Taming the Storm(lady/moon)

“Am not.”Tony huffed a little before sulking. “Liar!And don’t go using pepper, it’s not fair.”Tony whined a little before smiling slightly as he looked up at James, blinking slowly. “You can. A pillow would be nice. I need to get a few hours sleep before the party....”He muttered yawning a little.

“ah, that makes sense...and I didn’t know he needed it, so I never considered talking about it...damn.”She sighed feeling guilty before nodding. Smiling slightly. “I can do that. Being patient and nice now that I know he wasn’t simply....being a dick. I mean, over the years, I’d considered it but I...it hurt. And I thought he’d known and didn’t care so...I figured why care myself?”She sighed softly feeling horrible before wincing. “Well, I’ll just have to talk to him....”She sighed worried about him, not sure he would have apologized anyways but willing to think about it, before wincing. “At least not at the party. I mean, the fashion shows are more open, but I’ll give him the option of backing out if he wants...I don’t want to upset him...”She said before snorting a little. “I’ll tell him you called him a dick.”She teased, calmer now.
Johnny smirked. "i will use Pepper because it's only not fair because you know she'll take my side." he teased, happily driving as James crawled into the back seat so Tony could have a snuggle buddy. "your exhausted. i think you should go to bed when we get home and send Natalia with Steve instead. they need a nudge." James admitted. "they do need a nudge! and i would pay good money to see Natasha dance!" he paused. "actually, can Steve dance?" he wondered.

"it's okay. most people never realize how fucked up Johnny, and yes Tony too, really is." he admitted with a smile. "there's no need to feel so guilty. most people don't care at all after all." he admitted. "now, there's not saying that Johnny isn't a dick on purpose sometimes, but i don't think he wanted to chase you away so i doubt he did it on purpose." he admitted with a smile. "besides, it's his fault for running away today, he was being a coward and didn't want to have to own up to what he thinks is his fault." he admitted with a smile before nodding. "he won't back out." he admitted. "we just have to make him realize that just because she's here, doesn't mean anything. after all, he doesn't have to get back together with her and he sure as hell doesn't have to obey her." he admitted. "he's just panicking."
“Whatever.”Tony sulked a little, sighing as he rested his head against James’ shoulder, snuggling close, before frowning sleepily.”I can go!I’m awake, I can go...”He muttered before pausing, sleepily whining as he thought. “...we should send them. Steve’d be a good bodyguard. And he can dance some, Nat taught him a few basic dances.”Tony muttered starting to fall asleep even as johnny got to the tower.

“...Well. Maybe not.But I still do feel guilty about it...”She sighed rubbing a hand over her heart, trying to stop the dull ache at the idea of johnny being so mistreated. It just hurt to think about. “No, probably not.”She sighed before biting her lip, not wanting to talk about it, worried that johnny had run away because he didn’t want to try again, but she wanted to talk to johnny first. “...well. We’ll do that then. But first, we’re going to a party. And I’ll tell him he has to make my necklace awesome to make up for running out on me.”She snickered a little.
James chuckled a little. "i know you could go if you really wanted to." Johnny admitted. "but i think it would be awesome to get Steve and Natasha to go on a date." he admitted with a smile, well aware that by the time they got home Tony would be dead to the world. James was even the one who carefully carried the other out of the car and up to bed, Johnny chuckling as he headed up the stairs. now that the panic was over for the moment, he felt really kind of stupid for freaking out like that. it wasn't as if he had to get back together with Apolline. right? there was nothing she could do to make him do anything, right?

