Taming the Storm(lady/moon)

Johnny nodded a little. "yeah. i guess i did alright or something." he shrugged. "i did something at any rate." he grumbled before sighing a little, not looking very happy with himself at all. "like, liked me? who in their right mind could ever actually like me?" he wondered, looking very baffled by the idea, and wasn't that so very sad. even with so many friends now, Johnny was just so used to people deciding he wasn't actually worth the effort, which was why he tended to hold others a bit away from himself. everyone but Tony anyway. Tony who was Johnny's closest friend, Tony who was closer to Johnny than his own sister was. Johnny who had been hurt so much and so often. "...she hates me." he scoffed. "just because she still wants to have sex with me doesn't mean she doesn't hate me. trust me, i have a lot of women who hate me ad still want to fuck me." he admitted, shrugging. "i don't think i could have any view on relationships." he admitted. "have to actually have a relationship to have a view on it right?" he asked curiously before nodding. "talk to Scott, i can do that!" he admitted before frowning. "she's not that introverted you know." he admitted. "she's just... a lot like Tony. i think she was hurt real bad when she was younger, and she's scared of getting hurt again, so she sort of, doesn't like to get too close to people. she's starting to open up to the Avengers." he admitted. "it just takes time." sometimes, Johnny could be very smart. shame he couldn't see he was doing the same thing.
“Yes, she did. And lots of people like you, you’re nearly as bad as her and tony in thinking that no one does.”Pepper huffed a little shaking her head a little before sighing. “Well, I’ll let you two figure out if she hates you or not. I’m not going to try and convince you.”Pepper rolled her eyes a little before nodding. “I guess your right. And that’s why she left, because you didn’t understand relationships, so she didn’t think you two were in one. You two just need to talk. And talking to Scott is easy. He’s probably expecting a call anyways.”She smiled before tilting her head, not about to tell him that she’d found out everything she could about the woman, including a traumatizing childhood. “You’re very smart sometimes, Johnny.”She teased before making a shooing motion. “Go. I have work to get done, and you have stuff to do. Including getting ready for dancing lessons.”she teased.
Johnny shrugged. "no denying the truth." he pointed out. "no one likes me and Tony. we're hyper. annoying, pushy, insomniac, pushy, invasive and manic." he pointed out. "i know you get used to it after a while but still, admit it, you find us extremely exhausting to deal with." he admitted, wondering if that was the real reason why Laci had left? she just couldn't stand him anymore? "i suppose your right, and i should tell him that Laci will be in the tower for a while." he admitted. "i don't think she'd thought to call him." he admitted. "he fusses over her, it's really cute." he was a bit jealous that she liked Scott and not him, but he couldn't really blame her for that. "i know. sometimes." he admitted with a smile. "thanks for the help Pepper. tell Jarvis to buy a pair of shoes you like using my accounts." he offered, feeling a little bit better about things. he could somewhat fix this, he hoped. how was he to know Jarvis had recorded the entire thing and was now offering that video to Laci?
“It’s exhausting to convince you two I like you. Otherwise I would have thrown your ass out teh door for interrupting my lunch.”She sighed annoyed at having this conversation over and over again, before smiling slightly. “Probably not. It’d be a good for him to know where she’s going to be.”Pepper agreed amused about the jealousy, not calling him on it because she knew it’d just upset him. “You’re welcome. And I’ll definitely be buying shoes.”She grinned watching him go.

It was the next day, before Laci had come to terms with what she’d seen, truly realized just how much she’d fucked up by not talking to him. And despite his reassurance that it wasn’t her fault, the guilt that had hit her had driven her to hiding away from dancing lessons the night before simply until she could come to terms with it. At least she could figure out how to deal with this...and maybe work on figuring out how to have a relationship, when over the last 5 years she’d been so viciously cruel to a man who hadn’t understood what he’d done wrong. But, both the need to question him about another project, and get her dressing lessons before the party the next night, had driven her to go find him. Not to mention she had read the bondage material he’d sent her, and she was cautiously curious about that. But she was shelving that discussion in favor of getting dancing lessons just not....everything she’d learned, even the bite of guilt was shoved aside in face of her nerves about the party.

