Taming the Storm(lady/moon)

he smiled at her gently setting a hand on her cheek. "it's okay." he promised softly, smiling at her. "i'm here. and i'm not leaving." he promised. "not this time. now that i realize i have a choice." he promised softly. "i am a bit of a coward. a little bit." he admitted with a smile. "i dunno." he admitted. "do you want to stay? i'm fine either way." he admitted. "we could go out to the park and have a picnic or something." he mused with a smile.

Steve nodded and then smirked a little and headed over to Jesse to chatter at her about how she might have been looking to improve her line, since he liked the look of her cloths but they tended to tear when he got 'his size'. he had to get the size bigger because otherwise they broke at the seams and left him looking like an ape man, but if he gt the size bigger he looked like a potato in a sack. well, he felt like a potato in a sack, Tony said he usually looked fine but Steve wasn't prone to listening to Tony anyway. he paused in the conversation when a hysterical woman started yelling that she could find her wedding ring, while another shrieked that her bracelet was missing. "Alright everyone calm down!" Steve ordered, looking around. "who is missing anything!?" a quick check and several hands went up. like little kids. sometimes Steve loved being Captain America.
Laci sighed quietly, closing her eyes as she leaned into his hand, before nodding. Relaxing at his promise that he wasn’t going anywhere. “Just a bit then.”She muttered looking amused before biting her lip thinking about it before sighing. “Let’s have a picnic....this isn’t....I wanted you to meet Jesse....I thought...”She sighed shivering a little. She’d thought the woman was a friend, she’d simply wanted to spend time with friends, enjoying the excitement of her clothes and looking forward to her first fashion show, now after that, the mood and joy was ruined. Looking up startled at the yells she looked bemused as she tilted her head, snickering a little at the sight of the others acting like kids, eyes widening as natasha drew attention to jesse. “Cap, I think we have our thief.”She said the russian woman reaching out to take the small purse Jesse was holding, snapping it open even as the woman stuttered her innocence.
"okay." he promised with a smile. "i know Laci, i know. but people like Jesse... they're only nice to people like us because they want something. i've met dozens of people like her and i've fallen for their act more times than i want to admit." he admitted. "they're always so nice and perfect, friendly and accepting and open until you don't have what they want anymore or won't give them what they want." he admitted. "you'll get through this." he promised with a smile. "was there anyone else you wanted me to meet?" he hoped she had some real friends in this god forsaken place. "huh. she's a thief too." Johnny mumbled. "check and make sure your not missing anything." she wasn't, No one wanted Laci near the little bint. "Ma'am. i'm going to have to ask you to empty your pockets and your purse." Steve said, his eyes narrowing at Jesse. "Failure to comply will lead to you sitting over the weekend in a cell so i suggest you cooperate." "That's my wedding ring you dirty little thief!" "aren't you rich enough?! you have to start steeling now!?" another woman complained, glaring at Jesse. "...come on. we can meet your friends later, let's get out of here. being in the middle of a cat fight isn't my idea of a good time." Johnny admitted.
“...I have to. But I thought....she was different. She liked my stuff so much. She thought I’d do well.”She said with that fragile hurting tone that said whatever jesse had said, was making her question not only the friendship, but her brilliance at design. Looking around the room, searching she nodded slowly. “Amber and her husband said they were coming, but I don’t see them yet...”She said frowning before watching Jesse. Before checking, shaking her head. “No, I’m not missing anything.”She said. “...”Jesse frowned before sighing quietly as she started emptying her purse, a glare on her face as she looked at laci, sure somehow this was her fault before giving everything back. “This wasn’t me. I didn’t steal anything.” “Argue with the cops, Ms. Versace.”natasha said smiling slightly as the security officers walked a protesting jesse out. “....Yea. Let’s go...”Laci swallowed hard, shaking a little as she followed johnny out of the ballroom, texting Natasha to tell her they were leaving, startling at the sight of Clint waiting for them, holding out the car keys. “Here. Take my car, I’ll catch a ride with the other two.”
