Policed (lady/moon)

"yeah. yeah. it's Steve." Steve agreed, sounding very spacy indeed. "yeah. over my head. okay." he agreed. "yeah. i'm at home. my apartment." he informed Tony. Johnny was already writing down an address after typing into his Tablet for a moment. "yeah. yeah. okay. what should i talk about?" Steve wondered, sounding rather sleepy now. "i'm. uhm. yes. buzz you in." he agreed. 'have my phone." he promised. "i just push a button n the door opens. it's awesome, are yu having sex? you sound like your having sex." Steve admitted. "i don't like having sex. it's horrible." he admitted. "you have to push the right numbers. my apartment number. 313." he informed Tony, sounding startled when his phone started beeping. "oh. hold on..." there was a loud bussing sound on Tony's end and then the door unlatched, letting Tony in. once Tony was in the apartment it was easy to see that Steve didn't veiw the apartment as home. there was nothing in it. oh there where things, furniture and books and paperwork but there was nothing personal.Steve was laying in the bathroom, a rather impressive puddle of blood lay spattered everywhere. it would only take one look to know that Steve had self inflicted the cuts on his arms, explaining why Steve always wore long sleeved shirts. some of the cuts where weeks old, some on his biceps, some on his shoulders, some on the tops of his forearms and some on the soft underpart. he'd been cutting for a while, years. the newest one started normal and then the knife laying on the kitchen sink must have slipped because the cut went ragged and deep and had only just started to coagulate. he'd lost a lot of blood but he didn't seam to be in any danger, mostly he seamed to be in shock, or maybe he was just in a bad head space. it was hard to be sure in cases like this. "hi Tony. i'm sorry about the mess." aside from the blood the place was pretty spotless.
“Yep, over the head. And awesome, I’m not that far from your apartment, I’ll be there.”He promised before smiling. “Anything. Tell me something I don’t know.”Tony said looking upset as he heard the other’s voice, that wasn’t good. “That’s pretty awesome. Using the phone. And no, not sex. I’m running. To your place, remember?”Tony said smiling a little when he pressed the button, relaxing a little as he was buzzed in. Pausing to look around the place he frowned, this was fairly bland. Frowning a little as he walked into the bathroom he hung up the phone, even as he hastily tugged his belt out of his beltloops, kneeling at the other’s side as he tied it off around his upper arm, tightening it enough to slow bleeding, but not enough to be a danger. “Hey, Steve. And the mess is okay. I live with a two year old have the time, I’m used to messes.”he said ignoring that he was kneeling in a puddle of blood, or that the other would feel horrible later about calling him. Focusing only on taking care of him, keeping him awake. Not even worried about the history of cutting yet, focusing on what he needed to do. “I’ll be right back okay?Gotta get something out of the kitchen.”He said praying the other had gatorade or orange juice, and something to snack on something. Grabbing some food and a glass of juice he headed back bathroom, kneeling down as he pressed the dressing he’d dug out of the medicine cabinet to his arm, wrapping the wound up even as he urged the other to sit up. “Up, Agent. Sit. You need to drink and nibble on these cookies.”
"yeah. yeah. okay. why are you running?" he wondered. "don't you have a car?" he wondered. "yeah. it's awesome." he agreed, his thoughts rather disjointed. "i like to push the button and watch James come up. there's a little camera so i can see if he's really him, you know?" he muttered. "are you getting undressed? i'm not gay you know. you can't make me think otherwise." Steve slurred. "even if you are really pretty." he looked at Tony, accusing him silently for being so pretty. "oh. okay. i don't make as bad of a mess as a kid does." he mumbled. "at least. i don't think so. i don't know. i never got to meet my child." he admitted before looking dismayed when Tony left, though he didn't say anything. he was used to being abandoned. he did have a lot of juice. mostly orange though he did have some apple and he had a lot of energy bars and protein cookies and not much else. it was just juice, protein bars and a outdated spoiled jug of milk. very sad. Steve looked much happier when Tony came back and he struggled to sit up, leaning against the wall and letting Tony force him to drink. "i don't like the cookies." he grumbled even if he allowed Tony to press one into his hand and pliantly started to chew on it while Tony dressed his wound. he wondered how long it would take for Tony to notice the needle and syringe laying in the sink? he hoped he didn't notice at all, he had a feeling Tony would be angry about that.
