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"Stop me, or I will fuck you raw here and now."

For a moment Aurianna didn’t care. She needed Matthias, to hold her, to comfort her, to make her feel whole. If that necessitated that he fuck her to do so, so be it. She was so desperate for his touch; she didn’t care if it came at that cost.

“I don’t care! I need you,” She pleaded, “I need-“ She couldn’t finished, before he was kissing her again, pushing her into a tree and pushing his cock up against her.

"I will use you," he snarled, "without mercy, until I am spent…"

She shivered at this assertion, fully believing he would make good on his warning. “Matthias…“ She whimpered, terror and pain and need in her eyes. The sharp scream pulled her out of her despair, as she pushed Matthias off her with more strength than she would have thought she possessed. “Clara!” She called out, picking up her spear and taking off back towards camp. She didn’t bother to check if Matthias was following her.

“Clara!” Aurianna called out as she made out the figure of her apprentice, wet and half-clothed, crouching on a rock.

"Go away!"

She was frantically throwing rocks at something Aurianna still couldn’t see. “Clara”! Aurianna called again as she grew closer, “Clara, what’s wrong?” Her young apprentice pointed to the small snake, and at first, Aurianna was confused.

“The… snake?” She asked her incredulous. Smashing under the butt of her spear, she sighed, both in relief and frustration.

“Mistress, I am sorry, I just hate snakes so-What happened to you?!” Clara started apologizing, before seeing Aurianna’s lips and chin dripping with blood. Aurianna could feel her life still warm on her lips, and trickling in her mouth. She bent over the pond and splashing some water over her face.

“Nothing, it’s nothing,” Aurianna tried explaining away, in vain as Matthias came up behind, similarly covered in blood. Clara was smart enough to know she had interrupted something between them. She blushed in the realization, still trying to figure out what her mistress saw in the demon traitor.
"A snake?" Matthias said, staring in disbelief.

"They're gross!" Clara shot back, shuddering. "Legless squirming slimy things…"

"They're dry, not slimy," Matthias interrupted.

"They're horrible!" she insisted. "And they're... what are you doing?"

Matthias had picked the dead snake up. "Lunch," he said, holding it up. "There's a decent bit of..."

"I'm not eating snake!"

After a moment's hesitation, he grinned wickedly. "Funny. I'm pretty sure I smelled a boy on you..." Then, leaving her baffled and embarrased for no reason she could work out, he knelt by the pool and began washing blood from his face and chest.

"It's been a while since I went home," Clara said as they rode. "And I went with Master Conn," here she glared at Matthias, "and an armed merchant caravan along a different route."

Matthias, who seemed utterly imperturbed by the teenager's wrath, nodded. "The Dragon Road, I assume?"

She nodded. "Yeah. But, I think we're on the wrong side of the Sarn for that. So, I think our best bet is to head northwest until we find it, and then follow the river." She thought for a moment. "It's way too wide to ford, but there's a ferry once we reach home."
“Northwest to the Sarn,” Aurianna repeated, keeping pace with them, “Follow to the river to the ferry, and we should be there.” Something caught her eye, as she looked over to Clara. There was an almost indiscernible whistle in the trees. Aurianna looked over to Matthias, who had caught it as well, based on the knowing look he gave her. She gave her apprentice a glance, bringing one finger up to her lips, and then touching that finger to her ear. Two more passed by, on either side of the tree line. Aurianna met Matthias’ eyes gaze again, holding up three fingers. He shook his head and held up five fingers, mouthing ‘at least’ at her. She gripped her spear tightly and trotted along knowing they were at a disadvantage at the moment, without know exactly where their foes were, or even how many there were in total.

Quiet demonic murmuring preceded the large flame blast that was hurled at the hooves of Aurianna’s horse. The animal reeled, raising its legs to avoid the flame, but it did not buck its rider, as Aurianna keep a firm grasp of the reins. She could see where the spell had come from, even if she couldn’t yet see the creature that cast it. The woods were dense, and the horse was already spooked. “I am going in,” Aurianna declared in a quiet whisper. “Hold my horse, Clara,” She instructed, holding up her reins before jumping off. She stalked into the trees, before Matthias or Clara could oppose her.

Slipping between two dense hickories, she was able to catch sight of a red fiend, whose staff was larger than he was. It hisses as he saw her, tossing a small fire arrow at Aurianna. She ducked behind the tree at it struck, and springing back out as the flames dispersed along the elder wood. She lunged quickly, catching the devil in the thigh, and knocking it from the tree. She followed up immediately, stabbing at the prone creature from distance. It tried to block with its staff, but it was driven from its talons, clattering along the roots making up the dense forest floor. A second thrust found it’s throat, and it was gurgling blood as it tried to cast a spell.

Two more made themselves known to her, twenty and twenty-five feet away, casting more spells. She ducked behind trees, closing the distance by moving swiftly form cover to cover. Coming up at the side of one, she pinned it to the tree, her spear shattering several ribs upon entry. It’s death cries brought several more out of hiding, the red glowing eyes filling in the gaps in the trees.
Clara caught the reins as Aurianna tossed them to her, then watched as her Mistress disappeared into the trees. On the far side of the unoccupied horse, where he'd been riding out of mutual agreement, Matthias looked around. "Where are the others?" he asked, wary.

"You think there's more than one?" Clara asked, loosening her mother's sword in its scabbard.

"Until I find out otherwise, yes." Matthias drew his own sword. "To be careful, if nothing else."

There was an inhuman shriek of pain from within the wood, and then the flickering flash of more flame spells. "Come on," Matthias snapped, kicking his horse's flanks. "She'll need backup."

One of the crimson-skinned fiends snarled a word of dark power, and flame lashed from its staff. It made more sounds, possibly curses, as Aurianna dived out of the way. The others flickered in and out of the trees, exposing themselves just long enough to cast a quick spell. None of them were powerful sorcerers, but in these numbers they could wear her down.

