Taming the Storm(lady/moon)

"i might be." Steve admitted with a grin. "it is a nice hickey." Johnny said, looking very pleased with himself really, Steve rolling his eyes. it was no wonder Peter had taken a week off. "wait. he's been making fun of my sex life!?" Johnny complained, narrowing his eyes at Scott, Gambit snorting. "Oui. Amour idiote malades." Gambit teased Johnny who flushed. "hey! hey! i am not!" "menteur." "i am not! you take that back!" "Non." Gambit scoffed, Johnny whining. "everyone's being mean to me! Steve! make them stop!" "it's your own fault for wearing panties." "......" Johnny's head met the table and declared they where all evil. "she has plenty of self restraint. i'm just irresistible." Johnny chirped with a roguish grin. "I will live it down eventually." Gambit informed them sagely. "as eventually, someone will do someone even more memorable and everyone will forget all about me." Gambit said with a sniff. "i think that's the first time i've ever heard you speak a full sentence in full English." "Pratiquer l'anglais." "ah. makes sense. i guess." he admitted, grinning delightedly when Scott spit milk out his nose. which was better than Steve who was now cursing as he tried to clear coffee from his sinuses. "Oui j'aimerais cela. Merci, you will not mind?" he asked, his head tilted. "as long as you don't get in her way, she usually doesn't mind if people watch. sometimes when she's... er, having an off day she won't like it, but if it starts to bother she'll ask ou to leave." "bien."
“Sorta?Only because it didn’t involve me.”Laci said flushing brightly as she stared down at her plate. Scott snickered as he listened to gambit and johnny before patting his head, smirking. Knowing Laci was going to kill him, but it’d make the other feel better. Patting his head he smirked, “If it makes you feel better, I only tease her cause even after amazing sex, she’d wake up aching and wet cause she dreamed of yo-” “Scott!What the hell?Stop!”Laci scowled looking annoyed upset that scott had told him, but knowing he probably had his own reasons for doing it, even if she didn’t like it. “You are not that irresistible. Now steve, steve is irresistible, and I applaud Natasha for not jumping him at any given chance.”Tony teased looking amused. “I wont. Company is good most of the time.”Laci smiled.
he blinked a little and then cocked his head tot he side like a curious puppy. "really?" he asked, looking very amused. "well. can't say i was any better to be honest. especially after we first broke up. lots of girls tried to strangle me because i was dreaming of another girl." he admitted before his grin fell because Apolline had very carefully and very painfully made him pay for it each and every time. he'd eventually stopped dreaming, if only to save his own skin. "i am totally irresistible! i'm way sexier than Steve!" Johnny protested, Steve flushing bright at the tease involving Natasha. who he was going out on a date with that very evening and where going to watch men pound each others faces in. "magnifique!" Gambit chirped happily, delighted to be included. even if he had the feeling he was going to be a living dress doll he didn't mind. as long as he liked you, Gambit would put up with nearly anything so long as you where nice to him while you where doing it. he wouldn't put up with abuse after all.
“Really. It was a blow to the ego to wake up and find her dreaming of you.”Scott teased, though he really didn’t look annoyed at the idea. “.....Well, I’ll protect you from annoying women. You’re mine now.Remember?”Laci muttered leaning into him a little, looking worired about him for a moment. Before snorting at johnny’s words. “You are. Way hotter.” “Just cause he can catch himself on fire doesn’t meant anything.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little. “Where is Natasha anyways?” “Probably sparring with James.”Tony said smiling a little. “Come on Gambit, I’m going to work.Leave these two jokers to their own devices.”Laci said rolling her eyes at the two men before heading for the door, knowing they knew she wasn’t really upset with them, simply deeply embarassed at the teasing. Retreating to her studio she grinned as she looked over gambit, humming to herself before smiling. “Okay, sit relax, I’m going to sketch out what I want, then we’ll see what you like.”She smiled as she sketched out the casual, but fitted yet loose clothes, pushing it over to him after a few minutes, nervous about if he’d like it our not. “well?”

