The Archer(Lady/moon)

he blew out a sigh. "he's turned us into babies and animals a couple of dozen times each." that's because Loki found it hilarious and it was one of the more tame pranks that never got old. "...oh god." he moaned. "oh god. no. Loki and Tony. no no, we can't let that happen they'll blow up the world! we have to stop this madness!" he cried out, a little over-dramatically, but the way he was grinning at her showed he was joking. "yeah, your right. Banishment is worse. well, no Slavery is worse but we humans have mostly abolished that." he admitted. "so Banishment would be the most horrible right now." he agreed, watching her. getting the sinking feeling that she too had been banished. probably for something really dumb, like being born. oh how he hated the people of Asgard sometimes. Thor had once brought the warriors three down to visit and they had heckled Natasha until she kicked their asses. then they heckled Clint for being 'so cute and small' until he kicked their asses too. Tony out drank them, Steve scolded them and Phil tazed them. they left earth with a much greater respect for humans. Clint still hated them. "it's okay. touching is, midgardians don't usually touch to begin with because it's a trust thing." he admitted. "not that i don't trust you, because i do, it's just not typically something that happens so soon." he admitted. "and i was a bit surprised. i wasn't always a good guy. when i looked at myself i didn't like what i saw, so i made myself change. i wasn't sure if i was just... making myself be good..." he admitted. "i kinda feel bad for Thor to be honest. he... and i'm sorry if i upset you by the way, but Thor is a bit of a Daddies boy, you know?" he asked, shaking his head. "Odin let Thor get away with everything and anything and Thor never had to be held accountable for his own actions until Thor was banished to earth. honestly, i don't think Thor learned anything at all, other than a bit of patience." he admitted. "he never learned that a King isn't always right, and a King isn't always fair." he shook his head. "what those people did to Loki... if even half the things i learned about Loki and his kids is true? they all deserve to burn." he admitted. "Thor most of all, and i love the guy, i do... i just, can't help but wonder when he's going to grow up and realize that you can't hurt people just because Odin told him to." he admitted before yelping when he cut himself with the Filet knife because he hadn't been paying proper attention to what he had been playing with. "crap! i'm bleeding all over your house! sorry..."
"That's cause he thinks it's hilarious. Like I said, as long as it's amusing he'll do it, the tricks that grow boring after one time he stops."she shrugged before laughing out loud."they would be horrible together. But it's worth thinking about, yes?"she smiled looking amused at his horrified expression."definitely the worst."she said not going into it, because while she sorta trusted him to not simply turn on her if she told him why, she didn't want to ruin things, and she was so very afraid if he knew, he'd hate her. "Ah. It is for asgardians to, but we're a fairly to hy Feeley group. I guess it comes from being so long lived."she smiled a little before wincing, trying to ignore the slight roll of thunder to her thoughts. Even without the thunderer even being in the same realm, she could feel a echo of him, in the darkened skin on her back, if they talked about him long enkugh. As if simply speaking, conjured the image and feel of the man.""....he wont. He has thousands of years to learn that all his citizens are the same, either the full blooded asgardians or not. The Odin son will not learn."she scowled a little before startling as he cut himself, grey blue eyes glowing slightly as her power responded to the scent of blood. Even knowing it wasn't a life threatening wound, the part of her that glories in death, in the spill of blood, was always waiting just under the civilized surface. Reaching out she cupped her hand under his to keep from spilling more blood, it wouldn't do for someone, even if it was unlikely, to get ahold of it to use in a spell or something. "Come on. Bathroom."she said lookingthe wound over as she dragged him with her and bandaged it, making a face."I'm sorry. If it was any other asgardian I could have healed this, but sadly, you're stuck with me."
