Taming the Storm(lady/moon)

he frowned a little. "who told you that? no of course it's not permanent." he promised her. "why else would we do physical therapy with you?" he asked before he gasped. "oh... oh my god. all this time. you thought you where like this forever. oh Laci i'm so sorry! i didn't realize that you didn't know!" he admitted, hesitating before wincing, taking her hand. "your going to be fine. it's not permanent. doctors think you'll be able to start learning how to walk again within the year." he admitted, smiling at her before going very tense at the door, watching Tony come in, trembling again because there was a person in the room. a person in the room who could hurt him. but it was Tony and he loved Tony and he knew Tony would never hurt him. "i...i'm ok-kay." Johnny finally decided, looking terrified but wanting to be okay so he let Tony come closer though he chickened out once Ton was halfway there and made several very frightened mewling sounds, recoiling away from Tony because he was too scared now to think through the terror wrapping around him.
"Well, the doctor. I mean, he said I was crippled."be he frowned at him. Having not realized that hed meant for now, they'd all assumed she'd been aware that it was temporary, no one had realized she didn't know."to keep from getting sick. I mean even if I can't walk, it'd make my body worse to not work out..."she said looking shocked before startling a little."oh...that's good."she said looking overwhelmed at the knowledge she was going to be fine. Wincing as tony froze, she took the stuff from the billionaire even as he bolted for the door, leaning down to meet johnnys eyes, looking worried."he's gone johnny. It's just us, your okay."
"he said you wouldn't have the use of your legs." he corrected. "for about a year or so." he admitted before sighing a little. "god. so, you've been here all this time thinking it was permanent..." he whispered. "god, Laci i'm so sorry! i thought you knew." he admitted, shaking his head. "were all a bunch of fuckups huh?" he asked her, eyes sad before trembling violently as Tony walked in. "i'm ok-kay... f-fine..." Johnny stuttered. "S-sorry. i'm s-sorry." he stuttered. "i d-didn't m-mean t-too."
"Yea....I did..."Laci sighed softly, resting her head on his chest, rubbing a hand over her face, leaning against him a little. "Yea... we are. but it's okay."Laci smiled a little, looking utterly relieved with the news that she was going to be okay. "It's okay. Don't worry about it. He knows you're not really afraid of him."laci muttered ,watching tony leave, gently stroking johnny's hair. "It's only been a few hours, give yourself some time, Johnny. You're okay."
he nodded a little. "yeah. we're okay. or we will be anyway." he finally agreed, smiling at her. "we'll be alright eventually." it might take a while but we'll be okay." he decided with a smile. "i upset him." he mumbled. "i hate upsetting Tony... i just got so scared..." he muttered, closing his eyes. "i'm a terrible person." he mumbled, trembling at the touching. "i'm not okay..." he whispered. "i don't understand. why am i scared? i know that... that Tony would never hurt me, so why was i scared?" he wondered, deeply upset that he was so terrified of the people he loved the most.
“I know, and he knows you do. But he knows you didn’t mean to do it. And you’re not a terrible person. Jesse, is a terrible person. You’re just a person dealing with being hurt.”She sighed softly, stroking his hair, not wanting to upset him, knowing the touch, to reassure him that she was there, would be okay. “Because you’ve been hurt baly, and you couldn’t fight back. You can’t expect yourself to be fixed right away. You’ll be okay.”
he nodded. "okay." he mumbled before flinching at her name and his eyes flicked around, as if terrified saying her name might summon her. the slow stroking of his hair had him calm soon enough and he settled into sleep again, fitful but still sleep. something he really needed. it was Gambit who checked in on them next and asked her if she needed anything. bathroom break or another glass of water or something to eat. he also made sure she couldn't see his hands. they where completely covered in bandages, since he'd started working her dresses together while she was feeling too depressed to do it herself. he was being overly careful with the fabric and not careful enough with his hands. he'd actually run his hand under the sewing machine. very painful, very bloody, but not too dangerous. didn't even need stitches, though Bruce had to fish out the thread.
