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  1. Xanaphia

    In the Shadow of the Dragon (Corsair and Xana)

    Continued from here. [hr] “Duke Guerno Ellesia, of Streganna,” the heraldsman announced. A kindly elder man, with laughing blue eyes and thinning hair approached the dais. “My grandfather, on my mother’s side,” Ellistair whispered to Astrid, masking the gesture by planting a kiss in her locks...
  2. Xanaphia

    Star Wars: The Eclipse before the Dawn (Corsair and Xana)

    Seven years earlier. [hr] Star Wars: The Eclipse before the Dawn Shadows Jedi Knight Kaydia Voss-Hall and Jedi Master Quentin Hall have uncovered a vast separatist conspiracy, spearheaded by the extremist and former Jedi, Count Dooku. Tensions grow between the Republic and the...
  3. Xanaphia

    Ascension to the Heavens|Descent into Hell(Corsair and Xana)

    24 years prior A celebration, they had all decided, for old time’s sake. To mark Clara Olgasdottir’s second trip to Faefaeora. Drinking and dancing and love making. The same sort they had when it was time to make the Tribute. A sacrifice that was no longer necessary, because of Clara...
  4. Xanaphia

    Star Wars: Eclipse (TheCorsair and Xana)

    Mustafar, 30 BBY “Who is it?” Zerrid An asked through the intercom, studying the hologram figure before him. The human scientist was tall and thin, with mousy features and thick rimmed glasses. “Shadi, from the Twilight Companion Agency,” A buxom blonde announced, affably. She flashed a...
  5. Xanaphia

    His Redemption (TheCorsair and Xana)

    Aurianna plunged her spear through the neck of the demon that charged her. It didn’t take much effort on her part, the demon provided most of the momentum and he lunged at her. Blood sputtered from his black lips as she kicked him off her weapon, scanning the battlefield for a target worthy of...
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