Taming the Storm(lady/moon)

Gambit scowled when he realized Johnny had left her alone. that was really unlike him. well, no, if Johnny was high or drunk he could believe it. it wasn't Gambit's fault he didn't know that Johnny couldn't get drunk without loosing complete and total control over his powers. Johnny getting drunk meant he set pretty much everything on fire. "well, lets go home shall we? i went on the tilt-a-whirl too many times. i feel sick." Gambit admitted, and he really did look a little green around the gills. it could have been the greasy fair food too but considering Gambit's normal diet that was unlikely. once they got home Gambit went to lay down, leaving Scott and Laci together so Scott could comfort her. Gambit wasn't stupid, he knew Laci needed Scott right then, being abandoned was hard and it hurt a lot. Gambit was going to punch Johnny's face in for doing that to Laci.
“...yea...let’s go....”Laci sighed softly, looking sick herself as she followed after them, snuggling into Scott with a tired little sigh as the man took care of her.

Later that week, Tony scowled looking annoyed, after days of trying to convince Laci that she hadn’t been abandoned, and that something was wrong. But he couldn’t blame the scarred woman from thinking the worst, not when it was only his deep knowledge of who johnny was, that made him sure they were wrong. Not when laci and johnny had had some many problems over the last years, so he wasn’t surprised that she felt abandoned, but it made figuring things out hard. Running a hand through his hair he glanced up at James as he looked over the video he’d been looking at for days, studying the man for a long moment. Hating to ask, but needing the help. “You wanna go to a party with me? And think steve and natasha would come?”
James looked at him and then nodded. "yes." he agreed. he knew that Tony didn't think that Johnny hadn't left on his own. he didn't know Johnny well enough to have an opinion but he trusted Tony and if Tony said something wrong then he believed him. "i can talk Steve into it." James admitted. "and Natasha will go with just to dance with Steve." he admitted, looking at him. "did you find something?" he asked, examining the video, watching Johnny pull something out of his pocket and flick it open, checking the ring before tucking it back into his pocket and then, just turning and following the other woman as if he hadn't just been planning the perfect way to propose to Laci. "...where are the rings?" James wondered. it was the only thing Johnny had managed to do, hide the rings. it had hurt terribly to fight against the control, but a later video showed him tucking the ring box into a hole in one of the trees as he walked past it. hiding them from the woman who now had a Johnny toy.
“Good.”Tony said pleased at having the backup, nodding a little. Glad to have his friends with him when he went to do something about it before nodding, pausing the video to show James. “there, there’s a good picture of the girl’s face. It’s Jesse, that girl that Laci had problems with at that party.”Tony sighed softly, “And he hid them. I managed to get them back,”Tony said gesturing to the desk with the ring boxes, sighing quietly. “Now we just have to go find the guy that goes with them, and w’ell be okay. As desperate as she is to steady her company, I doubt she’ll be able to pass up having johnny there with him.”
James smiled at him a little. "...yes. i remember." he admitted. he'd memorized her face when he'd learned she had upset Laci. "Johnny hated her." James remembered. "he wanted to have her arrested again." he said before looking at the rings. "does Laci know?" he wondered. "that he was going to propose i mean?" he wondered before looking at Tony. "how will we do that?" he asked. "we have no idea what's wrong, so how do we find out?" he wondered. he could punch things, but that and shooting people was about the limit of his skills.
“Yea, he did. Which makes this even worse. He would have never willingly gone with her, not without burning down half of coney island anyways. So something’s wrong.”Tony sighed shaking his head. “No, she doesn’t. I didn’t want to make her feel worse then she already does, and if she knows she misjudged him that badly, while he’s still gone, she’ll drive herself insane.”Tony sighed softly before smiling. “No we don’t, but we’re going to go to a party, and I’m going to put you in front of jesse. Even without knowing who you are, you give off this deadly-don’t mess with me vibe. Between you and nat, I’m planning on frightening her bad enough that she spills everything she knows. And if not, well I’m not above kidnapping johnny”