Ice flashed past, and lightning. Still they danced in and out, still they laughed and snarled and moved among the trees to give themselves cover. And then one of them screamed in mid-spell, gagging as a broadsword clove its skull in twain. Clara kicked the corpse aside, hacking a second nearly in half with a backhand stroke as she tore her blade loose. "Your horse is fine!" she called, dodging behind a tree as a gobbet of liquid spattered and burned on the trunk. "I tethered them at the edge of the woods."

Moving with a speed greater than that of an ordinary human, she broke cover and charged the next closest of the casters. Before she could reach it, though, a pale blur caught it up and hurled it across the clearing with an impact that shattered the bones of both the thrown and the target. Matthias grinned, then ducked back as lightning crackled past him. Ducking and rolling to avoid the spell as well, Clara crouched behind the roots of the same tree. "Show off," she muttered.
Surrounded by over half a dozen fiends, Aurianna was slightly outnumbered. Spells were coming from all directions, and she was on the defensive, just able to deflect and dodge, but effectively pinned down. Clara got the one slinging spells from behind her, calling out about the safety of her horse. Aurianna nodded, rushing a shaman about 15 feet away. As she grew close, her target was struck by another one, thrown a distance until both ruptured from the impact. Matthias, she growled, both impressed and jealous.

The numbers seemed increase as they distanced themselves from the main road. If it weren’t for the ease with which the group could put them down, the three, that turned into five, that turned into twelve, would have been distressing.

“I got three,” Clara declared, huffing, her blue-grey eyes still wide for more signs of the minor devils.

“Four,” Aurianna spoke up, meeting Matthias’ crimson eyes, daring him to go higher. She snickered as he made his boast, catching some movement behind him. She pushed him aside, leaping up to catch a last one in the right eye, following it down as it landed in a clearing.

“Five!” She yelled back, working her spear out of its skull, “That makes us even!” She stumbled back as she pulled it free of its last victim. Bringing her eyes up, she saw three hulking brutes approaching now, fanning out in her direction. Similar to the hounds she had fought with Matthias before; the things before her were vaguely human. They wore the same iron masks, that covered the face save the jaw. Grey pale skin, cut in places to exposing the pulsing muscles underneath. A loin cloth had been sewn into its skin around the hips, and the remains of armor could be seen on one.

She brought up her spear as the first brought in a wide swing with its halberd. Metal on metal clanged out, sending birds fleeing from the nearby trees. Aurianna swung in a wide arc to push her attackers back, but one caught her blow on the outgrowth of bone on its arm. She had to kick her legs out in a twisting jump to avoid a blow from a second opponent.

Clara reached her first, bringing her broadsword up to deflect the follow up strike. With a little pressure off her, Aurianna pierced her spear into the hell spawn’s shoulder, driving it backwards, and away from its allies, and her own. It brought its weapon up now, slashing at her forearms to release her spear. Her bracers absorbed most of the impact, but still she pulled her spear back, trading blows with the brute for the time being. For her part, Clara did well, shattering the powerful misshapen bone of its arm when it tried to defend her attack.
"What the hell are these things?" Clara demanded, as she clove flesh and shattered the forearm of one of the new fiends with a two-handed blow. The fiend's only reaction was a sort of ckucking hiss as uts jaw lolled ooen and drool dripped from yellowed, broken fangs.

"No idea!" Matthias yelled from across the clearing. He was wielding a staff in his left hand now, using it to parry glittering staff thrusts from two of the sorcerers as he tried to hack one down with his sword. Wary niw, they moved lije greased lightening and avoided his strokes.

The broken-armed fiend turned from Aurianna to Clara, grabbing at her with its good hand. She drove the point of her broadsword into its guts. "I thought you commanded these things!" she snapped back.

One of the sorcerers moved too slowly. Matthias tripped it with his captured staff, and his blade bit deep into its spine. "There's a whole lot of wierd shit in Hell, girl!" he shouted back, smashing its skull with his heel. "I didn't see it all!"

The skewered fiend, still clicking and hissing, blood dribbling from its mouth, dragged itself up the broadsword towards Clara. With a small cry of surprise and disgust, she tore her sword free and kicked the half-bisected thing away. "Great," she muttered. "Just great."

Aurianna was still being wolf-packed by the other two, one trying to close in as the other kept her attention. Wishing she'd been able to grab a shield along with her armor, Clara shifted her grip on her hilt and moved in to support her Mistress once more.
With their Halberds in hand, the eliminated one of Aurianna’s key strengths with her spear, her reach. What’s more, that despite looking like the hounds, these things were not as easy or uncoordinated as the fouls hell spawn. Two on one seems to be a rather close match indeed.

Ducking under a high stab, Aurianna jabbed one in the jaw with the butt of her spear, and flipped the tip out as she came back up, slicing the fiend vertically from gut to throat. The grey skin didn’t bleed as it was cut away, merely peeled to reveal the pink insides working furiously to bring down their target. It retaliated with ah hard overhand swing, with she only just deflected by spinning her spear. The one behind took the opening, smacking her hard in the flank with it’s halberd.

The blow sent her rolling along the ground, getting to her knees just in time to hold her spear out as an obstacle, the fiend charges her, driving itself on her spear to connect with its weapon. Blocking with her bracers, Aurianna just barely avoided decapitation. She kicked its knee, shattering the joint with the weight of her boot, bringing it down to its knees now. Kicking her legs out and swinging in a wide arc, she connected with it’s throat, opening a hole there to end its miserable existence.

One on one, Aurianna stood much better odds, parrying the wild thrust the demon came at her with. She trapped the head of his weapon on the ground, and brought the base of her spear into it’s chin, hearing the crunch of bones as the jaw shattered. The demon showed no reaction to the pain, hitting her calf with the broad side of its weapon, knocking her slightly off balance. In return, it’s chest was cleaved in twain, from shoulder down to where it’s ribs ended. Aurianna stood still for a moment, as Clara ripped her weapon free in a shower of black blood and guts. Clara smiled wide at her mistress now.

