Taming the Storm(lady/moon)

Charles nodded sighing quietly."as much as I hate to do it, I might need to have pietro and Wanda talk to their father. His helmet blocks things going in, but it also blocks thoughts coming out. If we could figure out how to adapt it to her, it would be the best solution, but erik...doesn't share well."Charles sighed a little before following the other to the bedroom.

"Yes?oh...okay...johnny?the professor is here to help."Laci soothed rubbing a hand over his chest, trying to get his attention before letting them in. Charles smiled in slight relief as the flames greeted him instead of attacking moving over to the bed with a smile."johnny, it's good to see you, even if it's under these circumstances. I'm going to help, I'm not leaving you like this. I promise, well get you free."Charles said even as he made the connection between them
the room tensed at the mention of magneto but if it was the only way to keep Jesse under control then so be it. "Eric has an odd... fondness, for ur intern, Peter Parker." indeed Eric did. "if we get Peter to ask, we might be able to talk him into it. especially since it could just as easily have been Peter she took." Steve admitted. he had nearly had a heart attack when he'd come across Eric Lensherr speaking with affection to Peter, and Peter beaming at the misguided mutant. it was also why Eric's brotherhood had failed to launch a single attack since Peter had started going to collage.

Johnny of course, couldn't reply but he did manage to blink at Charles and his fire perked up, excited, eager, hopeful. Charles could fix anything right? he'd be good, fine even, he hoped. 'Charlie!' Johnny crowed once Charles was in his head. the aged mutant could feel the overwhelming terror that was flooding Johnny. fear he would never move again, fear Jesse would take him again, fear that Laci would never forgive him. and the bright crisp flame of hope that nearly drowned the fear out. Charles could also tell that Johnny was really fucked up and it was going to take him a long time to recover from the trauma of being a living doll, being raped, and being forced to do anything she wanted.
"Ah. Yes that would be a good idea. We'llask peter."Charles agreed because he found erik'erik's fondness for the boy both amusing and puzzling all at once. Smiling a little at johnny he reached out stroking his hair, wincing a little at the utter terror he was feeling."calm johnny. We will fix this you and I. And laci is worried for you, and feels guilty for not trusting you. She's not blaming you. You two will need to talk, and figure out things, but I have great faith in you....I'm going to cut the bond now, be prepared. "Charles warned as he found the shining thread of power that connected him to jesse and as gently as he could, broke it.
i don't know how. i'm scared. Johnny admitted. 'she told me, what she was going to make me do. she was going to make me kill Laci, and Tony, and anyone else i loved and then i was going to kill myself. she was going to make me. i can't! don't let her make me kill Laci Charles, please! it was hard to know if Jesse was actually going to make him do it or if she'd just been talking, but it was obvious that it was Johnny's deepest fear right then. he cried out in fear when the thread of control snapped and he recoiled away from them because their touch made him afraid. he was filthy and defiled... and moving on his own! it took him a long moment to remember how to move his body before he curled up and tried very hard not to flee the room, screaming because there where people right there and any one of them could really be Jesse there to finish him off. because someone else might touch him and hurt him the way she had. because he couldn't stand the idea of being touched after all that had been done to him.
"I know johnny, but I won't let you hurt them. And scott and gambit are protection g laci, and steve and james are with tony. We know you're afraid of hurting them, but we 2ont let you. But I promise, I'll fix this."Charles said feeling sick to see him like that flinching away from touching him when he broke away, looking at laci."don't touch him.talk."he said watching her. "Johnny?johnny it's laci. Can you hear me?you're safe. John..."Laci said reverting to the use of the more adult version of his name, the one she always used when she wanted his attention, and wanted it now.
okay. they have to promise. if you can't break the connection you have to make them promise.' promise to kill Johnny because he could never live like this. he would rather die than hurt Laci again. he needn't have worried, Charles was the best at what he did, and soon Johnny was free and trembling like a leaf in a hurricane. terrified and frightened and so, so much pain. his entire body ached in a deep throbbing pain from struggling against her control as much as he could. never giving up because he would either win or break or die and those where his only options because giving up was a fate worse than death and he would never submit to a woman like her. "L..la..ci." he whispered, trembling still as he turned to look at her, eyes filling with tears because he was so filthy, so dirty, so defiled and broken and now she would never want him. he was just someone elses broken toy.