he wondered if the little bitch hadn't been planning on stealing Laci's designs? he didn't know much about fashion but he knew enough to know that Jesse would have gotten away with it because she was rich, more famous and had been on the scene longer. he sent a text to Jarvis to look into any history Jesse might have for being accused of stealing other peoples designs. "well, how about we invite Amber and her husband to a party of our own?" he offered. that way, if they where nasty too, Johnny could throw them out without Laci ever having to look at them. Johnny scowled at Jesse when she glared at Laci and he tucked Laci out of the woman's path of sight, sneering at her like she was something disgusting. Johnny knew the charges wouldn't be kept up against Jesse. there would be a press release soon enough stating that someone had tried to frame her to ruin her good name. no matter it was true, she'd have to spend a good amount of many to make other people believe that. "thanks Clint." Johnny said with a smile. "come on Laci, we'll go get food somewhere and then go eat under the stars somewhere."
“I like that. In a few days. We’ll invite them.”Laci said perking up a little at the idea, wanting so much to believe. Before wincing as jesse glared at her, sighing quietly as she let johnny tuck her against him, following him outside. “Welcome. We’ll see you two later.”Clint smiled as he headed inside. “Something easy to eat, not messy.”Laci smiled quiet as they went and got the fries and chicken nuggets, her usual comfort food from wendy’s when she was upset. Smiling quietly as she dug out the blanket out of the car, shaking her head as she looked at the clothes in the back. “It amuses me that he’s this prepared no matter what he’s doing.”She snorted pushing the bow and arrows aside before pulling on the cargo jeans, that was a little long since they were natasha’s, but fit well enough, before pulling the dress off, turning away from him. Ignoring the flush that threatened as she pulled off the beautiful dress, and sliding on the t-shirt. Turning from beauitful princess, into more relaxed and more like antasha clonse then she’d been. Spreading out the blanket she sighed sitting down, amused as she watched the flickering flames from her necklace cast shadows over the ground as she started to eat. “I’m sorry.... I know tonight didn’t go quite as we planned.”
"that sounds fun." he admitted with a smile. "something a little more low key, like a dinner party. we could have a bunch of friends come over and just hang out... no games though, certain people i know tend to get too violent and competitive." Phil. Tony. Steve. James. Bruce. Natasha. Peter. pretty much everyone. "we could play like, Monopoly or Life or maybe like, Rummy?" card and board games didn't get nearly as... heated. he got a burger and a shake with his french fries and was happy to help her lay out the blanket. "this is his personal car." he admitted with a chuckle. "so yes, he is prepared for everything." he admitted with a grin, turning around so she could get dressed in peace. he didn't bother changing. he could eat without spilling on himself and he wasn't all that uncomfortable in a suit. he rather liked them to be honest. "Tonight was honestly, more for you." he admitted with a smile. "i came because i knew you where really excited about it. i'm just happy we got to dance." he admitted with a smile, gently taking her hand and holding it while he munched on his food.
“Yes that would be fun.”Laci smiled at the idea before snickering. “Certain people? I’ve never seen a game of monopoly become so bloody thirsty as it does with the avengers.”She snickered a little before nodding. “we’ll play games or something. It’ll be fun.”She smiled cheered a little at the idea as she snorting. “Oh gods, I don’t even want to investigate the rest of the car, he’s probably got insane stuff in here.”She snickered amused as she settled onto teh ground in the more relaxing clothes. While she loved being in dresses and designing them, it would be awkward sitting on the ground in the dress. “Well...it was. But it was still a mess.”She sighed softly before nodding, “So we did. Glad for that.”She swallowed thickly as she held his hand, ignoring the spike of lust, feeling it tighten her stomach as she watched his face as she sat next to him. Trying to ignore the last time they’d had a picnic, that night he’d had a race, gotten hurt and in the aftermath had ended up with them in bed together. But that amazing night, had started under the stars with a quiet dinner before they headed for the races. “....You know. I still go to your races. Sometimes.”She muttered, blushing a little.
