Taming the Storm(lady/moon)

“I don’t know, but we’ll keep a eye out to. If she hasn’t been here awhile, she might not know he’s actually moved out. Might be easier to convince her he’s still living with us.”She smiled already planning on how to protect her brother, offering her husband a small smile,”He is. So strong.”She agreed relaxing a little, before snickering. “That’s true. Definitely a improvement not having to bail him out.”

“Kay.”Laci muttered kissing him back. Following silent and quiet as she followed him, the phoenix at her neck nearly completely filled in, brilliant and dark with flame, definitely settling in. Contentedly happy with being bonded to him. “Hey Lac.”Scott said gently as they arrived back into the tower, eyes widening as she flinched, swallowing thickly. Dammit, he’d hoped it wouldn’t be a bad one, but this was going to be brutal on them all, if only because it would hurt to see laci like this. “Laci, you wanna go home?” “Can’t....gotta take care of johnny. Safer here.”Laci muttered quietly following, as quiet and pliant as a doll, and that’s what hurt about these episodes. Wasn’t so much the lectures, but the silence and quiet obedience that followed, as if she was still trying to obey what she thought everyone wanted from her.
he nodded. "which means it's probobly a bit safer for him at the tower." he admitted. "might be better if he actually moved into his own house, though i suppose if she was really determined she could look into housing records or something." he admitted, frowning a little. "so the Tower then, nothing and no one will get past Jarvis while he's in there and Tony can, and has helped Johnny through panic attacks before. he had one the other night." he admitted, indicating his phone. "Jarvis promised to text me anytime Johnny has to pop one of his pills." he admitted.

Johnny smiled at her, gently stroking the mark on her neck with a smile before smiling at Scott. "i'm well taken care of." Johnny promised her, his head tilted. "do you want to go home? be honest for me okay?" he asked her. stroking her hair before smiling. "i have a present for you by the way." he admitted. "i made it myself. it took me three months." he admitted. never mind that he'd been working on it when they had been dating and had stopped when she left. he had struggled and bled on it but it was finally done and he'd intended on giving it to her after they came back from dinner. it was in a very badly wrapped present and he was careful to lead her upstairs to her lab/rooms so she would be more comfortable before handing her the present. inside was a rather cute baby tiger. it's feet weren't attached too well and it's bottom was overstuffed but he'd clearly worked very hard on it.
“Probably will be. Safest place at the moment is the tower.”She smiled a little before nodding, wincing a little at the idea of johnny’s panic attack. “He’ll be okay there.”

“Are not...need looked after...”Laci frowned thinking about it, quiet as she considered it. Staring at the floor as she leaned into his hand, sighing quietly. “....Honest...kay....”she muttered whimpering quietly. “Home....I wanna go home.”She muttered sounding reluctant about saying about it. She wanted him safe, but she’d promised to be safe, sighing quietly. Stirring a little as she considered a present.”present?”She muttered turning to look up at him, frowning slightly as she whined. “I didn’t get you anything....”She muttered. Following him as she looked around her looked at the eyed it, eyes wide as she picked it up, clinging to it tightly. “It’s amazing.”She breathed looked up at him wide wide tearful eyes.
Johnny smiled at her. "well then we'll get you home once i get you your present." he promised her. "yes. a present. just for you." he promised with a smile. "i didn't expect you to." he assured her. "i just wanted to do something nice for you." he admitted. "thanks. i'm glad you like it." he promised, smiling at her. "come on then. lets get you home." he decided with a smile, scooping her into his arms. "come on Red Dead Redemption." he ordered Scott. "your coming too." he decided. "i can't hold her and drive so your our chauffeur for the evening."
“Kay.”Laci muttered sighing a little, frowning as she looked up at him. “....oh. Okay.... I’ll get you something later.”She muttered perking up at the idea, pleased at the idea before nodding, snuggling against his chest. For the moment, content to be with him. “Seriously?Red dead?”Scott rolled his eyes smiling slightly though, settling into the car. “I think we’re good for the evening....it’ll be the next few days nightmares that’ll be rough.”he warned as they headed for the house.
And indeed, most of the next day Laci spent her day hiding in her loft, and while she had tolerated not only Johnny and Scott’s presence downstairs, she’d let Gambit in once he’d shown up, but she hadn’t ventured downstairs. Hadn’t even let Johnny come up, which scott had told him to expect. That she wanted comfort, but wouldn’t let herself have it, so she forbid any of them from coming up. Though given the screams starting to come from the loft as she slept, caught in a nightmare, was definitely going to break one of them from obeying. “You wanna go?”Scott muttered glancing at johnny, “me and Bit’ll go....She wont apperciate us here....”
Johnny smiled at her. "your making me clothes, that's enough for me." he promised her with a smile. "yeah, Red Dead. it fits!" he protested. "your a lot like a cowboy, chivalrous and grumpy and seeking the law and stuff." he admitted with a smirk. "plus your red." he admitted happily before grimacing. "yeah... that one i knew." he admitted.