“Cause traffic is to bad, and running over to your place is better then making you wait cause we both know I suffer from road rage, and probably would get arrested for yelling at some idiot.”Tony said sounding rather worried as he listened to the other’s disjointed wors, before snorting. “I’m not getting undressed.”He promised, even if he was missing a shirt under his jacket, and socks, definitely wearing only the necessary clothes for going outside as he smirked. “I’m using my belt to slow the bleeding, and don’t look at me like that. I’m not the prettiest one in the room.”Tony said frowning a little as he consiered steve with a child, before coming back. Helping him sit up and he sighe. “I don’t care if you don’t like them, eat a few. It’ll help.”He said as he dressed the wound, and bandaged the other up, before looking up, moving to get up. “Come on, Agent. Time to get up and to bed.”he said before pausing when he noticed the needle and syringe, letting out a upset whine, well, that explained some things. Dammit. Growling as he carefully hauled the other to his feet, glad he was stronger then he looked, otherwise moving steve would be a pain. Moving him to the bed he sighed as he got the other settled. “Now. You’re staying awake and talking to me okay?You’re not allowed sleeping for a bit.”
"oh. yeah. road rage is bad. "That's why i don't drive." he admitted. "oh. i wouldn't mind if you got undressed." he assured the other. "i like your belly. it's hard. i like hard." Steve mumbled before he frowned, confused. "am i pretty?" he wondered, his head tilted. "i don't think i am, but i could be wrong." he admitted. "fine. i'm not hungry." he complained, chewing on a third cookie despite his protests. "i'm not tired." he protested, shaking his head. "i don't want to go to bed. laying down makes me dizzy." he protested, though he didn't struggle against Tony when Tony forced him to his feet. "okay. i'm not tired." Steve promised as he settled into the bed, blinking at Tony. "why do i have to stay awake?" he complained. "i don't want to stay awake. i'm not tired." he grumbled, fidgeting and fussing. typical mental problems hat came with a class 2 hemorrhage. irritability, combative behaviors and confusion. it wasn't too dangerous, he wouldn't have to have a blood transfusion but it was a dangerous sign of how much blood he had lost. of course, depending on what drug he had taken it could just be from those. "Tony? thank you for coming. James would have yelled. i don't like it when James yells..." he admitted softly. "i like that you don't yell. yelling scares me. i don't like yelling."
“Yea, that’s why I’m not driving.”Tony said before pausing, looking bemused that the other was contradicting himself, before sighing a little. “I’m half undressed, see? You woke me up. Worrie me, enough that I didn’t even get dressed. I don’t do this for everyone, you should feel special.”he said refusing to look at the fact that was true, that he usually would have gotten all the way dressed, and not looking to closely at that fact that he hadn’t. “You are very pretty. And well, you can stay propped up okay?Just in bed.”Tony said sighing a little, patient and quiet, glad he had plenty of practice with victims, otherwise talking to him like this would drive him insane. “Cause you lost alot of blood can’t sleep yet.”He said glad to see that it was dangerous, but not life threatening anymore. Huffing out a sigh he smiled a little as he settled on the bed next to the other, relaxing. Settling in for the night, tired and knowing he’d probably not get any sleep in the little bit left of the night. “You’re welcome. And James probably should yell at you, but I wont tell him. I have a feeling knowing that you’ve been doing this under his nose, is going to piss your buddy off. Gotta tell you, when he does find out, and he’s going to eventually, even if I don’t tell him, he’s going to piss it off.”he sighed a little, “Finish your juice and rest.”
"yeah. i can't drive." Steve admitted again before blinking at Tony. "you are undressed." he mumbled. "i feel really special." he admitted. "i get to see naked Tony. yeah. it's nice." he admitted before shaking his head a little. "i don't want to. i want to stay here. i'm cold." he complained, even as he settled into bed, propped up just like Tony said. "i should clean the bathroom, the blood will stain..." he mumbled, moving to get up before remembering he was tired and settling back down. "i thought it was brain injuries that you couldn't sleep?" he wondered, confused. "i don't like it when James yells." he protested, shaking his head. "i don't like it." he grumbled. "i'm cold..." he admitted again. "he won't find out. he never has before." he admitted. "it was only a little slip. i panicked. got scared." he admitted, looking at Tony, eyes sad. "i don't have any friends cept James." he admitted. "i'm a horrible person." he admitted. "that's why no one likes me." he admitted, drinking his juice obediently.
