Policed (lady/moon)

Steve looked up at Tony, blinking a little. he had about twenty grocery bags looped over his arms showing he had been hopping. "if i didn't want you here, i would have kicked you out." he stated simply. "the only person i didn't want here was Johnny because i knew he'd... you know. find out." he admitted. "bit too late for that i suppose." he admitted, dumping the bags. "come help me put this stuff away." he ordered. "you'll be staying here until your steady on your feet again." he admitted. "if that takes three days or three years you'll be welcome." he promised, smiling at Tony. "might be nice to have a roommate." he admitted. "won't be so alone then maybe." he admitted. "yu can cook right? James said i had to buy food but i don't know how to cook any of this." he admitted, staring at the bags. "James is going to be up any second with the rest of the stuff so come on. up. he'll yell at me if we're not busy when he gets up here." hopefully if he acted cool, Tony would feel a bit better. or at least be more willing to stay there.
"I can't st a y that long. I need to look after aria, and I can stay with loki."he said looking agitated even if he stopped trying to dress to leave.bokay..."he said before following him into the kitchen and starting to help. Nodding he smiled a little."yea I can cook. I don't often, but I can."he smiled settling a little as he realized steve was okay with this. "You two going to be okay?"james said as he walked in, studying the two as he considered if if was going to be okay leaving them, or if he should crash out on the couch
"Tony. we both know that you and Aria can't live with Loki permanently. he might not be as bad as some but he's still a mob boss and even if he would never hurt her, there are others who would." he reminded the other. "in any case, i don't know that you'll be allowed to keep Aria after all of this. it depends on Pepper's Will, if she had one." he admitted softly. "i don't know that you'll be allowed to be near her so long as this investigation is ongoing." he admitted. "if you do get custody of her then she'll be more than welcome to live here too." he admitted with a smile. "there's three rooms, she can have one and you can have the other." he promised before smiling at James. "i think we'll be okay but i know you fuss so you can stay the night if you really feel like you have to." he admitted with a grin at James before examining the food in his hand. "...James? why did you get... what is this?" he asked, baffled. "are these baby fish in a tin can?" he asked, blinking at his best friend. they where Sardines, Steve loved sardines, he'd just never seen them on anything but a Pizza before. he shrugged and shoved them into the same cupboard he'd started shoving everything else into unless it went in the fridge. no wonder Steve's house was usually bare, he had no idea what he was doing. he'd never lived on his own save for the few ties they stayed in their home city. which was typically only for a week or less at a time so this was the first time he'd ever lived long term on his own. it was probably a good thing Tony was going to be there because Steve didn't even know how to clean. Sarah had always been the sort of woman who was overly old fashioned. in her mind, the men worked, and the women cooked, cleaned and cared for the children and the man so Steve had never learned how to take care of himself the way most young men did. especially since he went into the army as soon as he escaped his first and only foster family. he went to boot camp at the age of sixteen by his own choice and at eighteen he was shipped to Afghanistan and the army, while big on making beds and scrubbing toilets, wasn't big on independence teaching either so this was really the first time Steve was actually going to have to survive on his own.
"That's true."tony flinched at the reminder, having only been thinking about being comforted and with family, not about how others might be see it. Swallowing thickly as he considered it, looking up at the other. "She does."he said frowning a little, even if he wondered if pepper would want him to be with him. Wondering just how that would be. Maybe he wouldn't get aria?frowning to himself he looked up thoughtfully. Wondering why steve was willing to do this for him but simply accepting it for now. "Yes they are. Those are your sardines, goof. Thought you'd like some."james teased a little worried about them,"you want me to stay?"he said knowing him and storm probably had to be going back to work soon, but willing to stay for the moment if they needed him. Worried about the two.
he shrugged. "Loki can come here of course." he promised. "i don't like him much but while your here this is your house too so you can invite anyone you want so long as they don't steal what little crap i have okay?" he asked, smiling at Tony. "Fitz of course is always welcome, he scares the crap out of me but he loves you so i guess i can handle the goosbumps and shivers." he admitted, trying to get Tony to smile. "Natasha can come over too of course though i don't know she will because James seams to have a drooling problem." he admitted with a smirk. "really? i don't remember Sardines looking like this." Steve admitted with a shrug before hesitating at James. "i've never had a roommate before... what if i do it wrong?" he asked James, the first hint that Tony had that Steve was actually rather desperate for some kind of company that wasn't James. Tony, of all people, should have been able to recognize the tone in Steve's voice, that silent desperation to be okay, to do something right, to have someone like him.