Gambit was very anxious when he showed up. no one had thought to tell him what was going on so he had assumed the worst. then he was in a bit of a sulk because no one had told him his friend was unhappy. nice thing about Gambit was he never held a grudge for long. "yeah i better go up." he agreed before hesitating. "just for a few hours." he decided. "she wont want to know you knew she was having nightmares... go grocery shopping or go pick up some dinner or something and i'll text you once she's calmed down. blame taking too long on Gambit. we all know how distracted he gets." Gambit nodded, it was true, he was often distracted by the oddest things. Johnny sighed, strengthened his resolve and headed up the stairs to try and calm his lover down, stroking her hair and murmuring to her, hoping to wake her up as gently as he could.
"We can totally take a few hours to shop. We'll see if Bit has some ideas for new clothes he wants while we're out. She'd enjoy that."Scott sighed he hated leaving, but knowing laci wouldn't appreciate it. Smiling a little as they headed out. Laci stirred when the other touched her hair, blinking slowly before jerk in away, gasping as she stumbled to get away from him, not registering the it was johnny and not her dad."d-dad I'm up I'm up. I'll be out in a minute!"she stuttered trying to stumble to her feet.
Johnny nodded and smiled at him. "thanks Scott. i dunno what i'd do if you weren't here to help." he admitted. "hey. Laci. easy. it's okay." he promised her. "your father isn't here. come on, wake up a bit more for me love." he suggested, smiling at her. "your alright, your safe, home remember?" he asked her, gently helping her to her feet. "your okay."
"You'd figure it out. Though you'd probably get punched more along the way."ha cotton teased looking amused as they left. Laci whimpered curling up against the headboard as she stumbled to catch herself, watching him with wide frightened eyes, definitely never a look johnny would ever want to see directed his way.leting him help her up she trembled, nodding slowly."johnny..."she muttered more then anything the heat of his touch breaking through.
he snorted a little. "yeah, the bruises would have been terrible." he agreed with a chuckle before focusing entirely focusing on Laci. "shh Love, it's okay. it's just me." he promised, heart breaking at the frightened look. "that's right. i'm Johnny." he promised her with a smile. "are you starting to wake up?" he asked her. "do you remember where you are?" he asked her with a smile. "can you tell me where we are love?" he didn't try to use her name because he knew it wouldn't help her understand who he was. calling her Love though, as far as he knew he was the only one who had ever called her that.
Laci frowned listening to him, squinting a little, as if she was struggling to hear him. Even with her hearing aids in, there were times, when she was caught in a memory of a childhood that had deprieved her of hearing aids-because they’d wanted her to learn to read lips, to sign, that she hadn’t heard anything until near adulthood. And in those moments between waking and sleeping, she still struggled to hear, even if she was wearing them. Calming a little as she listened to him, she frowned a little. “....home?We’re home aren’t we...?”
he smiled at her and made sure to move his lips properly, the way he had learned how to do just for her to make reading his lips easier. "That's right Love, we're home. your safe." he promised her, moving his lips exactly so. "Your in your house. Gambit and Scott left about a half an hour ago, not sure what's taking them so long. you had a nightmare." he explained, stroking her hair. "are you okay?"
Laci sighed softly as she watched him talk, relaxing slowly as she slumped slightly, rubbing a hand over her face as she studied him. Moving over, resting her head on his chest, “I’m okay.”She muttered relaxing slowly, while she wasn’t, not really, she was holding it together for the moment. Sighing quietly as she cuddled into him,”It’s Bit. He probably got distracted by sparkles.”She said giggling a little, relaxing slowly, taking a deep breath as she closed her eyes, simply holding onto him.
he smiled at her. "your not, but you will be." he promised, cuddling her. "you know. it is him, i wouldn't doubt it." he admitted with a snort. "he's like a child. a child hyper on coffee who forgot their Ritalin." he admitted. "i think Scott wanted him to go look for clothes he liked the look of so you'd have more ideas on how to dress him. i guess he thinks if your more focused on Fashion you won't be so upset." he admitted with a smile. "so he probobly got distracted by pretty pants or something."
“Me either. It would be very beliable.”She smiled a little snickering. “Oh gods, he’s like tony. We should send those two into a store together, could you imagine how much crap they would come back with?”She said with a slight giggle, shifting, moving back to lay down, tugging him into the bed with her, resting her head against his chest. Simply enjoying being held. “Ah...that’s a good idea. I wouldn’t mind working.”She said before snorting. “They’ll probably come home with some utterly ridculous clothes or something. It’ll be great.”
"he is a lot like Tony. only Tony gets grumpy and stays up for days on end and Bit is ever happy and would gladly sleep his life away." he admitted with a chuckle, smiling as he shook his head. "we should do that. i would pay to see that." he admitted with a smile before smiling at her as he laid next to her. "i know." he admitted with a smile. "you have a lot of your sewing stuff here and i think Gambit managed to make his bag so he's bringing that over for your inspection." he admitted with a smile. "he wanted to make sure he'd done it properly." he admitted with a chuckle. "are you feeling better?"
“They are. Though those moods even each other out well. Though I think tony and james are better. Scott and Bit on the other hand....”She smirked snickering. “It’s saddening Scott’s not gay.”She snickered before nodding. “Me to. It’d be worth seeing.”She said before nodding, I do. And I’m sure he did fine. He weas doing well when I saw it last.”She smiled a little before nodding slowly. “I am. Thanks.”She said yawning again, “Though I think I’m going back to sleep...didn’t rest well...”She said shifting, snuggling close to get comfotable.
"Tony and James are doing a lot better." he agreed with a smile. "James has somehow managed to wiggle his way into Tony's bed every night for the last week." he admitted with a grin. "and he didn't have to have sex to get there." he admitted with a snicker before sighing. "poor Gambit... his mark is getting darker. i don't think he's noticed. i think Scott is Gambit's lifemate." he admitted. which was very odd, but it had happened. a man being paired with another man and one of them wasn't gay. it was very rare, but it had happened before. "he's doing a lot better than i did." he admitted with a smile, tapping the little tiger on the nose. "you have no idea how much of my blood is in here." he admitted with a chuckle. "okay, you go back to sleep." he assured her with a smile, stroking her hair. "i love you."
“That’s cute. And of course, Tony can’t refuse cuddling.”Laci snickered a little before wincing. “Damn. Well, hopefully Scott wont notice, otherwise he’s going to be even worse feeling then you felt when you realized you were mine.”She sighed quietly, because she knew it would hurt scott badly to know it. Grinning as she cuddled the tiger. “Well, I’ll protect it then, since you did so god. It’s recognizable, so that’s the only thing that matters.”She smiled before settling in to sleep.”Love you to.”She muttered yawning as she drifted off.

