Policed (lady/moon)

“Hmmm, you don’t need brains to screw them. Barnes likes you.”Tony said looking amused as he watched natasha, snickering. “Go have fun. They’re probably feeling sick with fitz.”He looked amused as they left.

James paled, staring at fitz for a long moment as he considered that. He was so so not fond of bugs in any forms, and had spent to many days in Iraq belly down in dust and blood to be okay with maggots. It was just gross. “...I....yes. I’ll even be nice to him if he lets us do something else.” “Good. Be nice, and come along.”Clint smirked as he poked his head into the lab. “We’re stealing your pets for the day Fitz.”Clint said looking amused.
she snorted. "i don't fuck children." she stated simply. "he's just a cute little baby agent." she scoffed. "too innocent and naive." she admitted with a roll of her eyes. "he's cute, but i don't fuck 'cute'." sh admitted before smirking. "he is a bit creepy." she agreed. "i don't know how Jemma loves him as much as she does." honestly she wasn't sure if Fitz eve realized he was just as much in love with Jemma. probobly not.

Fitz looked yo when Clint called and glared at him. "Don't you dare! the last time you touched them they all died!" he wailed, trying to block Clint from getting into the room and at his precious bug collections. he had a good collection. maggots, ants, termites, fire ants, and even a small collection of roaches. the hissing kind. Loki refused to allow them in the compound so Fitz kept them at work. Clint and Natasha had borrowed some maggots for Bruce so they could clean some half rotted bones and, well... better Fitz was mad at them then at Bruce for killing the entire crop of maggots because Bruce hadn't realized the entire body was poisoned with something that had made the maggots die and him very sick for a week. "not those pets Fitz darling." Natasha soothed, looking amused. "the two legged ones." "oh, those, go ahead i don't care to have them here. they'll soil the floor or something." Fitz grumbled, heading back to help Jemma with whatever she was working on. "...why does he hate us so much?" Steve wondered. "because your new and he's used to new people being mean and cruel to him." Natasha admitted. "strangers tend to pick on Fitz because he's strange. if you manage to stick around for more than a few months he'll start to warm up to you." "who on earth could be cruel to Fitz? he' a bit creepy sure but he's a bit of a sweetheart too." Steve admitted, shaking his head. "people are afraid of him and people don't like to be afraid so they take it out on him." she shrugged. "he'll get used to you."
“Hm, he did serve overseas. I doubt he’s that innocent or naive.”Tony teased before nodding, “me either, but they’re good for each other.”Tony agreed watching the two go.

