Policed (lady/moon)

"a good plan. i'll do that." Loki decided with a smirk before shaking his head. "i never said you fainted. i said you get sick." he stated simply, Steve wincing at the promise/threat of having to do needlework. he could already feel the pain. "shut up James. you'll be the one i'm throwing at them when they ask for a needlework partner. partner faith only goes so far."

"...your missing a vent." "don't go up there." Natasha ordered. "that's Clint's space." "...i don't think i'll fit." Steve admitted, baffled. what the hell kind of weirdos where working here!? it was a vent! this guy was cramming himself into a vent! he did not voice those thoughts though, he had a feeling this woman was very dangerous and very protective. a real Alpha Female. "yeah i know. Clint's in charge." Natasha said, waving him off. "aren't you supposed to be at home?" she asked, examining her watch. "you where supposed to leave work at lunch and you weren't supposed to be back until Monday." she said, narrowing her eyes at him. "you promised Tony, that you'd stop overworking yourself so much." she complained, scowling at him a little before looking over Steve and James. "i don't like them." she informed Tony with a sniff. "your a lousy pet picker." she informed Tony. "pet duties are now Phil's responsibility." she decided. "let's move it Barton." she ordered, stalking out the doors. Fitz was suddenly there next to Tony and was babbling at him in some off, but pretty language that Steve didn't know but Tony seamed to. Fits was just babbling at Tony about his therapist, who Fitz had a love/hate relationship with. some days he really liked his therapist and some days he hated the man's guts. today was a day where he liked his Therapist and was telling Tony about how Doctor Thomas thought the stuffed toy he'd made for Pepper's little girl was very well done and he wanted to make sure Tony took it with him next time he went to Peppers.
“We are. And it’s bigger then it looks. I had the place refitted vents so he wouldn’t get stuck.”Tony said easily reading the looks he was getting. “...I feel like we’ve stepped into the land of oz....”James muttered a little. “I am on my way. And I did leave for lunch, but I had to return the sexy agents to the kennel after introducing them to Loki. Watching them meet was worth having to come back for a bit.”tony snickered a little. “You did promise. Don’t make her get overly worked up, stark.”Clint said looking amused. “I’m sorry. At least they’re housebroken.”Tony said wisely, amused as he watched the two detectives leave, before smiling at fitz. “Okay, okay. But I’m coming to Loki’s tonight, so you can see that she gets it yourself, okay?”Tony promised smiling as he talked fitz calm for a few minutes, before making sure to check in with the rest of his team, saying goodbye, before looking at the other two. “Call if you need anything. I have to go, otherwise Pepper will be late, and she’ll kill me if she misses her flight.”He looked amused as he left. “....so?Wanna follow?”James muttered looking at his partner.

But as they followed, the utter confusion James had already been feeling at dealing with the team, was deepened as he sipped his coffee, watching the building across the street. Watching the apartment building he nearly choked on his coffee when he saw the man walking out of the house with a small child tucked into the crook of his arm, the diaper bag tossed over his shoulder. While tony had been looking business casual before in the dark jeans and dress shirt, now he looked....almost Mr. Mom-ish with all the stuff that came with having a child around.”.....Did he....just kidnap a child?Can we add that to his list of crimes?”
"he still has to get through the vent." Steve admitted, rather impressed that a man as big as Clint was limber enough to get in there. "me too." he admitted with a sigh before watching Natasha, Clint and Tony interact. he knew Natasha, he'd worked with her before, about six years ago. she had been in the Secret Service until she made a different call than her boss did and was fired. Steve and James both knew that she would have been fired for following her boss's orders too so she'd been royally shafted. she'd left the Secret Service and refused to go back after her old boss was fired when his boss found out what he'd done. she'd claimed she couldn't work for people so disgusting and she didn't care much for the president trying to paw at her ass either. she'd started working for the regular Police shortly after, and was assigned to Tony because she didn't get along with anyone trying to tell her what to do. Steve knew that she would never work for a crooked cop, so was very confused as to why she was with Tony.