he grinned. "i could invite Gambit and Blade, i think you'd like them. i imagine Peter will want to invite someone. he's been seeing some other guy named Wade Wilson from school." he admitted. "i'm not sure i like the idea of him dating but he's old enough to make his own decisions. i don't think Peter's realized we, those of us at the Tower, have all but adopted him. he's so adorably naive." he admitted with a snigger before scowling. "he's prone to vanishing at odd times though." he admitted. "it's starting to worry me a bit." he admitted before grinning at her. "oh, i know he has insane things in there. i know for a fact he has an entire bondage kit, with toys included for when they're in the field and want to fuck." he admitted with a snigger. "it was only a little bit of a mess." he admitted with a smile before looking at her calculatingly. "so. your going to be making clothes tomorrow right? for the show that's coming up? can i help?" he asked hopefully. "i can't sew real good, but i can hold things for you at least right?" he asked with a smile before nodding. "yeah. Tony told me. i don't understand why though, you hate those races." he admitted with a chuckle. "oh! we should invite Scott over! you like Scott right?" he asked curiously. "he totally needs to get laid. i wonder if we could set him up with someone?" he mused. if Scott was dating someone, then he wouldn't be making moves on Laci after all.
“Gambit is amusing, him and scott came up for a weekend once, to show the cajun the city.”She snickered a little. “He is adorably naive, and he’ll figure it out when Wade gets the talking to when he shows up at the tower. Can you imagine tony stark giving the ‘boyfriend-dad talk’?”She smiled before sighing. “I’m sure it wont be that bad. He’s probably sneaking out to visit Wade.”She shrugged before staring at him. “....Are you serious? That’s both amusing and disturbing to know he has it in the car.”She looked amused before nodding, tilting her head as she considered him. “I am. I have a few dresses to finish making, and of course your and scott’s clothes....I’m doing a casual wear set of clothes for you both.”She said sounding thoughtful before grinning. “You can definitely help me hold things.It’ll be fun.”She said before going quiet, thinking it over before sighing. “Because...I don’t like them...but I couldn’t consider the idea of not going... I mean...what if you got hurt or something, and no one you cared about was there....”She flushed looking away before snorting, blushing even more. “Yes, I like scott. And scott gets laid sometimes. More then he’d like actually, but he ties himself up in knots if he’s to stressed out.”Because Jean had been his bonded, and dead and gone the woman had messed her husband up, and it was only laci he’d allowed close enough to touch, because he’d known she was safe. While they enjoyed sex together, they really didn’t want each other for long term, they were just friends, who sometimes got naked together when being cut off hurt to badly.”And you can try setting him up, he’s likely to see if being able to catch yourself on fire gives you a immunity to his eyes.”She warned though she smiled a little.
he grinned. "i bet Gambit just loved that." he admitted. "but then, considering he comes from the bayou, i'm not sure he would." Gambit was an authentic Cajun. he had grown up deep in the swamp of New Orleans, Louisiana. he had gone in every year for the Mardi Gras and had hunted Alligators for a living with his Pa until he developed his mutant powers. then he inserted himself into the mob connections that ran through Louisiana and made a rather nasty name for himself. he ended up working personally for Magneto until he was 'enlightened' by Wolverine and professor X. he made a hell of a Gumbo and he was still settling into a more... civilized lifestyle, as Rouge put it. she was just glad Gambit had stopped catching and eating bullfrogs. honestly Gambit was more feral than he was anything else, but he was as friendly as any Cajun was so no one minded that he did bizarre and very, frankly, rude things. h didn't mean to offend after all so a lot of the people Gambit interacted with cut him a lot of slack.