“Storm?You in here?Natasha said you and Tony were working on the car.”Laci said as she stepped into the garage, frowning as she looked around at the classic cars before moving around to look at the spyder tony and johnny had their hands buried in as they tried to work through the repulsor engine to replace the old one. “I-uh. Dancing lessons?” “You brought your notebook to dancing lessons?”Tony teased looking up at her, smirking a little. Teasing her because he could, amused as she huffed a little. “Well, I wanted to ask him about a necklace to, if you must know.” “He doesn’t wear necklaces.” “Not for him. For me. I thought...my dress looks like flames, I thought....metal. His flame bonds to it right?I could have a necklace of it, would it last long enough to get through a party?”
Johnny grunted when he heard her calling. he wasn't too upset about her ditching last night. he had, correctly, assumed something had happened to upset her. he thought, though, that she had dropped again or something and hadn't wanted to be around him when her thinking was all wonky. "ufft a fecom." Johnny slurred, mouth full of a wrench in his mouth as he worked on welding something with his finger, ignoring the sparks spitting out all over him. he pulled the wrench out of his mouth and tightened the bolt he had been welding near a little tighter before welding that shut as well. "there!" he chirped. "i just need..." his hand scrabbled on the floor for the socket wrench that was supposed to be laying there. "a necklace? it depends on the type of metal my flame is being bonded to." he admitted. "Gold would look the prettiest i think, and it will last a good six to eight hours." he admitted. "the gold has a higher melting point and since my fire, once bonded, doesn't have a very high heat, it won't melt the gold. if you have platinum it might very well last twelve to twenty four hours. an alloy of gold and platinum will last six to twelve. silver doesn't work too well, and copper and aluminum i don't even want to bother because it'll just melt all over hell and burn you good in the process." he admitted, tightening the last bolt before sliding out from underneath the car. he was completely covered in grease and oil and looked very proud of himself. "so. the metal?" he asked her.
Laci’s eyes widened slightly when she saw the other with his mouth full, jaw dropping a little as she considered the man, it was extremely hot watching that. Really, the casual display of power was amazing. “you are so much better then my welder. Easier to work to.”Tony hummed looking amused as he worked on getting the repuslor just so before tilting his head as he looked at the two, curious. “T-the necklace I got is gold-platinum. Plenty of time for a party then.”She said looking very pleased at the idea before shaking her head as she looked at him on the floor, and reisisted the urge to lay down next to him. “Also, you giving dance lessons tonight, or shall I go pester Natasha for awhile?”
Johnny seamed completely unaware of what he was doing to her. "hmmph! you just like me more because i don't back-chat the way Jarvis does when he's controlling the welder for you." Johnny teased with a chuckle before looking at her. "great! it'll take me about ten minutes to weave my fire into it but it's not all that hard." he admitted, stretching as he stood up with a grunt. "sure! dancing lessons are a go... lemme just shower first, i don't think you'll want all this muck and mess clinging to you." he admitted, heading over to the showers that Tony had attached to the Lab. "You should decide on what dance you really want to learn! we'll do a quick overview of the ones we'll most likely be dancing and then you can pick the one your most interested in and do what we can to make it really good." he promised her, yelping at the ice-cold water. "Jarvis you asshole! just because i called you an overly intelligent computer game doesn't mean you can turn off the heat!" he whined.
“Do not. And he totally shouldn’t back-chat me anyways.” “You’re the one who programmed him that way.” “I just told him to learn stuff, I didn’t tell him to figure out sarcasm!” “Sarcasm comes with genius.”Laci snickered amused before smiling pleased. “awesome. Thanks Johnny, it’ll be a hit at the party.”She grinned looking so pleased at the idea of having a one of a kind thing to show off along with her dress before snorting. “No I don’t, shower.”She smiled thinking it over, snickering as he yelped. “at least he’s letting you shower. It could be worse, Johnny.”Tony pointed out with a snicker as the water continued to fall.”Besides, you can heat it up yourself.”
Johnny chuckled a little and shook his head. "Tony, i hate to tell you this, but i'm pretty sure he learned Sarcasm from you." he admitted with a grin. "no problem. i love being the center of attention you know." he teased with a grin. that was only half true though. "don't encourage your glorified P.D.A Tony!" Johnny ordered before yelping wen the water went ice cold again, making Johnny dissolve into curses. "no, as a matter of fact, i cannot! the water flows too fast for me to be able to heat it up!" Johnny whined even as he scrubbed himself clean with a chuckle, heading out of the shower and flaming, bright and hot to dry off before getting dressed in clean clothes. "okay! ready?" Johnny asked her with a grin. "we'll head up to Tony's ballroom for some practice." he promised.
“he did not.”Tony whined a little. “I’m sure you do.”Laci said rolling her eyes a little, laughing a little when the water went cold. “That’s what you get for calling Jarvis a PDA.”Tony yelled back amused as he watched the two go, settling in to work again. Not even stirring alot when he heard James walking into the room. “so bored you’re coming down to visit?”He teased a little.

