Taming the Storm(lady/moon)

“Being friends with Tony has a benefit of fast cars and jets.”She said looking amused before wincing a little. “he’s stable. Not a danger to himself.”Laci said worried about the cop and johnny, not sure what was going to happen before smiling. “He really is oing better. As much as he doesn’t like going outside sometimes, he does well when he has to.”Laci said smiling slightly, before snickering. “It was screaming.”She said smirking at her boyfriend.

“And we currently have two babies living in the tower, the other’s adopted babies. While we’ve not had little kids around, we have alot of people around who have.”She smiled a little before snorting. “And if he can’t afford it, Tony’s well able to provide for us. And I’m well off to. We’re okay.”She smiled a little before snickering as she listened to them, well aware that they’d have to work on things. Rubbing a hand over her face she smiled a little. “yes. And they know how to help start fixing things. While there’s no making up for what his mother did, we can help him.”She said.

Tilting her head a little as she listened to the two she reached out, taking johnny’s hand and squeezed.”yes please.”she said smiling as Ambroise came in, tilting her head as she watched the blond hair child. “Hello. I’m Laci, and this is johnny.”
"the cop looked pleased that Laci was contributing and was struggling not to laugh as Gambit muttered in french. "whatever he said, it's a lie!" Johnny declared, pointing at Gambit. "i wasn't screaming!" he whined. "i'm doing okay now!" sort of. mostly. "we'll do everything we can. i'll even hire a psychologist or something if Ambroise needs it." he decided.

"hi. i'm Ambroise." the child replied, watching them with wide eyes. "sometimes my mom used to call me Amber." he admitted. "did you like it?" Johnny wondered. "no. not really. Amber is a girls name." "we won't call you that then." Johnny promised with a smile. "we where hoping you'd like to come and live with us." Johnny admitted, Ambroise nodding. "i know. the police said you where my dad." "i am." Johnny admitted. "i'm very sorry i wasn't here for you before..." "mother said i had to be a secret." Ambroise informed him. "because she said if you found out i was yours, then you'd come and take me away from her, and she couldn't allow that." "well. i am going to take you away from her. are you okay with that?" "yeah. i'm okay with that. are you a superhero?" "i was. i'm a bit... hurt at the moment so i can't be a superhero right now, but i'm sure i'll be better soon." "are you hurt bad?" "no. not too bad." Johnny promised him with a smile. "once our freinds come back we'll have some lunch and head home." "where is home?" "New York." "really?" "yup." "cool!"
“You are doing fine, even though you did scream. It was very manly.”Laci teased kissing the other lightly before nodding. “We’ll do whatever we have to.”

“Hello. And I don’t like it either. We’ll come up with a better nickname.”Laci promised smiling a little, before watching the two, so very proud of johnny for this before smiling. “We’re going to take you away. And we live with alot of superheros, not just your dad.”Laci smiled a little before snickering at how happy the other sounded before tilting her head as she heard tony and james walking back, bemused as she heard what they were discussing. “You know, letting Tony free in france, even with james and scott as chaperons, was probably a bad idea.”She said thoughtfully wondering just how much mischief the other had caused at the Louvre, tony and art shows just didn’t mix well.