Steve smiled at her. "you shouldn't." he assured her. "Johnny knows he's a dunce. he should have warned you at the very least." he admitted with a smile before looking up when Jarvis informed them that Tony, James and Johnny where back and that Johnny looked much more calm. "we are going to a party, though since Tony appears to finally be asleep, we'll probably take Natasha or James instead." he admitted. "and if he talks to you about... her." here he hesitated and then. "just keep in mind that Johnny's never... really had a spine and saying 'no' wasn't something he could do until well after Apolline left." he admitted before grinning. "he'll have to get ready too. i think i might help him too." he admitted, looking rather delighted and wicked and you knew Steve was going to be chattering and fussing over Johnny until the fireboy was relieved to get out of the tower.
“Kay....cap dating Widow would be good...”Tony muttered, snuffling a little as he was picked up, huffing a little as he snuggled into james, content to be carried and utterly dead to the world.

“Oh. Well. You know, that makes sense. Makes me feel better to.”She sighed a little before relaxing a little as they heard jarvis’ words. “Natasha. I mean, it is a dancing party, and unless you want to get up close and personal with your best bud....Natasha is a good choice.”Laci teased the other before nodding, thinking that over. “I’ll remember that. And you go on, help him, and I’ll see that me and Natasha are ready.Also, this.”She scrambled up, and got the single braided looking necklace, holding it out to him. “have him catch that on fire while you two are getting ready to go.”she giggled happily, relaxed for the moment, kissing his cheek before heading out to find natasha herself, knowing the other woman would help her get ready to.
he smiled at her. "honestly, i think James would enjoy that." he admitted with a snigger. "he's gay you know." he admitted with a grin. "and very annoyed that i'm not for that matter, though i think he's turned his full focus onto seducing Tony now." he admitted with a grin. "okay, i'll see that he's ready and that he has this thing set on fire." Steve promised with a chuckle.

it took no effort at all to get Johnny ready and he was ready to go by the time she came downstairs. he smiled softly at her and held up a flower Bouquet. it was full of white roses and her favorite flowers, Black Orchids. "i'm sorry. i was stupid... and then i freaked out." he admitted softly. "i made Jarvis get these for me. because Steve wouldn't let me leave, he seamed to have this misconception that he could control my hair." it wasn't because Johnny was sloppy that his hair was always a mess after all. Steve had a single red rose for her and he gave her a smile. "thanks for coming with us to this. i don't think that Johnny has the confidence right now to be on his own." he admitted to her, watching from a distance while Johnny made his apologies.
“truly?Well. Good for him.”Laci snickered a little before looking amused. “He’ll get over it. Especially when you start dating his student.”She teased him ever so gently about liking Natasha before snorting. “Oh, I can’t wait to see that show. Poor tony’ll be so confused, he’s under the impression he’s straight you know. James I mean.”

Laci’s went wide, looking startled at the flowers, eyes tearing a little at the amazement that he’d actually remembered. “It’s...well. Not okay, because you just let Johnny,”She sighed a little, “But it was fine now. You made my necklace, and you’re still going to the party. We’re okay.”She smiled kissing his cheek, before snorting as she eyed his hair. “That mess is utterly uncontrollable.”She teased smiling up at him as she took the flowers, smelling them, looking him over. “You look good.”She said blushing ever so slightly, the two of them would be show stopping, the bright red dress, a touch of fire that would show against the pure black of his suit, topped off with the beautiful flaming necklace. “It’ll be fun. Going to parties is usually interesting, if only to watch those two flirt.”Natasha muttered snickering a little as she took the flower, and while laci was all fire, her dress was pure water. “Ready to go?”
"i know. it's hilarious."