he sorted a little and then nodded. "it is pretty funny." he agreed. "as long as Tony has a chance at happiness i'd even accept Doom..." he paused and then. "well, that might be stretching the limits there a little..." he admitted. "humans are pretty short lived unfortunately. though, being honest i'm pretty sure Steve and Tony and Bruce will outlive all of us." he admitted. he didn't admit that he was likely to outlive them all as well. just not in the same manner. "we humans are naturally distrusting and nervous so contact is limited to people we know pretty well." he admitted with a smile. "it didn't always used to be that way though." he admitted, shaking his head. "yeah. i know. but i want to have hope for him, and the future of Asgard." he admitted. "Odin won't live forever, Death comes for all, even the immortals." he admitted. "okay." he agreed at her order to go to the bathroom, letting her lead the way. "it's fine. if you where any other Asgardian i'd probably hate your guts." he admitted with a smile, letting her bandage his hand. "it's not even a bad cut. i've done worse sharpening my arrows." he admitted. "thanks." he said, flexing his hand once she had finished, testing the bandages. "you did a bang up job." he promised her with a smile. "so. maybe i could pick you up this Saturday? take you to a restaurant for dinner and then head in to watch a movie?" he offered, smiling at her. "sorry to leave you the dishes." he admitted with a grimace. "i should have done those as soon as i was finished cooking, some guest i am huh?" wow, a man who cooked and cleaned up after himself, that was rare even by human standards.
“...I don’t think Tony would be able to stand doom. I mean, bad boots.”Val smirked a little before sighing softly. “Hm, they might. They are different.”She smiled thinking about it before nodding. “I see. I’ll have to remember that though.”She said thinking about it before wincing at that, looking away. “Yea, even immortals can die.”She sighed softly before making a face, “Well. Probably. But I still feel bad.”She smiled at him as she bandaged his hand, before snorting. “You’re nearly as bad as I am. I always cut my fingers sharpening them.”She said before blushing a little at the praise, glad she’d done well. Looking thoughtful biting her lip, trying to decide before nodding. “Okay. This Saturday it is.”She said nervous at the idea, but she could do it/ it’d be okay. Before looking startled, laughing a little. “A man who cooks and cleans. It’s okay. I think I have to get used to the idea of you cleaning, so I can clean up. Don’t worry about it.”She promised glancing a the clock, even if she liked spending time with him, it still made her nervous to have spent so much time in someone else’s company. Her death connection made her extremely nervous about spending time with others.
he nodded. "that's very true. honestly i don't see how you can stand him." he admitted with a shake of his head before offering her a worried look. had someone she known died? he hoped not, he would be a grade a asshole if that was so. "it's not your fault i'm clumsy. i know better than to play with sharp pointy objects but i do it anyway." he admitted with a sigh and a smile before chuckling. "you too huh? well i'm glad i'm not the only one then." he admitted. "awesome! this Saturday!" he agreed, smiling at her. "ah well... i've always had to look after myself." he admitted. "so..." he shrugged. "just makes sense to know how to do everything i need to know." he admitted. "i should get going. Nat get's nervous when i'm gone too long. enjoy your present okay?" he asked her with a grin, hesitated before leaning forward and kissing her cheek. "i'll come see you tomorrow okay?" he asked with a grin before grimacing. "i might be late if i'm going to have that talk with Tony tonight." he admitted, offering her another grin before vanishing down to the streets, feeling very happy. he wasn't so happy when he got home. how the hell was he going to tell Tony?

"Hey Tony? can we go talk?" Clint finally asked once dinner was done and everyone else was settling in for their own things. "it's... it's not easy to say this, and it's not going to be any easier for you to hear, but try not to completely loose it okay?" Clint asked, watching the man before sighing. "it's not that we wanted to keep a secret from you Tony, but.. well, we have been keeping a secrete from you. i'd lik to say it was because of Pepper, she told us not to tell you, you see... but... well, truth is we where just afraid of how you would react. without Pepper as an excuse i can't bring myself to hide it from you anymore..." he sighed, took a deep breath and turned and faced Tony fully. "i know you have a thing for Steve Tony. so it would be wrong to hide it from you any longer... for the last several years, before Steve even became Director, well, he's got a bit of a Harem Tony. he needs to release his... urges so much that if he was to have sex with just one, or even just three people he'd probably sex them to death." he admitted. "pretty good way to go of course but that's besides the point. all of the team usually go join him when they need affection, even Phil and Nat sometimes." he admitted. "most of the people Steve talks to every day, they've all been in his bed at least once. well, not Pepper." he admitted. "Pepper never cheated on you before you get all worried." he promised Tony, wondering when the explosion was going to happen.
“I enjoy it. And it amuses loki.”she shrugged a little, shrugging off the worried look, not wanting to talk about it before snorting. “Well, I guess that’s true. And yea, though it’s worse for me, cause I could just use magic to make them sharp again.”She shrugged before blushing a little as he kissed her cheek. “I will. And see you tomorrow. Have fun.”She said worried about him going to talk to toy.

