Taming the Storm(lady/moon)

he grinned a little. "that's a good idea. i'll do that." he agreed with a nod before snorting. "tell me about it. i mean he was always a bit forgetful but this is terrible." he admitted before nodding. "Semi-formal it is." he agreed. "yeah. i'm dating." he admitted with a shrug. "you'll meet her tomorrow." he promised. "i have to ask her if she's free to go." he admitted. "she's in the middle of something for work so she might not be able to come." he admitted before gasping. "Shit! it's Saturday!" he gasped, checking the time. "okay, we have plenty of time." the new season of Dr. Who was coming on and Johnny didn't want to miss it.

"i like Ice-cream." James admitted with a smile. "do you have any? can i try one?" he asked curiously before settling in to relax and have his face shaved. "thanks Tony. this is great!" he admitted happily, giving his reflection a small smile. "do i look okay?" he asked, smiling at Tony.

"only a little though right?" he asked with a grin before grimacing. "Tony will get all bent out of shape if he realizes my wardrobe consists of things you guys have got me and my Shield issue." he admitted. "and i really don't want him to start fussing over me when he should be focusing on James." he admitted with a grin. "he's upstairs giving James a new haircut." he admitted with a grin. "it's adorable." he admitted before smiling at her. "how weird are we, that we go watch men beat the shit out of each other to calm down?"
“”Well, he does have Jarvis. And Cap, to tell him when to do things.”Sue said looking amused and curious as he looked at the other. Wondering who he was dating and nodding. “Okay. It’ll be fun to meet her.”She said curious before laughing a little. “Go shopping, you have a few hours before Doctor who.”She said looking amused knowing why he was upset, kissing his cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Just come over to the Baxter building about 6, and we’ll go out.”She said smiling as she left.

“I do. There’s some in the fridge.”Tony smiled looking amused as he watched the other, “You’re welcome. And you look amazing, definitely better. Though, not quite as baby-faced as Cap.”

“Only a little.”She promised before wincing, nodding a little. “He will, but if you just take a few things at a time, and add it to your wardrobe, he’ll not notice quite as much and not fuss.”Natasha said smiling before snickering. “he is fairly adorable, fussing and digging his heels in,even if we all know his mark is darkening.”She said because she’d asked Jarvis, if only because the billionaire had been cagey for days when he first noticed. “No weirder then Johnny who’s invited Scott to join in on a threesome sometime.”Natasha snickered. “Fighting is fairly normal.”she said amused as they entered the arena, heading for their seats, relaxing the longer she was with him, it wasn’t that different, it was much like it always was with him.
he nodded. "yeah. that's a good point." he agreed with a grin. "though i think James is creeping up into that territory." he admitted with a chuckle before pressing a kiss to her cheek. "i'll go bother Tony for a good present for the scientifically inclined." he promised. "great!" he agreed. "i'll see you tomorrow at six then." he agreed. "make sure your safe driving home!" he ordered, making sure she was actually gone before heading up where Gambit was painting Laci's nails and shattering with her about the hairstyles of the people they where watching on the TV, some fashion show that Scott seamed to be sick of already. "okay, Sue's gone." he said with a sigh. "it's Reeds birthday tomorrow, she's having a party for him." he explained. "she said i can bring a date." he admitted, smiling at Laci. "so i'd like you to go with me, but Sue is... extremely hard to deal with so if you don't want to i won't hold it against you okay?" he asked with a smile. he didn't bother mentioning that since she had left him, Sue was much more likely to have a grudge against Laci. since her leaving had actually affected Johnny and he'd never dated someone twice. sure he never slept around once he was dating someone, but when the woman left he moved on. or that's how it had been until Laci.