Days later Tony looked over the edge of his book, watching Johnny for a long moment before snorting a little, “So. Tell me. What exactly are you worried about? They went shopping. It’s not like Laci’ll stay with her if Sue upsets her again. And she has a alarm bracelet, so the moment she needs help, Jarvis will know.”He said wondering if the other was simply worried because the two women in his life, just couldn’t get along. Though sue had tried making things up to laci by taking her shopping, so they could get a idea of what kind of clothes sue would want.
Johnny nodded. "i doubt Scott will notice. Gambit's mark is on his lower back. like a tramp stamp. since he never goes without at least pants, Scott will never see it." he admitted. "it's really kind of pretty. i took a picture. see?" he asked, smiling as he showed her Gambit's 'tramp stamp' "and don't worry, he said i could tell you." he promised with a smile, holding her, very content with his life.

he shook his head. "that's what i'm worried about. Laci WILL stay with Sue if they get into a strop, because she wants Sue to like her for my sake! and Sue's been acting funny. i don't know what it is." he admitted. "and i... i've been.... i love her." Johnny admitted, sagging into the couch. "i love her Tony and i don't know how to tell her..."
“Ahh. That;s amusing really. Gambit with a tramp stamp.”She snickered a little before shifting to look t the picture, humming a little. “It is indeed beautiful. It fits him.”She said smiling a little as she slept.