“..Hm?”Tony paused elbow deep in steve’s new motorcycle, not that the man knew he was getting it for his birthday, but it was his. “...You know, it’s never a good sign when you get this wordy, Legolas.”Tony said before returning to rebuilding the engine he was working on before going still as he listened. “I do not have a thing, for Rogers.”Tony said with such scathing temper you knew there was a story behind it, and probably one that had pepper’s name attatched to it before finally looking up at the other. Frowning slightly as he considered what he was hearing. “....Huh.”Was the only words, which was more frightening then the flash of temper in his eyes, or the muscles playing in his forearms as he returned to work. Because the quiet didn’t offer any depth of the anger in that tightly wound body. “Jarvis? Can you ask Director Rogers to join us please? And might as well ask the Captain to join us to.”

“....You know why Tony wants us?”James said looking up from his book he was reading as he cuddled in steve’s bed, his head pillowed on the blond’s chest as natasha played with his hair. Grumbling a little even as he gathered his clothes to get dressed, because it would have been one thing to ignore tony when he said steve and james, it was another to ignore him when he requested them as director and captain.
"it amuses Loki.... i can believe that." he admitted before smirking. "at least i don't have to worry about the bastard trying to come on to you if that picture is anything to go by." he admitted with a snigger before smiling at her. "yeah... fun." he agreed.

"i know. i'm sorry. god i'm not good at this..." he admitted, running a hand thorough his hair and wincing at the sharp tone Tony used to deny his attraction to Steve. yeah, that wasn't going to end well for anyone either. joy. he flinched again at the monosyllable response and felt the urge to crawl under a table and cower or sprout his wings and fly away damn the consequences. he felt the urge to curse when Tony asked Jarvis to summon Steve and James and actually did manage to hide a little bit, settling himself into a corner away from the wrench still in Tony's hands. he wasn't sure he'd stop the man if Tony went to hit him with it.

"nope." Steve admitted, getting out of bed with a wince. his limp was bad today, even Buce's amazing painkillers couldn't stop all the pain on a muggy day like today. he managed to get himself dressed without help though, since he wasn't bothering to put on any shoes and followed James to the Elivator, leaning a little more on his cane than he normally did. "Tony? why is Clint cowering in the corner?" Steve asked, wondering if Clint had done something to one of the bots again?
“oh god. Don’t talk about that picture. That was horrible.”He whined making a face before sighing, watching him go.

“Damn.”James cursed a little because it was deifnitely not a good thing to hear. Not when he had no idea what they could have done. Tony tilted his head as he door open though he didn’t look up from the motor he was working on. “Clint’s being a coward and hiding away from where I can throw a wrench at him.”Tony said, with the same quiet threatening tone that Iron Man usually had that it had James really wishing he’d brought the shield down with him. “Tony?”James muttered easing around to look down at the genius as he worked, even if every muscle was tense as he watched the tools close. But he wouldn’t run away from tony, he trusted him, even if he sensed a depth of rage that he had no idea what to do to escape it. “...I’m leaving for the country in the morning. I thought I should tell both my team leader and the director that I was taking a leave of absence from the city.”Tony said so carefully arrogant, so carelessly ‘tony stark’ that you knew the mask was brittle and broken, “only missions will get my ass back in this tower for the foreseeable future.”
Steve frowned a little at Tony's comment. why was Clint scared of Tony's wrench? Tony never hit anyone, ever. not unless they hit him first and even then it depended on the person. "Tony?" Steve asked, looking worried. "Tony what's wrong?" he asked, starting to get worried. "i told him." Clint explained softly. "...Told him what?" Steve asked, even more confused. "about your Harem." "about my wh... oh..." Steve, if anything, looked even more confused and he looked at James. "i thought Pepper told him?" Steve asked, confused and a little bit hurt that Tony was reacting this way. it wasn't very fair of Tony, after all, he'd slept around just as much as Steve was now. "...okay Tony." Steve agreed. "we won't call you unless it's a mega emergency.... speaking of Mega Emergency Don Gero is going to be in town on Thursday." Steve admitted, looking a bit nervous. "he's expressed an interest in meeting with you to haggle out some business deals. problem is, Don Gero is in the child trading business and it's likely he's in new york to kidnap some little girls so... if you, uhm. wouldn't mind sticking around util then? or... i can leave. you know. it's your tower, you shouldn't have to be the one that leaves." even if Steve hated that Tony didn't seam to like that Steve was sleeping with people. he couldn't figure out why, but he supposed he'd find out later once Tony exploded. "i can be out of the tower in an hour Tony, you don't have to leave."