Scott was quiet for a long moment, making sure the two were gone before focusing on johnny. Having mostly gotten rid of laci, simply because he wanted to question johnny without upsetting her. “What happened last night?”He said sounding upset and worried.
Johnny smirked. "your just Jealous because you can't have me." he teased Scott with a grin. "admit it, i'm sexy and you'd totally tap me." he teased, wiggling his eyebrows at Scott before smiling at Laci. "i am yours." he agreed, resting his head on her shoulder so he could feel connected to her for a little while. "Après vous, Petite chérie." Gambit chirped happily, following her down to where she made her art. he sat down and played with some scraps of fabric while she worked. easily entertaining himself while she worked. Gambit was one of those men who could entertain themselves in empty rooms. simple man with simple needs. he startled when she slid the book over to her and abandoned the strips he'd been tying together and examined the drawing, his eyes lighting up. all the evidence she needed to know he liked it. "Bottes en cuir?" he asked hopefully, examining the drawing, pointing at the vest. "J'aime ça." he admitted, bouncing a little. "I can keep?" he asked. "when it's done. yes?" he asked hopefully. "and the Bag? i like the bag. it's a nice bag."

Johnny studied Scott for a moment and then sighed. "so many things." he admitted, deciding to be fully honest. he explained everything, how he'd realized what he'd done wrong, how he'd finally gotten the courage to talk to Laci about it. how they'd gone to the party last night and how Jesse had made him feel like he was being walked to a stock to be sold. how he'd left to get some drinks and come back to an upset Laci and how they'd gone t a park for a picnic, hoping it would make her feel better. he explained how they'd had sex and how he had seen his mark darken and had freaked the hell out and had to take his cannibis chill pills and how he'd gotten way too high and how she had taken care of him and what he'd found out Jesse had said and what had happened that morning before looking at Scott expectantly. as if wanting a pat on the head for being a good, honest boy.
"Not in a million years. I'm more likely to tap wolverine then you."Scott said with such a serious look for a moment you'd think he was serious before he cracked up. Snickering a little amused as he watched laci and johnny. They were adorable really. Laci smiled amused as she absently listened to gambit moving around, it was amusing to know he was entertaining himself. Looking nervous as he looked at the pictures she tilted her head a little."of course boots. But we'll go shopping to find a pair. I don't have the equipment to make boots."she smiled at him looking pleased at happy he was with it, relaxing. "Yes you can keep it after the shoe. And I'll make a few different similar outfits, so you can have a few options for everyday wear."she smiled at him, before laughing softly. "I can make the bag. Sure if you want it."

Scott's eyes widened a little as he listened, looking up at tony when the other added some before heading for his lab. Scott ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head a little, looking tired."dammit....jesse..."he cursed quietly looking at the other."Jesse was the friend she trusted after you two broke up. Shes the one that dragged her out kicking and screaming into life...this is a mess..."he cursed quietly knowing that this had to be hurting even if laci wasn't showing signs of it."thanks for telling me. Really. You could have just told me to fuck off..."he said smiling a little, because it was good to know the other had trusted to tell him.
he pouted at Scott. "i am way more pretty than Logan is!" he whined, Gambit nodding. "Oui, Johnny is very séduisant." Gambit agreed, making Johnny beam at him, making Gambit chuckle and follow Laci. "ah. i don't have... Fonds. ressources financières. i am poor." he admitted looking upset at the idea of not being able to afford fancy boots she might want him to wear for the show. he did look very excited at the idea of being able to keep the clothes she was going to make him. "oh yes please! Merci beaucoup!"

"seriously!?" he asked, looking outraged now. "so this woman basically saved Laci from suicidal depression and in one move last night put her right back in it?! why the hell would she do that!?" he demanded. "...fuck. i think it might be my fault." he admitted. "i think Jesse was jealous that Laci was with me..." he admitted, looking even more upset that he had ruined Laci's best friendship. "of course i'm going to tell you. for one thing, your her best friend. for a second thing, you know her well enough and she trusts you enough that when i have troubles, and since i don't have a clue i'll have a lot of problems, i can go to you to tell me why she's upset and where i fucked up and for a third, you where there when i wasn't so you, more than anyone else, deserve to know how she is and stuff." he admitted. "and i wasn't joking about tat sex thing. if you still need her, i won't tell her no." he promised with a smile. "i don't mind if she sleeps with you. so long as you don't keep her anyway." he admitted. "and your not bad looking so, you know. you ever want to 'bugger me' i certainly won't say no."
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll buy the boots since you’re doing the favor for me. Consider it a Christmas present.”She smiled at him, looking pleased that he was so excited about it. “You’re very welcome.”She smiled as she settled in to design the rest of his clothes, “Anything else you need?”she said even as she started working on a jacket similar to what he was wearing, but a little more elegant and simple all at once.