“Two!” she declared, wiping down her blade as Matthias dispatched the last of the shamans. Aurianna laughed, and then winced immediately, rubbing her lower back where one had managed to strike. The armor had done its job, protecting her from the sharpness of its blow, but the impact was not mitigated in the slightest. She would be bruised there for the better part of a week.

“Okay, remind me that I need to wear the plates with this armor,” Aurianna called to no one in particular, rubbing her side as she let Clara lead her back to her horse. She took a slower pace for the rest of the day, until they settled down for the evening as the sun hung low in the sky. A small rocky clearing, not as safe or covered as their cave from the night before, but the best they could do this night.
One of the fiends caught Aurianna in the back, sending her rolling. Clara spun and stepped to intercept it, only to have the creature turn her blow aside and catch her hard in the abdomen with a slash. Her breastplate spared her life, but the impact took the wind out of her and sent her crashing back into a tree. Before she could draw breath, it was on her Mistress. And then the golden blade of her spear erupted from the thing's back as it impaled itself. Wheezing and gasping, Clara forced herself forward and chopped deep into its shoulder, sending gore spraying as she tore the broadsword free once more.

"Two!" she managed, grinning despite the aching pain spread across her abdomen. "And.. two of those... wizard things." Switching her sword to her left hand, she helped Aurianna rise.

"Two?" Matthias asked, tossing the now-broken staff aside. He used a scrap of cleanish cloth to wipe his blade off, and sheathed it. "I got..." he counted, quickly, "five, myself."

Not seeing any reasonably clean cloth around - except what she was wearing, Clara opted to wipe her blade off on the grass. "Yeah, well, those wizard things were little. It only counts for two real kills."

“Okay, remind me that I need to wear the plates with this armor,” Aurianna called to no one in particular.

"Sure," Matthias agreed, then paused. "Wear the plates with that armor."

Clara stuck her tongue out at him, then took Aurianna's hand and led her towards the horses.


"This could be better," Matthias observed. "But it could be a lot worse, too."

They'd found a break in the woods, something that could optimistically be called a clearing and realistically called a place where trees didn't grow because of a boulder. How it had gotten here was a mystery - you didn't tend to find single lumps fo granite this far from the mountains. But there it sat.

"Yeah," Clara agreed. "It could be right out in the open."

"True." Matthias looked around, then turned back to Clara. "Go gather branches."

"What? I'm collecting firewood for you, now?"

"No." Matthias chopped down a sapling with two swings of his sword. "You're collecting parts for a lean-to. Partly for shelter, partly for a little camouflage. Would you help her, Ari? I know I showed you how to do this."

Clara stomped off into the woods. "I swear," she muttered, loud enough to be heard, "if he gives me another order..."
“Would you help her, Ari? I know I showed you how to do this."

She almost protested due to her injury, but sighed instead, motioning Clara to follow her. It may have been years since she was his apprentice and had to listen to him, but in unfamiliar surroundings, falling into old patterns was comfortable. They walked in silence for a bit.

“Why did you lie, Mistress? About killing him?” Clara asked, finally, once they were away from him. Aurianna winced at the question, knowing it was one she was going to have to answer eventually.

“At the time, I didn’t think it were possible that he might escape his fate. He was going to die, almost certainly, so the death of your master would have avenged,” Aurianna started, collecting several suitable branches all the while.

“So, why didn’t you tell me that?” Clara challenged, obvious hurt in her voice.

“Because what I wanted to tell you was far worse. I wanted to tell you how blind vengeance got me captured, and sent to the Ebon fortress as a slave to Baath Me’el. I wanted to tell you what they did to me, for my arrogance in thinking that I could defeat him. And I still would, if it saves you from my fate, and makes you more cautious on the battlefield.” Aurianna told her, golden eyes never leaving hers. The intensity of her mistress’ words made Clara shudder, and swallow hard the fear that crept up into her throat.

“So, why are we still traveling with him? Shouldn’t we just leave him alone out here and make our own way to safety?” Clara asked after a while longer, picking up a few more branches until her hands were full.

Because you love him, the dark part of her mind both reminded and accused her. Luckily, there was an easier answer to give Clara, “Because if something big and bad gets between us and Monsford, you are going to be glad we have him around.” Aurianna explained, leading her apprentice back to camp.

“I doubt it,” Clara scoffed, but she didn’t argue any further. There was still one question she had in her mind, but she wasn’t sure if she wanted the answer to that one. Why did you sleep with him?

They made their way back to Matthias, bundles in hand, and Aurianna showed Clara how to make the lean-to. She cooked the one of the rabbits Matthias had caught, opting to save one for the next day. Clara fell asleep first, and Aurianna sat next to Matthias, resting her head on his shoulder.

“Did you want to try and sleep tonight? I could keep watch,” She offered softly, holding his hand in her own.
The smell of roasting rabbit made his mouth water.

It was one of the many jokes about what he'd become. Food still smelled good. He could even enjoy the taste. But it did nothing to nourish him. He could, quite literally starve with a full belly. One of the many little indignities heaped on him by Baath-Me'el.

Dinner conversation was sparse. All of them were tired from a hard day's riding mingled with fighting. Clara was exhausred enough that she could barely scowl at him over the roast rabbit. Shirtly after eating sxhe fell asleep, wrapped in a cloak and using her breastplate as a pillow.

Matthias leaned against the boulder, letting the sun-warmed stone warm his bare back. None of the bastards he'd helped kill had possessed the courtesy to both be near his size and nit get their shirts destroyed by being killed. He yawned, the rested his head on Aurianna's as she leaned against his shoulder.

He tried not to smell the blood pulsing in her veins.