Tony frowned, staring down, going still as he listened to the others. “...I don’t think she did.”James muttered, looking angry, now that he figured out what had happened. He hadn’t considered Pepper herself would never tell tony. He knew she hadn’t wanted anyone else to tell him, but he’d assumed someone had said something. “...”Tony sighed quietly, setting the wrench down, resting his forehead against the seat of the bike. “Okay. I’ll stay.”He said before tensing, growling quietly. “It’s your fucking home to!It’s not just mine. It’s never been just mine anymore!It’s always been Avengers tower. This isn’t just me!”Tony yelled, starting to break as he straightened, looking at the other looking so hurt himself. “No one told me!You all lied to me! For years, I’ve teased Steve about being the world’s oldest virgin, and needing to make out with someone, and you just let me!No one told me! You people are supposed to be my friends. What the fuck am I to you guys that you just let this be something that was between us.”Tony yelled, tensing for a moment, looking moments away from kicking over the priceless bike in a fit of anger before deflating, looking like a lost child. The lost child he’d once been, who’d had everyone he cared for, lying, cheating and keeping things from him, ‘for his own protection.’ “How am I supposed to trust anything you’ve said now?You guys told me about the year I’m missing, and what I did, but no one bothered to mention that this....”Tony muttered shoulders slouching as he shook his head. “Never mind...I’m just....this is always avengers tower.”He muttered looking defeated as he headed for the door. Needing away from the others before he started crying.
"dammit..." Steve mumbled, closing his eyes. "i know it's our home too Tony." Steve admitted. "but i have other houses, you don't. at least, not in the area." he admitted. "i don't want you to force you out of the one place that's been a comfort for you, when i can be just as comfortable anywhere." he admitted. that was the weird thing about Steve, he had three or four 'homes' he could be just as content in. one in Shield headquarters, one in the Tower, one in an apartment he had gotten and never give up the lease on and one, surprisingly enough, in Phil's apartments. Steve didn't need a single place to be a home for him to be happy, so long as he had people around he was perfectly content. Tony on the other hand needed His bed and His coffee pot and His lab to be happy. Steve looked crushed as Tony started yelling.

"i'm sorry Tony! i thought Pepper told you! She TOLD me she told you!" Steve said, voice wavering. "i thought those Jokes where just you poking fun at me, the way you always do! that's why i always chuckled! because i thought you KNEW!" he admitted before looking away. "i didn't mean to lie to you Tony. i swear. your my best friend. i would never purposely keep something this big from you." he promised softly before sighing. "no... stay. i won't kick you out of your own lab. i know it makes you feel better." Steve promised, hesitating before heading for the door himself. "i'm sorry Tony... if it makes you feel better, i never had sex here. never at the tower." he promised before walking out, feeling his own tears burning at his eyes. "...Tony?" Clint asked, nervous. "i'm sorry i didn't say anything sooner. i should have but... i was scared." Clint admitted, sounding quite brittle actually. "to be honest, we all thought Pepper had told you. it wasn't until you and her broke up that i realized you didn't know.... i should have said something sooner but..." he shrugged. "cowardice was always my strongest personality aspect... or whatever." that wasn't true at all of course, but Clint thought it was.
“...”Tony sighed quietly, hating that he was having this conversation, watching the other man, his shoulders tight and up near his ears, hunching and hiding as much as he had as a child, arms across his chest as he huddled in on himself. “...Yea. Well. Pepper. She doesn’t like you. Of course she didn’t tell me.”Tony grumbled, frowning looking annoyed. “Tony, we thought you knew. Truly.”James said watching the two men, knowing that they’d messed up by not asking tony himself, but he truly had thought pepper had told him, and that tony was respecting her by not doing anything about his attraction to steve. “...Kay....You can go.....”Tony muttered though he looked like he half wanted Steve to stay.