“I am. And you should, it’s fucking cold out,Steve.”Tony whined a little looking amused that he was being complimented, before sighing. “bed would be warmer.”He promised. “And I’ll clean the bathroom.”Tony said though he didn’t get up to clean yet. “And it is brain injuries you can’t sleep, but I didn’t know if you fell along with the blood loss, and I’m worried if you go to sleep you wont wake up, so we’re going to stay for a bit, then if you’re still tired, you can sleep.”Tony promised before sighing as he tucked the blanket around him more.”better?”He said sighing a little. “Ah. Well, you shouldn’t be doing it anyways. Well, I’d be your friend, if you stop thinking I’m the bad guy, but that’s not going to happen, so we’ll just get along okay?”He promised shaking his head. “You’re not a horrible person. Just one that’s been hurt. And I like you, most times anyways. And james likes you, always, doesn’t he?”He pointed out stifling a yawn. “Finish the juice, and you can sleep if you want, okay?”
he shook his head. "i don't like the cold." Steve whimpered. "they made it cold n the war. every night." he admitted. "they made me sleep in the cave." he mumbled. "it was always cold, even when it was the middle of the day..." he admitted before shaking his head. "i didn't fall." he promised. "my head is too hard to be hurt anyway." he assured the other before nodding. "yeah. better." he murmured as the blankets where settled over him. "you are the bad guy." Steve grumbled. "Loki's the bad guy. killed my friend... can't prove it." he glared at Tony. "i know you covered it up but i can't prove that either." he admitted before sighing. "but i can't be mad because you do such good things." he admitted. "and that makes me feel bad because i don't want to forget my friend." he grumbled. "everything i love dies..." he huffed before shaking his head. "i'm a horrible person. why would everyone hate me if that wasn't true?" he wondered. "everyone. even me. i hate myself." he admitted, draining the last of his juice before settling in to sleep. "i hate being alive where everything hurts." Steve whispered, pulling the blankets over his head and went to sleep.
“I know, I dislike cold to. It’s okay, I’ll keep you warm.”Tony said even as he got up for a few minutes to turn up the heat before returning, sighing softly. “Good. And your head is fairly hard, I agree.”he said looking amused before going still, staring down at the other. It was a rare thing, for them to kill people, or cover it up. He had never truly covered up a murder, not really. He might have hidden certain theories he had, but he’d never stopped a crime from being actually solve. Staring down at steve, he tried to figure out what the other could be talking about, and wondering who. “I don’t know what you’re talking about steve, but even if you can’t be mad, you don’t have to forget your friend.”he said before sighing quietly, “I don’t hate you, even if you annoy me. I don’t.”he promised before watching him sleep, before settling on the far edge of the bed to sleep himself.

In the morning, which in reality was only a few hours away, found tony standing over the stove, sleepily grouchy, definitely not a morning person, making a light breakfast of toast and eggs with coffee before stumbling back to the bedroom as he heard steve waking up, holding out the plate.”Eat.”he said, looking even more out of place wearing his jeans an one of steve's dress shirts which looke huge on him, but was more comfortable then sleeping in his jacket. "Hope you don't mind, I burrowed a shirt."he said sounding unrepentant about it
he shook his head. "no one can make the cold go away." he whispered. sounding quite paranoid before he smiled at Tony. "nice hard head." he agreed before shaking his head. "you have to say that." he mumbled. "because you don't want me to arrest you for covering up a crime." he mumbled, snuggling into his pillow. "i don't want to be alone no more..."

he was confused when he woke in the morning. someone was in his place. there was a food smell when there was never a food smell. was James there? he doubted it, James knew that Steve hated eating in the morning until he'd had at least two cups of hot coffee. ".... oh crap." yep, he remembered now. he looked at his arm, paled and looked at Tony, a little too pale for comfort. "...oh crap.... don't tell James..." he didn't even care about the shirt or that Tony might have snooped through his house, not that there was anything to find. he didn't even care that Tony might have fondled him or something, he just didn't want James to find out.
