Taming the Storm(lady/moon)

Steve snickered a little and shook his head. "we are not naming him Sven." he promised, smiling a little. "i dunno. you name him. your better with names." Steve decided before smiling at them, teasing Tony. maybe he'd actually realize he would be okay with a baby. Johnny watched Laci and Scott, feeling guilt tighten in his chest. he couldn't give Laci what she needed and Scott was feeling left out. he had to do something and he wasn't sure what. "we'll be just fine." James promised with a smile. "Jay. little Jay. what do you think Jarvis?" "i am honored Sir." Jarvis admitted, sounding oddly choked up. Loki took that time to staggered into the room, looking half asleep still. Thor had already taken Kienan away and hadn't come back yet but Jarvis had control of the sedatives in Loki's neck ring in case anything happened. he had woken up in the middle of the night in a spitting rage so Jarvis had used the drugs, which was why Loki was looking drugged to the gills. "Tony." Loki whispered, eyes wide at him. "Tony! there's people here!" "oh god he's stoned..." Gambit groaned, fighting not to laugh. "i'm going to be stoned!? why? what have i done?!" Loki asked, looking quite frightened. "no. not that ind of Stoned." Steve assured Loki. "Stoned as in high on drugs." "oh... yes. i am that." Loki agreed, nodding. "i like the floaty feelings." he admitted. "i can see motion." he admitted, waving his hand back and forth slowly in front of his own face.
“Hmmm, how about....Anthony?”She said smiling a little. “Anthony Buchanan?”Natasha said blushing ever so slightly as she considered the other couple, snorting a little as she realized neither of them had heard the offered name. “You’re very welcome, Jarvis. Always the oldest child, you know. Now we have a little one. I’ll keep help, big bro.”Tony teased the AI looking amused before startling worried as loki walke in, watching him, looking worried as he looked around before he realized what was going on. “Shush, you’re okay. You’re not going to be hurt. Just sit, and be okay.”Tony said fussing over the other, before grinning. “We can see motion to. Just relax.”he ordered smiling slightly.
"...i like that." Steve agreed. "little Toni." he agreed, beaming at the baby in his arms before kissing Natasha furiously. "i love you." he breathed. "will you marry me?" he asked before flushing hard as he realized what he'd said. "...i hadn't meant to ask you that like that... i wanted it to be romantic..." he admitted, sulking. "damn me and my impulses..." he smiled sheepishly at her. "still. the question stands... will you?" he asked hopefully.

"okay." Loki agreed, calming at Tony's assurances. "no.. no you don't understand." Loki complained. "i can See, motion!" he whispered. as if that was some amazing thing. "....yeah. okay, i think he needs to go back to bed." Phil admitted with a grin. "you guys did hear Steve propose didn't you?" "did he!? really? i missed it!?" James complained, poking Steve. "do it again! i want to see!"
“I love you to.”She smiled at him, before startling, eyes widening as she stared at him. People rarely surprised her, but hearing her boyfriend as her to marry him, was startling. Not that she han’t imagined it someday, but now....looking so utterly surprised she didn’t say anything.

“I guess I can’t. And okay, you can see it.”Tony said souning amused before startling, looking up at the shell shocked assassin, who for once wasn’t hiding what she was feeling. Leaning over to poke steve. “I wanna hear it again. Ask. We missed it!”He demanded. “What did she say?” “She hasn’t answered yet.”Laci said snickering a little even as Natasha nodded dumbly, for once looking beyond words.
"oh... uhm. if you don't want to that's okay. we can wait a while..." Steve assured her, looking frantic now because she hadn't said anything. "we don't have to get married right away, we could wait a fw years if your not ready. i won't force you into anything." he promised, clutching little Anthony. terrified he had ruined everything.

