Policed (lady/moon)

"I'm sure we'll have news soon enough. Maria's fairly quick about finding out things."james smiled a little at the thought of the fbi's best computer whiz, smiling slightly."maybe. Wouldn't be surprised, since tony does seem to know a little bit of everyone. Maybe pepper met him through tony."he said thoughtfully, wondering if the man might be arias father, just never listed as such. As far as he knew no one knew who aria's father was."true. We'll make sure he's not railroaded."james growled a little at the idea of 5ony being steamrolled, nodding slightly."true. Of anyone, tony would be aware there's dirty cops."he scowled making a face as he glanced at the bathroom as tony and aria emerged, both man and child looming shaken and lost."we'll figure this out....how about you get them out of here and I'll stay till the techs get here and lock the scene down. Take them home."he said tilting his head towards tony and aria who both were looking a little lost. "I should stay...someone needs to be with pepper...she doesn't like being alone..."tony muttered
"yeah. she'll know what the hell is going on soon enough." Steve agreed before nodding. "that's the only thing i can think of." Steve admitted. "Hammer is going to screw us over, you know that right? either we frame Tony and get fired, or we prove Tony innocent and get fired." Hammer had been trying to get them fired for a good year or more because Steve refused to bend the rules the way Hammer wanted them to. "yeah. i'll get them out of here. i have a feeling Tony's going to fight us on the placement of Aria." he admitted before shaking his head at Tony. "James is staying with Pepper." he promised Tony. "come on. time to go. i need to take you home." he explained to Tony, gently urging him out of the house. "i need an address too. Aria is going to have to go stay with her Godfather. a Leo Fitz. do you know where he is Tony?" "yeah. Leo will be at the precinct." Johnny promised. "i'll go get him and take him to Tony's place." Johnny promised, realizing Steve hadn't realized Leo Fitz was, in fact, Fitz. "where does Tony live?" Steve asked, Johnny hesitating. "i'm not sure. we usually go to my place."
"I know. Hammer always wants to screw us over. This must be adream come true for him. Getting to screw us and tony over in one go...I'm not sending a innocent man to jail."james scowled at the idea before shrugging."he might, but I think he's probably in bad enough shock since he found her to not be fighting anything just yet."james sighed a little, smiling sadly."I'll stay right here with her." "Promise?" "I do. And I always keep my word, ask steve. I'll stay right here."he promised. "Don't wanna go...need stuff for aria..."tony muttered even though he allowed steve to lead him out of the house, nodding at the question."he'll be at work..."he muttered before frowning slightly,"precinct."he answered in response to where he was living, cuddling aria closer as she fussed.
"Hammer won't get his way for long." Steve admitted, his eyes narrowing. "he'll get his eventually." he admitted before nodding. "hell. as much as it sucks, if we get fired we could always come work for Tony." he admitted with a chuckle before sighing. "yeah. you might be right." he agreed with a shake of his head. "no, he never breaks a promise Tony." Steve promised. "we can't take anything from the house Tony. it's evidence." he explained softly. "we'll have her Godfather come and get some things or buy her new ones until he can, okay?" he asked before shaking his head. "no, we're not going t the precinct Tony. i need an address okay? where do you live?" Steve ordered, Johnny looking at him. "....he lives at the precinct." he said, sounding mortified. "...you mean to tell me that Tony Stark is homeless?" Steve asked, stunned. "...shit... okay. so... your house then?" Steve asked, Johnny shaking his head. "too many memories of Pepper there and people will question why. what about your place?" "...uh, yeah. sure." Steve agreed, wincing because he knew sneaky snoop CIA would have no trouble picking out his drug hiding places and the blood Tony hadn't cleaned up all the way on the floor or the blood Steve ever bothered to clean up properly from the last times he'd shot up and then cut. "okay. my place. come on Tony." Steve agreed with a sigh.