"i agree." James agreed, though mostly it was because Tony said it, so it had to be true. "that's true." he agreed, worried about Laci and very unhappy that she was unhappy. "okay. parties are... fun." he decided before he smirked. "yes. i like it. i am very scary." he agreed. "i like scaring people." he really did enjoy looming over people and popping out of dark shadows and all kinds of spooky ass things. "is it kidnapping when he was our friend first though?" James asked. "especially if there really is something wrong?"
“Parties are amazing, just think you can terrify anyone who tries to flirt with me. It’d be quite amusing.”Even if he wasn’t admitting that he enjoyed the other’s company, or that his bond mark was completely filled in, having figured it out, and still freaked out about that. “You are indeed. And hmm...maybe not. Probably not. Okay, we’re just reclaiming him.”He snickered a little heading for the door. “Come on, let’s go find the other two, and get out of here.”
he shrugged. "i always liked parties." he admitted before grinning darkly at the idea of being able to chase off the giggling twittering women who seamed to think that since Tony hadn't found his bonded yet he never would. James was anything but stupid though, he knew very well that Tony had found his bonded and that James was it and James was going to defend his turf viciously until Tony came to terms with that. it didn't take James long to inform Steve that he was coming or he was kicking Steve's ass and Steve sighed but figured Tony had never really been wrong about things like this before and Gambit seamed to think something was up too so... might as well see for himself. he was soon dressed as Tony ordered and was heading into the party where Johnny was smiling, way too nice to people he'd normally hate. people fawning over him when he usually shied away. "...okay i'm a bit more convinced now." Steve admitted, watching Johnny strut around, showing himself off in a manner that made Steve's stomach drop. he didn't know Johnny well, but he knew Johnny would never, ever strut like that. never draw such attention to himself Johnny, he knew, hated being fawned and fussed over like that, like he was some sort of toy. something was very, very wrong. Johnny would never smile and preen and flirt like that, not ever.
“....you are disturbing, Winter. I mean, you’re acting like you like people.”Tony muttered looking amused as he glanced at the man as he sipped his whiskey, trying to figure out how to approach this without getting anyone hurt. “Yea, only person I’ve ever seen be allowed to fuss, was Laci, and that’s cause she lets him fuss over her more.”he sighed softly. “This is gonna be bad.”He muttered watching Jesse as she fawned over the man, looking at james. “Come on soldier boy, let’s go scare the pretty rich lady.”he grinned amused as he headed for his friend. “Johnny!It’s good to see you. You’ve not been around lately.” "Well, we've been busy."Jesse said looking a little worried.
James smiled a little. "i do like people." he admitted. "as long as i'm feeling okay." he admitted with a smile, sipping at a flute of champagne and looking for all the world like a man who had been raised on the finer things in life. a high society blackjack man who was perfectly groomed and handsome. he even looked comfortable in his suit and tie a midst high society. anyone who looked at him assumed he belonged there. "you got it Boss." James agreed, setting his champagne down on a tray and headed over, Steve and Natasha flanking to Johnny's other side. "hey guys." Johnny said, looking very happy to see them as Jesse wanted. act normal, be casual, they mustn't know. "i was helping Jesse with her line." he explained. "and what about Laci?" "who?" Johnny asked, frowning a little even as a few bluebell flames slide across his fingers before they where crushed by a line of bright red flames. as if his very flames where fighting each other. "Johnny!" Steve chirped. "hey! you have to come help me!" Steve pleaded. "my hair man!" he complained, showing Johnny his hair. "what did you DO!?" Johnny demanded, stunned. Steve had done something very stupid. he had let Gambit touch his hair and now it was no longer that honey blond color, it was black. the shock of Steve's hair had been enough for Johnny to shake Jesse's control long enough to have his outburst before the pain swallowed him up and his body was hers again. "i'm a bit busy tonight Steve. and i don't think i can fix that." Johnny admitted, offering them a polite but dismissive smile. "please, Johnny. i can't look like this!" Steve pleaded, he had to get Johnny away from her and back to the tower where they could lock him in until they could find out what was wrong.
