Taming the Storm(lady/moon)

“Yes, it is.”Tony said smiling a little before snorting. “That makes sense.”sighing quietly as he ran his hand through his hair, smiling slightly as he looked down at the baby he was holding. Looking up at tom as the man struck out, jumping a little as he stared at the two sorcerers. Tilting his head slightly at the utter fear he was seeing, swallowing thickly. “What did you want with the babies?”he said tense and upset, knowing the others were relying on him to hold it together, just a little bit longer.
Kienan swallowed thickly, opened his mouth and grimaced when he realized he couldn't speak. "oh, did i forget to mention that you cannot lie anymore?" Loki mused, his head tilted. "...i was going to raise them to be the strongest warriors, my chosen, in my army once i had it formed." Kienan growled, trying to squirm free of his ropes. being that Natasha had tied him up, that was a hopeless endeavor. "is that why you've kidnapped all of the scientists?" "yes. i had hoped to use them to derive ta close cop of the serum that runs through the babies blood." Kienan admitted. "they are also going to be creating as much advanced weaponry as possible. they proved to be more stubborn than i would like and they are refusing to do anything. i had planned to kidnap their families once i had recovered the babies." he admitted, very unhappy to have to answer, but he was helpless and several people where fingering their weapons. "the scientists where also going to find a way to tap into the Bifrost and allow me to travel from realm to realm once i had my army." "so you could, what? take over the whole nine realms?" Thor asked, sounding very amused and incredulous. "you really thought that would ever happen?" "of course. with an army of millions of Super Soldiers at my hand, it would have been easy enough."
“That’s handy. I could use that at meetings.”Tony said thoughtfully, thinking over the spell before laughing, shaking his head. “Oh my god, you’re like a younger, stupider hitler, which is amusing, considering his greatest enemy, looked like the perfect Aryan.’Tony snickered quietly as he looked down at baby steve. “I’d stop trying to squirm away. You’re not going anywhere.”Natasha said as she fingered her lnives, watching Kienan. “....What?I mean...what?”Clint sputtered, staring at kienan, starting to laugh. Oh man, this was almost to stupid to be true. “Midgard has some of the shortest lifespans in the nine realms. Even if they’re super soldiers, you would have been going against warriors with a millennium worth of fighting expereince.”Clint shook his head a little, wanting to laugh harder, this was the man who’d tricked them, and gotten the babies turned? “How did you do it?And how do we change it back?”
Kienan scowled darkly. "i am nothing like Hitler. i hate everyone equally." that made Johnny snort. Kienan winced and tried to lean away from Natasha, not that he could. he scowled darkly when they laughed at him. "Super Soldiers have amazing capabilities that could easily be enhanced by magical means." Kienan explained. "imagine soldiers that burn like fire, freeze like ice, control lightning, grow to twice the size of the Hulk or even shrink to the size of an ant. Super Soldiers that can change their molecular structure to breath under the water, turn their skin into diamonds, or even explode." okay, that was a lot more daunting. "oh. you can't change them back. it's quite impossible." Kienan admitted. "Excuse me?!" Loki hissed, eyes going green again, hand snapping out to wrap around the man's throat, choking him. he only stopped because Thor pried his fingers away from Kienan's neck. the boy coughed, trying to suck his breath in only to squeak when Thor aimed his hammer at him. "you have thirty seconds, explain." "okay! okay! the babies are not the actual Captain America and Director!" Kienan squealed. "i cloned them with a spell and then reverted their genetic molecular structure to that of infancy!" "of course. because they where clones they had no previous timeline to revert to, so they just turned into babies exactly the same as they where as adults." Loki said, sounding rather impressed. "i sent the Captain and the Director to a Hydra compound in order to keep Hydra off my back but they fucked it up! the Captain and Director got free of whatever idiotic restraints Hydra was using and the blew the whole place to hell! that's why i had to com and get the infants today! because the real Captain and Director are on their way back and i wasn't sure i could take them on a second time!"
