Taming the Storm(lady/moon)

"i know." he admitted, a lick of fire sparking up when she touched him, but it didn't burn, it just curled around her fingers like a pet wanting attention. Johnny ignored it. "a little better?" he asked her softly, gently rubbing warmth into her limbs. "no. not just yet." he informed her, sternly but gently. "if you go home you'll be there all alone and you'll start thinking bad things and you might do something stupid." he informed her. "i know from experience how fucked up a person can get after an experience like that. i'll take you back to the tower where someone can sit with you and make sure your okay. Sue or pepper probably, since you don't seam to like me i doubt i'd do much good for you." he admitted, carefully helping her to her feet and making sure she was steady before carefully leading her outside to his Lamborghini so she could settle into the passenger seat and calm down a little more.
Laci smiled slightly, fingers trailing over the flame, because she’d always been fascinated with the flames, even if she wasn’t so sure about the man who came with them. Nodding a little as he rubbed her limbs, relaxing even more as she warmed. “Yea. Better.”She said before frowning at him, staring at him. A look he’d recognize, one that said she was getting ready to set her heels down about something. “I never do stupid things. I’m not you.”She pointed out, still enough of herself to tease him, even if it wasn’t as nasty sounding and annoyed as it normally was, simply poking fun at him. Frowning a little as she considered that. “No. Take me home Johnny.”She scowled looking annoyed, letting him help her out to the car, sighing softly as she settled into the seat. Thinking it over. Wondering what would be worse, going to the tower and having everyone fuss over her, or simply allow johnny to do it and send him packing as soon as she could. It’d probably be easier then leaving the tower if tony decided she needed to stay. “If you insist, you can sit in the living room or something. But I’m going home, Johnny.”
he smiled a little. it sometimes bothered him how much his fire seamed to adore the damn woman. not that he was any better but the least his flames could do was pretend to ignore her the same way he did. denial was wonderful until his fire proved otherwise, dammit. "good." he murmured, glad she was starting to feel a little better. the Dom in him couldn't let her go off on her own like he knew she wanted to, so she was just going to have to deal with it. "i don't do stupid things." he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "i do that shit so no one focuses on the crap Sue, Reed or Ben get into." he pointed out. "sometimes i'll do it to keep eyes off the Avengers or the X-men. who cares if some kid accidentally blew up his high school when Johnny Storm is drunk and stalking naked through the park?" he asked, looking very smug indeed. "who cares if Bruce Banner broke Harlem when Johnny is dating and dumping the latest hot celebrity?" he mused before scowling at her before sighing. "fine. fine. i'll take you home." he agreed, shaking his head. "you cannot be left alone in this state though, so don't even think about trying." he ordered, making sure she was buckled in and that they had their things before driving off to her house, surprised he still knew where it was even after all this time.
“Hm, that was a good week. Watching your bare ass nearly get hit by a car had been both amusing and worrying.”She teased a little, for once not being overly mean in teasing him, simply being her old teasing self, rolling her eyes a little. “You don’t have to look so smug.”She said before relaxing as she realized he was goign to take her home. Good. She wanted her own place, her own stuff. Even the idea of being in her own home, made her feel better. “...Thank you.”She said, not even teasing him about remembering where she lived as he pulled up in front of the apartment building. Directing him to park in her spot, since she currently didn’t own a car it didn’t matter he was parking there, and while she could afford better, even in better neighborhoods, she’d lived in the quiet brooklyn apartment as long as she’d known him. And it was like a gut punch for him walking in, because she hadn’t changed anything since the last time he was here. The apartment looked like a step into the past, even the black blanket, thread bare and comfortable tossed over the couch was the same, growling in annoyance she ignored the man coming in after her trying to hold the blanket in place and climb the ladder that led up to her actual bedroom, which wasn’t the best, and why she owned a bedlike couch, cause if she didn’t want to climb the ladder, she simply crashed out on the couch. Except she wanted clothes, which meant going up to the loft, and thumping back onto the couch with a quiet sob she sniffled, frustrated and upset at her inability to figure out how to hold the blanket and climb.
he snorted. "i wasn't actually drunk you know." he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "i don't drink, or do drugs. i can't, i loose all control of my fire if i do." he admitted before smirking. "of course i'm smug. especially since almost no one has figured out what i'm doing. hell you didn't even know until just now." he admitted. "sure. i still think you'd be better off in the tower, but i can understand you wanting your own space after that." he admitted. "that bastard. he had no idea what the hell he was doing." he growled, helping her gently out of the car. Any Dom worth their salt knew, even the base beginners knew, never, ever take something that made a Submissive felt safe. if they needed to see, then never blindfold them or take away their glasses. if they needed to hear, never put in earplugs. the most important part of BDSM was to make a submissive feel safe, even if they where frightened or being punished they needed to be able to trust their Dom. "fucking backyard players." he grumbled,making sure she was inside the apartment properly before releasing her, satisfied she was stable enough to do what she wanted to do.

