Taming the Storm(lady/moon)

Tony growled, before calming a little, even if he looked freaked at having the baby. “I do to. He totally needs rabies-here, Summers, you hold onto him, I’ll pinch or injure him or something in the suit.”Tony said looking at the other amused as he handed the baby to scott, who cuddled Bucky with a small smile, amused as he watched natasha cuddling her baby-boyfriend. Yea...his life was so weird. Startling, hand already raising to blast the threat, before pausing when he saw it was phil, calming a little. “Thanks. And good. We’re going to need help.”Tony said stepping onto the bus, looking freaked out that they had babies. “No, no that’s not a rogers baby. Well, it is, just not, you know, from Natasha or Steve.”Tony giggled sounding a little freaked out, starting to come unglued as he sat down in the seat as they headed for the tower. “No. And that’s bucky.”Scott said eyeing tony who looked on the verge of a panic attack at the sight of a baby.
"this is. strange." Phil admitted, examining baby Steve and Bucky before accepting Bucky from Scott. in his line of work, you came across a lot of babies. Bucky fussed and Phil gently soothed him before looking at Tony. "you okay?" he asked the man, worried about him even as he handed a list to Skye. "go and get all that. every bit of it. we'll need it even if the Commander and Cap are only like this for a day." he admitted. she nodded and vanished into a car and headed for the store to get everything they where going to need. "you'll be okay Tony." Phil promised, smiling at him. "if Loki and Thor can't fix them, then one of the X-men or Bruce will. there's only so many being's this rat bastard can be." he pointed out. "we'll fix them. it'll be okay." he promised, walking out of the bus once May parked it on top of Stark Tower. "What has happened Ma Cher?" Gambit asked, looking up, frantic because the news people where saying that Rogers and Captain Barnes where missing. "Johnny is hiding under the bed." Gambit explained. "he is convinced Jesse has taken the boys and is coming for him next." Gambit admitted, looking rather frantic. "he won't even let Laci in, seams convinced he'll be forced to hurt her."
“It is.”Scott agreed smiling a little as the other took the baby, shaking his hea a little as he watched tony worriedly, it was never a good sight, or a comforting one to witness tony nearly doubled over in the suit, his head between his legs, and even if you couldn’t tell in the chest, a heaving chest and ribs as he fought to breath normally. Utterly panicked scott winced sitting down next to him, rubbing his back, even if through the suit he couldn’t feel it, he felt better doing it.”Breath with me, Tony.”Scott muttered as he tried to help the other. “This, this is not fixable!What if they’re stuck!?”Tony said, panting, the words sounding so painful as he struggled to breath looking up at gambit as scott helped him inside. “Not missing. Changed. They’re safe just not....”Scott waved a hand at the babies phil and natasha were carrying.
"Tony." Phil said sternly. "sit up straight and take deeper, calm breaths." he ordered, doing his best to use his strongest Dom voice. he couldn't pull it off as well as others in the tower but he hoped he could still get Tony to react. "then they are stuck." Phil said simply. "whatever the case may be, panicking won't help them and it certainly won't fix them. we have some of the most brilliant minds in all of the nine realms in this Tower and those that don't live here will certainly be coming by for a visit." Phil assured Tony. "we won't give up hope until they are either fixed or we're all dead from old age." he promised. "oh dear..." he muttered, taking James from Scott. "pauvre petit bébé." he murmured, carefully wrapping Bucky in a warm blanket he'd grabbed from one of the cupboards before doing the same to Steve so they'd stop whimpering in misery. "we will need supplies." "one of my team is gathering everything that we'll need to properly care for the boys." Phil promised, well aware he and Clint where going to have to take care of Tony because Scott didn't do men and Johnny couldn't. Tony! Follow!" Phil ordered. "where's Clint?" he asked, making sure Tony was actually following him. he had to get Tony calm before he passed out or broke down.
Tony started at the tone of voice, looking up at the other as he straightened. Swallowing thickly as he considered the other man, taking slow deep breaths as he watched them."okay...your right. I live in the tower, I can fix this."tony said the genius' mind starting to kick in gear as he thought. Natasha smiled a little as she helped phil take care of the babies, glancing at clint as the man stepped out of the pilot seat, smiling slightly."I'm here. Come on tones, Scott and laci can take care of the baby, we're gonna take care of you."clint said gently hustling the billionaire out of the plane and into the tower as scott and Natasha went in to tell the others what was going on, and getting the babies settled.
"yes. we can fix this." Phil promised Tony with a smile before blinking, startled at Clint. "what? where's May?" she'd gone with Skye and Phil had been too focused to notice. "i'm glad your here." he admitted to Clint with a smile. he wouldn't dare touch Tony, in any manner, without Clint's permission even if he didn't touch Tony at all to drop the man he wanted Clint's permission first. having James and Johnny's permission would have been nice too but both where a bit... well, it was an emergency so they would have to deal with it. "we will take care of the bébés." Gambit promised. no one would expect it, but Gambit was brilliant with babies. growing up where he'd grown up, there had been a lot of orphans, most of them as young as hours old. he'd taken care of a good number of them being as he had been one of the oldest. so he was, in this case, the baby master and he soon had both babies in his arms and was soothing them as he waked inside to settle them down for a nap and to wait for Skye to return with the baby formula and diapers and a few outfits.
“She went with skye, backup and make sure she got everything.”Clint smirked a little at the look, it was so rare that he got to startle his bonded. Tilting his head as he considered tony, nodding slowly, realizing what was happening and knowing they’ have to take care of the man. “Come on Tones, we’re goign to your lab.”He said knowing the other had a sorta bedroom there, and would feel safer in his lab space, smiling at phil. “It’s okay. Let’s take care of our genius, and we’ll let the others deal with this for the moment.”He smiled a little, looking amused as he watched gambit, leaving scott to supervise as natasha went down to talk with bruce to see what to do about this. “How are they?”Skye asked as her and may walked in, looking worried.
He nodded. made sense. they didn't like Skye going out on her own after the awakening of her power. she had control over it for the most part but occasionally she lost her focus when she was angry or scared and then she brought down buildings. a problem solved by giving her someone she trusted to keep her safe right by her side. Phil relaxed at Clint's words, glad that his bonded was going to be okay with this. it wasn't a situation they'd ever been in before and Clint was rather possessive after all and could get very jealous. granted, that might have been because Phil wasn't one to enjoy being flirted with, let alone touched by people he either didn't like or didn't know.

