Taming the Storm(lady/moon)

“Definitely. Maybe they talked things out. I mean, he’s still breathing, so it can’t be that Laci killed him.”Tony huffed a little, tilting his head a little startled as he watched the two get out of the car. “I can get out.”Laci muttered even as she took his hand and got out slowly. “I’m fine though, got shoved around, battered a bit. But I’m fine, just sore.”Laci promised looking annoyed as tony moved over and wrapped a arm around her waist. “I can walk.” “...I’ll carry your bag then.”Tony said tugging the messenger bag away from her and let her walk on her own. Or at least under Johnny’s supervision. “Jarvis, find this Alex Benjamin, and send his location to Steve’s cell.”Tony ordered smirking as within a few minutes, Steve’s phone pinged with it as they headed for the living room. Smiling as they got Laci settled on the couch.
he nodded. "and he didn't sound like he was in pain so she didn't maim him." he agreed, watching them. "i know you can." Johnny said, looking amused, mostly just humoring her. "she's alright. he ran off as soon as he saw me." Johnny admitted. "she'll be a bit stiff for a few days but some hot baths will help with that, doc said." that was a lie but Johnny was good at those. he led her into the kitchen and watched her carefully without fussing. if he fussed too much she'd beat his head in. "Steve left already?" Johnny guessed, wondering if there was any coffee left and peering into the hoard of Coffee Pots that the entire Tower used. sine they all drank so much, and favored different kinds, there was a horde of over twenty coffee pots in the kitchen. Johnny wasn't the least bit picky, the only one he avoided was James ad Natasha's. that Russian coffee was so strong it made him very twitchy. not a good thing. considering Johnny was already hyper to begin with.
“You’re humoring me. Stop it.”Laci grumbled looking up at him, knowing the other was just humoring her. “Good. You’ll stay at the tower of course.” “What?No.” “You only have a shower. Johnny said baths. Therefore you’re staying here.”Tony said with such command that you knew he’d been listening to James and Steve talk about things just to get the tone right, even if Laci looked ready to rebel, she didn’t protest just yet. “Yea. He’ll be back in awhile.”Tony grinned looking amused as he watched johnny look for coffee. “There’s still some in mine or clint’s pots.”Tony supplied looking amused, studying the two. “Well. I’m going to go get some work done, if you’re coming Johnny, or if you want, stay here and be a hero for awhile.”Tony said because he wasn’t above using the injuries to make them talk, because he knew they needed to. And even if he wanted to badger them both about what happened, and curious about why johnny had stayed with her, he knew that Laci would beat his head in if he hovered to much. So he was going to retreat, hide out and fuss over her when Johnny got tired of doing so.

Laci looked amused as she watched Tony heading for his lab, looking up at johnny. Wanting to talk, having had a idea, but not sure how to approach it. “I want some coffee, Johnny.”She said. “Tony’s, or if there’s any left, Natasha’s.”She said looking thoughtful as she considered things. The slight frown on her features as she considered just how to approach things, and simply watching him to see if he was going to follow tony down to the lab or not. As much as she wanted to talk to him, or figure things out, she wasn’t about to demand his attention.
Johnny smirked at her. delighted that Tony was getting his way. Laci would argue with him till she was blue in the face, but no one argued with Tony for very long. especially when he copied Steve or James like that. personally Johnny just thought it was cute as hell but for a more submissive person like Laci, it was very effective. it was kind of cheating too, but if it meant Laci would be watched well for a few days Johnny wasn't about to protest. "i'll take Clint's." Johnny decided. he felt like something flavored today. he poured himself a cup and wrinkled his nose at Tony. "i'm not awake enough for math just yet. i'll be down in a bit." he promised Tony before making a face at Laci. "yuck, i forgot you drink that crap." no he hadn't. since he had already poured her a cup of Natasha's very strong coffee and was in the process of getting it over to her when she requested it. he sat down in front of her, looking amused. "Jarvis? will you stop anyone from spying on us and warn us if anyone is coming up?" he asked the A.I. waiting for an affirmative before looking at Laci. "go on. i know that face at least. as whatever you want."