"very nice." he said with a grin. "i can't wait to see them." he admitted. "i always did like the clothes you made me the best." he had kept every single thing she had ever made him, even if he couldn't wear them anymore because they here fragile with age and he was, quite frankly, very rough on clothes. he blinked at her, feeling the warm fluttery feelings welling up inside of him before smiling at her. "thank you." he murmured. "that's... the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. or done." he admitted before chuckling a little. "yeah he's one stressed puppy... it was horrible, when she died." he admitted softly. it was always very hard on the superhero community when one of their own got hurt or died. "oh he's tested that already. the heat doesn't hurt me, but those lasers of his have a hell of an impact so i still go flying halfway across the state." he admitted. "or through a wall."
“He did. It was quite entertaining watching him figure it the city. Said it would be insane if the city had a party as big as New orleans for mardi gras.”She looked amused. Because as odd as she found gambit sometimes, she did enjoy the cajun’s company, and learned that it was easy to be around him since he was as socially awkward as she could be.

“Well, I’m glad you liked them. It’ll be fun, you’ve gotten...bigger...in some areas, trimmed down in others. It’ll be fun dressing you.”She said shooting him that smirk that said she was very aware of just how that sounded, amused and happy to be able to tease him again. Flushing as she stared at the ground, finishing up her french fries with a small smile. “Well...I’m sure you’ve had others do nice things...but I’m glad you think it was nice....you managed to scare the crap out of me a few times...”She muttered before wincing, nodding. “It was. And he lets me take care of him as much as he can handle...it’s not as often as he needs taken care of, but it’s all he can stand.”She sighed softly, because she had guessed someone had at least told him she slept with scott on occassion, they hadn’t tried to hide the fact that they had sex, they just weren’t as vocal about it as some where. “...Ah. Well. He might still try killing you.”She said looking amused, gently reaching up, running her fingers through his hair. “And I’d rather you didn’t get thrown around. Might cause brain damage, and you can’t afford more damage.”She teased, dropping her hand, looking nervous, not sure if he’d accept the touch, watching the shadows playing across his face, finding the flames flickering cast interesting shadows on them both as the sun started setting, nearly completely dark out now.
he chuckled a little. "i think everything is a bit of am amazement to him really." he admitted with a smile. "i have put on a few muscles." he agreed with smirk. "and i'll have you know my dick is perfectly sized and i don't need a choking hazard sign!" he complained, pouting at her. "well... no, actually." he admitted softly. "i mean, Tony's nice and all but we're both... stilted." he admitted. "and no one else really cares all that much about me, too used to me i guess." he admitted before smiling a little. "i'm a little surprised he lets you fuss so much, to be honest." he admitted, shaking his head. "he's been so... he keeps pushing everyone away." he admitted. "he won't try to kill me, he'll just Maim me a little." he admitted with a chuckle, smiling at her before snorting, leaning into the touch. "i am not brain damaged! just feral! i can be trained, honest." he promised with a smile at her, gently taking her hand. "it's okay." he promised softly. "i know i'm... not the best." he admitted, pressing his cheek to the back of her hand. "but my Bonded is.... unsuitable and your the first person in my entire life that's ever made me happy." he admitted softly. "i want to be yours. Laci... i.. i want to try, really try. do my best to be what you deserve. i... i want to try."
“It probably is.”she agreed amused before laughing, looking startled, grinning amused as she looked at him. “It is above perfectly sized really, I was just so angry with you. And telling everyone you needed a choking hazard warning label, just meant I could pretend I didn’t want you still.”She smiled amused at his pouting before sighing a little. Knowing the others did as much as he’d let them, tried to look after him and tony as they could. But she wasn’t going to focus on that. Wrinkling her nose a little she sighed. “Because I’m safe. I don’t want his forever, or wont let him fuss over me forever, he lets me take care of him, because he knows I’m socially awkward enough that in a few days, I’ll kick his ass out of my space and he can go away. Which is about all we can handle from each other.”She smiled a little as he leaned into her hand, “Hmmm, I’m sure I can train you for some of the best things.”She muttered teasing him a little before sighing quietly watching him, before nodding slowly. “Okay. I want to to.”She said leaning in, giving into the temptation and kissing him slowly.