he grimaced when she flopped onto the Sofa and started to cry and sighed, shaking his head. "come on Laci. it's okay." he promised, sitting next to her and pulling her into a hug, holding her for a while, since she clearly needed the support. only once she had calmed down again dd he stand up. "what clothes do you want?" he asked her. uncertain if she wanted her Pajamas or to be fully dressed. once she informed him what she wanted he scampered up the ladder, gathered what she wanted and scampered back down, handing her the clothes before stepping out of the apartment so she could get dressed, since the only other room was the bathroom and she might want to change in there for the added protection. only once he was told he could come back in did he go back into the apartment to fuss over her a little more. "do you want me to make you something to eat? i'm not as good as Pete, Phil or Bruce but i can make Eggs if your alright with having them scrambled." he admitted.
“...I forgot about that. Sorta explains why you’re generally in control. Flaming on would be a problem if you didn’t.”She looked impressed for that before snorting. “I bet tony knows. Tony acts out nearly as much as you do.”She pointed out with a smile, resting her head back against the car seat before sighing quietly. “He didn’t?”She frowned looking up at him, frowning slightly as she considered that. Sighing softly as she looked up at him as she slumped on the couch.

Startling a little as the other pulled her into a hug, tensing for a moment, disturbed a little at enjoying his touch as much as she did before shifting closer, snuffling a little as she rested her head on his chest. Simply enjoying the warmth, calming as he held her before smiling a little. “Pj’s. They’re tossed on the bed.”She muttered watching him go smiling as she took the clothes from him. “Thanks.”She smiled at him, looking bemused at the sight of him being so kind, so nice as she watched him leave changing into clothes quickly before telling him he could come back in as she made a nest of blankets and pillows on the couch, watching him as he fussed. “...Scrambled eggs are okay. Not alot. I did have dinner....”She sighed softly, looking miserable, feeling so stupid for having made a mistake so badly that she had to have johnny taking care of her.
he nodded. "yes. i have to remain in full control of my functions at all times. except for when i'm sleeping. when i sleep, the fire sleeps too, but it'll rise up and attack anyone it thinks might be a threat." he admitted. "that'll happen when i'm sick or hurt too. my fire almost has a mind of it's own." he admitted with a smile. "no, Tony doesn't know. if he knew he'd feel all guilty about it." he admitted. "which is why we aren't going to tell Ton, agreed?" he asked with a smile before shaking his head. "no, he didn't. he's what i like to call a 'backyard Dom'. he does it, off and on because it's 'cool' and because he likes to hurt people and be hot shit. he doesn't have a damn clue what he's doing, doesn't know the etiquette and doesn't now how to properly care for a submissive, i'd wager he doesn't even know what a submissive really is. for him, it's just someone who likes to be hit and take his cock, he has no idea how submission really works and how fucked up he can leave a person doing the things he does. unfortunately, someone like you, who is a rank beginner, won't be able to tell the difference between an asshole with a whip and a real Dom." he admitted.

"after that fifty shades of crap book came out, the BDSM lifestyle became 'cool'. unfortunately so many people have flooded the 'market' so to speak who have no idea what they're actually doing. because of this, a lot of people get hurt, traumatized or even raped because they don't know the boundaries or the rules." he admitted. "i have to save a lot of people from themselves." he admitted with a huff. "most of them are kids. in your case, i'm pretty sure he took advantage of your naivety regarding BDSM." h admitted. "while he could just be a Backyard Dom, he could also be a predator, someone who actually looks for beginners s he can do whatever he wants to them. if only because they won't know how to say no or how to get help." he admitted before nodding and grabbing her PJ's, letting her get dressed before happily heading over to make a much larger batch of eggs than she really wanted. he was starving, he hadn't eaten since lunch. "here." he offered her the smaller portion of eggs. "i used all your eggs, sorry, i'm starving." he admitted. "i'll buy you some more tomorrow."
“Ah. That makes sense.”She said looking fascinated with the idea, because of everything that she had found interesting about johnny, the flames was one of the ones that amazed her the most. That and the attention he had always paid to her, even when she’d been the shy geeky girl who’d been following tony around because tony had been the only one who had allowed her to make his clothes for him. The engineer having found interest in the quiet girl who liked designing things. Even if he didn’t understand clothes, he’d understood the desire to create. “Ah. No then, we wont tell tony.”She promised before frowning, thinking about the dom, frowning slightly. Feeling even stupider for not having realized something was wrong, or how things worked. “No, I didn’t know....I mean. He said we were going to a club after dinner, I didn’t know....I mean...it was different.”she sigehd trailing off, knowing he’d understand just how lost she’d been in those moments.

