The Archer(Lady/moon)

he snorted. "i totaly believe that." he agreed with a chuckle. "and you have to be a lot more sly about it too. i wonder if you've ever made a man a sandwich just to spit in it?" he wondered with a grin before smiling. "a lot of people died here." he admitted. "The French came through here and forced a good number of the natives in here, trapped them and slaughtered them all. the French also burned all of the houses and food stores. The natives that lived, and died here They where the Kanien'kehá:ka. or the 'People of the Flint Stone place'. their neighbors called them Maw Unk Lin, the Bear people, and the Dutch who came through here, misnamed them the Mohawk people." he admitted. "there are still Natives living on the land of New York, though they where misplaced a bit they managed to buy a good bit f land back for themselves." he admitted. "i'm pretty sure some of the souls of the dead still linger here, protecting this place."

he admitted, rubbing the oil into himself a little, glancing at her. "oh! that's right! i'm sorry... i gave a history lesson when i should have been giving you a practical magical demonstration. come over here, where the earth is dark." he urged, indicating a patch of dark earth, well fertilized from all the minerals and water around it. "here." he handed her a seed. "plant it in the earth here, and set your hands in a cup over it, and pour your magic into it. don't feel bad if it dies. it took me three years before i could make it grow instead of snuff the life out. humans are much more connected to death, than we are to live so accessing creation is harder for us." he admitted. he took a seed himself and carefully poked a hole in the dirt, slipped the seed inside and then covered it, setting his hands over the dark earth. there was a deep throb of earths magic, pulsing deep ad he smiled, moving his hands away so she could see a little green sprout slipping up, quickly unfurling and growing into a big, beautiful, healthy fern.

"i don't see why not. if Johnny's cool with that." he admitted with a shrug. "you just yelled at me for not treating the tower like home, do i need to do the same to you?" he asked, looking amused. "the only reason i didn't have sex there was because Pepper led me to believe it made you uncomfortable." he admitted. "yeah. we'll have to ask Phil... or Clint. we should probably just ask Clint." he admitted before chuckling at Tony's pajamas. that was so cute. "yes master." Steve scoffed, rolling his eyes, Phil looking startled. "i didn't know you where into that Steve." "into what?" Steve asked, looking puzzled. "oh... ah. never mind." Phil said, flushing and coughing into his hand before looking eager. "Clint's girlfriend huh? got any dirt on her yet? we can't find anything ourselves." he admitted. "she just showed up out of nowhere very suddenly trailing after Doom like a lost puppy. my theory is that Doom made her. she's like, a robot or something."
“Hm, no. Though making a man sandwich would be interesting, given the right men.”Val said smirking a little before looking interested, “I cna tell. It’s deep here, more then I can feel up in the actual city....death here.”She muttered smiling at him, nodding. “They do. I can’t....they’re not my dead, but I can see them there, like something just seen at the edge of my senses.”she smiled watching him rub the oil in, resisting the urge to plaster herself against all that muscled strength. “okay.”She said looking interested as she swam over, leaning against the edge of the hot spring, watching him, “...okay...”She said wathing him, eyes widening, looking utterly delighted. “Oh!Oh valhalla, that’s amazing.”She said looking amazed before eagerly planting the seed before setting her hand over it, closing her eyes, before whimpering sadly as she killed it, the small sprout growing just a inch before the death that was her trade, killed the young seedling. “Oh....”

“Hm, good. And he is, but I’d rather not make you uncomfortable either, which means not having sex with your look alike if you don’t want me to.”Tony said wrinkling his nose a little, but there was a quiet desperate need to his features, to steady himself again. “...Well, that’s stupid. Sex is awesome, the idea of you having sex, is even awesomer. I mean, how many times can you have sex?It’s insane I bet. Sex science. Fun times.”Tony smirked before snorting. “No fun in just asking clint.”He said making a face before snorting at steve’s words, looking up, eyes blown as he considered the other. Even at steve’s confused look, and how much it made his body hurt to be turned on, it was amazing to consider steve like that. “Yes, yes make my smoothie.”Tony said watching the other, hiding his reaction before shaking his head, looking at phil as he looked over what Jarvis had found on his phone. “Nope, nothing. We’re of the theory she’s asgardian, and don’t even speak sacrilege like that. As if Doom could make a bot that hot.”
he snorted. "why do i suddenly picture you barbequing a man just to make a sandwich out of him?" he asked, looking amused. "Pulled pork sandwich of a different white meat maybe?" he mused, shaking his head. "man do i need help." he mused with a chuckle before smiling. "i can't really feel them themselves, just the magic around them." he admitted before grinning when he showed her. "pretty neet huh? it took me over thirty years to be able to do that." he admitted before smiling, setting a hand on her shoulder. "don't be sad. you did better than my first attempts. it took me a month just to get a sprout. life magic is very difficult for people like us, who see death, deal with death, even deal death ourselves. we touch souls that are dying, and ease the suffering of those that cannot continue and deal death to the wicked. we are so in tune with death, that making life? it's very difficult. women have a much easier time of this of course. particularly mothers, since they have created, caused, and given birth to life already." he admitted. "your more connected to life than you would think." he admitted, handing her another seed. "just relax, let the magic flow through you. you don't control it, it just moves through you. let it do what it wants, when you try to take control, that's when your own innate magic takes over."