Johnny smiled sheepishly at her. "i know... i did leave. i was... i needed to think and i thought you where going to yell at me." he admitted. "Apo... a lot of people like to yell at me for things i can't really help." he admitted with a shrug. "it was stupid of me to think you'd be the same when i know better but i wasn't thinking straight." he admitted before smiling. "as long as... certain people don't show up, i'll be fine." he promised her with a smile. it was a little strained, but he trusted her, Steve and Natasha to protect him if he lost it. "thanks... you look amazing." he admitted, swallowing thickly and trying not to react to the punch in the gut of lust when he looked at her. Steve looked very amused. "i know. i just wish Johnny realized he could be just as happy with her as she is with him." he admitted, smiling at her. "you look terrible by the way." he admitted to her. "i'll have to make sure to stay close to you to make sure none of the other men get frisky." he admitted with a smile at her. "by the way, i was wondering, there's an MMA Championship fight in Brooklyn this weekend, wanna go with me?"
“I know, I figured that out after you left, didn’t make it any easier to know you didn’t just talk to me....and I might yell at you, sometimes, but I’ll try not to. I mean, I’m not great at this either, so you’ll have to forgive me if I mess up sometimes.”She smiled at him, before nodding. “She’s not on the guest list, and no chance she’s sneaking in, we’re good.”She smiled at him, before flushing. “Thanks.”She said smiling at him."Hm, he'll figure it out.They are dancing tonight."Natasha pointed out “Not as terrible as in bikini’s now.”Natasha snickered a little before nodding, “I guess I can let you protect me from the frisky men, fighting in a dress is a pain.”Natasha snickered before laughing. “Oh, parties tonight, fighting this weekend, you know how to treat a girl Cap.”She teased before nodding. “Yes, I would like to go.”She said before tugging him towards the door, looking at the other two as laci took her necklace from johnny, slipping it on. “Ready to go you two?”
he shook his head. "i know, i should have talked to you, i'm not used to... you know... being able to discuss things. it's always just... been my fault." he admitted, looking rather sheepish. "i don't think i've ever seen you mess up." he admitted. "you where always the best thing that ever happened to me." he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "they are dancing." he admitted with a smile before smirking at her. "you look horrible in Bikinis." he knew that she knew that he only said that because he didn't like having to glare off the other men who thought Natasha as beautiful as he did. "i thought you might like that." he admitted with a grin. "feel pretty tonight, feel like a badass bitch on Saturday. your favorite things." he teased with a chuckle before smiling when he saw Johnny and Laci still getting along. "i think so." Johnny admitted, making sure the flowers where tucked into a vase for Laci so they wouldn't die while she was at the party.
“Well, then we’ll just mess up together.”She smiled a little, looking sheepish herself, before sighing quietly, flushing brighter at his admittance. “I mess up. Alot really.”Laci muttered wrinkling her nose a little. “I definitely do.”Natasha snickered amused before nodding. “indeed. It is my favorite thing.”Natasha looked amused as they headed out.

Laci smiled as they stepped into the ballroom, eyes widening, for the moment not even listening to the security directing them into the already buzzing ballroom, amazed at how utterly beautiful it was. Looking down, tapping her foot against the floor to make sure it really wasn’t water that they were walking onto, amazed at the effect of the marble and mirrors, that left the whole room with a slightly dreamy quality. “Wow...”she muttered swallowing hard as she held onto johnny’s arm, for the moment actually looking like the fairy tale princess leaning against him a little. “....So, think we can convince Johnny’s he’s prince charming?”Natasha muttered looking amused as she glanced up at Steve.
"....wow." Johnny whispered, wide eyed, staring around the room. "i mean... wow! i didn't know people could do things like this in real life." he admitted, looking at her. "this is amazing!" he admitted with a sparkling grin. "not as beautiful as you, but they came pretty close." he admitted, looking very impressed. Steve nearly choked he was trying so hard not to laugh. Johnny had no idea what he was doing, Steve knew that very well. the stupid idiot was just being completely honest. "nah, prince charming is no good because that would make her Cinderella and the last thing we need is her running off at the stroke of midnight." Steve admitted with a chuckle, grinning at her. "you really do look beautiful though, you know." he admitted, smiling at her. wondering if now would be a good time to ask her on an actual date? nah, he'd do that after the MMA. she'd be much more open to the idea after watching some overgrown apes getting their asses kicked. she was hardcore that way. Johnny was just glad that Laci had never felt the need to show Johnny off like a prized pet the way all of his other girlfriends and one night stands had.
Laci nodded flushed and happy as she looked around, smiling a little, “Neither could I. This is amazing.”She muttered smiling as she watched the other’s starting to arrive, leaning into him with a smile, eyes widening at his praise."What?I can't...not as beautiful as this room. I know the dress is amazing, but this is so much better!"She said sounding serious, she had self image problems, before, grinning as the music started. “Dance with me?”She said blushing as she looked up at him.