"They are fine petite chérie." he assured her with a smile. "they are bébés, but are not hurt." he admitted, cooing at Steve who giggled. "They will need food very soon. they are young, i would say anywhere from five to eight months old. they are old enough to babble, grip things and are learning to sit up on their own and crawl. i would say, if they are still bébés, they will learn how to crawl properly within another month." Gambit admitted. "they are old enough that they should be fed baby food along with their milk formula." Gambit admitted. "we will do bottle first." he admitted. "they will take to that much more easily if they have not had experience with baby food in their memories." he admitted. "we cannot be sure how mentally aware they are, though they appear to be normal bébés."
“Good.”Skye said relaxing a little, glad to know that they weren’t hurt, just very very small at the moment. “Well, at least they’re a little more sturdy then newborns. Though it makes me wonder what the idiot was up to, changing them like this.”Skye scowled a little, looking sick at the idea of someone having two super soldiers to raise as tehy want. Noding a little as she headed for the kitchen. “I’ll make the bottles.” “....oh gods, if they’re them, just stuck in this body, they’re going to freak when they’re old again.”Scott said shaking his head at the idea as he got up, knocking lightly on the bedroom door, “Johnny?”He asked not stepping inside yet, but wanting the man to know they were safe.
"yes." Gambit agreed with a smile. "i don't think Tony could have handled it if they where newborn." he admitted, accepting the shopping bags from May and set about dressing the two babies in diapers and a set of toddler clothes. "there. that is better, yes?" he asked the babies with a chuckle, sighing when Steve promptly messed his. "well. at least he was nice enough to wait." he admitted, setting about changing the diaper, ignoring the way May paled, gagged and fled the room. "i think, if they where aware, they would already be freaking out." Gambit admitted. "being as i am currently wiping merde off their âne." he pointed out. it was always hilarious to realize how crude sweet Gambit could be, especially since he tended to cover it up by speaking in french.

there was a long pause as Johnny decided if he wanted to respond or not. "what? who is it? go away?" he finally demanded, sounding very shaken and almost as frightened as when he'd first woken up. this recent development had really set Johnn back. Laci was probobly very upset.
“Probably not.”Scott agreed looking amused, laughing as steve messed his. “Well, it is cap. Always polite to a fault, even as a baby.”The mutant snickered as he watched gambit, rolling his eyes a little because it was quite amusing to realize just how crude the other could be. “Yes, well, that would definitely be freaking anyone out.”Skye snickered as she settled down with her computer to look up the videos and see if they could find anything more about what happened today.

