Taming the Storm(lady/moon)

"thanks Jay, you're the man." he said with a smile before nodding to Tony. "okay, good idea." he agreed, rushing to her room to grab them. "thanks Tony. you're the man too." he admitted with a smile, glad that Tony had a better clue on things then he did. he had completely forgot that James was there. "..yes. i'd feel better if we're all together." he admitted, crawling into the back of the car that Steve and James where sitting in. Scott and Gambit where already at the hospital, waiting for them and standing guard outside of the hospital room that was housing Laci. "Hey. how is she?" "Frantic." Gambit admitted. "i have the paperwork here for her to change her next of kin to Tony." Gambit admitted. "that will have to wait until she's not so hurt." he admitted, letting Johnny into the room, Johnny rushing in and swallowing thickly at the sight of her so hurt and frail.
Laci was simply watching the doctors and nurses around her, looking so out of it."mr. Storm? She is stable, injured yes, but she is no longer in life threatening danger."the doctor said looking up at him as he walked in, face serious."she's been unresponsive mostly to people talking to her, but she might be so anxious that she doesn't realize were trying to help. We're hoping you'll have better luck."and indeed, when johnny got close, laci responded to his presence, not because he talked to her, but because she'd seen him get close to her. Looking up at him with wide frightened eyes. Because no one had looked at her while they were talking, or truly realized she wasdeaf, she had no idea what was going on
"thanks Doc." Johnny said with a smile. "be on the lookout for her parents okay? i have a bad feeling they'll want to come here to get around the restraining order." he admitted before grimacing as he realized her hearing aids where gone. "it's fine. she might be knocked silly or in shock." he admitted, well aware she hated people knowing she was deaf. he smiled at her and gently stroked her cheek. "your okay Laci." he informed her, moving his lips just so. "your not in any danger. i'm here, just lay down and relax, okay Love? James, Steve, Gambit, Scott and Tony are here to make sure no one tries to come in without your permission." his way of saying 'your parents can't get in and neither can anyone else'.
“We are. The security is waiting and watching to make sure they they do not reach her.”The doctor reassured as he continued the tests, making sure the other was okay before frowning as he manipulated her feet gently. Laci smiled gently, hurting as she relaxed, closing her eyes at his promise she was okay, yawning a little. Frowning a little the doctor looked up at johnny, “We’re going to need to take her down for a MRI later. I think there’s been some damage to her spine. At best, we can hope for temporary paralysis, at worst, she might lose below the waist, she cracked the lower vertebrae, must be where the damage is.”
Johnny nodded. "thanks doc. the X-men and Avengers are waiting and watching too. i can't guarantee Laci's folks won't become violent if they do appear." he admitted. "if they do, leave it to the super folks. they'll make sure no one gets hurt." he promised with a smile before relaxing as Laci relaxed, gently stroking her hair. "that's fine. make sure she gets the best care. if i can't afford it myself then Tony certainly can." he promised the doctor. "whatever she needs, she'll have it, okay?" he asked before paling at the idea of Laci being in a wheelchair for the rest of her life. he wouldn't care himself, but she would be devastated. "what is the chance of permanent paralysis?" he asked, looking worried. "and is there anything we can do to prevent it?"
“I’ll let the guards know.”The doctor smiled a little before smiling as both johnny and laci relaxed. Nodding a little. “we’ll make sure she gets the best. But don’t worry about that now, worry about taking care of her.”The man smiled before tilting his head thinking about it before sighing. “it’s about 5% chance. It’s low, the bus did more damage to her arm and shoulder, from the video it appears she’d gone to catch herself, I think the broken vertebrae happened when she fell as they aren’t nearly as bad as you would think for what happened. I doubt a permanent paralysis, but we will have to check.”The doctor said before nodding a little. “We’ll have her fitted for a back brace to stabalize her more, and not move around to much. And simply keeping her calm will help, the less agiated she is about things, the less she is to try and move and damage herself more.”
Johnny nodded to the doctor. "thanks Doc. i just want to make sure she's okay." he admitted with a smile before relaxing. a five percent chance was pretty much no chance at all, so long as they kept Laci calm. he could do that. no problem. "You have a video of what happened?" he asked. "please have your... whoever has it to give a copy to Tony Stark." he asked before nodding. "okay." he agreed. "it shouldn't be too hard to keep her calm." he mused, sliding very carefully in the bed next to her so he could hold her without her moving to get to him, holding her because she would rest better. she would relax more. resist less, be okay more. at least, he hoped so.
