Taming the Storm(lady/moon)

Laci whined softly even as she let him pull away from her, sighing softly as she held him as he came, watching his face with a quiet little smile. “It was.”She agreed blushing at his words, “I made myself forget how amazing it was.”She smiled wider kissing him back before pulling away, yawning. “...We should go back to the tower...”She muttered, embarassed now at her reaction to him, this had always been her reaction to him. Wanting to simply cuddle and be near, and even if he sid he wanted to try more, she was still hesitant to trust. Smiling slightly as she stretched, searching for her pants. “Otherwise we’re going to go to sleep out here, and that wont be fun.”She snickered amused, not wanting to upset him with how disturbing she found her reaction to him to be.
he sighed once he had recovered from his brain exploding orgasm and offered her a smile. "it's always a surprise, even when we where having sex two or three times a day it was always a bit astonishing how much i enjoyed it." he admitted before sighing. "yeah we should..." he grumbled, sulking a little as he slowly gathered himself together and giving her a snicker. "i wouldn't mind. i've slept in worse places." he admitted with a smile, helping her get sorted with a chuckle and gently helping her to her feet before gasping in horror as he realized, in the reflection in the car, his tattoo had darkened again. "shit! shit! shit! she's here! she's close! oh my god hide me!" he demanded, flying into a very near panic. ducking his head and scuttling behind the car for cover ad looking, desperately around for the woman who had made his life hell. "she's... she's fucking invisible! she's stalking me!" he gasped, scrabbling in the car for the little pouch he took with him everywhere. inside where what amounted to as 'chill pills'. doctor prescribed of course. they where one of the only things Johnny could take that wouldn't effect his control. of course, no one wanted to admit that the small rolled up bundles of Cannabis where actually helpful to a superhero and Johnny only took them when he was honestly about to fly into a panic, even if he forgot they where there more often then not. he popped two of them, aware he was in the midst of a very serious panic attack and pressed his back tot eh car, taking in as much air as he could, hit fire up, but burning a pretty blue that wouldn't hurt anyone unless they tried to hurt him.
“Hmm, it was. A amusing surprise though.”she smiled looking amused at him before rolling her eyes. “You might have, but I have no desire to wake up to either the morning people finding us naked, or Clint coming to look for his car.”She said smiling as she dressed before pausing as she straightened out her bra, kooking at him eyes wide and startled. “What?Johnny,...”She paused looking around, looking utterly confused. Before eyes widened as she realized what was happening, “JOhnny, johnny she’s not here.”She said looking anxious and upset as she stood in front of him, anxious and upset herself, “Johnny, get in the car. We’ll go home. Back to the tower, and I’ll call Tony, he can get jarvis to try and find her. You want me to have him meet us here?”She knew she’d be waking the man up, he probably hadn’t slept off the science binge yet, but she would, or call the others, if johnny needed her to.
he chuckled a little. "yeah." he agreed with a smile. "that would suck, people would think we died or passed out or got sick or something and called the police or something. would be a mess." he admitted with a chuckle before he promptly freaked out. "Car, yeah. the car. she can't be there, doesn't have the keys." he stuttered, fumbling in his pocket for the keys which he didn't have, since he'd never taken them out of the ignition. he gave up fairly quickly and simply sat there, forcing himself to breath until the pills kicked in. "i'm o-okay." he promised. "sorry. sorry. i'm okay." he whispered, trembling all over. "pills are kicking in. i'm okay." he seamed to be more trying to reassure himself than he was her though. "fuck... i've got to get a-hold of myself. it's over. she can't hurt me anymore." he hissed, dragging trembling fingers through his hair. "don't wake Tony. he hasn't slept in ages. i'll be fine. if you have to call someone, better let it be Steve." he admitted. "i'm too shaken, i can't drive..." he admitted, looking at his trembling legs before looking up at her, looking quite mortified, ashamed and a little bit guilty. "sorry... i'm okay. i promise. the pills are kicking in really good now. i just. it was just a panic attack. you know what those are like." he'd had them around her before they broke u, though they where usually about actually frightening things. like the time Sue had ended up in the hospital, when Tony had been kidnapped by those fuckers in the desert and once when Johnny had been attacked by a teacher at school and nearly raped. all three had been before Johnny had become a superhero. after he'd had one, only one, when he'd nearly died in that damn motocross accident where he'd had sex with her for the first time. so him having a panic attack was a rarity, and a very big deal. for Johnny to ave a panic attack because he thought Apolline was around, that said a lot about how much she had fucked him over.