"yes." Steve admitted, heading after James. they didn't 'have' to stay after all since no one had come to get them after Fit had skipped back to his lab, pleased he'd get to play with the 'lovely daring'. he scowled a little and shook his head. "i don't think it's kidnapping." he admitted. "for one thing he was in there for over an hour. if it was a kidnapping it wouldn't have taken so long. nor would he have changed clothes and gathered all the baby things. he could be holding her though. you know blackmail, or collateral. instead of breaking legs, he just takes the kids. makes sense right? come on. let's find out. we'll accuse him of kidnapping and see what he says."
“That’s true.”James frowned thinking it over, feeling confused himself as he stood, sipping his coffee as they followed after Tony, trailing behind for a few minutes, frowning as he realized what part of town they were headed to, and remembering the conversation they’d overheard. “The fact that he’s taking the kid to Loki’s points to it being blackmail.”he muttered. “....You know, for two Agents, you two aren’t great at being unseen.”Tony paused next to the window he had just past, looking at the reflections of the two agents following him for a long moment before turning to look up at them, smiling as Aria babbled excitedly at the two new people, approving of stopping because it was two new people to babble at. Up close, it was obvious she was closer to 2 years old, then a baby, even if she was on the smallish side in stature. "What do you want?" "Kidnapping babies these days?"James asked, swallowing hard at the instant and pissed look on tony's features, actually so pissed that tony couldn't get words out.
he nodded to himself, trying to ignore the faint twinge of shame that he was basically picking on Tony, but the man was evil and cruel and he knew the bastard was up to something bad. very bad, he was sure of it. "your right i'm sure." he admitted. "i can't think of any other reason why he'd be talking a baby to a mafia headquarters." he admitted before smiling at the little baby as she babbled. she even threw in a few real words in there. it was hard not to smile at such a happy baby even if he kept scowling at Tony. at the instant, pissed expression on Tony's face he realized he had missed something that was probobly fairly obvious, though he still couldn't see it. "what would Tony Stark want with a baby?" he wondered aloud, blocking Tony's path. "what would Tony stark be doing with a baby while heading to a known Mafia headquarters?" even if they couldn't prove it was such.
“I’m always right, about everything.”James said smirking a little as he looked at the baby,. She was adorable, resisting the urge to reach out and take the waving hand as she grabbed at them. “Aria, stop.”Tony muttered gently catching her hand in his, holding her still before he looked up at the other two, before side stepping to go around them, knowing they wouldn’t lay hands on him, even if it was only because he knew they wouldn’t risk him dropping the baby. “You should be asking what else would Tony Stark be doing when his girlfriend is out of town, and needed someone else to watch her kid while she was gone.”Tony said simply, not about to admit the real truth that laid at the heart of his and aria, and pepper’s small family. “And Tony Stark is currently going home to his brother’s place since they’re better with kids then I am, despite babysitting alot. Now, are you two done?”Tony asked, even as he moved around them. “....Can we see proof that the kid is what you say?And what’s going on?”James asked, unwilling to really believe him just because he said it. He was so sure he was up to something. "No. I don't have to prove anything to you two." "You do if you want to keep your job."James reminded him. "....Go f-"Tony cut off the curse as he trailed off into Italian that was definitely vulgar, and a obvious choice to keep from exposing Aria to the words.
Steve thought it very strange that Tony knew the babies name and scowled a little more when Tony tried to side step them and moved to intercede again. "look Stark. you and i both know that your a crooked, dirty little asshole who paid his way to the top and pays his way to stay there. we both know that you work with the Mafia, ven for the Mafia and we are going to take you down. hard. so why don't you hand over the baby your holding as blackmail, or collateral and just save yourself the trouble since you so clearly can't prove your story since it's a dirty lie?" "Tony!" Sam Wilson, Fitz's Therapist who often went by 'Dr. Thomas' because of some weird joke that only made sense to Fitz. "hello Aria!" Sam said, scooping her out of Tony's arms and tickling her belly. "Fitz just called and said you where bringing her home for the weekend and i thought i'd stop you so i could get my snuggles and let you know that Fitz has been skipping his meds again so you have to start making sure he's doing that." he admitted. "you know this kid?" Steve asked Sam who blinked at him. "oh. yeah, this is Pepper Pott's daughter, Aria." Sam admitted. "i'm Sam, Sam Wilson, nice to meet you."