“It was interesting, up until I couldn’t hear anything, then it was just unpleasant.”She sighed quietly, looking amused a little at the sight of him making so much food. Not even bothering to scold him for cooking so much, because she’d remembered that he ate so much, like all the time. Smiling a little as she started to eat. “Don’t worry about it...there’s more food. I can cook something for you if you want more.”She said responding to him like a sub would, even as messed up as she was feeling, she’d always wanted to look after him, even when she was so pissed at him she couldn’t see straight somedays, she’d always tried to fuss over him, make sure him and tony ate enough.
"Johnny nodded. "while i do have full control of the flames, when i don't have control, they act on their own." he admitted. "it's actually a nice thought, knowing that my fire will always protect me. and has protected me before." he admitted. "when i get hurt in battle or get knocked out, my fire flares up and doesn't die down until someone i trust, and my fire trusts, comes over to tend to me." he admitted with a smile. "means i can't be drugged and kidnapped." he admitted. "or dragged off after i'm knocked unconscious, or stuff like that." he admitted before scowling. "so he didn't tell you that you where going to a BDSM Club then?" he asked, sneering hatefully. "a predator then. he knew you'd never been to one and had probably never even played or dabbed and took advantage of you. people like that make me sick. if i thought i could press charges against him i would. i can't though..." here he paused and then smirked. "you ever get a name off that man?" he wondered. "i might not be able to do anything legally to him, but i can spread the word amidst the BDSM Community. those of us who actually live the lifestyle can't stand predators. they'll see to it that he never gets into a club again. that will extremly reduce the amount of people he can take advantage of."

"hmm. even for people who aren't actually Submissive or Dominant, the play-style can be very fascinating and pleasurable." he admitted. "you don't have to live the BDSM lifestyle to enjoy bondage or being spanked. you don't have to float in head space to enjoy being held down or blindfolded after all." he assured her. "what he did was specifically target one of the things that made you feel safe, and removed it so that you would become very frightened and too disoriented to understand what was happening. he took advantage of you and purposely made you feel weak and helpless. this, in essence, is tantamount to raping you. some men, and women, are very sick, and they get off on shit like that. it's really very disgusting." he admitted. "we in the community do our best to watch out for people like that, and protect the people they get their hands on." he admitted, smiling at her. "never feel ashamed or upset about what that freak did to you. he was very well practiced and knew exactly what to do to render you as helpless as possible. he's done it many times before and if he can, he's likely to do it again." he admitted. "now. eat what you can and then get some rest. i won't let anyone bother you. and before you fuss, i won't tell anyone what happened either unless you want me to. this is a private thing, if you want someone to know, then i expect you will tell them when your ready."
“That’s good.”She smiled glad that his flame would protect him no matter what before shaking her head. “N-no.”She stuttered a little seeing the sneer, sighing softly as she considered that, before frowning thinking on it. “Alex....Alex Benjamin....”She sighed quietly, wanting so much to help the others. That maybe it was okay that she’d made such a bad mistake, because it’d protect others. Relaxing at his reassurance, she calmed, realizing that it hadn’t been her in the wrong, that it had been Alex who took advantage of her. Swallowing thickly as she cringed away from the idea of rape, she didn’t want to consider that. It was bad enough thinking about it. “Alex Benjamin, and I’m sure there was a camera or something close by, get his picture to go along with it.”She shrugged a little sighing quietly. Not wanting to discus it anymore, even if she was curious about the lifestyle now that johnny had said something, she didn’t want to talk about it right then asshe ate. “...Okay. Thanks, Johnny.”She smiled, giving him that soft pleased smile, for the first time in years truly relaxed in his company as she finished eating, settling back into the blankets on the couch as she handed the plate back to him. “You can have the bed if you want. I’m feeling uncoordinated enough that staying down here is probably a good idea.”She snickered a little, tired as she settled back into the blankets and went to sleep.