“Yea, car. Clint’s awesome car, keys are in it. And of course she’s not in it, it’s clint’s spy car. You know it’s sorta like Dean’s impala in supernatural, it’d survive the apocalypse.” She said watching him, sitting back on her heels as she crouched in front of him, looking calm and collected even if she was struggling for it. “It’s okay. You didn’t mean to do it, and I know Apolline was....bad.”She trailed off watching him, worried. Before nodding. “She can’t hurt you. I’ll protect you. I mean, I’ve seen pictures of her. I think I could probably hit her.”She said thoughtfully, hovering close, but not touching him, not sure if he’d accept it or not, and not wanting to upset him more. “Okay, no calling tony.”She agreed even if she did listen to him and text steve to tell him to look around and make sure apolline wasn’t around, she made sure to tell him he wasn’t needed right there, that she could get him home. “It’s okay. I can drive. This is adorable really,”She teased a little, “This whole shaky leg colt thing. Not often I get to be the one taking care of you.”She teased, because she hated seeing him like this, had no idea how to handle it, so she was was treating him like she always did. “I know. I have more of them you do. You took care of me for mine, I got you for this.”She smiled at him, bending closer, wrapping a arm around his waist, and leaning back, “Come on big guy, time to go home. And if you’re feeling up to it, maybe cuddling. I mean....if you want me to stay.”She said blushing a little as she pressed a kiss to his forehead, smiling as she got him settled into the passenger seat, trying hard not to think about the last time she’d seen a panic attack with him, it would do them no good to think about that. Swallowing hard as she headed back to the tower, texting steve to meet them in the garage, not sure johnny could walk on his own, or would want her company, so she was giving him the option of choosing who helped him
h nodded. "yeah. yeah they are." he mumbled before grinning. "don't say anything, but i'm pretty sure Dean and Sam are real." he admitted. "i asked Clint and he said no. but he never gives a straight answer so i think he was lying." Johnny admitted. "this car would totally survive a Zombie or a nuclear war." he admitted with a nod. "....she was... i mean..." he closed his eyes and shook his head. "i don't wanna talk about it yet." he admitted before snorting. "yeah, she was teeny tiny i guess." he admitted. "i think you could take her." he admitted, relaxing when she promised not to call Tony. while he would feel better with Tony fussing over him he wanted Tony to get some sleep for once, so it as better not to bother Tony for now. he'd let Tony fuss in the morning. "i like taking care of you." he admitted softly before smiling a little at the other before nodding. "that's the best part." he admitted. "i like to cuddle." he admitted before smiling at her. "i do want you to stay please." he admitted, buckling himself in and settling in to calm down a little more. by the time they got home Johnny was a little too relaxed and he smiled at Steve who snorted as he opened the door for Laci. "how many did he take?" Steve asked, indicating Johnny. "i took two. your the best, man. i love you. you know that?"Johnny asked, trying to get out of the car. "he's fine then. he'll sleep it, and the panic, off easily enough. think of him as a happy drunk." he suggested to her. "will you be staying with him? he gets dumb ideas in his head if he's left alone like this." he admitted. "nothing dangerous." he promised, realizing how that sounded. "he just decides to make pizza rolls by rolling up real Pizza or wonders what would happen if he put baking Soda and Vinegar with Mentos and Coke..." "hey! that sounds like fin, we should do that!" Johnny decided, looking quite delighted by the idea. "i'm really hungry though. do we have anything to eat?"
”....What sort of life am I leading, if I’m considering that hunters are real....I’m so asking Clint.”She snickered a little before sighing softly. “Okay. We wont talk about it yet. Just remember I can knock her on her ass if I have to. Tony keeps giving me insane toys to fight with, I’d totally win.”He smiled a little. “Well, I’m sure that’s the drugs talking. No one likes taking care of me, I’m bitchy and weird and annoying.”She said rolling her eyes a little blushing as she nodded. “Yes, I’ll stay. We’ll cuddle and it’ll be fun.”She smiled as she drove, looking up at steve, “two.”She said tilting her head, snickering a little as she helped johnny out of the car, wrwapping a arm around his waist. “You’re cute like this, and I’m totally telling Nat you’re in love with her guy.”she teased before looking up at steve, relaxing, realizing that they’d be okay. “I know. I’ve had to help him through this before.”She said even if it made her anxious and worried herself to be the one looking after him, she wanted to. “I’ll stay with him.”She said relaxing at his promise, glad to see that time hadn’t changed things. That he was more goofy, then dangerous like this. “No, no we’re not doing that. We’re going to get a snack, then go to bed.”Lacie said smiling as she headed upstairs with the other two, “You go to bed, Johnny. Steve’s going to help you there. I’ll get some food.”