“Ah, me to. Most of the time, they’re annoying.”Tony muttered looking amused at the play, because james really did look like he’d been raised a high society man, so different from where tony knew he really was from. “Laci’s clothes. You promised to help her, not jesse.” “Well, it seems he’s decided to help the better talent.”Jesse said smiling slightly. Tony tilted his head, swallowing hard at the sight of the flame, there was hope. Johnny was fighting, at least some. “He let Gambit do his hair. And without Scott or laci to supervise. It was a mess.”Tony snickered a little. “We are very busy, we wont have time. I’m sorry.”Jesse said. Tony cursed silently, wanting to get the other away from him, and glanced at James, “How about you take the kind woman for a dance?”Jesse said even as her will lashed out, bending johnny to be jealous and not want to share. Watching him bristle, but not realizing that Tony and James had a ace in the hole, that the winter soldier could surprise and frighten him enough to shatter her control for a few moments, enough to allow james to get her away from johnny for a bit.
James smiled a little at Jesse, the grin sharp and dangerous. "i think your misunderstanding something here." he informed her, looming over her. "you think us stupid?" he demanded. "you think we don't know that you are the one who made Sue push Laci in front of a bus?" he demanded, advancing on her, looming over her, Johnny moving to intercept, only to find that he couldn't because Steve had his arms wrapped around Johnny's upper arms. bluebell flames wrapping around Steve's hands and up to his wrists even as orange flames struck out at him, the blue fire protecting Steve, proof that Johnny really was fighting. James swept her into a hold, swinging her into a dance, ignoring Johnny completely since Steve was forcing Johnny out of the building, telling the few people who asked that Johnny was suffering from a food bug and that when he was sick he started loosing control of his flames. it was the truth after all even if Johnny wasn't actually sick. "i will tell you this once, and only once, woman." James whispered t her. "you will leave, and you will never come back. or i will hunt you down and put a bullet through your brain. or maybe i'll do worse, and let Shield have you, and you'll spend the rest of your life in a prison while everything you worked for, everything you built crumbles and falls. or worse. succeeds without you, despite you." he smiled at her, looking for all the world like he was having a normal happy conversation. "you leave. you don't come back, or i will make you regret living, if i don't just kill you." he smiled, kissed her cheeks and let her go at the end of the song. "your done, Jesse. don't push further than you'll survive."
Jesse’s eyes widened as he spoke, looking up at James, not backing down though. Giving him that wide eyed look. “What?I would never do that. How would I?”she said her voice stuttering a little at the lie, eyes wide as he swept her into a dance. “Let’s go.”Tony growled sounding worried and upset as the flames lashed out, “Get him home. Put him in my rooms, and tell Jarvis to not let anyone else that he’s back yet. I want to sort this out before everyone’s crowding in.”Tony said ordering them, smiling at the look on natasha’s face, hmmm no one did protective anger better then Natasha. Watching them go he returned inside, not wanting to leave james alone. “What?I didn’t do anything wrong. You know that.”Jesse said her eyes wide and hurt, her will willing him to not do this, to return johnny to her as she realized the others were leaving, and to stay with her. That he wanted her.
James smiled at her, dark, dangerous, deadly. "oh, we both know you did it. and once Xavier get's done with Johnny we'll know how." he admitted. "i suspect your a mental manipulator of some kind." he admitted. "or maybe you have a mind control machine. maybe you just use a person's body like a puppet?" he wondered, gently tugging her hair, making it look like an affectionate big brother move. "your little mind tricks don't work on me Jesse, little darling." Jame informed her. "there's a reason why Hydra could never replace my memories the way they did to others. it didn't work, because i'm immune to mental manipulations. i can feel you, in there, trying to latch on, and you can't." he smiled, setting a hand on her neck, looking for all the world like he was going to pull her into a kiss, though his thumb was pressing a little too firmly on her Adams apple. "if i snapped your neck, i wonder how many people would actually be upset?" he mused before letting her go. "run away little Rabbit." he purred. "or the big bad wolf will eat you up, spit you out and make sure your too broken to ever fuck with one of ours again."