The morning though found her up and moving, amusingly enough cooking even as she worked on drawing, like the old days, her drawing pad laying next to the counter as she made pancakes. “Morning.”She called when she heard him stirring, the benefits of the small place, is she always knew where everyone was.
he nodded. "Ale Benjamin." he repeated, committing it to memory. "everyone who goes into the Black Rose has to fill out a non discloser form. i can get all the information i need of him from that." he assured her. "from there it won't take any effort at all to get a picture of him." he admitted. "especially since you have to show the bouncer your I.D. or Drivers license." he admitted. "while, Alex, could get a fake one, doing so is extremely difficult." he admitted before smiling at her. "we'll talk more in the morning if you feel like it." he agreed. "and your welcome. no one should have to have that as their first experience." he admitted, shaking his head before smiling. "that's probably a good idea." he agreed, snagging his bag.

in the morning he slid down the ladder and shuffled over to her. he had stayed up late texting as many people as he could about the new Predator on the scene. by tonight, everyone n the BDSM community in all of New York would know that Alex Benjamin was a disgusting, raping pervert. he was going to be a very, very unhappy man that night when he found he wasn't able to get into any of the clubs with any woman he found. especially since once the women found out he was barred from the clubs, and told WHY he was barred from the clubs, they ditched him and warned all their friends. he'd have to move across the country, and even then, most of the BDSM communities spoke to others around the country. they took people like Alex very seriously, and where always careful to spread the news as far and thoroughly as they could. "mor'nin." Johnny managed to rasp out, tired and in some desperate need of a large jolt of caffeine.
“Awesome. Good.”She smiled relieved that this incident was going to have some good come from it before nodding. “Okay. I’d like that. Talking I mean.”She muttered before smiling, watching him go. For once, not finding his presence in her life like pouring salt into a wound, simply enjoying it.

Laci laughed quietly hearing his voice, turning her head to look at him, shaking her head. Some things just didn’t change. And johnny storm not waking up well, was one of them. “Here.”She said handing over the coffee cup smirking slightly. “Drink, sit. Breakfast’s almost done.”She promised as she finished making the pancakes, piling the nearly foot high stack onto a plate before setting it in front of him. “Eat.”She ordered with a smile
he blinked at her and mumbled something at her before sipping at his coffee. the fact that it was hot enough to burn didn't bother him in the least, heat didn't bother him at all unless it was literally, boiling hot, and even then it was more like a light scalding. he just sipped because he didn't have to coordination to gulp yet. he mumbled at her some more when she ordered him to eat but obediently did so. by the time he was done and on his second cup of coffee he was much more awake. "good morning. thanks for breakfast and coffee. and this is my cup now, your not getting it back."
Laci raised a eyebrow, looking curious at the mumbling, but knowing it wouldn’t get better until he woke up more. Settling in to eat herself even as she kept the drawing pad next to her, and it was obvious she so needed a vacation. Even working and eating had become normal for her. Looking up at his words she smiled, “Welcome.”she said before sputtering a little. “What?No. If I didn’t let Tony keep it, you don’t get to keep it. It’s mine. Go find your own, Storm.”She said, now that she was mostly back to herself, slipping back into her normal way of treating him, even if there wasn't the biting anger and pain to go along with talking ot him, the layers of misunderstandings and hurt feelings forgiven by his act of saving her. while she still didn't like what had happened years ago, she knew she had to let it go. at least be willing to get along with him, since they'd be working together.
he grumbled at her and slid the coffee cup into the crook of his arm so she couldn't steal it back from him and stuck his tongue out at her before chuckling a little and scarfing down whatever was left after she had finished eating. "are you feeling better?" he asked her, looking a bit concerned still. "i've already spread the word about that asshole, he won't be doing that to anyone else." he promised, shaking his head. "how anyone could be so disgusting is beyond me." he admitted, draining the last of his coffee and lt her have her cup back. "we should probably think up an excuse if you don't want the others to know. they'll be worried you never checked in with anyone last night. especially Tony. i'm thinking a twenty four stomach flue?" he offered. "i'll say i wandered past while you where heaving in an alley or something... maybe that's a bit too embarrassing. maybe i stopped you from getting mugged? no thn they'll want to hunt... well, actually, that might work. i could always just tell Steve that some guy named Alex Benjamin tried to mug you. that would teach the bastard." he admitted, looking wickedly delighted by the idea. even if he didn't understand why she hated him, he was still just as protective of her as he was over everyone else he loved and cared for.
Laci smiled as she finished her own food, rolling her eyes as he pulled the coffee cup closer, smiling slightly as she nodded. “I feel better. A little...off. Like I’m going to hole up in here for awhile and draw, but fine. That’s normal. You know me, I have always had days I just couldn’t stand to be around people.”Especially if she’d done something weird, or something she considered stupid, she always felt raw and to exposed to be around others. “To embarrassing. And okay. Mugging works. While steve might find out about what happened if he tracks him down, I doubt the good captain would tell anyone.”She said smiling amused at his delight in teh idea, resting her chin in her hand as she studied him. The look soft and amused, definitely not only thinking about putting him in her clothes, but how to get him out of his current ones. Looking away to hide the look she sighed as she started to clean up.
"that's normal." he admitted. "what your feeling is the after effects of a bad head-space. which is very closely related to mental or emotional shock." he admitted. "you'll feel..." here he paused. "some have associated it to feeling like everything has been moved slightly, like something is wrong somehow and they can't pinpoint exactly how. some say it's a feeling kin to being paranoid, and some feel like they're about to float off. it's different for everyone but they tend to feel somewhat similar at the same time. you just need time to settle." he admitted. "some 'deep conditioned' subs, people like Tony, will drop into a bad head-space for very little, or even no reason at all." he admitted. "and some people just drop into odd head spaces simply because that's just who they are and how they're conditioned. introverts are a good example of that. they have to go home and calm down after being with people because interacting puts them in a bit of a bad head-space. it's not a bad thing, it's just the way their brains are wired." he admitted. "being how introverted you are, last night probably has left you extremity exhausted, and not just physically." he admitted.

