Taming the Storm(lady/moon)

"Yea he did." "When?"scott looked totally lost. "About 6?I was heading to bed."tony frowned a little before nodding, wincing a little."yea he was." "Dammit..mi have to...do something."Scott frowned looking anxious and upset as he considered what could have happened, and not even realizing it wss because of him. He was focusing on gambit, and was gonna hurt whoever upset him
"seriously?" he asked, looking very upset now himself before he shook his head. "this is because i had sex with Scott isn't it?" he asked Tony, looking very upset. "he thought he'd lost any chance he had with Scott so he left..." Johnny had to sit down. he didn't like that Gambit was gone. they couldn't protect him if he was gone. they couldn't keep him safe if he was gone!
“Yea.”Tony muttered before wincing, nodding a little. “yea. Probably.” “Well. That’s....I didn’t mean to sleep with you both....I mean...”Scott trailed off looking upset and worried as he looked at johnny, upset that the other was upset. “Don’t worry. I’ll go get him. I’ll make sure he’s safe, Johnny.”He promised worried about the other. Wanting to leave right that moment, but not wanting to leave johnny so upset.
"it's fine, Scott. we know you didn't. i think Gambit just..." here Johnny looked hesitant and very frantic and then. "Gambit's been in love with you for a good while now, and before he knew he could never hav you because he thought you where one hundred percent straight and when you had sex with me, even if we didn't actually have sex we where there together and touching and stuff, i think he figured that he just... hasn't got any chance because you don't like him or something..." Johnny admitted. he knew Gambit well enough to guess what the mutant was thinking. "No! no! you can't go outside!" Johnny shrieked, completely freaking out. "it's not safe! it's not safe out there!" he gasped, trembling wildly, terrified as he clung to Scott's shirt because outside was a very bad place to be... but Gambit was 'outside'... he needed to go get Gambit. but Scott would be in danger if they did that... only one thing to do. "okay. okay. we'll both go. i'll keep you safe and you keep me safe and we'll get Gambit and come back Inside where it's safe."
“dammit. I didn’t....I hadn’t really...”Scott growled sounding frustrated because despite their coaching and easing him into it, he hadn’t really been giving any thought to being gay, or bi-sexual. Until that moment when he’d pulled johnny into a kiss, he hadn’t thought he could see a guy like that, even though now that he thought things over, he realized he’d been pretty much dating gambit for weeks. “Dammit....”He cursed. “It’s okay. Just go explain, he’ll understand.”Laci muttered patting his arm, startling at johnny’s reaction. “W-”Scott startled looking at johnny, wrapping a arm around him, holing him close. “It’s not, but I can take care of myself.”he said looking worrie, before upset, “Are you sure? I can go myself, Johnny.”he said worried even as he straightened. “If you’re sure, let’s go. If we go now, we can be there in a few hours and back soon.”
Johnny shook his head. "i never thought about how Gambit might take it..." Johnny admitted, biting his lip, chewing on it, rather upset. "Gambit's a good guy. he'll be okay, he'll understand... he might sulk for a while but he won't be angry." Johnny decided. he hoped to god that was true. he hoped he hadn't ruined everything. "no. no i have to go with. i have to keep you safe." Johnny stuttered, so terrified of the idea that he was shaking like a leaf, but he had that expression on his face that said 'i am doing this and no one, not even me, is gonna talk me out of it'. so, he climbed into the car next to Scott because he didn't trust himself to drive and trembled the entire way there though he was starting to calm once they got there and was Inside where Charles could protect them.
“Yea...”Scott sighed softly, before nodding.”I hope he will be. Really.”he said smiling slightly, before nodding slowly. “okay. I’ll keep us both safe then.”He said smiling a little as they left, worried about the other.

Looking up when they walked in, scott looked around a little frantically, searching for gambit, as if he expected the man to be waiting for them, before looking at johnny. “You want to sit down, or help me search for gambit?”he asked even as they headed for the professor’s office, knowing the man would know where gambit was.
Johnny was still trembling a lot once they made it to Charles office and he settled at Charlie's legs, curled up and huddled there, just taking comfort in the fact that Charlie could protect him. it would take him a good hour or three before he was feeling okay to move again. Gambit, as it turned out, was in his room, packing because he was going to move back to New Orleans. he didn't say why, but Charles was able to tell that Gambit figured if he was going to be miserable for the rest of his life he might as well live in a place that made him miserable. if Scott hurried he could get there before Gambit finished. Johnny sure as hell wasn't going anywhere, he'd been pushed to his limit.
“Stay. You’ll be safe here, and I’ll go talk to him.”Scott smiled kissing johnny’s forehead, trusting charles to look after him as he rushed upstairs, knocking on the door. “Bit?Open up. Please.”Scott said sounding a little panicked, her voice starting to show the panic that had started to grow even as they got to the school. Scare and worried for his friend,”Bit?”
Johnny nodded and smiled as Scott ran off, looking up at Charles. "you don't mind?" he asked hopefully.

there was a long pause and then a sniffle and the sound of a hurried nose blowing and it was obvious that Gambit was trying to hide that he had been crying when he opened the door. his eyes where red, his nose was red and he looked rather wet eyed yet. "Scott? what are you doing here?" he asked, sounding confused, hurt, and a little angry. he wanted to go away and live his life, miserable and Scott was getting in the way of that.
“No, I don’t. Relax. There’s a few books on the shelves that you might find interesting, if you feel like reading.”Charles said smiling a little.