he snorted. "yeah. i know. i just have to tease you or you'll get a big head like what Tony's got and that's the last thing any of us needs." he teased her with a chuckle before watching her. "oh." he blinked. "that makes a lot of sense actually." he admitted. "i'm glad he has you." he admitted with a smile. "i'm jealous, a little bit, but i doubt that will last." he admitted with a chuckle. "mostly it's because he got to have you, and i couldn't..." he admitted. "i'm hoping that might change... and if anyone is going to train me, i'd imagine you being the best at it." he agreed with a chuckle. he looked so relieved that she had said she wanted to try too that he almost missed the kiss. he leaned into it once he realized what was happening and gently cupped her face, savoring everything she wanted to give to him, panting as he broke the kiss because he'd forgotten he needed air to survive.
“Ahhh, well. No one will ever have a head the size he does. His ego can’t even fit in the tower.”She said looking amused as she snickered. “It does, and it took me awhile to realize it, but we let each other be close to the other, because we’re...safe. We’re not who we really wanted, so we could be together a bit. We’re good friends but not....we aren’t meant to be everything.”She smiled blushing a little before tilting her head, “I...I don’t think I can leave him. I mean, he probably wont sleep with me once he finds out about this, but....are you going to be upset if I still invite him over?”She said looking worried a little before smiling at him. “I’ll try training then.”She said laughing a little into the kiss as he nearly missed it, shifting a little to slide into his lap, straddling him as she settled close, panting, eyes wide as she looked at him. “....air...important to survival...”She muttered panting, before diving back in for another kiss.
he sniggered a little and nodded. "i know. it's so sad really." he admitted. "but he makes amazing things so we tend to let him get away with it, since his ego's been a problem since he was twelve." he admitted. "little hard to train it out of him now." he admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head. "that makes some kind of sense." Johnny admitted before smiling at her. "of course not. i like Scott." he admitted. "i won't even be all that upset if you sleep with him." he admitted. "i know he needs you, and he's been helping you for a long time it would be super cruel of me to force you two to 'break up' as it where just because i finally got a clue." he admitted, smiling at her. "i train very well." he purred before laughing when he realized she had forgotten to breath too, kissing her back and carefully manipulating them so she was on the ground with him hovering over her. "just remember." he whispered. "if i go too far, tell me to stop because i don't know where boundaries are and i don't want you to feel forced." he murmured, kissing her neck. all he wanted was to enjoy every part of her he could enjoy.
“Yea, it’d be a little hard to train out of him now.”She agreed looking amused before nodding, it did make sense. Looking a little startled at his words, she relaxed as she realized that they’d be okay. “Good. I like you two getting along...and okay. He’ll probably turn up at the tower after he finds out about tonight.”She muttered making a face, well aware that soon enough natasha or steve would probably be telling scott that jesse had abandoned her. And knew the overprotective x-men would show up soon enough. Shivering at his words, she squirmed a little. Having a interest in seeing how much she could train him. Whining quietly at being moved, squirming, wanting to keep pressed close, because even if it was a good night, he was warmer then most people, and the air was chilly. Looking up at him she groaned smirking a little. “Hmmm, okay. But we both have a exhibitionist streak, having sex in a park is interesting.”She muttered, squirming against him as she ran her hands through his hair, tugging at his shirt.
he chuckled a little and nodded before smiling at her. "i do get along... and he's cute. i am Bi-sexual you know, though i don't know if he is. if he agreed, i totally wouldn't say no to a threesome. especially if Mr. Cyclops decides that he's gonna be in charge." he admitted with a lecherous grin before chuckling at her. "we do have an exhibitionist streak." he whispered before kissing her again, slowly stripping off his shirt before snaking his hands up her shirt to play with her bra, trying to unhook it without breaking the kiss. he succeeded and quickly cupped her now free breasts underneath the loose material. he didn't want to undress her in case they needed to make a split getaway.