"hello baby." Loki cooed, smiling as he found Jay in his arms since James had moved to make sure Steve wasn't going to pass out. "aren't you a cute baby?" Loki said, smiling at the little tyke. "i had a baby once. it was a cute baby." he admitted, holding Anthony with ease and just babbling at the baby about his own children and the times they got into trouble. the story of Fenrir chewing on Thor's favorite cape was Johnny's favorite.
“N-no. I want to. I do. I just...hadn’t thought you’d ask. I mean. So soon. But yes.”Natasha said staring at him, stuttering a little. “Oh my god. The world’s ending. You’ve rendered Widow speechless, I didn’t think it was possible.”Tony said staring wide eyed, grinning at steve. “Congrats.”

Laci smiled a little snorting as she watched loki, smiling quietly as she watched the group. Refusing to look to closely at the jealousy and pain that lanced her heart as she saw the happy couple. It wasn’t so much that she wasn’t happy for them, it just seemed so unfair, that the newest couple, was the one getting engaged, when she wanted nothing more then to be with johnny, and despite his promises that she was getting better, and that he wasn’t going anywhere, she was still deathly afraid of being left. "Congrats you two."laci smiled leaning over to hug them both
Steve beamed at her, relaxing now that she had calmed and answered him, flushing a little. "well... i was never one for waiting around." he admitted with a smile before scowling at Tony. "you just live to ruin moments don't you?" he asked, shaking his head a little before watching Johnny and Laci, not liking the way they both looked miserable. and so did Gambit for that matter. something really needed to be done, he just didn't know what to do. "hey Scott? could we talk later?" Johnny asked the mutant suddenly, Gambit grimacing and looking away. "and Laci too..." he admitted, smiling at her to reassure her that it was nothing bad. it was time to do something about this. Johnny couldn't bring himself to touch her, but she was miserable, so he'd work on getting better, and Scott was going to help.
“No, you weren’t. Always in a rush.”natasha teased her boyfriend, amused as she leaned over to kiss the scowl away. “always, cap. Don’t look so upset. You know you love me.”Tony sai snickering a little, even if he looked worried about his friends to. “Hm?”Scott looked startled, resting his head from where he’d been resting it against gambit’s shoulder, looking up at the man before nodding. “Yea. Okay.”he said looking worried about what johnny wanted to say, even if he could feel laci relaxing in his arms. Wondering what it was about.
"always." Steve agreed with a smile before rolling his eyes at Tony. "i love you the way a female angler fish loves a male." there, let Tony figure that one out.

later that night Johnny was sitting in a chair in the bedroom so Scott and Laci could snuggle on the bed. "i can't do this." Johnny started. "i'm so sick, of being scared. i'm... i'm making Laci miserable and i hat that but i'm too selfish to give her up so i need your help." he admitted, looking at Scott. "i...i don't know, exactly what it is that i'm asking you to do really but..." he hesitated and then. "i was hoping, maybe if i... i don't know... saw that sex isn't the scary thing 'She' made it be then i wouldn't be so scared al the time, you know? i know you and Laci had sex in the past and she needs laid pretty bad so... so i... c...could i just.... watch you two be intimate for a little while?" he asked, sounding very frightened at the idea but needing to do it and knowing he needed to. the idea terrified him, but he wanted to see Sex the way Laci and Scott did. not as a chore, not as a power play, but as something to be enjoyed. a way to connect with the person you loved. he needed to see it.
"....what?"tony stared at him.

