Policed (lady/moon)

"i like to be busy." she admitted with a grin. "it will be very fun." he agreed before nodding. "he needs someone to be mad at." he admitted. "your making yourself that person aren't you?" he wondered, his head tilted. "your an amazing man Tony." he admitted with a smile before he nodded. "James is a sort of a person who fixates. he's spent his entire life being fixated on Steve, and Steve is fixated on what is right and what is wrong. change Steve's mind, you'll change James mind. if Natasha, who has become a secondary focus, might manage that on her own." he admitted. "oh i bet that was fun." he admitted with a smirk. "they're starting to adjust already." he admitted with a grin before purring at Tony when he watched the other sink to his knees. "you always look so beautiful when you do that." he growled with a smirk. "i'll definitely fuck you over your desk." he promised him. "and maybe, if your a really good boy, i'll let you fuck me up against the wall. or maybe the window. that was fun last time."
“Of course. And I’m not that amazing, I just know what he needs to not self destruct, though I’m not sure if he’ll actually avoid it even if he’s mad at me.”Tony sighed a little thinking about that, before nodding. “Well, good to know that. Work on steve, I’ll get them both. Makes sense....and I think she’s already starting to get to him, we’ll just have to see.”tony smield a little before smirking at the other, resting his cheek against the other’s thigh, watching him with that quiet little smile as he looked up at the other, simply having the other near him, of having the one person he’d told everything to, was simply relaxing. While he loved Pepper, it was johnny he relied on to keep him steady. “I’m always good. And if we fuck against the window, we’re going to get some very disturbed Agents pounding on the door for answers.”He teased even as he slid his mouth down over the other, devoting all that quiet, intense energy into getting the other off.
"your always the best with the more twitchy folks." Johnny agreed with a smile before snorting. "i'll help you, fucking with the FBI is always fun." he admitted with a smirk before smirking. "you have a way of getting under peoples skins." he admitted. "and then they never get you out." he admitted with a chuckle. Tony had a bad habit of worming his way into people's hearts and he never seamed to realize just how loved he really was. "let them." he growled with a grin. "you have the shades drawn, we'll be fine." he teased. "or we'll fuck against the outside window. hows that?" he asked with an impish grin. he was such a damn voyeur. "Fuck i love your mouth." he growled, rocking his hips just a little, just t make Tony work a little harder. "fuck your a perfect little cocksucker." he groaned, stroking Tony's hair and just letting him do as he pleased because if Tony felt you weren't paying enough attention to him while he was sucking you off he MADE you pay attention.
"Somehow everyone seems to think so. Practice I guess...and indwe'd it is, especially since I have their bosses permission to do so."tony snickered a little, before makING a face."much to their dismay most of the time. We're usually both tramatized by the experience of getting close to me."tony made a face.he usually found letting people close traumatic since it let them close enough to stab him into the back. He was usually in constant amazement the few he did keep hadn't betrayed him really. "Hmmm outside widow would get me arrested by my own detectives."tony whimpered shuddering at the idea though.growling at the name calling as he worked his mouth and throat over him ,rolling his eyes up to give him a look even as he scraped his teeth over sensitive skin, just the right amount of threat to be a teasing dare, a slash of pain followed by pleasure as he deep throated the other
he snorted a little. "you empathize with them, you know how it feels." he admitted. "you where there so you know how to make it all okay again." he admitted with a smile. "it's a good thing, well, it's bad that such bad things happened to you but your using it to help people and that's good." he admitted with a smile. "nah, you have those shades drawn too. and the windows are tinted, no one will see anything." but he would be able to see out and that was what mattered. "fuck, Tony! Jesus!" Johnny moaned, tossing his head back at the edge of the teeth, shuddering, struggling not to cum. it had been way too long. too busy to have sex except on vacations and a desire to stay loyal even if they weren't actually dating meant he had spent the last three weeks completely celibate. "Jesus. yes!" he moaned, tugging on the hair. "do it again." he knew Tony would understand. Johnny loved it when Tony used a little bit of tooth. it didn't take much effort at all for Tony to have Johnny moaning as he came, rocking his hips and emptying himself into Tony's sweet, evil, wonderful mouth. "your an evil asshole, i hope you know that." Johnny groaned, grinning a little. "where's the lube? i'll make you pay for making me cum too early... again."