I’ll get them to promise.He said even if he knew they wouldn’t need the promise. He’d fix this. Flinching a little laci swallowed thickly as she watched johnny, wanting to touch to hold him, but not sure what to do to help him. Reaching out to gently touch his cheek she smiled softly, “Hey John.”She muttered closing her eyes for a moment, resting her forehead against his, hating to see him like this, wanting to reassure him, and not sure how to do it. “I got you, promise.”She said quietly not sure if the touching was okay, easing back as she watched him, not sure how to help, or what to do. Feeling broken herself.
Johnny flinched violently at the touch to his cheek, feeling the fear well up again, though he loved and trusted Laci the pain, the fear, what had happened, what had been done to him was just too much. "O...ok..ay." he whispered, voice broken and frightened and pained. still trembling, though it wasn't as pronounced anymore, though it came back when the door opened, though no one poked their head in. "Professor. Peter is here." Steve said. "Jarvis contacted him and he's on the phone with... Eric." Steve explained. "Peter isn't sure what we want so he wants you to speak to Eric." Jarvis had told them that Johnny had his control back, but that he was too scared for anyone to go in. it made bile rise up in Steve's throat as he realized Johnny was even terrified of Laci just then, though he was, more or less, okay with her there. Steve wanted to go hurt something, for now, getting Jesse under control would have to be enough. h also had to resist the urge to throttle Peter for having Magneto, the worst human hating mutant in history, on speed dial.
Laci flinched a little as she took her hand away, looking down at the man, pain and worry in her face as she watched him, swallowing hard. “rest. I’ll watch over you.”She promised, not touching him anymore, simply watching over her, growling quietly protective as she watched the door. “I’ll be right there.”Charles said moving towards the door, leaving the two behind after making sure they’d be okay, shutting the door behind him, feeling sick and angry as he took the phone from peter, and explaining to Eric what he needed, and why he needed it. Hoping that he could get through to the other why he needed the design to the helment. Because while he knew he could replicate it, he wanted it exactly like eric’s, because he knew eric’s worked, if he played around it with, he wasn’t sure it would work, and failure to get it right, would be disaterous.
"o..kay." Johnny whispered, shuddering. "i'm So...rry." he whispered, closing his eyes only once Charles was gone and slipping into sleep. Eric was, understandably very reluctant to hand over the information about his helmet, but finally agreed since Peter seamed to like Johnny so much and having a mutant like That running around was going to end in a disaster. instead of sending the information to Charles however, he sent it to Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, knowing they could devise the helmet into something a little less... tacky. Magneto would steal the results later, it would be nice to be able to go without a helmet on all the damn time. freaking Charles. Magneto couldn't let anyone know. even if he suspected Charles already did. little bald asshole... maybe it would be good to clear the air a little? "Perhaps we should have a dinner, old friend. for old times sake." Eric decided. "tell Peter i am pleased with his school grades." he ordered. when repeated Peter beamed like a freshly bloomed blossom and practically skipped to the kitchen. not unusual, he did the same thing when Steve, Tony, or Bruce praised him. though that was a good indication of how much he really did adore Magneto considering he practically worshiped Steve, Tony and Bruce.
“...Thank you Eric. And....dinner would be nice. Maybe with peter. I’ll talk to him.”Charles said hanging up, looking amused as he relayed the words to peter, looking thoughtful as he considered the man. “/...It disturbs me he likes Eric.”Tony said wrinkling his nose a little as he watched peter, looking amused.

The next morning Laci smiled a little as she took the tray of food from scott as he brought it in, not getting to close but close enough to hand it to the crippled woman before scampering back out of the room, not wanting to upset Johnny. “Johnny?Scott brought breakfast.”Laci said gently, softly looking down at him worriedly, wondering how to best coax him awake.
"it disturbs me too. but Magneto's been holding back on the evil since Peter started collage thereabouts right?" he asked. "so, maybe Magneto stopped because of Peter?" Steve wondered.