"i don't care, honestly, if you have sex with a doppelganger Tony." Steve scoffed. "it's only weird when you guys want ME to have sex with my doppelganger." "i still am of the opinion it would be hot." "shut up Phil." "yes sir." Steve paused and then flashed Tony a grin. "Phil? hand him the chart would you?" he asked, Phil chuckling and bringing up the information.Steve's 'record' was thirty two times in one night, though Steve was usually okay with one a day or so if he had to cut back. "actually, that would certainly make much more sense." Phil admitted. "especially if..." he shook his head. "no, never mind. that was a silly thought." he admitted. "it's possible Tony." Phil admitted. "if he had help from a local Norse god of mischief i'm sure Doom could manage to help put the pieces of her together." he pondered and then. "perhaps Clint knows for sure? or we could try to ask Loki. he did mention he'd be here at some point."
“Hmmm, no. Male meat is only appetizing if your blowing them. It’s unfavorable if it’s cooked.”Val said with such dead pan humor, it would have done loki and tony proud. Nodding as she sighed, looking over at him. “Well, I’ve been doing it longer then you...”She thought anyways. “Magic comes easier...though death magic is what I do more.”She sighed before making a face. “Not a mother. Or really a lover really, so giving life is hard. Makes sense.”She hummed thoughtfully before taking another seed, trying to do it again, pouting slightly as it didn’t grow. Leaning into clint a little she sighed quietly. “I’ll just have to keep working on it.”She muttered.

“Ah. I see. And I still hold that it’s not sex, it’s mutually satisfying masturbation if you and johnny go at it.”Tony said primly, smirking a little before snorting, looking at phil. Staring at it, swallowing thickly. “definitely sex science is going to happen. This is awesome.”he said groaning, “And totally unfair that I can’t have sex.”He whined looking at phil. “Spring me from here. I want to go home, have sex.”He said before frowning. “Especially what?”He said looking curious before shaking his head, “No!No no matter what Reindeer Games does, no doombot would ever look that good.”He said flashing a smirk. “And Clitn probably does. Hopefully he’s having sex right now, so we’ll ask him after.” He said ignoring the fact that loki was coming to visit. that was just disturbing.
he stared at her for a moment and then. "your not allowed to be near Ton. ever." he decided, shaking his head a little and muttering about how it was no wonder she got along with Loki. "yes you have." he agreed with a smile. "honestly, i rarely have a chance to dip into Life magic... really, i should practice more. there are healing... well, spell isn't really the word i'd use bt we don't really have other words either so..." he shrugged. "if i had more practice, more training i might have been able to help Tony myself." he admitted. "granted, they don't know i can do any of this..." he admitted with a sigh. "people... rarely react well to the things that i can do." he admitted. "monster, freak, devil child, demon and other such things where bandied about often enough when i was growing up." he admitted. "your still a woman though, the ability to create life is already within you." he admitted with a smile. "practice wherever you want. you can even do this in a house." he admitted with a smile. "any seeds will do too." he admitted, stroking the fern and watching it wither and then crumble. it was better for the plant to die painlessly, rather than starve to death over the course of the next month. there was no sun after all.