he smirked a little. "well. if Vampires are real...." he paused and then frowned. "i don't think i was supposed to tell you that." he admitted before nodding. 'yeah. yeah you could totally kick her ass!" he agreed. "no, no. it's not the drugs. i just like taking care of you. i like feeling wanted, and needed and stuff." he admitted with a smile. "i like taking care of you, makes me feel useful." he admitted. "and your cute when you need help. so that's a bonus." he admitted, well aware he was doing a piss poor job of explaining why he liked to take care of her. "i like to cuddle." he repeated happily. "good." Steve sighed, smiling at Johnny as he supported the man. "never let him take four." he told Laci. "he can have three, but never let him take four." jeez, Johnny had never had to take more than two when he was with Laci, what the hell had happened that he'd needed to take four?! "but it will be fun!" Johnny complained. "there would be foam everywhere! or we could put red food coloring in Tony's soap, and bleach in his shampoo, and gold dye in his conditioner and make him look like a real life Iron Man, that would be awesome right?" he asked before a look of panic raced across his face and he grabbed her sleeve. "don't leave? please? don't leave me alone..." "oh boy... Laci, you better take him up. we don't want him to panic again." Steve admitted softly. "i'll get the food. he can walk, just do what you can to keep him going in a straight line." Johnny could walk just fine, he just couldn't figure out what direction he was trying to go.
"You are very weird you know that?"laci said frowning at him slightly because she couldn't understand his desire to take care of her, notwhen she knew she'd hurt him badly in the last five years, but she could accept it because she wanted to be with him."....I am not cute. I don't know what your talking about. You're high, and delusional."she huffed making a face at him but amused at him trying to explain. Glancing up at steve she nodded a little."okay. He's never tried to for me, but I'll remember."she said frowning, looking at steve. Wondering what had happened but not wanting to ask and provoke more panic."....we'll dye tony's hair later. He'd totally think he was iron man. We'll get natasha to help, she'll be perfect for that kind of prank."she snickered a little before startling as he grabbed her shirt sleeve, looking at him."hm?oh. Okay. I won't leave. I'm not going anywhere."she promised looking at him worriedly glancing at steve."okay. Go get food, I'll get use to the room."she smiled wrapping a arm around his waist and carefully walking johnny to his room, smiling as she got him settled into the bed
he nodded. "i did know that. everyone says so." he admitted with a smile. "you are so cute. completely adorable." he admitted with a nod. "i am high! but not delusional. i need to take different drugs for delusions and hallucinations." he admitted. "i don't think he ever needed to." Steve admitted. "he only did it once, after he found out... 'she' left. he...." he shook his head. "never mind, that's his story to tell, if he wants to tell it." he admitted. "yeah! Nat loves pulling pranks!" Johnny agreed, looking very happy about the idea before panicking when he thought she was leaving, relaxing when she promised she wasn't going to leave him alone. he let her guide him up the bedroom, he wasn't focused enough to care which one. he inhaled three plates of the Pizza Rolls that Steve brought up, smiled at her and gave her a kiss ad promptly passed out into dreamland with a smiling Steve watching. "you okay Laci? what happened?"
“Ah. I see.”Laci said looking shaken at the idea before nodding. “Only if he wants to tell.”She muttered before looking amused at how pleased johnny looked at the idea of playing pranks with natasha. Absently stroking his hair as he ate, relaxing back into the bed as he slept, blushing slightly as she looked up at Steve. “I’m okay. Worried, but we’re okay. And we were talking and he noticed his mark had darkened. Freaked out and we came back here.”She said briefly, blushing and totally not about to admit to what tehy’d been doing before he’d noticed his mark was darker. "But we'll be okay. Go on, you need some rest yourself."
