Taming the Storm(lady/moon)

“Hm. Well, he does wander around naked in it alot. And I agree, he looks like steve. It’s the haircut.”laci smiled a little, blushing ever so slightly as johnny picked her up, embarassed she needed the help, but knowing she wasn’t going to be doing anything about it for awhile. Sighing quietly as she rested her head against his shoulder, happy to be with him. Not quite sure why they all were still insisting on the leg excerises when she wouldn’t walk again, but simply going along with it, since it made them happy. “Think Scott’s figured out he’s petting gambit more these days?”Laci muttered in johnny’s ear, amused as she watched the two mutant’s.
"yeah he's sexy." Johnny agreed with an impish grin, Steve laughing because only Johnny could be that narcissistic. "i don't think he will." Johnny admitted softly. "he's oblivious and Gambit's certainly not going to say anything." he mumbled. "i'm not sure how Scott would react." he admitted. "think he would be okay with it or not?"
"you narcissist."Laci teased a little kissing his cheek before sighing softly. "He is fairly obivilous."She agreed before thinking about it, tilting her head. "I don't know....he might be okay. He's....he wont ever love a woman again like he loved Jean, but he might be able to accept Gambit..."She said smiling a little before looking at him. "We should go on a double date, without telling them its a date."She muttered blushing a little, not sure if he'd wnat to go out in public with her, but maybe it'd be okay.
he nodded. "that's true i guess." he admitted, nuzzling her. "but, then he'd have to be okay with showing that sort of affection to a man. i'm not sure that Scott is gay, you know?" he asked. "or even Bi-sexual. he'd have to come to terms with that first and that would hurt Gambit in the process i'm sure." he mumbled, shaking his head before grinning sharply. "that would fun. we're doing it." he agreed. "what should we do?" he mused. "dinner of course, at one of the less fancy restaurants, Gambit doesn't have the table manners for the places we usually go." he admitted. "movies maybe? no probobly not, that's too common and won't get the response we want out of them... hmmmm. not drinking, Gambit and Scott and me don't or can't drink...." he cocked his head, thinking hard. "Dinner and then a walk through coney island?" he asked her. "we'll make them ride on the Ferris wheel and pay the man to get them 'stuck' at the top. it's Cliche but it'll be funny as hell right?"
“I don’t know, but he’s not pulling away either. I don’t think him nearly cuddling Gambit, or somewhat treating him like they’re dating, has really registered, because he doesn’t think he’s gay....I think he’s at least Bi-sexual...but I don’t know....”She sighed softly before nodding. “Let’s do that. Dinner on coney island would be just about relaxed enough for Gambit, and good for riding the ferris wheel.”She looked amused before nodding. “it would be amusing.” “Hey, you two. Aren’t you supposed to be watching the movie?”Scott teased, poking johnny in the shoulder as he leaned towards them, teasing simply because he was happy to see laci opening up a little, accepting being with them.
he nodded. "that's true, but if he's not aware of it why would he pull away?" he mused before shrugging. "i don't know Scott well enough to know." he admitted. "so i think i'll take your word for it." he admitted before smiling at her. "we just need to find a good excuse as to why they're coming with us." he mused. "oh! i know. we'll blame Tony. he doesn't want us going out alone because he's a worry wart. he'd go along with it." he admitted. "if we tell him what we're really up to." he admitted before blinking at Scott. "we're whispering dirty things." he informed the man. "i'm pretty sure i could recreate that tea towel scene for her, but she seams to think i wouldn't have the guts. i'm trying to decide if i do or not." he admitted with a smirk. "i think i have the guts. don't you? i'm sure i do." he admitted.
“True. But he’s been weird about things, pulling away sometimes, then accepting others. I don’t know....”She sighed before snorting, “we’ll just have to take it slow. I think if he slowly accepts it, instead of having it sprung on him, he’ll be okay.”Laci muttered before smiling. “And most likely, it’s true. He’s probably worried enough to not want anyone to go anywhere alone.”Laci muttered before snorting at Johnny’s answer. “You are totally to chicken to do that.”She agreed. “I think I’m surprised we haven’t caught you wandering around with just a tea towel over your junk before, really.”Scott said looking amused at the idea as he settled back, absently returning to stroking gambit’s hair.