Laci smiled a little nodding. “Bathroom.”She said letting him help her, before settling back into the bed with a sigh. Worrie about the other, he seemed to be hurting, and she wasn’t sure what to think since she couln’t see anything wrong. “You okay, bit?How’s scott doing?And you?”she said worried about, fussing, trying to see what was wrong, and wondering if something else had happened that they were afraid they were hiding from her
he smiled sheepishly at her. "i was being dumb..." he admitted, finally sighing and letting her see his bandaged hands. "i was playing with your sewing machine. sewing is fun. i got distracted and... well... apparently your hand can fit through the sewing machine thing..." he admitted. "Scott's upset but he's doing better." he admitted. "i think he's feeling guilty because he thought the worst of Johnny." he admitted, watching the man sleep. "how is he doing? any better?" he asked, fussing over them a little, though he was careful not to actually touch Johnny. he didn't want to get burned again. "by the way... Steve found out there are girl scouts in front of the tower selling cookies." oh boy. that meant Troop #332 was about to need more cookies. Steve had a deep set love for girl scouts anything, especially cookies. he'd probobly cleared troop 332 out completely and was making arrangements for more from the troop leader. at least it was for a good cause.
“Oh...oh gambit.”She said wincing as she looked at his hands, “Is it bad?”She said eyes wide and worried as she inspected his hands, biting her lip. “I did it once to, an couldn’t do anything for a few weeks. So rest.”She said looking anxious that he’d hurt himself, having a feeling he was trying to make sure she didn’t fall to far behind her deadlines, and feeling bad for it. “Good....and tell him it’s okay....I thought the worst to.”She sighed softly, looking worried about scott before looking at johnny, biting her lip a little. “He’s.... Awake and okay with me here...but otherwise, no, not really. He’s so scared Bit...I have no idea how to help....”She sighed quietly, before snickering. “Hmmm, we’ll be well set on cookies then. Between him and tony, I don’t know who enjoys those cookies the best.”She giggle a little because there was few foods tony loved more then girl scout cookies.
"it's not bad. Bruce had to fish out the thread but he didn't need to give me any stitches. i only wanted to make a purse. since i did so much better than i thought i would on the satchel." he admitted. "i thought it could be a present. to make you feel better." he admitted. "it doesn't hurt any worse than when i was first learning to control my powers." the tips of Gambit's fingers where covered with scars from premature exploding things. when Magneto had found Gambit, the boy, sixteen at the time, had third degree burns all over his hands and was mostly ignoring them because he was terrified of hurting someone else. "we all did." Gambit admitted sadly. "everyone but Tony. we all just, believed what the papers wrote about him in the past and never thought tic beyond that he had hurt you." Gambit admitted before smiling at her. "we know better now. and we'll work with him, and you. everything will be okay eventually. do you want me to have Charles come back in? see if there's anything lingering inside Johnny's head from... what she did to him?" he asked, looking worried, watching Johnny sleep. he looked unhappy, even out cold.
"Okay....and a satchel would be awesome. I can always do with another bag. Just be careful okay?"she said fussing over him a little, offering a small smile as she watched him."okay...just be careful. And don't work till it heals."she smiled at him leaning in to kiss his forehead, trusting him to take care of himself, before sighing."I know....even knowing he hadn't meant to hurt me back then....it still hadn't occurred to me..."she sighed feeling guilty before nodding."we'll be okay...and maybe. Tomorrow maybe, I don't think he'll be able to handle seeing more people today..."
he beamed at her. "i'm perfectly careful." he promised her. "i just forgot that sewing machines where a bit dangerous, that's all." he admitted. "i'll be fine. Scott won't let me work again till my hand heals up because he's a spoilsport." he huffed, pouting before nodding. "i know it's hard. we all fee bad, but Johnny will be the first to forgive you, you know that right?" he asked her with a smile. "if he hasn't already. he might not realize you feel bad at all." he admitted. "yeah. i think he's been traumatized enough. i wish we could get a therapist in here who knew how to help with this." he admitted softly before smiling at her. "i think it'll be okay, right?" he asked.

it wasn't exactly okay a week later, but Johnny was at least leaving the room and was mostly okay with people so long as they didn't touch him, move too fast near him or raised their hand. they had to act as if he was a skittish, abused dog more than anything, speaking in soft tones and being very careful about what was said but he was out of the room an mostly okay with people again so long as there weren't too many and behaved in a quiet and calm manner. he was actually curled up in a chair in the commons reading a book, which was the first time he'd felt settled enough to actually relax where other people might come across him.