“I know, I already apologized for that.”Clint said looking upset at the idea, even if the bugs weren’t the pets they were taking, grinning a little as Fitz calmed. “We would not. We’re at least housebroken.”James said looking a little offended at the idea before looking at natasha. “He hates all new people. And people who upset Tony, which, you are doing.”Clint shrugged a little smiling slightly as they headed out. “Ah. So what are we doing?”James said as they followed after the other to. “Picking up a child abuser and a petty criminal named Ricardo Beckett.”clint answered as he climbed into the squad car, waiting till they got in to drive off, mostly ignoring the agents with him.
"...." Fitz ut scowled at Clint because he had been very nice about his apology, getting him the fresh crop of maggots and the ridiculously expensive hissing cockroach colony for him. he supposed he could forgive Clint eventually. "i highly doubt your housebroken." Natasha stated simply with a roll of her eyes. "just hurry up and get your rear in gear before i kick it." she ordered, Steve tensing a little. "Ricardo Beckett is wanted for Drug trafficking charges but we where never able to nail him. your seriously telling me he's wanted for child abuse?! i didn't even know he had a kid!" Steve admitted, mortified. "he's wanted for drug trafficking?" Natasha asked, surprised before rolling her eyes. of course he was, he was one of Loki's men. no matter what, Loki was still a mob boss, no matter how nice he really was. "as of right now Ricardo Beckett is officially wanted for Ta evasion and a tip off on Child Abuse. we have a warrant here..." she handed it to Steve who looked it over. "to see what else we can find. we il be turning over everything, Skye, our Techie, is no doubt already in his computer systems to see what she can find there and we'll be taking her all computers, cameras and recording devises from inside his home." she looked them both in the eyes. "you are here as observers, only. you will touch nothing, you will say nothing, and you sure as hell will not get in the way, have i made myself clear?" Steve scowled, but nodded. he was a trained FBI agent! there was no way they could do better than him!.... he was very wrong. Clint found every single trick and fake and slip. from false bottom drawers to hidden caches under loose floorboards or hidden doors. Natasha was like a bloodhound and found everything else. spots of blood on the floor that he'd tried to cover up. bloody belts tucked into bottoms of hampers. Ricardo was a sick bastard, beating his four year old son with a belt until he drew blood because the small boy had begged his father for something to eat. the poor child was emaciated and terrified of people because he'd never seen anyone but his father. the physical evidence and the pictures Natasha took of the boys state was enough to see Ricardo go to prison for the rest of his life. the dozens of pounds of drugs found stashed in his house would ensure he never saw life outside of a cage again. "...okay. i didn't know police could do things like that." Steve admitted, watching Natasha check for any more blood while talking calmly to 'the Boy' who apparently didn't have a name, or rather, didn't know it.
“We’re coming.”James said hurrying. “....Really? Drugs?”Clint said looking thoughtful, shaking his head in vague amusement .the very job that he helped loki do, was going to make it easier to nail him for the rest of what they were arresting him for. Sometimes, it paid to know what Loki really was, even if it was never discussed outloud. “....Hm. If you can’t get him on the drugs, see him go down for tax evasion. It’s how arrested Al Capone, it was all the could ever prove.”James said sounding thoughtful, wondering if it would work on the rest of the gang that they all knew existed, but no one ever could prove.Looking up at Natasha he bristled a little at the orders not to touch anything before nodding a little. “....They are very, very good.”James muttered to steve glancing at the two as he watched. “Do what?”James muttered glancing at his friend, tilting his head a little. Clint was already on the phone talking to Tony as he still searched the rest of the rooms to make sure they didn’t miss anything, making sure the man would get the ball rolling to find a emergency place for the boy to stay until a foster family could be found, though he suspected tony would probably be keeping the child himself until things could be settled. “Nat?I think we have everything.”Clint said as he hung up, frowning ever so slightlty as he looked around the house at the sad conditions that the child had lived in. “Also, Tony found out his name. It’s charlie.”
"oh, i'm fairly sure the Child abuse will be enough." Natasha admitted with a grimace. "the tax evasion is just a... bonus for lack of a better word. we have suspicions that it was one of his own.... family, that turned him in so you know it's going to be bad." "Mob? one of the Mob turned him in?" "word has it that the current head of the mob abhors child abusers." Natasha admitted. "several times in the past we've lost key assholes in investigations because of lost paperwork, bigger cases or a fuckig slippery lawyer. there aren't many better than Phil but sometimes they show up." she admitted. "every-time a case like this comes up? even when they are an extremely high member of the mob, no one shows up to help them." Natasha admitted. "we even had the second in command, guy named Tyr, wouldn't give us his last name and he wasn't in any of the systems. he refused to say anything either and went to prison cursing and spitting his brother." she admitted. "this was a long time ago though, before i even worked here." she admitted. Steve was a little stunned. turning on your own second in command because he hurt kids... that wasn't mob behavior he was used to.

"do this." Steve said, indicating the several fake doors, picked locks, discovered blood splatters and the cache of drugs. "this would have taken our people two hours. they did this in twenty minutes. our people would have missed things, or worse, been payed off to miss things, they didn't miss anything... at least, i don't think they have. it's... amazing." Steve admitted. "they're supposed to be 'just' police but they're better than any of our men, better than us even." he admitted before watching Clint and Natasha wrap things up. "Charlie. it suits him. find out who the mother was?" she asked Clint. the mother was dead, a kidnapped whore that Ricardo raped and forced to give birth before he killed her. no further family members so Charlie would not be going to another abusive family member, especially as Loki had informed all of his men that Charlie was to be left out of Mob business and would be going to a proper home. a loving home "well Charlie. shall we leave now?" Natasha asked, smiling at the little boy, barefoot and wearing clothes that where way, way too big for him. just a T-shirt of his fathers and that was all. "m not 'lowed to leave." Charlie protested, voice heavy with street slur accent. "you are now. it'll be okay." she promised with a smile. "i'll carry you, okay?" Charlie thought on that for a long, hard minute before he nodded and let her pick him up and sweep him away from his hell.
“Really?”James looked startled at the idea, tilting his head as he considered that. “I remember that case. He tried to bargain his way into the FBI’s good graces, but no one was biting.”James frowned thinking about it, shaking his head as he considered that.