"i know. he's grieving i think, scared of being hurt again if someone dies on him again." he admitted with a sigh. "if he comes to the realization himself you mean? yeah, i think that would work." he agreed, smiling at her. "i'm glad your so smart." he admitted with a soft smile before he smirked a little at Scott, eyes planning mischief. "who says i haven't done it?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows before smiling, delighted that Scott was giving Gambit so much attention. it was delightful and for once, everyone seamed to be happy. Johnny was rather unhappy when the movie ended and kissed Laci. "come on, let's go to bed and plot the ultimate downfall of those that appose us." he offered. which was code for 'let's get Scott to realize Gambit is in love with him'.
“you’re right. And yes, that. If he realizes it on his own, without having someone point it out to him, he might be okay.”Laci smiled a little kissing his cheek. “You’re smart, just not about this stuff.”She teased a little, before snorting. “....Cause I’m fairly certain Jarvis would have informed us of this.”Scott snickered a little. “don’t look so unhappy. You really wanted me oogling another guy more?”Laci teased before nodding, “Let’s.”she agreed before moving to get up, wincing as she realized she couldn’t. For that few hours, she’d forgotten. Sighing quietly as she leaned back into his chest, good mood sliding away, trying not to be to upset about it.
"i think we knew that a long time ago." he admitted with a smile before sulking at Scott. "so i haven't done it yet. but i totally will." he sniffed before sulking at Laci. "well. no. well. you can ogle Scott." he decided. "and the cute tushie of Chris Evans. and Steve because honestly who doesn't want to ogle Steve?" Steve went bright red at that and glanced at Natasha and flushed harder. "i think i'm going to bed." he decided, shaking his head looking amused as he headed off, Laci gently picking her up and carried her to bed, leaving the wheelchair to float along behind them like a trained puppy and settled into bed with her. "so. how are we going to convince Scott and Gambit that they have to be the ones to go with us?" he wondered. "and keep fussy butts Steve ad Tony from following."
“I’ll look forward ot it.”Scott said snickering a litte. “...Scott okay. And the other two? You’re just being a narcissist again, making me oogle guys who look like you. Though, I admit, steve does have a butt made to be stared at.”Laci giggled. “hey, what about me, storm? I want oggled!’Tony sulked as he threw a piece of popcorn at his best friend. Natasha smirked, kissing steve’s cheek. “Hmm, she’s right. You do.”She teased her boyfriend as she followed him. Laci sighed softly as she was settled into bed, closing her eyes, mood broken, trying hard to not let it get to her, not being able to use her legs, but it hurt worse now, that she’d managed to forget for a bit about it. And it hurt to make plans with johnny, knowing he was just humoring her until he could figure out how to break up with her. “Hmmm, we could tell them that steve and tony have their own dates with their bonded, so they have to come with us, since we’re not allowed out with guards.”
"i am. i am. besides, i like to ogle them so i don't see why you can't." Johnny admitted with a grin. "you don't get ogled!" Johnny declared. "we'll all die painful deaths if we ogle you!" not because Tony wouldn't like it, but because James was getting very possessive over the genius. Steve went even more red at the kiss and teasing of his girlfriend and mumbled that he didn't have a ass that great while making his escape. James was snuggling Tony and was mostly asleep when Johnny carried Laci away and he smirked at her. "poor Tony, he's totally smitten and he doesn't even realize it." he admitted with a chuckle before blinking at her. "god damn girl you ARE a genius! that's brilliant! i need to text Nat. she and Steve can take James and Tony with THEM on a double date! but we won't tell Tony because he'll wig out. he won't like the idea of going on a date. that will get them their romancing and also out of our way while we enjoy ourselves and set up Gambit and Scott." he crowed, grinning at her. "have you ever considered being a romance guru?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows at her.
“Hmm, true.”Laci said looking amused before snorting. “what?You would not.”Tony said frowning as he considered that, not having realized just how possessive that james was.

“Hmmm, they’re adorable. So oblivious, we have to take care of them.”Laci said looking amused at the idea before blushing brightly. “WE’ll text her. It’d be good for them.”She agreed before nodding. “Yea, no tellign tony. He’ll work himself into a horrible state.”She said shaking her head a little before shaking her head, kissing him lightly as she snuggled into him. “No, I have enough problems getting all my clothes done, don’t need trying to fix up everyone.”