“Good. He’ll take care of you.”She said looking amused before nodding a little, looking at johnny as she bit her lip, sighing quietly. “Yes....I guess your right.”She said smiling a little as she gently stroked johnny’s hair before nodding. “He has...and it’ll be fine. It will be.”She said swallowing thickly, relaxing a little. She knew it’d be okay.

“You okay?”Laci muttered as Scott set her down on the couch next to him, smiling quietly as she looked at him, tilting her head as scott headed for the kitchen to see what he could find something to eat.
Johnny tensed a little as Scott walked in but otherwise didn't really react until he realized Laci was with them and he brightened, smiling at her. "i'm okay." he admitted. "well. better." he admitted before smiling at her. "how are you feeling, any better?" he asked her, his head tilted.
Laci smiled a little when he didn’t freak out, looking pleased and happy. “Good. I’m so proud of you really.”She said reaching for him, a obvious desire to be held and cuddled in her face as she considered him, having wanted it right away, but scott having been kind and wise enough to set her close, but careful not to touch johnny himself. “A little. Scott tells me that actually aching after my excerises is a good thing, since it means I’m getting more feeling back. It just sucks.”She grumbled looking amused though.
he smiled at her. "i'm proud of you too." he admitted, hesitating before deciding he would be okay with some snuggling and slipped onto the couch instead and pulled her against him for some cuddling. he was still scared, of pretty much everyone, but it was getting easier to ignore even if he shied away from kisses still. or any intimate affection though he was getting better with snuggling. "i'm sure it is a good sign. it means that we're keeping your muscle mass and strength up." he admitted with a smile. "want me to read to you?" he asked, pausing when the news flickered on courtesy of Jarvis and the news woman informed them of another rash of interesting phenomenon. phenomenon that involved people being turned into trees, walls being melted in banks and people in scientific labs being kidnapped. had they all not known better they might have been gearing up for another Loki attack. Thor had checked personally, and Loki was still in prison and still had the magic inhibiting cuffs on and they where still active. he did report that Loki had looked very disturbed at the idea of people being turned into trees and indicated that whoever was doing this was ignoring the basic morality of magic and that if they continued they would likely be cursed by magic itself. Thor reported he'd never seen Loki shaken like that before. in this report, the perky news lady informed them that over three hundred people had been turned into fish, five of them had suffocated before being turned back and over three hundred million dollars worth of scientific research and equipment had been stolen from the research facility that had been attacked. "this is getting entirely out of hand." Johnny mumbled. this was the first time someone had died, though that didn't stop people from being very traumatized by finding themselves as trees or fish.
Laci smiled, happy and so prou as he pulled her against him, shifting to rest her head against his shoulder.”You’re okay. It’s just us.”She muttered soothingly, rubbing a hand over his arm before nodding. “Yea, that’s what scott said, and yes.”She said before wincing as teh tv flicked on, tilting her head a little as she watched it. Frowning as she considered the news, looking confused. “Dammit, if it was loki, I could have understood that. This is getting utterly insane.”Laci said frowning as she considered it, sighing quietly. “Tony still having no luck figuring this out?” No, no he wasn’t. If the cursing of ‘I hate fucking magic’ and technical explosions happening down in the lab were any indiation.
he smiled a little at her. "yeah. i'm okay, if i suddenly leap away, it's not because of you." he promised, nuzzling the top of her head before scowling at the TV. "Thor mentioned making a check on all the sorcerers he knows of and Heimdal is checking but so far they think the sorcerer is originated from earth." he admitted, snuggling her before tensing as Gambit and Scott came back in with the food. "it is a mess." Gambit admitted. "Steve and James have gone to scout. they are sick of this." Gambit admitted, handing Johnny his food, the fire-starter examining the food intently before deciding he trusted Gambit and took a few bites. it seamed to taste okay. "is it safe for Steve and James to go out alone?" "they'll be fine." Gambit promised. "they aren't looking to get into any fights, they just want to examine the scene of the crime." he admitted.