Tony sighed a little as he considered he other, handing over the cup of coffee before settling on the bed to eat his own breakfast as he considered the man. “I wont. Though I think you should. He’s going to find out eventually, and might freak out or be upset you didn’t tell him. But not my business, if you want to screw around with it, go ahead.”Tony shrugged as he ate, sighing softly, eating as fast as he dared, since he had somewhere to be, but not quite brave enough to rush and make himself sick.
he nodded a little. "thanks... for coming over." he said, looking at Tony. "i know i said a lot of things... i'm sorry about that too. i know, by now, that you wouldn't cover up a murder. well, not on purpose anyway." he admitted. "i can't tell James." he admitted, shaking his head. "he'll watch me like a hawk for the rest of my life if i do that and i can't stand being watched..." he admitted. "and i'm trying to stop." he admitted. "sometimes things just get..." he shook his head. "but you don't need to hear about that." he admitted, draining his coffee cup and blinking. "this is good coffee..." he admitted, pouring them both another cup. "i didn't even know i had coffee in here.. or eggs. or bread." he admitted, looking at Tony before deciding he'd be okay if he ate a little bit. why not? Tony was being nice enough to cook, Steve would be nice enough to eat it. "thanks again. you didn't have to come. i really appreciate it."
"Your welcome...and....not willingly no. But accident, maybe. But I wouldn't let a murder go."tony said frowning at the man, tilting his head slightly, it was disturbing to him to know how good it felt for the other to recognize there were some lines he'd never cross."...I can understand that. Having you two here has been like being in a fishbowl, everyone watching."he wrinkled his nose a little. "Good...and if you need to talk, just come find me. I'm a cross between a priest and a boss, according to clint, so if you want to talk, come find me."he said looking amused as he finished his coffee grinning as he was given more."you didn't. I ran out to the corner store and bought it. Figured you were okay for the five minutes it took me."he snickered a little as he ate."and your welcome. Considering you sounded half deranged on the phone, I was worrying you were dying or something. Felt obliged to come save you."he smiled glancing at the other.
he nodded. "i know." he admitted though he didn't say what he was thinking. Tony wouldn't ever do it on purpose, but Loki would, probobly, use Tony in such a manner that Tony would cover something up without realizing. "yeah. all eyes on us, huh?" he asked with a shudder. "...yeah. i might. i'll think about it." he promised. not a promise to actually do it of course, but he supposed if he got bad again he could try talking to Tony instead of getting high and cutting. "yeah. i don't actually do much here." he admitted, flushing a little. "normally i just stay here only long enough to sleep and i eat at James or go out to eat." he admitted before shaking his head. "you could have called James, or sent one of your guys, or even called the emergency folks." he pointed out. "you didn't have to come yourself and you did anyway so... thanks. Fury would fire me in an instant, or worse, force vacation on me." what was with the people Tony hung out with that they hated not working so much?
“Yea, well, of course. We’re the best looking after all.”Tony snickered a little before sighing, looking pleased despite knowing it wasn’t a promise to talk to james. At least it was something. “Thats just...saddening. Home should be a good place.”Says the man who was living at the precinct,but this wasn’t about him. Tilting his head a little before frowning slightly. “You called me, figured you wanted me, not anyone else.”Tony shrugged a little before laughing. “Your very welcome. I understand the need to work.”He looked amused as he finished eating, running a hand through his hair. “I better be going though. I’m supposed to be having breakfast with Pepper and Aria.” He explained, not wanting the other to think he was simply abandoning him
he flushed a little. "yeah. i guess. everyone on your team is pretty attractive really." he admitted before smirking. "Natasha especially." he admitted with a snicker. "James is never going to live it down if he fails." he admitted before he shrugged. "never had a home after my Ma died." he admitted simply. "move too much i guess." he admitted before shrugging, not about to admit why he'd called Tony of all people. not even to himself, let alone other people. "yeah, i need to take a shower." Steve admitted. "and then i'll head to the precinct." he admitted, checking his watch. "James will be calling to wake me up soon enough anyway so i'll see you later." he agreed, hesitating before heading to the bathroom to see how much blood he had left all over his floor.
