The Archer(Lady/moon)

“You shot me!”Tony hissed at the question, well. If he was being a sarcastic asshole, he was going to be fine.

When the doctor stepped out, the dark haired woman paused at the sight of the people waiting for her. Avengers, she’d expected. The godling, not so much. Clearing her throat a little as she considered the tired,beaten looking avengers she offered a small smile. “Mr. Stark is out of surgery, and stable. While the wounds were high on his chest, and nicked a lung, he is stable and healing well. It will be a longer recovery then he’s used to, even with Extremis, it’s going to be a few weeks before he’s back to himself. He’s in ICU at the moment, and only allowed one visitor, I’ll let you guys sort out who gets to sit with him until he wakes. In a few days, he’ll be stable enough to move back to the tower and his own bed. I know how he is.”Emily smiled, because she had been the avengers doctor for the last 3 years, and in that time, had learned quickly just how much some of them refused to be doctored. “Go home, get some sleep, you can’t do anything for him tonight.” “Thanks Em.”James said slumping into Natasha, relaxing, closing his eyes as he sent up a prayer in thanks that it was goign to be okay.
Steve looked up at her when she walked in and Loki pretended that he was still flipping through the magazine in his hand, though everyone there knew he was listening very intently on Emily. Clint nearly sagged he was so relieved, setting his face into his hands to try and regain some control over himself. "Thank you Doctor." Steve said, shaking her hand before heading into the hospital so he could go sit with Tony. no one would protest. well, Loki thought about it but he was pretty sure that Tony wouldn't take a god of mayhem and mischief next to his bed... or rather, in his bed because Loki did not sleep on chairs, very well. Natasha stroked James hair and glanced at Loki, a frown on her face. "what are you even doing here?" "he accepted my chicken." Loki stated simply. "....what?" "he accepted my chicken.... does that not mean the same thing here?" "i'm going to assume not." "oh... well he still accepted it. it's not my fault you people are backwards." accepting a chicken didn't actually mean anything on asgard either, he just liked fucking with their heads. "...okay." Phil said, standing up. "time to go. Steve will take care of Tony for now and we can all come back in the morning to relieve him. out. everyone. go to bed." Phil commanded, ushering everyone but Loki out of the waiting room, no one told Loki what to do after all and the last thing they wanted was a god throwing a temper tantrum in a hospital. Clint left easily enough, though he didn't go to the tower. instead he went to a very crappy little bar and worked on getting very drunk.
“You’re very welcome. He’s going to be sleeping for most of the night commander, but you know he enjoys the company.”Emily smiled watching steve go, glad that no one protested it. “....if you tell us it’s some sort of courting gift, I’ll hit you for making Barton right aand shove your head in the toilet or something.”James muttered looking up, not really annoyed at the god’s presence, just protesting because he wasn’t feeling good. Swallowing thicky before nodding, letting phil get them out and to bed.

It was a few hours later though that Valentina slipped into the bar, sitting down on the barstool and watched clint listing a little on the barstool. She’d stopped to make sure Tony was still alive, and he was, so she’d come searching for clint, worried about him, because she’d recognized one of his arrows in Tony, and worried about how he was feeling, or what he’d do. Not wanting to look to closely at the emotions she rested a hand on his back. “Barton, come on. Time to go.”She muttered trying to urge him to his feet, wondering if magic would make him sick, and glad her apartment was only a few blocks away, at least she could get him there fairly easily if he couldn’t do magic. Worried about hurting him as she wrapped a arm around his waist, and his arm across her shoulder. “Come, archer, I need your help.”
Steve nodded. "i know. but he might have nightmares." Steve admitted. "and it's not right to leave him alone." he admitted, heading deeper into the hospital while Loki shrugged. "alright. i won't tell you that then." he stated simpl. "do you suppose he would like flowers more? i have noted young human couples often offering gifts of chocolate." he mused. "does one have to already be a couple before you can give them chocolate?...." he paused and then. "now i want chocolate..." he admitted before looking at James. "it wouldn't be the worst thing i've ever had my head shoved into." he admitted.