“Yea. And because Jesse is a bitch, despite having done a kind thing.....I never told Laci, cause well, she was a good friend, and hadn’t truly upset Laci before. But mostly, Jesse liked having her as a friend, because laci as a whole, was totally dependent, especially after you two broke up, and never really tried to be in control or take something that Jesse wanted. She let Jesse be the center of attention, cause well, Laci really doesn’t do well when everyone’s looking at her.....She was probably pissed that you wanted Laci, and not her. Though I can totally understand why you wouldn’t want to be with jesse....she just rubbed me the wrong way the few times I met her.”Scott said making a face. Looking amused he nodded, “True. And she’ll be easily upset. I mean, not just cause it’s you, but she’s....not the same as she was in college. The older she’s gotten, the more she’s easily upset over certain things.”Scott frowned slightly before staring at the other. Looking surprised before studying the firestarter. “...I think I’ll keep to Laci, though I might let you watch. Maybe.”He teased a little, relaxing. “Just...be careful Johnny. Both with laci, and Jesse. I mean, I don’t know her well, but if she was really interested in you, I doubt she’ll let it go just as making Laci feel bad.”
he blinked a little. "Christmas isn't for another ten months." he pointed out, looking very amused. "we haven't even had Lent yet." he pointed out. much to the amusement of, most everyone honestly. Gambit 'the heathen' was a devout Roman Catholic despite most catholic and other high strung christian denominators where decrying Mutants. but then, most Cajun folk where devout christian in some manner. Gambit was so devout however that he actually fasted and ate nothing at all during Ash Wednesday and Holy Thursday and ate no meat, save fish, for an entire forty six days. something that led ost of the X-men to think that Gambit was extremely bizarre. if the French speaking and catching and eating of bullfrogs hadn't already made them think that. "non. Je vais bien." he assured her happily. "do you need help? i would be glad to help?" he offered.

"yeah. the way she looked at me... it was like i was a slab of meat, or a diamond. something that had no thoughts or feelings or desires and that she wanted more than anything. made me feel all kinds of defiled." he admitted. "....so she was that kind of woman...." he growled, hating that Jesse could use Laci like that. "Laci is a wallflower, i like that about her. i don't have to smile pretty and be on my best behavior and dress up and show off to make her happy. she's just as happy curling up on the couch and watching Supernatural as she is going out to eat." he admitted with a smile. "she's a simpler kind of woman and i'm a simple kind of man." he admitted. "i'm tired of being some sort of... prize. like the newest Gucci purse or something." he admitted. "i know. i mean, i noticed." he admitted. "i hate that i hurt her that much." he admitted. "and what's worse is that i can't promise i won't hurt her like that again because i don't know how normal people act or behave or think or feel." he admitted, swallowing thickly before smiling at Scott. "Well. the option is open." he offered before grinning more brightly. "i like to watch." he admitted with a snicker before nodding. "i'm being as careful as i can with Laci but... i'm kind of dumb, Scott..." he admitted. "as for Jesse... she makes my skin crawl. there's something about her that sets off everything inside of me." he admitted. "i really want to do everything i can to just avoid her." he admitted.
“whatever. It’s a present, don’t analyze it to much.”She said making a face as she looked amused though. “Good. We’ll get you some comfortable clothes soon.”She said smiling before tilting her head at him, studying him for a long moment before nodding. “I could use some help. Before we sew though, I need to get your measurements. Make sure the clothes fit you well, instead of to baggy or to tight.”She smiled as she gently pushed him to stand up, before starting to measure him taking her time, to not freak him out as she worked.