"'s creepy. that's what it is." Steve informed them. "super creepy to be exact. it will never happen. not unless both of us get very drunk." "you can't get drunk though." "exactly." Phil just sighed and did his 'not really a pout but the closest Phil ever got to one'. "Sorry Tony. you can't have sex for at least another week." Steve admitted. "it's nothing really. it's just... she pulled you away from death, right? there are several references to such things in Norse Mythology..." Phil admitted. "you have a point." Steve agreed with Tony. "Doom isn't exactly the brightest of the bunch. he would no doubt try to 'improve' on her looks. in any case i think we can all be grateful she's not a robot. i've seen what that sicko does to his robots... where the hell did those come from?" he wondered, staring at three packages, wrapped in green wrapping paper and gold ribbons with a red bow on top. "h. my. god. Loki DOES have a crush on you!" Phil gasped, looking just as stunned as Steve felt. even if Steve was laughing wildly inside. inside one box was a massive pile of all of Tony's favorite chocolate goodies. there was enough in there to last a normal person a month. Tony's would be lucky to last three days. inside the second box was a very large, very soft hoody sweater with a big Iron Man symbol on the chest in red and gold. in the last box was a massive , plush, Captain America Teddy Bear that made Steve flush bright red.
“Awwww.”val pouted at that, snickering silently. “Hm, practice is good. You never know when it’s good to have it.”She said before shaking her head. “ might have coaxed him back from the edge, but he was dying. Truly. Unless you could have forced his soul to stay where he was, you couldn’t have done what I did for Tony.”She muttered watching him, resting her head against hsi shoulder, comforting, both herself and him. “...Hm, I’ve heard similar. Even if a magical world of asgard, sorcerers and others were still the outcasts.”She muttered before smiling slightly, “I’ll have to get some soil and seeds to work with.”She said sounding happy with the idea before moving back, sinking into the water with a sigh, relaxing.

“Hm, I bet asgardian ale could get you drunk.”he said sounding thoughtful before smiling slightly at phil’s version of a pout, smiling slightly before sulking. “Fine. I’ll just call Johnny and let him have a week to plan then.”he said sulking a little, before pausing. Staring. “Oh. Well.”His eyes glazed slightly as he thought, thinking as he used extremis to connect. “...Valkyries are all female. Death dealers, saviors....”He muttered thoughtfully before jumping at the sight of the packages staring in utter confusion. “Oh...”He stared confused as he opened them, smiling as he squirmed into the hoodie, before grinning pleased with the bear wincing as he cuddled it, cuddling it even if it made his chest hurt some to cuddle it. “This is amazing. Really.”
"yeah. i'll definitely have to practice a whole lot more." he admitted with a smile before grimacing. "...was it... was it because i shot him?" he asked softly. he needed to know. and he was pretty sure she wouldn't lie to him the way Dr. Emily would. "no. i cannot contain souls." he admitted softly, laying his head against hers. "yeah. well... we all have fucked up homes i think." he admitted, smiling at her a little. "you can take some soul and seeds from here if you like. as many as you want." he promised. "i have enough seeds and dirt to plant an entire tree so help yourself." he offered with a smile, relaxing in the water, his head tipped back, staring at the roof of the cave.

"i bet it could too. too bad i don't drink." Steve pointed out. "plan?" Steve asked, looking surprised. "you can plan sex?" "yes, you can." Phil admitted with a chuckle. "huh... cool." Steve admitted with a grin. "you know. with as many people as he sleeps with, it's easy to forget he's still actually very innocent." Phil mumbled to Tony while Steve was distracted by the blender. "Valkyrie?" Steve asked, sounding curious. "death dealers and saviors?" he wondered. "this is rather sweet of him... are we sure these are actually from Loki?" Steve wondered, eying up the chocolate goodies. while Steve and Tony weren't as bad as Clint, Steve was still worse than Tony was sometimes about goodies. though, while Clint just loved anything chocolate, Steve loved anything that was sweet. mostly because during the war, during hi childhood, everything else, he had never had a chance to enjoy sweets all that often so now he was a glutton for them. leave one out where Steve could snatch it and he usually did.
“No. The arrow was dangerous, and didn’t help anything, but it was a shot in the meat of his shoulder. The bullet caught him high, nicked both lung and artery, he was bleeding out. You didn’t make things better, but you didn’t nearly kill your friend either.”She smiled a little before snorting. “Probably. Home is odd for us all.”She said before nodding. “I’ll do that then.”She agreed, pleased with the idea closing her eyes as she relaxed, before shifting to face him, resting her hands on his chest, nervous and fidgety, because while she understood sex, she wasn’t quite sure about how to go about it. Yelping a little as the arc of electric snapped between her skin and clint’s chest, lightening magic responding to clint’s earth magic, the silvery wings trailing down her back shifting colors, like lightening lighting up clouds.