Johnny flinched when Laci spoke and blinked a little, eyes flitting around wildly as if trying to find out if he was alone. he relaxed a little when he realized it was only Laci there and he winced and flinched in pain as he struggled into a sitting position. his entire body hurt, like the time he had pushed himself too hard and had damaged most of his muscles after a five hour workout. "Laci?....am... am i... she's... gone?" he asked her, still so very afraid. "she won't come back? she won't.... she won't...." he shuddered violently and shook his head. "i couldn't... no matter how hard i tried i couldn't make my body do anything else." he admitted, poking at the food before carefully chewing on some oatmeal.
“yea, he did. And disturbing, but likely.”Tony agreed making a face at the idea.

“hey, hey it’s okay.”Laci said trying to sooth him, resisting the urge to push him back down, and to not move. Swallowing hard as she nodded slowly. “Yes, she’s gone. Storm and Logan picked her up this morning, and are currently holding her in the cells that once held magento. Apparently we’ve found one other person her powers don’t work on besides tony and james. Logan damn near solved all our problems when she tried to use him. He didn’t take it kindly.”Laci said making a face, before shaking her head.”She’s not coming back. Apparently James scared her badly, and with Wolverine standing guard until we get a more permanent fix.”She said swallowing hard, “I know. We know....I’m sorry....I didn’t...find you sooner....”She said swallowing thickly as she hung her head.
"y. yeah." he agreed, trembling still, though it seamed to be from pain now, rather than fear. "thank god..." he mumbled. "...Sue got her? was that safe?" he asked, looking very anxious. "they didn't work on Logan?" he asked, looking amused now before shaking his head, wincing when that hurt. "thank god... she... she made me..." he shuddered violently before he smiled at her a little. "you found me. that's all that matters. i just hope you can forgive me. i should have been stronger. i shouldn't have let her... i shouldn't have...." he buried his face into his knees and began to cry because everything that woman had made him do was horrible and terrible and awful. "i was too weak. i couldn't do anything..." he whispered, not sobbing, thankfully. but torn up, upset and horrified at the things he had been forced to do. mostly sex and showing off for people he hated, still, he hadn't been able to fight back, and while rape would have been traumatic enough, he had lost all control of his body and his body had been forced to enjoy it, which brought on a whole new slew of horror, trauma, and problems.
“Storm, Ororo, not your sister.”Laci teased a little, “Sue’s safe. Don’t worry.”She promised before nodding. “they didn’t. Apparently all it did was piss him off. Same with James and Tony, we’re thinking the serum and extremis protected them, and in turn pissed them off when they felt her working on them.”Laci said smiling before wincing as she watched him. “I know....we’re going to stop her. Charles talked to Erik, and got the designs for his helmet....tony’s working on a better version of it to stop Jesse.”She said before wincing, watching him before shifting, not sure if he’d accept it, before wrapping her arms around him. “You were strong, you lived. You’re messed up, we’re all messed up, but we’ll help you. I’m here for you. And we’ll figure out how to help you.”She muttered taking his hand, raising it to her neck, and even if there was no raised lines to it, or anything to identify what it was, she laid his fingers across her bond mark. “You’re mine, no matter what, remember? I’ll take care of you. Even if I have to hide out or lock us both in my apartment. Just think, it’d be a introverts perfect dream.”She said not even bringing up anything else, or how this was going to effect everything. Because while jesse had wanted him for him, she had also managed to do her secondary cause, and mess up laci’s career, at least for the moment as she turned away her attention from clothes, and simply took care of johnny.
"oh... oh. right. sorry. yeah. wrong Storm... got it." he agreed, relaxing again before blinking a little. "so... the reason why Jesse couldn't take Steve and Tony the way she did me, is because..." because the genetic makeup of their body was impossible for her powers to take command of. Johnny's DNA was still human, meaning she could control it, but the others she couldn't because their DNA wasn't human and her powers couldn't latch hold. maybe? he didn't know. maybe it was brain wave patterns or something? he didn't know, but at least she couldn't hurt anyone else for a while. and he was sure Charles was thinking of something a little more permanent. "Charlie talked to Magneto?" he asked, sounding a little stunned that Magneto would give up his special helmet just to contain one vicious woman. he tensed when she wrapped her arms around him and began to tremble all over again but didn't pull away, desperate for the comfort even if it terrified him.