“....Dammit. You’re right, laci would stay.”Tony cursed a little because he was used to dealing with a laci who would leave if things got to bad, not a laci who wanted to please johnny, and despite knowing he wouldn’t want her to be upset, would stay because she wanted to get along with Sue. Sighing a little. “Sue’s always been a little funny. And I’m fairly certain Sue already knows you love her.”Tony teased the other a little, before stirring. “Come on. I have a idea. You want to marry her right?I mean, eventually?”Tony said watching the other as he set down his book, watching him sit on the couch. “How about we give her a ring that goes along with her necklace?”Tony smiled because laci hadn’t taken off the collar of flames longer then a few minutes since he’d given it to her.
"yeah she would." he admitted with a sigh before shaking his head. "no i mean, she's been acting really weird." he admitted before he glared at Tony. "i am going to make you hurt" he warned before blinking a little. "well yes. of course." he admitted. "marrying her would be the greatest thing ever." he admitted with a smile before perking up. "really?! that's a fantastic idea! only. i have to keep recharging her necklace. i don't know if i could be recharging her necklace and a wedding ring too.... is there someway you can think of?" he asked. "i will recharge it if i have to but i'd rather her not have to be so dependent." he admitted, looking very excited by the idea of being able to give her such an amazing engagement ring.
“...Huh. Maybe we should see if Reed knows what’s going on.”Tony frowned a little thinking about it before grinning a little. “Really. And I might be able to. There has to be a way to keep the fire feeding on each other, not having to be recharged. We’ll work on it. And you know she already is that dependent on you-”He paused as jarvis spoke. “Sir?There is a news report you need to be put on.”Jarvis said as he turned on the tv, the news of a woman being hit by a bus and taken to st. Christopher’s hospital showing, the reporter saying that until next of kin have been reached that there was no comment. “Sir, there has been a call put in to ms. Collins parents, but you and johnny are her true next of kin.”Jarvis said, for once sounding anxious, because despite their problems, laci had never bothered to change that on her medical reports that her parents were her next of kin. “There was no reports of ms. Storm, with or around her, but Laci has been checked in and is currently in intensive care.”
he nodded. "i'll talk to him then." he agreed, shaking his head before beaming at Tony. "that would be great! and i know she's dep..." he paused and tensed as he realized that Laci had been hit by a bus. how the fuck had that happened?! "Jarvis, inform the hospital staff that the Collin's parents have a restraining order and may not be within fifty feet of their daughter and that they are not to be allowed into the hospital." he ordered, snapping into attention. "inform them that her Bonded will be there soon and that they are to be aware of a crippling anxiety disorder that she suffers from." he ordered. "Then call Reed, tell him what happened and have him go out to find Sue. they might have separated, either by accident or because of a fight but i'm betting that something happened and Sue is either hurt, kidnapped or missing. Tony? get Steve, have him meet us at the hospital, he'll be guard duty. find Scott and Gambit too, they can help me keep Laci calm. then go into the computers and do your thing, find out what happened. i can't imagine her being distracted enough to just walk into the path of a bus."
“Of course, Johnny. I have the security guard on alert, and they will stop the Collins as soon as they arrive, if they come.”Jarvis said after a moment. “They will be expecting you. And the captain.”Jarvis said already starting to work on what had happened. “Get her anxiety pills. She doesn’t usually take them, cause she hates how they make her feel, but she’ll need them, and they don’t interact with most pain killers.”Tony said looking anxious himself even as he knew jarvis would probably let the doctors know that the drugs would be useful. “already calling. And James. We’ll get your guards.”Tony promised already on the phone and quickly tracking down the rest of the team, before pausing looking at Johnny. “I can work on a laptop from the hospital. Extremis lets me work there as easily as here, want me to come with you?”Tony asked looking worried about him, even though he knew that soon enough most of the avengers, and probably part of the x-men were going to be at the hospital.
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