"i don't think anyone can be as baby-faced as Steve. he beats out Babies sometimes you know." he admitted with a grin, rubbing his cheeks. "you did a good job. thanks Tony, i feel a lot better." he admitted happily.

he smiled a little. "well. you know. that's a good idea." he admitted with a grin. "i'll just as him every other day for something that 'went missing', we all know about the resident clothing thieves." he teased, because Natasha and James where the worst. "James is too." he admitted. "you can actually tell what it is now." he admitted with a grin. "i haven't had a chance to see Tony's yet." he admitted before snorting a little. "don't remind me, i nearly choked to death." he admitted. "think he'll actually do it? Scott i mean?" he asked, his head tilted. "i bet he will. he's been so lonely he won't resist for long right?" he asked with a grin, grabbing enough snacks for them both to enjoy for the rest of the show. they'd been together long enough now, as friends, that he knew what she would want and what she wouldn't. "wasn't sure if you'd want the sour worms or not so i nabbed em anyway." he admitted with the box tray in his lap, handing her the treats she'd want and the snacks he'd enjoy. he was always delighted by the options and got some of everything he could. especially if he'd never had it before.
Laci looked up from the tv when he walked in, seeming to be steady and more aware now that she’d settled some, amused that Scott was reading ‘girl with the dragon tattoo,’ instead of listening to the two of them chatter about fashion. “Really?”Laci bit her lip thinking about it, watching Gambit paint her nails before nodding slowly. “I know you wont. But let’s go to dinner. We can always leave if she gets to bad.”She said smiling slightly, wanting to get along with his family, because she wanted to be apart of his life.

“He does. Really.”Tony snickered before smiling. “You’re welcome.”he said before moving to get up. “Come on, Barnes, I want to watch Doctor who and get some sleep.”

“Hm, I know knowing about clothing thieves.”Natasha snickered a little before smiling. “I only know cause I asked Jarvis. He’s been extremely careful about keeping it hidden, despite not being as weird about being shirtless now that Extremis got rid of the arc.”She said gesturing to her ribs a little. “It’s across his rib cage, a huge dragon apparently, one of the biggest markings jarvis said he’d ever heard of.”Natasha said making a face, because of course tony had the oddest things happening to him. Grinning a little as they got their snacks, “I think he will. He might resist actually touching johnny, but I bet he lets him watch.”Natasha snickered a little as she settled into her chair, smiling. “Sour worms sound good.”She smiled starting to eat, utterly delighted to be in his company, and watchign the fight, which compared to their own battles was slightly boring in its sheer...normalness, but still it was fun.
Johnny grinned at the sight of her, his head tilted as he watched Gambit. amused that such a man, and Gambit was very much your typical Man, could be so feminine when he wanted to be. Gambit was just as happy tossing a football and conning the X-men out of their allowances as he was playing with fabric, doing nails and making hairdos. "okay." he agreed with a smile. hopefully Sue wouldn't get too bent out of shape. after all, better Laci than Apolline right? never mind that his demented sister had actually liked Apolline until she'd found out some of what she'd been doing to Johnny.

"What's Doctor Who?" James asked curiously. "can i watch it with you?" he asked hopefully. he didn't want to be alone.

"yeah i'm sure you do." he agreed with a chuckle before blinking a little. "isn't that cheating?" he wondered before blinking. "well, if you think about it, Tony has a lot more love to give than normal people." he admitted. "just look at what he does for us, and that's just because he likes us." he admitted with a smile. "why do you think i'm not freaking out about James being bonded to him? they both have so much love to give they'll be great for each other." he admitted with a grin. "your probobly right. i'm not sure i'd be okay with someone watching me though." he admitted before shrugging. "couldn't say though, since i've never... you know, in the first place." he admitted. not many realized that Steve really was a virgin. sure he'd shared a few kisses, but that was about it. he happily settled in to watch the fights and sighed a little. "it's nice to see people wailing on each other in such a common manner." he admitted. "so... i was. you know. wondering..." Steve fidgeted and then. "i have no idea what i'm doing... i was just, wondering... uhm. you, uh... how'd you feel about being my gal?" he asked, flushing brightly because he was pretty sure that sounded really sexist, as most 1940's slang did.
“Bit’s going to replace you soon if he keeps it up.”Scott teased looking up at Johnny. “He’s totally going to be helping her sew and do her nails and all that fun stuff.”He teased even as they all settled in to watch Doctor who, the four completely comfortable together.