“Hm, true.”Tony looked amused before nodding. “You can. It’s fun.”Tony said smirking, because he nearly squirmed a little, eager to see what johnny would come up with. Smiling a little, before snorting. “He is quite innocent. It’s adorable.”Tony said before nodding, watching steve make his drink. “From the old norse word Vakkyrja, chooser of the slain. The female warrior gods who select those who die in battle, and choose who goes to Valhalla or to Hel.”Tony said smiling a little, looking thoughtful as he considered that, before snorting. “They might not be. I dunno...”Tony frowned rolling his eyes, poking steve. “Try some of the sweets. We’ll see if they’re poisioned. It wont hurt you. Be my taste tester.”he teased his best friend.
he sighed, relaxing at the promise that he hadn't been the reason why Tony had almost died. "i wasn't actually sure where i shot him. i remember looking at it to make sure it wasn't anything too bad but..." he shrugged. "shock does weird things to my brain i guess." he admitted, closing his eyes to relax before blinking, surprised when she settled her hands on him, blinking at her. he yelped as well when lightning arced between them and then snickered. "i'm going to take that as a sign that your magic likes me." he decided, watching the silver etchings along her ribs glimmer and sparkle, dragging his fingers along the few edges he could see, as if mesmerized.

"i'll have to try that sometime." Steve decided with a smile. "it's sad is what it is." Phil admitted with a snort. "chooser of the slain. so she just up and decided that you weren't going to die?" Steve used. "lucky she was around." he muttered, handing Tony his smoothie. "you look kind of cute in that hoodie." he admitted with a smile before frowning. "what's the difference between Valhalla and Hel?" he wondered, looking at Phil who shrugged. "really?!" Steve asked, looking delighted at the promise of shared treats before looking sly. "what if he only poisoned one? maybe i should just take a bite out of all of them, just to be sure?" he teased, making Phil snort. "Loki hasn't poisoned Tony. he hasn't so much as hurt anyone in years. leave his treats alone and go get yuor own." "fine." Steve grumbled.
“I know. You were fairly shocky really. I was worried. It’s why I came to find you last night.”She smiled a little, looking at her fingers in shock “Uh-yea. I think. I’ve never had that happen to anyone besides Thor, and thor’s weird. He causes lightening storms just by touching things. Remind me to tell you about the time he got tazed and just laughed about it.”She snickered a little, because it had been after he’d become a god again, and darcy had been testing new weapons, the lightening god had found the tazer simply amusing this time around. Shuddering a little as he ran his fingers along her ribs, reaching up to gather her hair in one hand, turning a little to let him see the rest of birthmark wings that spread across her back since he looked so mesmerized.

“Hm, it’s adorably sad. Makes me wanna play with him.”Tony muttered before shrugging a little. “Maybe. The legends don’t say what or how, or what rules there are about choosing who dies, they just do.”Tony said before sipping his smoothie, whining, looking insulted. “What?What?!I look cute all the time!”He whined before smiling a little. “Valhalla is the hall of warriors, Hel is for the rest of the dead. Sorta like....heaven and hell....I don’t know. You’d have to ask thor for the real explanation.”Tony said before nodding.”Really....and no!You can’t eat them all. I’ll share a few.”Tony whined making a face smiling at steve’s sulking. “you can have a few.”
he nodded. "thanks for that, by the way. probably would have ended up in a ditch somewhere if i'd gone out that drunk." he admitted before cocking his head. "Thor?" he asked. "you've zapped Thor?" he asked, looking very amused. "lightning magic is attracted to lightning magic i'm sure." he agreed before sniggering. "i've heard about the time Jane hit him with a truck and Darcy tazed him numerous times." he admitted with a grin. "never had a chance to tease Thor about it though." he admitted with a grin before blinking when she turned around, letting him see the wings. "beautiful." he mumbled, running his fingertips along them, as if worried if he touched too much or too hard he'd break the fragile lines. "what are they? marks of power?" he wondered. he had one of those. though she couldn't see it. he kept it covered at almost all times with waterproof makeup. only Natasha and Phil had ever actually seen the Tattoo. not that it was actually a tattoo but trying to explain it to people was very troublesome. especially when your superior agent didn't believe that it couldn't be removed and then was surprised when it actually couldn't be no matter the level of technology they used.