“Ah. No that wouldn’t be a good thing.”Natasha looked amused at the idea, before flushing a little herself at his words, smiling at him. “Thanks. You look amazing to. Not often do you get to wear a suit. Might have to make a effort to wear one more now.”She teased tilting her head. “Food or dance first?”She smiled even if she was watching the crowd, keeping a eye out for anything that seemed different or wrong.
Johnny grinned, looking much more excited about the party now. he was safe here, he had friends here, and this was what he was good at! "i think you don't understand how beautiful you really are." he admitted with a smile, picking up her hand and kissing it before grinning as he led her to the dance floor, sweeping her into a dance with joy. he loved to dance, but he found he loved to dance with Laci even more.

"thanks." Steve said with a chuckle. "i can't stand these stuffy things." he admitted. "makes me feel like i'm in Dress uniform." and he hated his dress uniform. it always meant long boring speeches and too many eyes on him and medals he didn't feel like he deserved. "dance first." he offered with a smile. "i wanna watch Johnny while he seduces Laci without even realizing what he's doing." he admitted with a grin.
"Hm, I don't think you realize how much like the ugly duckling I look next to you, but whatever."she teased flushing as he kissed her hand. Smiling as he swept her into a dance, simply ignoring the crowd as they turned to watch, simply focusing on the man in front of her, and trying to ignore the spike of lush that felt like a sledgehammer as it hit her..

"I know. But it doesn't mean you look any less anazing. Though if it makes you feel better, clint hates it nearly as much. Tells everyone not only that he doesn't want to look like coulson, but if he has to look like a undertaker he should at least get sex in a coffin.....he has a weird vampire thing."natasha said snickering before grinning as she took his hand."dancing it is then...and this seducing will be amusing. So, who makes the first move, johnny or laci?"
he chuckled a little. "and i don't think you realize just how wrong you are." he admitted with a smile, a sad soft little smile because he knew he could never be what she truly deserved. but he was her bonded. he would do whatever he could for her, she was not his, but he was hers and for Johnny, that was more than enough to try his best to give her everything she truly deserved. he didn't want his Bonded, and she clearly didn't care for him, so he would do everything in his power to never, ever disappoint Laci again. if she ever wanted him again that was.

Steve huffed. "that doesn't make me feel better, just makes me realize that i'm not the ony person who hates suits." he admitted with a chuckle before snickering. "i know. Phil comes in sometimes with these huge bruises on his neck where Clint bit him. people have learned not to ask. poor Peter, i've never seen a kid blush so much." he admitted. "he's got a test tomorrow i think, he was freaking out a little bit." he admitted. "it will have to be Laci, Johnny won't want to push or pressure her after all." he admitted with a smile, watching her. he knew that his own chance was well and long gone. Peggy had been his, their bond marks had gotten very dark, very fast. Steve didn't care, he really liked Natasha and would have what he could with her while he had the chance. and when she found her true Bond Mate, well he would let her go be happy and crush the insect if he ever hurt her.
Laci shook her head but not protesting, looking amused as they danced, leaning into his chest a little as she looked up at him, a hand curled around the back of his neck as she balanced in her high heels, absently playing with the hair at his nap, eyes going to his lips, looking about to do something about it before stepping back, looking around, gently nudging him. “Come on, there’s someone I want oyu to me.”She said smiling happily as she led him towards teh tables. Not with the sneering pride that apolloine had had in showing him off, but a true desire to have him meet the few friends she did have. The few bonds she’d managed to maintain and hold onto despite her problems with making friends. Smiling happily as she stopped in front of a tall blond woman, “Jesse, this is Johnny.”Laci smiled happily. “Hello, it’s good to see you laci. And to meet you johnny,.”The blond looked at the two, tilting her head a little, looking thoughtful as she considered the two, though there was a sneer in her eyes, despite the smile and pleasure she greeted the other woman with, there was a quiet fakeness to it that said she wasn’t the best. But she wasn’t making any move against the two, and it would only upset Laci if johnny yelled at her friend, so for the moment, it’d just be laci, thinking someone liked her, when they didn’t.