“It’s a science fiction TV show about a time traveler. And of course you can watch.”Tony said smiling as they settled in his bed to watch, because well, he might not let everyone into his bedroom, but the few people he liked to snuggle when he was sleepy and tired, needy were allowed in. And watching doctor who with those few people, was one of his favorite things.

“It’s not cheating, he didn’t forbid anyone from asking Jarvis.”Natasha snickered a little before looking thoughtful. “That’s true. It sorta makes sense really. And they’ll be good for each other.”He agreed before laughing, patting him on the arm. “Not everyone is okay with it.”She said before smiling a little, tilting her head, shocked....well. Not really, she’d asked james, but he’d only known about the 1940s, she hadn’t known if he’d done anything these days. Well at least that was good to know. “Well, now I feel bad about teasing you about bad kissing skills.”She teased refering to their time when they were hunting the Soldier, teasing him a little before nodding. “IT really is. No aliens or bugs, or god forbid, doom bots.”She said before her eyes widened, biting her lip to keep from laughing in his face, knowing he wouldn’t apperciate it, but he was just so adorable. “I think I’d like being your girlfriend.”she said kissing his cheek.

Laci sighed a little as she slid her dress on, finishing tying her hair back into a simple half down half up style, the curly mass trailing over her shoulders, the red flashing like fire across the black of the dress. “So what did you end up stealing from Tony for reed?”She asked looking up at johnny as he finished getting ready, trying desperately to not be as nervous as she felt.
"it's okay. i can do things for her that Gambit can't." Johnny admitted with a grin. "oui. no offense Laci but you have many unfavorable parts." Gambit admitted, watching Dr. Who very happily.

"i like Dr. Who." James murmured once the show was done, already half asleep. "can i stay?" he asked hopefully.

Steve snorted a little. "probobly because he didn't realize we'd be that sneaky." Steve admitted with a chuckle before shrugging. "i've kissed before." he admitted. "not a whole lot, but i've had a little bit of practice." he admitted with a smile before looking utterly delighted that she had said yes. blushing at the kiss to his cheek. "awe gee..." he mumbled, smiling at her. "i knew this would be the perfect time to ask you." he admitted with a grin. "watching people bleed puts you in good moods." he teased with a snicker.


Johnny grinned a little. "i have no freaking idea but Tony said he would love it." he admitted, making sure his tie was on properly. "it's some sort of really expensive analyzer of some kind that he doesn't have." he admitted. "you okay?" he asked with a smile. "you don't have to be nervous." he promised, smiling at her. "you look really amazing." he admitted, watching her. "wanna be fashionably late and have sex real fast?" he asked with a grin, well aware she'd say no. Laci hated being late.
Laci stared at him for a long moment, before laughing “None taken.”She said looking amused at his observation.

“Me to”Tony muttered almost asleep himself as he snuggled against the other. “yea. Stay.”He muttered content.

“Probably not.”Natasha snickered a little before smiling, “Well, we’ll help you get more practice. It’ll be fun.”She said looking amused at him, grinning at his expression, he was really adorable. “Hm, don’t lie, it puts you in a good mood to. Even more so when we’re not the one doing the beating.”She teased shifting, leaning into him as they watched the fight.