Laci looked concerned, worried about what johnny was saying, eyes widening as she looked at him."johnny...are...you sure?"she muttered looking worried about him."yea I know. Okay...this is weird. But by far not the weirdest thing I've ever been asked to do."Scott said looking thoughtful, even if he was already stroking s hand over laci's side, smirking as she trembled, not truly aware of doing it. "I'm not miserable...I love you johnny...don't want to leave..."Laci said looking upset as she considered him. "Okay. Sex it is."Scott said growling a little, distracting laci from her worry and anxiety even as he dragged her in for a kiss, knowing it was the easiest way to stop her from panicking as he laid her back and started to get to work at making her forget everything but how she was feeling
Johnny swallowed and nodded. "yeah. i'm tired of being scared of you." he whispered before smiling at her. "you are miserable, i love you too and your not going anywhere." he promised, his eyes widening as Scott just got right into it. well that was a surprise. a nice surprise. wow, now he remembered what being horny felt like. it was working already. even if he was still pretty terrified he was already starting to relax a little as he watched them. by the time they where both naked, Johnny had uncurled from his chair and was watching instead of looking terrified. he probobly wouldn't be better immediately, but this was obviously helping, a lot.
"Me to. I hate you looking at me like that."she smiled at him a little, looking amused. For a man who was usually a straight laced, Scott had accepted being watched fairly easy. Wondering if this was gambits influence. Shuddering as the man sank into her, she squirmed and whined, trying to get him to go faster, but even if he'd obeyed the request to put his contacts in, it seemed that was the only order scott was intending to take as he took his time. Shuddering as he looked up at johnny to make sure the other was doing okay, Scott raised a questioning eyebrow, as much as he w as enjoying himself his attention was split between the two, making sure laci was having fun and johnny was okay
"i'm fine." Johnny whispered, his voice tight, not with fear, but with lust and his eyes where fixed on where Scott and Laci had joined, licking his lips a little before smiling at her. "i'm not scared. it's okay." he promised. "i feel better than i have in a while. keep going." he suggested. "i'm learning things." he admitted. "i didn't know you where sensitive there." he admitted with a shy, impish grin. a rather odd expression to say the least. he didn't say anything else, he just kept watching, soaking in everything he could.
Scott nodded smiling a little as he watched the two. “kay.”Laci offered the man a good smile, happy before moaning as she squirmed as Scott’s fingers ghosted over the sensitive spot at the dip of her hipbone, looking startled as scott raised his head, smirking at johnny. Hearing the tone of johnny’s voice, he wanted something. “Come here.”he growled softly, giving the other a chance to pull away as he reached out, a hand curling around his neck, tugging him close, but instead of drawing him down to kiss laci, drew the blond into a kiss.
Johnny grinned, watching Laci squirm, it was so damn arousing, just watching her squirm was amazing. "huh?" Johnny asked, startled, looking at Scott, quivering, afraid again, but wanting to touch too so he slid forward and let Scott tug him close. he flinched at the kiss, recoiled, gasped and surged forward, meeting Scott's lips again, the lust overriding his fear as he kissed one of the sexiest men he knew, making a soft keening noise in the back of his throat. a noise Tony, and Laci would have known well. it was a desperate 'i really want relief now' noise. a sound that said Johnny wanted fucked, now.
Scott smiled a little, careful not to move to fast as he felt Johnny tremble under his hand, letting the other pull away before groaning as the other crashed into him again, smirking against his lips as he kissed him back. Smirking a little as he listened to the other, tilting his head as he blinked at the man. “A needy little brat, aren’t you?”Scott teased stealing a kiss, for the moment okay with this, to lost in lust to be considering what he was doing. “Johnny!”Laci gasped as she came, hands scrambling across his sides, holding onto them both as she whimpered, shivering as she watched them kiss.
Johnny panted against him and nodded. "yes.. needy. please..." he whimpered, squirming in place when he heard Laci crying out in pleasure. running his thumb against that sensitive little place at her hip just to make her feel any better, matching his lips to her, kissing her as well, trembling still, but it was more from desperate need than it was from fear. "please. please...oh god..." Johnny whimpered, humping the edge of the bed because he couldn't bring himself to touch either of them without permission because this was Scott's rodeo.
Scott laughed looking amused as Laci writhed under him, shifting to look down at her even as he stroked a hand over johnny’s hair. Whining quietly Laci smiled at her boyfriend, kissing him back.”Not god, simply good at sex.”Scott snickered amused as he eased back, sliding to the side even as he drew Johnny further onto the bed.”Come on.You’re turn, fireboy.”He teased kissing him again, grinning as Laci squirmed and moved, just as needy.
Johnny mewled as he had his hair stroked and he buried his face in Laci's neck, sucking and nibbling as he slid into position at Scott's urging, sliding carefully into Laci with a moan, shuddering at the brief fright he felt only for it to be swept away as he realized he was still in control. he was still okay. it was all good and felt so wonderful. he kissed Scott again as he rolled his hips, panting and shuddering because it felt so good and he felt so free for the first time since 'she' had sunk her claws into him. "it was such a relief to be able to enjoy sex again that he started crying while he did everything he could to drive Laci, and Scott, wild. stroking her nipples with one hand, while stroking Scott's cock with the other.
Laci whimpered, squirming a little as the other slid into her, hands scrambling hard to grip at his skin, not trying to control him, simply needing to hold onto him, whimpering as she felt johnny playing with her, and scott’s fingers stroking over her hip, whimpering badly as she came, clinging to johnny, even as she heard scott’s quiet curse as the mutant came as he arched off the bed. Groaning as he slumped back into the bed, scott gave johnny a lazy smirk, content to be all snuggled up in the tangle of limbs and pleasure.
Johnny just moaned as she scratched and clung to him. he'd always liked a little pain with his pleasure. he shuddered hard, pulling out and came hard across her belly, shuddering wildly as he rubbed himself empty against her before collapsing in-between them, still crying but it wasn't the same kind of wracking sobs he usually did when he was scared or upset. "thank you..." he whispered. "thank you. thank you so much. thank you." he whispered, closing his eyes and sighing, content to just lay there, naked and snuggling Laci and Scott. "...you guys okay?" Johnny asked once he'd gotten himself calmed down.
Laci whimpered, shivering as the other came across her stomach, closing her eyes as the other collapsed next to them, smiling a little as scott nudged them around so they both could snuggle into the curve of the mutant’s body. “Welcome.”Scott muttered sighing softly, pressing a kiss to the other’s hair. “Yea. We’re okay. Sleepy.”Laci muttered yawning as she snuggled into her boyfriend
Johnny smiled as he snuggled Scott and Laci with a sigh, enjoying his new position. "okay. we're all okay." Johnny mumbled, slipping off to sleep, feeling more content than he had in his entire life. well. no, there was the time he had actually been dating Laci before. he was just as content back then. he had a feeling Scott was realizing how he really felt about Gambit, which meant Gambit finally had a real chance.