“hm, sorry. Well. Maybe this then:No one will ever be as comfortable as Tony. I think he was born wearing a suit.”She snorted before nodding, “You’d think he’d be over it. I mean, he does live and work with tony.”She pointed out before sighing. “Well, hopefully when he wakes up, tony’ll be helpful to calm him down. Maybe.”Natasha smiled before looking thoughtful. “Hmmm, I think you’re right.”
he smiled at her a little, shivering when she stroked the back of his neck. the nape had always been sensitive. "okay." he agreed, resisting the urge to finish what she had almost started and kissing her socks off. he resisted the urge to recoil away from Jesse and plastered on just as fake a smile as the woman had. "it's a pleasure to meet you Ma'am." Johnny said, taking a page out of Steve's book. "you make clothes like Laci does?" he asked curiously. "i never realized how much work and effort really went into it until i met Laci." he admitted with a smile. "it takes a lot of skill, talent and creativity to make clothes. i'm a little jealous that there's so many amazing people in here." he admitted with a lopsided grin. "all i'm good at is math." he admitted with a chuckle before nudging Laci. "do you want something to drink? it looks like they have some wine and champagne over there." and some sparkling wine too, which Johnny would be drinking. the non-alcoholic drink would be much better for him, even if he did want to get drunk. something about Jesse made him remember Apolline.

"that's true." Steve agreed with a chuckle. "and you know, considering who his parents are, i wouldn't be surprised." he admitted with a smile. "i know. the poor kid. but thinking about it, Peter was pretty sheltered and he went to the most impressive High School in the six state area." he admitted. "i don't think he ever really had much experience with actual sexual habits." he admitted with a chuckle. "even in a school full of super smart kids he was considered a little too smart." he admitted before looking amused. "i think Tony would make it worse." he admitted with a chuckle before frowning a little. "whose that woman they're talking to? she doesn't seam very.... nice. Johnny's hackles are up." he admitted, well aware of Johnny's body language and the straight back, shoulders up and fak smile said it all. Johnny didn't like this woman.
“The pleasure’s all mine.”Jesse smiled at him, the look settling into a little more like jealous lust as she studied the two, after all, she was well aware of who and what johnny storm was like. “I do. Though I usually stay on the business end of things, my partner Amanda has the real skill at design.” “She likes, they both are amazing at it.”Laci smiled, looking happy and content with her friend and johnny, before looking u pat him. “Champagne would be amazing.”She smiled at him, frowning slightly as she considered him, trying to figure out what was wrong, she knew he was upset but nto sure what had caused it. Watching him go to get their drinks, for the first moment she didn’t hear the muttered insult, “Well, at least you wont go broke. Tony stark making sure you don’t fail, and Johnny Storm modeling, no wonder your shitty designs are selling.”Jesse muttered. “What?” “Why else did you think Stark had asked Storm to play dress up?He’s afraid of failing.”Jesse muttered smirking a little at the woman, before gliding away, leaving a lost looking Laci behind as she disappeared into the crowd.