Tony smiled pleased indeed that he’d gotten his way, before smiling as he nodded. “Go for it. He’s already been in and had his, so he wont care you take it.”Tony snickered a little amused as he headed for the door. “Kay. See you later.”he said looking amused. “It’s not crap. It’s amazing, and it wakes me up.”Laci smiled before her eyes widened a little as she realized he’d already poured it, startled as she took it from him and sipped it. Tilting her head a little as she listened to his request. “Of course, Johnny.” Laci smiled at Jarvis confirmation before going quiet as she considered the other, sipping her coffee. “I’m not sure I like you knowing me that well.”She muttered looking thoughtful as she absently doodled on her drawing pad. Not that she was ignoring the question, she was just so introverted that it was hard for her to simply talk to people without having something to do, something else to focus on to. “....I got myself hurt because I didn’t lnow what I was doing. Apparently yu do know what you’re doing, teach me. Please.”She flushed. “This wont affect anythign else, I mean, we’re still the same as always, and you’re still doing me a favor by doing the modeling, but I’d ask this as another favor. Help me not get myself hurt again.”
he nodded and took a long swallow of the hazelnut roast with a happy sigh before snorting at Laci. "it's crap. it's literally crap. i mean, they take this bean out of poop." he pointed out to her. "it's disgusting." actually, that was Phil's coffee. he drank something he called Kopi luwak, which was literally coffee that was eaten by some cat species somewhere in another country and popped out, gathered after it was pooped out, and cleaned up, roasted and then brewed. Phil drank one cup a day and that was it. probably because one pound of Kopi luwak Coffee cost Phil upwards of a hundred to three hundred dollars and had to be imported. he didn't use a coffee pot for it either he used something called a French Press. then again Natasha and James used Espresso machines to make their morning coffee so Johnny couldn't really complain to much. well, he could, but no one would listen to him. besides, he had to admit, Phil's coffee, while so strong it could kill a bull elephant, was divine, though, the others took very tender sips when Phil let them have a drink. only Natasha and James made stronger coffee.

"you know, i'm not sure i like it either. but then i know everyone pretty well." he admitted. "it comes with what i do." he admitted. he had to always be very observant, considering he usually had a new sub every time, he needed to be hyper aware of their reactions. Laci, Tony, and the others where no different even if he wasn't Dominating them, or seducing them, or anything else. he nearly choked on his coffee and stared at her for a moment before smiling at her. "Laci..." he paused, hesitated and then. "first of all, your not to blame for what happened last night. that man was out looking, specifically for someone who had no idea what they where doing. he would have targeted anyone so long as they had never experienced BDSM for themselves before." he assured her. "second of all, if you really are interested, there is a level of research that you are going to need to invest in. i have some books you can read that will help you understand." he promised. "third, if you decide you really want to do this, then there is a very deep level of trust that must be maintained between the submissive and the dominant. i cannot show you anything, if you don't trust me, and i know you don't." he admitted. "if your still very sure you want to learn, then there are other people i could get for you, people who i know are safe and trustworthy, people who have trained, and make a living training new submissives." he admitted. "someone who you don't hate." he pointed out. "i'll get you the books first, read through them and decide if you really are interested. look online, talk to people who actually live the lifestyle." he urged. "you have to be the one to decide how far you want to go, and where you want to stop, and you have to be informed before you can do that."
"That's phils, and Natasha hates it. Hers is just really strong."she snickered sipping it before nodding."I can understand that. Gotta be hard knowing everyone about it."she said wrinkling her nose a little as she considered that, eyes widening as he choked on his coffee. Watching hin for a long moment before flushing, ducking her head a little, feeling utterly embarrassed for asking. Despite her current life as having one night stands, theyes weren't as frequent as tony thought, or half the time she slept with scott, cause she liked scott. Could tolerate his presence in her life, he didn't make her feel like a freak most of the time. Mostly tuning johnny out when she realized that he was saying no, she shifted, giving a careless little shrug. "I trust you. At least most of the time."she shrugged sighing auietly, not wanting to admit it but not able to let him think she didn't trust him."....yea. okay. I'll read what you give me."she muttered mostly shifting her focus off of the man in front of her, because she wasn't interested in other people helping her. Despite what she said, or wanted to believe, sex and being attracted to him had never been the problem, and she didn't want anyone else to help her. But if he was saying no, she didn't want to talk about it anymore. Moving on to other topics with a small frown as she worked on the drawing, she tilted her head a little."...would you be open to attending a party with me?it's for fashion week, but I can get tony to do it...."