Clint was barely able to sit properly in his chair, shaking his head a little. "oh! oh!" he gasped, staring at her. "it's you! listen... listen." he urged her. "no, no you haff... have to listen." he ordered. "i'm... not drunk. i'm just sad. wanna know why?" he asked her. "i'm sad because i'm... i'm the most awful person in the world. i'm such a-" he paused, hiccuped and paused again as if checking to see if there was another coming before continuing. "- i'm such a coward. a horrible coward and a bad, bad person. i always knewd. knowed that i was a evil, evil, disgusting, bad, bad, bad...." he paused. "what where we talking about?" he wondered, frowning a little, staggering as she managed to get him to his feet. "you know, there's this girl!" he informed her. "she's... she's amazing!" he sighed. "she's so beautiful, and has magic! no seriously! she's magic! she saved... saved Tony's life i think." he admitted. "her name is Valentina. she's amazing. she's wor... working for the bad guys, but i think i can-" he paused to hiccup again. "-i can woo her away. she could totally kick my ass though, that's hot you know? a girl that can kick my ass, acus then i don't have to fuss over her the way Thor fusses over Jane." he admitted, staggering again. "i.. i can do a cool trick!" he informed her. "i can! i totally can... but not right now.. i'm going to... going to lay down here..." he decided, hitting a bench so hard it probably would have hurt if he'd been sober. "goodnight..." he flopped onto it and closed his eyes, full preparing to go to sleep right then and there.
“I’m sure he’d get a laugh out of flowres, and he’s addicted to chocolate.”James snorted amused at the idea as he left.

“Hey.Clint.”Valentina smiled at him softly, before growling. “You are not. I’m not arguing with a drunk over the state of your soul and bravery. This is a conversation, I’m going to tell to your Captain, and let him browbeat you into believing.”Valentina sighed shaking her head a little before looking amused as he started talking about her. “I’m sure you can woo her away. After all, you are a very good looking archer.”She teased a little looking amused as they walked, wincing as he hit the bench. “Fucking hell, Barton.”She grumbled, wincing a little as she rested a hand on his back, taking that step between here and there, to her apartment. Wincing a little as she got him settled into her bed, before crawling up next to him-for watching over him of course, not because she wanted to feel him holding onto her. Snuggling in close, she sighed quietly, relaxing as she settled him there.
Clint blinked at her, squinting as if he couldn't quite figure out who she was. "i am! i'm not drunk!" he protested, wobbling in his chair. "i'm a filthy coward and a dirty thief!" he informed her. "Captain will agree! and so will James!" he informed her. "because it's so true!" he beamed at her. "you really think so?... but i can't ever see her again. she's too amazing for me." he admitted with another hiccup and a sniff. "i don't... i don't want to make her dirty like i am she's so pretty and pure and nice and i'm dirty and gross and a person who shoots other people..." he mumbled. he whined when he felt the magic curl around him but didn't seam to realize what had happened. when she crawled into be with him he sighed and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close because he missed having someone to sleep with. "i don't want to be alone anymore." he whimpered before falling asleep. thank god he didn't snore.
“...No they wont.”She sighed softly, “And you can. Promise. You can see her again.”Valentina smiled a little, relaxing as she settled into the bed with him. “You’re not going to make her dirty. Promise.”she muttered stroking his hair.”And you wont be alone.”

When he woke in the morning, Valentina had bullied him to laying on his back, because she usually slept on her stomach, sprawled out in a gangly mess of limbs and hair, laying mostly on top of him, the curve of her hip pressing into his groin, head tucked under his chin, all that silvery blond hair acting as a living blanket as she laid on him. Being nearly his height, meant they were pressed from shoulder to knee together.It’d been so long since she’d actually slept next to someone, much less slept with such a good, virle, good looking man that even without really being aware of it, instincts were driving her towards mating with the warrior that made her valkyrie senses hum like a buzzsaw.
Clint had a hell of a hangover when he woke up, his head was throbbing and he felt the urge to go brush his teeth and take a shower. for some reason, he couldn't move. it felt as if someone was laying on him. fuck, had he taken someone home? shit, that wasn't good! please, please let it be Steve or Natasha. he squirmed a little and managed to force his eyes open and groaned when the light f the sun bore daggers into his brain. a few more blinks and he frowned a little at the tiered dreamcatcher hanging over his head, thrumming with power. strange, he didn't remember pouring that much magic into Val's... Val's... "oh fuck..."
Val whined a little as he moved, squirming closer. She hadn’t slept with anyone ever before, but she was a person who didn’t wake up nicely until she had coffee. “ fucking early in morning.”Valentina muttered sleepily, grouchily. Sounding alot like tony when the man hadn’t gotten got coffee yet. “Stop moving.”She grumbled shifting a little to give him room to get up, cause she didn’t want up yet, snuggling down between his arm and side, squirming to get covered in the blankets to keep from seeing the light.