“I am. Let’s go.”Laci smiled blushing a little as she followed Johnny upset, looking thoughtful as she walked into the ballroom, biting her lip. Nervous about dancing, but trusting him to teach her. “I want to learn the tango. I mean, I can waltz some and foxtrot, but I never quite got the hang of the tango.”She smiled looking up at him, flushing a little as she considered him.
Johnny just switched to cursing at Tony for teaching Jarvis naughty habits. "Tango!" he crowed, delighted. "Ballroom or Argentine?" he asked her. Ballroom had specific steps, specific ways of moving and holding yourself and was not nearly as passionate. were as Argentine Tango was flexible, loose and was more social as well as improvisational and a lot, lot more sexy and passionate. like having sex while dancing was how some people had called it. "we'll do a quick review of the waltz too if you like." he offered, smiling at her. at least this he knew how to handle. he'd given dance lessons before so he knew how to stay professional.

James blinked at Tony, face blank, body too still. normally, he fidgeted, twitched, wiggled or flexed. moving because he could. because he'd been still for seventy years, forced to be still, silent, Motionless until it was time to attack, time to hunt, time to kill. like a robot. for him to be so still like this meant that he was having a bad moment. meant he wasn't sure who he was or what he was doing and needed someone to issue orders because he wasn't sure what else to do but obey. oddly, James never, ever went to Steve when he was like this. Steve thought it was because they had used men that looked like him, to punish Bucky but none of them where really sure.
“Argentine. If I’m learning to dance, I want the more interesting and fun one.”Laci said, knowing she was playing with fire, but she wanted to. Oh, she wanted to. And she had done her reading, and she was considering having sex with him anyways. Even if she wasn’t sure it was a good idea, or if she was going to be okay with knowing she wasn’t his bonded, having heard about his run in with apollonine, but.....she wanted to. It hurt badly, to know that the eager and happiness she was feeling at the idea of being with him, couldn’t be the same for him, never be as complete for him. But she so wanted to simply be happy, to allow one of the few people she got close to, close again. Because he’d been the first, even before tony, she had allowed Johnny behind her shield. “And we can waltz.”She smiled looking up at her, laughing quietly as Jarvis started playing music for them.

Tony stilled, tilting her head a little before sitting up off the creeper, watching the other for a long moment. Moving slowly, not wanting to provoke a attack before smiling slightly, “Come. We’re going upstairs. Wait while I clena up first.”Tony ordered softly quietly as he moved over to the shower and cleaned up quickly, hurriedly, trying to decide what he was going to make James do, because he had no idea how else to do this.
he grinned. "we'll use one of my dance routines then. we won't have time to make a new one." he admitted. "okay, we'll start with the Waltz. it's much easier." he admitted. "thank you, Jarvis, my main Man." Johnny teased the A.I. with a grin before offering his hand to Laci. "my lady? would you care for a dance?" he offered, smiling at her before sweeping into the lesson, showing her things most people wouldn't even think about. how to place her feet, where her hips should align, how to angle her arm so it sits better against his. sweeping her around the room with effortless grace that proved he had been dancing since he was a child. he had a talent for teaching as well it seamed. he made everything seam so fun and effortless.