he huffed. "they're all disgusting, that's what they are." he informed her before sighing. "Laci. look at me." he ordered. "i'm not going to say no if you want me to be the one. but you need to make an informed decision about this or i could do more harm than good." he informed her. "i need you to know what you want and who you want to take you through this." he admitted. "i know you trust me to keep you safe, you proved that last night, but there is a difference between that and trusting me while your actually helpless and naked. stripped to the bare bones of what, and who you are. if i do one thing wrong, if you don't trust me completely, i could very easily traumatize you. i've met some Submissives who have PTSD just from one wrong action. with you already having had one bad experience, i need you to be one hundred percent certain of what you want." he explained before blinking at the sudden shift of discussion. "a party? fashion week?" he asked, looking baffled. "what in the world is a fashion week?... magazine maybe?" he mused. "will there be dancing?" Johnny loved to dance. especially Tango, Samba and Viennese Waltz. he and Sue had take dance lessons through most of their childhood and Johnny was a superb dancer. "if there's dancing i'm totally in."
Laci'Laci's eyes snapped to his face before she'd even made the decision to look at him, eyes widening slightly. Studying him for a long moment. The slight flush fading as she looked at him."...okay. give me the books and I'll read online, and we'll see."she said softly, wincing a little because she was still feeling off from the night before. Emotionally still feeling messed up from the night before, which only drove the whole thing home for her. Rubbing a hand over her face she tilted her head."sorry...still not...."she shrugged knowing he wouldn't hold her mood against her. He'd always been good about forgiving hee when she got moody. Smirking a little as he blinked at her."...feeling uncomfortable...switching topics. Tony does this all the time, you should be used to it."she teased before making a face."fashion week is the week in the winter that all the designers debut new clothes and designs and such . Before it starts, all the designers have a private party for them and their dates to just reconnect with friends and talk before things get insane."she said before laughing a little."yes there is dancing."
Johnny resisted the urge to smile when she snapped to attention. "good." he agreed. "i'll have them for you tonight." he promised. "i know. it's okay." he promised, smiling gently at her. "the sensation of a bad head-space can last several days if you don't settle properly. and you haven't settled properly, though i don't feel too worried about you dropping too hard now." he assured her. "your stable, just a little off center. the feeling will fade in due time." he promised before snorting. "i am used to it from Tony. most other people don't do that." he admitted with a smile. before looking interested. "that does sound kind of fun." he admitted. "i'm assuming you'll be supplying my clothes for the night?" he asked with a smile. "you know how to Samba? or Tango?" he asked, his head tilted. "we could put on a show." he admitted with an impish grin.
"Thanks. And since I'm stuck at the tower,"here she sulked giving him those big puppy dog eyes that said she was so going to try and get him to let her go home,"it'll be easier to ask questions if I want to."she smiled thinking about it before sighing.nodding a little."good to know. It's just a little...off."she agreed relaxing that with time, the world would correct itself before snorting."not most people, but you have to admit, we've not been on the nicest terms for years. Abrupt conversation changes is a art form for us."she teased, for the moment simply enjoying his company. All that anger, and annoyance that she'd used to protect herself forgotten in front of him having been so good about Helping her."of course. I already have my dress done, and I'll get your clothes done in the next few days. Party's friday."she smiled at him and nodding."I can dance. I'm not great, but I can follow a lead."
he grinned at her. "forget it. even if i say yes, you know very well Phil and Steve won't let you leave." he teased with a smile before nodding. "and i'll answer every question you have." he agreed before snorting a little. "yeah. though. to be honest i have no idea why." he admitted softly. "Steve keeps telling me i should talk to you about it..." he admitted before shaking his head and changing the subject. "anyway! if you don't know how to dance i'd be glad to teach you." he promised with a bright smile. "dancing is awesome, once you know how, it's the most fun in the world!" he admitted with a bright smile before looking up hen Jarvis informed them that Steve was back. "he's been... dealt with." Steve said, bright fire in his eyes that let johnny know Steve was just on the edge of completely loosing his shit. "i'm going to be in the gym." he informed them, looking at Laci. "your staying for at least three days, no arguments."