johnny stopped struggling against them once they where nearly at the tower, going limp like his strings had been cut, both blue and red flames snuffing out just like that and Steve hesitated before continuing, sweeping Johnny into a fireman's carry instead of trying to fight with him. the worrying part was that Johnny hadn't passed out, he was still awake, eyes blinking slowly, but he looked... dead, blank, un-moving as if asleep even if he wasn't. it was... Steve didn't like it at all and he really didn't like how light Johnny was in his arms.
Jesse’s eyes went wide as she considered the other, swallowing thickly as she watched him, startling as he tugged her hair, trembling a little as she realized it was going to work. “W-what?”she sputtered a little, realizing that she’d chosen the wrong person to try tricks on, even as she felt his hand closing on her neck, she reached for tony. So used to being able to twist things to her own ends, that she couldn’t stop. “Let’s go.”Tony said frowning slightly as he felt her in his head, before brushing it off, turning to look over at James. “Maybe we should call Charles, if she’s still trying to do this, even after being threatened, she’s to powerful and insane to be left in the open.”He frowned considering it, nt even thinking about that james might brush off a attack to himself, but when he realized she’d tried to get into tony’s head it would be a violent reaction as he defended his bonded.

Natasha frowned wincing as she realized just how still and quiet the man had gotten. Biting his lip as he considered it. “Dammit....”she cursed quietly as they got the man to bed, looking him over, not sure what to do before swallowing thickly. Wondering for a moment which one to get before deciding on gambit, since scott had the most practice keeping laci’s mood up, and she knew even if she didn’t know about this, laci needed someone to stay with her, otherwise she’d be depressed and suicidal. “Jarvis, will you get Gambit to come up here please?”
James smiled at her. "you won't get him either. he was, after all, immune to Loki's scepter. if he can fight off a god, what the hell do you think you could do to him?" that was a bluff of course. "yes. go call Xavier." he agreed. "we'll let her go for now." he mused. "Charles will be able to find her, no matter where she goes, and his mind powers are far more powerful than hers. he'll be able to snap any control she has over anyone she tries to use to defend herself with." he admitted, tightening his hand around her neck again. "touch anyone i love with thoes little mind voodoos of yours again." he snarled. "and i'll make sure you never breath without a tube again, do you understand me!?" he demanded before releasing her, giving her a nice little smile and walked out the door, leaving Jesse with a badly bruised neck and a jarring realization that there where people she couldn't control.

Steve fussed over Johnny, feeling very guilty. how had he not realized? he should have trusted Tony, trusted Johnny. now Johnny was catatonic and not moving and it was all his fualt for letting them go alone while he, Nat, Tony and James went on a date. "oh Ma Cher! what has been done to you!?" Gambit fussed as he swept into the room, checking him over. "i will call Charles. he will need to know, if he doesn't already." he admitted, fussing unhappily. "we will need to tell Laci. she will be inconsolable but she needs to know." he admitted. "Jarvis! tell Scott and Laci to come down but don't let them in the room just yet, i want to tell them what happened first." "better let Tony do that." Steve admitted, watching Tony and James walk in. "they actually know what the hell happened. i'm sorry Tony. i should have believed you."
Tony snorted amused at the other’s words even as he walked away o call. Hanging up after a few minutes before glancing at James as he walked away from Jesse looking amused at how utterly lost and scared jesse looked as she watched james go. “You do scary well. That was amazing.”he said before tilting his head a little. “Charles said he’s on his way. It’ll be a few hours, but he’ll come.”

“...Are you certain? Wont seeing Laci make him worse?”Natasha said worried about johnny, and laci. Not sure how the bond between them would be effected by this, and afraid of making it worse. “Of course, they are on their way down.”Jarvis promised. “Don’t worry about it. If I hadn’t known how devoted he was to laci, I might have wondered for a day or two myself.”he said before looking up at laci and scott when they came in, gesturing for them to sit. “What happened?”Laci said looking scared as she considered them. Tony bit his lip, looking at james, trying to figure out where to start, not sure how bad this was going to be.
"of course i do scary well. i have to wonder what she'll do. build an army trying to protect herself or if she'll just run." he mused before nodding. "non. it will give him something to fight for." Gambit explained. "his body fights still, his flames fight. they do not give in." a curl of blue flame wrapped around Gambit's finger. "people do not know. do not realize. his flames are only partially connected to him." he admitted. "his will controls it, yes, but it also has a mind of it's own. he admitted. "this blue fire, it tells me what i need to know. that he is fighting, as best as he can." Gambit muttered. Johnny had confessed a lot to Laci and to Gambit, though Tony knew about the fire having a mind of it's own too.