“Yea we are. That was my requirements, attractive people only.”Tony snickered a little before nodding. “No one will ever let him forget it, though I don’t think he’ll fail.”Tony said smiling slightly, before nodding. “Okay. I’ll see you in awhile then.”He said looking amused as he left before steve discovered he’d cleaned up, and also thrown out any drugs he’d found along with cleaning up teh blood.

It was within the hour though that Johnny got a near hysterical call, so far gone that he couldn’t even piece the words together beyond that Johnny needed to get to pepper’s now, and that it was messy. And when johnny found them, because it was indeed him and aria, father and daughter were curled up together, blood clinging to them, in the corner of the huge living room, while the slaughter on the other side of the room stood in stark contrast to the bright white walls and decorations that pepper so favored.
Steve snorted a little and rolled his eyes. "and people let you get away with that?" he asked, amused. "no one complains about you being sexist or something?" he wondered before blinking at Tony. "seriously? you think he actually has a chance?" he asked, his head tilted. "well. there's hope for him then i guess." he decided with a chuckle. he was very annoyed when he realized all of his cocaine was gone but it was easy to brush it off. he had more and he could get more easily enough. it was barely an annoyance and he was still too high from the coke and the pain in his arm to really give a shit. he was at the precinct just in time to see Johnny race off.

Johnny was more than a little panicked at the call he'd gotten from Tony and made sure to get to Peppers as soon as he possibly could. when he got there he nearly passed out. Pepper, sweet, perfect Pepper... dead, not just dead but mutilated tortured, hacked to pieces. he did the only thing he could. he called Fury and ushered Tony and Aria out of the room and settled them into the bathroom so he could clean them up. he would tell Loki personally. this wasn't something you said over the phone.
“No of course they don’t.”Tony teased rolling his eyes a little. “I get awesomely talented people, the fact that their good looking is just a side effect. Sometimes I think their looks help them, people like talking to them.”He sai looking amused before nodding. “Seriously. A small, minuscule chance, but yes.”He said looking amused as he left.

Tony rocked a little as he growled at johnny when he tried to take Aria away, to out of it to really be aware it was just johnny trying to clean them up, growling louder at the other as he held onto Aria, but finally let the other help them get cleaned up. Stirring a little when he heard the others in the outer room, but to far gone to really move yet.

“....Isn’t this....where Pepper lives?”James muttere glancing at Steve as they walked into the front room of the house where Fury had asked them to come with no explanation, simply told them to come now. Looking a little worried as he glanced at his partner before stepping into the apartment before going utterly still, for a moment not quite sure what he was seeing, before looking around for the baby he knew lived here.
"Shh. Tony. it's okay, we just need a bath." he promised. "Aria can't be covered in blood like this, okay?" he asked Tony, gently easing Aria away from Tony and washing her up and carefully dressing her in clean clothes before forcing Tony to do the same, saving the clothes as evidence since he knew Fury was going to insist. "shh, Tony. it's just the people that Fury sent over. probobly Steve and James."

"...yes it is." Steve admitted. "unless she's moved since the last time." he admitted, swallowing thickly as he examined the text he'd gotten from Hammer, saying that he wanted the child removed from Tony's care until the case was resolved. doing just a basic search had revealed that someone named Leo was Aria's Godfather and so, no matter that Hammer was sending over Children's services, she would be going to Mr. Leo, not to government care the way Hammer was trying to insist. the law was the law and the Leo had passed basic scrutiny and the man was going through an extensive background check as well, just in case. plus James said it was the right thing to do so that was what was going to happen. especially with Phil involved. "oh my god..." Steve whispered, kneeling next to the mutilated body, just to check. "it's cold..." he mumbled. "time of death is definitely more than three or four hours." he admitted. "rigor mortis has set in completely." he said, knowing James would be writing that all down. "estimated time of death, between midnight and four a.m. further information to be deduced by coroner."
“...oh. Okay. She needs cleanedu p.”he muttered letting johnny take aria, whining quietly as he was washed up but not actually trying to get away. Frowning a little. “Don’t want them here. Pep wouldn’t want anyone seeing her like this...”He sniffled a little, seemingly completely disconnected.