“...You could at least pretend to agree to let me go.”Laci grumbled a little, before smiling at his agreement. Glad to know that she’d be allowed to answer questions before wincing, looking away from him. Not ready for that conversation, not when the whole world seemed slightly skewered to her. “....”looking a little lost at the idea that he had no idea what had gone so wrong. Maybe...maybe she’d been the one in the wrong? Maybe she’d done something wrong? Feeling heart bruised over that idea she swallowed hard, trying not to think on that to much. Maybe he hadn’t understood that treating her like everyone else, like one of the other countless girls who wanted to ride his cock, would leave her so hurt that even years later it had taken a nearly life threatening-or at least extremely mentally threatening- upset to get them to this point. “...I’m not having that conversation when the world still feels slightly off. Maybe later.”She muttered, sounding hurt and a little lost at the idea, the vicious mood folding back onto itself, her slightly off world, letting her usually bad self esteem turn on itself, it was a toss up somedays who disliked themselves more, tony or laci.

“Well, I’d be glad for the lessons. I can keep up, but I’d rather know more about dancing before having to go to the party.”She smiled glad for the offer before looking up at Steve when he came in, eyeing the other, wondering if he still thought she’d been mugged, if he’d found out what had happened. And if she was going to have to deal with everyone. “Good.Thanks Steve.”Laci said watching him go. Sighing quietly, not even bothering to tell him that she wasn’t staying, she knew she wouldn’t win.
he shrugged. "then you'd be pissed off at me for lying." he pointed out, glad that whatever had pissed her off, seamed to be okay for now. "Laci." Johnny knew she was turning on herself and refused to allow it, setting his hand on her cheek to make her focus on him. "whatever happened, whatever went wrong, be assured that it was MY fault." he pointed out. "i didn't have a good childhood and i had an even worse adulthood. i'm.... not good, with people." he admitted. "i did something wrong and i think we both know that, i just, haven't understood because my interactions with people is pain and sex and that's all i know." he admitted, shaking his head. "i'm going to talk to Pepper about it. i should have a long time ago but i was..." ashamed that the best thing that had ever happened to him had left him, and even more so hen the worst thing that had ever happened to him had been his one chance at love.

"we'll set up a schedule then. i'm never really all that busy, but i know you are." he admitted. "i'll teach you as much of the classics as i can in time for the party, or focus on just the one you really want to learn." he decided. "whichever you prefer. of course, we can continue the dance lessons after the party too if you want." he admitted, watching Steve and glancing at Laci. "yeah. he knows." he admitted. "we'll probably be seeing an article in the newspaper in the next couple of days, depending on what happened, or rather, what Steve did to the man." he admitted. "i doubt you'll be mentioned."
“...True. But it’d make me feel better.”She grumbled a little before startling, looking up at him as he touched her face, closing her eyes a little as she leaned into his hand, simply relaxing at the touch, studying him for a long moment before sighing quietly, nodding. “I know that....didn’t make it easier. Didn’t realize you might not understand....she sighed quietly, relaxing more.”Good. And we’ll talk. Later.”She promised.

“I am, but I’m stuck here, and I can work from here. Early mornings, or late evenings would be best. I can work for most of the morning, then the afternoon then.”She said looking up at him, before grinning. “Classics for the party, then if I’m not a total klutz over it, we’ll keep at the lessons after. Dancing is good for working. I dance around my place sometimes, makes it interesting to simply float and design while I think.”She smiled a little before sighing, watching steve. “...Damn. Well...that’s good though.”She smiled a little, rubbing a hand over her face, at least she wouldn’t have to worry about the others knowing. Trusting steve to not tell everyone. Shifting to get comfortable she snorted in amusement as Natasha and Tony walked in together, the billionaire talking a mile a minute about....of all things, books. Apparently tony was playing matchmaker for everyone. Natasha glanced at Steve, pausing, staring for a long moment before holding up a hand to stop tony from talking, amused as he stuttered to a stop. “Spar?”
he shrugged and thn smiled softly at her. "i know it didn't." he admitted softly. "and of course you didn't realize, no one does." he admitted with a shrug. "i don't think Sue even realizes how... stilted i am." he admitted before smiling. "let me talk to Pepper first. she has a way of explaining things in ways that make sense to me. i'm not stupid but... some things are really hard." he admitted.

"your not 'stuck'." he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "if you really wanted to leave, Steve wouldn't make you stay. you do want to stay though and the only person your fooling is yourself. i know what your like when people try to make you do something you don't really want to do." he pointed out, looking amused. "i doubt you could be a clutz." he admitted. "your too graceful when you walk." he admitted. "Tony, why are you talking about books?" Johnny wondered. Steve stared at Natasha and then nodded, turning on his heal and striding for the elevator so he could get tot he gym. he knew Natasha could take him, if only because he couldn't hit her. he'd wear himself down to nothing trying to chase her down and then she'd floor him and he'd be good again.