“Okay.”Laci smiled a little as she was nuzzled, sighing quietly as she rested her head against his shoulder, nodding a little. “Damn. Which leaves a whole world worth of mutants and such to look at.”laci sighed frustrate, glancing up at the others as she took her food. “It really is.”Scott agreed, smiling at Johnny a little before starting to his own food. “If anyone is safe going out on their own, it’s Steve and James. Two super soldiers are better scouts then anyone else.”Scott said even if he was worried himself, smiling pleased as gambit and johnny started eating, pleased to having been able to take care of them.
"no. this is not mutant." Gambit informed her. "the effects of the sorcery are too varied. Mutants have singular powers, not dozens." he admitted. "though, i suppose if there where three or four working together." he mused. "even then, it's sketchy." he admitted, watching the TV. "i think that this is a case of Doom or Dr. Strange. natural born human sorcerers. it has happened." Johnny admitted. "this person, unlike Doom and Strange, is very dangerous." he admitted, looking worried, watching the woman blabber on about what she didn't know about what was happening. "why take science equipment and scientists though?" he wondered, realizing that three of the scientists from the labs that had been hit where missing. "that's never a good sign." Johnny mumbled, worried more about doomsday weapons than he was about the sorcery. "This just in! Captain America and an unknown new Avenger have just been attacked!" the news woman said, sounding just as shocked as the entire tower felt. who in the hell attacked Steve!? "The Assailant appears to be using magic against the duo..." that was more than enough for Johnny to know they had to go help Steve and James. he was entirely too terrified to go. Jesse was out there. people who answered t her where out there. it was dangerous out there. thankfully Natasha and Clint where already racing through the streets, heading for Steve and James and he knew Tony wouldn't be far behind. he decided to be a coward and huddled against Laci, trembling violently.

at the scene of the crime, there was a young man, he couldn't have been any older than eighteen and that was pushing it. he was laughing, the sound cruel and cold as he surveyed the scene of his destruction. there had been dozens of massive explosions, there where a good dozen people hopping around, terrified, as rabbits and Steve and James where nowhere to be seen, though their clothes where laying in a pile. which was new. before anyone turned into an animal retained their clothes. the pile of clothes was making an ungodly noise though, and Natasha felt a cold surge of fear as she realized it was the sound of a baby crying. the young man smirked as he reached down and picked up a black haired baby. a baby with a metal arm. a baby that was Bucky Barnes. it was Bucky that was crying, flailing tiny arms and kicking little legs, naked and cold and very unhappy. still laying in the pile of clothes was a tiny blond baby who was hiccuping but managing not to wail like baby Bucky was. "well that was easier than anticipated wasn't it?" the young man asked, smirking viciously at Baby Bucky. "oh the things i will do with you."
“....Damn. Yes....I see what you mean. It makes sense.”Laci sighed softly, looking up at the news. “Scientists being kidnapped is never a good thing.”Scott said shaking her head before paling, already heading for the oor without waiting to hear what else was going on. The x-man looking at Gambit for a moment. “Stay with them.”He ordered, trusting gambit to keep watch over laci and johnny as the two huddled on the couch watching the news.

Both Clint and Scott paled as they heard what was coming from the clothes, pale and shaken as they considered that. Already carefully making their way through the crowd even as the rabbits kept hopping closer, Scott paused, considering who’d have the best chance at hurting either babies. Gesturing to clint he nodded, easing around to face the teenager, smirking viciously as he eased his glasses off, and soon enough the smell of burning rubber hit him, let the brat worry about his burning feet even as clint scooped up the small captain and tony landed in front of the sorcerer. “Definitely not easier, kid. Hand over the baby, otherwise I’[m going to take his advisement under consideration, and just smite the shit out of both you and the baby.”Tony threatening even as the suit’s faceplate snapped up, looking shaken to see his bonded as a child, but considering james never wanted to be used again, and had conned a promise out of his bonded to make sure it never happened, well, tony was already feeling anxious an upset at the turn of events.
"never is." he agreed softly. Gambit nodded at the order and started shuffling his favorite weapon, a deck of normal playing cards. his silent promise that he would blow up anyone or anything that attacked.