"we do have to take care of them." Johnny admitted, wondering if he should tell her why Tony had been so distracted lately. he was so close to finishing that oh so gorgeous ring. it was a marvelous piece of art, one of the most beautiful things that Tony had ever made and Johnny was getting more and more eager to give it to her. they just had to figure out a few more things and it would be wrapped up and put in a box and presented to her on bended knee. he was planning, if Tony could figure out the last little bits, of doing it tomorrow night while they where on their date. he knew the perfect place too. their first date, back before Apolline, when she was still in collage. he had won a stuffed tiger for her at one of the game stalls. he wanted to propose to her right there. "that's true, though Gambit's been helping you a lot right?" Gambit still stabbed himself, but in a lifetime of fine hand and finger tricks, his stitches where just as neat and even as a sewing machine so he liked to do the fine detail work. she pinned them in place and he stitched it up for her.
Laci smiled, resting her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes. Simply enjoying being with him as long as she could, completely unaware of what he was thinking about. “he is. He’s amazing at it. Even if he stabs himself, he’s got neat stitches. Better then a sewing machine really.”She said giggling a little with a yawn as she settled in to sleep.

The next afternoon, laci huffed a little as she struggled to change her clothes, she’d never considered just how difficult it was to change clothes without working legs. Tearing up a little, she was glad Johnny was downstairs with Tony doing whatever the billionaire had needed help it, it was amusing to see Tony so upset, even if he was excited about his own date, even if he didn’t know it was a date. Rubbing a hand over her face she huffed as hse growled at the pants, tugging the jeans up slowly, painstakingly so really.
Johnny smiled as he walked in, looking very delighted. Tony had just finished them. they where done. he could propose! he could prove to her how much he truly loved her, truly adored her. he could prove how much he really wanted her! he could adore her without having to worry and show her all the love in the world! "hey!" he called to her with a grin, delighted to see her dressed on on her own. "wow! you still managed to get ready before Tony." he admitted, swooping down and kissing her. "he's being fussy again. he's convinced he looks like a troll. i don't eve want to know where he got that dumb idea." he admitted, rolling his eyes. "he's such a dummy." he admitted before beaming at her. "you look wonderful." he admitted, kissing her again. it was obvious that he was in a very good mood. "you want me to brush your hair?" he offered. he had always loved brushing her hair, even back when she was in collage, and always looked for opportunities to do so. "Gambits being a Diva so we have time yet."
Laci smiled up at him, “It wasn’t easy. Getting dressed is a pain.”She whined even as she kissed him back, snickering a little. “Really?”She giggled a little rolling her eyes. “....A troll?Really?”she stared at him wondering if he was just teasing, snickering a little at the idea before nodding. “he really is a dummy.”She agreed before flushing, blushing at his praise. “You’re looking good to. And yes, I’d like that Braid it if you want.”She smiled looking up at him, snickering. “Is there a time Gambit isn’t being a diva?”
he smiled at her. "i know. but your adjusting extremity well." he admitted. "i'm really impressed, and proud with how well you've done." he admitted. "yeah, his words, not mine." he admitted with a chuckle. "he's such a dramatic little bitch." he admitted with a smile before grinning happily and gathered up the hairbrush, bobby pins and hair ties and settled in to make her hair pretty, humming as he worked, looking up only when Gambit poked his head in. "Ma, Chere! you must help! my hair!" he waited, indicating his rats nest hair, it was always a rats nest though so Johnny didn't know why he was fussing about it now! it took an hour for him to fix the hair to Gambit's satisfaction before they finally headed out, Johnny looking very amused as they finally got moving. "i always forget how vain that little scrotum sucker really is." Johnny admitted, just to see if he could make Scott spit out the soda he was drinking.
“I don’t think so, I’m tired and frustrated of it.”She sighed making a face, protesting because she knew she was only putting on a brave face because she didn’t want him to feel guilty about leaving her when he did decide to do so. Snickering a little she nodded, agreed. “he really is a dramatic little bitch.”She agreed sighing quietly, relaxing as he did her hair, looking up at him, shaking her head. “You could have let Scott do it.”She teased a little, looking amused as they started to head out. “W-what?”Scott choked, more startled at the name calling then the fact that gambit liked guys. The guy liking wasn’t that hard to figre out with five minutes in his company, though the man hadn’t figured out that he liked gambit, or that gambit liked him.