“Damn.”James cursed quietly, paling as he considered what they were seeing. Looking up at the text, tilting his head. “....No. The kid’s going with her godfather, she knows him. I’d like to do as little damage to her as possible, and upsetting her after this is going to be worse...”James muttered looking shaken as he looked at the body, writing everything down as steve talked, frowning slightly as he considered that. “You know who the obvious suspect is, and given his...connections, he’s going to have everyone trying to pin his ass to the wall for it.”James muttered tensing when he saw both the footprints and hand prints in the blood, kneeling down to inspect it as he spoke, holding up his hand, wincing as he realized how very small it was. “Aria was here....”He muttered. “For awhile. Blood was wet when she was sat in it....”he looked even paler, looking up at the sound of running water. “...did fury say Stark was still here?”He said, while he doubted the other who mishandle evidence or mess things up, the fact he was still here, was slightly disturbing, if only because he knew no one should see their lover like this.
"yeah. damn..." he muttered before nodding. "that's what i thought too... though, probobly not for the same reasons. we've already seen one person in children's services working for the Mob trying to take a child. i have no doubt that another clan would do anything they could to get their hands on Aria to force Tony or Loki to do something." he admitted. "as much as i hate to say it, i would rather she go to Loki, than to someone who would hurt her just to hurt Tony." h admitted before grimacing... "Tony has an Alibi." he admitted, running a hand through his hair. "a pretty damn good one." he admitted, looking at James. "he was at my place last night." he could admit that much to his partner, though he really didn't want to admit to anything else and he hoped James wouldn't ask, not now anyway. "there are other footprints too. see? but these came after the blood was dried." he admitted, running a finger over the bare dent of an impression. "yeah.... Stark is here..." he admitted with a wince. "he was the one who called the body. he called Johnny, Johnny called Fury." he admitted. "Fury assured me Johnny would know how to preserve the evidence. no idea why he'd know that but..." he shrugged. "i suppose being that he's friends with Tony he probobly works in some sort of law enforcement or something."
"No doubt. And as much as it pains me, loki would be a better alternative then a stranger. But she has a godfather, we'll get her to him. It's better for everyone."james sighed a little before startling, staring at his friend for a long moment before looking at his phone as it buzzed, "good. He's going to need one. Hammers sure it's stark."he said sounding disgusted with his boss' certainity, but him and hammer had never gotten along so it wasn't that strange. For the moment not asking what tony had been doing with steve."that has to be tonys. No other sign of people, and he walked in to get aria."james muttered looking at the footprints where they ended against the wall, definitely the man had curled up there till johnny had gotten there."he's cia, spends mst of his time abroad working with interpol. So not to horrible that tony called him, but it could be used against him to."he said frowning, knowing tony didn't do this even without his partner alibi-in him. He'd seen the two together, tony was sickeningly in love, he couldnt do this. Which meant, there was someone who had a grudge who had.
"yeah. i just wonder about this Leo Fitz..." he admitted, examining the name of the young man on the godparent registry. "do you think he's related to Agent Fitz?" Agent Fitz, one of Steve's very rare friends. Theo Fitz had been an FBI Agent that Steve had worked with and they had gotten surprisingly close. he, Theo and James would often have poker nights and would go out and get drunk together. Theo's death, blatant murder had left Steve shaken deeply and had made his already severe problems even worse. Steve had known Theo had a son and wife, but the son had vanished and the wife had died, beaten and raped to death. he had to wonder if Tony hadn't taken in Theo's kid? it was hard to be sure, Steve certainly hoped to find out. "Hammer hopes it's stark and wants us to say it is even if it isn't." Steve corrected. he couldn't prove that of course. "seriously? CIA?" he asked, startled. "it's easy enough to see why Tony would call Johnny though. the police wouldn't be able to do anything here and calling Johnny means that Johnny can immediately contact the FBI the way he can't and the police can't. no offense to the officers here but most of them are dirty and would find ways to either hide or place evidence." Steve admitted. "something that Tony and Phil both know and if this does go to court Phil will have no problems pointing that out." Steve admitted, swallowing thickly. "someone did this. i want to know who and why." he admitted, the first hint of anger in his voice. while he hadn't known her personally he had liked her. she was a woman who got things done, never gave in and refused to let anyone use her name or gender against her. "let's lock down the scene and get Tony and Aria out of here."
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