“....Steve?”Tony muttered frowning as he stared at the ceiling, blinking slowly. Feeling drugged and unhappy. before bolting up, cursing as he felt it pull at his wounds. "Clint!?"
Clint could only chuckle as he realized he was over reacting. they where both wearing clothes. nothing had happened. "okay, fucking later then." he agreed with a smile, watching her sleep for a moment. "sorry, i think i need to go throw up." he admitted. "hangover." he admitted, chuckling a little. gently covering her with the blankets before slipping out of the bed so he could go pee, drown himself in a sink full of water and get some coffee started before settling into bed again and making himself comfortable to doze for a little longer. might as well enjoy it while he could.

"easy, Tony." Steve urged, gently setting a hand on the others shoulder. "Clint is fine. well, he's fine physically." Steve admitted. "he's out getting drunk. or he was. the agents we had watching him, you know to make sure he didn't do anything dumb, said that Valentina took off with him. probably to put him to bed." Steve admitted. "won't know how he's doing mentally until he stops being drunk." he admitted. "how are you feeling?"
“Kay. Brush teeth, and I’ll kiss you later.Maybe sex. Dunno.”Valentina muttered whining a little as he moved, disturbed despite him being careful. She was definitely adorable like this. By the time the coffee was done, val was a little more awake, squirming out of bed to get them both cups, before crawling back in next to him, holding the cup out. “Barton, coffee’s done.”She said laying back, sipping her coffee. Nervous and upset, wondering just what kind of conversation they were going to have.

Tony winced sighing quietly as he slumped back into the bed, panting quietly as he looked at the other man. Debating on whether to believe him or not, before giving a tight nod as he slumped back into the bed, closing his eyes. His whole chest felt like it was on fire, despite extremis, he was days away from being healed really. “Well, maybe he’ll be in a better mood when he gets back. Sex helps anything.”he muttered before wincing, looking at the other man. “Chest hurts. You know, I never considered arrows hurting more then bullets. Damn, it hurts.”Tony grumbled, frowning. “When can I go home?”
"i don't have a toothbrush here." he pointed out with a chuckle. this time it was he who groaned when she squirmed free and headed to the kitchen, sitting up slowly and shaking his head. "thanks." he mumbled, sipping at his own coffee for a moment. "i'm sorry... i must have been a mess last night." he admitted, looking at her. "thanks for saving Tony..." he finally said. "i don't know if he would have made it to the hospital if you hadn't done whatever you did..." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "i hope he's doing okay now."

Steve smiled at him. "i doubt he'll feel better until your up and running again." he admitted. "and i'm not sure he's actually getting laid. he was probably too drunk to even get it up." he admitted with a smile before grimacing. "that's because the arrow hole is bigger and it was in a more painful place." he admitted. "Emily says you can go home in two more days. possibly three if you get too naughty." he warned. "but i sent Natasha and Phil to get some things to make you more comfortable. they'll be here in a little bit. they'll bring your pajamas and the stuff to make you our smoothies and Jarvis is already hacked into the T.V and he's on the phone next to yu as well. it's my phone though, Phil will be bringing your phone." he promised. "i was half tempted t tell him to bring Dum-E too but Emily gave me that look and i figured it was better not to."
“Hm, use mine. Kisses are important.”Val muttered sleepily. Smiling as he sipped his coffee. “Welcome.”She said before wincing a little, nodding. “You were.”She said fidgeting a little, not about to admit why she’d gone searching for him. Beyond having been worried, she’d gone searching for him, because there had been a bad fate waiting for him had he tried to get home on his own. Ducking her head to avoid looking at him, she nodded a little. “You’re welcome. But I didn’t do it for you. Earth still needs him.”She muttered hands fidgety and it was easily visible just how upset she was at the topic of conversation. Not something she wanted to talk about, what she’d done. “He will. He’ll be hurt, but this is not when Starkson dies.”She muttered fidgety and trying to appear calmer then she was, but she really really wasn’t that calm.