Tony snorted amused at the others overexplaining."I know what you meant. Don't worry."he promised amused before shuddering at the idea."okay outdoor window."he purred. Smiling slightly as he rolled his eyes up to look at the other.scrapping his teeth over the other again he swallowed greedily as he looked up at him, raising his head after a moment, looking up with a smirk."I do, but you're the one who's been celibate, not my fault."he teased with a smirk as he watched the other as he got to his feet. "Not my fault you got a hair trigger."he teased even as he got the lube out handing it over to the other as he started stripping.
he snorted a little. "yeah." he agreed with a smile before smirking. "fuck yes." he growled, delighting in Tony's mouth before narrowing his eyes at Tony. "you get annoyed when i sleep with other people." he pointed out with a chuckle. "God i love it when you Swallow." he growled with a smirk before his eyes narrowed. "Hair trigger? you think i have a hair trigger?!" he demanded, reaching into his back pocket to grab something before stripping naked and grabbing the Lube, smacking his ass. "i'll teach you who has a 'hair trigger'." he growled, wrapping his hand around Tony's cock, locking the length into a perfectly sized cock ring. one that Johnny had made specifically for Tony several years ago. he always used it when Tony got too lippy. once the ring was in place he used their ties to lock Tony's wrists to the desk so he couldn't try to squirm away. "i'll show you a hair trigger." he growled with a smirk.
"I do not. You and pepper are free to sleep with whoever you want. Which I tell you both often."tony said looking annoyed at the tpoic, because he did, even if he did get annoyed with the thought of them sleeping with anyone else. He didn't want to bold them back either."yea. I do."tony smirked wiping his mouth leaning a hip against the desk as he watched johnny."it's definitely not me how has a hair trigger."tony smirked shuddering as he was tied down, squirming a little. Even if he knew he couldn't he couldn't not try."I don't think you'll show me anything but that you have one."he challenged just begging to be punished.itd been to long and he was feeling the pressure with steve and james here
he shrugged. "i know i could sleep with someone else if i really wanted to." he admitted. "but i never feel right." he admitted. "i hate sleeping with strangers and of the people i do know your the only one i like well enough to fuck. well, you and Pep." he admitted with a smile. "oh. i think i'll show you plenty of things." he growled with a smirk, his eyes blazing with lust, anger and amusement. he knew exactly what Tony was doing, the little shit. well, what Tony wanted, Tony got. he slapped his hand against Tony's ass again before wandering, leisurely over to the closet, making sure that Tony could see him at all times. he either had to be in sight, or if not in sight touching Tony. preferably both, especially in situations like this, but Tony wasn't down yet, so being able to see, and hear Johnny would be enough for him now. Johnny was keeping up a running commentary, wondering what he should do to Ton, flog him properly of course, but what else? maybe make him stay bent over that desk for the rest of the day, a nice little sex pet for whenever Johnny decided he wanted more? no Tony would enjoy that entirely too much. maybe he should leave that cock ring on his cute little lover for the rest of the day until they went to Johnny's place? keep Tony hard and wanting until the end of the work day? held merit but Johnny didn't want to wait that long. what do do with his naughty kitten?
"Ah okay. And strangers are amusing sometimes. You know, you could find someone you like. And pep likes you."tony smiled because while it was rare sometimes, they did all get together. Whining quietly as the other moved away, twisting his head to watch the other, not down yet but getting there, and dropping fast, as sex was the pressure valve he used to let off some steam from work, and knowing there was someone trying to get him fired was getting to him badly."johnny."he growled when the other showed every sign of taking awhile to decide what he wanted to do
he chuckled. "Pep tolerates me because i make you happy." he corrected with a chuckle. "besides, she has lady bits and i'm not as fond of those as you are." he admitted with a chuckle before smirking at Tony. "yes, Tony?" he asked, looking wicked. "did you want something? an idea of what i should do perhaps?" he mused, letting his fingers trail over Tony's favorite flogger, gripping it tightly. "i am entirely too nice to you." Johnny said with a chuckle, closing the closet and heading back over to Tony, trailing the leather against Tony's body, letting him feel it before pulling his arm back and let it leave a white hot strip of pain behind, just the way Tony liked. "is that better Pet? do you like that? shall i do it again?"
