Taming the Storm(lady/moon)

Thor blinked a little. "so i was right. he's still the same person, it's just that they have different emotions connected to them. so Loki doesn't have any happiness to balance out the rage and that's why he's so dangerous now. right?" Thor asked. "the mind healers, few as they are, told me not to be so stupid but i'm pretty sure i know more than they do at this point." Thor admitted with a huff before smiling at them. "thank you my friends." he said softly. "thank you for giving Loki the chance. even if he never recovers, at least he'll have more of a life here even if we have to put him in one of your hospitals." he admitted. at least in an earth hospital, Loki wouldn't be trapped in a small room all alone for the rest of his life. he'd have people to talk to and magic to amaze the others with and he wouldn't be mistreated and that was a hundred times more than what he would get from asgardian care.

Phil smiled at Clint and settled his hand in Clint's. "i never held it against you that you shot me int he ass with an arrow." he pointed out. "Natasha's shot me, most of the men and women i work with tried to kill me when they first met me." he admitted. "so Loki actually succeeded for a little bit, doesn't mean he doesn't deserve a chance. he would be a great addition to our team if we can get him stable." Phil admitted. "particularly against nasty human sorcerers." Thor had to chuckle. "oh, Loki will certainly be hunting this child down. he has done very bad things and Loki has a very personal relationship with Magic." he admitted. "it would be like if you found out some stranger was beating on Tony or Bruce every day. it's personal and Loki won't stand for it. we're lucky he's more focused on helping Steve and James or he'd already be off trying to hunt the little idiot down to teach him a lesson." Thor admitted. "alcohol is very bad for bébés." Gambit scolded. "teething toys left in the fridge works just as well, if not better." he admitted, feeling very bad for Loki. "well. if you say so." Thor agreed. "i will not argue. they aren't my children." he admitted with a smile.
“Yes. Exactly.”Laci smiled at thor, pleased that she had made enough sense that he understood it, before frowning, shaking her head. “Well, maybe your healers should come here, and learn. It seems they’d do well with learning.”Tony huffed shaking his head a little. “Your welcome.”Laci smiled glad to see the blond at least more hopeful then he had looked when he’d first arrived.

“...Yes well. You still died.”Clint grumbled souning upset, because of everything loki had done, it wasn’t anything that loki had done to him, that he held against the godling. It was what he’d done to phil...but....”Okay. A chance. And he would be a good addition.”he agreed, smiling slightly before snorting. “If we knew where he was, we’d be hunting him down to but not even jarvis can find this brat, and he’s usually good at finding people.”Clint sighed a little. “....Oh. Well. You know, that might explain some things about my childhood if alcohol is bad.”tony said thoughtfully, shaking his head in amusement, sighing as he ran a hand through his hair, biting his lip. “We should all try to get some sleep...it’s late, and I have a feeling it’s going to be a busy day when loki gets up and we try tracking own this bastard.”
"they never would." Thor huffed, rolling his eyes. "they seam to think that because humans are still evolving that they can't learn anything from you. stupid idiots." he huffed. "most of the good things that i have learned, i learned from this realm." he admitted. "hmm. yeah. it was fun." Phil admitted. "i plan on never doing it again until i'm at least eighty seven." he promised Clint with a smile. "preferably ninety seven so long as i can still do my own thing." he admitted before watching Thor. "i'm afraid that if he us using magic to conceal himself, your technology will probobly be unable to find him." Thor admitted. "cloaking spells are simple and even the most base beginner learns how to cast them." he admitted. "it will take Magic to find Magic so once Loki... sorry, Tom is awake we should be able to begin. since he can't do anything for Steve and James, the next best option is to find the little shit and force him to explain what he did so it can be undone." he paused. "actually, alcohol being bad would explain most of Asgard..." that made Gambit and Natasha snicker. "sleep would be nice." Thor agreed, hesitating. "what of the babies?" "they will come with me. i have the most experience." Gambit decided. "plus, it won't bother me if i have to get up every few hours." he admitted.
