Taming the Storm(lady/moon)

Gambit grimaced. "not if he doesn't notice." he mumbled.

Johnny hesitated, chewing on his lip, wondering if he could really make it home without Laci. but if she went Outside she wouldn't be safe. but Tony would be there. then again Tony wasn't safe Outside. but Jarvis would be there, and Jarvis couldn't be hurt. and if Jarvis was there he could protect Laci and Tony. finally he nodded. "yeah. want Laci." he mumbled. it would be okay. Jarvis would keep them all safe while they where Outside. it was a very good thing that Johnny didn't realize Jesse was in the cells below the manor, locked in the same set of rooms that contained other powerful psychic mutants at one time. she couldn't get out or use her powers but that wouldn't matter much to Johnny, he'd freak out if he knew she was there, so it was a good thing everyone was very, very careful not to mention anything about there even being a prisoner. thankfully they could be leaving soon and Johnny would calm down and they could all work on recovering again.
“Okay, I’ll get laci to you. They’ll be here soon.”Scott promised, smiling a little as the other as he made the call.

“Johnny?”laci wheeled into the room, looking worried as she moved over towards him. “Sweetheart?”She said sounding anxious and worried about him even as scott and gambit said their goodbyes. “Ready to go, fireboy?”Tony said walking in, mostly suited up, the gauntlets on, having been warned johnny was freaking out, so he suited up to get them both here safe, even if he knew he was simply making sure for johnny’s peace of mind, that they were okay.
Johnny had been snuggling Scott and Gambit but as soon as Laci was there he was by her side, fussing over her and making unsure she was okay and that nothing had happened on her journey. "yes. i want to go Inside." he admitted. "i want to go home. it's nice here, but i like Home better." he admitted. he'd mostly checked out so he wasn't exactly thinking straight. being with the boys had allowed him to slip himself into a subspace so Gambit was hopeful if they could keep Johnny down far enough, he wouldn't even notice they where going 'Outside'. they just had to keep him calm and maybe everything would be okay. he looked very happy to see that Tony was covered in armor, armor that Jarvis controlled, Jarvis would keep them safe. Gambit looked very unhappy that he had caused so much trouble for everyone.
"Okay let's go then. Come on sweetheart."Laci smiled saying quiet goodbyes to Charles as she led johnny out to the jet, getting him settled as she gently stroked his hair."you're safe. Well. You're going home. I wouldn't exactly call letting tony fly safe."she snickered at tony's indignant squawk from the front as they rose up and started flying."you okay?"scott muttered as he sat down next to gambit looking worried about the other
Johnny nodded, waved goodbye to Charley and let them settle him in the Jet. where Jarvis was. Jarvis who was safe and would keep the Outside out. "...Tony's flying?" Johnny asked, startled before looking a lot more hesitant about being in there. "i'm... feeling guilty." he admitted. "if i hadn't left..." he shook his head. "it's all my fault that Johnny's so terrified right now." Gambit admitted, watching as sneaky sneaky Natasha carefully sedated Johnny just enough to keep him completely calm. he spent the flight nuzzling Laci's knee, just sitting there, drugged and in a subspace this was the happiest he'd been since before Apolline. he made the flight without any issue and was more than content to just go to bed once they got back to the Tower. Gambit sighed a little and headed inside, more than anticipating getting yelled at. he knew he was going to be yelled at for causing so much trouble.
“Yea, tony’s flying.”Laci snickered a little, stroking the other’s hair.”Don’t worry, he can fly. Scott’s overseeing it.”She promised keeping him calm, smiling as he nuzzled her. “Don’t. He was upset before, he needed to try going outside. This was a good as reason as any.”She sighed softly. “You okay?”Tony looked up at gambit as laci and johnny headed for bed, worried enough that he wasn’t going to be yelling just yet.
"okay." Johnny mumbled, settling down a little more at the promise that Scott was watching over them. "this was a terrible reason to force him to go outside." Gambit huffed, shaking his head a little. "i'm fine." Gambit admitted with a sigh. "i just feel....coupable. tout cela est de ma faute." Gambit admitted with a sigh. "you're going to yell, yes?" he asked pouting. "i was being stupide . Je était un lâche étant." Gambit admitted with a sigh. "i did not want to have a broken heart." he admitted, looking at Tony. "i'll let you yell at me in the morning, yes?"
Tony paused, staring at teh man as he translated, shaking his head. “No, but I’m going to say if you ever leave without talking to scott or johnny again, I might smack you.”Tony scolded lightly, shaking his head. “Go get some rest. I’ll keep watch on the others.”Tony smiled a little watching them go, settling in with his book and james to keep watch on the others.
"convenu." Gambit agreed with a flinch. "yeah. okay. i'll talk to Scott or Johnny next time." Gambit agreed before smiling at Tony. "you need to sleep too Tony." he ordered, kissing Tony's forehead before wandering off after Scott. James chuckled a little as he settled into comfortable positions, head on Tony's lap as he played with a Tablet. "you take good care of us." he admitted with a smile, looking up at Tony. "how about Sex tonight?" he asked. "i'm horny." he admitted.
“I’ll sleep.Go.”Tony said looking amused before laughing at James. “Well, I guess sex would keep me awake to watch over everyone. Let’s.”he snickered a little as he gave in.