“Well, maybe we can make him live with Val. Laughing at doom might make him feel better.”Tony muttered snorting a little, “hm, maybe. Poor man. Gets to stay with his archer, and to drunk to get it up. Gonna have to give him a hard time about that.”He snorted before sighing. Rubbing a hand over his face, not liking it, but well, “I’m always naughty, but you wouldn’t know anything about that would you?”Tony teased, miserable and in pain, flirting because he always did when he wasn’t feeling good. “Frowning a little, he huffed, wincing at how that hurt before sighing. Well, at least he’d have some of his stuff. Reaching out to snag the phone, he smirked as he set about having jarvis find out how clint was doing, before glancing at Steve. Smirking. “I’ve seen that look.she’s got that look down pat.”Tony said fidgeting and feeling awkward because this was the longest they’d been alone since tony had blown up at him. Biting his lip a little. “....Steve? Why are you the one here?”He said, having figured since he’d been left in the cold, he’d be pawned off on to one of the others.
he chuckled and did as ordered, brushing his teeth before crawling into bed. happy that the minty was gone when he started sipping his coffee. toothpaste and coffee didn't mix well at all. "you can't lie to me Val. i'm just as connected to the sense of the dead as you are. the earth was just to welcome him with open arms when you intervened. the earth didn't mind which was weird, She's usually pretty possessive of the souls... but anyway..." he shook his head. "you saved his life and he might not know it, but i do and i'll thank you. since i'm not about to tell Tony." he admitted, sipping at his coffee again. "i can't believe i fucked up that bad." he admitted, setting a hand over his eyes and simply sitting there for a moment. "i lost focus. panicked. like i was some sort of rookie... i saw that gun aimed at Tony and all my training just vanished... i just panicked because it was Tony and he had a gun aimed at him..."

Steve snorted. "please for the love of god Tony, don't five him ideas." he pleaded, shaking his head. "you will have to give him a hard time." he agreed with a smile before smirking. "i know more than you'd like me to." he agreed. "stop squirming." he ordered before nodding. "she does. it's even scarier than Peggy's was." he admitted before blinking at Tony. "i'm here because i don't trust anyone else to keep you safe." he admitted simply. "well. no. i might trust Bruce. maybe." he admitted. "in any case, i wanted to make sure you didn't have nightmares and that no one tried to hurt you during the night or anything. i think Loki was going to raise a fuss but he didn't want to look like he cared... did you really accept his chicken? what does that even mean?" Steve wondered, sounding quite confused.
“...Maybe. He was ready to let go. But it wasn’t time for him to go.”Val muttered frowning slightly, pale as she stared down. Even if he was thanking her, she wasn’t able to be calm at the idea that he knew that much, that he would figure out what she was. Swallowing thickly as she nodded. “well, you are welcome then. It owuld have been a bad thing to lose him.”she muttered fidgety and upset before swallowing, turning to look at him, pausing for a long moment, before resting her hand over his, tugging it down. “You panicked because you care for him. There is no shame in that. But I am sure Tony will be whining about it. That can be your punishment for being a almost rookie.”She teased him a little, not sure how to help him feel better but trying anyways.