“Ah.”James muttered nodding. “Yea....normal police I don’t think are...this good. There is a reason they get invited to go investigate all over the country.”James muttered though he looked disturbed nodding. “They are.” “Gone.”Clint said shortly, tilting his head at his partner, not about to tell her what happened to the woman. “Tony’s already looking into seeing who’s going to get him.”clint said which meant tony was checking on the foster family’s who’d offered to take him, and double checking with loki to make sure they weren’t involved in anything. “Think of it as a adventure. We’ll have fun.”Clint said as he watched the partrol cops they’d gotten to pick up ricardo hauled him out, before waving natasha out, having not wanted to upset charlie by letting ricardo still be there. “I feel unimportant.”James muttered as they loocked up the apartment and headed downstairs.
"That's because Ton swore that if anyone dared take Tyr's bribes he would turn the full fury of his entire force on them." she admitted. "even Justine Hammer wasn't stupid enough to take on that deal." she admitted. "yeah, i think that's where i made my first mistake." Steve mumble. "this isn't a normal police force. they are detectives. a full fledged Police Force by themselves." he shook his head. Natasha nodded, taking the hint. "i thought it was up to children's social services...?" Steve asked, blinking when Natasha fixed him with a baleful scowl. "Social Services are not... focused, enough." she stated simply. "more often than not foster parents chosen through Social Services want only the money they get. Charlie needs in-depth psychological help as well as training in social settings. most foster parents won't be able to help and will probobly make everything worse. the children we collect in situations like this are always handled by Tony personally." she admitted. "he looks through hundreds of applications to find just the right one who will be able to handle and care for the child the best." she admitted. "i like a'ven'urs. buh we haff to 'ven'ure quiet or fa'er gets real mad." Charlie warned. "...we'll have to include someone willing to put in the effort for speech therapy too." she admitted. "oh. don't worry." Natasha said, smiling sweetly at James. "you shouldn't feel unimportant. you should know you are. useless, in the way, unimportant and quite frankly, worthless." she admitted, patting his cheek as if she was being affectionate before walking away, Charlie blinking. "she Doh li' you much." he informed James before clinging to Clint as they headed outside. "...ouch." Steve admitted. "i mean. sure i knew she didn't like being flirted with but that was just mean." Steve admitted, feeling a little stunned. he'd never heard Natasha be so mean before. he had to wonder if something had happened?
“hm, it was prety. A whole lot of words and threats that made shakespeare’s sonnets sound dull. Tony has a way with words.”Clint snickered a little. James nodded a little thinking about that. “More talent, specialized talent, then normal police would have. Makes sense.”James muttered tilting his head as he listened. “Why?”He asked, not rude, but curious. “Because Tony understands more then most what kind of childhood this can do to a person. He survived because Loki and Thor adopted him, so he pays it forward, and makes sure other mob sons have a chance to get out.”Clint said tilting his head a little as he held onto charlie, nodding a little. “We’ll be quiet. I’m good with quiet, I always scare natasha, I’m so quiet. You should ask her.”he teased a little, kissing the boys head as he settled into the seat, letting natasha drive, before glancing at Natasha. “And what was that?”He asked his partner, looking curious at the two stunned looking FBI agents standing on the curb for a moment. “...No....I guess she doesn’t...”James said looking severely depressed at the idea as he got into the car, sighing quietly as he relaxed.
"It was fun. Hammer actually pissed himself." "Seriously?! i remember that! he claimed he had a bladder infection the weasel!" Steve admitted, looking rather gleeful at the slight bit of blackmail he might have. "i don't think this is specialized Talent. i think this is a desire, drive, and skill to be the best. i can imagine them training for years just to be as good as they are." he admitted. "Tony's father was... cruel and Odin was negligent." Natasha stated simply. "and that is all that we will say on the subject." she said firmly. "if you want more information you'll have to speak either to Loki or to Tony." she admitted. "and it's fifty fifty if you'll get anything out of Loki." she admitted. "so you know Tony is part of the mob?" "don't be stupid. of course Tony isn't part of the mob. he shed blood, sweat, tears and every single thing he ever owned to remain out of the mob." "wait. what?" "in order to be completely left out of things. to break free of the mob, he signed literally everything he had, Stark Industries, Mob connections, even his personal bank accounts and his homes, everything, over to various Mob heads so that he would have nothing they wanted and he could slip free and never look back." "...you mean... he made all of this, with nothing!?" Steve demanded, stunned. "basically." she admitted.