"Yea, and hopefully it'll be tony cramming it down his throat. I'd pay money to watch tony give him shit."james snorted a little at the idea smiling slightly at how relieved tony looked that hed keep his promise. That was painful to see."oh...right...it is. I knew that..."he muttered before looking up at steve nodding."Fitz has stuff for her. He'll be okay...he has stuff for us both..."tony muttered before frowning slightly."work. There's beds."tony muttered sounding confused on why they looked so upset that he lived at the precinct. It really shouldn't be so surprising, considErin how much time he spent at work."steves?okay."tony frowned following the others, cuddling aria. Frowning slightly."....you okay with that?I can take her to Fitz and stay in my office..."tony muttered though he still sounded shocky, he was starting to come out of it a bit.
"Tony already gives him shit, that's why Hammer hates him." he admitted with a snort before grimacing at Tony's expression. "okay. we'll have Fitz ad Leo meet us then." he agreed, hesitating before leading the way to his apartment, shaking his head a little. "shit. left my keys inside." he admitted, buzzing himself in using the buzzer and his phone, much to Johnny's amusement. "...shut up." Steve ordered, flushing a little as he stepped into his apartment. "no Tony, here is better." Steve promised him, settling him onto his couch while Johnny looked around the living room before lifting an eyebrow at Steve who flushed a little. "...not a word." "zipped." Johnny agreed. "for now." he decided, calling Fitz and telling him that he was going to have to take Aria for the foreseeable future. he promised to come over right away with some of her things and all of his identification and paperwork to prove he was who he said he was.
“True.”James said looking amused. “Kay.”Tony muttered even as he followed contentedly, not truly registering anything except that him and aria were safe. That they were okay. “...so forgetful.”Tony muttered sounding amused as he listened to johnny tease steve, following him inside. Looking around as he considered everything, cuddling aria closer, sighing quietly. “Can’t I keep aria?we’ll be okay. We’ll stay with Aria.”Tony said sounding upset at the idea of being away from his daughter, needy and desperate, both to want her with him, to send her away to protect him. Whimpering quietly as he sat her down on the floor, before laying down next to her, curling up around her. For a man who was normally utterly sure of what was happening, and that was completely in control, he looked utterly lost and at a loss.
"i am not. i was in a rush this morning..." Steve complained, looking rather amused himself because he almost always forgot his keys in his apartment. thankfully it meant he never locked himself out because he needed his keys to lock the door. "no, Tony. i'm sorry. because your a suspect in a murder investigation and have no real legal rights to Aria she has to go to her Godfather." he explained softly. in reality, there was nothing that aid Tony was anything but Pepper's boyfriend so legally, Tony had no right to Aria at all anyway, not unless Tony turned out to be her father or a uncle by blood. he was pretty sure that wasn't the case though so Tony was going to have to give her up unless Pepper's will, if she had one, said otherwise. he stood watch over Tony while Johnny fussed about, tsking over Steve's bare cupboards, empty shelves and barren fridge. the only part of the entire place that looked even remotely lived in was the bedroom and master bathroom, even then, it was the bare minimum. he was up at the buzzer from someone wanting in and let them in, assuming correctly that it was Aria's godfather. he was very surprised when Fitz walked through the door, dried tears on his cheeks and looking pale but determined. "Tony." Fitz murmured, gently stroking Tony's face. "come on. get up. your not going to do anyone any good by breaking down." he ordered, checking Aria over for any injuries. "your Leo Fitz!?" Steve asked, stunned. "your Theo's son." "don't you ever say that filthy bastards name in front of me again." Fitz hissed at Steve whp felt a cold chill right down to his bones as he backed away from Fitz, both hands up. Theo's sweet baby boy had turned into... that? he had only met Leo once, when he was still in diapers. he had always thought Theo was a loving, caring father, so why did Leo hate him so much? nothing made sense in this god forsaken world anymore! he wanted to go into the bathroom, curl up in the bathtub, shoot up and cut a little to make the pain inside go away. he couldn't though because there where people here and he was still a little high from last night. he was dangerous with himself but he didn't want to actually die so he was very careful about how much drug he allowed himself and when. he would have to wait till tomorrow to shoot up, but he could at least run a few new lines tonight after everyone else had left.