Scott winced at the sound, resting his head against the door, before looking down at the other, swallowing thickly. “You left. Without me. Or talking to me. Had to come get you, otherwise you were going to do something stupid, and stupid things aren’t allowed. Not when they upset me and laci. So. You have to come back.”Scott said fidgety and upset, trying to figure out how to say something, before he noticed something, having not realized it before. “....your mark’s darkening.”He said as his eyes zeroed in on the other’s mark.
Johnny smiled at him, nuzzled Charles knee and then settled in for a nap, just resting because being scared all the time was exhausting.

Gambit frowned a little, confused. "well. yes. i left. i... i just don't belong there. i feel out of place. i'm not built for places like this." he didn't have the right to be happy. "i'm going home Scott. i've put it off for too long." he admitted with a sigh before wincing and yanked his shirt down so his 'tramp stamp' was covered. "it doesn't matter. what are you even doing here?" he demanded, heading deeper into his room and hoping Scott wouldn't follow because Gambit wasn't sure he could keep the tears back anymore. everything was always about Laci after all and while he loved Laci, it hurt knowing that he was always going to take second place to her. which was why he was leaving, because he wasn't sure he could stand seeing that day in and day out.
“You belong there. You were having fun. We-we were having fun.”Scott said sounding off step and hurt, not sure if hewas doing this right, and knowing he was failing. “....Why? You want me to go with? I mean, I want to be there with you. We’ll go, if you really want to.”Scott said looking annoyed that the other was hiding his mark, not even realizing he was rubbing at his own, the simple sun design on his shoulder having darkened, amazingly enough just the edge sof a playing card was starting to fill in, two marks, for two different people. “I came to get you. And to apologize....I didn’t...johnny asked to watch me and laci....I hadn’t known I was going to touch johnny to....I....”He trailed off, looking so lost, hanging his head.”Sorry....”
he shook his head a little. how could Scott not understand!? "don't you get it!? that's the problem!" Gambit finally cried out, tears starting up again. "all you ever talk about, all you ever see, the only person you care about is Laci and i can't keep taking second place to her! i don't care that you love her more than me but i can't keep trailing after you, hoping you might notice me someday!" he said, trying to wipe the tears away. "i don't want to watch you be with other people anymore!" he whispered, sitting down on the bed. "my heart can't take it. i can't stand watching you love everyone but me anymore."
“I didn’t. Not until this morning. When you were gone.”Scott hung his head, swallowing thickly, shaking his head. “What?No...it can’t be....I mean....she’s important, but...I don’t like her more then you. She was just....safer to like then you. I knew she didn’t love me, and while I didn’t know you loved me...I...it was safe. I’m tired of being safe....I didn’t know I was until you were gone....”He hung his head, edging closer, before rolling up his sleeve to show the other the card that was slowly darkening his skin. “And I thought I was the last one to realize we were dating. Seems to be you though. So, care to join me on the list of people who know what’s going on?”
he shook his head. "so, what. i' gone and you just suddenly decide what?!" he demanded, shaking his head. "your an asshole!" Gambit hissed, wiping his eyes again. "you just can't make up your fucking mind! it was fine when i thought you where completely straight! i thought it didn't matter because you'd just never like me the way i wanted you to, but then you go and have an orgy with Johnny and i realized it was just me!" he sniffled and blinked at the mark, stunned by the little card showing up on his marking. "...is that because of me?" he asked, his head tilted, wiping his eyes again. "we've been dating?" he asked, looking surprised, sniffling again and stroking the mark. "but i don't know what's going on." he admitted. "so you have to explain it to me a little more."
“I don’t know. I was-Johnny asked and I didn’t think you’d just leave...I really hadn’t thought it through....and well, I think they’ve been trying to ease me into it for awhile. I didn’t mean to have a orgy with Johnny!I was having sex with laci, and it just sorta happened. And well...”he frowned a little thinking about it before nodding slowly, “I think so, yes. I mean, it’s been getting dark with you around.”Scott said blushing a little, before snorting. “Well, yea. I mean. We go to dinner, and watch movies together, and do stuff. Isn’t that dating?”
he shook his head. "so, you didn't even know you where gay until Johnny watched you have sex?" if he sounded incredulous and disbelieving, it was because he was. "god your a moron." Gambit complained, but he was starting to defrost. already forgiving Scott because he loved Scott and he actually had a chance. "huh... i didn't know that could happen." Gambit admitted, stroking the mark again. "i don't know. never dated before." Gambit admitted. sighing a little. "i don't want to go back." he admitted. "i want to go home." he decided. "i like living with Laci and Tony and Johnny." he admitted, sniffling. "do you think they'll be mad at me?"