“...,kay, I promise not to tell him.”he said looking amused at the idea of not telling clint what he’d thought of before snorting, wincing a little at that before sighing. “You always know more then you’re supposed to.”he grumbled before going still at the order, responding even if they weren’t together. “...It is. Especially if she’s got a scapel on her. She threatened me with one once you know.”he smiled a little before frowning a little thinking about it. “Oh. Well. You should go get some sleep. I’m fine.”He said not about to dmit that he was worried about being in the hospital to for that reasn before blinking himself. “Loki?What.....chicken?”Tony paused looking utterly confused.
He nodded. "yeah, maybe that was it." he agreed. "hey, it's okay." he promised her when he realized how pale and shaken she was. "i know your not ready to tell me things." he admitted. "i can understand that. there's things i'm not ready to tell either." he smiled into his cup. "there might even be thing i can't tell you, even if i want to." he admitted before smiling. "Tony's the coolest guy ever you know?" he asked with a smile. "it was still a really stupid thing to do." he mumbled, well aware that his emotions involving Tony where what had caused the problems. there was a reason Assassins where supposed to be aloof. supposed to be emotionless and unfeeling. "yeah. that's a good punishment." he agreed softly, looking at her. "thanks. i feel better." he admitted with a smile before looking up at the Dream catcher. "my magic really likes you, you know. it's grown massively since i gave that to you." he admitted. "been sleeping like a baby lately?" he asked with a smile.

Steve snorted and shook his head a little before smiling at Tony. "of course i do. you where always my best friend." he pointed out. "i know i don't always act like it, but i do care about you Tony. your the only reason why i survived this insane world." he admitted before snorting. "damn scalpel. that woman is scary." he agreed. "i don't need any sleep." he promised. "i don't know! Loki said you accepted his chicken and that it meant... something, he wasn't actually too clear about that." he admitted. "you didn't accept any chickens from Loki then? Clint seams to have this ridiculous idea that Loki has a crush on you." Steve admitted. not that Steve didn't have the same idea, but it was better to ease Tony into those kinds of things.
Val looked at him swallowing thickly, nodding slowly. Even if she liked him, she didn't trust his reaction, asgard'asgard ' reaction to finding wings enbedded in her skin had cured her of any delusions of acceptance."o-okay....we'll just...not ask questions yet."she said though she was curious about him and all his magic, she didn't want to have him poking through her stuff, so she was content to let him come to her to. Shifting to lean back against the headboard she nodded."he really is cool once you get past the masks."she said before sighing."it was stupid, but would you rather have him this king you hated him by remaining aloof? And your welcome. Glad i helped."she said before looking up blushing a little."I have actually. Better then I have since I was a youngling really."

"....oh. wsll. You to cap."tony said ducking his head a little to hide his blush. Because he cared for them all, and they were all good friends,, but it had always been steve he called at 3 am when he couldn't sleep and needed to talk."she is very scary.... and of course you need sleep. You need to look after yourself to."he said before frowning looking confued."no I don't think I did. Unless you count dooms people squawking like some."he said before flushing at the idea."clints insane, no one should believe his ideas."
he smiled at her a little. "you can ask." he promised. "you can always ask, i'll just tell you if i'm not ready to talk about that yet." he assured her with a smile. "Tony's had a really hard life. he shows the worst of himself to people first because he always thinks that people are going to hate him n matter what he does so he makes it easy for them i guess. at least he always knows whose there to stay, we've all seen the worst of him and now we've seen the best of him too." he admitted with a smile. "yeah. your right, i'd hate it if he thought i hated him." he admitted with a smile before grinning. "see. the magic?" he asked, indicating the Dreamcatcher. "if the Earth likes you, it will sometimes adapt itself like this one did. it promotes deep peaceful sleep now. i bet you've been having amazing dreams too because these tendrils, are like a psiren song, summoning kind spirits for good dreams." he admitted, running something that couldn't be seen, but could be felt through his fingers. "want to try something really cool?" he offered her with a smile. "we'll have to go outside."