Ambroise smiled a little. "i'd like a better nickname." he admitted looking very happy at the promise of being taken far away. "lots of superheroes?" he asked hopefully. "yep. Laci and I live with the Avengers." Johnny admitted, grinning brightly when the boys eyes widened and he sucked in a very excited breath. "you live with Bruce Banner?" he asked, sounding so stunned and amazed. "that's so amazing." he breathed before looking over when James and Tony came back. "where's Steve?" "standing guard." James informed him. "hey kid." he stated with a smile at Ambroise before returning to his conversation/debate/argument with Tony. "you know. i think i'm worried." Johnny admitted. "Ambroise i want you to listen." Ambroise blinked at Johnny. "do you see that man right there?" he looked at Tony and then nodded. "never. ever do anything that man does, ever." "okay." "good boy. now. food?" Johnny asked the boys. "here." Gambit chirped as he walked in with Scott, loaded with bags of food as promised. "Hello mon coco." "...did you just call him a rooster?" "Oui. it is something french mothers do." "...seriously?" "oui. because the children are like little chicks. and mothers are the mother hens." "that. kind of makes sense." "mother never called me that." Ambroise admitted softly, secretly thrilled. he'd always wanted to have a nice nickname like that. "Tony." Steve said, staring at him. "what did you do to the Louvre Tony!?" "...it's going to get loud." Johnny warned Ambrose with a smile. "but don't worry, no ones mad and no one will hurt anyone." he promised. "okay. i'm hungry though." "here mon coco, what would you like?" Gambit asked, starting to lay out the Styrofoam containers full of food. "can i have some soup?" "oui." Gambit agreed, handing the boy a Styrofoam bowl with a lid full of soup. and a sandwich as well at Ambroise's asking.
“we’ll find one.”Laci promised smiling a little before grinning. “We do. And I can’t wait to tell Tony the kid was more excited about bruce then him.”She said giggling a little at the idea before smiling slightly as she listened to the bonded arguing. “I agree. It’s slightly worrying. And if he asks you to do something, always check with bruce, or one of us, or steve....or any of the other’s,before doing it okay?”She said well aware tony wouldn’t purposefully endanger ambroise, or even treat him like howard had treated tony, but she worried that the billionaire’s eccentric moments, or manic moments would make him forget that the kid couldn’t do everything. “...I like it. Mon coco.”Laci smiled looking at Ambroise, “I think I’ll call you that.”She said looking pleased before smirking a little at tony. “They’re just worried about tony. Tony rarely understands that the things he does, isn’t always normal. But no one’s really angry.”She promised smiling as they started to eat, snorting as she listened to tony as they prepared to leave. “well. Uh. There was some ugly paintings. I mean, who puts them in a museum!I made them better!”Tony whined sounding annoyed that he was getting scolded for playing a prank by drawing on the protective glass. It wasn’t like he’d ruined the actual painting with pernament marker, just the glass.
"i know. he's going to be crushed." Johnny agreed with a snigger. "Okay. i can do that... why?" "because he does naughty things that get him in trouble because he doesn't realize that it will get him in trouble." Johnny explained with a smile. "oh. okay, that's easy to remember." the young boy agreed with a nod. "i'd like that." Ambroise admitted softly, smiling at her a little. "okay." he agreed, watching people fighting was normally very bad but he trusted Tony and LAci. they where taking him away. they where okay. right? "....Tony Stark!" "Don't yell at Tony!" James snapped. "you know he doesn't like it! besides it was my fault for leaving him unattended." "Don't defend him! now i'll never be allowed in the Louvre again!" ah, so Steve didn't care that Tony actually did it, only that he had been caught and they where now all banned. being as how Steve had a thing for art it was bound to be upsetting that he was now banned from an art exhibit.
“He really is. It’ll be good for him. His ego needs it every once in awhile.”Laci said before smiling a little. “Good.”laci smiled pleased with ambroise’s words before grinning. “Well, okay. I like it to.”She agreed before watching the others as scott got them in the air, amused that tony wasn’t even whining that he wasn’t getting to fly now. “N-no, it’s okay. I id get him bad you know.”Tony sai, even if his shoulders were hunched up and he looked moments away from a meltdown for getting yelled at by captain america. Before frowning a ltitle. “Yes you will. I own this amazing art collection. I’ll have pepper donate something, and we can go back. It’s not the first time people have tried to ban me from the louvre, just the most recent.”