“It’s Scott, Johnny. I just wanted to see how you and Laci were doing.”Scott sai sounding worried about them, afraid for them. Indeed, laci was holding herself together with will and metaphorical duct tape, trying to hold it together for johnny, but shaken herself. “I just wanted to let you know that while they’re children, both bucky and steve are okay. They’re not hurt at all.”
"that's very true." Gambit agreed with a happy smile as he wrapped Steve up in a new diaper, smiling at him as he tickled his toes. "whose a good little Captain?" he asked with a grin before smirking at Scott before chuckling a little, accepting the bottles from Skye handing one to Scott before plucking up James and settling in to feed him so Scott could take Steve. the babies where old enough to mostly feed themselves at least. they could hold the bottles so all that the boys needed to do was support the babies while they ate. which they did, greedily and them promptly went to sleep. "there. we'll be fine for an hour or two." Gambit promised, gently settling the babies on the floor on a pile of blankets so they wouldn't roll off the couch.

Johnny whimpered a little before slowly sliding out from under the bed just enough to hear Scott better. "did i just hear you say what i think you said?" he asked, shocked right out of his fear. "...come get Laci." he ordered the mutant, struggling to his feet, as his legs had gone to sleep and he was weak with terror of opening the door but he did because he loved the Avengers more than he was afraid of what might happen.
Scott smiled as he fed steve, looking both amused and a little sad as he considered the baby before settling him down to sleep. Snorting amused at the sound of shock in Johnny’s voice, “What?”Laci sputtered, sounding equally at a loss. “Okay.”Scott said easing into the room, and picking up the girl, cuddling her for a moment before looking at johnny. “Steve and Bucky are currently about 9 months old. Fairly cute babies really.”Scott said before looking out the door. “Do you want to check on them, or just have jarvis pull up a video?”He asked, fairly certain teh other would actually need to see in person that they were okay, if tiny.
Johnny stayed in the corner, far away from Scott before shaking his head. "that's not possible. you've gone mad." he decided before hesitating. eyes flicking from Scott to the door and back again, obviously torn. "i need to see for myself." he decided. he needed to touch them, hold them to make sure they really where okay. he hesitated before slowly following them at a distance before gaping at the babies sleeping on the floor. "oh. my. god." he whispered, because there was no mistaking that blond hair or the metal arm. they really where babies. "oh Steve... James. what have they done to you? who did this?" he asked, looking up at them. "His name is Kienan Davis." Peter Parker informed them as he walked in. "Jarvis was able to make a positive I.D. off of the video." he admitted, sitting down and running through what they knew. "Kienan is earth born. he was perfectly normal human until the battle of the Chitauri where he quite collage and joined Hydra working on Loki's scepter. the scepter has since been recovered by Shield." he informed them. "he was reported as missing in Hydra's database about two months before the collection of the scepter so we have no idea how or why he has suddenly developed the abilities of an asgardian sorcerer, though i'm sure we can all make a few good guesses. hopefully Thor will be able to shed light on this, or Loki if he comes with. they should be here soon since we're picking up extreme energy fluctuation..." he paused when a huge crack of thunder rattled the windows and a streak of lightning flashed before the rainbow colors of the rainbow bridge light up the air at the park. Thor had promised to never, ever do that inside of the tower ever again. "well. he's here. i'll go grab the car and pick them up." Peter promised.
"I have not."Scott made a face at the other before walking out."they really are babies..."Laci stared reaching out to touch steve's hand gently as scott sat her down next to her, smiling quietly as the baby wrapped his fingers around hers while he slept. "Don-"scott started pausing to look at peter, tilting his head a little. "The scepter. Has to be."he muttered thinking it over, it only made sense that a asgardian scepter, would be the source of whatever happened, especially since it had changed so many. Glancing at the rainbridge he nodded."go. Me and gambit can take care of things here."which meant supervising to make sure no one freaked out or anything happened. Wondering just what the thunderer was going to have to tell him, and worried they'd have to watch their friends grow up, instead of fixing this.
"god... they are. they really are." Johnny whispered, sitting down next to Laci and gently touched James flesh hand, smiling at the grip. "they are really okay? not hurt or anything?" "no. James has a little bit of a bump but he's not hurt at all." Gambit promised. "they ate like demons and will sleep for a few hours." Gambit promised. "Phil and Clint are upstairs taking care of Tony, he had a bit of a panic attack." Gambit admitted. "if it was the Scepter though, why aren't there more people with godly powers running around?" Peter wondered.