“Yea, that sounds about right. I think she looks at everyone like that.”Scott agreed before wincing, nodding a little. “She was. And I know, I like it about her to. It makes me feel better about not wanting to go out and meet other people....sometimes I just want to lay on the couch and do nothing.”Scott said before grinning, smirking at the other. “Yea, you definitely are simple.”He teased before smiling again. “Laci doesn’t see you like that. She likes you, as much as it hurt sometimes, she always has.”Scott admitted before sighing, “I know. But now she knows you’re not doing it on purpose. She’ll talk to you, instead of simply ignoring it. You two will be okay.”He said before growing serious, “I know you are. Treat her however you want, I mean, she’ll tell you if you’re doing something wrong. And yea, just avoid Jesse. Best thing to do.”Scott said before going silent for a long moment, glancing to the door, making sure laci wasn’t coming before looking at the other. “Two things, that you need to know, before you totally fuck up. And you don’t want to, cause you both will be messed up with it.”He took a deep breath. “One, she has no concept of not....doing whatever anyone wants. Think of her as a Sub who has been trained to do anything anyone wants, because that’s how she’s learned people like her, if she does what they like...She’s a little better these days, but she’s still unstable.”Scott said not bothering to tell johnny what he knew about the one night stands, the desperate anxiety laci had thrown herself into them with, because she’d been trying to become johnny’s perfect girl, to be able to stand one night stands, because she thought that’s what he wanted. “And two, that lecture thing she did in college when she gets upset?Like seriously upset? She does it worse. It got worse after her parents died, these days she’ll spend hours doing it. Just sit and listen, I’ve never been able to get through to her once seh starts.”Scott said finishing his food as he stretched. “we better go check on the other two.”
he chuckled at her. "alright. you win petite chéri." he agreed with a smile. "Oui!" he agreed, letting her measure him with curiosity. he only got a bit jittery when she tried to measure his inseam. he did let her though, flushing brightly and looking anywhere but at her while she measured around his hips and inner thighs. how embarrassing. he was quite glad when they where done.

"do you like supernatural? or Dr. Who? you could come over and snuggle on the couch with us anytime you want." he offered. "i hope she'll talk to me." he admitted, scratching the back of his neck. "i know i'm not easy to talk to sometimes." he was plenty easy to talk to, most women just didn't want to. they wanted him to be a pretty doll so just told him, instead of asking him. "oh. i noticed that." he admitted. "i can't say i'm much better, though i know i have a problem with it." he admitted, grimacing she was very good at training me." he admitted with a slight shudder. "it won't be hard to build up Laci's self confidence again. we just have to keep giving her options and encouraging her to say no when she doesn't want to do something." he admitted. "she just needs time to come to terms with the shit she's been through and time to understand that it's not her fault it happened." sounded like he was talking from experience. "i always got a kick out of her lectures." he admitted. "there was nothing more fun when she was pissed at me and... oh. not that kind of lecture." he shook his head. "well, i've listened to those before, sometimes i even learn things. i hate seeing her so upset though. nothing at all helps? i can't like, hold her or something?"
Laci laughed a little grinning as she finished, smiling as she settled in to work on the clothes, amused as she helped him start making his bag, simply enjoying his company.

“Both actually. And I might have to.”Scott said looking amused before rolling his eyes. “You’re perfectly easy to talk to. It’s everyone else that has problems listening to you.”He pointed out before nodding. “I don’t think she does. I mean, she knows it sorta, I did hear about your talk about BDSM, might be helpful really. Hadn’t considered explaining it to her like that.”He said wincing a little at the mention of apolline, before nodding. “Yea, we’ll help her.”Scott said before nodding. “Exactly. And you’ll be the best help, because you’ve gone through it to.”Scott said before snickering. “I know those lectures, those lectures are amusing and awesome, but no, these lectures are....usually when she’s lecturing its about clothes, or whatever she’s pissed about. These ones....are about books, or history, or anthropology of all things. It’s like...she checks out. She never totally remembers it, though she knows she lectured me about something.”Scott said before shaking his head. “Nothing so far. I’ve tried holding her, feeding her, going for car rides....hell I even took off my glasses and put the contacts in, which she loves, but nothing seemed to break her chain of thought once she got started.”Scott made a face, because he rarely wore the contacts, they bothered his eyes, the specially StarkTech one-day wear contacts that let him go without his glasses if he wanted, at least for a little while.
Gambit, while very good with cards, proved to be all thumbs when it came to crafts and he ended up stabbing himself more than he was actually helpful, but he was no worse than Johnny was and he was enjoying himself. especially when he was actually helpful, like when he gathered materials for her. and he was great with colors. while his own style was... interesting, he was excellent at judging how other people thought, as a con artist that was key, so he was very good at looking at a design and informing her how other people might see it. which ment he was doing much better than Johnny would be at that point.