"that was a test." Natasha admitted with a smirk. "i want to see what he'll do. does he have a backbone or is he just another spineless wimp? will he show off to attract my attention or actually do something worthwhile?" she mused. "i'm interested to see where he goes." she admitted, pulling out a small teddy bear. she had a huge collection of stuffed animals in her office and she always brought one with when she was going to be dealing with children. Charlie was so awed to have one that he remained completely focused on it until he fell asleep. "...your not going to give up are you?" Steve asked with a sigh as he realized even depressed, most of James attention was focused on Natasha still. poor, brain dead little idiot.
“Yea, I can imagine that.”James muttered thinking about it before tilting his head as he thought about everything he knew about Tony, which was shockingly small. Curious, and wanting to know more, but knowing nothing would force Natasha to talk. “He left. When he was a teen.”Clint shrugged a little, looking at the two annoyed at the idea that they still thought tony was mob, even if he’d suspected that was why they were here. Looking shocked at the idea of anyone, much less a teen, managing to walk away from everything, it made james curious about the man. “Wow.”James muttered stunned at the idea of anyone walking away and creating all this with nothing.

“Ah. I think he’s just setting his heels down to go after you. Just a warning.”Clint said looking at the two in the rearview mirror, amused at the james still trying. Smiling a little as charlie fell asleep. “Of course not.”James growled at Steve, looking slightly offended that the other thought he’d give up that easily.

Tony looked up when they came in, pausing in the middle of reading to watch the five of them. Looking thoughtful as he considered them, he sighed softly as he waved them into his office. “Tell me.” Clint smiled slightly as he started to explain, before shifting the sleeping charlie a little in his arms, glad that the boy felt safe enough sleep, “Did you find anyone?” “There’s a few that I’m going to- Pepper!”Tony grinned as he caught sight of his girlfriend over their shoulders, momentarily distracted by the arrival. “Come in.”He ordered, making a shooing motion towards the agents standing mostly in the doorway. “move.” “Tony, be polite.” “They’re not polite to me, I don’t want to be polite, Pep.”Tony whined a little as he stood, rushing around the desk to hug her tightly, and you’d think it was months since he’d seen her, rather then just two days.
"i didnt know people could do that." Steve admitted, sounding stunned. 'leave the mob i mean. i thought once you where born into it, you never left." well that explained why Steve had been so damn sure. "that's true in most cases. the way they're raised, kids never really get a choice more often then not. criminals raise criminals after all. but some kids like Tony... like Charley, they aren't raised, they're abused and they revolt against Mob lifestyle and break free even if they die trying." she admitted. "more often than not, the do die trying." she admitted before smirking at Clint. "this is going to be fun." she admitted. "fucking with a man's head. heads even, nothing better." she was a sadist, no doubt about it. "your hopeless James. really hopeless and a masochist at that."