“I think you’re confusing me with your boss there, Rogers. Though I’m glad for the warning of what you’re going to do. At least I know you’re just as bigoted and horrible as the rest of your agency.”Tony said anger making him careless, more careless then he normally was. Shifting Aria he frowned, “No. Aria doesn’t like strangers, and I don’t have to prove anything to you.”Tony said before looking up at Sam, smiling slightly when he saw SAm.”Hey sam.”He said tense and angry as he let him take Aria. “I see how it is. Aria gets all the love.”tony pouted a little, ignoring the two agents for the moment before sighing. “Dammit, I’ll get him to take the meds.”he sighed softly, before watching Steve, shaking his head a little. “Don’t say that. It’s definitely not nice to meet them. Sam, do me a favor, take Aria to Fitz and Loki, I’ll be along in a second. I don’t want her to listen to me cuss out the nice agents.”Tony said his voice soft and growly, moments from losing his hold on a slippery temper. While he was nearly as cold and in control as loki most of the time, when he was goaded into being anger, it was a brilliant bright thing that needed vented, otherwise he was going to destroy everything a round him. And letting the agents know where they stood, was okay. Because he had every intention of leaving them working for him, they’d learn to bend, or he’d break them.
Steve snarled at Tony, how DARE this asshole accuse him of being bigoted! Steve hadn't risked life and limb protecting people from discrimination and hate crimes in his childhood for nothing! Steve hadn't joined the army to hate other people, unless they where assholes who took advantage of others, and even then man, woman, gay, straight, black, white, Chinese or Muslim it didn't matter a lick. if you did wrong, you where wrong, nothing more, nothing less. age, sex, religion or race didn't matter a flit. "Aria does get all the love." Same agreed, cooing at her, pretending he didn't notice the furious tension in the air. "yeah, make sure he does. i don't think he's realized he's stopped taking them." Sam admitted. that happened often enough, Fitz started feeling better, even normal and part of him figured he didn't need the meds anymore so the rest of him forgot to take them and he started to deteriorate again in a cycle and a loop. sometimes he even got belligerent about it and decided he didn't care and just wasn't going to take the meds, period and they had to force him, sneak them into his food or bribe him. it was always a little hard to tell which one it was when he went off his meds until he either took them hen they offered or put up a fuss.

"...yeah i'll take her." he agreed, accepting the diaper bags and the other things from Tony before fixing a sharp glare on Steve and James. "i feel not one bit sorry for you." he admitted simply before cooing at Aria. "let's go sweetie. Fitz made you a stuffed animal all on his own just for you and it's almost as adorable as you are." Sam cooed. Steve suddenly realized he had come to the completely wrong conclusion and felt guilt riding up in his throat. no. he would not feel guilty for thinking the most sensible thing. Tony was very bad eggs, he was the most disgusting sort of person and he would prove it!
Tony bit back the snarl, even as Aria gave off a upset sort of whine, cooing gently to teh baby, even as she responded to the tension. Rolling his eyes a little at Sam, he offered a strained smile. “I’m feeling unloved here, Sam. You’re nearly as bad as my newest friends.”Tony teased though the furious glint to his eyes said he was moments away from violence, even if he was just teasing sam a little. “Probably not. I’ll talk to him.”He promised, sliding over the bags and things, he watched Sam and Aria walk away for a long moment before looking at the two FBI agents.

“How dare you two. It’s bad enough that you think I’m despicable enough to go back to a life I left behind years ago, but to drag a child with me. Or not even believe me when a simple background check out show pictures of me with Pepper and Aria. You two, I can’t decide if you really are just that set in your ways, or that stupid.” “Stark-” “No, I’m not finished. Do you know why you two were sent to my team?Because you’ve racked up so many complaints that your Director is worried about you losing your jobs. Or ending up in a mental hospital. You’re so utterly sure that you’re right about everything, that you’re not willing to see anything else. In what sort of world does it make sense for a police detective to kidnap a child, when if you’d simply listened to that conversation at lunch, you would have figured out Pepper was out of town, and a simple search would have told you she had a child. But no, I’m the bad guy here. Fine. I’ll be your worst nightmare.”Tony smirked watching James pale under his tan, “You two are stuck in my office for the next two months. Deal with it. Take this weekend off, get your heads on straight, because I’m going to work your asses off as soon as I get back to work on Monday. And if you don’t learn to bend, well, I’m perfectly willing to break you.”Tony said shrugging as he moved to walk around the two.