"Okay. He probably wont. Most days he's usually fairly busy...and I don't know if he'll want to visit me now..."he muttered because they might not blame him, but tony would never believe he was blameless in peppers death. And since loki loved pepper, well he figured he'd lost his family.b thanks steve."to y smiled a little at the others willingness to accept his family, snickering a little as james sputtered."I do not have a drooling rproblem!"james said rolling his eyes before sighing softly as he considered his friend. Not even feeling bad to know that his friend wanted more friends. He knew what him and steve were to each other and that was enough, but steve needed other people to."if you do something wrong, he'll tell you, and you can fix it, and you both can move on."he said not sure about leaving th Rd m, wondering if they were mentallysafe to be left alone
he shrugged. "i'm sure he'll come by just to make sure i'm not hurting you or abusing you or forcing you to stay against your will." he admitted sounding amused. "no problem Tony. i'd warn you about anyone i might invite over, but it's... pretty much James." he admitted. "Fury might stop by but that's usually just to make sure i'm not dead." he admitted. "you have a drooling problem." Steve stated simply. "and a humping issue. seriously, i might have to put a cone around your neck." he admitted with a laugh. "are you sure?" Steve asked, watching James before nodding. "yeah. okay." he agreed. "we can do that. it'll be fine. like a sleepover or something." he muttered before scowling. "...i suck. Tony i suck so if i piss you off just hit me." he ordered, deciding that would work best because at least that way he'd know Tony was mad at him.
“Oh. Yes. He might do that. He’s protective sometimes. This will probably make him protective even worse.”Tony groaned at the idea. He already had a overprotective brother/father figure in the two asgard brothers, this was going to make it worse. “Ah...well. James.”Tony said looking amused, “I dunno, that might be to much company, Rogers.”He teased a little. “No worries. I usually come to take him to work, and make sure he eats. And movies sometimes.”James said relaxing a little as he realized tony was joking, playing. Maybe pepper’s death wouldn’t break him. “And I do not have a drooling problem, or a humping one. Unless you count that I’m not getting anywhere, and I’m not sleeping with anyone a problem.”James sulked, because while he was mostly focused on fining what happened to pepper, he was stressed and upset, and sex usually helped, but since he was after natasha, he was refraining from random hookups. “I’m sure.” “I like sleepovers.”Tony said watching the two, before frowning, startling as he stared at Steve, tilting his head.”Hit....you?That’d be okay?”Tony hesitated asking, nearly making james laugh out loud as he realized what was happening, tony was treating him like a dominate, and being submissive enough to not want to hit the one giving orders, even if he would obey if steve mae it clear he wouldn’t get in trouble for it. This was going to be a interesting roommate situation for awhile, truly.
he nodded. "that's likely very true." he agreed with a smile. "it's nice though, knowing he adores you so much." he admitted with a smile. "yeah, James is pretty cool most of the time." he admitted with a grin. "hell shut up at least when i tell him to so i think it'll be okay." he admitted. "i eat fine." he huffed at James. no he didn't, not even a little bit. when he got hungry he ignored it until he couldn't ignore it anymore and had to go get a hamburger from McDonald's or something. "you have a drooling, humping, licking yourself problem. it's getting a bit worrying you know." he teased James, tacking on a new issue every time James protested. "i've never had a sleepover before, my Ma wouldn't allow it." he admitted, wrinkling his nose. "seamed to think it was 'the pathway to the devil'... didn't need a sleepover to do that though." he admitted with a shrug before nodding at Tony. "yeah." he promised. "then i know your angry. i probobly won't know why but at least you'll feel better, hitting me, right?" he asked with a grin. completely unaware of how Tony was treating him though he'd smack himself later for not realizing sooner.
Bit is. Even if him and Thor are going to be insane."tony grumbled though he was smiling a little. Snorting ay steve's words."no you dont." "Finally something me and tony agree on. You eat horribly."james said rolling his eyes a little before sputtering, making a face at his friend but not protesting."fjne, me and my problems are leaving then. Maybe natasha will be willing to be nice to me."he pouted a little before grinning at steve."well, you did have premarital sex, I think you found that path alright on your own."he teased smirking."have fun."he said as he left. "Oh...okay. I can do that."tony said biting his lip but relaxing, maybe this would be okay. Yawning as he stretched but trying to stay awake, cause for once steve was being nice, and he wanted to enjoy it while it lasted, cause he was sure the other would come to his senses sooner or later.