"please sit." James ordered, watching Laci. "Jesse is a mutant of some sort." James explained. "her powers take control of a persons body, or mind, or free will." James explained. "it was Jesse who took control of Sue long enough to shove you in front of the bus. and she took control of Johnny as well. complete control, to the point where he not only did not recognize Gambit Just this morning, but also barely reacted to Steve's hair."" his fire attacked us, though the part of it that thinks for itself was able to protect us from being hurt." Steve explained softly. "Johnny didn't leave willingly." James admitted, setting something down in front of her. "he was carrying this when Jesse took control of him. i thought you should know." he admitted, letting her see the Female Ring and the Male Ring in the box. "hiding these from Jesse was the last act of free will he managed." James admitted softly. "he was going to propose before Jesse took him." he watched her. "we have him back, but he's catatonic for now, Xavier is coming, and he'll do what he does best and we'll have johnny back but he's going to be... we are pretty sure that he was raped and that's going to affect him. we don't know if he'll be fully aware of what happened though, if he was affected through his mind, he might not be aware of what he was forced to do." Steve admitted. "we have to be careful with him, he's likely going to be traumatized, but Gambit says, and i agree, that if you sit with him, he'll have more of a reason to fight the control, have a reason to be okay." he admitted. "give him hope i guess. let him know you aren't angry that he couldn't fight it off. let him know he'll be okay."
Natasha looked thoughtful as she considered that, nodding a little. “Makes sense why it both tried to burn us and protected us. He’s there, fighting. We’ll get him back. Laci’ll help.”Natasha muttered knowing that this was what johnny needed, even if she was worried for her friends.

Laci frowned as she settled back into scott’s lap as the man sat down with her in his arms, sighing quietly as she looked up at gambit. “What?Jesse...but...”She looked pale and shocked, hurting. “She hated me that much?To destroy them....she...”She whimpered quietly lowering her head, starting to cry as she pressed her face into scott’s shoulder. “I knew he’d been up to something. Didn’t know this was it.”Scott said sounding utterly hurting, knowing that he’d assumed the worst, feeling so guilty about it. “I...I didn’t know...I thought...he was getting ready to leave.”Laci said frowning as she looked at the rings, tears streaming down her face not noticing Tony and Scott staring at her. They’d known she was upset, they hadn’t realized she thought that he was leaving. Laci gently tugged at Scott’s sleeve. “Take me to johnny.” “Yep. Let’s go.”Scott stood looking worried even as he eased into the room, settling her onto the bed next to johnny, sighing quietly as the flames crawled over her hands. “Johnny, sweetheart....I can’t help you like this. I need you to wake up, come on fireboy.”She muttered shifting, cuddling down next to him, curling up close.

“....She thought he was leaving?”Tony frowned glancing at gambit, wondering if he’d known she had thought he was before this. Or if johnny had said something and laci had taken it wrong. Feeling utterly lost, and pretty sure that a huge misunderstanding was at the root of all this.
"i don't think she hated you so much as she wanted everything you had." Steve admitted. "we'll know for sure once Charles gets a look in her head." he admitted, gently stroking Laci's hair. "this isn't your fault darling." he promised softly. "no one here is to be blamed but for Jesse. she did this and she's the one at fault and no one else." Steve assured them all, well aware they where all feeling guilty. he was too but he knew, logically, that it wasn't their fault. didn't make him feel better but he hoped him saying it would make the others feel better a little bit, he watched Laci leave and sighed a little before blinking at Gambit who nodded. "Oui. i have to admit, i thought she was right. she'll never walk again after all. that kind of care and responsibility is intense for anyone and i wasn't sure Johnny would be able to handle it." Gambit admitted, his face crumpling as he struggled against the urge to cry. he had no right to cry. "what do you mean Laci will never walk again? who told you that?" "Laci did." Gambit said, looking confused. "was that not right?" "no! sure it might b a year or more before she get's feeling back, but she will walk again. why do you think we've been making her do the leg exercises?"

Johnny was laying exactly where they had left him in the exact same position. the only sign he was alive was the steady rise and fall of his chest and the occasional blink. the blue flames where all over her in an instant, something only Laci would understand. there where times when Johnny woke from nightmares, screaming and his blue flames would cover everything, looking for any danger, flaring orange only in contact with things his fire might take as a threat. like spiders, but the flames would cling to Laci, as if trying to protect her as well as him, or like they where seeking comfort. it was enough for her to know that he knew she was there, but that he was completely terrified.