A few weeks later Tony whined as he poked Johnny in the shoulder, tilting his head as he watched scott and laci across the room, the mutant helping her start to walk again, even if she looked like a hours old colt on trembling legs as she let the other support her. “Rings. I have your rings. Are you going to give them to her yet?”Tony whined, sulking because he knew laci would like to be married, and because well, he was still worried about johnny, and getting him to focus on something but his fear of outside was good.
Johnny flinched at the sudden poke but didn't freak out the way he would have a few weeks ago. he had taken a pretty nasty backslide but now he was actually going out onto the Balconies. while it was Outside it was still mostly safe so he was pressing his limits in a more controlled manner. "you have the rings?" Johnny asked, startled. "i thought... she, got rid of them!" he admitted. he must not have remembered hiding the rings. "can i have them back?" he asked, looking very eager. he was not looking to today's Outside session. yesterdays had been bad and once he was done he had hidden under the bed for three hours. but it was better than the screaming and sobbing he'd done when they first started. he was definitely improving. any excuse to pretend to forget about his session was going to be leaped upon. not that Scott or Gambit would let him forget, let alone Bruce but he could try. that and he really wanted to propose to Laci. they where broken, but they where good together and he loved her.
"I do. You hide them ay coney island, and Scott went and got them after. Wasn't sure if you'd want them or not..."tony said looking worried about the other. Because while he knew johnny loved her, wanted her still, he wasn't sure if the man would be able to handle being married, though really they already acted married."they're down in the lab."
"oh. i hadn't realized." Johnny admitted, smiling at Tony. "i do want them please." he admitted, fidgeting. he was terrified at the idea of being married, but, he wanted to be as well, desperately. so he'd just set the wedding ahead a few years and by then, hopefully, they'd be ready. "ab." Johnny agreed, already heading for the lab, ignoring Natasha's warning that he had better be back up for his session. they worked with Laci on walking and then they worked with Johnny on his trauma. either by just sitting and talking with him about it or sitting outside with him or whatever Laci could talk him into doing. it had been a while since he'd been outside so he knew he was going to be going out on the Balcony today if he couldn't distract them or hide. he hated hiding though, because it upset her. "Sirs. there is a call from the French police on the line asking for Johnny." Jarvis piped up, Johnny looking surprised. "the French police?" he asked, worried. "Yes Sir." "Do they say what they want?" "i will ask Sir." there was a pause and then. "they say that it is about the arrest of a Ms, Apolline Bellerose." Jarvis reported.