"a lot of people have days where they just can't stand to be around other people." he admitted with a shrug. "we can't all be like Pepper and Sue." he admitted with a grin before nodding. "okay, i'll tell the others you where mugged and set Steve loose on them. they'll fuss over you for a while, but not nearly as long as they might have if they knew the truth." he admitted with a sharp grin. "i hope Steve rips his damn spine out." he admitted, checking his watch and sighing. "i should get going." he admitted. "are you coming back tot he tower or are you going to stay here?" he asked her. "Steve will probably be by within the hour to check on you if you stay here."
“Ah. That makes sense....yes. Everything feels....slightly off. Like....reaching for a purple drawing pencil, and ending up with violet....just slightly shaded wrong.”She frowned, she was a artist, of course she described things as drawing stuff. “Yes, I’ve seen him like that. He gets weird at times, and simply needs time to recover.”She frowned thinking about what she knew about tony, nodding, because that made sense before nodding. “Exactly. That’s what’s its like...even with people I like...it can be exhausting. That’s how I feel right now....at a loss, like....nto sure what to do with you anywhere in my space, even if the idea of being totally alone sorta annoys me to...”She sighed a little.

“Hm, the world would be a horrible, horrible place if everyone was like sue and pepper.”She said looking a little wide eyed at the idea. “Love them, but it’s sorta....scary being around them sometimes to.”She snorted before nodding. “True. They’d fuss something horrible if they knew the truth.”She said snorting at his violent side, knowing it was more the idea of getting Alex away from the public, then anything to do with her. Well. That’s what she thought anyways. Biting her lip as she realized he was going, she bit back the desire to ask him to stay, before frowning a little, thinking about it before sighing. “I’ll go with you...it’ll be better to get the fussing out of the way...and I can always hide in natasha’s rooms if I have to. She’d stop the others from being to overwhelming.”She said pleased with the idea before smiling. “Let me change then we can go.”She said scampering upstairs to change into the fashionable black jeans and a flame red tank top that had definitely started out life as one of steve’s, definitely less snug then her normal outfits, then it was obvious why as she slipped on her shoes with a little stiffness. Because the flogger marks had bruised and welted, stiffing a usually very limber body, making it vaguely uncomfortable to move.
"i know right?" he asked, looking very amused. "it is scary being around them. especially when thy have a..." here he shuddered dramatically and lowered his voice as if whispering some great, evil secrete. "Girl's day." he twitched, glancing around as if expecting someone to pop out at them screaming doom and destruction. "okay. i'll give you a lift." he promised with a smile. "yeah, Nat's good at being scary." he agreed before nodding and headed to the bathroom to get changed as well. "does it hurt still?" he asked, frowning a little as he watched her back a little. "would you mind if i took a look? i want to make sure they're not going to get infected or anything." he admitted, looking quite worried about her.