Another yawn as she took his hand and offered to stand watch. "Probably a good idea," he agreed. He licked his lips as his hand caressed her cheek, lifting her face to his. "Unless you'd rather..." he began, lowering his mouth to hers. And then, before their lips met, he yawned yet again.

Chuckling, he shook his head. "Or maybe not." Rolling himself in one of the horse blankets he peered up at her, crimson eyes glittering in the darkness. "Try not to dream too loudly," he muttered, voice indistinct with fatigue. "I need the rest..."
Her heart raced as he caressed her face. There was tenderness in his touch, a tenderness she craved, she needed. Her eyes closed as he brought their faces together, his breath hot on her cheek, her lips parted to accept him. She longed to feel his mouth on hers as their noses touched and slid along each other’s. Then…another yawn. Letting her disappointment fade into the night air, she sighed and laughed weakly. She ran fingers through his hair until he dozed off, and planted a kiss on his cheek once he was asleep. There was no rush. He was hers now. She would have him for as long as she wanted. Forever…

She climbed to the top of the boulder to keep her watch, trying to identify constellations in the night sky to keep her occupied and away from thoughts of the things she wanted to do to Matthias. It wasn’t terribly successful, given the only ones she could identify were those of lovers. Persea, the maiden chained to a rock in sacrifice to a demon and Adromen, the warrior who saved her from her fate.
It was just before sunrise when Clara woke, and offered to let Aurianna sleep for a couple hours before they rode for the day. She almost refused, but looking down at her sleeping demon, she ached to feel his body against hers. Relenting, she lied next to him, placing her head on his back and wrapping an arm around him, folding it into his over his chest.

“Try not to dream too loudly,” he told her, as he nodded off.

No promises, was her last thought before sleep took her.

She laid in his arms, both of them naked and covered in sweat and each other’s scents. His body pressed against hers, arms wrapped around one another’s backs. Their eyes met, taking in their forms, basking in glow of their…fucking.

“I love you,” she breathed. His eyes darkened, examining her features. Coming up to cup her cheek in his hands, he brought her forehead to his lips.

“You are mine,” he told her, reassured her, yet aware that it wasn’t what she wanted to hear. She buried her disappointment in his neck, closing her eyes against the tears that threatened to reveal her weakness. Can’t even get him to say it in your fantasies. His hand slid down her body, along her arms, over her breast, tracing the plains of her stomach where it rested. “Mine,” he whispered again, yet differently. His wasn’t laying claim to her body. He wasn’t possessive in his touch; he was protective. Her hand followed his, resting on top as their eyes met once more.

“Mine,” he repeated, somehow proud and sad.
She knew, then, what he was referring to, and it pulled her form her sleep. Desperately seeking the wooden box the Oracle had given her, she went through her sack. She was glad she had enough mind to bring it with her, and even more relieved that she had remember to get more leaves before leaving the temple. It would be one thing if it were just Matthias, it would have been a decision she would have had to make. But it wasn’t just Matthias, and it wasn’t a choice. Not after Jeoram…

She pushed down the bile roiling in her gut, holding back angry tears at the man who used to claim he loved her, and the one who claimed he couldn’t. Thankful that there wasn’t anything in her stomach to bring up, she sat up, pretending to rub the sleep from her eyes.

“Boil me some water, please Clara?”
Clearly, she didn't listen. But this time, the dream was different...

She was in his arms, her body warm against his. The scent of sex was still in the air, and their bodies still entwined. But he was already spent, laying in the pleasant aftermath of sex and enjoying the sensation of closeness. "I love you," she whispered against his lips.

He wanted to be bothered by his inability to reciprocate the feeling. Oh, he could say the words. But they'd be meaningless. So, caressing her cheek, he said what he could. "You are mine," he murmured, kissing her forehead.

Clearly, she was disappointed. He could feel it in the sudden tension in her body against his. He shifted a little, gently exploring the planes and curves of her body, finally letting his hand rest on her stomach. Was it his imagination, or did he sense something...? "Mine," he repeated, lips curving in a gentle smile. But even as he said it, the implications of what she would be carrying struck him. Something more demon than human, an outcast in both worlds. "Mine," he repeated, sympathy and sadness in his voice..."

Waking up was difficult, more difficult than usual. He didn't want to leave the pleasant warmth of the dream, of Aurianna pressed against him and the thought of what they'd created together. But the sun was beating at his eyes now, and he could hear movement and speech. Aurianna's voice, sleepy and sad and angry all at once. “Boil me some water, please Clara?”

And he smelled the herbs.

Sitting up, he blinked wildly as he looked around. Clara was just beginning to rise, and he motioned for her to sit. "I'll get it for her. You rest up a little." Struggling to his feet, he picked up the kettle and made his way to the little spring they'd found last night. It wasn't a lot of water, but taking the time to fill the kettle let him wake up.

Bringing it back, he set the kettle on the coals. "Something may be stalking us," he announced. "We'll want to dismantle the lean-to and do as much as possible to disguise our passage." He glanced at Aurianna, catching her gaze. "Take precautions, you understand? Just in case?"
Clara began to stand as her Mistress bid her, concern growing on her face from the tone Aurianna used. She had spent a month with her, and in the time she was just learning how to navigate her mistress’ many moods. Clara saw the telltale signs she had seen before, the guarded, distant look in her eyes, the stiff body movement, curling into herself, the flatness in her voice. Back at the temple, she would usually excuse herself, and find some quiet corner to be alone. Or throw herself headfirst into intense training, exerting herself until she was dead tired and hoarse. Or seek the comfort of Lady Justine. She couldn’t help but wonder what could have happened this early in the morning, other than the obvious answer of nightmares. She was almost at her feet, when he spoke up, surely to order her around some more…

"I'll get it for her. You rest up a little."

Clara almost protested out of rote, expecting something different to come out of his mouth. There was something different about him this morning, and she couldn’t help but feel like it must have something to do with Lady Aurianna’s mood. As if something had happened between them while they slept. But nothing could have happened, Clara was here the whole time, naught but a few feet away. So Clara watched Aurianna, as she watched Matthias walk off, some emptiness in her golden gaze.