“....What? I....oh bloody hell. Okay, that would be a little more daunting, but still not as bad when pitted against other worlds magic and experience.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little. “What?!?What do you mean, they can’t be changed back!?I have to wait for him to get old again!?I’ll be old and dead by then!”Tony said freaking out as he curled up on the floor, rocking back and forth, not hearing the rest of it. “....Oh thank god.”Clint said relaxing, wincing a little as he realized that they were clones. Well, at least this was easy enough to handle, even if he had no idea what they would do with the babies, at least their adult versions were on the way back. “When? Any idea when they’ll be here?”Clint asked, glancing at tony, before looking up at jarvis, even if jarvis wasn’t there, he’d picked up the habit from steve, to look at the cieling when talking. “They have reached new york. They will be here shortly.”
he shrugged. "it would be worse if i could get the magic nullifying field up and working but the scientists are refusing to work on it." Kienan admitted, making Thor pale. magic nullifying field? that did not sound good at all. "a death ray?" Loki asked, looking very amused. "you tried to build a death ray?" "what? no. i just wanted to cut off all magic." "stupid brat! what do you think Magic even is!? t's in everything! grass, birds, babies, people!" Loki snapped at him. "all you would have managed was global wide death! nothig to rule over at all if you even managed to survive it yourself!" Loki scoffed. "idiot! such a fucking idiot! please let me kill him already!" he pleaded, fingers twitching. "oh they're gonna be pissed..." Phil mused, Johnny nodding as Gambit moved over to Tony and shook him firmly. "that is enough!" Gambit scolded him. "your James is coming back! he's fine, the babies are not Steve and James." "How did you even learn Magic anyway!?" Loki demanded. "i was experimenting with the scepter and cut my finger. i felt like i had the flu for the next three days and when i woke up the next day i knew things." Kienan admitted with a scowl, Loki blinking at him. "so you traumatized, terrorized and abused Magic because you 'knew' things!?" Loki hissed, fingers flexing. "i'm going to fucking slaughter you!" he hissed, lunging at Kienan, only to be blocked by Thor. Loki threw a huge fit, snarling and clawing at Thir who winced but managed to mostly keep his brother under control. when he realized he was loosing Loki sank his teeth into Thor's shoulder and worried it like a dog, shredding at Thor's skin until he went drowsy and limp, Thor wincing a little and settling Loki on the couch and examined his shoulder, ignoring that Kienan seamed to have pissed himself.
“.....What?Seriously...oh my god. You just nearly killed us all without even realizing it. I didn’t know stupidity this deep existed....”Tony muttered looking pale himself before looking at loki. “No. Don’t.”he said looking pale, almost ready to kill him himself. “Yea, they’re gonna lose it.”Laci agreed wincing a little. “...The scepter. We’re gonna have to track that thing down.”Laci added shaking her head a little before looking at natasha. “How’s his shoulder?”She asked as the woman looked at thor’s shoulder, cleaning it gently even as she watched tony worriedly. The man had curled up against the wall, and even with gambit shaking him, he wasn’t getting through. “Leave him alone. I think at this point, only steve or james will be able to get through to him.”