"they'll only be insane for a little while i'm sure." he promised with a grin. "...i do too! i eat fine!" Steve whined, sulking as he opened the tin of sardines and chewed on it, humming happily at the noxious salt and fish flavor. "yeah. you and your drooling, humming, licking yourself, stalking problems leave." he teased with a snigger at James before shrugging. "i'm pretty sure that was your fault." Steve admitted to James. "you got me drunk that first time and payed that hooker to have sex with me remember?" he asked, smirking a little. "yeah, lots of fun, me and Tony will braid out hair, paint our nails and gossip about boys." he said, rolling his eyes. "you should get some sleep." Steve said to Tony. "come on, i'll help you set up in your room." he offered. "do you want the room on the left, or on the right?" he asked, indicating the spare bedrooms. "the one on the left is a bit bigger and is closer to the bathroom." he admitted. "but the one on the left doesn't have the sun shining in it every morning so it's up to you."
“Probably.”Tony said looking amused, before rolling his eyes at the other’s insistance he ate fine. “It probably was my fault. But that whore offered to do you for free, I felt bad for her, had to pay.”James snickered a little. “....I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if you two did.” “I don’t gossip.”Tony huffed a little, sulking a little watching him go before nodding sleepily. “Okay.”He muttered listening to the order, following him a little, “Left is okay.”he smiled a little, looking up at the other. “goodnight.”He muttered heading for the bedroom and flopping down onto it.

In the morning Tony frowned slightly as he heard James knock, wondering what time it was, and what the man wanted so damned early in the morning. He wanted to sleep dammit. If he kept sleeping, maybe teh world would make sense again.
"...well. she really knew what she was doing." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "and taught me everything i knew too, you know, i saw her sixteen times after that? each one turned into a lesson on how to pleasure a woman." he admitted happily. which explained why the women always left Steve's place with wide happy grins on their faces even if Steve had been mostly bored. "Left it is." Steve agreed, making sure Tony was settled into bed before turning out all the lights and locking the door before going to bed himself.

Steve had been awake for all of two minutes, nursing a cup of coffee made by himself for the first time in years when James knocked. "...James?" Steve asked, opening the door and blinking sleepily at him. "why are you here? it's too early." he whined.
“Yea she did.”James snickered a little looking amused, and nodding. “you did.” “You are so weird, for a agent.”Tony said looking a little wide eyed at the idea that steve had been basically dating a hooker, looking amused as he settled in for bed.

“Hey. I have a present for you. Figured I better show up early, before we had to be at work.”James grinned, before holding out the basket he was holding in front of him, the wicker basket holding everything you’d need for a puppy.....and a tiny fluff ball of a puppy. “Present. You get to name him to.”
"....James? this is a dog." Steve said, holding the Basket a little bit away from him. "wh the fuck did you bring me a dog?! you know i can't take care of things! i can't even keep plants alive! what the hell am i going to do with this thing!? what breed is it anyway? husky?" he wondered, staring at the puppy. "seriously, take it back and forget whatever damn idea that put the idea that this would be a good idea, right out of your head!" he ordered, trying to push the basket back into James chest and force him out the door before he gave in to the adorable puppy and kept it.
“Yes, it is a dog. I’m so proud of you for knowing your animals.”James praised as he pushed the door more even as steve tried to shut it, keeping his foot in the jam to keep it from closing. “And I thought you’d benefit-and Tony to, from having someone besides yourselves to look after .I mean, he’s used to small helpless things, he’ll help you.”James said not about to admit to why he’d thought the dog was a good idea, before snickering. “It’s a pomerian-husky, it’ll stay this tiny.”He said smirking a little. “You got a dog?”Tony said sleepily as he walked into the room.
he glared at James. "it's not staying! no way! nuh uh! it's too early for your pranking shit!" he hissed at James. "go! A! WAY!" Steve hissed, trying to slam the door shut. damn James for wearing the same door proof boots he always wore. "no! i don't want it James!" he complained before grimacing at the idea of such an adorable dog staying that adorable before glaring at Tony. "no! i don't! James is being a bastard! it's leaving and so is he!" he said, leaning forward to shove James before pausing when the pup whined and licked his cheek, sighing as the last of his resolve melted. "fine! but only for tonight! and then he goes back! and we're not naming it!" because if it was named Steve would never get rid of it.