“okay. Pepper first.”She agreed looking amused a little before sighing. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”She said rolling her eyes a little, not about to admit that he was right before rolling her eyes. “You have more faith in me then I do.”She said before looking at Tony in curiousity as the man actually blushed. “Cause she asked me if I had a copy of Grimm’s fairy tales, and I told her yes, and that she had to get Steve to read the originals and then she could comfort him when he had nightmares.”Tony explained, grinning at Laci’s eye rolling. “You are a hopeless romantic, Stark.”Laci said smiling a little, looking at johnny. Blushing ever so slightly. “I’m going to go get some work done. Dancing lessons after dinner?”She smiled at Johnny, nearly shy and out of sorts at the new status of their friendship. It was odd for her to be considering it.
he nodded before smirking a little. "of course you don't." he teased with a chuckle before smiling a little. "honestly? i think everyone has more faith in you than you do." he admitted. "between you ad Tony i'm not sure which one has worse self esteem." he admitted before smirking at Tony when Steve blinked at him. not sure he wanted to know what Grimms fairy tales where or why Tony was trying to get Natasha to... oh. he got it. he wasn't sure if he wanted to smack Tony or laugh at him. "Dancing lessons after dinner." Johnny agreed, checking his watch. "Jay? where is Pepper right now?" he asked, wanting to figure out why he had fucked up and how to fix it since everyone else was going to be busy, now was the perfect time. he trusted Pepper enough to be completely honest with her, even about the woman named Appoline and what had happened with Laci so she was the best person to talk to. he could have talked to Steve too but he was hoping for a woman's point of view.
“Maybe.”Laci smiled amused, smirking at tony’s idea. “You have serious problems, Tony. Matchmake on your own lovelife.”Laci teased as she left. “Ms. Potts is currently in her office, having lunch.”After a pause he added. “And would not mind the company if you want to go down.”

“You know, I was afraid I wasn’t going to get any work done with being in the tower, but it amuses me that despite having me in the building with him now, I see less of tony then I did before.”Pepper snickered as she looked up at the human torch, waving her fork absently towards the seat, tilting her head. “Sit. Tony said you spent the night with Laci, figured you’d make it down here sometime.”She smiled, because usually it was her or natasha, sometimes steve, explaining emotional and relationship issues to either tony or johnny.
Johnny offered Pepper a small sheepish smile. "yeah. i think he's still feeling guilty about upsetting you and stuff. or breaking up with you. or something." he admitted, scratching his head. "i'm not good enough to actually know why he's upset, but i know he thinks its all his own fault so..." he shrugged. "or he might be horny. it's hard to tell." he admitted with a grin before he frowned a little. "yeah i did. i... i don't know if it's okay for me to tell you why though." he admitted, looking a bit anxious. "last night was the first time she's spoke to me without wanting to murder me with her voice since we... well, i'd call it break up but she was just gone one morning and i never figured out why. i know enough to know it was my fault of course but..." he shrugged. "honestly this is the first time i've managed to get over my... well, shame to be honest. i don't think i could have talked about it before really." he admitted, sighing. "why does life have to be so hard and fucked up Pep?"
“Tony’s weird.”Pepper looked amused. “And tony thinks the extinction of dinosaurs is his fault. And tony’s always horny.”she added amused before sighing studying him for a long moment before frowning. “Well, then don’t tell me why. I’m just glad she was okay enough to let you anywhere near her place.”Pepper sighed a little before sighing quietly. She’d known Laci had simply left, but she hadn’t realized just how badly johnny hadn’t understood exactly why. “Ah, well. Reconnecting with Laci is a good reason to talk about it.”She smiled before wincing. “I don’t know, but we’ll try to make it a little less fucked up.”She frowned slightly as she ate, trying to think of how to explain. “You know, you were Laci’s first...everything you know. Boyfriend, sex partner, loving person, she was introverted enough to simply have made it to 24 without doing anything.”
he nodded. "that's true." he admitted. "on all counts." he agreed before relaxing at the promise that he didn't have to tell her. "yeah, me too... if i hadn't been there..." he flinched at the thought of her being raped by that disgusting man. or worse, being left alone after such a traumatic event. well, it was hard to tell which was worse, both where bad in equally very bad ways. "yeah. i... i know i don't have a chance anymore..." he admitted, touching the Feathered Dragon Tattoo on his bicep. "but...Laci was the first person i ever.. you know... liked." he admitted before freezing, wide eyed. "i was?" he asked, vice choked. he'd never been someone's first before. women usually only flocked to him well after they'd had sex with more 'decent' but not nearly kinky enough folks. "so she's pissed at me because i wasn't... you know. careful enough her first time? i didn't know! i've never... not wit a virgin! but she never looked like she was in pain so..." of course not. he'd made her orgasm so many times she was too exhausted to feel the first penetration.