"great! sometimes, when we don't feel like facing the world, we settle in and watch those for hours on end. it's great for mindless states of being." he admitted with a grin before sighing a little. "she's not all that happy about BDSM though." he admitted, grimacing. "i suppose you didn't hear about that though?" he asked, going on to explain how she'd let herself get picked up by a bad Dom who had abused her before Johnny had stopped him. "she's interested in it, but i don't think she fully understands it." he admitted. "i have been through it. most of my life actually." he admitted before grinning. "yeah. she's so cute when she gets all pissed off at you." he admitted before grimacing a little. "okay. i get it. she checks out and becomes the person she thinks everyone else wanted. her parents did everything they could to form press her into an exact little copy of them." he explained softly. "i've had the unfortunate... delight, of meeting her parents before." he admitted before smiling a little. "from the way it sounds, when she starts ranting like that, she's actually dropped into a very deep, and likely very bad, headspace. meaning she is unaware of anything around her. it's not unlike a flashback or a delusional state." he admitted. "only, unlike those, a person in a bad head-space more often then not will come up on their own and stabilize. it might take a few days, even a few weeks sometimes but it will happen. when they get like that the best thing to do depends on the person. for me? if i drop, the best thing to do is slap me hard enough for it to hurt and then talk me back up. that wouldn't work for Sabrina." he admitted, chewing on his lip. "for Sabrina it might be best to let her rant herself out and then pay good attention to her once she starts coming out of it, snuggle her and talk to her and give her nice kisses and stuff and fine tune it as you go."
Laci grinned laughing as they worked, finding it amusing to let him help. It was amusing and awesome to watch him try to figure it out. It was like trying to work with johnny, but more helpful, considering Gambit was actually fairly good at choosing colors. “Bien!You are good at choosing this stuff.”She grinned so very happy and pleased with having someone to talk to.

“That’ll be fun.”Scott agreed before shrugging. “She seemed interested when she called. And no, she hadn’t told me that part. Just that you and her ran into each other at a club, and talked out the BDSM thing.”Scott sighed frustrated she hadn’t told him, before shaking his head. “No, I don’t think she understands, but considering her experience with it, of course she’s not happy with it. Might be something to look into though. Might help.”he shrugged before grinning. “It’s like watching a kitten discovering they have claws and puffing up.”He snorted before sighing, shuddering at the idea. “Yea, sounds like she tried. And since they didn’t apperciate the art, or design, she tries so so hard to not be herself.”He shook his head looking disgusted. “I do hope you told them off. It would be good to know they got told off at least once for....laci.”He said making a face, well aware that laci had always probably been introverted, but it had probably only been worse by her parents. “She’s usually quiet and thoughtful for a few days after, refusing to leave the apartment, or whatever space she’s claimed as her own for the few days, but she settles after awhile.”He said watching the other before nodding. “Sounds like a plan.”He grinned nudging the other, “Come on, let’s go see if she’s got Gambit sewing yet or not. It’d probably be a sight.”
"no. she wouldn't have. it took me until last night i think, to convince her that being taken advantage wasn't her fault. now i just have to convince her that Jesse being a bitch wasn't her fault." he admitted with a sigh before smiling a little. "i have to ease her into it because she's resisting the reading and stuff." he admitted with a huff. "she can be very, very stubborn when she wants to be." he admitted. "which is often." he huffed with a chuckle before laughing in delight at the visual image. "oh. i did more than told them off." he admitted. "i arranged to have a restraining order placed against them and both spent a year in prison for psychological abuse of a minor." he admitted. "they haven't said a word to her since." he admitted. "Tony helped. it was fun." he admitted before nodding. "that's common. a lot of Submissives are introverted, and when they drop they need to seriously recharge their batteries, as it where. this makes the idea of having to face people, interact with them in any way, extremely hard to bare. she could do it if she had no choice, but it would probably fuck her up again." he admitted. "again, it's different for every Sub though, when Tony drops like that, he needs to go to parties, go to races, or go to the lab to burn off the manic hyper activity that builds up after a drop. Sex is usually the best way to help him stabilize." he grinned a little. "i would pay to see that man work a needle."