"....okay." he whispered, stroking the mark, swallowing thickly. "i... i wanted to tell you... before." he whispered, letting her see his own mark. "it was never Apolline." he admitted. "every time it got darker, i was with you... it just... took me way too long to realize it." he admitted softly before he smiled. "i'd like that, i think... just, lay in bed, watch Dr. Who and Supernatural." he mumbled with a smile, watching her. "i love you, Laci." he whispered. "but i... i don't think that i... i don't think i can do sex for a while." he whispered. "i can't get the feeling of it... out of my skin." he whispered. "i can't get the feeling of her, out of my skin." he admitted. "the thought of... just touching... it makes me..." he closed his eyes and rested his head on his knees, disgusted with himself. "i'm sorry." he whispered, watching her. "you can still sleep with Johnny if you want though." he promised with a smile. just because he was all fucked up, didn't mean he'd make her miserable too.
“Yea...something about how extremis and the serum changed them, made it impossible for her to control. Tony thinks it’s because they’re so far removed from...what normal human DNA and thought patterns are, I mean, tony’s more AI then human these days, and the boys are perfection...so they think it changed them....yea. Tony’s been over thinking and obsessing over it. It’s given him something to work on besides you...though, warning, he’ll be in here eventually. He’s made 22 new suit since you went missing, and 12 of them are actually fully made, he’s unwinding, so he’ll probably not be able to keep from barging in here for long.”Laci warned before nodding. “he did. For peter. They’ll figure it out.”She said relaxing as he didn’t shove her away.

“...what?but...how?I mean...I thought..”Laci frowned sounding so confused and lost on that. She had no idea how that worked. But wasn’t going to turn it away. “Good....I love you.”She muttered swallowing hard before smiling. “We can do that. Totally. Tony has all of doctor who.”She muttered before flinching, eyes wide as she watched him, hurt shining in her bright eyes before she could hide it, wondering if he thought so little of her that he thought she’d really be worried about sex at the moment. “It’s okay. I mean....sex for me is never going to be a option again, so....yea....”Because no one had told her she’d walk again, they hadn’t had time to bring it up, so she was still under the impression that she was stuck like this, and despite knowing he wanted to stay with her, she was still worried that the man, despite this, she knew he liked sex. Eventually he’d want it agian, and for her, that wasn’t a option. So she’d enjoy his company until he got tired of it. “It’s okay...don’t worry about it Johnny. Really.”she muttered stroking his hair softly, not sure if the touch was okay, but simply needing to comfort him.
he nodded. "i was thinking that too. but i'm a numbers guy, not a dna person." he admitted with a smile. "in the end, i'm not sure it really matters." he admitted before flinching. "oh Jesus. twenty two, really?" he asked, looking very worried. "i know he will be... i think it will be okay. maybe. i might get scared. you won't leave right? i feel safer with you here." he admitted. "i was wrong." he admitted softly. "you'd left, and the mark was getting darker and Apolline was there and i thought i was in love because my mark had gotten darker because i was a flipping idiot and didn't realize it got darker because of you." he admitted. "yeah he does. i like Dr. Who." he admitted before looking at her, puzzled. "what are you talking about? of course Sex is an option. i won't be this way forever. i'll get better." he looked very frantic at the idea. what if she left because he couldn't do sex? everyone he was ever with, all they wanted from him was sex so he just assumed Sex was a part of a relationship that would fall apart without it. "please don't leave me. i'll get better as soon as i can, i swear!" he promised her, looking close to a panic attack at the idea of her not being happy because he couldn't give her the sex she wanted.