“ not really.....this was supposed to be your place to. Sex should happen at your place...”Tony muttered, wincing huddling, looking sick. Taking the words to mean steve hadn’t felt at home enough to have sex here, to be comfortable to do it. And because for tony, sex and home and comfort were so tangled up, he couldn’t see that it was because steve was respecting his space not wanting to make tony himself uncomfortable, that he hadn’t had sex here. Tony could only see that maybe this wasn’t the home he had thought it was.“...come on Stevie.”James muttered walking out with him to, the current captain looking at the former, and know there was no words to fix this, they’d just have to hope tony calmed down, and let them in again. “Don’t sound so brittle. I’m not going to yell at you.”Tony muttered, because him and pepper had pretty much declared war on each other in the last few years of their relationship, so him yelling at her wasn’t anything new. Tony slumped down onto the floor next to the bike, resting his head against the seat, huffing out a sigh softly. “...No it’s not. You’re a idiot, Barton.”Tony growled, defending Clint even from himself. “I wouldn’t want you as my backup if you were a coward. And since you’re not on a mission, you get to come play with Gero this week.”Tony said, focusing on work because he didn’t know how to handle the emotional storm going on for him.
"i know Pepper doesn't like me." Steve admitted, rubbing the bridge of his nose. of course Pepper wouldn't tell Tony... because she was a jealous bint who couldn't compete with Steve. "i'm sorry Tony." Steve said, voice a bare whisper before he shrugged and looked away. "...i thought it would bother you." he admitted softly. "i'd rather go have sex in other places than make you upset... not that i succeeded there..." he admitted, sighing as he let James drag him away.

" aught to yell at me." Clint admitted, smiling weakly. "might make me feel better." he admitted before shaking his head. "i know. i am." he agreed, shrugging his shoulder. "i like playing with assholes." he agreed, flashing a pathetic little smile at his attempt at humor, though he was pretty sure Tony would be more likely to punch him in the face than laugh. he finally sighed and he sat down closer to Tony. "none of us meant to hurt you Tony." he said. "i know you don't want to hear this either but... Pepper made Steve think that you didn't like him having Harem sex in the tower. she made him think that you didn't want to risk your relationship by being too close to him. she made us all think some things that we didn't realize wasn't true until just now..." he admitted, looking at Tony. "we're sorry, Tony. we really are. i know that won't make it better, i know you'll probably b pissed at us for a few weeks, maybe even months and that's okay because we deserve it. just promise me you won't pull away. we all love you, everyone makes mistakes. it would kill Steve if you didn't want to be his friend anymore."
“It’s...well, no it’s not okay. But we’ll be okay, Spangles.”Tony muttered because no matter what else, for tony, there wasn’t any other captain. James might be carrying the shield, but for tony stark there was only one true captain. Glancing at clint he sighed, before shaking his head. “Then I wont be yelling. You guys should feel bad for a while.”Tony said, though you knew he wouldn’t last. It never did. His team, was his family, and it was hard for him to hold out from making them feel better for longer then a day or two. Snorting a little he was tempted to punch the other, before smirking. “I thought you were after your pretty little archer. And not gay. I mean, if you want to play with her asshole that’s none of my business....”he trailed off looking amused though, hiding as easily behind the humor as he did anything else. Wrinkling his nose a little as he stared at the floor, nodding a little. “I know. And don’t worry, I’ll be having words with her about this. This....She knew I liked him. I mean, a chance to watch Cap have sex? Even if I wasn’t involved?That would have been hot.”He muttered sighing quietly, tensing at the idea of not being steve’s friend. Now that just hurt. “Hm, I wont. Though I might conspire with Loki to make a truly interesting revenge things for you guys.”He said shoving to his feet, resting a hand on the archer’s shoulder and squeezing. “I’ll see you later Clint.”He said heading for the door, to wound up to stay in the lab, afraid he’d ruin something. So he was retreating, and already calling Johnny. While it’d been years since they’d been together, defaulting into his normal protective need now that pepper wasn’t a option....well, he knew johnny wouldn’t blame him for being needy.
Steve relaxed at the promise that they would be okay, even if he knew Tony wasn't going to forgive him anytime soon, he would eventually be forgiven and that was all Steve needed to know it was going to be okay, eventually. Clint shrugged a little. "yeah we do." he agreed softly before offering Tony a small smile. "Bi-sexual actually." he admitted. "and i am going after my archer. we have a date this Saturday." he admitted happily. "and i'm not sure she'd like me playing with her asshole. at least not on the first date." he admitted, watching the other. "i think that's why she didn't say anything Tony..." he pointed out. "Pepper's possessive, she wouldn't want to share you with anyone or anything, even if you didn't touch Steve, you would still be his for that time and i don't think Pepper would have been okay with that at all." he admitted before smiling. "besides, Cap's a pervert. he records it sometimes, just ask him for a video, he won't mind. or i'll get one for you if you don't want to ask for it yourself." he even knew which one to get for Tony. "NO! Tony! you can't! not Loki!" Clint protested, well aware it would just make Tony seek out Loki for sure. "Tony! Tony! your joking right?! Tony! you're not serious!? Tony?" he asked, grimacing ad pretending to go hide in his vents. Johnny, thankfully, was in town and was more than happy to go visit. he was one of the few people who had never slept with Steve. too weird, Steve agreed no matter that James, and Natasha, ad Phil, and everyone else claimed it would 'be epic'.