"yeah it does." Johnny agreed with a laugh before watching the boys, mostly curious. he didn't care much for the yelling either but he had to be brave for Ambroise. "it's not okay." James grumbled, protecting his bonded from a perceived attack. "....well... as long as i get to go back." Steve decided before pointing at Tony. "but we have chilren int he house now and you need to start setting better examples." he scolded, shaking his finger at Tony. "what are you going to do when your little man starts doing these things?" he wondered, looking amused now before blinking when he realized that Ambroise had eaten his fill and gone to sleep leaning against Johnny who looked very stunned that Ambroise trusted him so much already.
“I’m okay. He can yell.”Tony muttered even if he leaned into james a little, hiding from steve a bit. Even if he knew steve wouldn’t hurt him, it still upset him. Before snorting. “You will. Don’t worry. And...well. They don’t really look up to me do they?I mean, they have you. And james. And johnny. Laci. Scott....gambit.they don’t need me.”Tony frowne looking anxious at the idea as he slid into the seat, indeed looking very, very anxious and upset at the idea of children being near him. Actually starting to panic again as he thought about his own childhood.
"no. he's not allowed to yell. yelling makes too many people upset." "your right. i'm sorry. i won't yell." Steve promised. "of course they look up to you Tony." Steve said with a smile. "hell, i look up to you. if our kids grow up to be even half the man you re, i'll be satisfied knowing they're great kids." he admitted. "your a good man Tony, and a great influence... so long as your not drawing on the glass protection cases at museums and blowing things up." he admitted with a grin. "but i'm sure we can teach the kids to not do that." he admitted with a smile. "your a wonderful father Tony and don't let anyone tell you differently."
“...Oh. Okay.”Tony frowned at the idea before growling at the other. “Don’t sound so sure. I was so not a great kid.”he grumble even as he settled in to brood about it. Because it wasn’t manly enough to call it pouting as he thought.

Later Laci smiled a little as she gently shook Ambroise awake. “Hey mon coco, you want to come in and see your room?And the rest of the space?”She asked smiling a little because she knew natasha and pepper had stayed up most of the night to get a bedroom ready for the kid next to her and johnny’s. And wasn’t that awesome, she loved her friends.
"no Tony. you where a great kid. your father was the one who was terrible." Steve stated simply. "you forget, i knew Howard personally. he was a dick and never should have had guardianship of anyone, let alone a kid." Steve admitted, smiling at Tony. "your an amazing guy Tony and we're all grateful to have you with us."

A,broise stirred and blinked awake and looked around, trying to orient himself. "did i miss the whole plane ride?" he asked, sulking. "don't worry. you'll get another chance." Johnny promised him. he was very anxious to get everyone Inside where it was safe. he had put his headphones back on and Jarvis had kept him mostly calm but he wanted to be safe again. "i get my own room?" Ambroise asked, looking surprised and Johnny resisted the urge to turn the plane around and go back to strangle that dirty slut for mistreating his son like that! "you didn't have a room?" "no. i slept in Mama's room. i had my own bed though." he promised. "well you'll have you own room here, but we'll be very close by if ou get frightened okay?" Johnny promised. "okay."
“Don’t worry. Tony likes flying, and as long as you ask permission before hand, from us, I’m sure he’d be more then happy to let you fly with him.”Laci smiled ruffling the boy’s hair, herding them all inside, gently touching johnny’s hand as he tensed. Stroking his arm absently, both reassuring them that they were safe, and that he couldn’t go strangle apolloine. “Well, you have a awesome room here. All rooms are awesome here.”Tony chirped looking excited as he headed in, looking eager to make sure the boy liked his room, even if it’d been pepper and natasha who’d set it up. “And Jarvis is just a word away, if you need anything.”Laci promised. “Jarvis?This isambroise.” “Hello Ambroise.”Jarvis said as they headed for laci and johnny’s floor.
"okay!" Ambroise agreed, looking very happy at the idea of being able to go flying again. Johnny sighed and relaxed and pouted at Laci a little. it was so not fair. he wanted to go strangle the woman. "how do you mk them all awesome?" Ambroise asked, wide eyed and curious and eager to learn things that weren't related to boring things like math and business. "...where is he?" Ambroise asked, trying to find the scourse of the voice. "is he invisible? d you have a invisible superhero?" "no. Sue's a girl and she's not here right now." Johnny admitted with a smile. "Jarvis is a computer. he runs the whole house so be nice to him." "that's wicked cool!" Ambroise admitted.