Johnny scowled darkly. "she must want me to bail her out. thinks i'll go crawling back because she thinks i think she's still my bondmate. well i'll tell her exactly what i thin of her!" he hissed, storming for a phone and plucking it off the wall, speaking in rapid french before pausing, looking started. there was a long, half hour conversation in which he went paler and paler and sounded more and more petrified before he just dropped the phone and wandered off to go hide under the bed. thankfully the other person had already hung up so Johnny hadn't left mid conversation. whatever had been said had left him petrified though. Gambit, who had followed the conversation easily, looked very troubled too. "Apolline was arrested for supreme neglect of a six year old male child." Jarvis reported. "the child's name is Ambroise. the French Police report that Apolline claimed Ambroise was Johnny's child and they want Johnny to go to France for a paternity test and transfer of guardianship."
“Yea, let’s go.”Tony said grinning a little as he stood up, pausing when jarvis spoke. Frowning a little. “Johnny?”laci turned looking up at him, poking Scott until teh man helped her over to him, looking worried even as she hovered close. Glancing at gambit when johnny left, looking anxious. “W-what?”she stuttered looking shocked, swallowing thickly. “I...” “Come on. Let’s get you to johnny.”Scott muttered picking her up before moving into the bedroom, leaving here that. “Johnny?”Laci said quietly as she eased down to the floor, looking worried as she glanced under the bed.
Johnny refused to move out from under the bed but he did turn to face her. "i have a son. and Apolline tortured him like she tortured me and i didn't even know he existed." he whispered. "i can't be a father. i'll be a terrible father. i'm all broken and destroyed, i'll break him. i can't help him but i don't want him to go into the system. i just don't know what to do." he whispered. "i have to go to France but i can't because i'm too scared...." he looked at her, eyes wide. "i have a son..." he whispered. "i don't know how to deal with this. are you angry with me? i swear i didn't know." he begged her not to be angry with him. he had a son. oh god. he had a son. with a horrible name. oh god. he didn't know what was happening! he didn't know what to do at all. he whimpered and curled up into a tighter ball. trying to block out the world because this was just crap.
Laci sighed softly, laying down, before awkwardly crawling under with him, “I know. She ran away. That’s not your fault.”She muttered. “You wont be horrible. You’ll be amazing you know. I....we wanted kids right?Someday? Well, someday is sooner then we expected, is all. Besides, the super boys have babies. At least we have a child.”She muttered looking upset and worried about him, before shaking her head. “I know you didn’t know. And no, I’m not angry. Scared, cause I’m not good. Definitely don’t deserve kids, but....we can try right? We can be good parents.”She muttered before she was so, so scared of messing up. She hadn’t even considered wanting kids, because she was so scared of being her parents."We'll take Steve, and natasha, and tony and james. no one can get past them. we'd all be safe. when we go."
he hesitated before opening up to her, uncurling his body and wrapping himself around her, snuggling her because she was warmth and safety and made sense. "yeah. i wanted kids." he agreed. "but Apolline didn't and you never said so i just assumed you didn't because no one ever does anymore." he mumbled. "your perfect." he promised her with a smile. "we do deserve a kid..." he hesitated. "what if i can't take proper care of him?" he asked, looking worried. "yeah... yeah... and Scott and Gambit because they're amazing." he agreed trembling already at the idea of having to go outside. he wouldn't abandon Ambroise, he couldn't. not when he could finally have a child. especially when the boy was probobly going to really need some care and affection. and a better name, seriously, Ambroise? freaking french bitch, naming his son. ugh. he'd have to talk to Ambroise and see if he wanted to change his name first of course but he'd totally let the other keep it if he wanted to. oh god he was going to be a terrible parent.
"Oh...i...I want them always had with you. Even when we weren't getting along...I just...didn't know how to ask."she said blushing as she considered him before smiling."I'm sure you can take good care of him. I mean, we have two super soldiers, two...three ex assassins, bruce and the two mutant lovebirds. I think between us all we can figure out how to take care of a kid."Laci said smiling a little."yea they're amazing.she agreed."you feel like coming out now?"
he brightened a lot at the assurance that she'd wanted kids too. "well good. then Ambroise will be living with us from now on." he decided. "even if i'm a terrible father, he'll have the rest of the avengers to take proper good care of him." he decided with a smile before shaking his head. "no. i don't want to. you'll make me go outside." he grumbled, sulking as he snuggled her, pressing his face into her, like a little kid hiding. "please don't make me go outside."
“”Yea, he will be. And we’ll be okay. I mean, we have to parent tony most of the time. He’s like perfect practice for having a kid around.”She pointed out, before smiling a little, shifting to get comfortable, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Kay. We’ll stay here. Though we have to go get him, remember?Which means going outside.”She said though she knew jarvis was getting the others ready to go, so that they could leave as soon as johnny was ready.
he nodded. "yeah that's true." he agreed softly. "he is a lot of practice. and we're good with the babies. they don't hate us at any rate." he didn't think so anyway. "yeah. stay here for a while." he mumbled, not looking forward to having to go all the way to France. it had been hell trying to make it to D.C. it only took him two hours to decide he was ready to go this time though and soon he was huddled in his chair in the jet, trembling violently as they took off. he had earphones in his ears because someone, he wasn't sure who, had discovered that Jarvis made him feel better, so through the earphones Jarvis was reading him one of Johnny's favorite books. it was already making the process so much less frightening. he was still petrified but he wasn't close to the meltdown he had been on the way to Xavier's.
“Yea, they don’t.”She agreed smiling a little. Looking upset and worried as the other flew. Looking worried about him as she watched him. It hurt to see him like this. Gently stroking a hand through his hair as they arrived at the police station, laci swallowed thickly, gently tugging a earbud out of his ear, pressing a kiss to his cheek as scott parked the car. “Come on. We have to go, sweetheart. Ambroise is waiting.”He said looking anxious and worried as scott helped her into her wheelchair. While she could walk, it still hurt, and she wanted johnny focusing on his son, not her.
Johnny smiled at her, strained but trying to comfort her as he nuzzled her hand, struggling to keep himself calmed down. "can't...." Johnny whispered. "i can't.... it's Outside...." "hold on." Steve smiled at Johnny. "i'll go check, and i'll take Jay with me." he promised, indicating his phone, which was now glowing with a blue Sims gem. like from the game The Sims, the little blue diamond that floated over their heads. Jarvis had strangely decided that he liked it and had used it to show when he was in someone's tech. "come on Tony, we'll go down and talk to the police and see what's going on." he decided, Gambit following them, speaking to the police for Steve and Tony in fast paced french, explaining to the police that Johnny had been kidnapped, raped and had his own body turned against him and that he needed a moment to calm down. "The police said they can speak to him in the jet if it would make Johnny more comfortable. they ran a background check on Johnny but they are taking this very seriously and wish to speak to him personally about Ambroise's care." Gambit explained. "it's standard in cases like this. the person who will be talking to Johnny does speak English." he promised. Steve nodded and headed back inside to talk to Johnny about it. it took a long moment but finally Johnny agreed that in the jet was fine but only if Laci and Gambit could stay. Laci because she was going to be raising Ambroise too and Gambit because he spoke french. fortunately the police where more than okay with that.
“Okay...I know. It’s okay. We’ll wait here for a moment. Tony and Jay are going with him. They’ll be safe.”laci muttered smiling a little as tony followed the other’s out. The billionaire looking thoughtful as they talked, frowning a little. Glad to know that the police was willing to work with them before nodding, as they led them back inside. “See, you’ll be fine. We’ll be okay.”Laci soothed, looking amused as scott and tony stepped out to go get some food for them, as the police came in. “Hello.”Laci said looking worried and nervous about talking to the police. “I’m Laci, and this is johnny.”
"good morning Miss." the officer said with a smile. "i'm Officer DelRoso. it's nice to meet you. i'm amazed you where able to get here so fast. we where expecting you to need to take a few days to arrange for the flight." "Tony, he's my friend. he has private jets." Johnny explained. "he got us here." "i see. i've heard your having some problems?" "i'm off my nut you mean? a little, but i'm getting better. they keep making me go outside. it sucks, but it's getting better." "until then, do you have plans for Ambroise to be able to go outside?" "of course. Steve and James, Tony and Natasha go out with their kids every day. and Gambit and Scott will take him out to the park to play too until i can do it myself. there are days where i can't stand to let anyone else outside, because i get scared that... i'm not sure really, i just get really scared that they won't come back i guess. but it doesn't last too long anymore." he admitted." "hmm. and you are working on recovering from this?" "yes. i'm told i'm already doing better." "he doesn't scream when he walks out the door anymore. he's definitely doing better." "i never screamed." Johnny said, scowling at Gambit who raised an eyebrow. "it was manly whimpers of terror. not screaming." both Gambit and the police officer snorted at that.