Sam smiled at the little baby, stroking her little hand and reassuring her that everything was alright. just fine. "oh i love you Tony. your just not nearly as cute as Aria is." he admitted with a grin, trying to calm Tony down a bit before heading off. Steve cringed a little at the verbal smack down because, well. the man was right. they had ignored all basic steps, such as checking to make sure Tony wasn't supposed to actually have the baby, and looking back it was pretty obvious. he froze at the mention that he had been sent to Tony's team because... who, Hammer? no, Hammer didn't give a shit. Fury then, why was Fury so worried? Steve was fine, he was fine. did Fury know?! how could he when even James hadn't found out yet? he felt his heart clench in fear at the look on Tony's face. that smirk. oh god, Tony was worse than Fitz was. he could tell. Fitz would make him hurt. Tony would make him wish he'd never been born. Steve didn't move to stop Tony this time, swallowing thickly as he looked at James, trembling a little because something about Tony terrified him. something about Tony already made him regret ever trying to target the man. "...i'm going home." Steve finally decided, heading for his apartment so he could crawl into his shower and make some of the pain of life flow away.
James nodded, watching Tony go before looking at his friend. “I’ll see you Monday.”He said looking at the other, trying not to worry about his friend to much. Not yet.

Sunday evening Tony sighed softly as he laid on the floor with aria, the baby leaning back against his side as she played with fitz, the two zooming cars all over, trying not to worry to much as he considered that he had to go to work in the morning. Thankfully, it had been a quiet evening, or if it hadn’t, his team hadn’t seen a reason to call him into the office. Which had been perfect, giving him time to burn off the anger at the two agents who’d sent him spiraling into a freefall of memories. While he’d gotten out early, the man was so afraid being his father, brutal and cruel, that he’d spent most of the weekend not relaxing, but tense and upset, and even Aria’s normal awesome presence, hadn’t been enough to let him not worry. “....Pepper’s getting home tomorrow afternoon, but I have to go back to work. I told her Aria’d be here with you and thor, if you two don’t have anything going on?Otherwise, I can take her with me.”Tony said looking up at loki, sighing quietly as he laid at the other’s feet, not even his surrogate father/brother’s presence wasn’t enough to make him totally relax.
Fitz happily made car sounds as he played with Aria, Loki smiling as he watched, Thor grinning as he made his car dive-bomb fitz's, making the man squeal in protest and attack Thor with his own car. Loki chuckling as Thor laughed at Fitz's furious attempts to extract his revenge. Loki looked at Tony and shook his head. "i'm sorry Tony, we can't. we just found out this morning that Bobba Yan is coming tonight. i don't want that filth anywhere near you Fitz or Pepper. let alone any children." Bobba Yan was a Mexican cartel who kept trying to slip into Loki's territory to sell drugs to anyone he could. he was a known child molester and wasn't one to b picky about choosing rape victims. he had always had a rather unhealthy interest in Tony and Loki knew if Bobba Yan caught sight of Tony the man would be trying to buy, rent or borrow Tony. something which neither Loki nor Tony would take with calm airs. unfortunately Bobba Yan was a better man to deal with than his second in command who would rather just slaughter as many of the Asgard clan as he could, part of the actual 'family' or not. Abba Yan would slaughter Tony, Pepper, Fitz and Aria simply because Loki liked them and Loki couldn't allow that. so for now he held back from killing Bobba Yan until he could arrange for Abba Yan to... meet such an unfortunate accident.