“Mistress…is everything okay?” Clara asked, putting her armor on for the day. Aurianna looked up at her, flashing the fake smile that Clara had seen many times before.

“It’s nothing.” Aurianna said clutching small wooden box in her hand. Clara stared at her for a moment longer, hurt that her mistress didn’t trust her enough to be open with her. Aurianna could see hurt in her apprentice’s eyes, and she decided to open up a little more.

“It’s medicine, form the Oracle. For my…ordeal.” Aurianna said softly, searching her things for the wooden cup. She pushed some leaves on the bottom and smushed them done until they were little more than a fine dust.

“Oh,” Clara said absently, nodding, until the strong scent reached her nose. Suddenly a realization, a half remembered lesson from a few months earlier. “Oh! Mistress, I am so sorry, I didn’t realize…” Clara was simultaneously embarrassed and sad for Lady Aurianna. Aurianna gave her a warm smile now, running gentle fingers through her hair.

“It’s fine. It’s just another step towards putting it all behind me,” Aurianna explained, trying to find positive was to spin it. She dressed in her armor, and had Clara help her with the plates. Matthias returned now with the water, putting it on the fire to boil, and speaking to her, meaningfully.

“Of course,” she replied, searching his face for signs of some emotions. She wasn’t sure what she wanted him to feel, and truthfully his deference to her wishes was ideal. Perhaps she wanted him to be as conflicted about the situation as she was. She wanted to kiss him, to feel the comfort in his arms, but she resisted, taking his hand in hers instead. Clara finished getting their things together, and saddling the horses walking them towards the stream, getting the feeling that Her mistress and the demon needed a moment alone.

“Thanks, for this,” Aurianna said softly, pouring the water into the cup she already prepared, watching the liquid turn from clear to the dark brown that indicated it was ready. “Did you sleep okay? I hope I didn’t dream too loudly for you,” She teased, trying to break the tension she could feel building between them. She drained the cup in a single gulp, coughing into her closed mouth. She wasn’t sure she was up for bringing up the unspoken words between them, at least not this morning.
"Well enough," Matthias answered, watching Clara lead the horses towards the spring. "You dreamed... audibly. But it was a comforting dream." He smiled a little, but the smile faded as he watched her drain the cup. "A pleasant dream. But... perhaps not a pleasant reality."

Sighing, he squeezed her hand and settled back against the rock. "What are we going to do, Ari?" He gestured vaguely towards the north. "Not our destination, but after that? After we've found someplace safe to lick our wounds, and reequip ourselves." It wasn't what he wanted to say, and he knew it. He was dancing around a yawning chasm that he couldn't quite see.

Licking his lips, he continued. "I know I want to hunt down that blonde son of a bitch. Make him hurt, and beg for death." He flashed her a smile that was full of fangs. "And that's just for what he did to me. For what he did to you, I don't actually plan to grant his please." A pause. "Unless you ask."

He fell silent. "And after that? I suppose I'll need to find a way to kill Baath-Me'el, and most of his court. For the same reasons. I'll probably get myself killed, but it'll be something to do with myself. Because..."

Because I can't have what I want, he didn't say, remembering the dream. Because I can't be what you want.

Suddenly frustrated, he jerked his hand from hers and wrapped his arms around his knees. "I should have made him kill me, Ari. If I had, then none of this would have happened." He sighed. "You'd still be safe in the Order, and we wouldn't be dragging your apprentice in a desperate, damnfool flight from the Goddess to the Godslayer."
"What are we going to do, Ari?" He gestured vaguely towards the north. "Not our destination, but after that? After we've found someplace safe to lick our wounds, and reequip ourselves."

She watched him struggle with what he wanted to say, feeling the anxiety in him as he squeezed her hand. She tried to meet his eyes. “I can’t really say. I was just focused on getting us somewhere safe, and in one piece. I am just trying to take this one day at a time. Did you have an idea?”

"I know I want to hunt down that blonde son of a bitch. Make him hurt, and beg for death." He flashed her a smile that was full of fangs. "And that's just for what he did to me. For what he did to you, I don't actually plan to grant his please." A pause. "Unless you ask."

She could feel a satisfied smirk forming on her lips. “That is a plan I can get behind, but I want to kill him. I owe him that much.”

"And after that? I suppose I'll need to find a way to kill Baath-Me'el, and most of his court. For the same reasons. I'll probably get myself killed, but it'll be something to do with myself. Because..."

She stopped him now. “If you are going to face Baath Me’el, I want to be there. By your side. Together, we can repay the hurt he has caused.” Together, we can reclaim your soul, she wanted to say, but kept that inside for now. Still he pulled away from her, hurt evident in his face, as he curled himself in a ball.

"I should have made him kill me, Ari. If I had, then none of this would have happened." He sighed. "You'd still be safe in the Order, and we wouldn't be dragging your apprentice in a desperate, damn fool flight from the Goddess to the Godslayer."

“Matthias…you can’t blame yourself for everything that happened. I didn’t go through half what you did, and I wanted to end it any way I could." She sighed hard, resting her head on the rock behind them. "If I had listen you over a decade ago, and not rushed headlong into a demon’s trap you wouldn’t have had to sacrifice yourself in the first place.” She tried reasoning with him, feeling herself shudder in guilt and shared pain. She swallowed it down, and pulled him close to her now. Wrapping her arms around him, she brought his head to her chest. She held him for awhile, the way she wanted to be held, resting her head on his. She might have wanted his love, but she knew that he needed hers. Bringing his face up to hers, she placed gentle kiss on his lips, before smirking, “Besides, if you had gotten him to kill you, and avoided all this mess? Well, I would be at the Order still and probably married to Jeoram at this point. Believe me when I say this is a far kinder fate.”
Matthias leaned back into Aurianna, relaxing into her softness and the warmth of her arms around him. "But I am responsibke for a great deal if it," he said. "Had he killed me, I would never have dragged you before his court in chains. And then you would never have... well, gone through what you did."

