Taming the Storm(lady/moon)

Laci smiled before starting to hum the song 'troublemaker', which had always been his song. Because she always managed to get in trouble with him. Burying her nose down against his skin she shuddered before pulling back as she panted raising a eyebrow."losing it already?"she teased before diving back in.

"Ah. Well. Not happening, soldier boy. I've always armed, and not just with the suit, remember? I'll hate to do it, and steve'll hate it, but I'd hurt you if I have to."tony pointed out reminding him gently even if they all knew tony'd be on deaths door before he hurt any of his family to stop them from hurting him."yea. You wanna help me work on caps bike?"he said knowing the man could probably do that, and willing to set aside working on the suit for now
Johnny shuddered a little and groaned. "little brat." he moaned, hips twitching as she sucked harder on him, making him shudder. "f. fuck." he groaned before glaring at her. "yes. don't stop." he ordered, panting softly. "i'm so close." he growled, tightening his hand in her hair, hips thrusting slowly because he didn't want to cum just yet, he wanted to savor this.

he nodded, relaxing a little. "you promise? you have to promise." he ordered softly. "if i attack you, you have to drop me. you promise?" he asked, looking at him before smiling. "yeah. Cap's bike." he agreed, slowly letting go of Tony, as if worried that he might vanish if he let go all the way. James was always fairly clingy after a nightmare. he never noticed the darkening Mark, not that he could see it anyway, since it was in-between his shoulder blades on his back. it was fascinating, that Jame's life Bonded hadn't been born until he himself was fifty three. or would have been fifty three. sometimes the universe was just weird. "what are we doing to it?" he asked, examining the bike completely uncaring that the only thing he was wearing was a pair of boxer briefs.
Laci laughed softly, looking up at him innocently as he stuttered, shuddering as he tightened his hand, nails biting into his hips as he thrust into her mouth, squirming herself, wet and needy, but as equally needing to take care of him.

“...I promise. If you attack me, I will.”He said because he might hate it, but he was willing to do it, if that’s what james needed and he wouldn’t break a promise. “Switching the gas engine over to a repulsor one. He expressed a interest in the idea, and figured that it would be a good birthday present.”Tony said looking at the other, swallowing thickly as he saw the mark darkening. Oh yea, he knew, but he wasn’t handling the idea of being bonded well.
he groaned, shuddering again as he squirmed against her, cumming down her throat, though he didn't soften at all, pulling himself free of her perfect mouth, panting for a moment. "god your amazing." he growled with a smirk. "so. your interested in BDSM sex?" he asked. "how about we start simple. window se. what do you think?" he knew she would feel safe enough with him to tell him no if she didn't like the idea. he also knew she liked the idea because they'd done it before. just... in smaller windows.

"..thanks Tony." James sighed, relaxing even more before smiling. "he'll love it." he agreed happily settling in to help Tony, feeling much better now. mostly he did the heavy lifting and was happy to do so. "hey Tony?" he asked after a long silence. "do you think Natasha might be a reincarnation of Peggy?" he asked him. "because Steve's mark has been getting darker." poor James had never realized that Peggy was still alive.
Laci shuddered as she swallowed, looking up at him as she panted, looking amused. “You only say that cause it’s like a requirement when a girl sucks you off.”She teased before tilting her head, nodding slowly. “I am.”She said before looking startled, looking around at her floor to ceiling windows, “Here?”She squeaked a little, though not saying no, simply a little startled at the idea of doing that in the middle of the city, because it had been smaller windows in her apartment, which was brooklyn. Not exactly in the middle of the city like the tower was.

“Welcome.”Tony smiled a little before smiling as he worked, amused as he indeed let the other do the heavy lifting, and while he was having a bad time at being marked, he enjoyed the other’s company. “...What?”He looked up startled, “Don’t you have to be dead to be reincarnated? Peggy’s still alive.”Tony said frowning, “Wonder why his is darkening though...”
he snorted. "i've told plenty of women they needed more practice." he pointed out with a grin. "your the best i've ever had and will ever have." he promised her. "well. i dunno, Gambit does a damn good blowjob, i bet i could train Scott to as well." he admitted. "dunno if he'd be better than you though." he teased her with a grin before smirking at her. "yeah. here. i know you where interested in voyeurism." he admitted, tickling the back of her neck. "you don't have to of course." he promised her. "it's a fairly big thing i'm asking of you." not that big of a thing, since all the windows where one way glass. they could see out, but no one else could see in. she didn't know that though so for her, it was massive. "just imagine it. your tits pressed against that cold glass while i press you flat against it and do what i want to you from behind where anyone can see you. see you loosing your mind, because you always do." his voice was breathy, teasing but not pressing. just offering her a visual to help her decide if she wanted to or not.