“Ohhhh, good. Well, I promise to get you home for your first date in once piece, birdbrain.”Tony teased a little laughing a little. “Well, at least we know you have some boundaries that you’re aware of.”He snorted amused, because he wondered just what that date was going to look like before frowning. “Oh. I...Oh.”He frowned, feeling stupid for having not thought of that. “....”Tony stared at clint, swallowing thickly. “You choose a video for me.”he decided, knowing the other had a idea of what to do, grinning. “Nope. Bye, Legolass.”Tony snorted amused as he left.

That Thursday Tony swallowed thickly, nervously as he settled back into the car for a moment, glancing at the man in the car with him.. “You ready, Barton?”He muttered nervous. Because this was teh first time in a long time, since he’d gone out to a mission, not as Iron man, but as tony stark, and he was feeling distinctly disarmed and vulnerable despite knowing that clint was there as his bodyguard/backup. Swallowing hard as he climbed out of the car and headed into the office building, feeling disgusted that someone don gemo, had such a normal looking office.
"thanks." lint chirped with a smile. "well. no. not really." he admitted. "i just think she could turn me into paste if i offer something she's not ready for." he admitted with a chuckle before nodding. "i will." he even had it before Johnny got there. it was a video of Steve being a sub to Phil. hands tied using a odd looking silver etched rope that Tony would recognize. they had used it to restrain the hulk a few times. he was sitting on his knees, which where tied to a bar that forced him to spread them wide. hands forced over his head. there was a gag in Steve's mouth, forcing those pretty pink lips wide and he was blindfolded. the gag did nothing to stop the sounds of his moans as Phil striped Steve's back with a whip Steve's cock arching proudly and leaking nonstop through the entire video. Phil took over an hour, teasing Steve with various toys before finally giving Steve the release he so desperately wanted on screen. and evil, evil Johnny emulated ever second of the video on Tony. only without the blindfold and gag.

Clint glanced at Tony and nodded. "i am." he admitted. "while your inside i slip in thrugh the back bathroom window on the third floor, working my way down. there are three men on the third floor bedroom in the back, two in the office and one in the spare bedroom. on the second floor there are five men in the living room. on the first floor, Don Gero will be there with two advisers pretending to be honest, decent people. the illegal..." here he swallowed. "wares, are in the basement. number of guards, unknown. number of civilians, unknown. kill everyone but Don Gero, civilians and victims. immediately evacuate all victims to the Shield van which will be waiting across the street. civilians will be held back for questioning." Clint reported the mission specifications, mostly so they would stay fresh in his head, but also because Tony would be more relaxed knowing that Clint knew exactly how many people they needed to be rid of before he could slip into his Iron Man outfit. Clint wished Tony good luck and then slipped around to the back without being seen and up into the typical three floor office building with basement he went. "Mister Stark! Come in! Come in!" Don Gero offered. he was a very portly, very short man with a bad fake tan that made him look orange and a mop of white hair that looked terrible on his fake tan. all in all, he was fat, short and ugly. inside and out and had delusions of grandeur.
“...Good.I’ll be ready.”Tony muttered absently twisting the fashionable bracelets around his wrists. While his team knew it was there to summon the iron man suit, well, the one that didn’t like inside him anyways, this gave people the illusion that it would take time to have him suit up, where these days with extremis, the switch between tony stark and iron man was near instantaneous. Nodding tightly as he watched clint go for a moment before he walked inside, tilting his head as he saw the other man. And even as the fake tony stark, ‘you want to listen to me, and buy whatever ridiculous insane thing I want’ smile curled his lips, he had to stop the disgust that tightened his stomach from showing. “Don Gero, always a pleasure to meet another businessman of my caliber. I take it your stay in the city has been pleasant?”He said smiling at the other’s agreement before shaking his hand. “I’m very much looking forward to doing business. Things these days....are so boring. The good captain is putting such a kink in my lifestyle.”He said with that practiced pout that anyone who really knew him would run screaming away from, because it meant Tony Stark was planning murder and mayhem behind that warm brown eyes.