Steve chuckled and considered the idea of warning Tony before deciding not to. James would love trying to hunt Natasha down for messing with the man he was trying to Seduce. he happily leaned into the hand that was petting him as he settled in for Sleep and Steve chuckled as he offered her a few powdered Beignets that he had been careful to not let Johnny see or he would have wanted them too and the last thing they needed was Johnny high on pot and sugar. that was never a good idea. "fuck. again!?" Steve hissed, gently examining the mark. "Jarvis? how much darker is the mark?" Steve demanded. wincing at the response. how the hell was Apolline getting so close to Johnny!? "i'm fine." Steve admitted, waving it off. "you should get some sleep yourself though." he admitted with a smile at her. "thanks for staying with him. in all the years that i've known him.... he was always the most happy when he was with you." he admitted, smiling at her. "he does dumb things, but it's only because he doesn't know any better. i'm glad you gave him a second chance. just remember, if he does something wrong, he won't realize it, so make sure to smack him around before informing him why it was wrong." he teased, winking at her. He knew she wouldn't actually beat him up but he also knew Johnny would pay more attention to what he did and said if he expected a smack or a stern talking to if he did something wrong.
“Yea.”Laci frowned a little before wincing at jarvis’ answer of nearly half darker. She wanted to know how she was doing it to. “I don’t know, but we’ll figure it out. Tony’ll have a idea.”She frowned looking annoyed that she couldn’t fix this before nodding a little. “I’ll get some sleep.”She promised as she finished her beignets, before nodding. “I promise. I’ll talk to him first.”She smiled watching him go, before settling in to sleep.

In the morning Laci sighed softly as she leaned closer to the mirror, studying her phoenix, that was nearly completely filled in before jumping as she saw johnny standing nearly right next to her, having not heard him come in. Having been thinking to hard about jesse and everything that had happened, to be listening to him. “You feeling okay?”she said looking at him, tilting her head a little as she looked him over. Not ready to discus what jesse had said to her, not when she knew johnny would deny it, even if she was half sure jesse had told the truth. She didn’t want to know if jesse was right about tony’s investing, or why johnny was helping her.
Steve nodded. "your right. Tony will figure it out. in the meantime... Jarvis? i want you to make a collection of everything you can about where and when Johnny's mark has darkened. if we know that, then we might be able to track Apolline. until then, i'm going to be asking questions about when she left France." he admitted before offering her a smile, turned the lights out for her and went to go look into finding out where Apolline was.

Johnny smiled as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her from behind and pressed a kiss to the mark. "this means that i'm all yours." he murmured. "i belong to you." he admitted, looking rather pleased by the idea. though usually, it was the other way around, or so people tended to think. she was wearing his mark, so she belonged to him, but he didn't tend to think the same way as other people did and wholeheartedly decided he belonged to her. because he didn't want to go with the other option. "i'm feeling a lot better, yeah." he admitted. "sorry about freaking out like that on you..." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "Apolline was..." he shook his head. "anyway, want to go down and get breakfast or should we try and make something here?"
“Of course, Captain.”Jarvis said already starting to work on it. “Good luck.”Laci smiled watching him go.

Laci smiled shivering as he pressed a kiss to her neck, resisting the urge to press back into him. As much as she enjoyed sex, she was still working on the emotional side of being with him again. She wanted him, wanted to be with him, but for five years she’d ignored the desire. As good as they were together, it would take time to get back to being okay. “hmm, you look pleased with that idea.”She teased a little looking at him in the mirror, reaching up to run her hand through his hair as she straightened up, leaning into him. “Good. And it’s fine. Well, no it’s not, but I took care of you, so it’s okay.”Laci smiled slightly thinking about it, resting her head against his shoulder. Last night, she’d managed to not think about the party and what had happened with jesse, but waking this morning had left her feeling emotionally rubbed raw. “Breakfast with the other’s. Steve’s probably making french toast.”She said sounding happy about the idea, because steve’s french toast was amazing. Twisting in his arms she looked up at him, studying his face. That quiet hurting look still there, though there was happiness in simply being with him, happy to simply be getting along again.
he smiled at her a little. completely unaware of the emotional troubles she was having. "i am pleased with that idea." he admitted with a smile. "how could i not be? to belong to you. that's the best thing ever." he admitted. "you did take care of me. you did a damn good job of it too." he admitted with a smile. "...can i still dye Tony red?" he asked hopefully. "oooh! French Toast! score." he chirped, delighted with the idea before he smiled at her, setting his hand on her cheek and brushing his lips against hers. a soft affection. "are you sure you want to go down? you still look a bit upset." he admitted softly.