Tony frowned looking up at him, even as he simpled at the playing going on, looking amused as he listened to Aria’s happy squeals. “Ah. Okay. Yea. Definitely not going to be here then.”Tony said shaking his head, pale a little at the idea of having Bobba anywhere near aria. “It’s okay. Don’t worry about it. It’s not like my team doesn’t know I sometimes babysit.”Tony said making a face, because most of his team had found out, either by accident or simply knowing that he was dating pepper, but he rarely brought Aria in with him. “Besides, having a cute cuddly baby might keep the Agents from firing me right away.”Tony said rubbing a hand over his face, because he was pretty sure that he was going to lose his job for losing his temper with the two, but wasn’t sure. So he was just going to keep doing his job, until the world ended. “You need anything?”Tony asked, sleepy and starting to fall asleep, but wanting to make sure loki didn’t need anything from him before he headed to work.
he nodded. "yes." he agreed before smiling a little at Tony. "everyone on your team adores Aria. she'll be fine." he promised Tony. "and i'll inform you once Bobba Yan is gone in case you need to bring her back." he promised. "oh? i was under the impression that they where they ones being punished." he admitted. "i don't think they can fire you." no they couldn't. not that Steve said anything to Fury or Hammer about the verbal ball busting. mostly because he knew Tony was right, he had been wrong and Fury would say so and Hammer wouldn't give a shit. Steve had worried over that comment about Fury being worried until he was exhausted but couldn't figure it out, so he'd do the 'bigger man' thing and apologize to Tony as was proper and try to figure out why Fury had really sent him to Tony's team. since it clearly wasn't to bust the ass for being a dirty cop, even if Steve was certain Tony was. "i don't need anything, no. though you may find some... evidence, regarding one of my men. Ricardo, make sure you have him arrested for me please. i'll supply more evidence as you go so it doesn't look suspicious. i have discovered that he is abusing his child. i wish to have her protected and him well and truly punished for it." Loki knew that there was no one more hated in the criminal system than a child abuser in any form. while Ricardo wasn't a molester, he was an abuser and that meant his stay in prison was going to be a very painful, constant reminder of why you didn't piss Loki off.
“She will be. And thanks, for that. Even if I don’t need to bring her back, I like knowing when that man isn’t here.”Tony shuddered, well aware that Bobba Yan would enjoy having him as a slave. “They are. But I lost my temper fairly badly with them after we left you, so they might take it out on me. And they probably can. I mean, they’re federal agents, even if they can’t fire me, they can make it miserable enough I would be better off quiting.”Tony said with such quiet resignation, that loki would know the man was already bracing to lose everything that he cared for, even if he was trying to keep things from imploding. “Hmmm. Okay. I’ll assign Clint and Natasha to it, if we’re lucky, Ricardo might piss Nat off and make her bash his head against the wall or something.”Tony snorted a little at the idea, before picking aria up ,smiling as she stuck her feet out, she was so close to actually walking. “Come on, tyke, we have places to be, agents to harass.”Tony smiled amused as he started gathering there stuff as Thor and fitz watched over the baby.
Loki nodded. "i know." he admitted with a smile. "i'm doing my best to ban him completely from this area, but it's slow going because i don't have a whole lot on him just yet." he admitted. "i highly doubt that Fur will do anything. i know how your temper is. if you where driven to it, then obviously you where pretty damn pissed off and pushed well past your breaking point." Loki admitted. "and i highly doubt they can manage to do anything to you." he admitted with a roll of his eyes. "if anyone's going to be miserable it's going to be them and we both know it." Fitz and Thor both nodded their agreement. they knew how Tony could get, not even Loki pushed Tony too hard and Loki was the scariest bastard in the world more often than not. "delightful. i hope she shoots his kneecaps off." Loki admitted, though she wasn't actually allowed to do that she could shoot him in one knee and claim it was an accident and she'd been aiming for a gun i his hand or something. Fitz was happy as they headed back to the precinct. he adored Aria and being able to take the weekend off just to spend as much time with her as he could had made him, and Sam very happy. especially since Fitz hadn't been belligerent and had simply started forgetting to take his meds. there was no one else Fitz would take a full day off for, let alone an entire weekend. "Stark." Steve was waiting for them, head high and looking very much like he was about to give Tony a verbal beat down. "i wanted to apologize. you where right. i had no right to accuse you of things like that. i had no right to say what i said and imply what i implied and it won't happen again." at least, not without proof next time.