Tony frowned at him slightly, for a moment worry tightening his features because he rarely allowed himself to discuss his relationships in fear of losing them both, he wondered if he was treating them both badly and they just didn't want to tell him. Worried at the idea before the though was swept away by lust. Whining quietly as he squirmed he looked up at the other."I do want something, and that flogger is it,"he growled the silent tacked on 'you jackass' there. Gasping as he was hit he arched up into the blown trembling as he nodded, looking at the other with wide eyes."p;please."
Johnny smiled at him. "stop worrying about it. if i where to ever find someone i actually loved i'd go be with them. for now, i love you." he admitted with a smile. "well. flogger it is then, pushy little pet." he teased with a grin, smacking the others ass. "i heard that insult in there, even if you didn't actually say anything." he stated firmly, bringing the flogger down again, grinning at the sound of Tony's moans and groans only to yelp in stunned shock when the door splintered it was kicked open so hard and a furious Steve rogers was on top of him. "You Rapist Bastard! leave him alone!" Steve snarled, attacking Johnny with Fury only to find himself on his back with all the wind knocked out of him. not a sensation he was used to. "oops..." Johnny flushed. "sorry. force of habit." he admitted, wondering what Steve thought he was doing. saving Tony it looked like, since Steve was already struggling to his feet despite being unable to breath. Johnny was quick to get Tony free so Tony could keep Steve busy until the man calmed down long enough for them to explain that it wasn't rape.
"Love you to."tony smiled at him tilting his head a little before whining."pushy?I'm not pushy. Your pushy."he muttered dropped eno ugh that he was starting to not make sense, and talking himself into circles. Moaning as he was smacked again he squirmed, looking startled and confused as he looked at the two."two johnnys...I'm confused...johnny did you drug me..."by on muttered trying to pull his head together enough to talk even as he pushed off his desk looking for his clothes even as james shoved them into his hands, pushing the smaller detective behind him, putting himself on guard duty while steve took care of johnny. "What's going on-oh bloody fuck. Stop!"clint ordered as he walked into the room, looking upset as he took in thee scene, shaking his head."by ou two are lucky natashas out getting lunch, otherwise this would be a nasty conversation. 5ony, get dressed. You two, stop being overprotective. I thought you didn't even like him?"clint said eyeing steve and james even as tony relaxed at the command, his headspace soured but the command letting him steady some as he dressed.
"Pushy Kitten." Johnny teased affectionately before he dropped Steve on his ass. "no Tony baby, i didn't drug you, that's Steve remember?" Johnny asked, sighing a little. what a mess, he didn't bother trying to get any closer to Tony. "I might not like him but that doesn't mean i'm just going to stand back and let him be raped!" Steve snapped. "no one deserves to be raped, ever! now get out of the way! i'm turning him into a paste!" he snarled, trying to duck around Clint to get to Johnny. "i wasn't raping him!" Johnny protested. "me and Tony are fuck buddies!" Johnny informed Steve, grabbing his arm when Steve got too close and Steve wheezed when he found himself on his back again. "i wasn't raping him!" Johnny said, looking frustrated. Steve rolled onto his feet again but since Johnny wasn't trying to get to Tony anymore he didn't go after the little bastard. mostly it was because Clint was in his way again. "what's going on?" Fitz asked, heading inside, looking very upset. he didn't like yelling at all so that there was a lot of it going on meant something bad had happened and he didn't like it. "are you and Tony having a fight?" "no Fitz, we're not having a fight." Johnny promised. "it's just a misunderstanding, it's okay." "you promise?" "i promise. it's okay. why don't you take Tony out of here?" Johnny suggested, Fitz hesitating before nodding and guided Tony out of the room so that Tony wouldn't be around the yelling either.