Gambit beamed at her. "it is good in my line of... er... work, to know how people think." he admitted happily. "this is very Fun!" he admitted, looking up when Scott and Johnny walked in. "Bonjour! entrez! look what we are making! i am helping!" Gambit said looking utterly delighted at what he had managed to help with so far.
“Well, I wish you all the luck in the world with that. If anyone can get through to her, you will.”Scott smiled before nodding slightly, “I think it’s part of what her parents did. She enjoys reading if she makes the choice, but she resists doing it if you tell her to do it, or do anything academically wise that wasn’t her idea first. And she really is stubborn.”Scott snickered a little before grinning, “Good. Good man.”Scott grinned at the mental image of her parents getting in trouble before looking thoughtful, because he really hadn’t had a sex life outside of jean and laci, so he was learning things to. Which was good, if it meant he could help Laci. “Makes sense. The few times she did venture out after a lecture time, it was worse. Well, at least we know what to do to help her, and we’ll just figure it out as we go.”Scott said before laughing out loud. “Me to.”

“I’m sure it is.”Laci said looking amused because she knew from scott what the man had been up to, but not about to embarass him, before grinning as she looked up at the others. “He is. We got his pants started, and he’s working on his bag. He’s good at it. His hands are better for pulling the needle through leather, tougher material needs more muscle to get it through.”Laci said looking amused because while she could sew the leather, and probably not prick herself as much as gambit was, it pleased her to see him so utterly delighted at doing it. “Looks like you two have been productive.”Scott smiled looking the clothes and drawings over, looking amused that indeed Laci had once again managed to design a perfect outfit for someone. “So, have you managed to stab yourself yet with a needle?”He teased the other mutant
he smiled. "i'm sure i will. if she hasn't read the books by the end of hte weak i'll sit down with her and explain a little more in depth about why she needs to read them." he admitted. "she's not getting BDSM style sex without reading them. it's not safe for one thing and for another the unknown scares her so she'll get frightened when i start doing some of the more exotic things." he admitted. "she's more than stubborn." he grumbled before he smiled. "but she's so cute when she digs her heals in and fights you over silly things so i guess i don't mind." he admitted with a smile before beaming, pleased that Scott was pleased. "w'll be fine. we have each other to help." he agreed with a smile.

"Oui! i am a good help." Gambit said, looking very proud of himself before looking very affronted. "of course i haven't! i am good with my hands!" he huffed, turning his nose up at them despite the very clear evidence of bandaids all over his fingers where he'd stabbed himself. he wouldn't have bothered himself but Laci had insisted and he didn't want Blood on his new satchel. "
“Good. And consider maybe reading them with her, she usually protests less if I’m reading to her, instead of having to read herself if she doesn’t want to.”Scott said before snickering. “She is adorable, and sometimes it really is over the silliest things.”
“You are.”Laci grinned looking amused before laughing out loud. “You are good with your hands. It just takes time to get used to not stabbing yourself.”Laci promised looking amused as she set the vest she was working on down ,looking up at johnny, “You ready to get fitted?”She smiled relaxed and happy.
he nodded. "yeah. she likes it when i read nerdy stuff to her." he admitted. "anytime she didn't feel well i liked to read any book she chose. sometimes it was a fashion magazine and sometimes it was one of the Star Wars, Harry Potter or Narnia books." he admitted with a smile. "i'll try that if she really doesn't want to read them, and that way i can answer questions she might have... do you want copies of the books by the way? if i can't be there is she starts to drop or needs help i'd like you to know what to do." he admitted before smiling a little when he watched Gambit. it was hard for Gambit to make friends, and it was hard for Laci to make friends, so it was very nice to see them getting along so well. Gambit yelped as he stabbed himself and cursed in french and reached for the band aids again. "yeah." Johnny agreed with a chuckle, shaking his head when Gambit grumbled for a few seconds and then set to work again. no stranger to pain and rather uncaring of it really.
“That’s amusing. We do something similar, geeky movies or books are best.”Scott snickered a little before before nodding a little. “Yes, I probably should get them. It’d be good to read them.”Scott smiled a little amused and glad to see the two getting along so well. It was so good to see, snickering a little as gambit stabbed himself. “You totally should get the superhero bandaids, tony has some around here somewhere.”Scott teased teh other mutant a little watching the other two as laci set to work, before grinning, nudging gambit a little as she knelt to measure his legs. “We better get out of here. She’s getting on her knees, Bit.”Scott teased grinning as Laci flushed, hands resting on johnny’s thighs as she turned to glare at the mutant, “Shut up.” “Why?it’s true. Besides, you can measure and see if he really does deserve a choking hazard warning label.”Scott teased, showing that side of his nature that was usually rare to see, the sarcastic and amused and relaxed side. The one only laci and jean had ever really drawn to the surface. “Well....that’s true.”Laci said smirking a little as she looked up at johnny.
he nodded with a grin. "they really are." he admitted. "i read her the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy once." he admitted. "i'll make sure you get the books then. i have plenty of copies." he promised with a smile as he watched the two 'girls'. "Oui! Superhero band-aids would be fun!" Gambit agreed with a laugh. delighted to see Scott so calm and happy. "yes. she looks lovely on her knees." Gambit agreed with Scott, grinning impishly as Johnny rolled his eyes. "Hey!" Johnny protested. 'i do not need a choking hazard sign! go away Scott!" he ordered. Gambit laughed and looped his arm around Scott's. "Come, Ma Cher. we are clearly no longer wanted here." he admitted, flouncing off like the 'petite Fée' he was. "your not nice." Johnny pouted at Laci. "i think you need to give me a kiss to make me feel better." he admitted, grinning at her. "you do look good down there though." he teased, giving her a grin. "any chance for a happy ending?"
"We'll get some then."a cotton snickered amused because he knew tony had some bandaid somewhere."I do have to agree with that. She does."Scott said smiling despite the look he was getting."I dunno you might."he said before smirking."clearly.let's go."Scott agreed as he followed gambit out."I can do that."laci said starting to get up, eyes wide and upset, worried he really was angry with her before pausing, hands resting on his hips as she steadied herself."I think I can do some thING to be happy about."she said looking amused as she undid his belt and jeans, smirking."after all I didn't get a good look last night. I'll have to make sure your not a choking hazard."she teased lightly, testing the waters to see if he was upset as she gently ran a hand over his cock before sighing in pleasure as she slid her mouth down over him
Johnny smiled at her. "relax." he murmured. "i'm not actually upset." he promised with a smile at her before waving his middle finger at Scott. "i don't need a choking hazard sign! your just jealous because i'm better looking and have a bigger dick than you!" he informed the laser eyed mutant, Gambit sniggering because this was hilarious to watch. he led Scott back upstairs, blinking when he saw James slinking out of Steve's rooms where he usually slept. James was heading straight for Tony's lab so Gambit decided not to bother him since he looked so frantic and led Scott up to lunch since he could smell food cooking.