he nodded and looked at Tony. "you'll do fine. making people think you like them is one of your best talents." he reminded the other with a smirk. "you made Doom think you liked him for a month, remember?" that had been so impressive even Natasha had been amazed. James had even given Tony a 'certificate of awesomeness' for it. "of course of course! men of such fine tastes are hard to find!" he admitted. "of course it has been pleasant, Manhattan is always a delight. they make the very best Cheesecake here you know." he admitted. "i do so adore cheesecake." he admitted, patting his rotund belly. "boring? how can they be boring with a trickster on the loose?" he wondered. "it is nice that the... god, is he? doesn't kill anyone, but with him constantly aggravating the Avengers, i can't see how life would be boring for you." he admitted. "please! please. sit." he offered the more comfortable chair to Tony. a move that had probably won him a good number of clients. "i hear that Stark Industries has made weapons that are non-lethal? i am a business man yes, but as rich, and as fat, as i am my life is constantly in danger." not to mention the little 'side business'. "Death isn't good for business you see, i would love to have all of my men equipped with weapons that cannot kill."
“Hm. That’s true. And I did like Doom, until I realized he was incapable of improving bots.”Tony muttered sulking a little, before relaxing, if natasha trusted and thought he could do this, of course he could. “Hm, the cheesecake is quite amazing truly. There’s no where else that has it like a new york cheesecake.” “hm, well he does make things interesting, but it’s been boring being so.....good. So much. I enjoy a evil genius sometimes, and the captain puts a....certain kink in being as utterly awesome as I want to be.”Ahhh, he was so aware of just how....bad guy he was sometimes. Well aware that some people thought he’d long ago crossed that line back to the millionaire bad boy weapons maker he’d been for so long. “Thanks.”Tony muttered sitting down, sighing softly as the seat made his sore back feel better. He so shouldn’t have spent the night before bent over the suit, even with extremis, he was starting to feel the age setting in. “Hm, yes. A good number of them actually.”Tony said tilting his head, frowning slightly. “I would be quite pleased to fill the need for them, if you tell me what they’re facing on a regular basis. There’s so many options, that I need to narrow down what to give you. Better specialized things and such."
Don chuckled happily and nodded. "wine?" he offered Tony, indicating a very find bottle of whine which he popped open and poured himself some. "well, humans by nature like to be a little wicked." Don Gero agreed, grinning sharply at Tony. "that's why we do such selfish things, yes?" he asked, handing Tony the wine glass. "oh? you mean like, gender? or race?" Don asked, looking confused. "i suppose my men typically face off against both men and women of, well, nearly every race i suppose." he paused and then. "oh! right, aliens, that's why you where asking. we don't usually come across any inhuman beings. every once and a while a mutant will try to do something nasty but we rarely have issues with them." he admitted. "we have been working on a way to help them after all." that was Don Gero's front. a medical facility that was trying to work with mutants to help cure them, or adapt their power for their comfort. really what he was doing was taking any mutants who had run away from home and experimenting on them or if they where pretty enough, selling them as sex slaves. "by the way Mister Stark." Don said, leveling a gun at the man, when he had pulled it out, was a mystery. "do you think me an idiot?" he wondered, his head tilted. "did you not think i know all about the little bird you have up on the third and second floor killing all of my men?"
“Hm, and I enjoyed wicked.”Tony said looking amused before nodding slightly. “Yes, but I ask for gods or mutants or such. Since I generally am dealing with loki and others, the weapons are stronger then they’d need for just humans.”Tony said looking thoughtful before nodding. “Of course, I had heard that you were helping them.”he said before swallowing thickly, staring at the gun, frowning slightly. “I think most people are idiots, yes. But the little bird doesn’t answer to me.”Tony said even as he stood, keeping calm. “I came here to do business, not be insulted into thinking I’m conspiring against you. I want to work together to help the mutants, not do whatever Rogers wants them for.”Tony said, stalling, buying time, because while he could suit up and deal with it, he knew that if he did, he’d escalate things and maybe get clint killed. He needed to buy time till Clint could get down to him, then he’d destroy don.