Steve and James startled at the sudden change of topic and they blinked at Pepper before moving out of the way so she could get into the room and to the toddler sleeping on a nap mat next to Tony. "we're plenty polite... we're just sarcastic as hell." Steve said with a shrug, refusing to recognize the feelings of jealousy rising up inside of him as Tony clung to that slut. no, that was mean. pepper was an amazing woman, he'd worked with her before when someone had managed to hack into her systems and stolen so much that her businesses went from top five percent to bankrupt in an hour. they managed to recover most of the money and arrest the assholes who had done it but she had never once raised her voice, turned on anyone in anger or blamed someone for it. though, when he'd hauled in the people who had done it she had bitch slapped every one of them before getting back to work. he had a deep respect for Pepper Potts. he had no idea she was friends with Tony.
“And sometimes they revolt so hard that even if the mobs want them back, it’ll end in a bloodbath for everyone. Tony’s made sure that the cost of dragging him back into that lifestyle is so high no one wants to pay it. So you two....harassing him about it, is not going to end good for anyone.”Clint said scowling a little, well aware that the warning wouldn’t hold. That they’d still work on figuring out if tony was a dirty cop or not on their own. Snoring a little. “You are such a sadist, and he’s totally fucked if he keeps it up.”Clint muttered. “...I’ll let her hurt me all she wants, as long as she’s wearing a catsuit while doing it.”James answered settling in to think.

“Oh, so you fit right in here then. Steve?James?”pepper pulled away from the hug, having talked without realizing who it was, before really looking at them, smiling at the two. “It’s good to see you again, Ms. Potts.” “Pepper.”Pepper said smirking inwardly at the jealous little growl escaping her boyfriend’s throat, looking amused as she glanced over at the brunette. “Behave.” “I am. And they’re the agents who helped you with the company? Fuck...dammit. I had hoped to dislike them.”Tony sulked a little, pouting because he’d respected the agents from hearing about them from pepper, not being able to dislike them as much as he wanted, was going to be hard. But he respected Pepper’s opinion enough to not consider it. “Indeed. How was Aria, and the family?”Pepper said looking curious. “As well as ever.”Tony smiled resting his head against hers, closing his eyes a little, the knowledge that she was there, and aria was there, and safe and happy, were enough for him to be content.
"...you mean like that thirty two person massacre three months ago?" Steve asked. "when that kid, he was like, sixteen, walked into the middle of a meeting. we couldn't prove it but we suspect all twenty eight where high tier mob members from various families." the kid, Arnold Roosca had shot all twenty eight men to death before taking his own life. no one knew the whole truth but Loki had told Tony most of what he had known. Arnold had been a slave, basically. and had been owned by most of the people sitting int he room at one point or another and all he'd wanted was to be free. he'd just snapped one day and slaughtered all of them and himself, just so he could say he'd done something for himself for once. Loki had a memorial built in the child's honor and immediately snapped up everything that the rival mob had owned while they where too busy panicking to stop him.

"heya Ms. Potts." Steve said with a grin before blinking at Tony's growl, wondering why certain parts felt kind of... tingly at the noise. "well. i don't know if helping was the right word." Steve admitted. "we didn't do anything but catch the bastards that did it, Pepper was the one who managed to reclaim most of the funds." Steve admitted. "she's a little bit terrifying though, you know." he admitted. "absolutely terrifying. especially when she narrows her eyes, yeah just like that!" Steve admitted, slipping behind James. "Pepper!" Fitz called, skipping into the room with his paperwork. "Loki's mad at you! you don't call enough." Fitz informed her, making Steve still. pepper knew Loki? amazing Pepper who allowed no bribes or funny business was friends. even family with Loki? something was... very strange here. during the investigation they had looked into every single transaction she had ever made and she'd never 'donated' money to any mob businesses or had anything go missing and he knew, without a doubt that she was 'clean' so how was she friends with Loki? and he hated how cute she and Tony looked together and he didn't know why. "...James?" Steve asked, looking at him. "you'd tell me if i was in a coma right?"
“Something like that.”Clint said cagely, which was a answer all on it’s own.