“Good. And let me know if I can help, between me and fury, I’m fairly certain we can figure out a way to ban him from the city.”because they might disagree on alot of things, but director fury lived in that grey world with him, knew that there was some lines that had to be crossed, if the world wouldn’t end in a bloodbath. “Yea, I was. I don;t think we’re actually all going to make this out of it alive.”Tony said making a face, not about to admit what had pushed him into a roaring temper, not when he knew Loki was so protective of him. “Hm, they might be. They get to work with Fitz and Bruce.”Tony snickered a little before nodding. “She might do something. I’ll let her decide.”Tony said looking amused, because there was reasons his team got along. Because they’d all come from pasts and worlds that had left them all in that shadow world, where black and white bled easily into grey. Tony looked up startled at the other’s words, Aria perched on his hip as he looked at the other, bracing for the yelling before looking confused at the apology. “Indeed, there was no reason to say what we did, and we will work better with you, and your team, and keep a open mind.”James said frowning a little, because he knew they’d have to have a bulletproof case if they took a run at tony again. For the moment, they’d have to simply work with this. “...Okay. Well. Thank you.”Tony said stuttering a little, looking a little at a loss for the apology, yelping a little as Aria leaned forward abruptly reaching towards steve in that classic ‘hold me’ baby move.
Loki shrugged. "i would prefer not involving Fury. it's not that i have anything against him, it's just the principle of the thing." Loki admitted. if word got out that he was pulling favors for the police then he'd be a heavy target, even from his own people. sure if Fury was one of theirs that would have been one thing, but he wasn't and Loki couldn't take the risk. "as long as you make it out alive i don't care." Loki admitted with a chuckle before examining Fitz. "don't maim them." he ordered, making Fitz pout but he nodded anyway. "i'll leave it to her discretion then. i don't want her getting in trouble for it after all." Loki admitted.

Fitz stared at the two hulking brutes for a moment before deciding they where all being stupid ape men and went inside. Steve shied away from Aria, likely he'd never held a baby in his life and with expert precision skills he had James in Aria's path, making him the bad guy if he didn't pick her up. he was an evil bastard like that sometimes, whistling innocently as he headed inside as if he hadn't just betrayed his own partner to the adorable baby wanting picked up, Natasha snickering as she watched from a doorway. "big bad FBI Agents scared of a baby. honestly." she scoffed loud enough for Steve to hear her even though he was making his escape. "i'm not Scared of her!" Steve protested. "i'm just too big! don't know my own strength! better not risk it!" that made Phil snort as well, shaking his head at the ridiculousness of that statement. "i can't believe it. he's scared of a baby." Phil scoffed, scooping Aria into his arms and cooing at her while she swung the stuffed bunny flop toy that Fitz had made for her.
“I know, but in the end, the agency is going to crack down on Yan anyways, it might be the only way to end things.”Tony sighed a little before snorting. “You have to much faith in my ability to stay alive.”Tony said looking amused.

James yelped, glaring at his partner as he was pulled in towards Aria, sighing a little as he picked up the baby, cuddling her gently. “Only him. I like kids.”James said looking at the police detective, smiling brightly. Clint grinned nearly laughing out loud as he realized James was flirting, shaking his head a little. This was insane, natasha was going to break the agent. “You are so weird.”Tony shook his head looking amused as phil took Aria, heading for his office. “Phil, you got babysitting duty for a bit. I have to catch up with what went on this weekend.”He said as he settled at his office chair, frowning as he flipped through the pages, before saying. “Romanoff, Barton, get in here. And shut the door.”He said leaning back to look up at them. “I have a case that needs looked at. What do you have on your plates at the moment?” “Nothing pressing.”clint said looking at natasha to make sure that was right.
"well you clearly have common sense." Phil admitted to James. Natasha blinked at him and then. "i suppose it's because children are about the same mental ability as you are." she mused, Phil snorting. "or maybe it's just because you have the same interests? sparkly things, fart noises, pooping. who knows?" she mused with a shrug, wandering off, Phil, Fitz and various... A.K.A Everyone else snickering at James pathetic first flirting attempt. "babysitting duty. my favorite." Phil chirped happily, sweeping off with her, Steve snickering at James. "that was bad man. do you need some ice, burn cream maybe?" he asked, smirking. "there's a reason why no one flirted with Natasha when she was with the Secret Services you know and why no ones flirted with her since. your wasting your time." he admitted, watching Clint and Natasha head into Tony's office. "nothing pressing." Natasha agreed. "a few little here and there's that need tying up but we have a few weeks to tie them. what do you need?" she asked, leaning forward. "it must be pretty important if your asking like this. another Tip from your inside?" code for 'is Loki handing someone over?'.