(just got back, here's a post for you to work on while i work on the others ^^)
"...oh...that doesnt make me feel better..." "I know it doesn't sweetheart, but she could have struck at someone truly unable to fight back. As bad as johnny is at the moment, we got him out, and we're going to make sure she can't hurt anyone again."tony smiled a little knowing they couldn't help the feeling of guilt, and knowing only time and johnny himself would make her feel better. Watching her go, he tilted his head a little as scott joined them again wrapping his arms around gambit, fussing over him like he couldn't fuss over laci at the moment."we thought your doing it so her blood won't clot and throw a stroke or something. She doesn't know.....dammit.the bus."Scott looked sick."she shattered her hearing aids, we never bothered to ask how much she knew during those first days because she wasn't wearing them."Scott winced looking guilty for not asking, having never considered she hadn't known."your sure she'll walk again?" "Yes. With time she will."tony promised.

Laci smiled slightly at the flames shifting as close as she could, holding onto him."your home johnny. Safe. I'll keep you safe till we can fix this promise. Try and get some sleep, I'll watch over you."she muttered shifting, stroking his hair, indeed standing guard
"she took Johnny, because she wanted Johnny, she would have done so even if you weren't with him." he pointed out. "she would have taken him even if you had never met him because she was a sick, twisted rapist who wanted him, and could have him no matter that she was taking away his free will. she cares nothing that she could have broken him, probobly hoped he would. she's a sick psychopath and you will not blame yourselves for her sick actions." he commanded, Gambit unable to take it anymore he began to cry, horrified that he had thought such bad things about Johnny and now the man was laying there un-moving and broken. "oh jeeze..." Steve groaned, sinking into a chair and beginning to cry too because he had wanted to and Gambit crying meant he couldn't hold back his own anymore. "she'll be just fine." Steve admitted, trying to wipe away his tears because he was the strong one here dammit. inside the room Johnny closed his eyes and let himself sleep, reveling that he could do so. sure his mind had been able to rest, but for the first time he could actually sleep. thank god, he was so tired and so scared. Jesse still had him, she would never let him go. he was going to be like this forever he was sure. he just hoped Laci could forgive him someday.
"...I guess your right..."Laci muttered even if shestill felt devastatingly guilty about it, she let the man comfort her. "Come on, sit. Charles will help, you know he will. Just a few hours, morning at the most and he'll be here."Scott muttered stroking gambit hair even as tony and Natasha snuggled into their respective bonded to get their own cuddles.

In the morning scott was a jumbled mess of nerves as Charles wheeled in, making the man give him a look before glancing at gambit."take scott to his room, and make him get some sl3ep. He's doing no one any good like this, and is harming hime3lf."Charles said before focusing on the others, a worried look on his face."any change since last night?I apologize it took so long to get here."he said wincing because while he had competent teachers, it still took time for him to get away after he'd informed the others and made sure everything was okay to leave. As much as he would have liked to drop everything he couldnt. "It's okay...we'll no because nothing of this is okay, butwe know you have responsibilities."tony said looking like he'd had a sleepless night himself
Gambit smiled at Charles and headed off with Scott, ignoring the man's stuttered protests. Gambit needed some sleep too, he'd forced himself to stay up all night in case Laci or Johnny needed him. there had been no change, though the fire had been communicating as best as it could with Laci. the fire did not 'think' really, not feel much and with Johnny's connection to it mostly cut off he could not direct it so mostly it just crawled all over her and acted happy when Johnny felt better and spread when Johnny was scared and did fire things. "we have Jarvis keeping an eye on Jesse." Steve explained to Xavier. "we have no idea how to handle something like this. put her ina prison and she'll be walking out in a matter of twenty minutes. if the judge doesn't just let her walk free." he admitted, looking very anxious. Johnny was the priority of course but he knew that Johnny would never forgive them if they just let Jesse go and she did it to someone else.

"Laci? Professor Xavier is here." Steve called from the doorway, not going inside. Johnny got frightened when anyone but Laci was in the room and his fire turned mean, striking at them. not hurting them but certainly not playing nice. Steve had several small burns from when he'd refused to leave so he could take care of Laci for a bit. she needed to be cared for too after all. surprisingly enough, the bluebell flames wrapped around Charles like little pets, running through the spokes of his wheels and brushing against his cheeks and arms as if looking for attention. not nearly as needy and affectionately as they did Laci, but certainly a show of trust on the fire's part. as if the fire knew that even though Johnny was terrified, this man in the wheelchair would save Johnny. even without connecting to Johnny, Xavier could feel the terror rolling off of Johnny, and the despair. he thought he would never be free, and was more than terrified what Jesse would make him do to his friends and family.
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