“It was a help, since it was easier to let the big strong agents catch them, then ask tony to drag himself away from the serial case he was working.”Pepper said looking amused as she leaned into tony a little. “Oh, believe me. I’m well aware of how terrifying she is.” “As you should.”pepper said smirking at her boyfriend before looking up at the other walking in, sulking a little. Shaking her head a little. “Just because he’s older then me, and I’m dating Tony, doesn’t mean he gets to treat me like a overbearing brother.” “Yes it does.”Tony snorted amused. “...Yes. I would. Unless I’m in a coma to....I’m....very confused to.”James muttered glancing at him. “About what?”Toyn said looking at the man, looking at steve and james with such a overly innocent look you knew he was enjoying this.
Steve chuckled a little. "oh! that's right. i forgot." Steve admitted. "you where working that..." he swallowed. "when the guy was..." he shuddered. the serial killer would rape indiscriminately and then... remove, the sexual organs. internal and external alike. men or women they where opened up cut off and the organs removed from the scene. Tony later found all the missing organs in the disgusting perverts freezer. Tony the most disgusting cases, things that even made the FBI cringe. "he worries about you." Fitz huffed, cooing at the little baby that was now awake and in his arms and very happy at the attention she was getting. "yeah... yeah we're in a coma. only explanation. i'm going to go lay down." he decided, wandering off, Fitz snickering as they messed with Steve's head. "we're mean." Fitz admitted with a chuckle. "are you taking her home?" Fitz asked, pouting. he always missed his little goddaughter every time she went back home with Pepper.
“Yea....that thing...”Tony said looking both sick and a little pale at the idea before shaking it off. He couldn’t dwell on the cases, otherwise he’d never get out of bed from sheer disgust with humanity. “I know, but he’s still overbearing.”Pepper snorted amused as she watched fritz and aria. “....Yea....me to. Definitely only explanation.”James muttered following after the other. “We are. And yes, I am. Though I might stop and see Loki before I do, make sure he’s not worrying to much.”The woman said looking amused at the idea, grinning as she took aria back, cuddling her daughter with a smile.
"you should. he really does fuss." Fitz admitted before beaming brightly when someone knocked on the door. "Johnny!" the man looked exactly like Steve Rogers, only smaller and a little bit more mischievous and not nearly as babyfaced with the stubble. "heya Kid." Johnny said, blinking at the kid in Clint's arms, Charlie still sleeping, looking ever so cute. "our back early?" "nah. i'm on leave." Johnny admitted. "my vacation time kicked in, i have the next two weeks off, or else." Johnny huffed, sulking. "so i thought i'd drop by here and see if you nice folks might not take me in for a while." he admitted with a grin. "by the way, what's with the FBI in your bullpen?" he asked, wondering if Loki was right and Tony was really, actually in trouble. Steve had been rather stunned at seeing a man who looked exactly like him and had needed to sit down and pinch himself a few dozen times to make sure he wasn't sleeping after all.
“I will, promise.”Pepper smiled, kissing fritz’s cheek. “How about I stop by and stay for dinner?Then you can visit with Aria some more.”Pepper smiled knowing the man didn’t get to see his goddaughter nearly as much as him or tony would like, even if this arrangement was the best for them all. Startling a little, Tony tilted his head. “Hi.”he said tilting his head a little. “Well, it’s good to see you. I better go get Charlie laid down, and natasha can totally do teh paperwork”Clint smiled at Johnny, before ducking out of the room and towards the bunks, setttling him in to rest while him and natasha worked on their paperwork, well, natasha did paperwork cause clint totally tried to avoid it mostly. “That would be the nice agents who are in serious need of a lesson.”Tony smiled, mostly avoiding the answer he knew johnny was asking, because he didn’t want pepper to worry.
"yeah!" Fitz agreed, perking up in delight. "Loki says we're having Crown Roast of Lamb with stuffing!" he admitted. Loki always had an impressive dinner option. "he says we'll have a salad and then roasted parsnips and asparagus with carrots and rutabaga with dinner." Fitz always got excited about Dinner, especially if people he liked where going to be there. "and we're having Tiramisu for dessert!" as always, Fitz was most excited about the dessert. sweet toothed little brat. Johnny knew better than to ask about the child and instead rolled his eyes, wondering if the Agents where being punished by being made to work with Tony. he'd find out after he talked to Loki.