“I wouldn’t either.”she smiled before sighing, “he was sheltered. Sorta makes me feel bad for exposing him to tony and johnny. He’s going to learn alot of stuff.”She looked amused before thinking about that. “You know, he probably will make it worse.”Natasha said before looking over, tilting her head a little. Reading johnny just as well, and wincing as she watched the conversation going on between the two women. “That’s Jesse Versace, heiress to the Versace clothing house, they're big in Itlay, and tony owns alot of their stuff, expensive stuff."She muttered frowning slightly
Johnny only got more tense when he saw the look in that woman's eyes change. she wanted him, not just as a partner in bed, no she wanted him like he was some sort of toy or prize. something to show off and gloat about. like he was some rare purse or poodle. "aright." he agreed, smiling at her and heading off to get the drinks and calm himself down. he needed to collect himself a bit. he never saw the woman leaving Laci behind, but it wasn't hard to tell what had happened when he returned and saw her alone and looking devastated. "...oh Laci." he murmured, setting the drinks down and swept her into a hug, holding her and comforting her because he knew how cruel bitches like Jesse could be. he had the feeling the woman had been using Laci somehow and no longer needed her so had cut her off and did so with as much emotional and mental damage as possible.

"i don't feel sorry at all. it's hilarious." Steve admitted with a grin before chuckling. "peter will do fine. he's a brilliant boy." he admitted before fury darkened his face when he realized that whatever had been said between the two woman had greatly effected Laci. "...why don't you go be a good friend to Laci?" he offered, well aware Natasha would take the hint and make Jesse Versace regret opening her whore mouth on Laci. "i think we should inform Tony that Versace Clothing house isn't someplace they want to shop anymore." "already done sir." Jarvis said from Steve's phone. "i have sent them a letter and have asked for a refund of all clothes Tony has bought from them in the last week." Jarvis stated simply. "i have done the same for Mr. Storm and Agent Coulson." good. that would teach the little slut to go around bad mouthing on someone that was friends with the Avengers. under the protection of the Avengers even.
Laci looked up startled, eyes widening as the other wrapped her up in a hug, tense and uneasy in his arms, before slumping, leaning into his chest, pressing her cheek into his shoulder, hiding as much as she could when they were still in public. The party and her simple joy of letting johnny meet her friends ruined. she’d thought her friend would be happy she’d gotten back together with the man who she’d been pining after-not that she’d ever admit that it was- not be angry. Not understanding really her friend had lashed out at her. But...maybe it wasn’t a lie?Was tony simply doing it because he didn’t want to see a friend’s business fail. Quiet and sad as she leaned into johnny’s warm chest, taking comfort in the warmer then normal touch, swallowing thickly. “....you got drinks?”She muttered after a moment, trying to be normal.

Natasha frowned looking annoyed, well, as much as annoyed as she ever did, which meant she was probably heartbeats away from calling james and letting him do what the winter soldier did best. “..I think I’d be more then happy to do that.”Natasha smirked a little, “Good. And please pass the message along to the Professor to, Jarvis.”She smirked a little well aware that soon enough none of the superhero communtity would be shopping there as they closed ranks. Glancing at Steve she nodded towards the other two. “You better check on them, I’ll go deal with Ms. Versace.”
he held her until she moved away, simply holding her because he knew how much it sucked, how much it hurt when the people you thought cared about you where just using you. "yes. i got drinks." he promised with a smile. "this one is yours. if i start drinking now i don't think i'll stop and the last thing either of us needs is a drunken fire starter." he admitted with a smile at her. "do you want to talk about it? whatever she said Laci, i'm sure it's a lie." he hoped so anyway. it was so much harder to undo trauma when it was the truth. he knew that from experience.

"good. have fun." he offered. where anyone listening in, people would just think Natasha was going to go and get a present or do something silly to cheer Laci up. although, some of them might have their suspicions. considering it was the black widow they where listening in on. "Of Course Ms. Romanoff." Jarvis responded as Steve nodded to her and headed over to Johnny and Laci, though not too close in case they where sharing secrets. "you two okay?" Steve asked Johnny before sucking in a sharp hiss as he realized Johnny's mark had darkened. "...Nat? forget about the... problem." Steve ordered into the ear-set he had insisted they wear. "we've got a bigger problem." he admitted, ignoring Johnny's puzzled look. "it's okay Johnny. just a pick pocket." Steve lied, heading over to NAtasha, lowering his voice to a harsh whisper. "Johnny's mark just got darker. Apolline is here. find her."
“Thanks.”laci smiled taking the drink, sipping it a little before smiling, absently fingering the necklace in her hand, having slipped it off as she grew upset, the flames playing around her fingers calming her a little, even if she was hurting. “....No. Not...now.”She said not ready to save it if it was true.

