Taming the Storm(lady/moon)

"it's funny when he's silly." Ambroise admitted with a smile before beaming at her and skipping off to get her purse while she flirted with Johnny. "i am not! i know exactly what to do with my fingers." he teased, stroking her inner thigh just to make her blush. "there's nothing to be nervous about." he promised her with a smile. "i'll be up on stage showing off all your amazing things." he reminded her, letting her see the suit she had made. "it's amazing. it really is." he admitted, smiling at her. "he deserves credit, i agree, but i don't think he does." he admitted with a laugh. "the kisses didn't work." he admitted with a grin, following her out, grinning as he watched Scott and Gambit following them. Gambit looked about ready to crawl out of his skin, while Scott looked fantastic in one of the suits Gambit had made almost entirely by himself. "ready to go?" "no. i want to stay home. i do no like the crowds." Gambit complained, voice very thick with his accent. the more upset he got the more he forgot his English. Johnny had once voiced the opinion that Gambit did it on purpose so people would leave him alone.
“It is.”Laci agreed before smirking, blushing a little as she shivered at the brush of his fingers against bare skin, since she was wearing a beautiful lacy black short dress for the evening, a perfect offset to the white suit johnny was wearing. “Hmmm, you will be. Though I’m not sure if anyone but you guys will think it’s amazing.”she muttered before snickering. “That’s horrible. Poor scott.”She looked amused at the sight of gambit, shaking her head a little .”You did wonderful. He looks amazing, bit.” “I told him that. Definitely deserves to be recognized for that.”Laci smiled a little looking at gambit, resting her hand on his arm. “Come on. It wont be to bad, and you’ll be standing with me, and we can ogle our boys all we want.”
he grinned at her a little. "it really is amazing and even if we superheroes are the only ones that use them it will do exactly as you intended it to. save lives." he admitted with a smile at her. "you have no idea how amazing these outfits really are do you?" he asked her. "it is horri ble, i agree, who doesn't want kisses?" he asked with a chuckle. "it's horrible. i did terrible job." Gambit protested, indicating his bandaged hands again. he did a wonderful job, he just wasn't careful enough with the needles and stabbed himself. often. his stitches where almost as good as Laci's where. he'd done a wonderful job and the only person who didn't see it was him because he was too worried he'd ruined her chances. "...i like to ogle." Gambit agreed, examining Scott's ass. "...okay. but no smiling." he huffed, settling in for a good sulk. he refused to be happy about this. even if he was very glad for Laci.
“True. They will keep your skin intact.”she muttered before flushing, ducking her head a little. “No...I mean. They’re good. But even tony’s been wearing them.....I mean..it has to mean they’re good right?Tony doesn’t wear just anything.”She muttered relaxing at the thought, swallowing thickly before smiling as she kissed him. “I always want kisses.”She muttered before sighing at gambit. “Only because you’re not careful with yourself, not because you’re a horrible designer. They’re amazing Bit, really.”She promised smiling as they headed for the fashion show, snickering a little as Scott walked in front of them with johnny, simply to let gambit oggle his ass. Nervous and fidgety as her and gambit settled into their seats on stage, watching the others come and go. Really, as she watched teh avengers, the fantastic four, and a few of the x-men strut and show off, she relaxed. Because they really did look pleased with the clothes, and because the crowd was going wild.
"Tony adores them. says it's the first time in years he's felt safe to go commando. which was way more Intel than i needed on him." he admitted with a snigger. "well you can have all the kisses you want." he promised with a smile. "i am horrible! don't like it!" Gambit grumbled. "don't like it!" "is Uncle Remy having a temper tantrum?" Ambroise asked curiously. "no. he's just having a moody moment." Johnny promised him with a chuckle, grinning as he walked ahead with Scott, chatting about the show. he was delighted to be going last and strutted onto stage and posed there for a moment before picking u the microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen i would like to thank all of you for coming this evening. the woman who designed these clothes is the woman i love. i've loved her for a vry long time, and she's always forgiven me even when i didn't deserve it, and stood by me when i was broken beyond repair." he smiled at her. "i would like all of you to watch me now. as i ask her for her undying love for the rest of our lives." he smiled and knelt down in front of her, holding out the rings in their little box for her. "Laci? the woman i love more than anyone, will you marry me?"
“...Yea. That’s definitely more then I wanted to know. And more then anyone but James should know really.”Laci snickered a little before smiling. “No, he’s just upset.”Laci assured ambroise, gently ruffling his hair. Grinning as they watched the show, this was just to much, tears already spiking her eyelashes even before johnny took the mircophone .looking surprised, tilting her head as she wiped her eyes, wondering what he was talking about. “...What...”She stuttered a little, hands gripping johnny’s shoulder to keep from falling from weak legs, before noding eagerly, taking the ring, sliding it on.”Y-yes, please. I will.”
Johnny beamed at her when she said yes and he swept her into his arms and kissed her right there on stage, humming happily as all the people that knew Laci clapped wildly and wolf whistled and generally made happy joy sounds and Ambroise was clapping and laughing and hopping up and down, delighted that his Maman and Papa where going to be married.
Laci laughed as she clung to the man holding her, resting her head against his. The rest of the world falling away. For the moment, all that matered, all that ever mattere, was the man holding her. Closing her eyes as she clung to him, knowing that whatever came next ,they’d be able to handle it.

The end.
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