“You did well, looking after her then.”Pepper smiled watching the emotions playing across his face before wincing. “Just because she’s not your marked, doesn’t mean you two couldn’t be happy together. And obviously you two have some connection despite everything.”Pepper smiled before nodding, “You were. She didn’t tell you?”pepper had only started there because it was a good starting point, not because she’d actually thought he hadn’t known. Damn. “No. Amusingly enough, despite her protests, Laci said you were good at sex. Even if she tells everyone you’re not.”Pepper teased him a little, smiling slightly. “You’re problem came after....she...you treated her like one of your one night stands, Johnny. I know it’s not...it’s not your fault. But you and tony...never really figured out that most people are affectionate and nice after sex. Laci didn’t even know you two were together, she thought it’d just been a one night stand because you’d gotten hurt, and was drugged, she had thought it meant nothing. So she treated it like it meant nothing, because it hurt less.”
Johnny nodded. "she almost wouldn't let me. i had to give her an ultimatum, either bringing her here where you or Steve could keep an eye on her or letting me stay with her so i could watch over her." he admitted. "it took a while to calm her down but i don't think she's been too rattled by what happened." he admitted before shaking his head. "if she did, i was too stoned to remember." he admitted before sagging in relief. "thank god... i know... i know how.. how much having a bad first time can be for a woman." he admitted. "and men too i guess though it's not quite as traumatic for a man unless they're. you know. on bottom." talkng about sex with Pepper was horrible but he needed to know. "wait..." he looked stunned. "so... so she thought i just... used her?!" he looked utterly horrified. even he knew how horrible a feeling like that was. he had tried to cut his bonding mark after he had found out... but that was something else to be dealt with later. "jesus no wonder she hated, hates? me." he admitted, shaking his head. "i just... i just treated her the same way as all the other women wanted. i fuck them and then i was expected to never ever bring it up again until they wanted to fuck some more...." he admitted. "i didn't... i thought that was just how it was done." he admitted. "i mean, i've seen people holding hands and being cute but i thought that was because... you now. they where bond partners or something." he admitted. "i... i don't know how to fix this..." he mumbled, setting his hands over his eyes because he had no idea, really, what couples even did.
“That’s good.”Pepper smiled a little, glad that the girl had let him help before laughing a little. “It can be, but you did okay.”Pepper said amuse because he was nearly as bad as tony was these days, the billionaire was so cutely awkward talking to her about sex anymore. Nodding slightly she sighed. “Yes. Well. Sorta. Not used, simply didn’t care that she was a friend, or that she like-liked you.”Pepper rubbed a hand over her face, hatnig that she’d upset him, but know it had to be done. “She doesn’t hate you. What she feels for you still, is to complicated for just hate. She just....it’s easier to hate you, then to deal with the fact that she’d settle for one night stands if it meant she could be with you.”Pepper sighed before wincing a little. “I know you did. It’s a hard lesson to learn, that...this isn’t how normal things are done, even if the couple isn’t a bonded pair. Took tony awhile to come to terms with it to.”She sighed. “She wanted more from you, and was young enough and innocent enough to never consider that you would have a different view on relationships.”She bit her lip, wondering. Curious about how much he knew, and how much damage it had done to be treated like that. Not wanting to make things worse, but not sure how to avoid telling him either. “...Well. A I’m sorry usually is good. And talk to her, for god’s sake.”she huffed a little. Biting her lip, “...And maybe, call Scott. I know she wont really apperciate it, but of everyone in her life, Scott’s the only one she usually talks to more then once a month. Even us, she’s sorta....still introverted most of the time. Seems losing Jean, lets her let him into her life. Might have a idea where to start.”Pepper offered, knowing Scott summers wouldn’t say everything he knew, but might give Johnny a nudge into helping her."Or just help her with her stuff, and go from there...."
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