"i play ith him all the time. i just didn't realize he didn't know what we where doing." Phil admitted, shooting Tony a devious grin. "he makes the most delicious little sub." he admitted. "since we never really did anything intense i never thought to ask him if he understood what was happening. some ropes, a blindfold and a few toys. he seamed to really like it." he admitted. that was the video Clint had given to Tony too. "you do look cute all the time. but you look exceptionally cute right now." Steve assured the other. "so the warriors go to one dead place and the people who die peacefully go to the other?" Steve mused, looking baffled. "i'm not sure i like that idea..." he admitted, shaking his head. "i don't want to eat ALL of it... just a little nibble off of everything." he teased with a smile, accepting the few that Tony would let him have and savoring them one little nibble at a time.
“Welcome. And that’s exactly what I was worried about.”She smiled a little before nodding. “I have. By accident.”She said blushing a little, not about to admit how and why she had managed to zap thor. That was just to much, and she wasn’t ready to see what he’d say about it. “Hm, oh. This was after he was a god again. He thinks it’s amusing because it just tickles now.”She said snickering a little before shuddering closing her eyes as the slight static followed in the wake of his touch. Nodding slightly she turned to face him again. “They are. Though I’m told the silver lightening thing mine do, it unique. Loki’d never seen similar.”She muttered biting her lip as she rested her hands on his chest, standing in front of him, she studied the other, feeling relaxed and happy in the warm water. Stepping closing, and kissing him gently, hesitatingly. As if not sure about her welcome.

“Ah I see....”He smirked a little. “He does. Clint showed me the video.”He muttered blushing slightly as he considered that, swallowing thickly. That had been a good time with johnny and the simple reminder made him want to sex up his captain. “Ahhh I see. Well, as long as you apperciate my cuteness all the time.”Tony said looking amused before shrugging. “I think so. I dunno, they could be wrong. I mean, it’s a human translation of what the asgardians told the norse. It’s fuzzy on some things.”Tony shrugged a little before snickering, “For once, you don’t want everything.”he said sipping his smoothie, smiling tiredly. Starting to fall asleep despite enjoying talking to them.
he nodded. "that's hilarious." he admitted with a chuckle before smiling a little. "you know. in native Iroquois culture, they have a thunder god." he admitted with a grin before snorting. "Thor thinks everything tickles." he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "bullets, arrows, a bat to the face." he shrugged, running his fingers up and down the tattoos on her back. "amazing." he murmured. "Tattoos used to be very special here. a young man would go into a dream journey to find a spirit guide and would then have them tattooed onto his skin." he admitted. "i wonder if yours means anything symbolic?" he wondered, stroking the feathers again before watching her. he hesitated only for a moment, as if trying to decide if she was mentally aware of what she was doing before settling his hands on her hips and kissing her back, his hands sliding along her ribs and stomach because he couldn't not touch her.

Phil chuckled a little. "don't get too horny Tony. Steve's going to be watching you like a hawk and i doubt Johnny will let you do anything fun until they're sure your healed." he pointed out. "i do appreciate your cuteness." Steve admitted, gently tucking the blanket a little more comfortably around Tony. "that's true. i'll see if i can't flag down James and Dr. Selvig. they're the most knowledgeable people on Norse mythology right?" he asked, his head tilted. "finish your smoothie and then go to sleep Tony." Steve ordered with a gentle smile. "i'll be here when you wake up." he promised.
"Most cultures have a thunder god. It's been interesting reading about other cultures besides the one asgard influenced."she smiled a little before snorting."by rue."she muttered shivering under his touch. She might not be ready to trust him with everything, but like this?with her safety and heart?yes she was trusting that he was worthy of that trust."ours are something like that...most...death gods in asgard, us who have a closer tie to that side of things, are born with wings tattooed into our skin. No one knows why, but I have a theory that they're ravens wings, for both memory and because ravens are the message birds of Hel and odin...honoring the gods."she shrugged a little.sighing quietly as he touched her, she leaned fuller into him, shivering at feeling just how strong this human she'd chosen was.