"Yea. At least designed, he hasn't actually gotten to make them actually."Laci sighed a little. Before smiling a little,"no I won't leave, and he won't stay long. I'm sure he'll just check in and leave."Laci promised smiling a little."oh...that makes sense. I'm glad. I know you felt bad about it.but we're together. We'll be okay."shesmiled before looking startled at his reaction, tilting her head a little."what? I know you'll be better. And don't rush yourself. Not when it doesn't matter for me...."she frowned looking ups3t."I mean, I can't have sex....it's why I thought you were leaving....why I didn't believe tony when you were gone...I thought...you left me cause I cant...ever...."she frowned a little looking upset and frantic herself, so afraid this was going to be it.
Johnny nodded. "he likes to make things. i'm sure he managed to make at least half of them." he mumbled before smiling at her a little. "yeah. i never second guessed it. but, Apolline was never my bonded." he scowled. "she just made me think she was." he grumbled before looking at her, confused. "what are you talking about? why can't you have sex? do you have an infection? are you on your period?" he wondered, baffled at her. "i would never leave you! i love you!" he protested. "even if we could never have sex again i would never leave you! i can't see any reason why we can't though, i mean, sure your hurt right now and se could damage the fragile bones that are healing but that won't last but for another month or so." he promised her. "i won't be damaged forever either and i promise i'll give you all the sex you want once we're recovered." he promised. "i just. i need time to recover and so do you and i think, by the time your healed up i should be okay too right?" he wondered. not realizing that Bruce had already cleared her for physical activity again. after all if she could do her leg exercises she could have sex. Johnny didn't know that though.
“Probably.”Laci said looking amued before sighing quietly, smiling at him. “Good. I’m glad you were wrong. I want to be yours.”She muttered before frowning, shakign her head. “No....I mean...I can’t feel it...or o anything. Having sex with me like this is just going to be awkward johnny.”She said frowning, looking confused, before sighing. “Yea...I guess. Though Bruce already said I was okay to exercise....”She said looking thoughtful and tired.
Johnny looked confused. "of course you can feel it." he said, looking at her. "you mean you haven't..." he blinked a little. "Laci. just because you lost the use of your legs for a little while doesn't mean you've lost touch sensation. haven't you noticed that your toes are still ticklish?" he asked her, looking amused. "you can still have sex. it will still feel good." he promised with a smile before chewing on his lip, watching her. "you don't care... about sex i mean. do you?" he asked, sounding rather amazed. "you really don't. i never... i thought..." he shook his head. "i thought... everyone i've ever been with, willing or not, everything was always about the sex so i thought...." he swallowed a little. "that was silly of me i think..." he admitted.
Laci frowned at him, looking confused. “What?What o you mean a little while?I’m crippled johnny!don’t try to make it better. And...no. I mean. I can tell if your touching me, but...who wants to have sex with a crippled person, I’ll just be laying there. That’s not fun..”She said looking so utterly confused, before frowning at him, looking even more lost at his words. “....Sex is nice, I like sex. But it has to be sex with people I like.”She said blushing a little.
Johnny stared at her and then. "Laci it's only for a year or so, at most." he pointed out. "and even if you where crippled for life, i wouldn't give a damn." he admitted. "i love you. i don't need to have sex with you to be happy with you. sex should be about pleasure, for both of us. if it makes you feel good why wouldn't i do it?" he asked her, his head tilted. "in any case, crippled or not, what does it matter when i'm yours?" he asked with a smile. "i am yours and you are mine and that's that. wheelchair or not." he admitted, flinching violently and whimpering in terror when a knock sounded at the door. it was Steve, checking to see if Johnny was awake yet or not and if they needed more food, water or anything else. "...painkillers." Steve ordered. "Ibeproven." he said, watching Steve leave. he had a feeling that Tony was going to be the one who brought the ibeproven so johnny was preparing himself for that already.
Laci looked confused, staring at him. “W-what?But...it’s permanent....isn’t it?”She said looking so lost, before offering a shy smile, blushing at the other’s words, ducking her head a little. “Oh....well I...I guess it doesn’t matter...”She sai relaxing at the promise, wincing herself, startling a little before glancing at the door, tense, ready to protect him before noing. “Water woul be nice to.”She said and indeed, looking a little amused when it was tony edging into the room, though he staye near the door, fidgety and upset as he looked at the other. “H-here.”Tony stutttered a little only moving close enough to hand over the glass of water and painkillers.
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