"alright then. have you ever cared for children before?" "i've volunteered at hospitals and such but i've never actually raised a child before. but a lot of the people in the tower have, and they're going to help me." Johnny admitted. "and your financially able to take care of a child?" "....i'm almost as rich as Tony Stark is. yeah i can give him what he needs and some of what he wants." "...not all that he wants?" "well, no. i want to raise a well adjusted member of a family, not a spoiled brat. i am pretty sure that... woman, didn't spare a second glance at him so for the first week, or month, or years anything i give him will be almost overwhelming for him." "...you'd be right." the officer admitted with a sigh. "he had a lot of very fancy clothes, but nothing to play in. he had dozens of learning books but nothing fun to read and there was no sign at all of any toys. the child is extraordinarily bright but he's been emotionally stunted and neglected." "that's okay. we're used to socially troubled genius." Johnny admitted. "both myself and Tony can be classified as such." Johnny admitted, looking more and more calm and focused with every question.

"why have you never tried to claim custody before now?" "because i didn't know he existed. that woman left me after she drove me so hard into depression that i tried to kill myself. she gave no warning, left no note and took everything she could from my bank accounts." he admitted. "i was too busy getting over extreme depression to wonder why she left. i always assumed Sue, my sister, had words with her." he admitted. "i never knew that woman was pregnant." "why do you refer to her as such?" "because she led me to believe that she was my bonded." the police officer sucked in a stunned breath through his teeth. that was extremely taboo. it wasn't illegal because it was hard to prove and the like, but to lead someone on like that when they knew otherwise.... that was horrible. "alright. i think i can be content knowing you ave guardianship over Ambroise. shall i go and fetch him?" "y....yes... do... do you think..." "i think he'll like you very much." DelRoso assured Johnny with a smile.

the Police officer left and ten minutes later he came back up with a little boy who sat down at the table Johnny and Laci where sitting in and laid his head on his arms and just stared at Johnny while the police officer watched. Johnny grinned, he knew exactly what that was. one of the things Apolline hated most, had been slouching. not sitting straight in your chair. the little boy had a will of his own and he was telling the world so. Ambroise's eyes went wide when Johnny leaned forward, cupped his hands and rested his chin in them and planted his elbows firmly on the table. Apolline hated elbows on the table. the boy looked startled, then amazed and then a wide smile stretched across his lips. it was all the confirmation Ambroise needed that these people where a lot different than he was used to, and that was good.
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