“that’s stupid. I’ll show them still evolving. If I can make a suit in a cave, I can teach some ass backward asgardians that humans are better.”Tony grumbled looking insulted at the idea that asgardians thought they were little better then monkeys. “Good. Then we’ll be old together and I’ll be to blind to shoot anything, so death would be a good thing.” “Hawkass, you’re going to be shooting little old ladies with peas in the nursing home, no lies. Your aim wont go, hell you don’t look half the time as it is.”Tony reminded him looking amused before relaxing at thor’s words.”Makes sense. I feel less bad now that I can’t find him. Nothing’s wrong with Jarvis.”He muttered, because that was what he’d worried about, that there had been something wrong with his AI that kept him from finding the brat. “We’ll take care of them, don’t worry.”Scott smiled amused as he picked up James, heading for his bedroom, knowing that gambit would be along soon enough, and while scott hadn’t figured out they were dating yet, they did usually end up sleeping in the same bed, if only because gambit said he hated sleeping alone, and scott had worried about him.
Thor chuckled a little. "Asgardians are like old men, set in their ways and certain they know best." he admitted, shaking his head. "it's not true but you can't convince them of that." he admitted before smiling at Phil and Clint. they where so cute. "it's true. he will be." Phil agreed. "it's bad enough he has this obsession with the carnival games." he admitted with a grin. "of course there is nothing wrong with Jarvis." Thor said. "though, there may be a way to upgrade him with magical sensors. i'm not sure, Loki will have to figure out how Jarvis works first." Thor admitted. "we've given Loki a few technological earth items before and he was able to tinker with them with some very impressive results though, so i have high hopes for the things you and he might be able to create." Thor admitted with a chuckle. "Loki likes to play with earth technology, he's amazed by it." he admitted with a smile before watching Gambit and Scott leave, wondering who they where. there where a lot of people he didn't know in the tower, but he had faith he'd be friends with them soon enough. he headed down to the rooms Ton had set aside for him and Loki and settled in to sleep, not surprised that Loki was up before him and had started playing with a toaster while waiting for Thor to wake up. Gambit was just glad the super babies had slept through the night, though being woken at six in the morning by wailing screams was not very pleasant.
“Hey, those carnival games are rigged. Someone should show them that they can win.”Clint huffed, not about to admit to winning a obnoxious amount of toys, alot of which that had ended up with tony, simply because the man liked them. “I’m teaching Loki tech, if we can upgraded jarvis, I’ll get him to help.”He said looking amused and pleased to havce a brilliant student, because this was going to be fun. So, so much fun.

“.....If you have to improve my appliances, why not the coffee machine, instead of thor’s favorite appliance?”Tony snickered sleepily as he huddled around his coffee cup, wincing a little as he heard the fussing babies coming in with gambit and scott, the mutant looking surprisingly awake despite being up at 6. “Morning.”Scott said smiling amused as he sat down, cuddling the small captain as he watched loki fiddle with the toaster, smirking at tony. “and because you would have tried killing him if he messed up your coffee first thing in the morning, Thor’ll forgive him for making him wait for pop tarts.”Scott pointed out amused.
Phil snorted a little, not about to admit he still kept every toy or prize that Clint came home with.

Loki looked up at Tony, his head tilted a little. "what's a Coffee Machine?" he wondered. "this is a Toaster." he informed Tony before rattling off what he knew about toasters, from how they worked to what their application was and how he thought they could be made better, mostly just rambling because he liked to talk while he worked. he never even noticed when Peter started babbling with him, the two of them bouncing ideas back and forth at such a pace that it made Johnny's eyes cross and his brain hurt though when thy got into the mathematics he joined in with aplomb. the trauma of the super twins being attacked seamed to have been a temporary ailment because he was mostly okay again. still didn't want to be touched but at least he was interacting again. though the fact that they where putting so much effort into a toaster was... weird, at least they where all getting along. "....now i remember why i don't live here." Gambit admitted, looking amused as he fed Steve a can of baby food which Steve seamed insistent on spitting back out all over Gambit. he was somewhat succeeding. James was being much more behaved and was happily eating everything Scott fed him.
"It's what gives me the drink of the gods. Stay away from my coffee machine."tony ordered grinning as he joined in the discussion. Laci snickered as she listened to them, glancing at johnny."remember this moment the next time you try telling me about math. I don't get it really I just pretend most of the time, and have to look it up later."she confessed blushing slightly, smiling slightly as she listened to the others as she ate."yes...this is definitely why I don't live here."Scott agreed laughing a little as he fed james, looking amused as he had a easier time feeding james, it amused him that the usually very polite captain was the one giving them a hard time
"Drink of the gods?" Loki asked, looking very curious now. "no. Loki... sorry, Tom, cannot have Coffee. absolutely not." Thor said as he walked in, looking dismayed at the pieces of toaster Loki had scattered around. "oh, i knew you didn't understand math, it's just that babbling at you gives me breakthroughs." he admitted with a smile before babbling away with some of the most intelligent minds in the entire nine realms. "now if only Asgard could see this." Thor admitted with a grin, watching Loki slowly piece together the toaster again using masses of parts that had not come from the toaster. where he got them, no one said but since Tony wasn't freaking out the others assumed it was okay that he had them. "stubborn little bébé." Gambit grumbled. "bull headed little moutard." he huffed, giving up and plopping a bottle into Steve's mouth instead, Steve giggling as he sucked it down.