Tony smiled, blushing a little at the other’s words, whining quietly, looking confused and a little lost. “...oh. Okay.hiya steve.” “What’s wrong with you?”James muttered looking at tony, looking worried before looking at johnny. Tense, but not angry yet. “No. You don’t get to touch Johnny, because he would never hurt tony unless he asked, and you’ve already done enough damage to Tony’s peace of mind as it is. Don’t make things worse.”Clint growled upset enough to lash out at a man he kne wwas already upset, hating to see tony looking so lost and confused. Rubbing a hand over his face as he realized that he wasn’t getting through to him, watching fitz leave with a confused looking tony, before focusing on Steve. “Tony is sleeping with johnny, on a fairly regular basis, whenever and wherever they find time. I promise this was consensual, and we just made him lose what little peace he had going on.”Clint sighed, knowing Tony was going to be in a foul mood once he got his feet under himself again in the next few minutes.
"....is he in shock?" Steve wondered. "no. he's having sympathetic nervous system response. it causes a release of epinephrine from the suprarenal glands, as well as a dump of endorphins and enkephalins." Fitz informed them making Steve and Johnny blink at him. "...did you reall research subspaces that much Fitz?" Johnny asked, the word triggering something in Steve's memory, making him startle. "yes. i did." Fitz said with a sniff. "Sub-space. you mean like, submissive?" Steve asked, starting to realize what he was seeing here. he was nieve but... "like Fifty Shades of Grey?" "you read that crap?" "no. a woman in my department has and she never shuts up about it." Steve admitted. "shit... i thought... i'm sorry... that was... i saw the ropes and he was making those noises and you where hitting him with... whatever that was and i thought..." "it's okay." Johnny promised. "it's a shock for people who have never seen anything like it before." he admitted. "it does look a lot like rape sometimes to someone whose never seen anything other than Vanilla." Johnny admitted. "i... i am sorry... i.. i didn't know. i just...." he was blushing bright red now and looked rather mortified that he had interrupted. he knew very little about it but he was pretty sure Tony was going to be grumpy. anyone having their sex interrupted would be. "...i think i'm going to go home now." Steve admitted, heading for the door, refusing to wobble like he wanted to. he had no idea how a man half his size managed to knock the wind out of him twice.
“...”James turned his head watching tony, eyes widening as he realized what he was seeing. And while he got laid a lot more then Steve did, he was sometimes just as innocent. “Because of tony, or just because?”Clint said looking at fitz in curiosity, smiling slightly before wincing at the mention of the book. “While it’s a good start, that’s definitely not the best book to be reading about this lifestyle.”Clint said, having read it simply to see why it had caused one of the rare fights between pepper and tony when tony had learned pepper had read it. “It’s okay. Though you’ll probably have a grumpy tony to deal with tomorrow, just apologize and go from there.”Clint said watching the other. “....You okay?”James muttered following after Steve, tilting his head a little. “You should ask him for pointers. He laid you out quickly.”he muttered looking thoughtful.

“Can we go home?”Tony muttered as he ducked back into the room, steady enough to be on his own, but definitely nto feeling well as he glanced at the other. Shivering a little as he looked at johnny, starting to crash from the high.
"mostly Tony." Fitz admitted. "and curiosity. i wanted to understand the chemical composition that caused the reaction." he admitted. "i've studied it more than just scientifically as well." Fitz wanted to be able to help Tony if the man needed to be watched while he was down, and now he was glad he had done the research. "i never read it." Steve admitted. "i tried, just because i was curious, but when he basically blackmailed her.... i didn't like it so i didn't read it. coercion and blackmail is still rape." Steve admitted. Johnny wondered if there was a story there and intended to dig into Steve's past a little bit, see if he couldn't find out why the man was the way he was. "yeah well... i cock blocked him, i would be pissed too if i was in his position." Steve admitted with a flush. "i think my back is bruised." Steve admitted once he was out of the room. "it's Tea Kwon Do." he explained. "i think. i've come across others who could do that." he admitted. "i never had the time to learn it myself." he admitted. "...it really did look like Stark was being raped though, right? i wasn't overreacting?" he asked James, not sure if he was okay or not.