"uh, i think so." James admitted. "oh... she is?" he asked, looking baffled. "does Steve know!?" he asked, looking rather stunned. "maybe he's been visiting her and that's why it's getting darker again?" he wondered. but no, he hadn't seen Peggy in two months because she got very upset when he visited. maybe it was a second chance? that happened sometimes. not often, but sometimes, when a persons first bonded died.
“Well, true.”She snickered rolling her eyes a little. “You try to train scott, and he’s going to hit you probably.”She pointed out looking amused, before smiling pleased, resting her head against his stomach, simply enjoying close. “No one’s better then me.”She said snickering, before shivering a little as he tickled her, pressing a kiss to his hip, simply leaning into him, “....I/...it’s....”She stuttered to a stop trying to gather her thoughts before shivering, moaning quietly, trembling as the other described it, squirming a little. “I don’t always.”she muttered shivering as she swayed to her feet, nodding slowly. “Let’s.”she said starting to strip out, and stepping towards the windows.

“Yea, she’s old, and suffering from Alzheimer’s.”Tony said his voice gentling, before nodding. “He does, but seeing him as he is, young and looking like he did, making her upset most of the time, and more confused then normal since she doesn’t know what’s going on.”Tony said before looking thoughtful. "Definitely not often enough to really see his mark darkening."
"i'm sure he will, but that's only if he doesn't want to learn." he admitted with a wiggle of his eyebrows. "handsome guy like that, i'm pretty sure he'd love to suck my dick." he admitted with a smirk before pondering. "yeah. i guess your right. no ones better than you at sucking cock." he agreed with a grin before watching her, letting her decide. "you do, always." he teased with a chuckle before blinking, surprised. "really?" he asked, watching her strip before smirking a little and followed her, stripping himself naked as well, kissing her shoulder and up tp her neck, stroking her stomach and guiding her to the window, pressing her against the window with a grin. "your always so warm and soft." he purred in her ear with a grin. "if, at any time, you need, or want me to stop, tell me so." he ordered before tipping her head up for a searing kiss.

James frowned a little and nodded. "yeah. i can see why shed find that sort of upsetting." he admitted. "it's still a shock sometimes. seeing Steve, like a day hasn't passed, still young and healthy and... big." he admitted. "i never really had a chance to get used to him like that, so sometimes it's like looking at a stranger and sometimes it's like looking at the past." he admitted. which was why when James was having issues figuring out who or where he was, he went to Tony. "so... maybe he has two bonded?" he wondered. "does that work?" he wondered. "Steve says my mark is getting darker. but i think he's seeing things." James admitted.
Laci snickered at that. “I’m sure he would. You’re just that good looking.”She teased a little before making a face at the teasing. “Do not.”She said sulking a little before pausing, looking at him. “What?You don’t want to?”She teased before shrugging. “I trust you. Besides, we’re floors above the next tallest skyscraper. It’s the illusion of being watched, no one can see in.”She shrugged a little as she let him direct her, whimpering quietly under his lips, having thought about it logically, despite not knowing the glass was one way. Shivering a little, “Glass is cold.”she muttered leaning back against the warmer man, nodding a little, “Okay. I will.”She promised, moaning as she kissed him back, hands resting on the glass in front of her.

“Yea, so he visits rarely. Just to make sure she’s okay.”Tony shrugged before grinning. “I guess you didn’t. It’s sorta weird, even for me. I mean, even knowing him just like this, it’s sorta...he’s huge!It’s weird.”Tony snickered because he hated it sometimes just how small he seemed next to the blond. “Besides, you haven’t aged that much either. A few years at most.”He said thoughtfully before nodding slowly. “Maybe. It’s rare, but he might. Jarvis?” “Yes sir, his mark has indeed darkened.” "Since when?" "The last few weeks."
"i am that good looking." he agreed, smirking. " turn straight men gay and gay men gayer." he admitted happily with a chuckle. "of course i want to. i was just surprised you where okay with it." he admitted with a grin before chuckling a little at her. "well. so long as no one has any binoculars anyway." he admitted, nibbling on her neck with a groan. "of course it's cold, that's the point." he teased. "it will make your body sensitive, more keyed to my warm touch." he purred, running his hands lower, fingers stroking her inner thighs before coming back up and stroking her lower lips, just teasing the skin there, barely touching, just letting her feel it, and feel his hot, hard cock pressing against her.