James watched him very closely as he came out from under the car but didn't move. he offered a single, sharp nod when Tony gave the order to wait. James would not move from that spot now, even after sixteen hours, until Tony told him to follow. no one had tested to see if he really would, they all believed Natasha when she said it had been expected of them in Hydra. it also explained why Natasha could sit in a tight cramped space for hours on end, waiting for her perfect target.
“sounds perfect.”She smiled looking amused as she took his hand. “Of course.”She said and grinned as he swept her into a dance. By the time the finished, she was panting, and leaning into him a little as she simply let the other’s effortless grace hold her steady as she recovered. Looking up at him she smiled, “you are very good. Well at teaching, it didn’t even seem like work.”She smiled at him, reluctantly stepping back, soft green eyes looking up at him with more happiness and pleasure in being in his company then she’d shown in years. She’d always felt it, she just had made sure she never showed it, but now....well the walls had come down. Stepping back she cleared her throat a little, turning her head, the soft lines of her bond starting to darken, just a bit as she smiled. “You want something to eat? I could show you the outfits we have for tomorrow.”

Tony smiled slightly as he finished up, looking thoughtful as he studied the other, trying to figure out what to do before perking up. Steve was always teaching him to defend himself. Maybe he could get james to show him. “Spar with me.”He said, the normal question sounding like a order as he grabbed the gauntlets and boots for his suit, the half suit making it a little more even for the super soldier and mortal, grinning as he headed for the gym.
he smirked at her once they finished, letting her catch her breath. "i like to teach." he admitted. "i especially like teaching Peter. the boy is a little sponge." he admitted with a grin before smiling at her. "teaching you is fun too." he admitted, delighted that she was opening up to him again until he saw it, the lines of her phoenix darkening, the lines of her bonding mark darkening right there in front of him, telling him everything he needed to know. his face fell, looking horrified, guilty, ashamed and dismayed. "....i..." he looked up at her, hesitating and then closed his eyes. "i'm so sorry..." he had ruined her life. he'd ruined every chance she ever had at having someone who loved her properly. ruined her only chance just as his own chance had been destroyed. he'd ruined everything. he did the only thing he could do. the thing he was best at. he ran away. he left the tower completely, no one was going to want him around when they found out he had ruined Laci's life.

James stared at Tony, standing so very still. Spar? that was... Play-Fighting. the one named Phil had explained that to him. it wasn't real fighting. he wasn't allowed to actually hurt the people he was sparring with. they where not Targets. so, Tony wanted to play-fight and he was not allowed to actually hurt Tony, Tony wasn't a Target. he followed Tony into the ring and stared at him. he had Play-Fought before, but his brain was all mushy and he wasn't sure what to do, so he waited, and let Tony attack first and reacted. Tony was on the mat in seconds, James standing over him, looking at him as if asking 'why are you taking a nap?'. there was a spark of life to the eyes again, James brain coming back online as it where. because this was Play-Fighting and The Soldier did not Play-Fight, James did Play-Fighting.
“he is. Peter’s amusing to watch interact with tony.”She snickered at the idea looking amused. “johnny?”She looked startled, watching him. Eyes widening as he left, looking utterly confused and hurt as she watched him go. Slumping she sighed quietly, rubbing a hand over her face as she headed for her rooms.

Tony grinned when he saw the aprk of life, looking amused as he got up for another bout, trusting the other to not hurt him. That they’d be okay with this.