“I know. Just relax. We’ll make sure she’s okay.”The doctor smiled at him before nodding. “We do. And I already did, when he arrived I made sure he got a copy.”He promised smiling a little as laci relaxed more as he held her. Leaving them to rest.

Later Tony eased into the room, looking a little sick, and a little confused at what was going on. Sick, and glad he’d dragged Steve in with him, because he wasn’t sure if he could stomach telling Johnny what he had to. “Johnny?You awake?”He muttered easing into the darkened room, smiling slightly at the slight brush of flame that played over laci’s hands as she slept, as if even as they both slept, johnny was protecting her.
James fire flickered, rising up around him, offering just enough light that Tony could see. "yeah." Johnny whispered. "stay quiet. she's still asleep." Johnny admitted. he was exhausted but he wouldn't sleep while she was hurt like this. he watched Tony, blinking a little at him. "...it's really bad, isn't it?" he asked, not liking the look on Tony's face.
"Good. She needs sleep."tony muttered knowing better then to tell him that he needed some sleep, knowing he wasn't going to be able to till laci was feeling better and at home."yea...it is."tony swallowed thickly, he didn't want to tell him but they had to."....sue pushed her johnny. Somethings wrong with sue. She simply went home and just cooked dinner...something.... I don't know. Somethings wrong, and reed is trying to figure it out..."
he nodded before tensing. "she... she what?" he asked, sounding very broken before pausing. "what do you mean she cooked dinner?" he asked, frowning. he was well aware of what Sue should have done if she had shoved Laci in front of a bus not that he'd ever actually believe that it would happen normally. Sue wanted to be the good girl after all, he was pretty sure she'd never do that unless she knew she could get away with it, meaning no witnesses, meaning not in front of a crowd of people trying to cross the street, get home, get to work, touristic and other such people. "she really just went home and made dinner?" he asked, baffled.
“The video...Sue shoved her.”Tony swallowed thickly before sighing quietly. “Just that. After she did it, she kept walking, and went home. Cooked her and reed dinner, before Jarvis informed them what happened. She was suitably upset, but not like she was upset someone discovered her, more upset because someone had hurt Her. Something’s wrong Johnny.”Tony said looking upset.
Johnny scowled, what the hell? "so she never even seamed to register what she'd done? do you think maybe a mutant or an alien took her mind over for a moment? i know it can be done." he admitted. "dammit. i don't like this at all." he admitted, gently tucking hair out of Laci's face. "this is all fucked up." he admitted with a sigh. "i don't know whether it's wrong or not that i really hope Sue wasn't in control of herself." he admitted. "but i don't want to have to have my own sister arrested for trying to marry the love of my life." he admitted.
“No, it doesn’t look like it. She shoved, then simply kept walking. As if the chaos she caused didn’t even register....and I don’t know. I already sent Scott to take to Charles, if anyone could help us figure this out, he will. Thought it would be better to talk in person about this. The tabloids are already going to have a field day, no reason to give them more of a chance to ease drop on us.”Tony sighed a little, “No I really don’t either, though for the moment, I think Reed’s going to have her checked in to a mental hospital, at least she’d be safe, and laci will be safe.”Tony said biting his lip, no matter what, not trusting that sue, or whoever it was, wouldn’t try again. “You need anything?”Tony muttered watching him.
"so either she was mentally incapacitated or not in control of her own actions. meaning either something has gone wrong in her mind, or she was taken control of." he mumbled, shaking his head. "i don't know if that's better or worse." he admitted softly with a grimace before looking at Tony. "can you block the story for now?" he asked curiously. "i could go for a good cup of hot coffee." he admitted. "something really strong." something that would keep him awake until Laci didn't need him awake anymore.
“Not sure, but we have to find out before she’s a danger to anyone else.”Tony sighed softly before nodding a little. “For now. Jarvis already is, but Johnny, we wont be able to hide it forever. If it was just you and Sue, maybe. But Laci’s as famous as you, and....well, I wouldn’t be surprised if her parents try to intercede despite the restraining order. I’ll work to keep them out, but....”Tony sighed a little before nodding, looking up at the knock. “That should be your coffee.”Tony said looking vaguely amused as Clint walked in with coffee for them all before settling in at the door to relieve Gambit and Steve from guard duty so they could get some sleep. “You need some sleep, Johnathan.”Tony said, for once using his full name, if only to try and convince him how serious he was about it.