he nodded. "that makes sense." he admitted. "he is huge. especially if you ever had the chance to compare him to when he was tiny." he admitted, scratching his ear while he thought about it. "i look old." he admitted. "do you think it would help if i shaved?" he asked. "Steve's scared i might do something silly with a knife." he admitted. "but i don't like those silly plastic things." he admitted. "he fusses a lot, have you noticed?" he asked before smiling at Jarvis. "i'm glad Steve is gonna be happy." he just assumed Tony was asking about Steve's mark. Bucky honestly didn't think he would ever have a bonded, he was too vile to have one. a monster in human skin.
“Ah. It’s going to be interesting.”She smiled looking amused at the idea before shivering, “Hmmm it’s just a chance we’ll have to take.”She said moaning a little before whimpering as he stroked her, squirming a little, back arching a little as she pressed her ass against his cock, “You are definitely warm. It’s unfair how warm you are really.”She said looking amused though.

“probably. The hair makes you look rougher, less baby-faced then steve. Steve looks like a kid.”Tony snickered a little before smiling. “Well, I have a straight razor, I could shave you.”Tony said watching him before snickering. “No one likes those. I break out if I use them....and he does. He really, really does.”Tony smiled tilting his head, “Me to.”Tony said even if he was inwardly still freaking out a bit by the idea that steve was right, that he’d guessed right, that the man’s mark was darkening just as quickly as tony’s did. "We should totally go help steve. he's going on a date tonight, we should go help him dress."he said smirking a little.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "hmmm. your loosing it already." he teased. "what will you do when i actually start fucking you?" he wondered playfully. "you'll have no idea what to do. hmm?" he asked with a grin, his fingers sliding inside of her while his other hand slid back up her stomach and ribs to cup a breast, sucking on her neck, just to make another hickey, marking her as his own because he needed to. because he wanted to be just as much hers, as she was his.

he blinked a little at tony, touching a lank of hair that he, frankly, didn't wash often enough. "he does look like a kid..." he admitted before looking at Tony. "really? i'd like that." he admitted before he shrugged. "they don't cut the hair right." he admitted. "i look like someone tried to butcher my face." he grumbled before smiling a little. "yeah. though i don't think he actually needs help. Stevie never had a problem looking good... though we did have trouble finding clothes that fit him before the... you know. Super Serum." he admitted. "of course, after he could have all his clothes tailor made because they'd do it for free so he didn't have that problem after that." he admitted. "
Laci whimpered quietly at his words, hands pressed against the glass, trying to steady herself as she swayed against him, leaning her head back to rest against his shoulder, "n-no I wont."she stuttered a little gasping as he slid a finger into her, hips bucking into his hand moaning as he left a hickey, definitely already coming undone.the idea of being fucked against the window was just doing it for yer.

"Washing it more would help to. Well trim it and get you shaved, and you'll look younger."tony smiled a little before snickering."he really is a kid. He's younger then me, which is disturbing."he snickered before nodding."yea really. And I'll try not to butcher you to much, no promises though."tony said before laughing. "Well now he has problems cause he's to big....but he's going to a fight, he might...I don't know. Dress like a old man. We have to make sure he doesn't embarrass Nat to badly."he snickered as he headed upstairs to track down the other super soldier.
he grinned at her. "you will." he purred. "you'll come completely unglued, just for me. you'll moan and writhe and beg for more because the pleasure just feels too good and you won't be able to help yourself." he teased, hot breath against her ear, fingers curling inside of her while he brushed his fingertips against her nipples, alternating with every curl of his fingers before, very suddenly stopping just before she started to feel that intense pressure inside that would have indicating oncoming orgasm. Johnny was bad for that, stopping just before you where ready to fully let go, making it last so much longer, making you need it so much more. he never left you wanting for too long though. his hands settled on her hips, pulling them back just a little, raising them up so he had free access, and slowly slid inside of her with a moan, teasing them both now.