Laci smiled, blushing at the idea as she looked at him, and ignoring the small perverted side of her that was whispering that they should totally fuck like this, just so she could watch him in the mirror. She had better things to think about, then a outstanding sex life with johnny storm. “Well, I’m glad someone thinks it’s the best thing ever.”she aid looking amused at the idea before rolling her eyes. “Yes, you can still dye tony. Though you should do it this morning, he’s probably heading down to the lab, so he wont be around to stop you. And you promised to help me work, but I could use you this afternoon, not after breakfast.”She smiled at him,before kissing him back, leaning into the other for a long moment, closing her eyes. Simply enjoying the touch. “Yea. I....I need to.”She swallowed thickly, “..I...I need to know that you guys aren’t helping me because I’m a friend and you don’t want me to fail. I just...need to...I don’t know. Jesse got in my head, I need to just visit with everyone.”She muttered.
Johnny smiled at her a little. "we should fuck like this sometime." he admitted, grinning at their reflections in the mirror. "it is the best thing ever!" he admitted happily before beaming at her. "sweet!" he was so going to dye Tony. he might even actually ask Nat to help, she was the best at things like this. "oh! i almost forgot! well it won't take me more than ten minutes to set up Tony." he promised her. "and then i'll be right down to let you boss me around." he promised with a smile before looking worried at her. "eh?" he asked, looking shocked. "seriously? that's what the bitch hinged on? seriously? i've seen your clothes Laci, they're gorgeous! a lot better than those... god awful things that Jesse's been trying to pump out. are you aware that her last fashion show was a disaster? no one liked the clothes. they where ugly, itchy and cumbersome and no one wanted to wear them." he admitted, handing her the tablet with the breaking news on it. "she's halfway to having to declare bankruptcy. she's messing with your head because your on the way to success and in the year she's been in charge of the company she's been failing." he admitted., smiling at her. "we're helping you because we honestly think your clothes are amazing." he promised her with a smile. "you have to have more confidence in yourself."
“Hm, we should.”She said shivering a little as the other grinned at her, rolling her eyes at his pleasure at belonging to her, but not teasing him. “You don’t have to help me if you don’t want to.”She said smiling a little as she leaned into him, not wanting to demand him join her, if he didn’t want to, before ducking her head. Avoiding looking at him in the mirror as she nodded. “Y-yes. She said you guys were only helping me cause we’re friends.”She muttered frowning slightly, biting her lip a little before shaking her head. “No, I didn’t know the last one failed.”She said as she took the tablet, reading it, swallowing hard, because while it didn’t make her feel better, it was good to know why jesse was messing with her. “...So do you. More confidence, Johnny.”She muttered not wanting to talk about it, really, but not sure how to distract him from the conversation either. Stepping back she smiled, “Come on, let’s get breakfast.” “Laci, Scott Summers is waiting for you, and asked that I relay the message that ‘if you two are done screwing, the food’s done and I’m hungry.””Jarvis said.
he smiled at her. "i like to help." he admitted. "i want to. i always liked helping, even if i was in the way more than i was an actual help." he admitted with a smile before frowning a little. "i hate people like her. they can't succeed so they have to tear everyone else down too." he admitted with a sigh. "i'm sorry she felt she had to hurt you like that... i wish i wasn't such a dick and knew how to make you feel better." he admitted. "i have plenty of confidence." he scoffed. "everyone says so. haven't you ever heard someone call me a narcissist or say that my Ego is too big?" he asked, smiling a little. "yeah. i'm hungry." he agreed before choking at Jarvis's comment, looking up at the ceiling with his mouth agape because he was in shock. had Scott Really said that or was Jarvis fucking with him again? "...Scott doesn't really talk like that does he?"