“....She’s mine. But...She’s mine.”Tony muttered sounding upset, and confused on why he couldn’t keep his daughter. To shocky to really be aware of what he had admitted to, or that they might actually take his words seriously, and know he was aria’s father. Usually he was super conscious of the fact that no one knew aria was his, but he was lost, out of sorts, and shocky, not really aware of talking. And while Aria’s birth certificate listed Tony as the father, they’d also buried the record of it deep, and made sure that no one could find it easily, to many people would use it against him if it came out. Watching Johnny fuss as he laid next to aria, the baby curled up against him sleeping quietly, watching the other’s absently. Looking up at fitz as the other came in, sighing quietly as the other touched his face, smiling a little. “Hey fitz.”He muttered frowning a little, whining quietly as he was urged to sit up, not wanting to but knowing he had to, simply letting fitz do what he’d already done, make sure Aria was okay. And while she looked exhauste, she wasn’t harmed. Stirring at the yelling going around him, he cuddled aria, growling quietly, sounding upset as he listened to the two. “No, don’t be upset!He doesn’t know Leo, it’s okay. He wont talk about it.”Tony said looking anxious to calm the two down, anxious as he let leo take aria, frowning. “You’ll take care of her right?Promise?You’ll take her to loki’s, and make sure she doesn’t get hurt or anything?”He said, starting to come back a little, at least more now that aria needed him to make sure she was safe, and protected. He’d fall apart later. he was crashing, and crashing hard, but he was trying desperately to pull himself out of a tailspin
"shh, Tony. i know you've helped raise her but legally speaking you don't have any claim to her." Johnny explained, stroking Tony's hair. throwing Steve off the slight hint that Tony had given them. "hey Tony." Fitz said with a smile at Tony. "it's okay." he promised Tony before huffing at Steve, glaring at him before shaking his head. "whatever." he grumbled, smiling at Aria and cooing at her. "i'll take care of her. you know i will." Fitz promised, looking up at Johnny. "i'll tell Loki what happened too and make sure he stays out of it. unless this turns out to be a Mob Strike he won't get involved." "...Mob Strike?" Steve asked softly, Fitz glancing at him. "...for example, the Jotun Clan murdering her to destabilize the Aesir clan." Fitz finally admitted. "this doesn't have that sort of feel though, they would have left a calling card if this was gang related." he admitted. "so it was personal." Steve agreed with a sigh. "i had thought so. this whole thing stinks. smells of cover up and set up." he admitted. "as much as i don't want to admit to anything, Tony does have a perfect Alibi..." Steve admitted, scratching the bandages on his arm. "i don't know if i can be his alibi, being that i'm involved in the investigation, i'll have to ask James." he admitted, Johnny nodding. "ask phil too." Johnny decided. "in the meantime, i have to get Tony stable.... which means i'm probobly..." "i... uhm. i researched it." Steve admitted, flushing hard. "go ahead and use one of the spare bedrooms. i never use them so they'll be clean and i can wash the sheets later or something." "oh... uh, thanks." Johnny said, a bit surprised that Steve had actually looked it up or even cared at all.
"Oh...okay."tony frowned sounding confused at that but for the moment willing to accept it, before nodding slowly, calming down as he looked between steve and fitz."okay."he muttered sighing sadly as he let fitz have aria, not wanting to let her go but needing her looked after."I know you will. She had fun with you."he smiled watching fitz coo at her as the baby giggled sleepily."good. Remind him that he's not a law onto himself..."tony muttered looking a little panicked as he shot a look towards steve, coming back enough to be aware they were talking about mob stuff in front a fbi agent."no. A mob thing would nearly be cold...this has...to much emotion to it to be anything but personal."tony muttered sounding anxious because if that was true, he'd gotten her killed. And that was starting to hit him."no. You don't get to alibi me. I won't let you."tony said sounding upset that steve would be willing to tell everyone his secret, for him. Looking up as james buzzed in, the dark haired agent stuffing them with a sigh as he held up some food."I stopped and grabbed food, if you want to try to get him to eat before you calm him down...wasn't sure if he'd had anything.."james said looking sick enough himself that eating didn't appeal to him, but he knew they'd all need it, even if tony looked ready to throw up at the sight of food.