“okay, okay. That is impressive, and we’ll be there for dinner.”Pepper said looking amused at how excited the man was, kissing his cheek before gathering Aria’s things. “Come on kiddo, time to go. Say goodbye.”She smiled a little as aria babbled as tony stole one last kiss and hug from his best girls, before watching her and fritz walk out, before collapsing back into his chair, looking up at Johnny with a small tilt of his head. “So, who called you in for this ‘vacation’? Loki, or your boss?”he asked curious, and intelligent enough to know that his older brother/father figure had probably picked up enough pieces to figure out he was drowning.
Fitz nodded. "i got to choose the vegetables!" that explained why they where such an odd mix. no matter Loki's attempts, the idea of some foods just not going together didn't seem to penetrate Fitz's brain. if he could, he would have fish, lamb, and eight different desserts with carrots, the only vegetable that Fitz liked, he was pretty sure Rutabaga wasn't a vegetable, every night. "both, actually." Johnny admitted, sitting in his own chair with a grin. "Loki called my boss and said i was being overworked. m bitch boss seamed to agree and told me i had to use my vacation time." he admitted. "the asshole." he admitted. "so you gonna tell me what's really going on or am i going to have to be a sneaky sneak and find out on my own?"
“Ah.”Tony said looking amused as he watched johnny, before snorting a little. “Only loki would call the CIA and tell them one of their agents needs a break.”he said amused as he watched the other. “Only you would find vacation a burden.”He said amused because he had problems taking his vacation time to. “Hmmm, you’re on vacation. You’re not allowed being a sneaky sneak.”He said before sighing, running a hand through his hair. “The agents have been getting in to trouble in their own cases. They’re extremely set in their ways, and their black and white world. Fury sent them here to not only get them to bend some before they have a mental breakdown, but to take care of the rumors about me still being a crooked cop. Though they’re intent on proving it’s still true.”Something tightened his features, a flicker of anger. “They thought I was kidnapping Aria for blackmail purposes when I got her this weekend. They’re annoying, but I can talk my way around him, at least I think.”He sighed a little before getting up, shutting the blinds before leaning down to kiss johnny. “You want to talk about stupid agents, or enjoy welcome home sex?”
"i know right!? and only my freaking boss would listen to the asshole!" he whined, sulking. "it is a burden!" he grumbled. "i hate vacations. having to be bored because there's nothing to do! i hate it!" he grumbled before snorting. "in the words of my favorite character, "i do what i want", if i want to be a Sneak then i will be, so there." he said with a sniff before blinking. "ah. so they're here to see first hand that bad guys aren't always the bad guys." he mused. "the big blond. he's fucked up." he admitted. "you can see it in his eyes. suicidal but clinging to life yet. too scared or too stubborn to actually want to go through with it." he mused. this was why Johnny was a sneak. he was damn good at what he did. "the tall brunette is fucked up too but he's nearly recovered. obsessive type, focused on a singularity i think. one, maybe two people are enough to keep him fully grounded." he mused before smirking at Tony. "the blondes going to twitch out of his skin in a few days. might be good for him." he admitted. "make him focus on something other than how much he hates himself." he admitted before looking outraged. "he thought WHAT?!" he demanded. "i hope you showed them the error of their ways!?" he demanded before smirking as the blinds where shut and kissed Tony back. "that depends. what kind of sex?" he mused, smirking at Tony. "because i'll stop talking once you start sucking my dick."
“Hm, your boss is amazing.”He looked amused before snorting. “I’ll keep you busy here, it’ll be fun.”Tony smiled before rolling his eyes at the other’s words, but not protesting if he wanted to sneak. Before nodding. “Yes, exactly. And I know, I figured I’d just keep bashing up against his shields and see what happens. I figured hating me, and wanting me to go down for the count will keep him from ending things right now.”Tony sighed softly, because he’d suspected it, but hadn’t been sure. “Truly?”He said looking thoughtful as he considered james, before nodding. It made sense, james was completely focused on steve, and natasha. Made sense his total dedication at getting natasha. “I am. I’m making him focus on me. And yea, sorta. I mean, I took them to lunch with Loki and Thor, and are showing them how my team works. But I’m working on it.”Tony smiled a little before snorting, “not to specific there or anything about what you want.”he teased sinking to his knees, reaching for the other’s belt. “We’ll start with a blow job, and if you’re still feeling up to it, maybe sex over my desk.”
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