Her counter-argument about Jeoram made him chuckle, though. "All right," he smiled, returning her kiss, "good point. Somehow, I doubt he'd make good husband material." He caressed her cheek, pulling her down into a deeper kiss. "Although, I seem to recall that you enjoy it a little rough..."

He git playfully at her lower lip, just hard enough that she could feel his fangs scratching her skin. "Just so you know," Clara called, "I can see you two from here. I'm nit trying to watch, but all I have to do is turn my head."

Matthias laughed again, shifting his hips in trousers grown uncomfortably tight. "Yeah," he muttered. "She's right. And while I don't mind an audience, it might be a touch awkward with her watching..." After a final quick kiss, he sat up. "You know this country, girl! How much farther to the Sarn?"

"Three days, demon," she called back. "Maybe four, if you two keep dragging your feet every morning."

"I wasn't planning to use my feet!"

"I'm sure I don't want to know," Clara called. "And yuck. And can't we leave him here, Mistress?"
She indulged in his kisses for a few moments longer, letting herself feel happy for just a little while. Of course, they weren’t safe, even if he made her feel that way right now. So pulling herself away from him, she saddled her horse, and turned to Clara “Lead the way.”

The clouds dotted the sky as they continued towards their destination. During the morning hours, the sun still peaked out, every so often, but by the time afternoon rolled around, the sky was dark. The pale white clouds had grown, and turned dark grey. Rain was coming, but they could not let it stop them. There were still a few more good hours of riding for they would want to rest for the day. However, when the clouds grew heavy, and released their bounty, the rain that fell was not water. It was thicker, and darker, and had a distinct iron scent.

“Blood…” Aurianna announced, as a huge drop splattered in her hair. Covered in blood, they would be targets for fiends for miles. Not to mention that it might be hard to Matthias to keep his demon under control if there was blood everywhere. “We need to find shelter,’ Aurianna urged, pushing the her horse off the path.

They had to move slower in the density of the trees, but the trees provided a modicum of cover. Still, blood splattered on them form the sky, and they were all fairly sticky and covered in it as they found a cave to take shelter in.
“Does that happen often?” Clara asked, wringing her hair until it stopped running red.

“I’ve seen it a few times. It’s not as bad as some of the other things that can fall from the sky.” Aurianna explained, keeping an eye on Matthias.
Matthias wiped blood from his chest, tasted it, and spat in disgust. "Not just blood," he grumbled. "Old, dead blood. Like what you'd find in a week-old corpse." He held up a hand. "And you don't want to know how I know that."

Clara, who'd opened her mouth to speak, closed it again. "Wasn't gonna ask," she muttered, petulant.

He made his way back into the cave. "Worst thing I've ever seen falling out here was burning hail." He hunkered down, looking up at the two women. "Little lumps of frozen acid, that corroded and burned as they thawed."

Despite herself, Clara was intrigued. "How did you survive it?"

Grinning nastily, he thumped himself on the chest. "Ruach armor. My full plate encased me entirely, and forged soul-stuff is proof against acids. And the Ravenous didn't even care."

"Forget I asked," Clara muttered. "I just hope we reach the Sarn tomorrow. I could use a bath."
“Not much we can do until it passes.” Aurianna declared with a frustrated sigh, sitting down near Matthias. Can’t even pass time with him, with Clara right here… Aurianna stripped off her bracers and plates, tossing them in a corner.

“Embarrassing story time?” Clara asked, despite herself. She might not like the demon that much, but she was forced to travel with him. Might as well see if he had some funny tales of her mistress.

“Hardly seems fair…” Aurianna grumbled, unlacing her boots, “Feels like I might get ganged up on now.” She flashed Matthias that ‘don’t you dare’ look.

“So you share an embarrassing story about him. Or we can just go around asking and answering questions. It will pass the time.” Clara offered, while she took a whetstone to her broadsword.

“Ugh, I’d rather train,” Aurianna protested, looking around the cave. It was too small to do so safely, and it made her more irritated. She caught sight of Matthias, scouring the dried blood from his chest and arms. Filthy memories resurfaced, of her blood rolling down his chest as he fucked and fed on her. She exhaled hard, turning to look at Clara. “You want to start?”

Clara smiled, while she racked her brain for the best question she could come up with, but, at the moment, she was coming up blank. Suddenly the pressure of asking just the right question made it impossible to think of any questions. Her eyes looked up to the top of the cave while she tried to come up with something, anything she could ask, but in her mind only one question kept coming up

Why did you fuck him?

“What’s your last name? I realize I have never heard it.” It was a dumb question, Clara knew, but it was the first thing that popped in her head. Aurianna chuckled.

“I don’t have one. I am that legendary,” She joked, smirking at her apprentice. Before Matthias could jump in and embarrass her she continued. “I don’t really use it, it’s kind of awkward” Sighing long and low, “Kallekos. Aurianna Kallekos.”

“I’ve heard that before,” Clara stopped sharpening her weapon, so she could think.

Aurianna glared at Matthias, “Don’t help her.”

Clara twitched her nose for a minute or two, scrunching her face as she tried to remember where she had heard the name. Suddenly her eyes grew wide, and she gasped audibly, “Lord Commander Mykel Kallekos! He’s your…You look just like him!”

“What? No, no, nothing like that.” Aurianna argued shaking her hand in front of her. “I wasn’t even born at the temple. I was an orphan, lost my mother young. I must have been four or five at the time. Lord Mykel brought me to the temple. Gave me his last name, since I didn’t have one of my own. He told me it is pretty common, that it builds the bonds between paladins. Makes us feel like a family, especially since so many of us lost ours to the demons.” Aurianna explained, looking down at the ground as her fingers played in the dirt.