"yeah. we'll go home." Johnyn promised, stroking Tony's cheek with a smile. "it's nice that they rushed in to save you." he admitted. "they don't like you yet, but at least they have proper moral compass to want to protect you." he admitted. "that's a good thing... the way Rogers reacted though... makes me wonder if he wasn't, you know, fiddled with." he admitted, leading Tony out to the car. "we'll go back to my place, yeah?" he offered.
“Ah.”Clint said tilting his head a little as he studied Fitz, knowing why the man had done it, and approving of it. At least tony would have support if he needed it. “Yea....it’s fairly bad.”Clint said studying steve, then glancing at James. Curious but not saying anything. James snorted a little at steve’s words, “Yea, if you ever got laid again. You’d probably benefit from trying, actually.”He teased his friend a little looking amused before tilting his head thinking about it. “well, considering how that went, you might try to make time. I’m sure there’s a studio here, or we could ask Storm.”He said thoughtfully before studying the other, biting his lip a little, nodding slowly. “It did...though I think you overreacted some. I mean, it was in a police station. Even if it appeared that way, I don’t think if we’d thought it through, that it would have been logical to consider it rape in a police station.”he said as they headed for steve’s apartment, having every intention of seeing the man home before heading for his own place, only a few blocks away.

“Good.”tony muttered sighing quietly as he leaned into the other, looking annoyed even when he smiled. “It was. Even if I didn’t need it.”he muttered sounding grumpy, snorting a little. “I know....we might have to look into it. And tone down our normal sex life till we find it out. I don’t want to freak him out....”he frowned as he followed the other out, nodding slowly. “Yea. Your place, though I have to go to Pepper’s in the morning. My presence has been requested for Aria’s yearly checkup. Seems to think I’ll worry less if I’m there when the doctor looks her over, instead of getting it secondhand.”Tony sulked a little even as they headed for johnny’s place.
Fitz smiled at Clint a little, glad he could be of help to Tony. "i just don't see how anyone could find that sort of thing.... erotic." Steve admitted with a shake of his head. "and so many people read that stupid book." he admitted. "it just... it's a bit sick." Steve admitted, running his hand through his hair. "....i get laid more than you do James." he huffed, rolling his eyes. and it was true. on a weekly basis Steve went out, picked up a lady, got laid, sent her home and went back to work. it was a bit monotonous really but Steve felt the need to do it. he had no idea, but Fury had pitched the theory that Steve did it to prove something to himself. maybe that whatever sexual mishap he'd had didn't have power over him, maybe that he was straight, who knew but Steve clearly was trying to keep up some ruse, even if he didn't know it himself. "Rape can happen anywhere James. even in a police station. location doesn't mean shit." he admitted. "we both know that." he admitted. "people get raped in police stations all the time." he admitted. he'd had to investigate several such incidents after all. "see you later James."

"i know." Johnny admitted with a smile. "there's no need for us to adapt our lifestyle just because a couple of your new boys are fidgety. that's not fair to you." he admitted. "i'll call Pepper and make sure you're up and out the door when you need to be." he promised. "and you worry too much." he admitted. "way, way too much. it'll be good for you to go to the doctors with her." he admitted with a smile, chuckling a little as he stopped in front of his flat. "you steady enough?" he asked Tony, wondering if Tony would need to be dropped again or left alone.
“Me either, but apparently he does. Whatever is going on in his head, doesn’t have to mean anything to anyone but himself. And whoever he’s having sex with.”James sighed a little before rolling his eyes. “True, but you don’t enjoy it, and for the life of me, I don’t know why. But whatever.”James said sighing a little, because he had a idea what had happened, but steve never told him, so he’d never tried to push it to hard, not wanting to wreck their relationship more then he already had by forcing steve to take care of himself. “....True. Maybe you’re right. Just apologize, and you’ll figure out how to deal with STark again. He’ll forgive.”James said before smiling. “See you later. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”he said before giving the other a long worried look before heading for his apartment.