Johnny smiled at him. "i'll take very good care of her and when i can't Loki can." Fitz promised. he could usually tell when an attack was coming and he was almost always able to get Aria to Loki before he melted down. the few times he couldn't, Aria knew to go and get Loki and every single person in the compound knew better than to even look at Aria cross-eyed. "No one is a law unto themselves." Steve admitted before snorting at Tony. "calm down. being part of a mob or a gang isn't actually illegal." Steve huffed. "nor is passing information unless it allows someone to evade or cover up a crime." he admitted. "we already knew Loki was a mob boss we just can't prove he did anything wrong, morally or legally." he pointed out before staring at Tony. "i can Alibi you if i damn well want to Tony Stark. it's clear you didn't do this and i'll give myself up if it means saving an innocent person from jail. i don't like you... well, not as much as i probobly should, but the law is the law, it's supposed to protect the innocent and punish the guilty and assholes like Hammer and Loki using the law against innocents pisses me off." "Loki has never used the law against an innocent." Fitz huffed with a roll of his eyes. "now, the Jotun Clan, those are nasty bastards." he admitted before looking up at James. "...i don't know if Tony will be able to eat right now, but Aria probobly missed breakfast so she'll need to eat." he admitted. "what did you bring?" he asked examining the food before picking out something that would be okay for Aria to eat and set about getting her fed. "come on Tony. let's go to the bedroom. come on. up." Johnny ordered, voice gentle but firm before he hesitated, looking at Steve. "don't suppose you have anything... you know..." "huh? uhm... oh! you mean to... oh! uhm... i'm not sure." he admitted, heading into his closet and looking around before plucking out a thin long plastic rod that had once been attached to his curtains. "...not regulation, but it'll work." Johnny agreed. he'd have to test it before he actually used it on Tony but if he had to he'd use his hand on Tony's ass, not as effective but better than nothing.
“Kay. I know.”Tony muttered relaxing a little as he smiled slightly at the other, relaxing slightly as he watched them. Frowning a little, noding slowly. “....Ah. Well. Okay.”Tony said calming a little at the promise he wasn’t going to be getting loki in trouble, before frowning, staring back at steve in vague annoyance. “You’ll damn well listen to me. I might want you to tell tehm, but you don’t have to do it for me.”He grumbled scowling a little, before wincing. “We wont use the law against innocents. It’s the guilty I’m the best at punishing.”he said taking it that steve meant he was one of those that he abused the law himself. And he i, some. But not like most would assume. He twisted it to make sure that he was within the letter of the law, but still fucking up a guilty person’s day, he’d never do it for a innocent. Only fighting them on this, because he blamed himself for it, so he thought he should be convinced. “A little bit of everything. I just went in to the store and grabbed anything that looked both adult and baby friendly.”James smiled slightly, looking at steve. “The techs and fury himself are at the scene, he thought it was better to not have some random person being there when we couldn’t, and we both agreed I better come look after these two with you.”James smiled, mostly because he’d worried about how steve was handling things, and that he needed to look after his friend. Tilting his head as he looked at the other two. “....might not work...it’d probably break...”Tony muttered even as he was urged to his feet, stumbling a little as he followed after him, he was definitely starting to fall apart, starting to panic in his need, uncoordinated and at a loss, not the smooth and suave person they were used to, but a man who’d had his world tossed upside down/
it was the wrong thing to say to Steve, who was even more bull headed than Tony. he puffed himself up and scowled at Tony. "i will tell them whatever the hell i damn well please for whatever reason i feel like. it's MY Secret after all and if i feel like standing up on the top of your precinct and screaming it then that's what i'll goddamn do!" he informed the man, Fitz ducking his head and snickering because it wasn't many who would outright deny Tony anything. "you would never." Steve agreed. "i know that much about you, but others would, others DO and one of them is trying to tell me i have to say it was you and i don't give a flying fuck if i'm fire, i am not sending an innocent man to jail." Steve growled before grimacing when he realized he'd admitted to them that Hammer was pushing to have Tony blamed even though Tony wasn't guilty. had admitted that Hammer had fudged the law before. if he hadn't been fired before he sure as hell was going to be now. "like i'd hit you that hard." Johnny scoffed, deciding to start digging in on Hammer once he had the chance. the man was a bad egg and he didn't like the man hovering over Tony all the time. now he had a chance to see what the hell was up and bust some balls in the process. Steve hesitated and then sighed, looking at James. "i need to tell you something." he admitted to James softly. "...and your not going to like it but you have to swear not to yell because i don't like the yelling okay?" Steve ordered before wincing a little as he pulled back into his bedroom because telling James was hard enough, he didn't want Fitz or Johnny or anyone else to know too. it took him an agonizingly long time to drag his shirt off, making sure to avoid looking at James. if he was going to tell the truth to protect Tony then James needed to know before that. "...this was why Tony was here last night." he whispered. "i slipped...." the yelling was going to start any second now. especially since James would be able to tell that Steve was still hiding something. he wasn't about to admit to being a drug addict anytime soon.