Steve smiled at him and shook his head. "Tony. i already slept." Steve huffed, rolling his eyes. "i'm a light sleeper remember? i as able to sleep here while still keep watch for danger." it was a skill he had cultivated. he could get all the sleep he needed and still be ready in a seconds notice if Tony was attacked or whimpered in his sleep. "i look after myself just fine. and i already found the sneaks." he promised Tony. "they where freaking janitors can you believe that? all they did was listen through doors and stuff. it was kind of pathetic." he admitted with a sigh. "all of the children where returned home, a little traumatized but not harmed. five of the children's parents where murdered during the kidnapping so they are being adopted by various Shield agents." he admitted, sounding rather proud that there where Agents who wanted to be parents. "one young girl is a mutant whose parents actually sold her to that monster, can you believe that? she's been sent to Xavier's school. she left you this." he admitted, patting a very large picture of Iron Man next to Tony Stark, both of them had wings and a halo. "Clint is not insane." Steve scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Natasha seams to think the same thing. so there has to be something there right?" he mused. "i do have to wonder how much of all of Loki's shenanigans is just him looking for attention."
Val relaxed at that."okay. I'll do the same then. Ask, if I don't want to answer, I won't."she said relaxing at the idea that he wouldn't be angry with her if she didn't answer."he has. But for me...for loki...for his friends, we know the best of him. Good thing he has friends now."Val smiled softly."what about it?"she muttered tilting her head back to stare at the dreamcatcher. "Ahh I see. Yes it has been...very relaxing to be home. It's good."be he smiled before tilting her head to look at him."yea. Let's you want to shower or anything before you go out?"she said studying the hung over man as she got up to get dressed, disappearing into the bathroom for a minute before returning in some short cut off Jean shorts and a tank top.

"I know. But you still need sleep."tony grumbled because as much as they got after hin to sleep, he fussed over steve james and bruce the worst, sure that the super soldiers and hulk needed the most looking after."...the...janitors....are you...what?"tony sputtered staring at the other. Looking utterly encased at the idea of the janitors had gotten him shot, and messed with clint, had hurt clints already bad self view. He was going to kill them."good. At least we got the kids home without being harmed."tony said looking pleased with the idea, relaxing a little."...oh. thats...oh."tony flushed blushing when he saw the licture."I'll have to send her a picture and all from me for her to."tony smiled a little before snorting."clint is to insane. And it's proabalot of looking for attention, but barton's still insane. He threw me out a window steve. Anyways, Id much rather see this harem when I can move again, rather then seduce the decidedly good looking god. Clints Giro is pulling his leg, loki doesn't want me."
he nodded, smiling at her a little. "yeah. i'd hate to think where he'd be if he didn't have the friends he has now. probably dead. he was pretty suicidal there for a while." he admitted. "Pepper sure as hell didn't make it any better, that bitch." he grumbled before smiling at her. "there's protective magic woven into it too now." he admitted, stroking a feather, a pulse of earth magic responding tot he touch, growing stronger as Clint fed his love for her into it. sure it was only a small spark now. but the more he grew to love her, the more the dream-catcher would protect her. "why, do i stink?" he asked, doing the typical man thing and sniffed at his shirt before shrugging. "i can shower when i get home. i don't have any clean clothes, what's the point in showering if i have to put my nasty clothes back on?" he wondered. "anyway, we'll head down to the cave, we won't want to do this in the park, too many people." he admitted, leading her down into a sewer which went into another entrance into the big cave with the chocolate tree and all his fancy Indian artifacts. "by the way, there's an amazing hot spring through this door here." he pointed out. "help yourself to it anytime." he offered with a smile. "you might run into Nat here and there but she won't mind so long as you don't call her names or anything." he promised with a smile. "wanna see it?" he asked, his head tilted. "just remember to always hang the little sign here on the door or i might walk in on you on accident." he warned,showing her a little wooden sign that said 'Ladies' on it which hung from a little chain over a nail in the wooden door he had put up over the entrance of the hot springs.