James hesitated, recoiling away from the idea of getting into the shower. "i don't like the water." he whispered before smiling a little. "he is younger than you." he admitted. "he's only like, twenty you know." he admitted before smiling a little. "you have steady hands. i trust you." he admitted before snorting. "now that, i could believe." he admitted, getting up and wandering out to get dressed properly before heading to his and Steve's rooms. since Bucky wasn't ready to sleep on his own due to crippling nightmares and a sudden, intense fear of the dark, he had taken up one of Steve's spare rooms. Steve himself was standing in front of his closet, glaring at it, as if blaming it for him having nothing good to wear on his date. his simple Bonding mark was ink black, fully filled in and was now starting to get some color to it. "Tony? do you have nice clothes that could fit me?" Steve asked, not even bothering to see who had come in. he always, without fail, knew who had come into his rooms.
“M-maybe.”She stuttered, moaning, squirming as he touched her, closing her eyes tightly as the other teased her, whimpering, gasping as he stopped, turning her head to look up at him in startled annoyance, “Johnny...”She whined desperate as she pressed her hips back into him, moaning as he pulled her up a little, loudly as he slid into her, whimpering at the slow pace even as she shifted, her breath fogging the window as she stared out at the city.

“Well, if we cut it short, simply rinsing it out with the sink would probably be enough.”Tony said smiling a little before sulking. “He is. It’s disturbing and saddening. He should not be younger then me!”He whined before smirking. “You probably shouldn’t, but good to know.”he said looking amused as they got to the rooms, smiling a little as he looked at steve. Smirking slightly at the sight of the color starting to come in, it was amazing. “Hm? How do you always do that?”He whined a little before nodding, “Yea I do. I ordered some awhile ago. Just sorta set them aside till you wanted them. Come on, grandpa, we’ll get you dressed.”he said snickering as he directed tehm towards the penthouse.
he grinned at her. "yes. that's my name. you'll be screaming it soon enough." he teased with a grin, groaning as she whimpered and moved faster, harder, fucking her deep and slow because he felt like it and because he knew the orgasm would be so much better. he drug it out, took his time and shuddered hard as his finger reached down and gently tweaked her clit even as he pulled out and painted the backs of her legs with his own orgasm.

he smiled a little. "yeah. that would be better." he admitted. he had taken sponge baths rather than taking an actual shower because the idea of taking a shower made him cringe. "it's not that disturbing." he admitted with a smile before examining Steve's bonding mark because it always fascinated him. "footsteps." Steve stated simply. int hat tone of voice that mean he was either telling the truth or lying through his teeth and well aware that the others had no idea which it was. "awesome. all if this is crap." Steve admitted, scowling at his closet again before following Tony. the only way you could tell he was nervous was because he was walking a little stiff. it was enough for people who knew him to know he was internally freaking out about his Date.
Johnny!”Indeed, soon enough Laci was whining and whimpering, screaming quietly as her hands scrambled helplessly across the glass to find something to steady herself, but trusting him to not let her fall as she came, shuddering as she felt his cum trailing down her legs, slumping into him, tired and utterly relaxed in pleasure as she looked up at him with impossibly big eyes, so overwhelmed with pleasure she was actually starting to cry. Because she’d realized that, her mark had darkened, the phoenix nearly completely filled in, and while she was glad he was her match, she knew she wasn’t his. And staring into the glass, seeing them both together and happy, hurt, because she was so scared of screwing up with him.

“...Footsteps?Really?”tony said eyeing the blond before grinning. “Of course it is. It’s off the shelf, and grandpa wear, found in the old man’s section. Come on, I have something great for a fight.”Tony said smiling as he disappeared into the rooms that he had made that had clothes not just for steve, but most of the team. And not just clothes, but just a bit of everything tony had thought the others would like, but hadn’t quite been brave enough to give them yet. This whole team thing, new enough still that he hadn’t quite figured out how to deal with them freaking out when he gave them expensive things, though it wasn’t all expensive either, simply stuff. “Here, Comfy, classic.. Simple, but not trash prince style either. Just comfy.”
he groaned eagerly gripping her hands in one of his, pinning her to the glass and holding her upright with his other arm, supporting her while she came. "hmmm. amazing." he murmured with a grin before smiling softly at her. "it's okay." he murmured. "this is normal. you've dropped a little and all of your emotions feel much more." he explained. "just relax and let yourself float. if you feel like you need to cry, you can cry." he promised, picking her up. "and just so you know, the windows in the tower are all one way." he admitted with a smile at her. "do you want me to read some fashion magazines to you?" he offered.