"yeah he's pretty stupid." Phil agreed, shaking his head. "the Scepter is already back in Shield custody. has been for months now." Phil promised. "it's locked up where no one can get it and it's not registered on any paperwork." Phil promised. "we where waiting for Thor to return so we could send it back with him." he admitted. "My shoulder will be fine. it's not the first time he's done that." Thor admitted. "i can understand his rage. this... child, is nothing more than a baby with no skills. he's hurt magic very badly and all he can say in his defense was 'i just knew things'." Thor scoffed. "it's just magic. it's an energy, you can't abuse energy." Kienan scoffed, Thor looking him straight in the eyes. "Magic is sentient, and it's not happy with you. you'll certainly be getting your wish. you'll get to ride the rainbow bridge. we have a very special place for people like you." he admitted, making Kienan swallow thickly. "They are here." Jarvis spoke just as the elevator dinged and a roughed up Steve and James appeared. they where wearing nothing but stolen pants entirely too small for them and a mass of cuts, scrapes and bruises. James was favoring what looked like broken ribs and Steve appeared to have a few broken fingers and a broken jaw but they where there and they looked to be mostly okay. "i'm gonna kill him." James growled. "i'll fucking kill him." "not now James." Steve ordered. "Doctor first, then cold blooded murder." Kienan whimpered and tried to struggle free of his ropes again. "actually, you might want to help Tony." Phil admitted. "he's gone nearly catatonic. asshole here indicated that this..." he indicated the babies. "wasn't reversible." "....is that a baby me?" Steve asked, looking floored before he smiled a little and picked up baby Steve. "aaaw! i'm adorable!" well, Steve probobly had a bit of a brain injury too. James just rolled his eyes, stepped over baby him and settled by Tony, stroking his hair and murmuring to him.
"Good. At least we don't have to worry about it."Tony muttered. "It won't take long to heal."natasha agreed, relaxing as she saw it wasn't to bad before snorting amused because kienian kept pissing off loki even more. This was fairly amusing."a prison that hled even loki prisoner. I get the feeling you'll fit right in."Laci smirked a little looking relieved when the boys came in."murder later."she said smiling a little, relaxing slowly. This was going to be okay. "He thinks he's going to have to wait for you to grow up."Laci explained, relaxing a little, swallowing thickly as while he was still catatonic he did lean into james. "Okay...all three of you up. To the doctors."Laci said looking worried for them both, frowning slightly.
"not long." Thor agreed. "it'll be gone in around a half an hour providing he didn't use venom this time." "...venom?" "he is a shapeshifter after all. this isn't something he can do because he is a sorcerer, this is something that is part of him inherently. not unlike being born with blue eyes or a mutant gene." he admitted. "even if he could do no other magic, he could still shift his form to almost anything he pleases. including adding venom sacks to normally normal teeth." he admitted. "he doesn't seam to have done so though or i would be showing signs of it already." "so this is a rare skill?" Phil asked curiously, making sure Loki was comfortable on the couch. "very rare, yes. in a full generation of people, there is typically only one with such a skill." he admitted. "and only a few races can give such a skill. the Aesir, the Jotun and the Fire and Dark Elves are the only ones known to be able to pass on such an ability." Thor admitted. "and Loki trained with the skill incessantly as well as his magical abilities. this is one of the reasons why he is the Lord Sorcerer. the strongest sorcerer in the nine realms." Thor admitted, rather proud of his brother. James nodded and scooped Tony into his arms, carrying him off and ignoring Laci's orders to go to Bruce. he had to take care of Tony. Steve just smiled and walked off with baby James and baby Steve, cooing at them. everyone knew Steve wanted a huge family one day, only Natasha and Bruce knew that a childhood run in with Rheumatic and Scarlet Fever had left him completely sterile long before the Serum had ever gotten into him. it was one of the only things that the Serum hadn't been able to fix, so Steve would never father any future children. there was a very high chance that at least one of the babies was going to be adopted by Steve.
“...that’s really cool. Disturbing a bit, but cool.”Natasha said looking at the idea of being a shapeshifter like that. Being a spy would be so much easier if they could all do that. Laci rolled her eyes looking at johnny, before telling jarvis to keep a eye on them before looking at her boyfriend, “I think we could all use some rest. We’ll deal with the idiot when loki wakes up.”She sighed tiredly, feeling exhausted. While she was okay to move and be together, the woman was still recovering. Resting her head against his shoulder, she nudged him. “Come on, Johnny.”
Thor chuckled. "that describes Loki very well." he admitted with a smile. "James will be fine. you know how he gets." he admitted. "at least Steve and Thor are being well behaved right?" he asked with a smile before nodding, carrying her, in his arms to bed. she was, so far, the only person he could stand to have any sort of contact with, and even then it had to be hand holding at the most intimate. even kisses made him flinch and cringe. still, he was doing a lot better than he had been. James spent the time trying to convince Tony that he was okay, stroking and nuzzling him and making those worried noises he often made after a nightmare and wanted comfort. or was very upset because Tony was ignoring him.