only problem was, by the time they got up in the morning, cleaned up and headed for breakfast, Gambit was gone. he'd packed up all the stuff he owned, few as that was, and headed back to Xavier's. he hadn't explained why, he just told Tony he was 'heading home' and left. thankfully, he took a bus instead of trying to drive himself. "morning Tony." Johnny said as he walked in, looking so much more relaxed, so long as he didn't have to go outside where 'she' was, he supposed he'd be fine now.
Tony looked up, smiling a ltitle at his friend, hudling around his coffee. “Morning.”he said looking around. “We’re the other two?” “Getting cleaned up.”Laci said as she walked in, looking freshly showered and happy as she looked around, before frowning. Looking for gambit, because he was usually up before them all, and he’d promised to help her work on her clothes. “Where’s bit?” “Oh...uh...”Tony squirmed a little. “He went back to school.” Wincing a little as scott's startled look, confusion tightening the man's features. "What?why?" "didn't say. just said he wanted to go home."
"...he just left? he didn't even say goodbye?" Johnny asked, looking very upset. "when did he leave?" about six thirty in the morning when no one would be up to stop him. "...did he look upset?" he looked like he had been crying when he left and Johnny winced, wondering if it was because Scott had been having sex with him and Laci? he hoped not, that would really suck because it would mean if Scott went back Gambit would probobly go back to New Orleans and no one wanted that, especially Gambit himself.
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