The next afternoon though, found Tony in a decidedly worse mood as he put a call through to his best friend, absently watching the two super soldiers and natasha talking out on the balcony from his chair. Absently watching james mostly, simply enjoying the sight of him enjoying life, before growling as he heard Johnny click on. “I sweat to Loki, and ever mischief loving bone in his body,” A typical vow from a man who was utterly delighted that he knew gods on a personal level, and loved causing as much mischief as loki did, on the rare occassions he visited. “that I will string your flaming ass off the side of the building and dose you will a hose to keep you from flaming on if you’re not back here and ready for a party in the next hour.”
James was doing much, much better that night, chatting with Steve and Natasha about... well, he wasn't sure actually but it was fun and he was interacting so he didn't care. he was hyper aware that Laci was upset though and that Johnny was missing and Tony was rather pissed. "...Tony." Johnny rasped. he sounded miserable. "i've ruined her life. i should be as far away from her as possible. i've fucked everything up." he said before there was a slight, terrified note added to his voice. "my mark is getting darker. i think Apolline is here somewhere. i think she's stalking me Tony." well damn, no wonder he hadn't come back yet. "i can't g to a party when.... when... She might be there. besides, Laci doesn't want me to go anyway. you take her." Johnny sounded like a nervous wreck! he was probably hiding in a cupboard somewhere. it made a bit more sense though, while he was upset that Laci was his, that he'd destroyed her only chance at happiness, once he'd calmed down he would have gone back and talked to her about it. Apolline being back in town, that was one sure fire way to make Johnny piss his pants and crawl under a bed never to come out again.
Tony sighed softly. “you fucked everything up by upsetting her.”Tony scowled before wincing, looking upset as he realized what was going on. “Then get your ass back here, you’re safe here. And we can ask laci for the guest list. She said it was a exclusive party just for designers and dates, the security would have cleared them. If...she’s...here we’ll deal with it. Johnny, where are you? Let me come get you, “Tony paused waving a hand at James to get his attention, “and if, you talk to laci and it’s safe to go, me and James will go with you two. Where are you johnny?”Tony said sounding worried and moments away from asking James to help him track the other even as he had jarvis start looking for johnny’s cell signal.
"i know. i freaked out. i'm sorry." he admitted. "i can't be what she deserves! i couldn't even figure out why the hell she was mad at me! for five years!" he complained. "i can't go back! she knows that location!" Johnny hissed. "i'm safe here! she doesn't know where here is." he admitted before pausing. "i can't..." he admitted. "i don't know where i am..." which was why it was safe! "...it's exclusive, but we both know Apolline got away with enough of my money to pay her way into a party..." he mumbled before pausing. "really?" he asked. he knew Tony wouldn't let Apolline get away with anything nasty. Tony would stop her, and no one was gonna fuck with James. "i'm not sure where i am. once i saw the mark had darkened i panicked and i just started riding. i'm in a hotel." he admitted. "hold on, i think there's an address here..." James was already hovering over Tony, worried about what was making him so upset. at least Jarvis knew where Johnny was. half an hour away. Johnny must have gone in a few circles.
“You are what makes her happy. This last two days were you two were getting along, is as happy as I’ve seen her in awhile. And she was talking, she was excited. You’re good for her, johnny.”Tony sighed knowing he wouldn’t convince the man that he was right before frowning a little. “You can come back, it’s safe here, promise.”tony muttered before nodding even if Johnny couldn’t see. “Of course. You taught Laci to tango, I’d do about anything to watch her make you fall on your face.”Tony teased, because they all knew that wasn’t the reason. “Well, at least your alone, I guess. And you’re really not that far. Me and james will be there soon. You want me to stay on the phone and talk?I’ve taught James to drive, he could totally drive the car while I talk.”Even if he knew he could talk on the phone and drive at the same time, he knew the idea of anyone driving tony’s spyder R8 with his permission, was a rare thing, and would make johnny sulk since he rarely let even johnny drive it. Already heading for the car, gesutring for james to follow. Knowing the man would follow without asking to many questions just yet.
"...i think your seeing things Tony." Johnny scoffed. "your the only person who actually likes me and i'm pretty sure that's because you have no choice." he teased with a chuckle, even if it was strained. "you promise? you promise she won't get in?" he asked, sounding rather frantic still. "i did teach her to Tango... why am i falling on my face?" he wondered. "not that far!? i drove for three hours!" he protested, his voice bordering hysteria. "i'll go talk to Laci." Steve murmured to Tony. because Steve new enough about what happened to know if Apolline was back in town then Johnny was going to be unbearable. everyone knew a little bit, that Apolline was Johnny's 'Bond-mate' and that she had used him and left him. very fw people knew the whole story, not even Sue. most of the Avengers knew Apolline only left because Johnny nearly killed himself, overdosing on anti-depressants, only Tony knew how much Apolline had truly abused him emotionally and mentally. he had been making progress in the 'maybe i can have friends that actually like me' department until she came along and tore him down until there was nothing but self loathing and a complete lack of self esteem left. not even Steve knew the whole story, but he could make a guess. "i don't want James to drive the Scorpion!" Johny whined. "i want to drive the Scorpion!" he complained. though he didn't want Tony to have to hang up to drive.