"....okay."tony shuddered ducking his head, tears staring to form, responding to steve like he would to a angry dom, and not just any dom, but his own. As if steve was in charge and he'd acted out just to act out."...I always said hammer wanted to get me fired, never knew he'd try send g me to jail for being better then him..."tony muttered looking upset at the idea."we won't let it get that far. We'll figure out what happened. We're some of the best tony, we won't back down just cause hammers a dick."james smiled a little before frowning. Looking worried about his friend as he watched johnny and tony retreat to the guest room, following steve. Looking worried. "Okay..."he said slowly paling with anger as he swallowed hard, watching his best friend, going pale with anger but trying really hard to not yell as he stared at the other. More angry it had taken so long to tell him, well aware that the other had hidden this for months, if not years, then he was about tony being the one called. Wanting to yell, but we'll aware how it upset his friend, he forced it away, knowing he'd be up a punching bag later to get it up."....well. I don't know, but I don't think you can be more then a witness. I don't think you'll be able to investigate this....well...no. because tony's not a suspect now....so you can keep working....we need to talk to a lawyer...and fury...I'm not sure of the protocol really..."he said focusing on 2ork cause it was the only reason he wasn't yelli NV
Steve hesitated at Tony's reaction, looking quite panicked that Tony had started to cry though he wasn't sure how to apologize. "Hammer is trying to cover something up, i can tell that much." Steve admitted. "he's been covering up stuff for a long while and he knows i know it. i've caught a few discrepancies and have pointed them out before to people who don't suck Hammer's ass." he admitted. "so he's eager to get me out of the way as well." he admitted. "we won't let him pin you Tony." Steve promised before swallowing thickly as he lead James away. he wrapped his arms around himself and shook his head a little because he knew James wanted to yell. thank god he wasn't because Steve was pretty sure he couldn't handle it, between the pain and the drugs still floating in his system he was going to start crying or flinching if James raised his voice now. "where Tony has such an air tight Alibi he cannot be a suspect right?" Steve asked. "i'll tell fury in private." he decided. "he'll probobly fire me but i don't think i want to work with the FBI anymore..." he admitted softly. "Phil is the best damn lawyer i know too, the little shit. he'll know better than anyone." he admitted. he hated Phil, so much, because of Phil so many bad people had walked. though, even more bad people had gone straight to jail too, people who otherwise wouldn't have because they'd had money and had bribed the right people. "...thanks for not yelling." he mumbled, pulling the shirt back on before swallowing thickly. "can... can i tell you something else?" he asked, sounding even more panicked than he did about the cutting. "...i think i might be gay..." James would know for sure, James always knew about things like this, and James would fix him if it was wrong or let him know it was okay because Steve had no idea anymore.