it was a half an hour later when Peter came back with Thor, the thunderer just as big and buoyant as they remembered, though he looked a little worried as he hovered over the babies, looking them over with his eyes to make sure they where okay. walking much more sedately behind Thor was Loki, who looked far, far better than he ever had before. during the chitauri invasion he had been too thin, gaunt, unwashed and wild. afraid even and had appeared to be hurting as he moved. now he was filled out, graceful and his skin was pale but healthy. his black hair was healthy and clean and pulled back into a braid that fell to his shoulders. he wore a white robe that fell to his ankles, showing that he wore no shoes, and two golden bracelets shone on his wrists and a set glowed on his ankles and a copy glittered around his neck. the room went tense at the sight of him but he didn't seam to notice as he stepped beside Thor and examined the babies, frowning. "...that's strange." Loki admitted, even his voice calmer, stronger, softer. "has the one always had such a device on it's arm?" he asked. "no. he lost it when he was older. about mid twenties." "...that's... not right." Loki admitted, making Thor look even more concerned. "what's wrong?" "...the spells i'm familiar with. they revert a person back to an age of when they where younger. meaning they are exact image copies as they where when they where babies." "meaning?" "meaning he should have a flesh arm." Loki admitted. "and the Captain should be tiny, weak and sick...?" Peter asked, confused. "if that is the way he was as a baby, then yes. this is not a spell i am familiar with and i'm hesitant to... pick at it." he admitted.

"magic can be volatile when twisted against it's nature like this. at best it would attack me. at worst... it would attack them." this was a very different Loki they where dealing with. "is there nothing you can do?" Thor asked, Loki glancing up at him. "there are a few things i can try." Loki admitted, lifting his wrists to Thor silently, the man sighing and pressing his thumb on each of the bracelets, each one giving off a flash but staying in place. "i'll start with a basic detection and identification spell." Loki informed them. "it will cause a lot of flashing lights and flares and may make a sound like crackling glass or electrical charges. it will not harm the children but try to refrain from touching me or the magic may strike out at you depending on if it thinks your trying to harm myself or the infants." "what. magic thinks?" Peter asked, startled. "yes it does." Loki admitted. "it has a will of it's own... think of it as a very smart dog, you can train a dog to do almost anything but it still has a will of it's own. just like a dog you can beat it and force it to do what you want it to, but it will become violent and has a chance of mauling you or others. whoever did this... that's basically what he is doing. beating magic to force it to do what he wants. magic won't put up with that for very long." Loki admitted. "especially as he used magic to kill." even Thor winced at that. he didn't even know much about magic.
"They're fine. Really."Scott said backing gambit up with a small smile as he watched the two. They'd be good parents someday."definitely didn't like the idea of having kids around. To breakable."Scott added knowing that was only part of tony's problem. Looking up when the others arrived. "Maybe it takes a certain kind of person, if it really is the scepter."Laci said slowly looking thoughtful.

"So they shouldn't be happy and easy like this....they should have reverted...."Laci frowned thinking about that, shaking her head a little as she considered what that could mean. If magic wasn't working, right, then this was going to be a even bigger mess then they thought."he was a very sick kid...."tony frowned as he eased into the room, still looking shaken, and shocked at how well the godling looked, but needing to know what was going on to much to stay away longer then it had taken hin to get some sort of balance back.

"And a dog who likes you, considering your the sorcerer of us all, it makes sense it'd like you best."tony muttered both looking freaked out still, but calming as his utter fascination with new things, even loki and his mwgic, calmed him even more."he did. Either by accident because he didn't know, but some of the tricks he did killed."tony answered watching loki, twitchy a little because he really really wanted to help, but he knew there was nothing he could do.
Johnny nodded, looking upset still because they where babies for heaven's sakes! "Tony isn't bothered by babies, he's bothered because he was finally going to admit to James he liked him. now he can't because James is a baby." he admitted softly before shaking his head. "we'll ask once Loki gets here. or whatever other sorcerer Thor brings with him."