“I know, it;s just worrying. For them.”Laci sighed a little, worried but trying to not be to worried. She knew they’d be okay. “And they are being well behaved.”She agreed looking amused, smiling as she rested her head against her head, sighing softly as they settled in for sleep.

And despite the upset noises and nuzzling, it was nearly morning before tony responded, stirring a little from the nest he’d managed to make for them both, having been aware enough to know james was there, even if it hadn’t truly registered. Raising the blanket a little to look at the man he was using as a pillow he whimpered a little. “Jamie?”
James jerked awake as soon as Tony spoke and blinked at him. "yeah. yeah! i'm awake. i'm fine, i don't need to see Bruce, go away your upsetting Tony." he ordered, face aimed at the door before he paused, blinked and then looked at Tony, giving him a dazzling smile. "morning Tony. i'm glad your finally awake. i was worried." he admitted, snuggling into Tony , pressing his face into Tony's neck and just inhaling. "god i missed you." he admitted. "it was a mess Tony." he admitted. "but it was kind of fun, blowing up a hydra building." here he sulked. "Steve scolded me." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "did you miss me?"
“I am?”Tony muttered frowning a little as he rested his cheek against the other’s chest, relaxing as the other spoke, shifting, curling up around him like a limpet, “Glad your home.”He muttered sighing quietly, relaxing as he was held. “I’m sure. It was sorta a mess here. There’s a baby. Babies.”Tony whined souning upset at the iea before snorting, “I’m sure he did. He scolds me all the time.”he sulked a little before staring at the other like he was insane, sputtering. “Did I miss you/How-what?”He sputtered looking at a loss to explain how much he’d missed him.
he nodded. "you totally are." he chuckled. "no, Steve and Scott and Gambit and stuff kept poking their heads in last night to check up on us. it was annoying." he admitted. "i thought you where one of them for a second." he admitted before chuckling as he snuggled the other. "careful, i have some broke ribs." he warned before snorting. "yeah well, your mouthy." he admitted with a grin before beaming at Tony and shut him up by kissing him. breaking the kiss an eternity later he smiled at Tony. "i missed you too." he admitted. "can we keep baby me?" he asked hopefully, glaring at the door when it opened, Steve poking his head in. "we have breakfast if you two are hungry."
“Ah. I’m surprised you idn’t injure them.”he muttere before going tense, swallowing thickly before relaxing as the other snuggled him back. “You go see bruce?”He asked, fussing over him as he shifted to look at the other’s words. Whining softly as the other kissed him, kissing him back, blinking slowly, dazed as he looked at the door. “CAn’t you see I’m busy?Go away!”Tony ordered before scampering up, “Wait!Hold on, Spangles.”Tony said rushing towards the door to look over the man himself, needing to make sure he was in equally good health. It was quite amusing to see, since the man was so utterly fussy over both james and steve.
he shrugged. "i might have. a little bit. only a little. and it was an accident. i didn't know the alarm clock was going to actually hit him." James admitted with a grin before shaking his head. "i'll see Bruce later. the ribs are healing well enough on their own anyway." he admitted before chuckling at the whine and then glaring at Steve who didn't seam at all bothered about interrupting. "go away, wait don't move, make up your mind." Steve teased, looking amused. "i'm fine. unlike some, i went to see Bruce." Steve admitted, letting tony poke at the braces on his fingers holding them in place while they healed. James stomach growled and he sighed and got up to get dressed so he could go and eat food and see if there was a baby he could stake a claim on. either baby Steve or baby Bucky was going to be his!