"i know." he admitted, gently stroking her face with a smile. "but things will get better." he promised with a smile. "he really is." he agreed with a snigger before grinning a little. "why on earth would i let Scott, who can't even shave his own face without looking like a Frankenstein, touch someone else's hair?" he asked before smirking at Scott. "scrotum sucker. you know what a scrotum is yes? well, Gambit likes to suck those." Johnny admitted, Gambit spinning around. "you are just Jealous because i am not sucking your scrotum anymore." Gambit huffed, looking amused. "only a little." Johnny admitted with an impish grin as they all headed into the car. a special one that Tony had torn apart and put back together so that Laci could just hover into the passenger seat and the wheelchair would lock in and she could buckle up just like normal. she needed no help this way and gave her a little more control over her own life.
“I know.”She smiled a little, sighing softly. Knowing that the longer she was like this, the easier it was going to be to accept that this was it. “I’m sure Scott can shave.”Laci defended though she looked amused. “Yes, I know what it is.”Scott said sounding a little strangled, as if he wasn’t sure if he should laugh or not as they headed downstairs. Laci smiled as they rolled into the car, smiling quietly as she settled in her space. “This is awesome.”She said smiling a little as she watched johnny drive, having simply been watching him alot, simply because she was preparing for when he left, so she was enjoying it while she could
he snorted a little. "he looks like someone tried to butcher his face every time he shaves." he admitted. "it's really bad." he admitted with a grin. "do you?" Gambit asked, looking very amused. "because i don't. what is it please?" he asked, looking entirely too innocent that even Scott should have been able to figure out that Gambit was fucking with him. Johnny grinned as he watched the two and tossed a wink at Laci before turning into the Coney Island, Gambit looking very excited because he'd never actually been there. soon they where all out of the car and wandering around looking for the nearest ticket booth. soon Gambit had enough tickets to try every ride he wanted to. Johnny grinned a little as he watched Gambit get way too excited and dragged Scott off, demanding that he go on the 'scary one' with him. it wasn't all that scary but it meant close contact with Scott so he didn't care. "i think Gambit has realized what we're doing." he admitted with a snigger, heading off with her. Gambit would keep Scott entertained. "what should we do?" he mused with a grin. "stalk Gambit and Scott and throw popcorn at their heads from the shadows or ditch them completely and hide from them every time they get close until Scott's about to have a breakdown or a heart attack?" thankfully, Johnny didn't care much for carnival rides. he could fly at thousands of miles an hour after all, carnival rides where rather tame for him.
“True, he does.”She giggled a little laughing out loud at gambit’s wide eyed innocence. “....I will shove you out of the car, Gambit, if you don’t stop the angelic act.”Scott said rolling his eyes a little, even if he didn’t follow through with the threat as he weatched out the window as they got to the island. It’d been forever since he’d gotten here. Looking amused as he was dragged off, he looked a little lost at why he was being the one dragged along, but okay with going. “I think so. And he’s smart enough to use the time to his own advantage.”She snickered a little before thinking it over, before smiling. “Ditch them adn hide. Scott’ll have a heart attack, and it’ll keep him from worrying to much about how he’s on a date with Gambit.”
he snickered and shook his head a little. "but i look adorable when i'm being innocent." Gambit protested. "don't you think so?" "i think so." Johnny admitted with a chuckle, grinning as Scott was dragged off. "Gambit comes off as simple-" because he was. "but he's anything but Stupid and people tend to forget that." he admitted. "i don't think i've ever seen anyone as good at understanding people than him." he admitted. "i think he knew what we where up to before we even finalized the idea." he admitted with a chuckle before smirking. "deal. it's gonna be hard. Scott has eyes like a freaking hawk. it's like the most epic game of hide and seek ever." he admitted with a grin as he led her away. he managed to keep them hidden from Scott for an entire hour, laughing brightly and in such a good mood. and then he went to get them some cotton candy and a soda and didn't come back. "Where is Johnny?" Gambit asked, coming across her twenty minutes after he'd vanished.
“I think so.”Laci agreed grinning a little before nodding at Johnny. “Yea, he might be simple...but he’s not stupid. Makes it easier for him to con people when he wants to.”she said loking amused at the idea before nodding. “Probably not. He’s scary good at reading people.”She said smiling as she nodded. “Oh yea, but it’ll be even more epic when we win.”She said smiling at the other. Scott frowned looking at laci, who looked lost and confused. “Laci?” “He went to get some cotton candy and soda....and didn’t come back. So I went to find him, and he was chatting up some girl, and left with her....”Laci said looking sad at the idea, trying to sort out the emotions.
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