"...that's unfair. I know perfectly well when it's okay to have sex. I don't need them telling me when I'm healed."tony whined sulking even if he knew there was good reasons he wasn't trusted with his own health. Smiling as steve tu ked him in the billionaire started settling in more sleepy now that he was full and knowing everyone was okay."6ea jane and Eric would be the best to talk to..."he muttered blinking up at them as he finished his drink.relaxing at the promise as he drifted off."you always keep your promises cap...wake me if you need anything kay?"he was so cute when sleepy
he chuckled a little and nodded. "rue?" he asked, head tilted. "that one i don't know." he admitted with a smile. "you where born with these?" he asked, looking startled before he smiled. "huh. and here i was thinking i was the only one with that little quirk. i have a birth tattoo too." he admitted. "i usually keep it covered. Agents aren't supposed to have Tattoos and no one ever believes me when i say i've always had it." he admitted before smiling. "Ravens. introspection, courage, self-knowledge, magic, healing, creation, rebirth, keeper of secrets, master magician, shape shifter, mysticism, mimic, guider of lost souls, defender against evil spirits and holders of darkness and fear. also known for their intense intelligence, cleverness, wisdom and morality." he admitted with a smile. "at least in human culture." he admitted. "they are an honored symbol." he admitted, arching into her and kissing her again. "you taste so sweet." Clint moaned against her, lowering his head to kiss her neck and down her body to the soft curve of her breasts with another soft moan.

"no you don't." Steve and Phil both chorused. "i'll call them." Steve agreed, smiling at Tony. "i will. i promise." he assured Tony, making sure he was comfortable and grinning at Phil. "he didn't even ask for Drugs. i'm kind of proud of him." he admitted happily. "yes. i'm rather proud too. now. get your ass in bed." Phil ordered, bullying Steve into the bed that had been wheeled in net to Tony's so that whoever was watching over Steve (coughCaptaincough) could rest while someone else was there to keep watch. "fine. fine."
Val winced a little as she realized her mistake."true. Not rue."she muttered thinking it over before nodding."I was. It's not...a common thing. But it's not uncommon either. Thor has a lightening bolt, and loki has his horned helmet. Though neither are quite as big as this."she shrugged a little. Before nodding."they're the same in adgard. Honored, for they are miniun and hugginn. Thought and memory."she smiled. Shuddering as he arched into her, shifting, hips pressing into his, pressing as close as she close get, her hair tangling around the both. "You taste better."she said blushing as she lowered her head, liking the water off his skin as she let him explore, trembling in his arms. While she had had sex, she was no where close to experienced, and was willing to let him lead..

"I'm proud he didn't try getting out of bed despite wanting to do so."james snickered a little as he stepped into the room wuietly, settling into steve's vacated chair."sleep steve. I got watch here, and Natashas down the hall."
" don't make any sense." he admitted before chuckling a little. "Loki actually has his horned helmet tattooed on him?" he asked, looking very amused. Loki had a number of Tattoos that meant something to him emotionally. he had a tattoo of his helmet, which was given to him when he became the head of the Magical council. he had a Tattoo for every child he had, including Valentina. he had a tattoo of a two headed snake, his own personal insignia, and he had a tattoo of the infinity symbol recently added, picturing his defiance of Ragnarok and Odin. "Thought and Memory. i remember that one. Muniin is wise and bright and Huginn is flighty and fun. right?" he asked with a smile. "i taste horrible." he teased with a snicker, moaning as she licked him, tipping his head back, hands sliding along her hips now, gently moving, shifting their positions so she was sitting down against the wall and he was hovering over her, fingers gently sliding her Bikini bottoms down, waiting for her to protest or give consent before he tried going any further.

Steve chuckled. "it's easier to distract him than to talk him into something." he admitted, relaxing completely at the knowledge that Phil, James, and Natasha where there. they would let nothing happen. so, when Tony woke again, Steve was still sleeping. although, Phil and Natasha where snickering as a familiar dark haired green eyed god drew on Steve's face with a marker. there was now a great big shield drawn all over Steve's face. red white and blue. Loki looked quite pleased with himself, though he also managed to look bored, which was an interesting expression.
“Hm, yes.”Valentina smiled a little, not admitting to what it meant, and the other’s. Nodding a little. “Yea, that’s right.”She smiled before snorting. “You taste sweaty and sweet. Sorta like a sea salt taffy.”She said sounding amused, looking equally amused, eyes widening as he moved them around, looking up at him. As she realized that yes, he was going to have sex actually facing her, where he couldn’t pretend she was someone else. Looking wide eyed as she stared at him, squirming against him a little before sliding her own hands down, tugging at his swim trunks.”Come on little Hawk.”She muttered, teasing him a little as she leaned in to kiss him again.