“....I don’t want to make him uncomfortable. Refraining from having sex at work would be simple enough.”Tony said sighing a little before nodding, “Kay. And I do not worry to much. Aria needs someone to fuss over here. Pepper and you are so willy nilly about everything, someone has to worry!”Tony grumbled waving a hand at the other, because loki and johnny were the only people besides him and pepper who knew who Aria’s father was, so johnny got to hear way more about aria then most. Smiling as he nodded a little. “I’m steady. Sex would be nice, but a bath, food, sex and sleep sound even more amazing.”Tony shrugged even if he was grumpy, he simply wanted to relax and get some sleep, real sleep, because he rarely slept well unless he was with pepper or johnny, trusting them to take care of him while he was out.
Steve nodded. "yeah. still, i wonder why... i mean, do you think he's self harming?" he wondered. if he was honest, not that he was, ever, he had found the idea, once he realized it wasn't rape, very...interesting. the thick red welts on Tony's back stood out in his mind and made him wonder if he was sick and twisted the way his mother had once said anyone who had perversions was. perversions meant anything from a healthy sexual appetite to anyone who was gay, touched themselves, watched or read porn or didn't go to Sunday and Wednesday mass every single week. he hated to admit it, but he was just as relieved as he was depressed when she'd died. "yeah. i mean, he sort of forgave us for accusing him of kidnapping Aria so...." he smiled at James. "i'm fine! stop looking at me like that!" Steve called back at James as he walked into his apartment. he would never say what he looked up on his computer, but he had a much better understanding of Tony once he went to bed at around three in the morning.

"from what little i know, Rogers is a bit of a slut. i don't think sex at the office is actually going to bother him." he admitted with a chuckle before rolling his eyes. "we are not 'willy nilly' we just know what we're doing." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "well we'll do that then. a hot bath, a nice meal and maybe if your still feeling up to it, a long slow fuck." he agreed. he would spend the rest of the night pampering Tony, even feeding him and ended it with a full body massage and a blow job before they snuggled in and went to bed.
“Maybe. I don’t know. I have enough problems trying to figure out how to seduce Natasha, without trying to figure out her boss.”James said looking amused though, before nodding. “He did. He’ll forgive this to.”he said looking amused before sighing. “I’ll never stop looking at you like this, Rogers. I’ll see you in the morning.”He promised as he left.

“....Okay. Maybe not.”Tony said though he looked curious at the knowledge that steve was a slut, even if he knew he was the wrong gender to appeal to steve. “You are!You totally are willy nilly about it.”Tony grumbled before nodding, and by the time they went to sleep, the man was utterly relaxed and quiet, content.

In the morning tony sighed softly, absently running a hand through johnny’s hair, leaning down to kiss him awake. “I’m heading out. You heading to the precinct? Or want me to swing by here after the doctor’s and pick you up?”He said nuzzling the other a little, relaxed and happy. Content for the moment, his anxiety about what was happening, and his worry for his job forgotten in face of being relaxed and happy with johnny, to know johnny would take care of him, and help him.
"well. i'll figure out Tony then. you figure out Natasha then you sappy love struck idiot."

Johnny chuckled smiled a little as he woke up, grinning at Tony a little. "hmmm. i like kisses." he mumbled before shaking his head. "i promised to go check in with Loki." he admitted. Johnny had never been adopted by Loki the way Fitz, Tony, and Pepper had, but Loki fussed over Johnny all the same because Pepper and Tony loved Johnny and he made them happy. Johnny wasn't as physically attached to pepper as he was to Tony but he loved them all the same. "i'll be round the precinct after." he promised with a smile. "how wigged out do you suppose the Agents are gonna be this morning?" he wondered with a grin. "you should really screw with their heads. that would be fun, don't you think?"
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