Laci’s eyes went wide at that, before laughing. “I’m telling him that. He’s definitely not bi, I’ve seen him react to being hit on by guys, but it’d be amusing to watch him freak.”She snickered because she knew scott only got bent out of shape if it was a guy he considered a friend, because he worried about how to refuse without them that he didn’t want to have sex. Give him a stranger, and he knew exactly how to turn them down. “We do.”She squirmed grinning as she watched him strip out of his shirt, smirking slightly against his lips as she realized he didn’t want to break the kiss. Panting as she stroked her hands over his skin, whimpering, moaning as he cupped her breasts, sliding her hands down, with a few quick tugs undoing his belt, hands pushing the dress pants lower, a hand finding him, stroking him slowly. Panting. “Definitely not a choking hazard.”She teased leaning back just enough to look up at him, smiring.
he chuckled a little and shrugged. "well. it's an option." he admitted with a grin. "or i could just sit on the side and watch. i like to watch." he purred playfully, chuckling as he nuzzled her. "can i be there when you offer? or will you at least take pictures?" he asked with a grin before humming as she whimpered, running his thumbs over her nipples, stroking them, teasing her. "fuck! fuck." he moaned, arching into her hand before lowering his head and attaching his lips to hers again. "shut up and enjoy." he growled playfully, undoing her pants now as well and sliding a hand into her panties to play with her while he kissed her and worked Hickies onto her neck, his teeth nipping now and again just because it was amazing to have her again and he wanted the world to know it.
“Hmmm, I’ll ask him.”She whined quietly squirming a little as she was nuzzled. “I’ll make sure you’re there.”She promised, shuddering as he stroked her, back arching, biting her lip. Her nipples had always been extremely sensitive, such much so that she was already teetering on the edge of coming as she tightened her hand around him some, smiling as he pressed into her hand. “I am definitely enjoying.”She panted as she pulled back from the kiss, squirming out of the pants with his help, gasping as he played with her, not able to focus, her head falling back against the blanket, even as she more or less simply held onto his dick like it was the last solid thing in teh world, holding and gently stroking him, careful not to hurt him, but totally coming undone under his lips. Back arching as she came, flushed and whimpering under him.
he chuckled a little at her when she promised and moaned again as her hand tightened, thrusting his hips a little."good." he said with a grin, moaning his way through her orgasm. the hand on his dick was all but driving him mad. "uuuh... you gotta stop." he moaned, unhappy with the fact. "or i'm going to cum all over your hand and then i won't be good for anything." he admitted, smiling at her, kissing her again, because she was so soft, so warm, so good and he had to kiss her. "how was that?" he asked softly, grinning at her and kissing her again before sliding his hands under her shirt again, stroking her breasts once more while he slipped inside of her, ignoring the sound of crickets and the light of the moon spreading itself over them like a blanket.
Laci whined softly shivering a little as she looked up at him, looking spaced out, blissed out as she tried to figure out what he was talking about. Whining softly as she dropped her hand away from him, kissing him back, tangling her hands in his hair as she kissed him, blinking slowly as she smiled. “Good. Very good.”She smiled whining, shuddering as he slid into her, wrapping her legs around his hips, clinging to him as she moved with him, sighing softly as she watched both moonlight and fire play across his features, humming pleased as she saw the sparks of fire in his eyes, gasping as she came, clinging to him tightly, burying her face against his shoulder, hiding just how much emotions she was feeling.
he snuggled and nuzzled her, panting against her, moaning as he touched and did what he could for her, doing everything he could to make her feel oh so very, very good. he shuddered against her, gasping and moaning, closing his eyes and pulling out, carefully, making sure he was completely free before loosing himself in his own orgasm. he was always very careful never, ever to cum inside a woman. that was just bad news waiting to happen. "fuck... that was amazing." he mumbled, smiling at her. "i always forget how amazing it is when i'm with you." he admitted, kissing her again.
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