“Uhh.... No?I mean, I didn’t really think about it....didn’t even consider anything until I kissed him and well...we didn’t do anything but kiss but...”He shrugged a little, looking offended and put out at the name calling. “I’m not a moron.”he grumble before shivering under the other’s fingers as she stroked his skin. “Me either till it started filling in.”He said blushing before smiling, “Good. You should like being with them. They’re family, even when we do end up fighting.”Scott said before smiling a little. “Well, johnny’s downstairs. You could just ask him how annoyed he is, but yes, I think they’re going to be angry...not cause you left, well yes, but because it upset johnny you weren’t safe at the tower."
he blinked a little. "really? it's not much of an orgy if you don't do anything more than kiss." he admitted with a chuckle. "imbécile, homme stupide." Gambit grumbled. "Mon coeur." he mumbled before smiling at Scott. "so we can try?" he asked hopefully. "...mines dark too. i thought you where straight you know. and that happens sometimes. i thought i was going to be alone and it was worse because i liked you so much..." he admitted, sniffling again. "i thought if i could just be your best friend, that would be enough... but it wasn't." he admitted before looking startled. "Johnny's here? is he okay? he was so terrified... it's not good for him to push himself so hard..." he admitted, very worried about Johnny now. "help me pack all my stuff." he ordered, sniffling. "we'll just tell the others i was going to move into the tower permanently. Tony did say i could... then they won't know i was going to be un lache."
"Really. He sreed laci, and I just kissed him. It was okay."he said before huffing."I'm not a idiot."he huffed a little. "And yes, we can. And I thought I was to. Took laci sorta pointing out we were already dating to really consider that I was bi."scott said blushing."he's here and hes...not great but okay. He's hiding out with. Charles. He's terrified, but he was even more upset at the idea of me leaving without backup. So we came."she smiled a little, before nodding."well I guess I should get my stuff to then...and u lache?"he asked looking curious as he helped him pack.
Gambit snorted a little. "you are an idiot." he grumbled before smiling a little. "i guess i'll have to thank Laci later then." he decided with a chuckle. "well, if he's okay for now." he agreed, sighing. "he's going to regress from this isn't he?" he asked with a wince. "get worse i mean?" he asked before shaking his head. "Une Lache. a coward. i was being a coward." he admitted, stuffing the last of his things into his suitcase. there really wasn't much that he owned. while he loved the school, he had always felt a little out of place there, the Tower was the first real home he'd ever had, full of people he loved and who understood him. he'd probobly fill his rooms with all kinds of crap he didn't actually need.
“I am not. And probably.”Scott said before nodding, wincing a little. “He might. Though he might be okay. We’re taking him home soon, so he might not.”Scott said before leaning in, blushing as he kissed the other’s forehead. “yo ushould have talked to me but I don’t blame you.”he smiled before grinning as they gathered what they needed, gathering his own things, which included two suitcases of not only his stuff, but the little bit of jean’s he’d kept, before heading down to find johnny.
he sighed a little. "i hope he'll be okay." he admitted before smiling a little. "what is the saying. hindsight it twenty twenty?" he asked with a smile before dragging his single suitcase down. it was a small suitcase. Tony was going to be very unhappy when he realized how little Gambit actually owned.

Johnny was still with Charles, mostly content to just sit and listen to Charles teach. part of him was still terrified of being out of the tower, but for now he was content and peaceful and he knew it was probobly because Charles powers where affecting him, but he didn't care. he looked up when Scott and Gambit walked in and the last little bit of fear slipped away now that he knew they where both safe. "not ready yet." Johnny mumbled. he had to start preparing to go back Outside. "...do you think it would be easier if Tony came with the Jet? or had Aurora drive us back in the X-Jet?" Gambit asked, fussing over Johnny who shook his head. "no. no. they can't go Outside. it's not safe. i'll be fine. i just need a few more minutes."
“He will be. And yea, that’s the saying.”Scott said looking amused, shaking his head a little at the suitcase. “Expect presents. Tony’s going to go insane.”he muttered.

Scott smiled softly as he looked at the man, easing into the seat next to the man, careful not to interrupt the class, biting his lip a little. “Johnny?You sure? I can always have one of the other’s drive my car back.”He said looking worried about the man. “Tony could bring laci with the jet, if you want her.”He muttered fussing himself.
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