“So, you said your mother died. What about your father?” Clara asked, still convinced she was on to something.

“I…never knew him,” Aurianna admitted, suddenly unnerved, “But Mykel isn’t my father. He would have said something…”
Mykel shrugged as Clara looked to him for support. "Don't ask me," he said. "I didn't even notice when she was brought to the Temple." He ran his fingers through his hair, irritably shaking clots of old blood loose from his fingers. "I was Mykel's apprentice, yes. But I'd finished my training, shortly before she was brought to the temple. The last thing I was interested in at eighteen was a nine-year-old girl."

Clara considered that. Lady Aurianna just had to be Lord Mykel's daughter! It was too perfect, like something out of a fairy tale. One of the nice fairy tales, where the shepherdess turns out to be a princess and lives happily ever after. The kind of fairy tale she still wanted to believe in, particularly after the past few days. And so she made up her mind to keep believing this one, until someone proved her wrong.

"Two part question," Matthias said, interrupting her train of thought. "Were you raised to honor the gods, Clara?"

She blinked, trying to regain her train of thought. "Uhm. Yes. Why?"

"What was that like, then? Worshiping the gods in the Godslayer's realm, I mean?"

"Uh..." Clara thought about that, hard. "I... that is... what do you mean?"

Matthias peered at her curiously. "Verrier Godslayer rules the lands you grew up in. I can't imagine he'd..."

"Oh!" she exclaimed as realization dawned. "Yeah, that makes sense." She shrugged. "There wasn't any problem. My family worshiped Verrier and Afodisia, like most of..." She trailed off, looking at Matthias' confused expression. "What?"

"Verrier... and Afodisia?" he repeated.

"Yes, of course. Honestly, I never really understood why the Temple utterly ignored her mate. I guess it's because the Order's devoted solely to Afodisia, right?" She looked from Matthias to Aurianna and back, her own features showing a confused expression. "Right?"
“Is there some new scripture I am not aware of?” Aurianna laughed, glad the attention was finally off her, “Afodisia never struck me as the settling down type.”

“You don’t know about Lord Verrier and Afodisia?” Clara asked, honestly surprised that her mistress and the man who taught her mistress had no idea about the tale of Afodisia and Lord Verrier. Aurianna and Matthias shook their heads in near harmony.

“If the Lady of Love and War could fall for a dragon known as Godslayer, perhaps there is hope yet for a paladin and a demon,” Aurianna joked, giving Matthias a playful glance. Clara frowned, vaguely concerned that Lady Aurianna had committed blasphemy with her statement.

“Surely you know that Afodisia wasn’t always the Lady of War,” Clara started explaining, still concerned that the two had no idea what she was talking about.

“Well yeah,” Aurianna spoke up, “Thanades, the former god of war and destruction, and father of demons. The one who lead the angels from heaven to hell. When he forsook his dominion over war, Afodisia took up the mantle.”

“Lord Verrier, was the one who striped of that title. Together the lovers took down the demon tyrant, but at a terrible price, opening the gates of hell for the demons to invade the world.”

“Its why Afodisia raised her Paladins in the first place…” Aurianna replied, vaguely aware of the implications of her statement. “If that’s the case, why doesn’t Lord Verrier assist in war against the demons?”

“But he does! Just like the legend, he is the shield, and she is the spear. He protects the mortals in his realm, while she empowers the Paladins in hers.”
"I heard a different story about the Godslayer," Matthias tossed out.

Clara shot him a venomous look. "Lord Verrier."

"The demons call him Godslayer," Matthias countered. "And Baath-Me'el attempted to forge an alliance with him, once. He said that Verrier was the last of the Elder Dragons, and that he had fought the Gods since the world was created." A grim chuckle. "He said that the Godslayer had killed three Gods, and a half-dozen hosts of angels, and that anything that would do that would surely ally with Hell."

Clara watched him intently now. "Well?" she demanded, voice eager. "What happened? Did you see them?"

"I had just been... elevated. Made a Knight in his court, and given command of the Ravenous." Matthias leaned back against the stone wall, cushioning his head on his arms. "I wasn't privy to the decision to send the ambassadors, but I witnessed their return."

"And?" Clara demanded.

"And he returned them... twisted. Broken." Sitting up, he leaned forward to emphasize his words. "Demons called them twisted and broken. They said... hang on, let me think. I was there, and it's the sort of thing that sticks in ... ah, yes. They said 'Verrier refuses'."

"That's it?" Clara rolled her eyes. "I thought you were..."

"And then they went berserk. The two of them killed twelve of the court before they were stopped, and then they exploded in blackish flames that devoured half the hall." Matthias smiled. "It's probably safe to assume that, no matter what, he's no friend of Hell." His eyes flicked to Aurianna. "You haven't asked a question yet. Your turn."
Aurianna was quiet, scooting herself closer to Matthias, resting her head on his chest as the thudding of blood rain lulled her into near sleep. She only half listened to Matthias’ story, but she got the gist of it. Dragons and demons aren’t allies. Matthias nudged her.

"You haven't asked a question yet. Your turn."

“And you haven’t answered one yet. So I should ask you something, if we are being fair.” She yawned, stretching to bring herself back from the near nether of sleep. Still, she cuddled back up to him. “I don’t know, I can’t think of anything.” It wasn’t true though. She had so many questions for him, from the mundane to the intimate. Some crossed into dangerous territory, delving into his time with Baath Me’el. Too painful, for the all of them. Most seemed like they would be better asked in private. though.

Much of it was old ground she hadn’t quite gotten a straight answer for, like why he risked his life to save her, after having captured her in the first place. He didn’t know why when she asked the first time, and she doubted he had any better idea of it now. Truthfully though, she was beginning to understand why he might have done it. He needed her and one day she would have to return the favor, and defeat the demon that resides where his soul did once.