“I’m the smarter of us two, I admit.”James snickered a little looking amused before pausing, staring at Natasha. “No, I don’t think that’s it. I think I’ve outgrown those things.”He said sulking a little before looking at Steve in annoyance. “Shut up. You abandoned me to the baby, I blame you for this.”He grumbled. “And it was bad.....I am not wasting my time. I’m gonna wear her down. Easier nwo that I’m in the same building with her again.”James said still sulking. “Yea. Ricardo Beckett, has been abusing his son. I think also if you start digging around in his life, you’ll start finding out more things besides that. Go. I want to nail his hide to the wall for more then just child abuse.”He said making a shooing gesture. “Got it.”Clint said perking up, it always made his day to be able to take care of someone messing with a child.
"your dumber than a box of rocks." Steve chirped back, grinning at James before shaking his head. "you know why i don't like babies." no one else knew this, but back before he had gone to war. Steve had been in love with a wonderful wife, Peggy. she'd been pregnant when she'd been murdered in a terrorist attack, which was why Steve went to war in the first place. to make sure no one else would lose everything. he'd been shy around babies ever since, not because he was afraid, but because he knew if he held one he would love it, and everything he loved died. the only one who hadn't was James and Steve just didn't want to take that kind of risk. "you've been pining after her for longer than i've realized huh?" Steve asked, looking amused, wondering how far back this one sided lust had gone. back when she had been in the Secrete Service maybe? probobly, that was where he had first met Natasha after all.

"Ricardo Beckett..." Natasha mumbled, checking her case files. "yes, we have him in our servers. we'll claim someone called the tip line." she said. "anonymous of course. did Loki say how bad?" Loki never did, any child abuse was abhorrent to the man. he's turned people in for basic neglect as well as the most heinous of crimes. Loki never wanted Tony to know how bad because he knew Tony would always blame himself for not catching it sooner. "he's wanted for a bit of Tax fudging as well so with the anonymous tip this is all we need to haul him in and search his place." she admitted. "we'll go through everything, nail him for everything we can, see if we can't get him in for life." she admitted. "i'll have some of my people in the prison spread the word that he's a child abuser too." she mused. Natasha had a huge array of 'sneaks and snoops'. the underbelly of society. criminals who report to her to prevent ending up on her shit list and such like that. her array of informants was so large, even Loki's didn't come close.
“I am not!You are. You’re the dumb blond in this partnership.”James huffed before nodding. “I know, but you still abandoned me.”He sulked a little, before making a face as they headed for Fitz’s lab, remembering what tony had said, that tehy were working with the man for the day. “I have not. I’m not pining.”James grumbled.

“Awesome.”Tony grinned. “No, he didn’t. He never does.”Tony made a face, sighing quietly. “Don’t worry about it, boss. We’ll make sure he’s behind bars soon enough.”Clint said well aware if they told him, that tony would blame himself for most things. “You know Natasha’s people, he’ll get what he deserves....want us to take the pretty boys?” “Hm, go ahead. Though if phil hears you flirting, you’re going to be sleeping on the couch for a month.”Tony snickered. “Not to worried. He’s happy with Aria rihgt now, he wont punish me.”
Steve rolled his eyes. "i'm a tactician expert. if anyone's the 'dumb' anything it's you." he scoffed, smirking at James before he shrugged. "you should know to expect it by now." he admitted, following James to Fitz's lab before walking right back out again because Fitz was playing with... with... maggots. god the sick, twisted little psychopath was cooing at them like they where babies or kittens. yuck! and that woman, Simmons? was just ignoring it! even looked amused by it! "i don't care what Stark says, i am not working for that kid. he's creepy."

Natasha nodded, she couldn't blame Loki for not telling but she always asked, just in case. "they aren't pretty." Natasha scoffed. "they're brutes. all they have is muscles." she scoffed. "wouldn't have a brain cell if they combined both their brains." she admitted. "but we'll take them with us. i think Fitz is playing with his bugs again." she admitted.
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