"Why not?coffee is amazing. It'd be for science!giving him coffee." "By ony, what did we tell you about saying that?" "Not to. But giving a godling coffee would be totally for scientific purposes."tony said looking at laci with those big wide eyes,, such a puppy dog. "Hm, asgard would be shocked, right?"laci snorted amused as she watched them all, looking up at thor with a smile. "Be nice, bit. Calling the captain names is just mean."Scott teased looking amused as he considered the other in amusement
"Loki is not allowed to have Coffee." "why not?" Loki asked, his head tilted, ignoring that he was called Loki, again. it usually only bothered him when he was already aggravated. "because your hyper enough." Thor said firmly, making Loki blink. "...oh. okay." and with that he went back to playing with his toaster, Thor sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose. sometimes he was pretty sure Loki did this on purpose. "he's a baby, he can't understand me, ad even if he could, Captain Rogers doesn't speak french." he admitted. "no. but James does." Phil admitted with a grin. "what exactly are you doing to that toaster?" "it's better now." Loki informed Phil, looking very pleased as h plugged it in, popped in two pop-tarts and hit the button and when they popped out, they where perfect. "what did you do to it?" Phil wondered. "altered the heating coils to maximize heating and toasting capabilities and put Jarvis in it." Loki admitted, looking very happy. "it's better now. a Jarvis makes everything better." "Thank you Sir." Jarvis said, sounding very pleased.
"Oh. Okay. I don't want to get him in trouble then."tony said looking approriately chastised for trying to give loki coffee. "James does, and he's the more dangerous of them. He might be dating tony," "we're not dating." "Yet, he's with tony, but he's still protective of steve."Laci said ignoring tony annoyed protest knowing the man was just upset. Grinning at the toaster she smirked. Oh, this was going to be amusing. "See?johnny, see?jarvis fixes everything. I told you I should have ai appliances. And! Why is he sir?I'm sir, jarvis!"tony whined a little.
"i'm pretty sure James would agree with me." Gambit admitted with a chuckle, smiling as Steve belched and cooed at them. "besides, we all know you are dating James Ma Cher." Gambit admitted, smirking at Tony. "the only one who didn't seam to know it was you." he admitted. "Jarvis fixes most things." Johnny agreed. "but i want my own A.I." he sniffed. "Jarvis is great but he always takes your side." he admitted with a grin, snorting a little at Tony's jealousy. "he is sir because he is nice to me Sir." Jarvis informed Tony, sounding very amused. "...i knew Steve was going to be a bad influence on Jarvis." Johnny admitted with a snigger.
"I haven't asked him out. Or gone to dinner!were not dating yet."tony huffed making a face."I'm not making a ai for an anyone."tony huffed making a face, because while he loved jarvis, he worried about anyone else having one."I am always nice to you jarvis!and steve is a bad influence. Natasha punish him." "What, smack a cute little baby?"natasha said looking amused. Tony was being utterly ridculous, which was actually good to see, cause it meant he was dealing with the stress of this while thing instead of bottling it up.
"you did too go to dinner. you had a double date with Steve and Natasha." Johnny stated with a smirk. "your dating." he assured the other even though he knew that the other wasn't going to be all that reassured. "i know." Johnny admitted with a sigh, Loki blinking. "why not?" he asked, his head tilted. "as long as you make sure they are aware of right from wrong and have morality syntax they won't be able to be misused." Loki admitted. "from what i understand Jarvis can never go evil because you built in fail safe systems to prevent him from doing so right? so why not replicate the process?" Loki wondered. "we have similar programming at home, though nothing at all as amazing as Jarvis." he admitted. "a program that actually thinks and feels! a computer with a soul! if you can even all him a computer." Loki admitted before laughing when Steve giggled, babbled and then reached for Tony with sticky messy baby food baby hands, wanting attention. "oh no Mon petit trésor. you, are getting a bath." Gambit informed Steve who froze at the name and stared at Gambit with a look of horror before he began to throw an unholy fit about it. wailing, screaming and kicking, wiggling and whining the entire time Gambit lifted him out of the high chair and up to the bathroom. "...hows that for punishment Tony?" Johnny asked with a snigger, listening to Steve pitching an unholy fit until they couldn't hear him anymore.