“Ah, well, Tony would be the one who knew.”She said looking amused at the idea that they both had no idea what it was, but trusted tony to know what he was talking about. Relaxing a little she nodded. “Yea, I’m okay...it’s just been a long time since I’ve seen any of your family.”She said blushing at his praise.”Well, you look fairly amazing yourself, didn’t want to embarass you by showing up looking horrible.”She said smiling slightyl before staring at him, a anxious look crossing her face. “What?No. We can’t be late, johnny.”She whined a little even as she slipped her high heels on.
Johnny grinned a little. "yeah, Tony knows." he admitted. "relax. Reed and Ben adore you." he promised with a smile. "Sue is a bit of a bitch though, as i'm sure you remember. she doesn't like anyone." he grimaced. "well, no, she did like Apolline once upon a time but wee like to pretend that never happened." he admitted before smirking at her. "i don't think you could ever embarrass me." he admitted before pouting. "not even a little late?" he asked, smiling at her, offering her his arm and leading her down the stairs, winking at Steve. "how was your date last night big guy?" "she said yes!" Steve blurted out, looking delighted before panic spread across his face. "she said yes." he admitted, wandering off, Johnny snorting, shaking his head. "oh that poor man just realized he has no idea how to treat her now that they're dating..." he admitted with a grin. "that's hilarious."
“They do. But I sorta broke up with you, might not endear them to me.”She said looking a little worried before snorting. “I remember.”She sighed quietly, making a face at him.”I’m fairly certain I probably could.”She said upset because she knew that sometimes people just pretended to like her, or be okay when they really didn’t like it. “Johnny!It’s not polite!You can’t be late to his party!”Laci scowled, settling a little into lecturing mode before laughing at steve. “He’s totally going to be in trouble.”She giggled as they headed out, smirking a little. “James and Tony will help him, he’ll be okay.”She said snickering, amused because she knew tony wasn’t above having cap do ridculous things simply because he wouldn’t know better. Looking up at the baxter building as they arrived she bit her lip, “So...ready for this?”She said bracing herself to go inside.
he shrugged. "they won't hold it against you for long when they find out why." he admitted. "especially if i lie and blame it on Apolline." he admitted with a smile. "let me rephrase. you might embarrass me, but i won't give a damn." he promised. "the only thing you could do that would really upset me, is blatantly cheat on me i think... or set up my sister to be murdered or something." he admitted before grinning. "i've been late because i was having sex before you know." he admitted with a grin. "he wouldn't be surprised. in fact they probobly aren't leaving until Six Thirty and told me six because they knew i'd be late." he teased with a grin, smiling up at the Baxter building. he hated to admit it but moving out really had been the best thing he'd ever done. "We're here! on time! withhold your awe!" Johnny called as he walked in.
"Probably, but it still makes me nervous..."she sighed trying to calm down before relaxing at his promise smiling slightly."really?okay..."she said trying to believe him before snorting."and the only way that would happen is with scott, and well, you're the one who wants scott to join us."she teased looking amused. Sta ring at him for a long moment before looking upset,"johnny!sex is no excuse to be late!"she said making a face before snorting."now that I can believe."she said smiling as she followed him in."johnny?you are on time."sue said sounding surprised,"we'll have to congratulate your date th_oh!laci."sue said looking up from the book she'd been reading, giving her husband a startled l [k before looking at her brother."hey guys."laci said swallowing hard and resisting the urge to run home. This was going 5o be bad she had a feeling.
"i know." he admitted with a smile. "it's going to be fine." he promised before chuckling a little. "he's cute." he admitted with a grin. "and Scott is the exception." he admitted before pouting at her. "it's a good reason to be late." he complained. "it's better than not showing up on time because i got distracted by a pair of boots in the window." he pointed out. "i am! be in awe!" Johnny teased his sister. "you remember Laci?" he asked, smiling at Sue. "with some help we realized what went wrong last time and we decided to try again." he admitted. "so where are we going to go eat?" he asked, his head tilted, hand tight around Laci's because he knew she wanted to run away. she was incredibly shy after all.
“He is.”Laci agreed looking amused before rolling her eyes a little. “Well, yes. Okay, sex is a better reason to be late.”She said looking amused. “I am.”Sue said looking amused before nodding a little. “I do. Collins right?” “Yes.” Sue smiled nodding, “I thought so. I’m taking your parents class right now.” “They’re good teachers.”Laci said upset enough at the mention of her parents that she actually tried to pull away from johnny. “We’re going to Atara’s.”Sue smiled as she got up, straightening her dress, not noticing the panicked look on Laci’s face.. While the restaurant was okay with semi-formal, most of the time it was tony’s sort of restaurant. Not just well dressed, but there was so many celebrities and famous people eating there, that it was near a constant center of attention for paparazzi, even if it was Reed’s favorite restaurant. Sue smiled looking up when Ben and Reed walked in, slipping on her shoes. “Let’s go then.”
he grinned a little. "yeah, see? much better excuse, so we should." he teased with a chuckle. "... yeah. her parents." Johnny muttered, the tone was more than enough for Ben, his girlfriend and reed to understand that Johnny did not like Laci's parents. from the lack of response from Laci it was easy to see that she didn't care much for her parents either. "i like Atara's." he agreed, gently wrapping an arm around Laci's shoulders and kissed her cheek, trying to calm her down. "it's fine. your fine. calm down a little bit Love." he murmured gently to her as they headed out, not wanting to draw attention to her. "your on time for once?" Reed asked Johnny with a grin. "good morning Miss Collins. nice to see you again." he happily greeted her, looping his arm in Sues. honestly Johnny was always amazed by how much Reed loved Sue. he was laid back enough that she could walk all over him and he didn't give a damn, but he had enough of a backbone too, that he could stop her if she started going too far. he really was her perfect match, proven by the dark, emerald green wreath of ivy with little red berries that wound up his arm like a snake. "hey Sue?" Johnny said, sidling over to her, leaving Reed to entertain Laci for a half a second. "you... haven't seen or heard from Apolline recently have you?" he asked her, voice so low the others couldn't hear him. "my marks been getting darker. i had a hell of a panic attack in the park the other day because my mark got darker but i couldn't find her. i think she's been stalking me..."