“I will.”natasha smiled. Laci looked up at steve in surprise, before relaxing, nodding a little. “Yea...we’re...”She stopped looking startled, worried as she watched Steve. “On it.”Natasha muttered, even as she put a hand to her ear, turning on the comm, and tuning out the others, as she went looking for apolline inside, and leaving clint outside.. She might have trusted her and steve to keep things okay inside, but Clint was always her backup, and since he’d had the night free, she’d gotten him to play the outside backup. After a few minutes she looked at laci and johnny, shaking her head a little before moving back to steve.”She’s not here. Or outside. Clint’s got eyes out there, and jarvis running cameras, no one’s seen her, and that’s some of the best eyes ever to grace earth looking. Are you sure it’s darker?”
he smiled at her and gently took the necklace out of her fingers and settled it around her neck once more, latching it in place with gentle fingers before setting his hands on her shoulders. "it's going to be okay. i know how much ut hurts. i've been through it so many times. people pretending to like me. people being nice to me because they want something or being pissed because i had money, or fame, or something they wanted but couldn't have." he admitted. "jealousy and greed are horrible, but i'm here for you." he promised. "okay?" he asked with a smile. "i won't ditch you. i'm a bit of a coward, but i'll do my best to always be there for you when you need me." he promised before looking at Steve, baffled. "a Pick Pocket? should we call the police?" "nah. Nat's gonna take care of it." Steve promised, Johnny looking briefly confused before shrugging as he 'realized' that Nat was probably staging for Jesse to be pinned for pick pocketing or stealing or something. serve the bitch right.

"Steve scowled a little, he hadn't seen her either. "i thought i had... but maybe it was just shadows..." Steve mumbled, looking very cautious. "i can't imagine Jarvis missing her, but there's no saying that Apolline isn't watching from a distance or even in a very good disguise. she has enough of Johnny's money to do some impressive things to herself if she wants him that badly." he admitted. "i think we can relax for now. just for now but stay wary." he suggested. "by the way, since i said we where getting a pickpocket, how about we frame that horrid bitch for being a nasty little sticky finger?" he asked Natasha with a grin. he was good enough that he could slip a ring off a ladies finger and put it in Jesse's pocket without anyone noticing. Clint and Natasha where good enough to pull it off too.
Laci startled as he took the necklace, leaning into his touch for a moment as the other settled the necklace back into place, biting her lip as she studied him. Something fragile and hurt in her look, because it hurt so badly to not only lose jesse, but because in doing it, jesse had made her doubt her friends, and the guilt and pain at considering that she’d even doubted them, as she fought the circling thoughts, were hard. She suffered from extreme social and every day anxiety, and it was hard to not lose it. It wasn’t bad for most of the day, only there, but when her medicine was starting to wear off, or when she was under to much stress, it reared it’s head.Gripping johnny’s arm a little, trying to steady herself she swallowed.”You’re not a coward.”She muttered before nodding. “Kay. Glad you’ll be there.”She muttered leaning into him, tilting her head as she watched natasha leave. “....do you want to stay?”She said looking up at Johnny with a slight smile.

“Dammit...maybe not...and...I don’t know. That’s true. She might have. We’ll be careful, and stick close, but i think we’re okay.”She muttered before smirking. “I do like that. I think I’ll go take care of that, if you care to join me in talking to her. Captain america, the perfect distraction as I commit a petty crime.”Natasha muttered amused even as she walked through the crowd, lifting small things here and there, already heading to find Jesse.
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