"That wasn't a date!it doesn't count. I didn't know it was a date!"tony said looking upset and anxious. Calming a little as clint rubbed his back, the archer looking at phil, worried about if they didn't fix this soon, what it'd do to tony. "It does to."Laci said rolling her eyes a little."it is but someone is always better. I'm afraid if I do fuck up, things will go really wrong or something...I dunno." "Don't listen to him. He just doesn't like sharing jwrvis."Laci snickered amused before laughing as steve rp itched a fif. "Yea that's a good punishment."tony said looking pleased before looking at loki, wanting to work and play more but at the reminder of steve and james being a baby, wanting to get started on their problem, but not sure how to bring it up. Not wanting to upset loki by reminding him of the abuse of magic
"still counts." Johnny informed him. "i didn't know i was on a date with Laci the first time we went on one you know." he admitted. "it still counts." he admitted with a shrug. "hmm... if i made something so cool as that i'd be possessive of it too." Loki admitted waiting with a soft smile as Steve was carried off, glancing at James who had been content to just sit there and watch them and chew on a teething ring. "why is James the well behaved baby?" Johnny wondered. "...are you kidding me? have you never heard the stories? it was always Steve acting out and getting into shit." Phil pointed out, jumping when one of Loki's bracelets chimed, Loki twisting his wrist and examining the numbers that showed up. "he's used magic." Loki said, standing up and heading for the door without any more preamble, Thor following, hammer sliding into his hand without a word, simply following Loki because he knew if he didn't Loki would slaughter the filthy magic abuser with his bare hands no matter the consequences.
“Hm, exactly. But I’ll share Jarvis while he’s in the tower. And the suit. No where else.”Tony said looking amused before snorting, smirking at johnny. “It’s always steve who’s dragging james into doing shit. Not the other way around, no matter what Steve says.”tony said amused before getting up, looking at the others. “Hold the fort, we’ll be back.”He promised even as he left, suiting up as he headed out, following the brothers, providing backup, and needing to look after them, even if he was sure they really didn’t need him to be there. well aware clint and natasha were going to kill him for leaving them behind because they were to human to do this, trying to protect them, but he did it anyways, because he needed to know they were safe.
Johnny snorted a little and shook his head. "fine. fine." he grumbled, wondering how hard it would be to create an A.I of his own? it wouldn't be as amazing as Jarvis but as long as it was Cortana level... now there was an idea. it would totally piss Tony off. totally. yes. he was doing it. no one tried to follow Tony as he left with Loki and Thor. Johnny was still too scared to go outside anyway. "hey." Johnny said, looking around at them. "i need a smartphone with Siri on it." Phil snorted, hiding his laugh behind a hand. Tony was going to get so pissed off. he was the one who left to get Johnny a new smartphone and left it with the man to get everything set up.

Loki led the way out onto the street and straight down it, unaware of street smarts so he almost didn't stop for traffic, scowling when Thor stopped him. "the metal beasts obey the lights." Thor explained. "we walk on green, they stop on red." he explained. Loki found that amazing really, wondering how the humans had tamed so many different ferocious metal monsters. he was moving as soon as their light went greed, checking his bracelet every few minutes. "he's on the move." Loki stated, turning on his heal. "he's going for the tower." he muttered. "he's trying to get the infants no doubt." he admitted, turning around. "he'll be there in a half an hour i expect."
"...tony's going to kill you."Laci muttered curled up next to him, but letting him work, because sometimes tony needed to learn how to share .

"Well. Wanna lift then?I can fly you back, and Thor can get himself there."tony said as he landed next to loki, ignoring the shouts and pictures of iron man on the street being taken, waiting for loki's confirmation he wrapped the other close before heading back to the tower, and while it wasnt that much faster, he felt better for having shaved off those few minutes. Landing on the balcony he had jarvis warn the others before looking at loki."any ideas on how to stop him?"
Johnny grinned. "i know. it'll be awesome." he admitted with a snigger. "best prank ever."