“Ah, well, you are in the way sometimes, but it’s fun having you around.”She said looking amused before sighing, resting her head against his chest, nodding a little, “I hate people like that to....but it seems that I’m horrible at choosing people...I thought she really liked me.”She sighed softly, hugging him, before smiling. “You’re making me feel better. Promise.”She said before snickering. “I have. I’ve called you a narcissist a few times myself, but I meant that you have to think that people like you, even if you are a dick sometimes.”She teased a little before grinning as he choked, before nodding. “He does when he’s being a dick and he’s hungry. Or wanting attention. What?Am I the only one he does this to?”She said smiling as she dressed before heading for the elevator, rolling her eyes as she stepped into the penthouse, looking amused at the sight of scott with a plate of food in front of him, but not eating.

“Why aren’t you eating?”Laci frowned at him as she slid into the seat next to him, looking bemused as she looked at the man. “Cause Cap said it was rude to eat without asking everyone if they wanted some first.”Scott said waving his fork absently at the man still cooking. “....Did you ask everyone like you did us?” “Nope. They I knew were in bed having sex. Annoying you about your non-existent sex life with Storm amuses me. Morning Johnny.”Scott said with that smirk, looking more relaxed and happy then he had been in those first weeks since jean died, he’d avoided most of the avengers for the months since, but it was obvious laci’s friendship meant alot to him, and that she had known exactly what he needed. A friendship that was safe for him to cling to, because she wanted someone else.
he snorted a little at her and grinned. "well. i'm glad i'm fun." he admitted with a smile at her, kissing her gently before nodding. "yeah. me too. i get that all the time, people who i think like me, but it turns out they just want me to give them money or ride on my fame." he admitted. "'s why i like Tony so much, he could never want me for stupid things like that so i know it's me he actually likes. you and him, are kind of the only people i really trust." he admitted. he knew it was a terrible thing to admit, but... well. it was the truth. not to say he didn't like the others, he just didn't trust them not to hurt or use him. "oh, plenty of people like me." he admitted with a shrug. "but, it's usually for reasons i'd rather not be liked for. people like me because i'm pretty and i sing good and i do crazy shit and i'm goo on a bike, but no one likes me once i'm home, relaxing in a pair of P.J's and watching Supernatural." he admitted before snorting. "yes! he's always so... pius! i've never known him to be snarky, sassy or god forbid, curse before." he admitted with a chuckle before wiggling his eyebrows at her. "your going to offer him the threesome right? you have to time it for when everyone's taking drinks so they all spit it out. it'll be hilarious."

"It's called Manners and you people will learn them even if i have to beat them into your head." Steve informed them, Johnny snickering. "non-existent?" Johnny asked, lifting an eyebrow. "oh... right, that was a secret. i think... is it a secret?" he asked Laci, voice barely above a whisper now. "because i can play it off as punking them all if you want it to be a secrete..." but he didn't want it to be a secrete. he wanted everyone to know that he was in a relationship again, that he belonged to her. "Johnny! Bonjour Ma Cher!" a man's voice, thick with accent called as he walked in. "Gambit! Bonjour! cela fait trop longtemps. comment avez-vous été?" Johnny asked, looking delighted to see Gambit. one of the few he trusted almost as much as Tony. mostly because Gambit didn't give a shit who you where, either he liked you, or he conned you. "i am good my friend! Scott gave me a ride before you worry about lamp-posts." Gambit wasn't allowed to drive anymore after he'd exploded three cars, crashed into two bridges and a bus stop, and nearly ran a school bus off the road. he just, wasn't made for driving. "i wished to come and meat the Petite chérie, Scott says she will make me magnifique! in Clothes that don't Make me inconfortable." the Cajun was wearing some... very interesting Clothes to say the least. a long, black trench-coat, a top hat of some fashion, a black leather shirt and blue jeans. he was certainly not winning any fashion contests. but, hey, he was comfortable so he didn't care.
"You are."She promised looking amused before sighing slightly, nodding. "Exactly. I want...friends that I know I can trust. you and tony. And Scott."She smiled a little before wincing, leaning in to kiss him lightly. "Well, you can trust me. always."She promised before rolling her eyes a little. "Well, people are stupid. I like you for that, supernatural's awesome."She smiled before snickering. "...wow. that's weird and awesome all at once."She grinned glad Scott was simply himself with her before grinning. "I'll be making it over breakfast. promise."She said.