"yep. really." Steve said with that little grin that just made it all worse, he really was a little punk. "...actually, most of the clothes in here are things you, Johnny and Clint helped me pick out." he admitted. "this is my 'i want to look like i fit in here' closet." he admitted with a grin. never-mind that it was his only closet and the only things in it where the few clothes he'd brought back from his apartment, which had all been Shield Issued. "...Tony? this is.. i mean, shouldn't i look really nice?" he asked. "like when you go on a date, right?" he seamed to have forgotten where he was going. people did not wear very nice clothes to fights unless they where rich or wanted to get mugged.
Laci shuddered a little as he held her up, simply leaning into him, smiling quietly. “Kay...Normal....”She muttered not really tracking what he was saying, simply listening to his voice, but comfy. Not completely dropped, but enough that she was simply enjoying it. “Kay....”she muttered shifting, not even bothered with being naked as she snuggled into his arms as he held her, “...Really?Well...that’s cool. Definitely should have sex again against them then....”She muttered before nodding slowly. “Upstairs. Scott and Gambit are still here, we should go visit with them, and you can still read to me.”She muttered, even if she did simply want to be alone with him, she was aware enough to not want to be rude to her best friend. “Johnny?Your sister has just arrived.”Jarvis interrupted, sounding sorry for interrupting, but doing it because they all knew sue had demanded that he did, at least the AI had put it off till they were done.

“You are such a punk.”Tony grumbled before shaking his head, “Well, you still look like a old guy in them. Somehow you’re still not finding a good outfit in there. I’ll find you something.”Tony said looking amused because he had been buying stuff for steve, so it never occurred to him that steve wasn’t telling the truth about the clothes. And he would have definitely been annoyed to know it was just all shield stuff. Staring at the other for a long moment before laughing a little. “When I go out to dates, I’m usually going to a five star resturant, or a club, or somewhere fancy, which is what women expect from me. You’re going out with Natasha, who already knows you look adorable in sweats and a tank top.”He pointed out before smiling more. “Besides, you’re going to a fight. You don’t dress up for a brooklyn fight unless you’re looking to get mugged. Even I dress in jeans and a tank top when I’m going to a fight, rare as that is.”
he smiled at her a little and shook his head. "your not paying any attention at all." he huffed, shaking his head. "okay, we'll go upstairs." he agreed with a chuckle, carefully helping her to get dressed before flinching at the realization that Sue was there. "fuck... Jay? where are Scott and Bit?" he asked. they where in the living room, cursing at each other as they played Mario cart. "could you send them to Laci's room and tell Sue i'm on my way up?" he asked, taking Laci to her room, he didn't want her exposed to Sue while she was like this.

Steve shrugged a little. "i am an old guy." he pointed out. "thanks." he stated before blinking a little. "oh. i knew that..." he lied before examining the clothes. "thanks Tony!" he was more than happy to trust Tony's opinion and headed out to get changed, James snorting a little. "he's a mess. ten bucks he pisses himself a little." he stated simply before blinking at Tony. "think you can cut my hair now?" he asked hopefully. he was tired of his head being itchy and his hair being tangled and he wanted to have a chance to look like a person again.

Steve swallowed nervously once he was dressed, staring at his reflection. he looked like a total dweeb. so much so that he felt dread curled in his bell when Natasha knocked on his door. "hey! yeah. uhm..." he flushed as he opened the door. "i'm having a wardrobe crises... this is.. horrible..." he admitted, rubbing the back of his head. "i look terrible don't i?"
“Am to. You have a pretty voice. Gotta listen.”she muttered before smiling as he helped her dress, simply going with what he was doing, utterly relaxed. “They’re in the living room playing mario kart, and cursing. I’ll tell them.” “No...don’t interrupt them. They’re having fun...let’s just go sit in the living room with them...”She muttered frowning annoyed with the knowledge that he didn’t want her around sue. Had she done something wrong now?Taking his concern for her being near sue, totally wrong. But she was used to being the outcast so much, that it never occurred to hre in her relaxed state he was protecting her.
“welcome.”Tony smiled watching him go before snickering. “no bet. He probably did.”He snickered a little before nodding. “Yea. Come on, Klondike.”Tony said looking amused as they headed for his rooms, getting the other to sit on the toliet, and starting to cut off the long locks, wincing a little as he got it shorter, tilting his head a little. “Can I go shorter?I mean, like spikey short?It’s so rough and messed up, it’d be better to cut it all off and let it regrow up, instead of trying to save this mess....”He said frowning a little.