Or why he didn’t fuck her, when she threw herself at him in the throes of her despair. Simple possessiveness couldn’t explain why he might put her well-being over his own desires. Yet he refused to say it was love. She didn’t feel like pressing this line of thought, however.

“Mistress there must be something you want to ask,” Clara encouraged, building a fire so they could cook the remaining rabbit meat. While Clara was busy cooking, Aurianna intertwined her fingers with Matthias.

“You seemed sad earlier, when I drank the tea. Is that something you would want? For us to have a child together?” She met his eyes now, a bit of pain in hers still, but she tried to form a smile upon her lips.

“I just wanted to say, it wasn’t because of you. That I drank the tea. If it was just you...” she sighed softly, tracing the lines in his hand, “Well, when I thought I was going to lose you forever, I seriously considered it. Carrying your child. I can’t say for certain I would have actually gone through with it but, I… wanted to.”

“Honestly, this really isn’t the best situation for us to be in, if that is what you want. What we want. It would be at least a month before we could even begin to try. I don’t know how well that fits into your other plans,” She laughed lightly now, looking up at him. “We can talk about it, at the very least.”

“I…” she started before stopping herself, thinking of a better way to express her feelings for him. “I am yours, and you are mine.”
“You seemed sad earlier," Aurianna murmured, keeping her voice low as she took his hand. "When I drank the tea. Is that something you would want? For us to have a child together?”

"I..." Matthias frowned. "I... don't know. It was a dream I had, nothing more. A pleasant dream, but... not something you should want."

She met his eyes now, a bit of pain in hers still, but she tried to form a smile upon her lips. “I just wanted to say, it wasn’t because of you. That I drank the tea. If it was just you...”

"If it was just me," he answered, unable to continue meeting her gaze, "I would still have told you..."

She sighed softly, tracing the lines in his hand, “Well, when I thought I was going to lose you forever, I seriously considered it. Carrying your child. I can’t say for certain I would have actually gone through with it but, I… wanted to.”

"Ari... that's a terrible idea." He could feel his heart pound in his chest, now. "Really."

“Honestly, this really isn’t the best situation for us to be in, if that is what you want. What we want. It would be at least a month before we could even begin to try. I don’t know how well that fits into your other plans,” She laughed lightly now, looking up at him. “We can talk about it, at the very least.”

"We shouldn't," he hissed, trying to keep his voice low. "Ari, do you..."

“I…” she started before stopping herself, thinking of a better way to express her feelings for him. “I am yours, and you are mine.”

Clara concentrated hard on the toasting bits of rabbit flesh, wishing they'd had time to grab proper cookware. A pot. Or even a leather sack. Something to boil water in, because this crudely dried rabbit was going to be gamey and unpalatable and damnit couldn't they talk about something else?

She concentrated, trying hard to ignore the whispered voices behind her. Trying not to hear Lady Aurianna murmur like she was talking to her love. Trying not to hear words that implied she wanted to carry the child of a... a demon. Her fists clenched as the conversation continued, and she gritted her teeth. She wasn't hearing this. She wasn't hearing this. Lady Aurianna was her hero! She was a Paladin! A great warrior, in the service of Afodisia and Verrier! Not... not...

“I am yours, and you are mine.”

"NO!" Clara screamed, spinning as she rose to her feet. Hot tears stung her eyes, and all the horror she'd kept bottled up for the past three days boiled out. "Why?" she screamed, shaking with horror and fear and misery. "He's... he's... he's a demon! And... and... and you... you're... you're a Paladin!"

She was shaking with the force of her emotions, now. "You're a Paladin!" she sobbed. "And Paladin's don't... don't... they don't..."With a howl of agony she fell to her knees, pounding her fists against the stone floor as if physical pain could purge the pain in her soul. "Demon rape! Demons murder! Not.. not... not Paladins!" Blood splattered the floor as rough stone tore the skin of her hands. "Goddess, why?"

Sobbing, she curled up on the floor and shook. "Why? Why... why would... would he? Why?"
Aurianna felt her heart sink and reality kick in as Matthias tried to talk her out of her foolish plan. As if they could be a family, as if they could be anything more than a doomed tryst. She might have tried to hold on to some fantasy, some semblance of the love she longed for, as if she could have something like Justine and Cassi. But Matthias stiffened, looked away from her, and she could feel herself losing him. Desperation in her voice, she pleaded with him.

“I am yours, and you are mine.”

Suddenly Clara lashed out. The fury that radiated form her teen aged apprentice actually put fear into veteran Paladin. Not necessarily a fear for her life, but a fear that she would bring up the pain. The pain they were both feeling, and avoiding dealing with. Of course, Aurianna was throwing herself at Matthias, seeking the comfort of the man who hadn’t hurt her. But Clara? Clara was vulnerable, needed someone to console her too. Once more Aurianna could help but feel like she was failing the girl, failing to help her, failing to prepare her for the true horrors of the world, failing to protect her.

“Clara...” Aurianna whimpered, coming towards her acolyte, as she threw herself to the floor. Filled with a sudden guilt and shame, Aurianna stood over her, unsure of herself or her next move. “Clara, stop,” She pleaded with her, as the girl bloodied her fist on the stony flooring. Aurianna grabbed her, held her tight, lest she do anymore damage to herself. But Aurianna felt useless.

What could she tell her, that might comfort her now? She had spent a month working through the hurt and shame the demons had put her through, and a single night in the cathedral threaten to undo her progress. Worse still, they had hurt Clara, shattered the illusion of safety that the temple was supposed to represent. Oh that she could kill the men again. She would show them a ferocity that rivaled Matthias’ own.

"Why? Why... why would... would he? Why?"

“I…I don’t know,” Aurianna admitted, abruptly aware of the tears falling from her own face now, the trembling of her own body. “I don’t know, but we will kill him. We will find that piece of shit and will kill him.” She repeated it over and over again, clinging to some desperate mantra, not sure if it was helping Clara or even herself.
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