Sue tilted her head thinking about the reaction before smiling. “I do to.”Laci smiled swallowing hard as she leaned into Johnny a little, closing her eyes for a moment as she calmed a little. “indeed he is. I’m thinking it’s Laci’s influence.”Sue said looking amused. “Hey Reed.”Laci smiled at the other as they left, reed and laci talking happily about what she’d been up to recently. “Hm?”Sue said looking at her brother as they walked the few blocks over to Altara’s, frowning slightly. “No, I haven’t.”She said paling a little looking worried. “I haven’t heard from her since she left.”Sue said looking worried about him, squeezing his arm. “You okay over at the tower?You’re welcome to move back you know, if you want to.”She said worried about him. Resisting the urge to glare at Laci's back, wondering if her presence was making him upset and refusing to come home, where she could protect him. but not ready to bring anything up, not when she was still working on her argument to get the two of them apart.
he smiled at Laci. "it is Laci's fault. she wouldn't stop for sex and she wouldn't let me stop at the bookstore for those baby books i forgot to get Steve and Tony and she wouldn't let me get distracted by the kid owning people at the shells game and she's just no fun at all." he teased with a snigger. since all of it was true. "fuck..." he shook his head. "Tony and Jarvis can't find any hint of her either..." he admitted, looking anxious. "could she be using cameras do you think?" he wondered. "would that make my mark darker?" he wondered before nodding. "i'm fine at the Tower. i like it there. Natasha's there and she won't feel bad about hitting a woman like Reed or Ben. and Steve is there, he's massive, i can hide behind him if she shows up. and Phil and Tony are there and they won't be scared to smack her about either if she tries to do anything nasty." he admitted, smiling at her. "i know you don't like that i moved out, but... i didn't really belong in the Baxter Building and we both know it. it's like me crashing in the spare bedroom of your house when you work from home. i just... felt like a third wheel all the time and that wasn't fair to you or Reed." he admitted with a smile. "i was about to buy my own house. it was going to be amazing... but then the mark...." he shuddered, rubbing the Chimera tattoo that was, indeed much darker than the last Sue had seen it. "i'm just gonna hide in the tower till she goes away."
“It’s not polite being late johnny! And don’t blame me for this.”Laci said making a face at him. “That’s amusing.”Sue said looking amused before frowning, looking at her brother, “I don’t think it’d work like that.”She said watching him before sighing, nodding a little. “Good. I’m glad your happy.”she smiled knowing better then to talk him out of leaving the tower before biting her lip, looking upset at him leaving but nodding a little. “Well, if you ever need the room, it’s still yours. And she’ll go away. It’ll be okay.”She muttered smiling as they got a table, smiling a little as they all settled in to getting food, and glancing up at Laci with a small smile. “You’re doing fashion these days right? I remember you were going to school for it.” “I am. Actually, johnny and teh others are modeling for me.”Laci said tensing a little, swallowing hard as she started to eat her pasta. “Didn’t you ever want to do academics?I mean, fashion can be so hard to break into.” “I know, but it’s fun. I enjoy it. Designing is fun.” “But not as great. I mean, I don’t get it.” “Well, I don’t get nuclear physics either.” “But you did go to school for physics didn’t you?” “yes but it wasn’t worth it. It wasn’t fun and-”And soon enough, Laci had devolved right into the differences of physics and nuclear physics, mostly unaware of the people in the restaurant watching her talk to Sue, her usually relaxed voice strained and upset.
"it's perfectly fine being late." he huffed, pouting at her before grimacing at Sue and nodding. "i didn't think so." he admitted, looking quite dismayed by the idea that Apolline was actually physically close to him. "i am rather happy." he admitted with a smile. "and i'll probobly be by every other week to stay the night just because i'm a bit clingy." he admitted. "after Apolline is gone." he admitted, ordering what he always ordered when he went to Atara's. leg of lamb with a fresh mint sauce. he loved lamb. "she's an amazing fashionista." Johnny admitted with a smile. "she actually has a chance to break the market. i'm tempted to invest into her clothing line, but i don't want to be the reason why she succeeds so i'm going to wait until she starts succeeding on her own." he admitted with a smile before he frowned a little. "not everyone likes to be smart Sue." he reminded her before grimacing as he wrapped his arm around Laci's shoulder. "Laci. hey. come on now. it's okay..." he promised her before glancing around. "we'll be right back. i have to calm her down." "is everything okay?" Reed asked, looking worried. "it's just a flashback..." Johnny assured him, carefully hauling Laci into the private bathrooms to try and calm her down. "...Sue?" Reed asked her, blinking at him. "you remember that rumor that Mr. and Mrs. Collins had a restraining order against them by their own daughter? and you said there was no way, they where too nice?.... i don't think it was a rumor..." he admitted, looking a bit worried, about Laci and about Sue. the Collins where practically her heroes, she wasn't going to take this well.
“You are a bit clingy, it’s adorable.”She teased amused. “Well, Tony’s invested. It wont be that different.” “I can do it without tony. That’s not what’s going on. They’re helping cause they want to.”Laci said sounding upset, jesse’s words pounding at her as she looked up at Johnny as Sue went silent, watching her startled. Eyes wide as Johnny left with laci who didn’t even look like she was registering that johnny was moving her. Sue watched two, eyes wide before looking at reed, pale. She didn’t want to believe it, but....”yes. It might be...”