The man chuckled a little. "yes. well, most of what my men need to handle are humans." he admitted. "angry ones to be sure." after all, kidnapping children was hard when their parents where screaming. death was bad for business. killing the parents drew too much attention. if they could take them out and then take the kids it would be much easier. especially if they could use those nifty little icer guns on the kids. it was always such a pain when they had to rough the kids up. bad for business. "oh Stark. your so amusing. i am more than aware that you know about my little side business." he admitted. "my wonderful little spies buried in Shield have told me all about this little 'sting' operation you have going on. poor Rogers. he always trusts the wrong people. i couldn't get any details of course, but i know enough now to know it's just you and the bird." he admitted with a smile. "your dead body will be a wonderful warning." he admitted, pressing the trigger once, and the twice, shooting Tony point blank in the chest. fortunately, Don Gero's inexperience with a gun showed, because while they hurt like hell and they would bleed out, and one bullet didn't exit, they where not in life threatening places. "Tony!" Clint yelled, horrified when an arrow slammed into Tony as well, DonGero having managed, somehow, to lide out of the way by accident. "oh god, Tony!" Clint yelled, letting ancient hands guide his arrow this time as he raised his bow, letting the ancient spirits take his arrow, slamming it into Don Gero. he knew the arrow wouldn't kill the psychopath, death was not an option for someone who shot Tony. Don would be tortured for information first, and then they'd see if the fucker had suffered enough. "Tony! hold on! i'm so sorry! you have to stay awake! Tony! you have to stay awake!"
“Hm, well the icers are fairly amazing. Take down a asgardian to.”Tony said looking sick to his stomach now, paling rapidly as he stared at the other. “Well, it seems I’m going to have to clean house for the Commander again.”Tony said gasping as he was shot, staggering a little even as the suit started to close around him, but he was in to much pain to get extremis and his suit working well, so it was more of a half iron man. “Hey shot me.You shot me!.”Tony muttered frowning, looking up at clint, eyes fluttering a little, before going wide as he felt another’s magic rushing over him, and even if he couldn’t see her, Clint would recognize the breath of magic forcing tony awake, to hold on. Even if it wasn’t life threatening, bleeding out would have killed him to. “Live, Starkson, live.”Valentina breathed as she pressed her lips to his forehead, her magic stablizing holding him to a body injured when he wanted to give up, forcing him to keep going before startling as she realized who was with him. Nearly losing her control on the magic that kept a valkyrie from being seen from everyone she stared at clint for a moment before moving away, crouching down next to Don gero’s side, resting her hands on his chest. “Suffer. I have past judgement here, survive and deal with the avengers.”She muttered, tying his soul to his body, making sure that he wouldn’t die at the first chance, but would need her to let him go before ghosting out again, and only pausing long enough to sound the ‘avengers assemble’ alarm, and while she knew it would confuse them since steve hadn’t triggered it, she saw to it that soon enough all the avengers were heading towards tony and clint. Not even considering that clint would know she had been there, having not considered his magic would get tangled up in hers as she made sure the warrior known as iron man would live.
"i'm sorry! i'm so sorry! fuck, Tony oh god what did i do!?" he wondered, struggling to slow the bleeding and pausing when he felt the magic of Valentina. his own earth magic erupting out around him, tangling in the life and death magic she seeped out. strengthening the commands. "come on Tony! Stay with me!" Clint demanded, jerking himself back into focus. he could ask Valentina what had happened later. maybe. he wasn't sure he deserved to talk to her anymore if he was going to be such a fuck up. he felt her do something to Don Gero and his magic twisted around the man, pleased and smug with the mans fate. Clint would have grinned if he wasn't so worried about Tony. soon enough, all of the avengers where swarming the building, Don Gero was led away, strapped to a gurney so he couldn't escape. in the basement there where fourteen young girls varying from the ages of six to sixteen. thankfully none of them had been raped. apparently virgins had been more profitable. sick bastards. Don Gero also kept very meticulous records, encoded of course, but within the week people all er the world where going to be getting arrested for the sale, prophet, or purchasing of American children. Tony was taken directly to the hospital to undergo surgery, Clint, Steve, James and all the others waiting desperately for news about Tony's condition. they all nearly had a heart attack when Loki appeared but he just sat down in a chair and waited with them. eventually most of the avengers lost their tense shoulders with him waiting with them.
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