Steve gently knocked on Laci's door. "Lace? can we talk? we found Johnny." he informed her. "he's about ten seconds away from an outright panic attack. or a nervous breakdown at the moment." he admitted, sounding worried. "how much do you currently know about his Bond-Mate, Apolline?" he asked her. "because his marks gotten darker and he thinks she might be stalking him." he admitted, which is why he didn't come back. Tony's gone to get him, but Johnny's too scared to go to the party, Apolline was well known for liking any party where she could show Johnny off, so she'd buy her way into this party if she can, is that a possibility?"
“I am not seeing things. And I promise. I do. The tower are safe. Jarvis and James will double check everything and make sure when we get home, okay?And James wont let you leave his sight for as long as you want him to. Unless you’re with one of the other avengers, cause I really don’t think you want to have to follow him to the bathroom if I tell him to stay with you 24/7 cause you totally know he’ll take me literally.”Tony teased before smirking. “Cause I doubt laci’s together enough at the moment to remember any of your lessons. You’re totally going to get tripped.”Tony teased trying to talk johnny down even as he nodded at steve, acknowledged what he said even as he climbed into the car, handing over the keys to james. “well, maybe I’ll let you drive me home. If you’re very, very good.”Tony smirked settling back even as he directed james towards the hotel, keeping up the insistent chatter the whole way, “Johnny, can you come downstairs?We’re in the lobby.”

Laci opened the door, looking up at him with red rimmed green eyes, looking lost, and hurt, and confused for a long moment before shutting down, simply refusing to let anyone see just how badly johnny had hurt her by running away, retreating into a life time of habits, before frowning, paling as she considered that. “I-I know she left. And he nearly died because of it, I don’t...know more.”She looked shaken frowning a little thinking about it before shaking her head. “unless she’s a designer, or a date, she’s not getting in. But I can call and see who’s on the guest list to attend. Because there’s so many rich and famous going, the list of guests have to be turned over and approved before the party.”
he nodded, even though Tony could see him. "okay Tony... okay." he breathed, closing his eyes before snorting a little. "i like James. maybe if i act really cute, he'll fuck me?" he mused, well aware that Tony would get pretty jealous over the idea. "i'm pretty sure she's perfectly together enough to figure out how to trip me on purpose." he admitted before perking up. "hey i worked on the engine, i get at least 12% driving rights!" Tony was never, ever going to live that down. "....i don't want to come down. what if she's there? check first..." he ordered. only once both Tony and James reported that the entire area was clear did he scurry our of the room, which he had paid for in cash so he didn't bother trying to get his money back. he just scurried to the car before Tony and James could and settled intot he front seat, looking ver pleased with himself.