he nodded and then. "send out a press release then that there was an attack upon Laci and that there is an ongoing investigation and any rumor milling on it by the press or whatnot will lead to arrests for hampering a police investigation." he decided. "that will stop most of it." he decided before scowling. "if her parents show up they will immediately be arrested for being in contempt of the restraining order." he admitted. "they are not allowed to have any part of Laci's life. we made sure of that, remember?" he asked with a smile before happily smiling at Clint bringing coffee. "thanks Clint." he chirped, gulping down his coffee, ignoring the heat before he snarled, actually snarled at Tony for daring to Dominate him when his Laci needed him. "i'll sleep when i'm dead." Johnny hissed, snuggling her even more and glaring at Tony, daring him to say a word contrary.
“I will do that.”Tony said nodding a little, before sighing. “I know, we did. But they might try to convince the judge in charge of renewing the restraining order”-because it was filed yearly, reviewed and made sure that things were still dangerous- “That we’re just as dangerous to her as they are.”He sighed a little, smiling as clint nodded leaving them alone. Growling back, “Fine.Be a idiot.”He grumbled as he left, short on sleep himself as he left to get some sleep in the next room.

A few days later Scott tilted his head a little as they eased Laci into the wheelchair, anxiously watching them, feeling raw and brittle at nearly losing her, sighing quietly as he held out a hand towards johnny, the small case for Laci’s hearing aids nestled in his palm“Sorry it took so long to return them, I was watching over Charles as he tried to figure out what was going on.”Scott took a deep breath. “he’s here in the city, and going to be seeing your sister this afteroon.”
he shook his head. "it's not going to happen, in fact it can't happen. the fact remains that she chooses to stay with us. the restraining order is in place because she wants nothing to do with her parents and they wouldn't leave her alone. even if they press the issue, legally they can't do anything because they aren't allowed to and even if they could, she's an adult and can decide what to do for herself." he admitted.

Johnny looked completely exhausted as they walked in and smiled at Scott. "thanks man." he said, stroking Laci's hair. he had been very stressed when she'd come back from the MRI and the Doc had said she would be paralyzed from the waist down for a month to a year or even longer. it was temporary but there was no telling how long it would take for her to heal. "it's okay. did Charley find out anything?" Johnny had always called Charles 'Charley' and no one had ever explained why. Charles knew of course and he seamed amused by it but had never said and Johnny sure as hell wasn't gonna say. "...he's going to see Sue..." he mumbled, shaking his head a little because he wasn't sure he wanted to know what Charley would find out.
“welcome.”Scott smiled a little watching them, tilting his head slightly as Laci stirred a little under his hand. Because she generally slept more when she was hurt, he wasn’t surprised that despite her normal dislike for people being near her when she was hurt, she was so hurt that she needed rest more then she distrusted everyone. “He says there’s something....odd about the whole thing. He talked to some of the witnesses, and what they saw made no sense. He thinks he’ll know what’s wrong when he talks to sue.”Scott sighed a little, tilting his head. Hating that they couldn’t do more, or that they couldn’t help Laci, glad though that she’d recover with time. “Has she been awake since she got back from the MRI?What did she say?”He said worried about how laci was doing.
"of course there's something odd." he huffed, rolling his eyes before he sighed a little. "she's been awake, but i don't know if she's been coherent enough to understand. she's in a lot of pain." he admitted. "Laci's parents have tried causing problems too but i think Tony and Steve took care of them." he admitted, gently settling her into bed, so very tired. now that Scott was there, he could sleep because she wouldn't panic if he wasn't right there. he could sleep. "Fuck! catch him!" Steve yelped as he realized Johnny had done too much and had fallen asleep mid step, scooping the man into his arms before he hit the ground with a sigh. "dammit Johnny." Steve grumbled, carefully easing him into bed next to Laci. "three days without sleep, even Tony can't manage that."
“Ah. Well, we’ll watch over her, and simply know what’s going on till she’s ready to know.”Scott sighed softly before nodding. “Yea, we took care of them. Though I doubt it’ll be the last time, for the moment, things are taken care of.”Scott smiled a little before yelping as he moved to catch johnny before he could fall, letting steve take him as the man started to fall. “No, we’ll take care of him.”Scott sighed softly, shaking his head as teh other settled johnny into the bed/ this was going to be hard on all of them.