“This isn’t a prank. He’ll be good for you.”James said smirking a little, grinning as the door hit his steel toed boots, glad that he wore them all the time, especially when he was doing things that steve wouldn’t like. “You do want it. It’s adorable!”James grinned. “...He doesn’t look like he’s leaving.”Tony muttered sleepily, shuffling towards the kitchen to get some coffee, before snorting at steve’s words. “I think we should call it marsh mellow.”James said as he set the basket on the couch as he got himself some coffee to.
he glared at James. "i'll kill him." he complained, stroking the puppies ear without really thinking about it. "i'm not fit to take care of this thing." he complained before glaring at Tony. "well. he is leaving! and he is not being called Marsh Mallow! that's a terrible name! and you can't trick me! i know your trying to get me to name him so i won't want to give him up!" he growled, gathering the basket and slamming the door shut in James face. if he was lucky the other would leave. he rarely was. he supposed if he wanted James to leave he should have locked the door. "okay Gabriel." Steve informed the Puppy. "your only here for a day, that's it, so don't get attached!" he ordered, not realizing he'd named the puppy already. "and you! he's not staying so don't go giving him any names or making a spot on your bed or nothing!" he ordered Tony. "he's leaving! tonight! or Tomorrow! whatever! he's not staying!" he glared at the dog. "come on Gabriel. i'll get you food." he promised the dog, digging in the basket and setting down a food and water bowl for the pup.
“No you wont.”James said rolling his eyes a little, smirking at his friend petting the puppy. It was going to be adorable. “You’ll be fine.” “Marshmellow is terrible.”Tony agreed as he sipped his coffee, feeling at a loss since he couldn’t go to work, it’d been forever since he hadn’t had to go, or at least on a weekday. His vacation days were rare and far between. “That wont work.”James rolled his eyes as he walked in, getting himself some coffee, rolling his eyes, smirking a little. Amused as he considered steve, amused that the man had named him without realizing it. “Of course not. I wont do anything.”Tony said raising a eyebrow as he watched steve, looking bemused at the other’s words, watching him feed the puppy.
Steve scowled. "i won't be fine! i can't be trusted with things that can't take care of themselves James and you know it!" he complained before growling at him. "i hate you James. from the depth of my heart." he grumbled. "don't drink my Coffee!" he hissed at James. James was used to morning grumpy Steve, though he was a bit worse than usual indicating he'd had nightmares or dreams in the night. "good! see that you don't! because he's not staying! not even if he is super cute and adorable!" he huffed, scowling at the dog. "finish your dinner! i'm giving you a bath, you smell like dog!" he huffed, the dog just wiggled, overly happy at being paid attention to as Steve stroked it while it ate and once it was done Steve walked off with it, declaring all the while that they weren't keeping it and that he hated James.
“That’s why you have tony. He’s taken care of helpless things before. Babies, puppies...not much difference. He’s just furrier then Aria. He’ll be good for you both.”James smirked, “Just think of it as a way to make tony happy if you must.”james said, willing to use tony as a excuse as to why steve needed the dog, if it convinced him to keep it. “You do not.”James rolled his eyes, looking amused because tony was looking fairly grumpy himself. “He is adorable. And fluffy.”Tony agreed before raising a eyebrow. “What else is he supposed to smell .like?”He asked even as he watched steve clean up the puppy, knowing it was staying.
"Aria is not a dog!" he snapped at James, glaring at him, protective of the little two year old which was hilarious because he was still rather terrified of her. "he'll be a pest. a nuisance." Steve huffed as he lathered up the fur. "he's supposed to smell like..." he checked the bottle of dawn in his hands. "sunshine breeze." he informed them. "and he has flees." he shot an annoyed look at James. "where did you get this thing anyway?" he demanded, using a wash cloth to wipe the puppies face clean, checking it's teeth and ears for any danger of diseases. "it seams healthy enough. is it neutered?" he wondered, lifting it's back leg to check.
"BUT he knows how to take care of them. Tonyll be helpful."james said smiling. "Why do I feel like I'm going to be volunteered for alot of things now..."tony snorted amused before laughing."dogs really supposed to smell like dogs. Not summer breeze."tony teased smiling a little. "I'm sorry. They promised he didnt, damn. And I got him at the pound, he's had his shots and everything. Expect now he has fleas."james huffed a little."and he is neutered, so you just have to get rid of the fleas, and you'll be fine."
"....yeah, that's true i guess." Steve grumbled, shaking his head before smirking at Tony. "oh, it was always going to happen. James likes to pretend he's in charge." he admitted before shaking his head. "no, Dogs are supposed to smell nice." he stated firmly. "there don't seam to be very many." he admitted, examining the fur. "and there's no dirt. i think he just picked up a few stragglers." he admitted with a sigh. "i'm keeping the damn thing aren't i?" he asked, sulking at James. "i hate you." he informed his best friend, lifting Gabriel out of the sink and started drying him with a towel before grabbing a hair dryer and started brushing the dog while drying him out. the dog seamed to love it.
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