"that's... somewhat true." he admitted with a sigh. "now... keep in mind. most of what i know, i got second hand through watching, and listening to Johnny talk to Pepper or Tony. mostly Tony." he admitted. "before she came along, Johnny was starting to recover from his really shitty childhood. he was beginning to realize that maybe it was okay to get close to people and trust them." he admitted. "then he met Apolline and his mark started darkening and she... well she fucked him up. bad. tore him down, turned him into something like a robot. he was popping antidepressants like candy and ended up having to get his stomach pumped because he just... didn't care anymore and took an entire bottle in one sitting. she took off, draining his accounts to nearly empty in the process and we haven't heard from her since. Johnny thinks it's all his fault of course, that bitch made sure of that, so he thinks that anyone who loves him will hurt him and thinks he doesn't deserve to be happy or loved." he admitted. "make the call. i'm sure Tony and James will be going with you." he admitted with a smile. "Johnny' going to be extremely twitchy and even more emotional until we find Apolline or she goes back to France."
“what?You want-I don’t think so. Don’t think he’s gay, Johnny.”Tony sputtered sounding annoyed at the idea before snickering. “For mentioning that, you’re losing that 12%. Sorry. You’re rights have been revoked.”Tony teased rolling his eyes a little before smiling sadly. “Okay, we’ll check.”He promised looking around telling johnny it was okay, looking amused as johnny settled in the front seat, huffing as he looked at james. “Let him drive, seems he’s going to be annoying about it.”Tony teased rolling his eyes as he climbed in the very small backseat, but considering he was the smallest of them all, he fit the best, closing his eyes as he rested on the way back to the tower, sleepily talking to johnny the whole way. Having not slept the few days before, he was starting to get tired, even if he’d never admit it.

“Oh. Okay.”Laci frowned thinking about it, paling as she listened, moving into the rooms, getting them both coffee, sipping it slowly as she handed a glass to steve. Looking upset at the idea of johnny doing any of it, or that she had almost lost the chance to forgive him, or be part of his life. Looking upset at the idea of not being around him.”Fuck....no wonder... He didn’t understand anything....I knew he was...off, but I hadn’t known it was that bad...”She sighed quietly before nodding as she reached for her phone. “I will. And I’ll get them added to the guest list.”She muttered making the call, talking for a few minutes before hanging up, glancing at Steve. “She’s not on the guest list, or made any attempt to get on it. And there was no problems getting tony and james added on. Apparently being a eccentric billionaire makes it perfectly normal that he’d want to attend a designer’s ball on short notice. They didn’t even question why since he’s a friend of mine, and well, he’s tony stark.”She snickered a little.
"...Tony your blind as a bat. he's gay." Johnny informed him. "very gay in fact. very very gay." he admitted before snickering a little. "you can't get rid of my 12% Tony it's not allowed." he admitted. "Pepper said so." that was a dirty lie and they both knew it. they also knew Pepper would say so, if only to make Johnny feel better. "okay." James said, looking amused at Johnny's hopping into the dront seat and staring at them oh so very defiantly. "you okay?" James asked Tony once they where in the car. "do you want me to sit in the back?" how did Tony not see how much James liked him?! Johnny had no idea but something needed to be done, that was for sure.

"Johnny was never taught how to socially interact either. he and Tony both went to collage at the age of fourteen or so and both where repeatedly taken advantage of by older men, and women. Ton's not nearly as bad as Johnny is, but only because Pepper got to him before anyone else did. Johnny never had a Pepper until he met you. and he fucked that up, even if he didn't realize he was." he admitted. "and then Apolline showed up and..." Steve shrugged. "he's pretty messed up, so your going to have to be patient with him. sit him down and explain when he does something or says something that upsets him because he wont understand." he admitted. "one of the reasons why he ran away tonight is because he thinks he's ruined your life. he thought you would be mad at him when he'd only just gotten your attention again." he admitted with a smile. "if that... woman, hadn't shown up he would have been back three hours ago with apologies on his lips." he nodded. "thank god. that's not to say she won't be there, but as picky as they are if she used a fake name i'm sure they would have found out." he admitted, smiling at her. "thanks for understanding. Johnny doesn't mean to be a dick, he just is."
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