Tony blinked slowly, frowning a little as he watched the three who were watching loki, and indeed james and the other two looked way to entertained for the sight of loki drawing on their fearless leader. “I feel like I should protest the maiming of a national icon.”he muttered sleepily.
"....i'm not sure that's a good thing. you might try to take a bite out of me if i taste that good." he teased with a chuckl before smiling at her before scowling. "little!? i'm not little" he complained, sulking at her even as he ducked his head and kissed her silent, sliding her bottoms off the rest of the way before reaching up and untying the top, tugging that off as well, shimmying out of his own pair of shorts while he was busy with her top. one hand slid down her body, the pads of his fingers teasing her flesh as he went lower, thumb brushing the top of her clit while his other hand stroked the underside of her left breast, tongue sliding into her mouth, as if trying to completely overwhelm her with sensations. he took the time to make sure she was ready, using to fingers to massage and press inside of her, stretching while playing with her clit, letting her get pleasure, but not enough to cum. not yet. he wated to be inside of her when she came for the first time.

Loki chuckled and capped the blue pen he had been working with. "it's funny though, right?" Loki asked with a grin, watching Steve groan and roll over onto his other side because he didn't want to wake up, even though people where talking. "i'm glad you like the sweater." Loki admitted. "a research into human customs..." "he kidnapped some poor shopwoman for three hours demanding to know what he was supposed to get someone while they where in the hospital." Phil corrected, making Loki glare at him. "i did NOT kidnap her. we never even left the place of her employ. and i made sure to tip her very well." "i don't even know here you got the five hundred dollars to tip her with." "oh. i stole that." Loki admitted, waving his hand. "being around Doom has to be good for something, why not steal all of his money?"
“Hm, you’d probably enjoy being bitten.”She teased looking amused before smirking. “Hm, I dunno. You might be.”She teased groaning as she was kissed, squirming a little as he undressed her the rest of the way, squirming and panting under his hands as he paled with her. And indeed, she was starting to feel overwhelmed, static escaping her fingertips as she shoved at his shoulder.”Clint!”She demanded, sounding frustrated and upset as she rocked her hips into his hand, violent and tired of being teased after nearly 20 years of celibacy, the woman was losing patience.

“It is.”Tony snickered a little, looking amused as steve rolled away, smiling as he looked down at his shirt. “It’s a good sweater. Comfy.”he said sounding defensive of actually liking it. “Of course he likes it. It has himself on it.”James pointed out before laughing a little. “You cornered the poor woman, she had no idea what to do.”he snickered a little. “Doom?You stole from doom?Is that why Val’s hanging out with him?To let you steal stuff?”Tony said looking curious. And totally not above asking about her to the god that was hanging out.
he grinned. "i'm saying nothing." he teased with a chuckle before rolling his eyes. "i'm not, i assure you." he scoffed with a grin, using his mouth on her nipples and breast just because he could, grinning when he felt the electricity dancing along his skin. "alright, all right, i was going to use my mouth down there too, but i can save it for later i suppose. since your so impatient." he mumbled with a chuckle, pulling her in for another kiss, pressing closer, rubbing the head of his cock against her clit and pausing. "fuck. i don't have a condom." he mumbled. "i don't suppose you have magic that could-?" he asked, looking a bit worried. he never, ever had sex without protection. not because he was worried about venereal diseases but because it would be very, very bad if he got a girl pregnant

Loki smiled. "i am glad you like it." he admitted before shrugging. "he has a decent face, why shouldn't he be proud of it?" Loki wondered, making Phil snort and then smirk when Loki shrugged. "excuse me for being so frightening the first ten girls i tried to ask ran away from me screaming their fool little heads off." he complained. "i had to corner her! it took me ten minute to get her to stop screaming as it was." he admitted. "i have to admit, she has amazing taste in boots." he admitted, examining his own toes, which where covered in brand new shoes. "i did steal from Doom. i do it all the time. he lets me because he's afraid of me." Loki admitted. "and no. at least not to my knowledge. Val does as she pleases." Loki admitted. "
"You try being patient after 20 years not doing anything."Val growled at him, a edge of thunder to the words, magic riding her voice as she tried to control herself enough to not simply take control. After all she was enjoying this, it was jnteresting. Moaning as he rubbed against her she frowned at him, looking utterly confused. "...what is a condom?and why does one need it for sex?"she said sounding so cutesy frustrated with him pressed against her it was tempting to laugh at her.