“Johnny?”Laci muttered after a few minutes as she leaned into the other’s chest, shuddering as she blinked slowly. Trembling and shaken as she struggled to figure out what had happened, or was going on. Frowning a little. “....are we in the bathroom?”
Reed shook his head. "it is a little bit different." he admitted. "see, Johnny never invests in anything that isn't certain to be a big deal. that he's waiting to invest in you means that he wants others to see for themselves how amazing you are rather than just tell them your amazing." he admitted with a smile. "it's Johnny's way of saying he has trust in you and what your doing." he admitted before shaking his head a little. "i'm going to text Tony later, he'll do a background for me and we can see what really happened." he decided before smiling at her. "he's besotted, Johnny is. i think he was always the happiest when he was with Laci..." here he hesitated. "i always thought it was strange how they just, suddenly weren't together anymore... do you think Apolline did something or maybe someone else?" he wondered.

Johnny smiled at her, stroking her hair. "yeah. we're in the bathroom. you had a flashback." he admitted. "don't worry. i don't think too many people noticed and if they did they'll just think you where arguing with Reed about science. that happens a lot more than you would think." he admitted. "give yourself a moment to calm down and we can go back out or go home." he promised. "we'll blame it on me of course. i'll text sue that i was stupid and ate Tony's food. which i do more often than i'd like to admit. i just can't resist him when he looks at me with those big eyes and that pouty damn lip."
“Oh. Well. That’s fairly awesome really.”Laci said smiling a little. “Yes. Do. If anyone knows what happened really, Tony would.”Sue sighed softly shaking her head a little before frowning. Thinking on it. “Maybe, but Apolline was his bonded, if he met her, it wouldn’t have been that odd he broke up with Laci.”She said frowning as she considered it.

