Yes it is!”Tony giggled quietly, excitedly, but quiet not to wake aria up.
Steve smiled at James a little and then chuckled a little. "you look really cute." he decided to tease the other. "almost looks like your holding a baby Natasha might have made." he teased, just to see James blush. "yep. isn't it great? the black one is for Thor." Steve admitted with a snigger. "this one is for Aria." he admitted happily, plucking the kitten out of Tony's hands and ordering Gabriel to sit before introducing the two, pleased that they seamed to get along just fine. "...why is it that he sits for you?" Johnny demanded, sulking at the puppy. "because he loves, adores, and respects me." "ha ha."
“I am always adorable.”James snickered a little, smiling as Aria clung at his shirt, the small red headed child indeed looking like she could be natasha’s daughter. “What?”He sputtered indeed, starting to blush. “Hmmm, I think he’s enjoying the thought of natasha all round and pregnant.”Tony snickered a little watching the man, wondering if he should be warning natasha she was goign to lose, that this was a man who was going to set his heels down and wait her out, putting up with everything to get to her. “They’re cute.”James agreed smiling a little looking amused as dog and cat inspected each other, before snickering. “And steve’s just bossier then you. Tony listens to him, makes sense the dog does.”James pointed out. “Did you just compare me to a dog?” “Yes.”
"your always a pain in the ass." Steve corrected James with a grin before snickering at the adorable sputtering. "yeah, i think he is. he's such a perv." Steve agreed with a snigger. "they are cute." Steve agreed, looking very pleased. "don't be mean to Tony or i won't comfort you when he's mean back." Steve warned James, plucking the two year old out of James arms and headed for the bedroom with her so she could continue sleeping while they chattered, gently tucking her in and smiling softly at her. it hurt, seeing a child in his sons bed. but at the same time it felt so very good. a relief almost. a bright spark of gladness and peace that he was finally able to move on. he would never forget his son, but he could at least stop being depressed all the time. he hoped so anyway.
“Am not.”James huffed a little. “Yea, definitely imaging it. I’m gonna have to set Natasha up for a date now.”Tony whined a little, because his officer sorta scared him sometimes, because she was nearly as bossy and in charge as pepper ha been. “You should always comfort me.”James sulked a little. “She looks good. Rested.”Tony muttered as he poked his head into the room, smiling at the sight, running his hand through his hair, biting his lip. Nervous and upset, worried. “Are you sure this is okay?And....she looks well right?Not... Not hurt. Or broken, right?”He said sounding anxious. He’d been there that day his parents had died, and it had left unbearable scars on his heart, his soul. He was so scared aria was equally messed up.
"i don't think she's going to let you do that Tony." Steve pointed out with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "she looks peaceful." Steve whispered before smiling at Tony. "it's fine. it hurts but it's not... like it used to be. i think i'm starting to finally heal." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "i think she's going to be just fine. she'll probobly be a bit traumatized for a while, but she's young enough that adapting to the new lifestyle will be easy." he admitted. "i don't know how aware she really is of what happened." he admitted. "but, i know a good therapist who might be able to help her out if she needs it. you too actually." he admitted. "i think that if i have to go, you should have to too."he decided, smiling as he gently tucked a stuffed animal into Aria's arms and then headed back to the kitchen. "don't worry so much about Aria." Steve assured Tony. "she'll be fine. kids are good at coping with things. way better than adults are. when she's older, and it doesn't hurt so much, you can tell her stories about her mummy that might help her feel more connected or something." Steve had to handle a lot of kids who had just lost parents. while he never really handled them personally, preferring to leave that to Jamws, he watched, paid attention, learned.
“I’ll invite her and clint, and phil over for dinner. It’ll be a date withotu a date.”Tony decided looking please with the idea. Smiling slightly at steve he nodded.”She does....and okay. Good. Glad I could be of some help then.”He said bfore relaxing, trusting steve, trusting that the other knew what he was talking about. “I...I was older. Then mine died. Old enough to be rebellious and pissed and hell on wheels. At least....Aria’s small enough I can figure out how to help...”He sighed softly watching the two, ignoring the sharp pain under his ribs at the sight, rubbing a hand over his face. “I try not to, then all I can see is her sitting next to pepper when I walk in, and it’s all I can do to not curl up in a ball.”he said shuddering a little as he wached the man, swallowing thickly, trying so hard to hold it togehter.
"that's really a brilliant idea." Steve agreed, looking impressed. "plus it might help everyone feel better." he decided. "i can't imagine this has been an easy time for anyone." he admitted. "you saw your parents die?" Steve asked Tony, grimacing a little. "i saw my Ma die. it was horrible. she had a seizure. or maybe it was a heart attack. i don't know." he shrugged. "it didn't actually affect me all that much." he admitted. "her death. but Peggy..." he swallowed thickly. "i don't think i'll ever 'get over' her." he admitted. "but i'm starting to realize that i can love other people too even if she's gone." he admitted with a smile. "it's so hard. for so long everything i did, everything i saw or smelled or tasted... everything made me think of peggy and Charley. even now... i'll do things and remember them, but it doesn't hurt so bad after a while." he admitted. "after a while, remembering them makes me happy, because i know they're watching over me even if i can't see them anymore." he smiled at Tony. "Peggy would have loved you." he admitted. "she had this way of always knowing, when someone was a good person or not. she would have yelled at me for being mean to you and made me sleep on the couch while giving you hot cocoa and cookies that where supposed to be for me." he admitted with a soft, fond smile.
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