"and i got sleep." Steve promised Tony with a smile and a shake of his head. "honestly Tony, don't worry so much okay?" he asked, stroking the others hair. "just work on feeling better." he suggested before nodding. "yes. janitors." he admitted. "yes. that sick bastard seamed to think they would be worth more in pristine condition, so none of them where touched or hurt in any way." he admitted. which was both relieving and very upsetting. "she's a cute kid." he admitted with a smile. "she won't tell us what her super power is though." he admitted. "she hasn't spoken at al either, but she seams happy otherwise." he admitted. "i think she'd like a picture." he agreed with a grin before snorting. "he did throw you through a window. just like little boys yank on little girls hair." he admitted with a nod before smiling. "you do realize i don't sleep with all of them all at the same time right? it's not actually a Harem, they just come and go as they like." he pointed out. "Clint's Girl saved your life." Steve pointed out. "i think she might be asgardian. she's certainly not human." he admitted, frowning a little. "i think we should do some research on her, just to make sure she's not something, you know... dangerous." granted, all asgardians where dangerous but some where more so than others.
"I know."something hurting crossed her features and he could probably guess because of her magic she had felt just how close tony had come. Smiling slightly she looked at him."I'm sure you'll make her regret messing with him."she said before looking thoughtful at the dreamcatcher."that's awesome."she said before tilting her head, curious as what he was going to show her before snorting."you smell fine, it's just you were out drinking, after a fight. Didn't know if you'd had a chance to clean up or not."she shrugged before following hin out."I guess there's no point, just thought you might want one."she said not about to add she'd be tempted to join him. Looking interested as she nodded."BTW hanks. I do enjoy showers, but sometimes I miss home, and hot springs are nice to relax in."she said looking a little worried at the idea of running into Natasha bl but willing to brave it for a hot spring."I would love to see it. And what if I want you to walk in?"she said following him, teasing as she raised a eyebrow.

"...I try not to."tony grumbled making a face at him but letting it go. Before huffing."stupid people....well at least she's okay."he smiled pleased that the little girl was fine, and would probably enjoy a picture from him before making a face."totally different. He's not that little anymore."tony grumbled before grinning."way to ruin the dream, cap. I know, but making you blush is my favorite pastime, and you just gave me something all new to tease you about."he grinned before frowning."she did?and that's worrying, considering the only other asgardian here right now is loki."he frowned worried before nodding."we'll have to. Maybe call jane, of us all she's met the most asgardians. She might have a idea."
he nodded a little and then chuckled. "well. i probably should clean up but again, no clean clothes." he admitted. "i'll change in my fortress of solitude." he admitted before smiling at her. "thanks for the offer though, next time i visit i'll make sure to bring clothes with me just so i can shower here." he promised, winking at her. "yeah. there's just nothing better than a good soak." he admitted. "especially with the self draining thing it has going on." he admitted with a smile. "any dirt you have on you when you crawl in is carried away by the current." he admitted before smiling a little. "well, if you want me to walk in then you either hang the Mens sign, or don't hang a sign at all. i'll probably freak out but you'd enjoy that huh?" he teased with a chuckle and a shake of his head, pulling open the door and leading her down a slightly inclined tunnel that opened into another cavern. this one full with dripping water, steam and a gorgeous Hot Spring. "this is it. pretty awesome huh?" he asked with a grin, moving over to the spring and sitting o the edge so he could dangle his toes in the water. "you know. this cave is so old, it was here before there was even a village here." he admitted. "this used to be a sacred cave, where Indian shames would cleans their souls, and go into dream worlds for visions from the spirits of the land." he admitted with a smile. "in some parts of the cave, there are even paintings done by the shames, showing what they dreamed."

"she'll be fine." Steve agreed with a smile. "Tony. this is Loki we're talking about. i don't think he ever got over five years old." Steve admitted dryly. "kind of like Clint." he admitted with an impish grin before laughing a little at Tony and shaking his head. "fine, dream all you want, maybe we could set something up." Steve decided before flushing at Tony's comment. because even after all these years it was still easy to make him blush. sometimes just by commenting on it. "yes she did. i didn't understand a lot about what Clint was babbling, i think he was in shock. he kept muttering that the 'earth just let her keep you' or something..." he shook his head. "all i know is that whatever she did, saved your life. Emily said that the bullet that nicked your lung should have killed you before you even made it to the hospital." he admitted. "i want to think the best of her, i do, but we can't take the risk. especially since she's been seen working for Doom." he admitted before nodding. "i'll do that then. when your back home so you can help me." he decided.
“Do. Having extra clothes is always a good thing.”She smiled at him, blushing ever so slightly. “That’s pretty cool. No worries about getting the water to dirty to be good.”Val smiled at him, before snickering, “Hmmm, I totally would enjoy watching you freak out.”She snickered walking in, looking a little wide eyed as she looked around. “This is amazing. Really.”she said moving over to the edge, looking down into the water, “That’s awesome. I can see why they made it a sacred place.”She smiled before starting to strip down to bra and panties, much like loki, the simple undergarments changing at a simple command, seamlessly settling into a simple black swimming suit, slipping into the water with a groan. “This feels amazing.”She sighed softly as her silver blond hair darkened to true silver as it became water logged.