“Yes. He’s always been a little shit like that...hiding stuff. Was in school, hasn’t changed since.”Tony muttered frowning a little as he consiered that, relaxing at the other’s promise that he wouldn’t be blamed for this, even if he thought he was at fault. James ground his teeth, swallowing the angry words before nodding slightly. “It’s airtight, considering everyone knows you’d never consider lying to just save someone. Especially tony, who even if isn’t mob, still has always had rumors surrounding him. If your staning up for him, and me to, it means there’s nothing suspect about it.”James sighed before smiling a little. “Tell fury, and he wont fire you. You heard tony, he sent you here, us here, to make us better, to stop us from losing our jobs. He wont fire us for saving a innocent man.”James pointed out before snorting a little. “He is a little shit.”He agreed before smiling, though it was a little tight, he nodded a little. “Your welcome. And if I break my punching bag tonight, you can buy me a new one....or maybe....I wonder if I can convince Natasha to have sex....”he said momentarily derailed from his serious thoughts in light of the thought of getting natasha in bed. Looking at the other he nodded slowly. “Come on then. Tell me.”He said before looking startled, eyes widening. Of everything he thought he’d admit, that wasn’t it. He hadn’t thought the other would figure it out without him telling him. “I know. I always thought you were, but you always seemed so freaked out at the idea I didn’t know how to say anything....”He said looking guilty for never saying anything.
He nodded. "there's never been any actual evidence that he's been doing it. just things that could be brushed off as accidents but i know better." Steve admitted. he wanted nothing more than to take Justin Hammer down hard. "i can lie to protect someone..." Steve grumbled. no he couldn't. after everything that had happened, the only way he knew right from wrong was the law and James and James was the only person he'd even consider lying to protect and he probobly wouldn't because he'd hate James for destroying his trust like that. never mind that Steve broke trust every time he shot up. he knew James would turn him in, in a second if he ever found out. "yeah. i'll get you a new bag. a really nice one." Steve agreed before swallowing thickly. "okay... okay. i'm gay. that's cool. that's okay. i can be fine with that. totally..." he stuttered. "i mean. i suppose it kind of makes sense right?" he wondered. "it totally makes sense..." he looked at James, wild eyed and half panicked. "am i sick? it's... you can fix it maybe?" that would be great if James could fix it. Sarah Rogers had always said that 'fags and queers' where sick. that they could be fixed if they just stopped living in sin and opened their hearts to god and Jesus. it was no wonder Steve would ask that, never mind that he'd never actually thought it himself. he didn't care who loved who, but to realize he was gay, that was world shattering if only because he wasn't sure how James would take it. how the few people Steve liked would take it. hell, he couldn't even figure out how he himself felt about it.
“For me, yes. But I’d never ask you to.”James said well aware that it would break Steve if he’d ever asked something like that, so he was careful to never even have it be a issue, not that it was a regular problem for him, to meed someone to cover for him. “Good. I’ll need it.”James smiled a little tilting his head as he watched Steve, worried about him, gently pushing him to sit down, before sitting down next to him. “It does. You loved Peg, but you’ve never really looked at another girl, not even when we were young really.”James shrugged a little before wincing. “No, you’re not sick, and this isn’t something that needs fixed, Stevie. Your mom was...”he paused, not wanting to say anything bad about the woman, but she’d fucked up his buddy, and he wanted to. “She wasn’t right. This isn’t something you got to choose, or that you can change. You could ignore it, try to date women like you have been, but you’re making yourself miserable. Why don’t you try taking a guy out instead?You might like it.”James said, not about to suggest what guy he needed to take out, not when stark’s life was currently so complicated. He’d let steve figure out how to best help with tony.
Steve nodded and smiled at James. "i know you wouldn't." he admitted softly. he'd never ask for it either. if he got caught he'd take his punishment, that was the way the law worked. he let James push him down and he pulled his shirt back on and looked at him, swallowing thickly because even mentioning Peggy sent sharp shards of pain over his heart. "so... Peggy was, what? my exception?" he wondered, remembering the term from when he was a little younger. "...so... so i'm not wrong?" he asked softly. "i don't need to be fixed?" he asked, his eyes watering. "you won't hate me for being this way?" he asked, lip trembling because it was all too much. admitting he was cutting, admitting he was gay, being upset that Pepper was dead, knowing Ton was one bad word away from having a full on mental breakdown and knowing Tony and Johnny where fucking in his spare bedroom. knowing that Leo Fitz was Theo's son and hated his father. there was too much in the day and Steve could barely handle it. "Y...Yeah. ok-kay. i'll.. i'll try d-dating a g-guy." he decided. couldn't be any worse than taking out slutty women. "...we should let Tony stay here for a while... he doesn't have a home." he admitted. "he's been living at the precinct."