"You don't need arrested."she muttered kissing him lightly, watching tony interact with the two of them. "Cause I'm just awesome. Lots of stuff and coolness happens here."tony said smiling a little."nope. Just a really awesome AI. If you ever need anything, just ask jarvis."Laci said smiling as they opened the door and stepped into the bedroom across from hers and johnnys.
"sure i do. it's not like they'll keep me arrested for very long." he admitted, shaking his head a little. "stuff and coolness? does Bruce Banner live here? he's the coolest!" Ambroise admitted, bouncing up and down. "hi Jarvis! it's nice to meet you!" he called before blinking at the massive room, looking up at Tony, shocked. "is... is it really mine?" he asked, looking rather floored. "i can really have this whole room?"
“They totally would.”She said looking amused pressing a kiss to the other’s cheek before looking at the betrayed look on tony’s face. “What?Brucie?I’m awesome!”Tony whined before huffign. “Yes, he does live here. Jarvis, will you tell the good doctor he’s required?” “Of course sir.”Jarvis said sounding amused. Looking down at ambroise tony smiled. “Yep. And you can even paint it however you want.” “We’ll take you to get stuff if you want soon.”Laci promised smiling a little.
Ambroise blinked at Tony. "you make machines though, that's so boring, i hate making machines, i like biology! biology is amazing!" he said, babbling on about things that made Johnny's head spin. his son was clearly a genius. where he got that from he had no idea because he wasn't and his mother sure as hell wasn't... well, no. Johnny was amazing with numbers. did that count as Genius? he was startled when Ambroise suddenly burst into tears, overwhelmed by how much nicer all of these people where. he got to have his own room, he could eat what he wanted and he could even pick his own colors. it was too overwhelming for a boy whose soul purpose in life before this was to stay out of his mothers way and study business and law so he could someday claim Johnny's businesses and keep his mother happy.
“...It is not!I make so much better things then biology. But me and you, we’ll do lab time with bruce, he’s a responsible adult. He’ll know how to be with a kid.”Tony decided, pleased with the decision, before bolting as soon as the tears started. Yep, definitely not what he was good at. “Hey, hey. You’re okay.Come here, mon coco.”Laci muttered crouching down, wrapping her arms around the small boy, rubbing his back before looking up at johnny, holding out a hand and mouthing the words ‘bluebell’ she wanted some flame, soft flame to distract the boy. And upset she didn’t know how to fix this more.
he shook his head. "i don't like building things. it never goes right." he admitted with a sulk. "and then mama hits me for making a mess..." he jumped, startled when Johnny actually growled. "he sniffled and stepped into Laci's arms, only crying harder because she actually held him instead of slapping him for wasting time and annoying his mother by crying. Johnny nodded, kneeling down and set a bluebell flame on the boy's shoulder, smiling when he was distracted by the flames, gently picking them up, still crying because he was so happy. he clutched the bluebell flames and cried himself to sleep, Johnny sighing a little. "he's just overwhelmed." Phil informed them as he walked in. "Tony said he was crying, thought i'd come and check on you." he admitted. "Nat and Clint both cried too, when they found out they got to sleep on a bed and eat whenever they wanted and wouldn't be hurt anymore. he's just relieved and happy, he'll settle down soon enough."