“....Maybe.”Tony said wrinkling his nose a little, before smirking. “Hmm, we could have a avengers orgy. That would be epic.”He snickered wincing as it made his chest ache, but to glad to be alive and getting long with steve again, to be truly upset. “Huh. Interesting. That’s weird. I’ll have to ask him about it when he gets back.”Tony frowned a little, paling slightly at the idea that he’d come that close to death again before nodding. “Especially then. We’ll look in on it.”He said sulking a little. “If you got me out of here now, we could look it up.”
he nodded. "it is a good idea. i have stores of clothes in all of my safe houses and hot spots just in case but i never thought to hide any in our apartment building." he admitted with a chuckle before nodding. "especially since when i usually come down here i'm covered in mud, blood, and other various filth." he admitted before laughing. "i knew it! women are so evil." he complained, looking quite amused. "earths energy us strong here too. because it hasn't been polluted or destroyed." he admitted before choking when she stripped, eyes wide. well damn, another nudist, just like every single person he ever met. James was always walking around naked. so was Steve. and Phil, and Natasha. Tony too dammit. well... "i'll be right back." he said with a grin, leaving and coming back in a pair of swimming trunks and some bottles. "here. it's oil, good for your skin." he offered, handing her one of the bottles and keeping the other for himself, sinking into the water with a sigh. "you know. i still remember coming here when i was a child. the head Shaman felt my connection to the earth you know? so he was going to train me. it was my first dream journey. this was long, long before the white men came and started destroying everything..." he paused, looked confused for a moment before brushing it off. "i dreamed of the power i would have in the future." he admitted with a smile. "i might have to show you that." he admitted. "it takes years to be able to do it. and a specific connection to the earth." he admitted with a grin.

"not maybe." Steve scoffed before chuckling. "fine. but Johnny can't come." Steve ordered. "me and him have an agreement that we never have sex if the other is in the same building because it's creepy." he admitted. Johnny had told Tony that before of course so it wasn't a surprise. "it is a bit weird." Steve admitted. "what's even weirder is that Phil seamed to understand what he was talking about, but Natasha didn't..." he admitted, frowning a little before snorting at Tony. "honestly Tony, you haven't even been awake for twenty minutes yet." Phil complained as he walked in, shaking his head and setting down the big box he'd collected for Tony. inside where all of Tony's most favorite things. the Flash pajamas. the Avengers blanket collection that he always liked to snuggle with when he was feeling upset. the motivational poster that Tony usually hung in his lab. his phone, tablet and Jarvis. a blender and all of Ton's favorite smoothie ingredient and a slice of Pizza from Tony's favorite restaurant. 'so Tony wouldn't starve to death'.
“We are. Asgardians more then human ones. We have longer to be evil to our men.”Val snickered a little, tilting her head at the other, “It is. Even without trying, I can feel a heartbeat of magic here....I can feel death and life so nicely tied together.”The valkyrie sighed quietly, closing her eyes, toes curling into the rock and dirt as she relaxed. “kay.”She smiled watching him go, smirking a little as she looked him over, for a moment to distracted by the near naked man, to grab the bottle. Taking it after a moment before starting to rub the oil in, before tilting her head slightly. What did he mean?Weren’t white men here a long time?Maybe, her history was off. Not questioning it, because there was a chance she had no idea what was going on. “You might have to. But you wanted to try something?”She said raising a eyebrow at him.

“...Fine. No johnny. But can I have sex with johnny in the tower?I mean...”he trailed off, something vulnerable and hurting in that look. Not brave enough to ask, to used to pepper’s anger, but he wanted steve, and even if they weren’t together, he wanted johnny to. Because johnny understood him. “Huh. I’ll have to ask phil.”he said before whining a little. “It’s totally been longer then 20 minutes.”Tony grumbled even if he made grabby hands for the blankets, sighing contentedly as he was snuggled up in it, before looking up again as he pointed at steve. “Slave!Make my smoothie.”He demanded before looking at phil. “we were just discussing clint’s girlfriend.”
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