Steve scowled as he looked at the clock, he was starting to get worried. neither Laci nor Johnny had checked in this morning the way they normally did. Johnny usually sent a text asking if there was anything he needed to do because he was too tired in the mornings to remember anything. "Tony? have you heard from Johnny or Laci yet this morning?"
Laci's eyes went wide at his words, before laughing amused at the idea."girls days are fun. I like girls days. At least till they start shopping."she shuddered looking amused as she looked at him."thanks. I promise I won't make you drive me home."she said looking amused. Before looking at him as he spoke, tilting her head a little."yea. Achy."she said before sighing, not wanting to but knowing she was going to have to, otherwise he'd hover something horrible. Tugging off her shirt and turning so he could see the soft red welts, and a little bit of bruises."I'm sore."she shrugged a little.

"Hm?"tony frowned looking up from the necklace he was making before wincing as he realized it was later then she thought. "No I havent."he said frowning worried.
"Shhhhh!" he hissed at her. "don't talk so loud! they'll hear you! you know. whatever weird spirits make it so that other girls ALWAYS know when your talking about a.... you know what day." Johnny had been traumatized ever since he'd been dragged on a girls day with Sue on the others to be a bag boy. this had been before the Avengers and the Fantastic four, or even the Hulk and Iron Ma had emerged. "don't worry, i won't mind if i do have to drive you home." he promised with a smile before nodding and examining her back. "okay, hold on." he ordered, snagging his bag and pulling out a small jar of cream. it was cool as he spread it on her back, and helped sooth the welts at the very least, so she could walk more easily.

"...Jarvis? where are they? can you find them on their cells?" Steve asked, just wanting to make sure that they where okay.
"...you make it sound like your talking about that time of the month, not...that."she said simply humorist him with a smile as she considered the other."well okay. But if you don't want to, I'll ask one of the others."she smiled at him. Before sighing, tensing a little under his hands as he rubbed the cream on, ignoring the spike of arousal at over warm hands and cool cream."thanks."she smiled sliding the shirt back on, relaxing as indeed it made it easier to head down to the car, message bag held close as she slid into his car with a smile.

"Yes of course sir."Jarvis said before answering."they are currently at laci's loft, though moving. So probably in a car." "Huh."tony said looking thoughtful."weird. They're together...wonder if we should be worried about her killing him."
he gasped and paled, looking utterly terrified. "you... you mentioned it! you... you mentioned it!" he'd had this reaction before though, so at least this one she had expected. with so many women in his life Johnny knew very well how...horrible a woman could be on her time of the month. and how much it hurt when a man made the mistake of commenting on it. he always freaked out anytime someone mentioned... those deadly words. it was mostly Sue's fault, or that's what a few of the Avengers seamed to think anyway. "your welcome." he chirped, tossing his bag into the back seat, uncaring about the items inside before heading for the tower, dialing Steve as he did so.

"..." Steve blinked and then looked at Tony. "you don't think... i mean they couldn't have right? Laci hates him. we all know that... right?" he asked before jumping when his phone rang and answered it. "Johnny? hey where are you. on our way? okay i'll see you then. hey you haven't seen Laci have you? you have her? okay then..." Steve hung up and looked at Tony. "he's driving her here. oh my god."
"I did. I'm sorry. I shall pray to the gods to spare you from the pain of knowing about it."she teased looking amused as she looked at him. Smiling slightly as she relaxed simply enjoying the car ride.

"...no. surely not...though she hates him as much as she likes him. I doubt they did it. That's disturbing."tony said looking startled as steve answered his phone looking surprised as he listened to him talk."oh my god...thry...oh god."tony stared before scampering off his stool and heading to meet the other two as they came in. Needing to see this in person.
he snorted a little and grumbled under his breath about women sharing WAY too much with unsuspecting men.

"it is a bit disturbing..." Steve admitted, looking quite unhappy. had something happened? there was no way they would be together unless something had happened right? maybe they'd sat down and had a talk? he knew Johnny was clueless and didn't understand why Laci hated him so much. honestly, Steve knew exactly why, but Johnny was so stunted... he wasn't sure if he could ever get Johnny to actually understand what he had done. he was right behind Tony, waiting and frowned when Johnny pulled into the underground garage and moved to make sure Laci could get out of the car okay. "she was mugged last night." Johnny explained, realizing they where there to see what was wrong. "she was shaken up but she's okay. she already went to a doctor to make sure." Johnny said before Steve could call for Bruce. "shes just shaken up. guys name was Alex Benjamin." he explained. "he can't be charged because, technically speaking, nothing happened but..." he shrugged, pleased with the violent glint in Steve's eye.
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