“Ah, well I make lots of messes. We’ll make plenty of messes. I have bots to clean up, we’ll be okay.”Tony said ruffling the boy’s hair before leaving. “Shush, you’re okay.”Laci reassured, shifting to sit down with the boy in her lap, smiling a little as he was distracted by the flames, relaxing. “Oh. Good. Good to know.”She muttered smiling a little, looking up at phil before looking at johnny, shifting to get up holding ambroise. “Come on, let’s put him to bed, and get some sleep ourselves. We’ll need it.”she smiled a little as she laid him down in the bed, gently stroking his hair out of his face.
it wasn't long before Ambroise had settled in happily with them, and even took to making tech with Tony with a much greater ease than anyone, himself included, could have expected. he settled into life there so fluidly they weren't sure he hadn't always been there working with Tony on something that exploded behind blast proof windows or watching Bruce intently as he personally tutored the boy in biology, chemistry and other such things. with Ambroise there, Johnny's recovery skyrocketed and now he could go outside without even flinching, watching Ambroise run around and laughing in a park was the best thing ever, and knowing he could walk into the clothing show with the dresses that Laci and Gambit had made and do what he had been planning now for months, was enough to make him want to fly.... if he could just... get the damn tie... to do as he ordered. "Ambroise! why can't i do this!?" Johnny whined, sulking at the six year old who had tied his tie perfectly. "...because your a poor excuse for a rich man?" "....haha. funny." "i thought so." "you've been hanging around Clint again haven't you?" "he said he'd make me a bow!" oh... that's just what they needed. a smart mouthed genius with a bow. joy. he was going to kill Clint. "that's great! go get your mother." he ordered. "see if she can't fix this mess." Ambroise laughed and scampered off to find his Mère. he had delighted in calling her Mère, Mother, and Maman. just like he delighted in calling Johnny Père, Dad and Papa. "Maman! Père needs help with his tie!" Ambroise announced, flouncing into her room. "he has made a mess of things! alo, i think i got Uncle Clint in trouble."
“Hm?”Laci looked up from the book she’d been nervously reading, the fashion book laying across her knees, tilting her head a little as she sat it aside, looking amused. “Well, he never was any good at it. Come on, let’s go help him then.”She smiled before snorting. “Don’t worry about it, I already talked to tony, and he promised you’d have a small bow that’s perfect. Not dangerous at all.”She promised, amused that reckless insane tony, was the one who nearly obsessively checked with anyone and everyone, sometimes even more then once, about things he wanted to do with ambroise or make with him. So the fact she’d heard about the bow before johnny, wasn’t really a surprise. Getting up, she reste a hand on his shoulder, letting the boy help her walk. While she was steady and able to walk, she was still getting her strength back. “You having problems, storm?”Laci tease as she stepped into the room, stepping close and gently carefully redoing his tie. “There.”
Ambroise giggled a little. "i know." he admitted. "Uncle Tony asked me if i'd like it after he checked with everyone else. he's silly." he admitted even though he adored Tony and Bruce. well, he adored everyone really even if he thought most of the tower was insane. he adored being able to help his Mère walk, even if she wouldn't need to anymore soon, he loved being able to help. he liked to make her bed and wash the dishes too. little things just to help, to show how much he loved and appreciated them. "no i'm not having problems! ties are the denizens of the Dark Deep and you have a son who is the master of them all!" he sulked and Ambroise started to laugh. "are you excited?" he asked Laci with a smile. "since you put Gambit's name on as your personal assistant and told him he was going t be credited with their creations too he's been hiding under the bed and refuses to let Scott talk him out." he admitted with a chuckle. "he's so shy it's adorable."
"He's very silly, but being silly is good for him sometimes."Laci said looking amused, smiling at hI'm as he helped her walk. Even if she would be walking on her own soon enough, she knew she'd still need help with alot of things. Her boys were amazing for it. "Thanks money coco."she muttered as she leaned against johnny a little as she worked on his tie, laughing a little."I think not. I think your just all thumbs. No idea what to do with your fingers."she teased with a small smirk before laughing."I am. Nervous to."she said before snorting."he deserves credit. For awhile there he was the only one working on them. I feel bad for scotf, he called up in a panic cause bit's under the bed. Told him to bribe him with kisses."she looked amused shifting away."bit come on, we better be going. The others are probably waiting."
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