“Hey.”Natasha said smiling at him, tilting her head a little before frowning. “You look good. Comfortable really...why?Did you change your mind about the fight?Are we doing something else? Should I change?”she said, for once nervous enough that she wasn’t sure how to act around him
he chuckled a little. "your adorable like this." he admitted with a smile. "thanks Jay." he said before smiling at her. "i'm sorry Love, but i don't want you around Sue. she's a bit of a bitch and she won't like that i'm dating you again because she thinks she has to control my life." he admitted. "it's better for you if she doesn't have a chance to claw you." he admitted, stroking her hair. "Gambit and Scott will protect you." he promised, carrying her up to her bedroom and settled her into bed just as Gambit appeared and chirped in that happy way of his that he had beaten Scott at Mario Cart three times!" never realizing that he had been watching the wrong screen and the one who had won was Scott.

"i like it when you call me Klondike." James admitted, sitting down and letting Tony do what he wanted. "yeah, that's okay." he agreed. so long as his hair would grow back he didn't really care. if it was shorter it would be easier to clean without having to get too wet too.

"oh, that's okay then. no, we're still going to the fights, i'm just... i'm used to looking... better, when i go out on da... uhm, with friends..." he flushed hard, he was ruining it already! ugh! "i just, i'm not used to the new fashion yet is all." he admitted, smiling at her. "are you ready to go?" he asked, grabbing the car keys and his wallet and the tickets and headed out with her, wondering if he was going to ruin everything by the end of the night, or if he'd last until they got home? who was he kidding, he'd already ruined everything, ugh!
“I’m always adorable.”Laci muttered frowning softly, before nodding a little. “Kay....and no one controls you. You’re mine. I boss you around.”She muttered before laughing a little when gambit walked in. Smiling as she settled in to listening to the two mutants talk. “johnny. I stopped by to ask you to dinner tomorrow. It’s reed;s birthday, so we’re having a nice dinner out.”Sue smiled looking at her brother as he walked in.

“Hm, you are like a frozen treat. It’s amusing. And I’ll keep calling you it then.”he said looking amused as he nodded, cutting james hair so short that it was nearly a buzz cut, just a little longer then a buzz. “There. Now lean back, I’ll shave you.”He said getting out the straight razor.

“Oh. Okay then. And you don’t dress like tony at a fight, you’d get mugged.”She snickered a little trying to get him to laugh, looking nervous herself as she blushed. “Yea, let’s go.”She smiled following him out, looking thoughtful as they headed out. “So, how was your day?”
he smiled at her. "no. no one controls me, but she sure tries." he admitted with a smile. "you do boss me around." he agreed with a smile, leaving her with the two squabbling men while he headed to Sue. "shit! i totally forgot the date!" he admitted with a grimace. "yeah, i'll be there." he promised. "i just need to run out and get him something. Jesus i thought it was still last month." he admitted, checking the calendar before blinking. "oh. that's because Tony's calendars are still on... never mind, this is a calendar for 1012....." he blinked a little. "no wonder Tony has issues..." he muttered, scratching his head before smiling at Sue. "yeah! i'll be there. fancy or semi-formal or what?" he asked, wondering where the dinner was. "and can i bring a date?" better to break it to her while in public. she couldn't try to kill him or Laci that way.

"frozen treat?" James asked, confused. he thought the Klondike was a place. he had liked the Klondike, no people to bother him. that's where he'd run to before he returned to the tower to wait for Steve to come back. "okay." he said, leaning back and settled into the chair with his head tipped back, a stunning display of trust.

"yeah. apparently." he admitted. "i should have known better than to second guess Tony but i'm... weird today." he decided with a smile. "it was terrible. i don't have any clothes." he admitted. "i had to ask Tony for help. it was a total blow to my pride." he admitted with a chuckle. "how was yours?" he asked with a smile.
“Well, you could always raid Tony’s lab, I’m sure he has some toy or something Reed would enjoy.”Sue said looking amused before laughing out loud, shaking her head. “No wonder Tony doesn’t ever know what day it was.”She said looking amused before tilting her head. “Semi-formal. And yea, if you want. You’re dating?”She said looking curious, definitely a better idea to tell her in public rather then now about who he was with now.

“Hm, a Klondike bar. It’s named after some place, but it’s a ice cream treat thing.”Tony said looking amused tilting his head as he watched the other, swallowing thickly at the display of trust, gentle hands carefully shaving him, leaning back as he looked at the other, cleaning him up, before grinning. “You look younger. Definitely.”he said moving away so the other could look in the mirror.

“You’re always a little weird, Cap.”Natasha teased before shaking her head. “Well, you should just go up to tony’s rooms. He’s shopped like a ridiculous amount for us all.”She said before smiling. “Well, you look nice. And good. Though it was a lot of paperwork, looking forward to the fight just to relax.”
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