“Yea, something like that. Hell, even if I’m not gay, I’ve checked out guys sometimes. But peg....you two would have been happy, if things hadn’t happened. But...I dunno, Stevie, I think you can be happy.”He smiled a little before shaking his head. “No, you’re not wrong. And you don’t nee fixed. And if I didn’t hate you for dragging me clear to iraq to make sure you didn’t en up in a body bag, I don’t think this could make me hate you. Till the end, punk.”James smirked a little, pressing a kiss to the other’s forehead as he stood in front of him. “As long as you don’t expect me to be hitting on you,we’re good.”He said looking amused, before nodding. “I’ll even go out with you, be the wingman if you want me to.”he said before startling. “What?Tony Stark, is homeless?”he said staring at the other, before nodding. “yea okay. He’ll stay here....are you sure you’re okay with that?”
Steve blinked at James. "have you really?" he wondered, his head tilted. "i don't believe you." he decided with a smile before grimacing. "i would have been happy." he agreed softly. "Peggy was... everything." he whispered before smiling at James because he knew it was only because of James he had survived being tortured in a dank cave in the middle of the desert. James had swooped in, guns blazing and had rescued him. it had been James who had rescued him from his foster family after his Ma had died. James who had protected him from bullies in the school yard. it was James who had picked him up after he was discharged from the Army for punching his superior officer and James who had gotten them jobs with the FBI and James who had done everything for Steve. "no. that would be creepy. incest isn't cool." Steve admitted with a smile before nodding. "that would... probobly be really weird..." he admitted. "but i would like you to go with, i don't think i'd have the nerves if i went by myself." he admitted before nodding. "yeah he is, not sure why. honestly i think he just never bothered getting his ow place." he admitted. "between Pepper and Johnny the only time he needed his own place was when they where both gone so he just stayed at the precinct then." he admitted. "i think..." he swallowed hard and then nodded. "yeah. i think i'm okay with that."
"I have. You'd have to be blind not to check out Barton."james snickered a little sighing softly."incest isn't cool, so we're good. No hitting on me."james said looking amused at the idea as he studied his friend."it would definitely be weird, but I'll be the straight wingman. Might even pick up some good pickup lines. It'll be weird fun."he assured the other."that's weird...and actually very fitting. There's always been rumors hes a workaholic, makes sense he's living there."james snorted a little before moving away."in that case I better go get clothes, food, and stuff you two will need. You wanna come, or listen to the hunk in the next room have sex?"james teased nudging him a little.
"...he is kind of cute." Steve agreed with a bright flush. "i don't think Phil would appreciate us looking at his guy though." he admitted with a smile. "i won't hit on you, calm down. your gross anyway." he informed James with a smile before chuckling a little, feeling better already. James hadn't yelled and he didn't hate him for being gay, he was okay. it was okay. maybe. "it does make sense." he agreed with a nod. "Thanks. i'm not sure where Tony would keep his things but i never buy anything anyway so i should have enough money to buy him some toiletries and some clothes and stuff." he admitted before flushing hard and heading for the door. he didn't want to listen to that! no way! maybe a little but he wasn't ready to admit to that yet. he'd much rather go shopping and talk to Phil and Fury than admit he wanted to have wild kinky sex with Tony.
"Probably not, but considering they're fighting right now, he might not....though I still think they're going to sort it out."he shook his head a little before snorting."let's go get you both some then."he said utterly bemused how his friend could be living like this. Smirking as he followed the other out. He was gonna have fun.

Laterms tony looked up from where he was curled up on the couch, huddling around a glass of. Off fee as he wat he'd steve come in. Fidgety and upset though calmer then before."I didn't want to leave without saying thanks, but I'll be getting out of your hair now. I'm sorry, I know you don't really want me here."he said already getting his shoes on. Even if johnny had promised he could stay here for a bit, he still hadn't believed him.
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