"they should be as they where when they where babies. there are laws, rules to magic just like there is everything. you cannot alter the flow of time, if you change a person into a baby you are literally changing them into a form in their previous time. this is... bad." Loki admitted. "to twist magic like this..." he shook his head. "i treat magic with the wild reverence it deserves." he said with a shrug. "it doesn't matter if the sorcerer did it by accident. he directly used magic to kill another being, he will suffer greatly for that. Magic is about balance. killing is not a part of the balance. yes, death is part of the balance but only if it was that beings time. murder is... abhorrent." Peter paused, opened his mouth to ask and then decided not to ask. Loki took a deep breath, and then a large glowing blue dome spread out from the babies who slept on, Steve shoving his thumb in his mouth. there was a slight crackling sound like Loki had warned and Loki examined the figures, images and letters swirling inside the dome. "....that's... not possible." Loki said, scowling, running his hand over the dome before making a move that most of the room was familiar with. it was the same way they zoomed in while using the holo-tables. the image zoomed in, and he examined the nw figures. "that's not possible!" Loki hissed, swinging his hand through the image, banishing it into smoke and repeated the spell. three times, getting more and more aggravated each time.

"hey... calm down. what's wrong?" Thor demanded, setting his hands on Loki's shoulders, the sorcerer taking a deep breath before calming. "according to my scans... there's only two possibilities. either this.. sorcerer is stronger than i am." Thor scoffed. "and managed to hide the magical traces. or there was no magic used on the babies." "...wait. what?" "magic was not used to revert them into babies. according to the scans. but that's not possible. human science is not capable, ever, of such a feat. time travel using human technology is not possible." Loki admitted, yanking his braid through his hands in a futile attempt to calm down. "the little brat, he must have done something, there's no possible way a filthy freak like him is stronger than me! not the way he hurts magic!" the sorcerer hissed. "Loki!..." Thor snapped, Loki wheeling to snarl at him. "My. Name. Is. Not. Loki!" he hissed at Thor, eyes flashing bright blue, Thor sighing as he set his hands on Loki's shoulders again. "i know. i'm sorry. take deep breaths. remember what the mind healer said." Thor ordered, Loki grumbling but subsiding into calm again. "...i'm sorry." Loki murmured after a moment, settling himself. "do you need to go lay down?" Thor asked, though i didn't sound like much of a question. "...yeah. okay." Loki didn't seam to think it was a suggestion either. "sorry, may we borrow a room?" Thor asked, leaving a hand on Loki's shoulder while he looked around at them, silently promising to fully explain once he had Loki down.
"Changing time would change everything....people have theorized that there's multiples of the world...altered slightly....could they have simply reverted to a different timeline..."tony frowned thinking about it, struggling to make quantum physics and string theory match up to magic. The scientist needing to figure it out, paling as they watched loki freak out. Never a good sight.

"Maybe not stronger....just human?could he be different enough from your magic, and using your scepter, that you can't figure it out?"laci said slowly, biting her lip as she considered loki. Not wanting to upset him more, but trying to understand, leaning into johnny, upset since she couldn't do anything. Watching the brothers tony nodded slightly, waving a hand."yea. You have rooms, a apartment downstairs, take the elevator, jarvis will get you to the right floor."tony said watching the two worried
"no. that's not the way Time works." Loki said simply. "there is no such thing as 'alternate' timelines." Loki admitted. "it is a straight line. once it's happened, it cannot be made to unhappen." Loki explained. "yes you can travel back in time, it's easy enough, but you cannot change the course of events no matter how hard you try. either your attempts will be what happened in the first place, or they will be stopped by various means." he admitted. "now, the future is constantly branching. like a piece of yarn, each branch is a possibility and as it becomes the present it gets all rolled up into the single line that is the past." he explained. "whatever this is, it's not time travel." he admitted. "no. Magic is Magic, the nine realms are all composed of it. every breath of air, every growing plant, every rotating planet. it's Magic. life." Loki explained. "it doesn't change just because your a human or a Asgardian or a fire elf." he admitted with a shake of his head before sedately following Thor. when Thor came back, he was alone and looking apologetic.