"But I'm hungry."Scott grumbled before looking at the two, raising a eyebrow. "Is it not non-existent anymore?"He said looking curious, his smirk saying there was a reason he teased Laci about johnny, but not about to embarass her.....at least not yet. "No, it's not a secret. He's just being a dick."Laci muttered rolling her eyes, blushing as she started to eat, not about to tell johnny of all people where the joke of this started, she'd never hear the end of it if johnny figured out why scott teased her so badly. Startling as she heard Gambit, she grinned, "Hey Gambit. And good, I'd hate to hear Tony whining about having to pay for lamp posts again."Laci teased looking amused as she looked at the cajun, tilting her head. looking amused having heard stories, but never actually met him. Looking over his clothes her eyes got that slightly glazed look that said she was thinking of him out of his clothes....and put into different ones. "If my girlfriend was looking at the cajun like that I'd be worried."Scott teased smirking a little because he knew it wasn't a sexual thing for laci, she just wanted to dress him. "I can totally make clothes for you."Laci said already thinking of what to make.
he smiled at her. "i know, me too." he admitted with a smile. "it's hard, because sometimes i can't even trust Sue, because if she thought it was for my own good, she'd betray me in a heartbeat." he admitted. "she's actually done that a lot." he admitted with a sigh before smiling at her. "i know i can." he admitted. "and i'll do everything that i can, to make sure you never lose faith and trust in me." he promised before he chuckled a little. "i love supernatural." he admitted happily before chuckling at the idea of Scott being a sassypants. "sweet."

"you think i'm not?" Steve demanded, lifting an eyebrow at Scott. "you'll wait." he ordered firmly before snorting at Johnny's teasing Scott. "oh good. because i'm horrid at keeping secrets like this... considering i left a nice hickey on your neck." he admitted sheepishly before shaking his head. "Scott being a Dick. i just can't imagine it." he admitted with a chuckle. "Bojour Petite chérie!" Gambit chirped at her, looking delighted, taking her hand and kissing her knuckles. "it was once!" Gambit whined. "Je ne vivrai jamais vers le bas!" he complained, sulking. Johnny just sniggered and then grinned at the way she was examining Gambit who looked decidedly uncomfortable. "i'm not worried at all. for one thing, she has self restraint, so even though Gambit is gorgeous i know she won't sex him up. though, admittedly, i don't think i'd be too upset if she did." he admitted with a chuckle. "especially if she video recorded it for me." "pervertir." Gambit complained, looking amused, Johnny sniggering. "you knew i was." "Oui, i did." he agreed before beaming at her. "merveilleux! and they won't be itchy?" he asked hopefully. "or too tight?"
“Well, I’ll work on keeping her from doing anything like that to you.”She muttered leaning into him, sighing softly at the idea of not even being able to trust your sister before smiling. Glad that they’d rediscovered being able to trust.

“I think you are, and that you’re getting off on this. Being demanding and annoying.”Scott growled even if he didn’t sound overly upset at not getting to eat yet. “What?”Laci startled, raising a hand to her neck. “Hmmm, it is a nice hickey.”Scott smirked food forgotten for a moment to tilt her head to the side to study it, “You’re going to have to wear a scarf or something if you want to hide that.” “Do. It’s not that hard to imagine.” “Hm, if I was really mean, I’d tell him why you having sex with him is a long standing joke.” “It’s not the sex with him that’s a joke.”Laci said glaring at scott. “Ah, that’s right. It’s the loss of sex that was amusing.”Scott smirked at johnny because if nothing else, he was enjoying making sure these two had a solid relationship, and that nothing could shake them. Not when he knew Laci had pined for years, hassling them now just reassured him that they would work to get through things together. Snickering at Gambit’s complaining.”Give it up, you’ll never live it down.”Scott snickered rolling his eyes a little. “I dunno, she did sleep with you last night. Not much self restraint there.”Tony teased looking definitely refreshed and happy after both sleeping for hours and waking up with james standing guard over him. Even if he’d never admit to the mark darkening on his skin-not trusting it quite yet- he was happy to be with the brunette. “Hmmm, no the perverted part is asking Scott to join us at his request.”Laci muttered mostly not paying attention, before snickering as Scott choked, his milk coming out his nose in the middle of talking, before focusing, looking up at Gambit. “No, not itcy or tight. Promise. I have a room here for designing stuff, if you want to come and watch me work after breakfast, Johnny’s got...things...to do before he comes up and gets fitted for his own clothes, so I’d apperciate the company.”
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