Johnny grinned a little at her and shuddered as she undid his belt and pants, licking his lips. he was already half hard just from having her so close. "well, you can get all the, hah... looks you want." he promised. shuddering as he was stroked, tipping his head back and groaning loudly when she swallowed him down. "fuck. yes. oh Jesus i forget how amazing you always are at this." he gasped. he knew he had been the one to teach her how. he had shown her everything she needed to know to give a blowjob. since they had given each other oral long before they'd ever had actual sex. so he knew all too well how amazing her mouth felt.

James hesitated at the doorway of Tony's lab, as he always did. wary and frightened of all the things all over the place. he particularly was frightened of U and Butterfingers, though Dum-E he adored, if only because Dum-E seamed to have a crush on his metal arm and because Dum-E didn't break things, crash around or whir in his face. he spotted Tony and made a beeline for him, pressing against him like some sort of frightened puppy, pressing his face against Tony's chest and trembled. he must have had a nightmare.
Laci smiled relaxing at the others words, leaning against him as scott snickered as he left. Finding it amusing and good. Frowning slightly as he watched james head downstairs but not to concerned as they settled in for lunch.

"Hm km more interested in touching really."she smiled absently playing with his belt buckle as she worked her mouth over him, rolling her eyes to look up at him smiling slightly around him, shifting and sliding her whole mouth down around him, her throat working around him.

Tony frowned a little, not even aware that the other was there until he pressed against him, jarvis had learned to not talk if james was upset. Startling a little as the other pressed against him he flipped off the welding tool, glancing over at him. Raising a hand gently stroking his hair."hey. What's wrong?"he soothed gently.
he smiled at her. "anything you want." he agreed before moaning as she swallowed him whole, shuddering against her with a gasp and a groan, settling his hand in her hair, gripping but not forcing her down, simply holding on because if he didn't he was going to fly apart.

"....bad dream." James whispered. "i killed you. they made me kill you. as punishment." he whispered. "had to make sure you where still here." he whispered, though he made no move at all that he wanted to get up and leave or let go of Tony. "can i stay?" James asked, sounding so frightened and broken.
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