“...oh. Sorry.”she took a shuddering breath, resting her head against his shoulder.”I told you I’d make embarrass you or something.”She grumbled a little still shaken, laughing a little. “You know, I can believe people arguing with him. Tony does alot.”She said amused clinging to the man in her arms, trying to steady herself, but still twisted up in a bad headspace, so she wasn’t steadying well. It’d be awhile before she could stand company, which was a bad thing considering she was supposed to be so busy with getting ready for the first release of her clothes. “He does look adorably pouty about it, even if you know we have no business trying to eat his food.”
he nodded. "good point." he muttered. "i don't know. it all just feels... like i'm missing something." he admitted with a shake of his head. "Johnny probobly isn't going to be back." he knew how a flashback usually went. Johnny had a few while he was still living with them. they had left Johnny shaken for days after and Reed and Sue had the unfortunate fate to be there when Steve had one and he hadn't stopped being jumpy for nearly a week.

"nothing to be sorry about and i'm not embarrassed." he admitted. "do you want me to call Scott?" he asked, well aware that Scott was a bit more skilled in handling a spaced out Laci. "oh, lots of people argue with him." Johnny admitted with a smile. "We'll go home." he promised her with a smile, gently brushing her hair out of her face. "come on. we can sneak out the back." he promised. "i've had to escape from here before. the cooks won't mind." he promised.
“Yes, especially since his mark is darkening again.”She said sighing quietly, wincing. “Probably not. Let’s enjoy dinner.”She said sadly, upset. Worried about her brother, but knowing better then to follow them when it would just be worse. Settling in to tell the other two everything she knew about what had been going on.

“...Really?”She muttered her voice fragile and hurt, before shaking her head slowly. “No...Scott’ll be at the tower. Let’s just get home.”She muttered sighing quietly, leaning into his hand as he brushed her hair back. “kay.”She muttered flinching a little as he walked her through the kitchens, simply following him, but the sudden noise of the kitchen and close quarters of the cook nearly to much for the overwrought woman.
"yeah. that's... god if she's here... i can't imagine what she thinks she could get out of him...." he admitted softly. "she's already almost killed him once. i can't imagine what she thinks she's doing here. there's no way any of us would let hr be anywhere near him again." he admitted with a frown before smiling at her, setting his hand on hers. "i know your worried love. it's okay, Johnny's strong." he admitted. "he needs to live life on his own sometimes, he can't hide behind you forever. just remember that when he needs us, we'll always be there for him." he assured her with a smile. "he's finally growing up a little, we should be glad for that. no more late night calls asking for bail." he admitted with a smile.

"really." he promised her with a smile, giving her a gentle kiss. "okay. we'll go home." he promised. texting Scott to meet them at the entrance before gently, carefully guiding her out of the restaurant and texting Reed that they had to leave. he didn't bother giving a reason. he gently soothed her while they walked out and a glance in the mirror let him know that his mark had darkened again. he was too focused on Sabrina to care, and he was beginning to suspect something was a little.. odd, or off, or something. something wasn't right here and he knew the best person to ask was Jarvis.
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