"...lift?" Loki asked, looking delighted. "you can fly?" he asked, looking very excited at the idea, Thor chuckling. Loki loved going up high and going very fast so Tony's suit was a Loki thrill. Thor couldn't wait to take Loki on the roller coasters. "oh. yes." Loki purred, offering his wrists to Thor who hesitated before reaching out and removed them completely, lightning sparking up around Loki's fingers. "while it is very wrong to hurt people using magic, there are exceptions to the rules." Loki admitted, grinning viciously. "so long as i don't permanently maim him or kill him, i can use pretty much anything i want on him. i'll drop him hard, and fast with lightening and then use truth spells, mind spells and compliance spells to force him to tell us what he did to your Captains." Loki was freaking scary. "i am going to enjoy this." Loki hissed, his eyes glowing green now, Thor wincing. "Loki... remember, you don't want to kill him." he warned, Loki brushing him off. "i won't get the answers i want from him if he's dead. i'll kill him later. maybe i'll gut him and watch him bleed to death. that would be fun." so this was the Loki personality, no wonder they sedated him.
“I can. As fast as you want.”tony grinned laughing a little as he picked the other up, amused as he landed, looking nervous as he looked at the other, thinking about it. “Good. So we’ll get him under control, then we’ll find out what he did.”Tony said sounding anxious and upset about what was going on, worried for the babies and what was going on. “No, don’t kill him. I want to understand how he managed to do this. We’ll figure this out. Then we’ll see what’s next.”he frowned a little, worried about letting loki help, but knowing they had to.
"yes. yes. fine." Loki grumbled, stalking back and forth, eyes burning with rage as he waited for the little brat to show up, hissing under his breath about all the things he would do to the man when he showed up. they where gory enough that Thor was looking rather green. then again, anyone who could hear their brother mutter about how he'd peel all the skin back, cut the fingers off one knuckle at a time and cut his tongue out, without turning green needed to have their heads examined. granted, the person hissing such things probobly needed a lot of help too. "there he is." Thor commented, setting a hand on Loki's shoulder. "easy. don't catch anyone in the cross fire." Thor ordered, Loki hissing at him through his teeth, though he made no move to pull away. "how cute." Kienan scoffed, stepping up to the building. "you have a pet sorcerer..." "pet?" Loki asked, looking very amused. "you truly don't know who i am, little boy?" he asked, lightning crackling around him in a show of power. "i am Loki. Lord Sorcerer." Loki smirked with Kienan went very pale. "Magic has charged me with the task of making you suffer." Loki hissed, slamming his hand outward, Kienan screaming in agony as he was electrocuted. no worse than being tazed really, but he was a soft little mama's boy and dropped in an instant, Loki huffing, turning to Thor and snarling when he felt the familiar prick on his neck. the neck ring injecting him with enough tranquilizer to drop him near instantly which was what happened. Loki dropped into a dead sleep while Thor replaced the wristlets and then turned to Kienan with a copy of the golden rings that he strapped onto Kienan before dragging them both inside. Tom to bed and Kienan to a chair where he was tied into place. tied up and unable to use magic, the little shit head was no longer a threat and he was definitely going to stay down until they wanted him up. any hint of waking up and the neck ring would shoot him up with a tranquilizer to keep him down.
“....I think we should get a theraptst....listening to him, is going to make us all want one.”Tony muttered thinking about it, sighing quietly. Tensing, prepared for things to go baly, before huffing a little. “Stupid kid. Your picture was everywhere for a while.”Tony muttered rolling his eyes at the idea that anyone could not know loki. Pacing as he waited for the loki to wake, twitching and upset, wanting to know what was going on. Needing to know, so out of it actually that he barely realized he was cuddling james as he paced, the fussy baby upset, picking up the mood of the people around him.
"yes. that's a mind healer right?" Thor asked him before snorting and shaking his head as both crazy assholes went to sleep. "i have a feeling that he was fairly sheltered during the attack." Thor admitted. "we'll know more once Tom wakes up." in the end it took three hours before Tom woke up, but he headed straight for where Kienan was waiting/sleeping in his chair. Tom acted before anyone else could, striking Kienan across the face with the back of his hand to wake him up and Thor tensed, wondering if Loki had come out instead of Tom. "you have two choices." Tom said, staring at Kienan. "you can tell me what i want to know, or i can rip your feeble mortal mind to shreds and take what i want to know." Kienan shuddered and shrunk in his chair, nodding furiously because it hadn't taken him much to realize he was completely helpless. "very good, little mortal." Tom purred, patting the boys cheek. "the Avengers will ask their questions first. then i'll ask mine, and if i'm satisfied, i won't gut you. clear?" more frantic head nodding.
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