the teen cursed violently as his shoes where set on fire and he nearly dropped baby Bucky. "you filthy little bitch!" he snarled at Scott tucking Bucky into his arms, not very skilled with babies but knowing enough to at least know to support the head while he was jumping about. "you would do best to remove yourself." the sorcerer hissed. "i have no use for such pathetic human creatures like yourself!" he snarled, smiling at Bucky, tapping his nose. "this little one will be raised as a soldier in my army." he purred. "he will be my pride and jo..." several gunshots sounded, Natasha having unloaded her gun into the brats skull. said brat turned and scowled at her. "i was speaking you rude bitch." he snarled before shrieking in pain when one of the people he had turned into a rabbit launched itself at his hand, sinking surprisingly sharp teeth into the arm holding Bucky. he screamed, flinging his arm out to shake the rabbit off, dropping Bucky in the process, the baby shrieking even more as it hit the ground. fortunately it was a soft enough landing because he hit the grass of the park, but it was jarring to a baby so he did the only thing a baby could do, he screamed in rage, kicked his feet and pissed all over the sorcerers shoes. tired of the onslaught of idiocy he vanished in a bright flair of light that frightened both babies even more so now both Steve and James where screaming and unhappy. "...well fuck. now what?" Natasha wondered, very carefully lifting Steve, smiling when he cooed at her. James continued screaming until he caught sight of Tony and giggled at him, rolling onto his belly, apparently unhurt, and babbled as he crawled over to Tony. old enough to be mobile and attracted to the red shiny man and babbled at him while smacking his shiny foot with his own shiny arm before sitting down and staring at his own metal hand, a look of surprise on tiny baby face.
Scott snarled quietly, trying to figure out how to get bucky away without causing harm before raising a eyebrow. “From where we stand, you’re the only pathetic human here.” “Don’t think he’s human.”Tony said watching and paling as teh shots were fired, nearly falling over in trying to get to bucky in time, looking relieve as he fell unharmed to the gross, crouching down to look him over, smiling a little as the baby smacked at his suit. “....I think we’re going to have to call thor. Even if we don’t let him permentantly out of jail, loki would be our best idea of what is going on.”Clint said looking amused as he watched tony with a child, the genius looking utterly at a loss as he picked up the squirming bucky. “You want the kid, Summers?”Tony offered as he stood, looking utterly lost. “Nope. He’s your bonded. You hold him.”Scott said walking over and gently helping tony hold him properly, before sighing. “Though I might have to take him to get back to the tower. You’ll have problems just walking back.” “Oh good. Thanks. Here.”Tony said already in the process of passing bucky over to scott.
the boy sneered at him. "i am a God, you pathetic cockroach." he hissed, Natasha rolling her eyes. "didn't you hear about the last God who tried to take over this planet?" "what? that spoiled brat Loki? oh yes. i also know he never actually wanted to rule this pathetic planet." he scoffed. "in any case, you cannot stop me." he stated with a smirk before glaring as he lost control of the baby and vanished. he would get the babies later. as he left, one by one the people turned into rabbits started turning back into people. "i hope i gave the little shit rabies." said one young woman who apparently had been the one to bite the little shit, wiping blood off her lips as she searched for her children. no deaths this time, thank god. "i think Thor is probobly already on his way. he was going to keep an eye on us the last time he contacted us to make sure this sorcerer didn't get too nasty." said a very familiar voice. Phil Coulson, as he stepped out of a bright red car. "sorry i'm late Sir. nasty little bastard shut down the Bus while i was on Puerto Rico, i've been tracking him ever since he started causing problems. he's struck in thirteen different countries and has a completely different M.O than Loki did." Phil admitted. "i've come to give you guys a ride back to the Tower. computers are picking up familiar energy readings, Thor will be here within the hour of that i have o doubt, he'll likely be bringing Loki with him." he admitted, shaking his head. "i brought God Level weaponry with us. tested and proven." he admitted. "non-lethal of course but it'll keep him under control while he's here." he admitted before staring. "uh, has Director Rogers had a baby?" he asked, looking at baby Steve before paling as he saw Baby Bucky in Nat's arms. "...that's not the child of Steve Rogers is it?" nope, Steve Rogers was one hundred percent sterile. he'd told Nat after the condom they had been using broke.
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