A few weeks later Scott swallowed hard, wincing as he watched Laci, eyes sad as he considered the woman as she moved the floating wheelchair tony had made for her. More a reclining chair then a traditional wheelchair, the woman looked so fragile and breakable. Even more so because she’d mostly retreated into herself, with no one being able to draw her out of her shell more then to ask questions, not even johnny. Not even when they’d found out that Sue had indeed been influenced, along with having MPD, which had made it easier for someone to control her, had really drawn Laci out of her shell. Not even working on clothes, or gamebit’s genuine pleasure of trying to help her with clothes had seemed to make a dent in the quiet silence. He had no idea what to do, and it was ripping him apart. He’d already watched his wife die, he didn’t want to watch Laci do so. But he didn’t know what to do. If he was having this much problems, he couldn’t even imagine how Johnny was feeling. Settling in on the couch for movie night, he swallowed thickly, trying to ignore the quiet feeling of hope that this normal thing, would help things return to normal as the others strated trailing in.
Johnny had been pressed to his limits really. a few people had found him curled up in random hidden corners, face buried in his hands and crying silently because he couldn't help Laci and he couldn't help his sister. finding out that his sister had MPD had been a very hard blow. that someone had taken advantage of his sister was even harder. realizing that Laci no longer wanted to live had been more than he could take. only Gambit seamed to be mostly okay, perpetually happy as he babbled at Laci about colors and cuts and the cute puppies he'd pet on his way home or to the tower. Gambit had a very strange dog obsession and he always had to stop and pet every dog he saw. Johnny made very certain that 1: Laci was never alone and 2: she never, ever saw him upset or worse, crying. he did everything he could for her and refused to let her push him away the way she clearly was. he knew, no matter how hard it was right now, that she would come around, that they would be okay again and he had hope that was true so he made the mass of popcorn in the army of microwaves that Tony had installed so they didn't have to fight over who got to make pop-tarts, microwave breakfasts or other various hot breakfast foods first in the mornings. it also made making the armies worth of popcorn for movie nights much easier. just pop a bag in each microwave, hit the button, wait, empty the bags into massive bowls and repeat three more times and you where good! "what are we watching?" Gambit asked, plopping himself at Scott's feet, a habit that had only recently appeared. no one was sure what had started it but Gambit had taken to sitting at Scott's feet every available opportunity. even the X-men had noticed. "Laci's choice this week." Steve admitted, checking the wall, which told whose turn it was to pick the movie. had to be done or certain people started getting physical with their arguments. no, it totally wasn't Natasha, he would never insinuate that. never.
Laci stirred looking up at the sound of her name, tilting her head slightly as she considered it. Biting her lip she smiled, “What’s your number.”She said offering a quiet smile as Jarvis loaded the video, looking up at Johnny as he sat down, holding out a hand. “Move me. Please.”She said quietly, ignoring the sharp look Scott shot towards her at the request. She rarely wanted moved, not wanted to show the weakness, but Laci wanted held. And while, she was still having a hard time, still withdrawn, she wanted johnny. The desperate fear that he was getting ready to leave her, leaving her even more at a loss. Because she was certain he wouldn’t want her anymore, and was simply bearing with it until she was stable enough to be on her own. So she was hiding inside of herself, simply hiding from the fear of being left. “Thanks.”laci muttered quietly as johnny moved her, hating that she needed it, but glad to simply be in his arms for as long as she could. She knew something was wrong even if he never showed her, and had simply assumed the worst. That this paralysis was to much for him, and he was trying to figure out how to break it to her. Scott smiled a little as he glanced down at the x-man sitting at his feet, shifting a little to get comfortable, and within minutes into the movie, he was absently petting gambit’s hair while he ate popcorn not really aware of it.
Johnny grinned. "you just like that movie because the actor looks exactly like me." he teased, Steve snorting. "please. Chris Evans is totally more like me." he scoffed, looking amused before watching as Johnny very, very carefully slid his arms under her and picked her up, kissing her temple and settled onto the couch with her on his lap so he could snuggle, desperate and eager for the few chances he got to do this. he hoped that when Tony finished the ring, that would snap Laci out of it. prove that he loved her even if she was going to be immobile for another year or more, though he doubted it. she wasn't in much pain anymore when they did her leg exercises to make sure her muscles didn't atrophy. he was sure she would be fine in no time. he had to smirk at the sight of Gambit, limp as a rag doll while Scott ran his fingers through the feminine mutants hair. Gambit was one of those rare, true subs who just knew what they wanted, why they wanted it and who they wanted it from. the simple touch from Scott was enough to keep Gambit happy. though Gambit's worst fear was that Scott would find out and stop and never even look at Gambit again.
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