"i am sorry my friends." he admitted. "i should have come first to warn you." Thor admitted, fidgeting. "you see... oh how do i start?" Thor wondered. "we discovered something when Loki was in prison." Thor admitted. "i guess it started when he first found out he wasn't asgardian." Thor admitted. "his mind couldn't take it i guess and split into... well, two different parts. the first, Loki, who focuses on revenge and his own anger and self hatred. the other part is Tom, where that name come from i have no idea. Tom is basically made up of his desperate desire to be loved and accepted in a manner that Odin never did. no one ever did save myself and our mother. it's why i can calm him down." Thor admitted. "because i'm one of the only ones whose ever fully accepted him." he admitted. "the Chitauri took advantage of him in this way, waving spells to ensnare him while playing on his desire to make Odin and the other Asgardians suffer, while winning the love and approval of them at the same time." Thor admitted. "Tom and Loki are currently constantly battling for control. as long as Tom is in charge we're mostly fine. when he starts getting frustrated or aggravated Loki starts coming out and we have to sedate him." Thor admitted. "the mind healers... they don't think he'll ever recover. too much emotional damage." Thor admitted. "he's still the best sorcerer in the nine realms, but mentally... he's broken. very broken."
“Oh. Well.”Tony frowned trying to think of what to do, to help figure this out. “okay...that makes a weird amount of sense. Whatever you try, ends up what happened anyways.”Tony shook his head a little, not looking sure about loki’s explanation, but looking sure about it. Looking frustrated at not being able to fix anything. Laci smiled slightly, “Tony’s going to go insane, trying to figure out magic.”Laci muttered sighing softly as he rested her head against johnny’s shoulder.

“A warning would have been nice, but we’re used to not being warned about insane things.”Tony said offering a amused smile, though he still looked worried. “....he’s suffering from Multiple personality disorder?”Laci frowned thinking about it. “we have medicine for it. I mean, humans do. Maybe humans could help him....”She said tilting her head a little, considering it. “Well, we’re good with broken people.”Tony said smiling at thor, wanting him to feel better about it, tilting his head slightly as he considered it, and wondering if he could help loki, or give him projects to work on to help. Considering his own therapy was working on things, that’s how he usually dealt with things, so he tried to help others by giving them things to work on.
"yes. precisely." Loki admitted. "you cannot alter the course of time." he admitted. "that this... little shithead managed to do something like that. it's wrong. twisted and wrong." Loki admitted before smiling when Steve babbled in his sleep and gripped Loki's finger, soothing the godling in a way even Thor couldn't do. "i'd be happy to loan him some beginners books." Loki admitted, examining the man. "but he has to show me how earth technology works. the advancement of the human race is fascinating!" he admitted before letting Thor usher him away.

"Multiple what?" Thor asked, perking up. "that's ultimately why i brought him here instead of leaving him at home. my people are greatly advanced yes, but mental problems are exceedingly rare and this is the first we've ever seen of a condition like Loki's." Thor admitted. "your people, midguard has far outpaced us in the way your bodies and minds function and work." he admitted. "i had hoped that you might have answers on how to help Loki, rather than leaving him locked in a room for the rest of his life the way he would be on Asgard." he admitted. "Loki does not do well in confinement. he needs social interaction... even if it means being spit on and abused." he admitted with a sigh because that was, for a very long time, the only thing Loki ever received. it was a lot better now that people realized their torture of the young man had lead to his new mental problems. a lot of them felt guilty, those that didn't knew better than to say anything. "i just don't know how to help my brother. i know what he did to your planet was very wrong and he should be punished for it, but..." "i think being trapped in his own mind is punishment enough Thor." Johnny admitted softly. "and you said it wasn't his fault right?" "well. not all his fault. in the end he still chose to do what he did. yes he was tricked, forced and spelled to do so but in the end it was still a choice." Thor admitted, sounding so very sad. "i would not want him here if he will upset the Son of Coal or Clint." it had taken Thor a while to learn it was okay to call them all by their first names. he still was overly polite with people he didn't know though, fearing to upset someone.
“It’s wrong, an we’re going to get him back for it.”Tony agreed looking amused, before perking up at the idea of having magic. “Really?I would show you. You show me magic, I’ll teach you tech.”He promised.