“...Why do I have a feeling I’m going to be making Scott a present for you hitting him.”He teased a little, looking amused. “....fine. Good. Glad your healing. You’ll have to make sure your okay though, later.”he said still babbling adorably now that he was aware and well, he was nearly manic. “...Shut up, spangles.”Tony growled looking annoyed at the teasing, for once not simply taking it in stride as he poked at the fingers, poking at his sides to make sure he hadn’t broken anything even as he trailed the other into the kitchen. “Stop poking him Tony, he really is fine.”Laci said looking amused as she fed baby steve, looking quite adorable holding a baby really.
he smirked. "wrong person." oh ouch, he'd nailed Gambit. poor Gambit. "we're fine Tony." Steve promised, smiling at Tony, setting his hands on the others shoulders. "we're okay. it's okay." he promised again. "we're back and we're just fine." he promised, letting Tony poke him all over, James chuckling as he watched, looking very amused. "i can claim one right?" James asked hopefully, watching Natasha and Laci feeding the babies. "i want one. i should get to have one." James admitted, Steve snorting a little. "shouldn't you ask Tony first?" "...oh, i did. but he never answered me so i'm assuming he meant yes." he admitted with a grin.
“Awwww poor Bit. He’s just getting hurt all over. I’ll fix him something.”tony muttered smiling a little, before relaxing as he looked up at steve, nodding a little. “Okay.”He muttered as he settled into a chair next to james, tilting his head a little as he started to eat. “You want to?”laci said glancing at tony, who looked moments from panicking before he hid the reaction. Wondering if he was going to freak out. And wondering how long he could hide that he was going to let james have the baby, if only because james wanted it. She was well aware of just how freaked out babies made tony. “Whatever, kids are fine.”
James shrugged. "he shouldn't have stuck his nosy face in the door after i warned him to stop." James said with a sniff before smiling a little at Tony, his head tilted. "who gets which baby?" James wondered, looking at Steve who chuckled. "that's easy. Natasha chooses which one she wants to keep and you get the other one." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "thanks Tony." James murmured, smiling at Tony. "i always wanted to have a son." he admitted. "i kind of gave up on the idea because being gay, you know, i'd never really father any kids, but this is a chance to have a kid." he admitted. "and i know it wigs you out, but i think you'll make a great father."
“Hmmm....I think I want to raise a little Steve.”Natasha said looking up at her boyfriend, “though we’re not calling him steve.”She said smiling slightly. “Welcome. And what?No they don’t. Kids are amazing, don’t freak me out at all. I’d be great.” “Does he even realize he gets manic when he’s wigging out?”Laci muttered to johnny watching the hand waving and overexplaining thing going on across the table with the billionaire. It would be adorable if it wasn’t so painful to know why tony had problems with kids and parenting.
"we can't call him Steve? why not?" Steve wondered, looking amused. "Steve is a great name." he huffed, looking very amused. "how about Steven? or Stephan, or Sven?" "Sven? have you been watching Frozen again?" "no! maybe...." "it's okay Tony." James promised with a smile. "everyone's scared of babies at first you know." he admitted with a smile. "and it's not like we're going to be alone." he admitted. "we have so many people here to help us, so if we start doing something wrong, or we need help, or advice or whatever, they'll be here to help." James agreed, grinning at the baby James in his arms. "hello. hello little one. i think we should name you... hmmm.... Jay." he decided. "little baby Jay." he grinned at Tony. "after Jarvis, you know? since he's so awesome and helped us both so much, i think i want him to be named Jay."
“No we can’t. And because, one Steve in my life to worry about is already more then enough. I’m not adding another one.”Natasha said looking amused though before snorting. “if you want Sven, we can, you geek.”she teased. “....Laci’s not scared of babies. Or Scott.” “Scott also lives in a school, where there was a pregnant mutant last year. He likes babies.”Laci pointed out looking amused as she watched the flicker of sadness tightening scott’s features, batting at his arm until he picked her up, settling her in his lap. Holding onto him she sighed a little. Worried about him. “Fine...we’ll be okay.”Tony muttered smiling slightly, relaxing at the sight of the other. Maybe he really would be okay, before snickering. “Jarvis is awesome. And I like it. Jay it is.”
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