Exactly! I'm a decent looking person." "Loki!don't feed his narcissism. Talking to him is hard enough as it is."james said though he didn't really look annoyed simply amused."if you stop attacking people, they'd stop thinking you're out to hurt them."tony said rolling his eyes as he laughed a little at loki'vs woes."doom should be more afraid of me and what I'm going to do to his subpar robots."tony snorted amused raising a eyebrow."and why is she here?I she asgardian?"tony asked blunt because there was no gentle way of questioning the god.
he paused and looked at her, startled. "twenty years? seriously? crap i'm sorry." he admitted, nuzzling her neck. "i didn't mean to tease you that bad." he admitted sheepishly before shaking his head. "it's a form of birth control. it's a little rubber tube that a man slides over his penis. this stops a person from contracting various sexually transmitted diseases, and prevents pregnancy. it's not always perfectly effective, but it's about 99.9% or something like that." he admitted. "i'm not worried about STD's but getting you pregnant would be very ad for my health." he admitted.

"if i can be narcissistic why can't he be?" Loki asked, looking puzzled. "should you not be happy that Tony likes himself?" Loki asked with a grin. "would you rather him be unsatisfied with the way he is? for shame on you." Steve snickered at that and sat up, rubbing his eyes, which where the uncolored star part of the shield so he didn't notice right away. "...i do not attack people." Loki huffed. "just because i turn people into animals... it's not working anyway. Thor the Coward, who would have thought it?" Loki wondered, crossing his arms and sulking. "picking fights with mortals is boring. i'll be finding othr ways to entertain myself i'm sure." he admitted before sighing. "much like myself, she has an... unfortunate circumstance of birth." Loki admitted. "the Aesir hate her even more than they hate me. she fled asgard to protect her own life, as the filthy Aeser take great delight in breaking the people of her race." Loki admitted, making Steve gulp in horror at the idea of someone attacking her just for being born. "i will tell you nothing else of her. they are her secretes."
Val laughed at the look on his face, smiling slightly, stroking her fingers through his hair. “Hm, finding someone appealing enough, who liked me was sorta hard. Better to be celibate.”She said wrinkling her nose a little before tilting her head, thinking that over before shaking her head a little. “Humans are most inventive. The make up for the lack of magic.”She looked thoughtful smiling, “I’m old enough to have sex, but not for...breeding. I can’t get pregnant yet, but there is a spell if it would make you feel better.”She smiled raising a hand, resting it over her stomach, the soft flair of magic settling there, making it so that it was magic’s version of a condom, or at least preventing her from the impossible, because while it was possible, breeding for valkyries was a hard endeavor, and usually it took magical help to get there. Hooking her legs around his waist, she whined a little, tuging him closer.

“...I’d rather not have to listen to a talk at 3 am why tony is the most awesomest person ever.” “I am the awesomest ever. Except maybe Valentina, since she did save me.”Tony said smiling a little before tilting his head. “Are you sure he’s not busy having sex or something?I mean, I think Jane’s in asgard with him. Or at least they were planning a visit.”Tony said looking thoughtful before frowning. Pale as he considered valentina, biting his lip a little. “Only one more then. She will not harm Clint will she?I mean, she likes him, it’s not just a game is it?”Tony said worried about his friend.
he smiled a little. "well. i'm glad i'm appealing." he purred. "and i do like you. a lot." he admitted, kissing her again before snorting. "i'll bring some by next time i go to your apartment so you can see." he promised before tensing. " have hit puberty though right? i mean... your an adult, legally in your world? because i'm sorry but i do draw the line at having sex with kids..." he admitted. even if she was damn hot and looked like an adult he didn't want to have sex with her if she was still too young to have sex with. how was he supposed to know their systems where entirely different from a humans? "i would feel better with a spell." he agreed. "just in case." he admitted with a smile, kissing her again and groaning when she hooked her legs around him, he resisted slipping into her, simply to prove that he could. the little asshole.

"don't we already have to do that though?" Phil asked, looking amused. "Valentina is pretty cool. she's really helped Clint with his self image too." Steve admitted, Loki chuckling a little. "she's good at that." Loki admitted before shrugging. "i highly doubt he would ignore such dangerous antics here on earth simply because he is having sex." Loki scoffed. "in any case, humans are not permitted in Asgard, Thor said he would TRY to get her into Asgard but he will fail. Odin is too bigoted." he admitted simply before smiling at Tony, expression going soft. "this is the first man she has ever honestly shown any interest in. in her five hundred years of life, not that it's unexpected, she's lucky to eve have survived this long. she's barely old enough to be on her own, though she is considered an adult and fully capable of making her own decisions." he admitted. "to be honest, i'm more worried she will get too attached to him, and become desolate in fifty years when he dies." Loki admitted. "she's too young to know how to play games and too innocent to understand that sex and relationships can be used as weapons against her."
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