“Personalities.....different sort of people, kinda in one body. Like it’s two different people, sharing a body.”Laci explained smiling a little at thor, “We have our problems, but we’ve sorta got a handle on the body.”she said smiling, pleased that they might be able to help them. “no...he doesn’t seem to take to a room well. And it’ll probably make things worse really.”Tony said looking thoughtful and worried at the idea, shaking his head at the idea of someone treating someone like that. He more then most, understood just what sort of torture that could be to someone. “We’ve all done things we haven’t liked. Him helping us with this, will be the first step to fixing things. We’ll go from there.”Tony said smiling a little, because he was well aware of what people thought of him, the former weapons dealer that was just this side of legal, and he’d come back. So this he could help, if it meant not only thor was helped, but loki who truly needed it. “....No...it’s okay....he can stay.”Clint said, while it still upset him, he could deal with the godling being there.
"ah. yes, that makes sense." he agreed. "Tom is sweet really. very caring but he gets agitated easily and frustrated. he also cries. something that Loki, when he was of a whole mind, never did. Loki, the new Loki i mean, he's... vile. rude. mean... painful." he admitted. "he doesn't need magic to make you wish he'd just kill you already. all he knows is anger and hate and thank god he still seams to like me as Loki or i wouldn't be able to control him at all." Thor admitted. "that's what the restraints are for mostly. they restrain his ability to use magic on anyone. so he won't accidentally use Magic to hurt someone, he insisted on that himself." Thor admitted. "they also restrain him, should i give the command he will become completely paralyzed and fully incapable of movement so that i can sedate him without trouble should i need to. i haven't needed to go that far yet, but..." he shrugged. "the white robes also have their function. they release a constant stream of soothing magic to help keep him calm." he admitted. "it was all we knew to do for him." he admitted.

"i had hoped that Bruce would know how to help, at the very least." "...he's not that kind of doctor." Phil informed him. "but, there are a few people i could contact." he admitted, smiling at Clint. "as long as Clint is okay with this, then i will be too." he promised. "in any case, Loki needs to be around in case that bastard comes back and turns more people into babies." Phil decided, gently cooing at Steve who woke up crying, which woke up James and set him off, Gambit simply scooping them into his arms and rocking them until they calmed into happy babbling and giggling. "...they are very cute like this." Thor finally admitted with a chuckle, accepting Steve from Gambit and cradling him just as expertly as Gambit did, letting Steve chew on his fingers. "ah. poor little mite. cutting a tooth are we?" Thor asked him, Gambit nodding. "both of them are." he admitted with a sigh. "that's just lovely...." "just slip a little wine on their gums." "not an appropriate way to handle teething Thor." "...no? that is what we did for Loki's children." Phil promptly spit coffee all over Clint. "...sorry Clint. what do you mean 'Loki's Children'?" he demanded, Thor shrugging. "Loki had many children. seven." he admitted shaking his head. "that is Loki's story to tell, should he ever decide he wants to." "...had, seven children?" Phil asked, voice choked. "...aye. they are all dead now." "...Jesus. loosing seven kids...." no wonder Loki was all kinds of fucked up. between a Father who thought you where a monster, a waste of space and time, and didn't really give a shit at all about you; and loosing seven kids it was no wonder his mind had shattered.
“Yes. While both personalities were exisiting as one before, now there’s a clean break between the two. As he tries to protect himself.”Laci said looking thoughtful, while she had majored in design, her course had two years of psych to go with it, since she had needed to understand what people wanted to be able to give it to them. “Well, at least he’s aware that he could hurt someone, and doesn’t want to. That’s a improvement, says he’s aware of what’s goign on, it’ll be okay thor, we’ll help.”Tony smiled a little looking up at the blond.

“No, he’s not that kind of doctor, but he knows doctors who are, better then I do. And he knows good ones.”Tony twitched a little, he hate psychologists because he father had subjected him to so many as a child, and influenced their view of him, that he disliked talking to them. “I’m okay with it.”Clint promised sighing quietly as he watched phil, trying to decide if he really was going to be okay. Wincing as the babies started crying, wincing again as tony’s breathing picked up, reaching out to gently stroke the brunette’s hair, keeping him calm. “They are sorta cute like this.”Clint agreed, relaxing as tony id. “...Really? My dad gave me whiskey.”Tony said looking thoughtful even as he choked on his coffee at the idea of loki having kids. “...Holy shit...okay. Yes...we’ll be okay with him here. And if he wants to talk, we’ll talk to him. But if not....we’ll still help him.”Tony said swallowing hard at the idea of losing the whole family, both children and father
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